* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Program: LaGriT V3.3.3 Linux * * * Date Compile: 2023/12/19 * * * Run Time: 2023/Dec 21 19:04:21 * * * Manual: https://lagrit.lanl.gov * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * -----oOo----- LaGriT V3 LA-CC-15-069 https://github.com/lanl/LaGriT Copyright 2016. Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved. This program was produced under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. All rights in the program are reserved by Triad National Security, LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit others to do so. This software is open source and available under the BSD-3 License. -----oOo----- Output log file: lagrit.out Command log file: lagrit.log # # demo of createpts / poisson_disk module using various arguments # # output01* is just the distribution of vertices without connectings as Delaunay # output02* connect the vertices as a Delaunay triangulation # output03* is the same as output02 except the resoltion is reduced from 0.1 to # output04* variable resolution mesh with target edge length defined in user_res # output05* variable resolution mesh with target edge length defined in user_res # # Build a unit circle polygon # NP=17 because vertices are distributed from 0-360 degrees # and then 'filter' removes the duplicate vertex # define/NP/17 cmo/create/mo_pts///tet createpts/rtz/1,NP,1/1.,0.,0./1.,360.,0./1,1,1/ RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 17 cmo/printatt/mo_pts/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 17 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 17 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 17 filter/1 0 0 FILTER:Use internal epsilonl value = 0.628036983474E-12 FILTER:Dudding duplicate points: 1 rmpoint/compress 1 points removed and 0 elements removed. RMPOINT: new point count is 16 RMPOINT: new element count is 0 dump/avs/tmp_polygon_circle_16.poly/mo_pts/1 0 0 0 cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_pts Released Mesh Object: mo_pts # # Read in a polygon file that defines a unit circle with 16 vertices # read/avs/tmp_polygon_circle_16.poly/mo_polygon cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_polygon 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish ###################################### # Compute Poisson Disk vertex distribution with target spacing of 0.1 # Do not connect the vertices # define/H_SCALE/0.1 createpts/poisson_disk/2d_polygon/mo_poisson_disk/mo_polygon/H_SCALE/no_connect --------------------------------------- ===== Begin driver for Poisson disk vertex distribution. ===== --------------------------------------- setsize finish resetpts/itp geniee geniee_cmo warning: no elements with faces so no jtet finish finish Poisson disk driver:Polygon minimum edge length is Poisson disk driver:compatible with user defined h Poisson disk driver: h = 1.000000E-01 poi_poly_h_min = 3.901806E-01 define/POI_H_FACTOR/1.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX0.5/5.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX2/2.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX5/5.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX8/8.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX10/1.000000E+00 finish define/POI_NPX/33 finish define/POI_NPY/33 finish define/POI_XMIN/-1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_XMAX/1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_YMIN/-1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_YMAX/1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMIN/0.000000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMAX/0.000000E+00 finish --------------------------------------- ===== Create quad mesh object for distance field lookup ===== --------------------------------------- cmo/create/mo_poi_h_field///triplane finish createpts/xyz/POI_NPX POI_NPY 1/POI_XMIN POI_YMIN POI_ZMIN/POI_XMAX POI_YMAX POI _ZMAX/1 1 1 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 1089 finish cmo/printatt/mo_poi_h_field/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.100000000E+00 1.100000000E+00 2.200000000E+00 1089 yic -1.100000000E+00 1.100000000E+00 2.200000000E+00 1089 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1089 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/vdouble/scalar/nnodes finish cmo/setatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/1 0 0/1.000000E-01 Warning: nelements = 0 1089 values reset for attribute h_field_att finish cmo/select/mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poi_h_field 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 1089 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/create/mo_poisson_disk/206/0/triplane finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poisson_disk 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 1089 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: mo_poisson_disk number of nodes = 206 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/printatt/-def-/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 206 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 206 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 206 finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyv/xic yic zic cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyv finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyv finish cmo/release/mo_poi_h_field Released Mesh Object: mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish quality 0 total elements in mesh. finish poisson_disk exit dump/avs/output01_vertices.inp/mo_poisson_disk cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_poisson_disk Released Mesh Object: mo_poisson_disk ###################################### # Compute Poisson Disk vertex distribution with target spacing of 0.1 # Connect the vertices as a Delaunay triangulation # createpts/poisson_disk/2d_polygon/mo_poisson_disk/mo_polygon/H_SCALE/connect --------------------------------------- ===== Begin driver for Poisson disk vertex distribution. ===== --------------------------------------- setsize finish resetpts/itp geniee geniee_cmo warning: no elements with faces so no jtet finish finish Poisson disk driver:Polygon minimum edge length is Poisson disk driver:compatible with user defined h Poisson disk driver: h = 1.000000E-01 poi_poly_h_min = 3.901806E-01 define/POI_H_FACTOR/1.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX0.5/5.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX2/2.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX5/5.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX8/8.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX10/1.000000E+00 finish define/POI_NPX/33 finish define/POI_NPY/33 finish define/POI_XMIN/-1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_XMAX/1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_YMIN/-1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_YMAX/1.100000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMIN/0.000000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMAX/0.000000E+00 finish --------------------------------------- ===== Create quad mesh object for distance field lookup ===== --------------------------------------- cmo/create/mo_poi_h_field///triplane finish createpts/xyz/POI_NPX POI_NPY 1/POI_XMIN POI_YMIN POI_ZMIN/POI_XMAX POI_YMAX POI _ZMAX/1 1 1 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 1089 finish cmo/printatt/mo_poi_h_field/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.100000000E+00 1.100000000E+00 2.200000000E+00 1089 yic -1.100000000E+00 1.100000000E+00 2.200000000E+00 1089 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 1089 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/vdouble/scalar/nnodes finish cmo/setatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/1 0 0/1.000000E-01 Warning: nelements = 0 1089 values reset for attribute h_field_att finish cmo/select/mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poi_h_field 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 1089 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/create/mo_poisson_disk/206/0/triplane finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poisson_disk 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 1089 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: mo_poisson_disk number of nodes = 206 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/printatt/-def-/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 206 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 206 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 206 finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyv/xic yic zic cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyv finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyv finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/setatt/-def-/imt/1 0 0/1 Warning: nelements = 0 206 values reset for attribute imt1 finish connect Coordinates of enclosing triangle are: -0.45000D+01-0.42000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.45000D+01-0.45000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.00000D+00 0.90000D+01 0.00000D+00 Successfully eliminated all multimaterial connections. The mesh is now complete! LaGriT FINISH: connect recon/0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 RECON: done. finish LaGriT FINISH: recon 0 for connect 2d finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 2 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 344 min aspect ratio = 0.4440E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9999E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.2852E-02 and 0.4237E-02: 3 element volumes b/w 0.4237E-02 and 0.6295E-02: 73 element volumes b/w 0.6295E-02 and 0.9353E-02: 145 element volumes b/w 0.9353E-02 and 0.1390E-01: 106 element volumes b/w 0.1390E-01 and 0.2065E-01: 19 min volume = 2.8517233E-03 max volume = 2.0647500E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- 346 total elements evaluated. finish rmpoint/compress 0 points removed and 0 elements removed. RMPOINT: new point count is 206 RMPOINT: new element count is 346 finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish assign///maxiter_sm/1 cannot find global variable : maxiter_sm maxiter_sm = 1 finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 206 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.2851723E-02 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.2064750E-01 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.2178730E-01 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.4066363E-02 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1563940E-01 recon 0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 9 RECON: done. finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 206 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.4066363E-02 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.1563940E-01 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.1093155E-01 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.4488359E-02 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1502447E-01 recon 1 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 4 RECON: done. finish createpts/median cmo/addatt//xmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//ymed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//zmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyc/xmed ymed zmed cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyc finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc geniee finish finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyc finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/xmed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ymed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/zmed finish cmo/release/mo_poi_h_field Released Mesh Object: mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 346 min aspect ratio = 0.5498E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9996E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.4488E-02 and 0.5715E-02: 15 element volumes b/w 0.5715E-02 and 0.7277E-02: 44 element volumes b/w 0.7277E-02 and 0.9266E-02: 159 element volumes b/w 0.9266E-02 and 0.1180E-01: 104 element volumes b/w 0.1180E-01 and 0.1502E-01: 24 min volume = 4.4883592E-03 max volume = 1.5024468E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- 346 total elements evaluated. finish poisson_disk exit quality/edge_min/y cmo/addatt//edgemin/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements finish epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- Edge min normalized by dividing with max value. element norm min edge length < .01: 0 element norm edge length b/w .01 and .02: 0 element norm edge length b/w .02 and .05: 0 element norm edge length b/w .05 and .1 : 0 element norm edge length b/w .1 and .2 : 0 element norm edge length b/w .2 and .5 : 1 element norm edge length b/w .5 and 1. : 345 min min edge length = 0.6942E-01 max min edge length = 0.1676E+00 ----------------------------------------------------------- 346 total elements evaluated. dump/avs/output02_triangle_h_0.1.inp/mo_poisson_disk cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_poisson_disk Released Mesh Object: mo_poisson_disk ###################################### # Decrease the resolution to a target spacing of 0.05 # define/H_SCALE/0.05 createpts/poisson_disk/2d_polygon/mo_poisson_disk/mo_polygon/H_SCALE/connect --------------------------------------- ===== Begin driver for Poisson disk vertex distribution. ===== --------------------------------------- setsize finish resetpts/itp geniee geniee_cmo warning: no elements with faces so no jtet finish finish Poisson disk driver:Polygon minimum edge length is Poisson disk driver:compatible with user defined h Poisson disk driver: h = 5.000000E-02 poi_poly_h_min = 3.901806E-01 define/POI_H_FACTOR/5.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX0.5/2.500000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX2/1.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX5/2.500000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX8/4.000000E-01 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX10/5.000000E-01 finish define/POI_NPX/63 finish define/POI_NPY/63 finish define/POI_XMIN/-1.050000E+00 finish define/POI_XMAX/1.050000E+00 finish define/POI_YMIN/-1.050000E+00 finish define/POI_YMAX/1.050000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMIN/0.000000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMAX/0.000000E+00 finish --------------------------------------- ===== Create quad mesh object for distance field lookup ===== --------------------------------------- cmo/create/mo_poi_h_field///triplane finish createpts/xyz/POI_NPX POI_NPY 1/POI_XMIN POI_YMIN POI_ZMIN/POI_XMAX POI_YMAX POI _ZMAX/1 1 1 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 3969 finish cmo/printatt/mo_poi_h_field/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.050000000E+00 1.050000000E+00 2.100000000E+00 3969 yic -1.050000000E+00 1.050000000E+00 2.100000000E+00 3969 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 3969 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/vdouble/scalar/nnodes finish cmo/setatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/1 0 0/5.000000E-02 Warning: nelements = 0 3969 values reset for attribute h_field_att finish cmo/select/mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poi_h_field 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 3969 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/create/mo_poisson_disk/734/0/triplane finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poisson_disk 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 3969 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: mo_poisson_disk number of nodes = 734 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/printatt/-def-/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 734 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 734 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 734 finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyv/xic yic zic cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyv finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyv finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/setatt/-def-/imt/1 0 0/1 Warning: nelements = 0 734 values reset for attribute imt1 finish connect Coordinates of enclosing triangle are: -0.45000D+01-0.42000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.45000D+01-0.45000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.00000D+00 0.90000D+01 0.00000D+00 Successfully eliminated all multimaterial connections. The mesh is now complete! LaGriT FINISH: connect recon/0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 RECON: done. finish LaGriT FINISH: recon 0 for connect 2d finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 5 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 1335 min aspect ratio = 0.3850E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9999E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.1013E-02 and 0.1394E-02: 90 element volumes b/w 0.1394E-02 and 0.1919E-02: 383 element volumes b/w 0.1919E-02 and 0.2641E-02: 498 element volumes b/w 0.2641E-02 and 0.3634E-02: 305 element volumes b/w 0.3634E-02 and 0.5002E-02: 64 min volume = 1.0128061E-03 max volume = 5.0020438E-03 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1340 total elements evaluated. finish rmpoint/compress 0 points removed and 0 elements removed. RMPOINT: new point count is 734 RMPOINT: new element count is 1340 finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish assign///maxiter_sm/1 cannot find global variable : maxiter_sm maxiter_sm = 1 finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 734 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.1012806E-02 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.5002044E-02 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.1170527E-01 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1138738E-02 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.4271090E-02 recon 0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 14 RECON: done. finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 734 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.1138738E-02 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.4271090E-02 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.4845151E-02 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1128195E-02 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.3981964E-02 recon 1 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 8 RECON: done. finish createpts/median cmo/addatt//xmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//ymed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//zmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyc/xmed ymed zmed cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyc finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc geniee finish finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyc finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/xmed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ymed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/zmed finish cmo/release/mo_poi_h_field Released Mesh Object: mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 1340 min aspect ratio = 0.5451E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9999E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.1128E-02 and 0.1452E-02: 27 element volumes b/w 0.1452E-02 and 0.1868E-02: 148 element volumes b/w 0.1868E-02 and 0.2404E-02: 672 element volumes b/w 0.2404E-02 and 0.3094E-02: 472 element volumes b/w 0.3094E-02 and 0.3982E-02: 21 min volume = 1.1281948E-03 max volume = 3.9819645E-03 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1340 total elements evaluated. finish poisson_disk exit quality/edge_min/y cmo/addatt//edgemin/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements finish epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- Edge min normalized by dividing with max value. element norm min edge length < .01: 0 element norm edge length b/w .01 and .02: 0 element norm edge length b/w .02 and .05: 0 element norm edge length b/w .05 and .1 : 0 element norm edge length b/w .1 and .2 : 0 element norm edge length b/w .2 and .5 : 16 element norm edge length b/w .5 and 1. : 1324 min min edge length = 0.3061E-01 max min edge length = 0.9069E-01 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1340 total elements evaluated. dump/avs/output03_triangle_h_0.05.inp/mo_poisson_disk cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_poisson_disk Released Mesh Object: mo_poisson_disk ###################################### # Create a variable resolution mesh # Resolution is defined in user functions defined in user_resolution_1.mlgi # # Decrease the resolution to a target spacing of 0.01 # # The two user defined variables H_SCALE, 10H_SCALE, are used in user_resolution # define/H_SCALE/0.01 define/10H_SCALE/0.1 createpts/poisson_disk/2d_polygon/mo_poisson_disk/mo_polygon/H_SCALE/connect/use r_resolution_1.mlgi --------------------------------------- ===== Begin driver for Poisson disk vertex distribution. ===== --------------------------------------- setsize finish resetpts/itp geniee geniee_cmo warning: no elements with faces so no jtet finish finish Poisson disk driver:Polygon minimum edge length is Poisson disk driver:compatible with user defined h Poisson disk driver: h = 1.000000E-02 poi_poly_h_min = 3.901806E-01 define/POI_H_FACTOR/1.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX0.5/5.000000E-03 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX2/2.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX5/5.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX8/8.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX10/1.000000E-01 finish define/POI_NPX/303 finish define/POI_NPY/303 finish define/POI_XMIN/-1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_XMAX/1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_YMIN/-1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_YMAX/1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMIN/0.000000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMAX/0.000000E+00 finish --------------------------------------- ===== Create quad mesh object for distance field lookup ===== --------------------------------------- cmo/create/mo_poi_h_field///triplane finish createpts/xyz/POI_NPX POI_NPY 1/POI_XMIN POI_YMIN POI_ZMIN/POI_XMAX POI_YMAX POI _ZMAX/1 1 1 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 91809 finish cmo/printatt/mo_poi_h_field/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.010000000E+00 1.010000000E+00 2.020000000E+00 91809 yic -1.010000000E+00 1.010000000E+00 2.020000000E+00 91809 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 91809 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/vdouble/scalar/nnodes finish cmo/setatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/1 0 0/1.000000E-02 Warning: nelements = 0 91809 values reset for attribute h_field_att finish infile/user_resolution_1.mlgi define/MO_H_FIELD/mo_poi_h_field define/H_ATTRIBUTE/h_field_att # Y = Ax + B # # Slope # 0.1 works # 0.2 works # 0.25 works # 0.29 works # 0.295 crashes # 0.299 crashes # 0.3 crashes # define/SLOPE/0.29 # Intersect define/INTERCEPT/0.0 # # Create some points and then use the distance from the points to define the use # defined resolution field h(x,y) # cmo/create/mo_pts///tet createpts/xyz/1,1,1/0.1 0.1 0.0/0.1 0.1 0.0/1,1,1/ RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 1 createpts/xyz/1,1,1/-0.5 -0.7 0.0/-0.5 -0.7 0.0/1,1,1/ RZ GENERATED POINTS 2 TO 2 compute/distance_field/MO_H_FIELD/mo_pts/dfield cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent//-1.0 finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/xic/keepatt nodes in indexed point set = 91809 cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/pt_gtg/VINT/scalar/nnodes//permanent/agfx/0 finish INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.110000000000E+01 pt_gtg attribute will be added and kept. Build kdtree0 done - assign nearest node for each. Sink point Points Searched Points Found Percent Done 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 2 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/yic/keepatt nodes in indexed point set = 91809 INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.110000000000E+01 SKIPPING POINT SEARCH... using lookup attribute pt_gtg 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 2 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/zic nodes in indexed point set = 91809 INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.100000000000E+01 SKIPPING POINT SEARCH... using lookup attribute pt_gtg 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 2 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo DELATT mo_poi_h_field/pt_gtg finish cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/xic/mo_poi_h_field/xob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/yic/mo_poi_h_field/yob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/add/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1 0 0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/mo_poi_h_field/temp_t mp_var finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/zic/mo_poi_h_field/zob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/add/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1 0 0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/mo_poi_h_field/temp_t mp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/0.5 finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var finish COMPUTE distance_field: Done. math/multiply/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1,0,0/MO_H_FIELD/dfield/SLOPE/ math/add/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1,0,0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/INTERCEPT/ math/floor/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1 0 0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/H_SCALE math/ceiling/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1 0 0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/10H_SCALE cmo/printatt/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH h_field_att 1.000000000E-02 1.000000000E-01 9.000000000E-02 91809 # # In order to visualize the h(x,y) field, the user can output # mo_poi_h_field and look at the attribute h_field_att. # Output will slow things down so output should be commented out # in production runs. # # This is the only place where the user has access to out MO_H_FIELD because it # will be deleted when createpts / poisson_disk exits. # dump/avs/output_h_of_x_y_1.inp/MO_H_FIELD cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_pts Released Mesh Object: mo_pts finish finish cmo/select/mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poi_h_field 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 91809 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/create/mo_poisson_disk/410/0/triplane finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poisson_disk 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 91809 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: mo_poisson_disk number of nodes = 410 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/printatt/-def-/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 410 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 410 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 410 finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyv/xic yic zic cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyv finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyv finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/setatt/-def-/imt/1 0 0/1 Warning: nelements = 0 410 values reset for attribute imt1 finish connect Coordinates of enclosing triangle are: -0.45000D+01-0.42000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.45000D+01-0.45000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.00000D+00 0.90000D+01 0.00000D+00 Successfully eliminated all multimaterial connections. The mesh is now complete! LaGriT FINISH: connect recon/0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 RECON: done. finish LaGriT FINISH: recon 0 for connect 2d finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 2 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 747 min aspect ratio = 0.4238E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9997E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.5042E-04 and 0.1541E-03: 118 element volumes b/w 0.1541E-03 and 0.4712E-03: 82 element volumes b/w 0.4712E-03 and 0.1440E-02: 84 element volumes b/w 0.1440E-02 and 0.4403E-02: 92 element volumes b/w 0.4403E-02 and 0.1346E-01: 373 min volume = 5.0416000E-05 max volume = 1.3460384E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- 749 total elements evaluated. finish rmpoint/compress 0 points removed and 0 elements removed. RMPOINT: new point count is 410 RMPOINT: new element count is 749 finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish assign///maxiter_sm/1 cannot find global variable : maxiter_sm maxiter_sm = 1 finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 410 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.5041600E-04 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.1346038E-01 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.1556661E-01 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.6529439E-04 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1078554E-01 recon 0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 6 RECON: done. finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 410 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.6529439E-04 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.1078554E-01 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.1134576E-01 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.8608360E-04 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.1048977E-01 recon 1 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 9 RECON: done. finish createpts/median cmo/addatt//xmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//ymed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//zmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyc/xmed ymed zmed cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyc finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc geniee finish finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyc finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/xmed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ymed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/zmed finish cmo/release/mo_poi_h_field Released Mesh Object: mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 1 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 748 min aspect ratio = 0.4401E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.9998E+00 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.8608E-04 and 0.2250E-03: 93 element volumes b/w 0.2250E-03 and 0.5878E-03: 84 element volumes b/w 0.5878E-03 and 0.1536E-02: 85 element volumes b/w 0.1536E-02 and 0.4014E-02: 88 element volumes b/w 0.4014E-02 and 0.1049E-01: 399 min volume = 8.6083596E-05 max volume = 1.0489771E-02 ----------------------------------------------------------- 749 total elements evaluated. finish poisson_disk exit quality/edge_min/y cmo/addatt//edgemin/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements finish epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- Edge min normalized by dividing with max value. element norm min edge length < .01: 0 element norm edge length b/w .01 and .02: 0 element norm edge length b/w .02 and .05: 0 element norm edge length b/w .05 and .1 : 18 element norm edge length b/w .1 and .2 : 144 element norm edge length b/w .2 and .5 : 158 element norm edge length b/w .5 and 1. : 429 min min edge length = 0.1199E-01 max min edge length = 0.1420E+00 ----------------------------------------------------------- 749 total elements evaluated. dump/avs/output04_triangle_variable_1.inp/mo_poisson_disk cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_poisson_disk Released Mesh Object: mo_poisson_disk ###################################### # Create a variable resolution mesh # Resolution is defined in user functions defined in user_resolution_1.mlgi # # Decrease the resolution to a target spacing of 0.01 # # The two user defined variables H_SCALE, 10H_SCALE, are used in user_resolution # define/H_SCALE/0.01 define/10H_SCALE/0.1 createpts/poisson_disk/2d_polygon/mo_poisson_disk/mo_polygon/H_SCALE/connect/use r_resolution_2.mlgi --------------------------------------- ===== Begin driver for Poisson disk vertex distribution. ===== --------------------------------------- setsize finish resetpts/itp geniee geniee_cmo warning: no elements with faces so no jtet finish finish Poisson disk driver:Polygon minimum edge length is Poisson disk driver:compatible with user defined h Poisson disk driver: h = 1.000000E-02 poi_poly_h_min = 3.901806E-01 define/POI_H_FACTOR/1.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX0.5/5.000000E-03 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX2/2.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX5/5.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX8/8.000000E-02 finish define/POI_H_FACTORX10/1.000000E-01 finish define/POI_NPX/303 finish define/POI_NPY/303 finish define/POI_XMIN/-1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_XMAX/1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_YMIN/-1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_YMAX/1.010000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMIN/0.000000E+00 finish define/POI_ZMAX/0.000000E+00 finish --------------------------------------- ===== Create quad mesh object for distance field lookup ===== --------------------------------------- cmo/create/mo_poi_h_field///triplane finish createpts/xyz/POI_NPX POI_NPY 1/POI_XMIN POI_YMIN POI_ZMIN/POI_XMAX POI_YMAX POI _ZMAX/1 1 1 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 91809 finish cmo/printatt/mo_poi_h_field/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.010000000E+00 1.010000000E+00 2.020000000E+00 91809 yic -1.010000000E+00 1.010000000E+00 2.020000000E+00 91809 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 91809 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/vdouble/scalar/nnodes finish cmo/setatt/mo_poi_h_field/h_field_att/1 0 0/1.000000E-02 Warning: nelements = 0 91809 values reset for attribute h_field_att finish infile/user_resolution_2.mlgi define/MO_H_FIELD/mo_poi_h_field define/H_ATTRIBUTE/h_field_att # Y = Ax + B # # Slope # 0.2 works # 0.25 works # 0.29 works # 0.295 crashes # 0.299 crashes # 0.3 crashes # define/SLOPE/0.1 # Intersect define/INTERCEPT/0.0 # # Create some points and then use the distance from the points to define the use # defined resolution field h(x,y) # cmo/create/mo_pts///tet createpts/line/npoints///xmin,ymin,zmin/xmax,ymax,zmax/iiz,ijz,ikz/ character type parameter set to zero npoints 3 character type parameter set to zero -def- 4 character type parameter set to zero -def- 5 character type parameter set to zero xmin 6 character type parameter set to zero ymin 7 character type parameter set to zero zmin 8 character type parameter set to zero xmax 9 character type parameter set to zero ymax 10 character type parameter set to zero zmax 11 character type parameter set to zero iiz 12 character type parameter set to zero ijz 13 character type parameter set to zero ikz 14 RZ GENERATED POINTS 1 TO 1 createpts/line/400///-3.95 0.0 0.0/3.95 0.0 0.0/1 1 1 character type parameter set to zero -def- 4 character type parameter set to zero -def- 5 RZ GENERATED POINTS 2 TO 401 math/sin/mo_pts/yic/1 0 0/mo_pts/xic math/multiply/mo_pts/yic/1 0 0/mo_pts/yic/0.25 math/multiply/mo_pts/xic/1 0 0/mo_pts/xic/0.25 compute/distance_field/MO_H_FIELD/mo_pts/dfield cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/temporary//- 1.0 finish cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/VDOUBLE/scalar/nnodes/linear/permanent//-1.0 finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/xic/keepatt nodes in indexed point set = 91809 cmo/addatt/mo_poi_h_field/pt_gtg/VINT/scalar/nnodes//permanent/agfx/0 finish INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.198750000000E+01 pt_gtg attribute will be added and kept. Build kdtree0 done - assign nearest node for each. Sink point Points Searched Points Found Percent Done 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 401 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/yic/keepatt nodes in indexed point set = 91809 INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.124999866843E+01 SKIPPING POINT SEARCH... using lookup attribute pt_gtg 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 401 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish interpolate/voronoi/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var/1 0 0/mo_pts/zic nodes in indexed point set = 91809 INTRP METHOD: voronoi FUNCTION: linear TIEBREAKER: maxtie FLAG: plus1 0.100000000000E+01 SKIPPING POINT SEARCH... using lookup attribute pt_gtg 4591 4591 4591 5 % 9181 9181 9181 10 % 13771 13771 13771 15 % 18361 18361 18361 20 % 22951 22951 22951 25 % 27541 27541 27541 30 % 32131 32131 32131 35 % 36721 36721 36721 40 % 41311 41311 41311 45 % 45901 45901 45901 50 % 50491 50491 50491 55 % 55081 55081 55081 60 % 59671 59671 59671 65 % 64261 64261 64261 70 % 68851 68851 68851 75 % 73441 73441 73441 80 % 78031 78031 78031 85 % 82621 82621 82621 90 % 87211 87211 87211 95 % 91801 91801 91801 100 % 91809 91809 91809 100% Total Source Nodes: 401 Total Sink Nodes: 91809 interpolate/voronoi done. cmo DELATT mo_poi_h_field/pt_gtg finish cmo select mo_poi_h_field finish cmo kdtree release finish finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/xic/mo_poi_h_field/xob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/yic/mo_poi_h_field/yob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/add/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1 0 0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/mo_poi_h_field/temp_t mp_var finish math/sub/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/zic/mo_poi_h_field/zob j_tmp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var/2.0 finish math/add/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1 0 0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/mo_poi_h_field/temp_t mp_var finish math/power/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/1,0,0/mo_poi_h_field/dfield/0.5 finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/temp_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/xobj_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/yobj_tmp_var finish cmo/delatt/mo_poi_h_field/zobj_tmp_var finish COMPUTE distance_field: Done. math/multiply/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1,0,0/MO_H_FIELD/dfield/SLOPE/ math/add/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1,0,0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/INTERCEPT/ math/floor/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1 0 0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/H_SCALE math/ceiling/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/1 0 0/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/10H_SCALE cmo/printatt/MO_H_FIELD/H_ATTRIBUTE/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH h_field_att 1.000000000E-02 1.000000000E-01 9.000000000E-02 91809 # # In order to visualize the h(x,y) field, the user can output # mo_poi_h_field and look at the attribute h_field_att. # Output will slow things down so output should be commented out # in production runs. # # # This is the only place where the user has access to out MO_H_FIELD because it # will be deleted when createpts / poisson_disk exits. # dump/avs/output_h_of_x_y_2.inp/MO_H_FIELD cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_pts Released Mesh Object: mo_pts finish finish cmo/select/mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poi_h_field 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 91809 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/create/mo_poisson_disk/4947/0/triplane finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/status/brief The current-mesh-object(CMO) is: mo_poisson_disk 1 Mesh Object name: mo_polygon number of nodes = 16 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 3 element type = tet dimensions topology = 3 4 nodes 4 faces 6 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 2 Mesh Object name: mo_poi_h_field number of nodes = 91809 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = inactive 3 Mesh Object name: mo_poisson_disk number of nodes = 4947 number of elements = 0 dimensions geometry = 2 element type = tri dimensions topology = 2 3 nodes 3 faces 3 edges boundary flag = 16000000 status = active finish cmo/printatt/-def-/-xyz-/minmax Warning: nelements = 0 ATTRIBUTE NAME MIN MAX DIFFERENCE LENGTH xic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 4947 yic -1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00 4947 zic 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00 4947 finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyv/xic yic zic cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv/vint/scalar/nnodes///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyv finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyv finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyv finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish cmo/setatt/-def-/imt/1 0 0/1 Warning: nelements = 0 4947 values reset for attribute imt1 finish connect Coordinates of enclosing triangle are: -0.45000D+01-0.42000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.45000D+01-0.45000D+01 0.00000D+00 0.00000D+00 0.90000D+01 0.00000D+00 Successfully eliminated all multimaterial connections. The mesh is now complete! LaGriT FINISH: connect recon/0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 RECON: done. finish LaGriT FINISH: recon 0 for connect 2d finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 24 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 9686 min aspect ratio = 0.3578E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.1000E+01 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.4013E-04 and 0.1187E-03: 5062 element volumes b/w 0.1187E-03 and 0.3509E-03: 2843 element volumes b/w 0.3509E-03 and 0.1037E-02: 1116 element volumes b/w 0.1037E-02 and 0.3068E-02: 584 element volumes b/w 0.3068E-02 and 0.9071E-02: 105 min volume = 4.0128009E-05 max volume = 9.0705701E-03 ----------------------------------------------------------- 9710 total elements evaluated. finish rmpoint/compress 0 points removed and 0 elements removed. RMPOINT: new point count is 4947 RMPOINT: new element count is 9710 finish resetpts/itp geniee finish finish assign///maxiter_sm/1 cannot find global variable : maxiter_sm maxiter_sm = 1 finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 4947 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.4012801E-04 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.9070570E-02 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.4830493E-02 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.4703311E-04 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.6777097E-02 recon 0 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 76 RECON: done. finish smooth SMOOTH: position option nodes in point set = 4947 SMOOTH: Smooth 2D triangular mesh using ESUG Min. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.4703311E-04 Max. area BEFORE smoothing= 0.6777097E-02 Iteration= 1; root mean square error= 0.3307682E-02 Min. area AFTER smoothing= 0.4310139E-04 Max. area AFTER smoothing= 0.6211088E-02 recon 1 RECON2D reconnection loop2d: 1 Recon2d: iteration number= 1 number of flips= 22 RECON: done. finish createpts/median cmo/addatt//xmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//ymed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish cmo/addatt//zmed/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements///gal/0. finish finish sort/-def-/index/ascending/ikeyc/xmed ymed zmed cmo/addatt/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc/vint/scalar/nelements///gax/0 finish SORT: order key written to attribute: ikeyc finish reorder/mo_poisson_disk/ikeyc geniee finish finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ikeyc finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/xmed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/ymed finish cmo/DELATT/-def-/zmed finish cmo/release/mo_poi_h_field Released Mesh Object: mo_poi_h_field finish cmo/select/mo_poisson_disk finish quality epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- elements with aspect ratio < .01: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05: 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .1 and .2 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .2 and .5 : 0 elements with aspect ratio b/w .5 and 1. : 9710 min aspect ratio = 0.5062E+00 max aspect ratio = 0.1000E+01 epsilonvol: 1.7763568E-12 --------------------------------------- element volumes b/w 0.4310E-04 and 0.1165E-03: 5179 element volumes b/w 0.1165E-03 and 0.3147E-03: 2505 element volumes b/w 0.3147E-03 and 0.8505E-03: 1165 element volumes b/w 0.8505E-03 and 0.2298E-02: 671 element volumes b/w 0.2298E-02 and 0.6211E-02: 190 min volume = 4.3101385E-05 max volume = 6.2110881E-03 ----------------------------------------------------------- 9710 total elements evaluated. finish poisson_disk exit quality/edge_min/y cmo/addatt//edgemin/VDOUBLE/scalar/nelements finish epsilonl, epsilonaspect: 6.2803698E-13 2.4771691E-37 -------------------------------------------- Edge min normalized by dividing with max value. element norm min edge length < .01: 0 element norm edge length b/w .01 and .02: 0 element norm edge length b/w .02 and .05: 0 element norm edge length b/w .05 and .1 : 340 element norm edge length b/w .1 and .2 : 7110 element norm edge length b/w .2 and .5 : 1931 element norm edge length b/w .5 and 1. : 329 min min edge length = 0.8143E-02 max min edge length = 0.1118E+00 ----------------------------------------------------------- 9710 total elements evaluated. dump/avs/output05_triangle_variable_2.inp/mo_poisson_disk cmo/modatt/-def-/-def-/ioflag/x finish cmo/delete/mo_poisson_disk Released Mesh Object: mo_poisson_disk # finish LaGriT successfully completed