The boundary routine operates on the current mesh object. For the nodes lying on the specified surface(s), it sets the specified node based attribute to the specified value. Optionally boundary will call the user supplied subroutine set_user_bounds. See this page


boundary/dirichlet/ attr_name / [ value identifier ] / surface_list

dirichlet is currently unused but must be specified

attr_name is the name of the attribute to be set

value is a constant, and is the value to which the attribute is set

identifier is a character string that will be passed to subroutine set_user_bounds

surface_list is one of:

  • -all- (all boundary nodes)
  • surface_name/inclusive (all bndry nodes on surface)
  • surface_name/exclusive (all bndry nodes ONLY on surface)
  • surface_name/` (same as exclusive)
  • surface_name1 /surface_name2/inclusive (all bndry nodes on the union of the surfaces)
  • surface_name1/surface_name2/exclusive (default) (all bndry nodes ONLY on the intersection of the surfaces)
  • surface_name1/surface_name2/surface_name3/... (same as exclusive)


boundary/dirichlet/ vd_v / 7.0/-all-/

sets the attribute vd_v for all boundary nodes to be 7.0.


sets the attribute vd_v for the nodes that are on the surface pbot to be 9.0.


sets the attribute vd_s for the nodes that are on the union of the surfaces pfrt and prgt to 13.0.


will pass the set of nodes on the intersection of surfaces s1,s2, and s3 along with the string top-plane to subroutine set_user_bounds.