This routine joins two meshes together at their common interface to produce a third mesh.

Some operations may only work with tet meshes.

NOTE: Care must be taken when using these commands because nothing is done to clean up the point type (itp) array after the addmesh operation. The user must often use the commands resetpts/itp and filter


addmesh / add / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 / [refine_factor] / [tet edge]
addmesh / amr / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / append / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / delete / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / glue / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / intersect / pset_name / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / match / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 / i1 12 i3 i4 i5 i6/
addmesh / match / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /rx1 ry1 rz1/rx2 ry2 rz2/rx3 ry3 rz3/rx4 ry4 rz4/rx5 ry5 rz5/rx6/ry6/rz6/
addmesh / merge / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / pyramid / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 /
addmesh / excavate / mesh3 / mesh1 / mesh2 / [bfs] / [connect] /

add - Find the intersection of mesh1 and mesh2. Refine mesh1 where it overlaps mesh2 using the following criteria. refine_factor specifies the number of times that the background mesh will be refined. If this number is negative, or if it does not appear, then the it will use the default. The default method determines the number of refinement iterations based on the volumes of the tets. It continues to refine until the elements on the interface boundary of the background mesh object are within a given factor (5.0) of the volume of the elements on the border of the incoming mesh object. This factor is a parameter constant called size_difference in the code continue_refinement.f. For example, if size_difference is set to 5.0, then the background mesh will be refined until the maximum volume element on the boundary with the incoming mesh object is no bigger than 5 times the volume of the maximum volume element on the border of the incoming mesh. refine_type is the type of refinement that is executed. If the string tet appears, then tetrahedral refinement is performed. Otherwise, edge based refinement is performed. After the above refine steps have been done, the intersection of mesh1 and mesh2 is found, elements that overlap are deleted from mesh1 and mesh2 is appended to mesh1 to create mesh3.

merge - Append mesh2 to to mesh1 and create mesh3. Essentially this just concatenates two mesh objects.

glue - Synonym for merge.

append - Append mesh2 to mesh1 and create mesh3. Similar to merge except imt, icr, itetclr of mesh2 have the value max(imt(mesh1)) added to mesh2.

delete - Create mesh3 which is mesh1 with elements that intersect mesh2 deleted.

intersect - Create a pset called pset_name that contains all nodes in mesh1 which intersect elements of mesh2.

amr - Use Adaptive mesh refinement to connect background mesh1 with submesh mesh2 and create mesh3.

match - Same as merge except the second mesh can be moved, rotated and translated. The first mesh does not move scale or rotate. If the interface needs to be scaled, translated and rotated that is accomplished by specifing 3 node numbers in each mesh or 3 node coordinates from each mesh that are to become coincident. If nodes are given match i1-i4, i2-i5, i3-i6. If coordinates are given match (x1,y1,z1)-(x4,y4,z4), etc.

pyramid - join a hex mesh to a tet mesh. The common surface must have matching nodes (i.e. there must be exactly two triangle faces on the tet grid that fit into one quad face of the hex grid). Pyramid elements will be constructed in the region where the two meshes join.

excavate - The circumscribed sphere of each triangle of mesh2 is computed and any node in mesh1 that falls inside one of the circumscribed spheres is marked as a dudded node, along with any cells of mesh1 associated with these nodes. mesh1 must be a 3D mesh (of any geometry) and mesh2 must be a 2D triangular mesh. This then excavates an area in mesh1 around mesh2, such that the surface could then be inserted into the 3D mesh (such as to insert a fault into a background terrain mesh). The background mesh, minus the excavated/removed nodes, is put into mesh3. The following options are available:

  • [bfs] will use a breadth-first search algorithm to find nodes to remove, as opposed to the default KD-tree algorithm. This will find candidate nodes for deletion within the maximum circumradius of the surface. Then a breadth-first search across the surface will be searched for an element large enough to contain the candidate node.
  • [connect] after excavation the following commands will be executed: addmesh/append and then connect. This will produce a fully connected mesh with the surface (mesh2) inserted into the background (mesh1).

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