Example negative_aij / rivara

Example 1: test mesh edges and boundary faces for negative coupling coefficients.

The objective is to use the negative_aij / rivara command that first identifies elements that have negative coupling coefficents, and then proceeds with a rivara boundary refinement to reduce or eliminate the negative couplings.

Input Mesh

Output Mesh

Output Mesh Refine Detail

LaGriT Command File

region/all/le outside
mregion/all/le outside

createpts/xyz/3,3,3/0,0,0/1.5,1.0 .5/1,1,1
createpts/xyz/2,2,2/.1,0,0/1.5,1.0 .5/0,0,0

# remove duplicate points

# set node material imt

# connect points into Delaunay mesh


# report results


LaGriT Output

The output log is very long with information for each command and refinement operation. The following shows the end outpu of the commands.

ATTRIBUTE NAME              MIN               MAX         DIFFERENCE    LENGTH  
 -def-              0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00       840  
 scalar                           1                1               0         1  
 vector                           3                3               0         1  
 nnodes                         840              840               0         1  
 nedges                           0                0               0         1  
 nfaces                           0                0               0         1  
 nelements                     2432             2432               0         1  
 mbndry                    16000000         16000000               0         1  
 ndimensions_topo                 3                3               0         1  
 ndimensions_geom                 3                3               0         1  
 nodes_per_element                4                4               0         1  
 edges_per_element                6                6               0         1  
 faces_per_element                4                4               0         1  
 isetwd                           0                0               0       840  
 ialias                           0              840             840       840  
 imt1                             0                1               1       840  
 itp1                             0               10              10       840  
 icr1                             0                1               1       840  
 isn1                             0                0               0       840  
 xic                0.000000000E+00  3.000000000E+00 3.000000000E+00       840  
 yic                0.000000000E+00  2.000000000E+00 2.000000000E+00       840  
 zic                0.000000000E+00  1.000000000E+00 1.000000000E+00       840  
 xtetwd                           0            26688           26688      2432  
 itetclr                          1                1               0      2432  
 itettyp                          5                5               0      2432  
 itetoff                          0             9724            9724      2432  
 jtetoff                          0             9724            9724      2432  
 itet                             3              840             837      2432x4
 jtet                             1         16000000        15999999      2432x4
 epsilon            1.000000004E-15  1.000000004E-15 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilonl           8.308148362E-13  8.308148362E-13 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilona           3.108624469E-12  3.108624469E-12 0.000000000E+00         1  
 epsilonv           1.332267630E-12  1.332267630E-12 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ipointi                        807              807               0         1  
 ipointj                        840              840               0         1  
 idebug                           0                0               0         1  
 itypconv_sm                      1                1               0         1  
 maxiter_sm                      25               25               0         1  
 tolconv_sm         1.000000000E+00  1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 nnfreq                           1                1               0         1  
 ivoronoi                         1                1               0         1  
 iopt2to2                         2                2               0         1  
 xmin               0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ymin               0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 zmin               0.000000000E+00  0.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 xmax               3.000000000E+00  3.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 ymax               2.000000000E+00  2.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 zmax               1.000000000E+00  1.000000000E+00 0.000000000E+00         1  
 kdtree_level                     0                0               0         1  
 max_number_sets                 64               64               0         1  
 number_of_psets                  0                0               0         1  
 number_of_eltsets                0                0               0         1  
 number_of_fsets                  0                0               0         1  
 ncon50                        2500             2500               0         1  
 nconbnd                          1                1               0         1  
 icontab                          0                2               2      2500  
 num_neg_coup_coef              140              140               0         1  
 neg_coup_coeff    -1.204850781E-01 -2.441406250E-04 1.202409374E-01       140  
 ietet_aij                        1             2401            2400       140x3
 Enter a command
epsilonl, epsilonaspect:   8.3081484E-13  5.7347268E-37                         
elements with aspect ratio < .01:                    2                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .01 and .02:          4                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .02 and .05:        105                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .05 and .1 :        212                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .1  and .2 :        347                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .2  and .5 :       1107                          
elements with aspect ratio b/w .5  and 1. :        655                          
min aspect ratio =  0.3823E-02  max aspect ratio =  0.9883E+00                  
epsilonvol:   1.3322676E-12                                                     
element volumes b/w  0.7629E-05 and  0.4307E-04:       123                      
element volumes b/w  0.4307E-04 and  0.2432E-03:       639                      
element volumes b/w  0.2432E-03 and  0.1373E-02:       854                      
element volumes b/w  0.1373E-02 and  0.7750E-02:       600                      
element volumes b/w  0.7750E-02 and  0.4375E-01:       216                      
min volume =   7.6293945E-06  max volume =   4.3750000E-02                      
      2432 total elements evaluated.                      

LaGriT successfully completed