.. ELEMENTS documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Thu Jan 6 15:03:29 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ELEMENTS documentation ====================== The **ELEMENTS** library, written in C++, is a collection of sub-libraries that support the implementation of a diverse range of numerical methods on low and high-order meshes. The **ELEMENTS** library can be used for research and development of both continuous and discontinuous finite element methods, as well as finite volume methods to solve a diverse range of partial differential equations. The **ELEMENTS** library includes the following sub-libraries: * :ref:`MATAR` contains the routines to support dense and sparse **mat**\ rices and **ar**\ rays; * :ref:`SLAM` contains the interfaces to **s**\ olvers, **l**\ inear **a**\ lgebra, and **m**\ athematical routines or external packages (e.g., Trilinos); * :ref:`elements` contains the mathematical functions to support a large range of elements types including serendipity elements; * :ref:`SWAGE` contains the routines and data-structures to support unstructured arbitrary-order 3D meshes that move or remain stationary; and * :ref:`geometry` combines together **SWAGE** and **elements**. The **ELEMENTS** libary is designed to support Lagrangian (mesh moves) solid dynamics and mechanics codes, Eulerian (mesh is stationary) fluid dynamics codes, and many other code applications. .. figure:: ../images/codeStructureELEMENTS.png Code layout .. figure:: ../images/TaylorGreenVortex-t0.png Lagrangian mesh .. figure:: ../images/TaylorGreenVortex-tEnd.png Lagrangian mesh deformed with Taylor-Green vortex .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :caption: Contents: how_to_install how_to_use elements geometry matar slam swage examples how_to_document Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`