*TEST createpts/brick (lagrit_input_createbrick) * * Simple Example to create a retangular grid that * captures the geometry of an interface in the * stair steps of a regular grid. * * Carl Gable 3/12/98 * * Create a cmo with hexahedral storage arrays cmo/create/cmo/ / / hex * Define the exterior and a plane surface/cube/reflect/box/0.0,0.0,0.0/1.0,1.0,1.0/ surface/cutplane/intrface/plane/0.,0.,.1/1.,0.,.5/1.,1.,.8 * Define the material regions mregion/mattop/le cube and gt cutplane/ mregion/matbot/le cube and lt cutplane * Create a rectangular grid creatpts/brick/xyz/21,5,41/0.,0.,0./1.,1.,1./1 1 1 *rzbrick/xyz/21,5,41/0.,0.,0./1.,1.,1./1 1 1 * Color the nodes according to the mregions setpts * Color the elements according to the mregions settets * Output the final grid dump/gmv/output_createbrick.gmv * begin compare here cmo/status cmo/printatt//-all-/minmax quality finish