Program Listing for File matar.h
↰ Return to documentation for file (src/matar.h
#ifndef MATAR_H
#define MATAR_H
© 2020. Triad National Security, LLC. All rights reserved.
This program was produced under U.S. Government contract 89233218CNA000001 for Los Alamos
National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Triad National Security, LLC for the U.S.
Department of Energy/National Nuclear Security Administration. All rights in the program are
reserved by Triad National Security, LLC, and the U.S. Department of Energy/National Nuclear
Security Administration. The Government is granted for itself and others acting on its behalf a
nonexclusive, paid-up, irrevocable worldwide license in this material to reproduce, prepare
derivative works, distribute copies to the public, perform publicly and display publicly, and
to permit others to do so.
This program is open source under the BSD-3 License.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted
provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used
to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior
written permission.
// Order
// Standard (non-Kokkos data structures)
// 1. FArray
// 2. ViewFArray
// 3. FMatrix
// 4. ViewFMatrix
// 5. CArray
// 6. ViewCArray
// 7. CMatrix
// 8. ViewCMatrix
// 9. RaggedRightArray
// 10. RaggedDownArray
// 11. DynamicRaggedRightArray
// 12. DynamicRaggedDownArray
// 13. CSRArray
// 14. CSCArray
// 15. CSRArray
// 16. CSCArray //todo
// Kokkos Data structures
// 17. FArrayKokkos
// 18. ViewFArrayKokkos
// 19. FMatrixKokkos
// 20. ViewFMatrixKokkos
// 21. CArrayKokkos
// 22. ViewCArrayKokkos
// 23. CMatrixKokkos
// 24. ViewCMatrixKokkos
// 25. RaggedRightArrayKokkos
// 26. RaggedDownArrayKokkos
// 27. DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos
// 28. DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos
// 29. CSRArrayKokkos
// 29. CSCArrayKokkos
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string>
#include <assert.h>
#include <memory> // for shared_ptr
#include "macros.h"
using real_t = double;
using u_int = unsigned int;
#include <Kokkos_Core.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_DualView.hpp>
using HostSpace = Kokkos::HostSpace;
using MemoryUnmanaged = Kokkos::MemoryUnmanaged;
#ifdef HAVE_CUDA
//using UVMMemSpace = Kokkos::CudaUVMSpace;
using DefaultMemSpace = Kokkos::CudaSpace;
using DefaultExecSpace = Kokkos::Cuda;
using DefaultLayout = Kokkos::LayoutLeft;
using DefaultMemSpace = Kokkos::HostSpace;
using DefaultExecSpace = Kokkos::OpenMP;
using DefaultLayout = Kokkos::LayoutRight;
using DefaultMemSpace = Kokkos::HostSpace;
using DefaultExecSpace = Kokkos::Threads;
using DefaultLayout = Kokkos::LayoutLeft;
#elif HAVE_HIP
using DefaultMemSpace = Kokkos::Experimental::HIPSpace;
using DefaultExecSpace = Kokkos::Experimental::HIP;
using DefaultLayout = Kokkos::LayoutLeft;
using DefaultMemSpace = Kokkos::Serial;
using DefaultExecSpace = Kokkos::Serial;
using DefaultLayout = Kokkos::LayoutLeft;
//MACROS to make the code less scary
#define kmalloc(size) ( Kokkos::kokkos_malloc<DefaultMemSpace>(size) )
#define kfree(pnt) ( Kokkos::kokkos_free(pnt) )
#define ProfileRegionStart ( Kokkos::Profiling::pushRegion )
#define ProfileRegionEnd ( Kokkos::Profiling::popRegion )
using policy1D = Kokkos::RangePolicy<DefaultExecSpace>;
using policy2D = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy< Kokkos::Rank<2> >;
using policy3D = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy< Kokkos::Rank<3> >;
using policy4D = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy< Kokkos::Rank<4> >;
using TeamPolicy = Kokkos::TeamPolicy<DefaultExecSpace>;
//using mdrange_policy2 = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy<Kokkos::Rank<2>>;
//using mdrange_policy3 = Kokkos::MDRangePolicy<Kokkos::Rank<3>>;
using RMatrix1D = Kokkos::View<real_t *,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using RMatrix2D = Kokkos::View<real_t **,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using RMatrix3D = Kokkos::View<real_t ***,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using RMatrix4D = Kokkos::View<real_t ****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using RMatrix5D = Kokkos::View<real_t *****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using IMatrix1D = Kokkos::View<int *,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using IMatrix2D = Kokkos::View<int **,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using IMatrix3D = Kokkos::View<int ***,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using IMatrix4D = Kokkos::View<int ****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using IMatrix5D = Kokkos::View<int *****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SVar = Kokkos::View<size_t,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SArray2D = Kokkos::View<size_t **,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SArray3D = Kokkos::View<size_t ***,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SArray4D = Kokkos::View<size_t ****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SArray5D = Kokkos::View<size_t *****,DefaultLayout,DefaultExecSpace>;
using SHArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,DefaultLayout,Kokkos::HostSpace>;
//To disable asserts, uncomment the following line
//#define NDEBUG
//---Begin Standard Data Structures---
//1. FArray
// indicies are [0:N-1]
template <typename T>
class FArray {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
std::shared_ptr <T []> array_;
// default constructor
FArray ();
//overload constructors from 1D to 7D
FArray(size_t dim0);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
FArray (const FArray& temp);
// overload operator() to access data as array(i,....,n);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
//overload = operator
FArray& operator=(const FArray& temp);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
// return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// deconstructor
~FArray ();
}; // end of f_array_t
//---FArray class definnitions----
template <typename T>
array_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0)
dims_[0] = dim0;
length_ = dim0;
order_ = 1;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim0*dim1;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4*dim5;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4*dim5*dim6;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
//Copy constructor
template <typename T>
FArray<T>::FArray(const FArray& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.array_;
} // end if
} // end constructor
//overload operator () for 1D to 7D
//indices are from [0:N-1]
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 1D!");
return array_[i];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArray 2D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in Farray 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArray 3D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArray 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArray 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArray 4D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArray 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArray 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArray 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArray 5D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FArray 6D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]
+ n*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]];
template <typename T>
T& FArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArray 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in FArray 7D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]
+ n*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]
+ o*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]*dims_[5]];
// = operator
//THIS = FArray <> TEMP(n,m,...)
template <typename T>
FArray<T>& FArray<T>::operator= (const FArray& temp)
if(this != & temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline size_t FArray<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t FArray<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "FArray order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to FArray dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t FArray<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* FArray<T>::pointer() const {
return array_.get();
//delete FArray
template <typename T>
//---end of FArray class definitions----
//2. ViewFArray
// indicies are [0:N-1]
template <typename T>
class ViewFArray {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
T * array_;
// default constructor
ViewFArray ();
//---1D to 7D array ---
ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
ViewFArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// calculate C = math(A,B)
template <typename M>
void operator=(M do_this_math);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
//return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
// return pointer
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of viewFArray
//class definitions for viewFArray
//~~~~constructors for viewFArray for 1D to 7D~~~~~~~
//no dimension
template <typename T>
array_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0)
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim0*dim1;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4*dim5;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewFArray<T>::ViewFArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim0*dim1*dim2*dim3*dim4*dim5*dim6;
array_ = array;
//~~~~~~operator () overload
//for dimensions 1D to 7D
//indices for array are from 0...N-1
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 1D!");
return array_[i];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 2D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArray 3D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArray 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArray 4D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArray 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArray 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArray 5D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>:: operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFArray 6D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]
+ n*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArray<T>:: operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFArray 7D!");
return array_[i + j*dims_[0]
+ k*dims_[0]*dims_[1]
+ l*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]
+ m*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]
+ n*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]
+ o*dims_[0]*dims_[1]*dims_[2]*dims_[3]*dims_[4]*dims_[5]];
// calculate this ViewFArray object = math(A,B)
template <typename T>
template <typename M>
void ViewFArray<T>::operator=(M do_this_math){
do_this_math(*this); // pass in this ViewFArray object
}// end of math opperation
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewFArray<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewFArray order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewFArray dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewFArray<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewFArray<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline T* ViewFArray<T>::pointer() const {
return array_;
//---end of ViewFArray class definitions---
//3. FMatrix
// indicies are [1:N]
template <typename T>
class FMatrix {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
std::shared_ptr <T []> matrix_;
// Default constructor
FMatrix ();
//---1D to 7D matrix ---
FMatrix (size_t dim1);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
FMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
FMatrix (const FMatrix& temp);
T& operator() (size_t i) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
FMatrix& operator=(const FMatrix& temp);
// the length of the 1D storage array
size_t size() const;
// matrix dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return matrix order (rank)
size_t order() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// Deconstructor
~FMatrix ();
}; // End of FMatrix
//---FMatrix class definitions---
template <typename T>
matrix_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim1 * dim2;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::FMatrix(const FMatrix& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
matrix_ = temp.matrix_;
} // end if
} // end constructor
//overload operators
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 1D!");
return matrix_[i - 1];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 2D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrix 3D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrix 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrix 4D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrix 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrix 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrix 5D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FMatrix 6D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])];
template <typename T>
inline T& FMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in FMatrix 7D!");
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5])];
template <typename T>
inline FMatrix<T>& FMatrix<T>::operator= (const FMatrix& temp)
// Do nothing if assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
matrix_ = temp.matrix_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline size_t FMatrix<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t FMatrix<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
i--; // i starts at 1
assert(i < order_ && "FMatrix order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to FMatrix dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t FMatrix<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* FMatrix<T>::pointer() const{
return matrix_.get();
template <typename T>
FMatrix<T>::~FMatrix() {}
//----end of FMatrix class definitions----
//4. ViewFMatrix
// indices are [1:N]
template <typename T>
class ViewFMatrix {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
T * matrix_;
// Default constructor
ViewFMatrix ();
//--- 1D to 7D matrix ---
ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1);
ViewFMatrix(T *some_matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
ViewFMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
ViewFMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
ViewFMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// calculate C = math(A,B)
template <typename M>
void operator=(M do_this_math);
// length of 1D array
size_t size() const;
// matrix dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return matrix order (rank)
size_t order() const;
// return pointer
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of ViewFMatrix
//no dimension
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix() {
matrix_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim1 * dim2;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrix<T>::ViewFMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7;
matrix_ = matrix;
//overload operator ()
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 1D"); // die if >= dim1
return matrix_[(i - 1)];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 2D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 2D"); // die if >= dim2
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 3D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 3D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 3D"); // die if >= dim3
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim3
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim4
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 5D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 5D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 5D"); // die if >= dim3
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 5D"); // die if >= dim4
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 5D"); // die if >= dim5
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim3
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim4
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim5
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 6D"); // die if >= dim6
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewFMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrix 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim3
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim4
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim5
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim6
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewFMatrix 7D"); // die if >= dim7
return matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5])];
// calculate this ViewFMatrix object = math(A,B)
template <typename T>
template <typename M>
void ViewFMatrix<T>::operator=(M do_this_math){
do_this_math(*this); // pass in this ViewFArray object
}// end of math opperation
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewFMatrix<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
i--; // i starts at 1
assert(i < order_ && "ViewFMatrix order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewFMatrix dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewFMatrix<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* ViewFMatrix<T>::pointer() const {
return matrix_;
//-----end ViewFMatrix-----
//5. CArray
// indicies are [0:N-1]
template <typename T>
class CArray {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
std::shared_ptr <T []> array_;
// Default constructor
CArray ();
// --- 1D to 7D array ---
CArray (size_t dim0);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
CArray (size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
CArray (const CArray& temp);
// Overload operator()
T& operator() (size_t i) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
CArray& operator= (const CArray& temp);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
// return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// Deconstructor
~CArray ();
}; // End of CArray
//---carray class declarations---
//no dim
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray() {
array_ = NULL;
length_ = order_ = 0;
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0)
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim0 * dim1;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
//Copy constructor
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::CArray(const CArray& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.array_;
} // end if
} // end constructor
//overload () operator
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 1D!");
return array_[i];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArray 2D!");
return array_[j + (i * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in Carray 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArray 3D!");
return array_[k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 4D"); // die if >= dim0
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArray 4D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArray 4D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArray 4D"); // die if >= dim3
return array_[l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArray 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArray 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArray 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArray 5D!");
return array_[m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CArray 6D!");
return array_[n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& CArray<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArray 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in CArray 7D!");
return array_[o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
inline CArray<T>& CArray<T>::operator= (const CArray& temp)
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
//return size
template <typename T>
inline size_t CArray<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t CArray<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "CArray order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to CArray dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t CArray<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* CArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
template <typename T>
CArray<T>::~CArray() {}
//----endof carray class definitions----
//6. ViewCArray
// indicies are [0:N-1]
template <typename T>
class ViewCArray {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
T * array_;
// Default constructor
ViewCArray ();
//--- 1D to 7D array ---
ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0);
ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1);
ViewCArray(T *some_array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
ViewCArray(T *some_array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewCArray (T *some_array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
ViewCArray (T *some_array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
ViewCArray (T *some_array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// calculate C = math(A,B)
template <typename M>
void operator=(M do_this_math);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
// return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
// return pointer
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of ViewCArray
//class definitions
//no dim
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray() {
array_ = NULL;
length_ = order_ = 0;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0)
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim0 * dim1;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray (T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
array_ = array;
template <typename T>
ViewCArray<T>::ViewCArray(T *array,
size_t dim0,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
array_ = array;
//overload () operator
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 1D!");
return array_[i];
//specification for CArray type
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<CArray<T>>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in c_array 1D"); // die if >= dim1
return (*this_array_)(i);
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArray 2D!");
return array_[j + (i * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCarray 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArray 3D!");
return array_[k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 4D"); // die if >= dim0
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArray 4D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArray 4D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArray 4D"); // die if >= dim3
return array_[l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArray 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArray 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArray 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArray 5D!");
return array_[m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCArray 6D!");
return array_[n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
inline T& ViewCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewCArray 7D!");
return array_[o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
// calculate this ViewFArray object = math(A,B)
template <typename T>
template <typename M>
void ViewCArray<T>::operator=(M do_this_math){
do_this_math(*this); // pass in this ViewFArray object
}// end of math opperation
//return size
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCArray<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCArray<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewCArray order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewCArray dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCArray<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* ViewCArray<T>::pointer() const {
return array_;
//---end of ViewCArray class definitions----
//7. CMatrix
template <typename T>
class CMatrix {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
std::shared_ptr <T []> matrix_;
// default constructor
CMatrix(size_t dim1);
CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
CMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
CMatrix (size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
CMatrix(const CMatrix& temp);
//overload operators to access data
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
//overload = operator
CMatrix& operator= (const CMatrix &temp);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
// return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// deconstructor
~CMatrix( );
}; // end of CMatrix
// CMatrix class definitions
//no dim
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix() {
matrix_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim1 * dim2;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7;
matrix_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T>::CMatrix(const CMatrix& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
matrix_ = temp.matrix_;
} // end if
} // end constructor
//overload () operator
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 1D!");
return matrix_[i-1];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 2D!");
return matrix_[(j-1) + (i-1)*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrix 3D!");
return matrix_[(k-1) + (j-1)*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim0
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim3
return matrix_[(l-1) + (k-1)*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrix 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrix 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrix 5D!");
return matrix_[(m-1) + (l-1)*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CMatrix 6D!");
return matrix_[ (n-1) + (m-1)*dims_[5]
+ (l-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& CMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in CMatrix 7D!");
return matrix_[(o-1) + (n-1)*dims_[6]
+ (m-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]
+ (l-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
//overload = operator
//THIS = CMatrix<> temp
template <typename T>
CMatrix<T> &CMatrix<T>::operator= (const CMatrix &temp) {
if(this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
matrix_ = temp.matrix_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline size_t CMatrix<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t CMatrix<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
i--; // i starts at 1
assert(i < order_ && "CMatrix order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to CMatrix dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t CMatrix<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* CMatrix<T>::pointer() const{
return matrix_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
//----end of CMatrix class definitions----
//8. ViewCMatrix
// indices [1:N]
template <typename T>
class ViewCMatrix {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
T * matrix_;
// default constructor
//--- 1D array ---
// overloaded constructor
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
ViewCMatrix (T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
T& operator() (size_t i) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator() (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const;
// calculate C = math(A,B)
template <typename M>
void operator=(M do_this_math);
//return array size
size_t size() const;
// return array dims
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
// return array order (rank)
size_t order() const;
// return pointer
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of ViewCMatrix
//class definitions
//no dim
template <typename T>
matrix_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1)
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = dim1 * dim2;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5)
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6;
matrix_ = matrix;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrix<T>::ViewCMatrix(T *matrix,
size_t dim1,
size_t dim2,
size_t dim3,
size_t dim4,
size_t dim5,
size_t dim6,
size_t dim7) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7;
matrix = matrix_;
//overload () operator
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>:: operator() (size_t i) const
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 1D!");
return matrix_[i-1];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator() (size_t i,
size_t j) const
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 2D!");
return matrix_[(j-1) + (i-1)*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator () (size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 3D!");
return matrix_[(k-1) + (j-1)*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l) const
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim0
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim1
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim2
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 4D"); // die if >= dim3
return matrix_[(l-1) + (k-1)*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m) const
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 5D!");
return matrix_[(m-1) + (l-1)*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 6D!");
return matrix_[(n-1) + (m-1)*dims_[5]
+ (l-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrix<T>::operator()(size_t i,
size_t j,
size_t k,
size_t l,
size_t m,
size_t n,
size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewCMatrix 7D!");
return matrix_[(o-1) + (n-1)*dims_[6]
+ (m-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]
+ (l-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]
+ (k-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]
+ (j-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]
+ (i-1)*dims_[6]*dims_[5]*dims_[4]*dims_[3]*dims_[2]*dims_[1]];
// calculate this ViewFArray object = math(A,B)
template <typename T>
template <typename M>
void ViewCMatrix<T>::operator=(M do_this_math){
do_this_math(*this); // pass in this ViewFArray object
}// end of math opperation
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCMatrix<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCMatrix<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
i--; // i starts at 1
assert(i < order_ && "ViewCMatrix order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewCMatrix dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
inline size_t ViewCMatrix<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
inline T* ViewCMatrix<T>::pointer() const {
return matrix_;
//----end of ViewCMatrix class definitions----
//9. RaggedRightArray
template <typename T>
class RaggedRightArray {
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> start_index_;
std::shared_ptr <T[]> array_;
size_t dim1_, length_;
size_t num_saved_; // the number saved in the 1D array
// Default constructor
RaggedRightArray ();
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// Overload constructor for a CArray
RaggedRightArray (CArray<size_t> &strides_array);
// Overload constructor for a ViewCArray
RaggedRightArray (ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array);
// Overloaded constructor for a traditional array
RaggedRightArray (size_t *strides_array, size_t some_dim1);
// Overload constructor for a RaggedRightArray to
// support a dynamically built stride_array
RaggedRightArray (size_t some_dim1, size_t buffer);
// Copy constructor
RaggedRightArray (const RaggedRightArray& temp);
// A method to return the stride size
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
// A method to increase the number of column entries, i.e.,
// the stride size. Used with the constructor for building
// the stride_array dynamically.
// DO NOT USE with the constructures with a strides_array
void push_back(size_t i);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// method to return total size
size_t size() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
//get row starts array
size_t* get_starts() const;
RaggedRightArray& operator+= (const size_t i);
RaggedRightArray& operator= (const RaggedRightArray &temp);
// Destructor
~RaggedRightArray ( );
}; // End of RaggedRightArray
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray () {
array_ = NULL;
start_index_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
// Overloaded constructor with CArray
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray (CArray<size_t> &strides_array){
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = strides_array.size();
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array(i);
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor with a view c array
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray (ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array) {
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = strides_array.size();
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array(i);
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor with a regular cpp array
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray (size_t *strides_array, size_t dim1){
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = dim1;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array[i];
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// overloaded constructor for a dynamically built strides_array.
// buffer is the max number of columns needed
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray (size_t some_dim1, size_t buffer){
dim1_ = some_dim1;
// create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
//start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
num_saved_ = 0;
length_ = some_dim1*buffer;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // end constructor
// Copy constructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::RaggedRightArray (const RaggedRightArray& temp) {
if (this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared_ptr
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
// A method to return the stride size
template <typename T>
inline size_t RaggedRightArray<T>::stride(size_t i) const {
// Ensure that i is within bounds
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is greater than dim1_ in RaggedRightArray");
return start_index_[(i + 1)] - start_index_[i];
// A method to increase the stride size, in other words,
// this is used to build the stride array dynamically
// DO NOT USE with constructors that are given a stride array
template <typename T>
void RaggedRightArray<T>::push_back(size_t i){
num_saved_ ++;
start_index_[i+1] = num_saved_;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T>
inline T& RaggedRightArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// get the 1D array index
size_t start = start_index_[i];
// asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= dim1
//assert(j < stride(i) && "j is out of stride bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= stride
assert(j+start < length_ && "j+start is out of bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= 1D array length)
return array_[j + start];
} // End operator()
//return size
template <typename T>
size_t RaggedRightArray<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T> & RaggedRightArray<T>::operator+= (const size_t i) {
this->num_saved_ ++;
this->start_index_[i+1] = num_saved_;
return *this;
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T> & RaggedRightArray<T>::operator= (const RaggedRightArray &temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared_ptr
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline T* RaggedRightArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
template <typename T>
inline size_t* RaggedRightArray<T>::get_starts() const{
return start_index_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArray<T>::~RaggedRightArray () {}
//----end of RaggedRightArray class definitions----
//9. RaggedRightArrayofVectors
template <typename T>
class RaggedRightArrayofVectors {
std::shared_ptr <T[]> start_index_;
std::shared_ptr <T[]> array_;
size_t dim1_, length_, vector_dim_;
size_t num_saved_; // the number saved in the 1D array
// Default constructor
RaggedRightArrayofVectors ();
//--- 3D array access of a ragged right array storing a vector of size vector_dim_ at each (i,j)---
// Overload constructor for a CArray
RaggedRightArrayofVectors (CArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim);
// Overload constructor for a ViewCArray
RaggedRightArrayofVectors (ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim);
// Overloaded constructor for a traditional array
RaggedRightArrayofVectors (size_t *strides_array, size_t some_dim1, size_t vector_dim);
// Overload constructor for a RaggedRightArray to
// support a dynamically built stride_array
RaggedRightArrayofVectors (size_t some_dim1, size_t buffer, size_t vector_dim);
// Copy constructor
RaggedRightArrayofVectors (const RaggedRightArrayofVectors& temp);
// A method to return the stride size
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
// A method to return the vector dim
size_t vector_dim() const;
// A method to increase the number of column entries, i.e.,
// the stride size. Used with the constructor for building
// the stride_array dynamically.
// DO NOT USE with the constructures with a strides_array
void push_back(size_t i);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)], k=[0,vector_dim_]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
// method to return total size
size_t size() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
//get row starts array
size_t* get_starts() const;
RaggedRightArrayofVectors& operator+= (const size_t i);
RaggedRightArrayofVectors& operator= (const RaggedRightArrayofVectors &temp);
// Destructor
~RaggedRightArrayofVectors ( );
}; // End of RaggedRightArray
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors () {
array_ = NULL;
start_index_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
// Overloaded constructor with CArray
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors (CArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim){
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = strides_array.size();
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array(i)*vector_dim_;
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor with a view c array
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors (ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim) {
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = strides_array.size();
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array(i)*vector_dim_;
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor with a regular cpp array
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors (size_t *strides_array, size_t dim1, size_t vector_dim){
// The length of the stride array is some_dim1;
dim1_ = dim1;
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array of vectors and set the starting 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += strides_array[i]*vector_dim_;
start_index_[(i + 1)] = count;
} // end for i
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// overloaded constructor for a dynamically built strides_array.
// buffer is the max number of columns needed
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors (size_t some_dim1, size_t buffer, size_t vector_dim){
dim1_ = some_dim1;
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
// create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim1_ + 1)]); // note the dim1+1
//start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
num_saved_ = 0;
length_ = some_dim1*buffer*vector_dim;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[some_dim1*buffer]);
} // end constructor
// Copy constructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::RaggedRightArrayofVectors (const RaggedRightArrayofVectors& temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
vector_dim_ = temp.vector_dim_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared pointer
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.start_index_;
} // end copy constructor
// A method to return the stride size
template <typename T>
inline size_t RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::stride(size_t i) const {
// Ensure that i is within bounds
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is greater than dim1_ in RaggedRightArray");
return (start_index_[(i + 1)] - start_index_[i])/vector_dim_;
// A method to increase the stride size, in other words,
// this is used to build the stride array dynamically
// DO NOT USE with constructors that are given a stride array
template <typename T>
void RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::push_back(size_t i){
num_saved_ += vector_dim_;
start_index_[i+1] = num_saved_;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j,k)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)], k=[0:vector_dim_]
template <typename T>
inline T& RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
// get the 1D array index
size_t start = start_index_[i];
// asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= dim1
//assert(j < stride(i) && "j is out of stride bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= stride
assert(j*vector_dim_+start + k < length_ && "j+start is out of bounds in RaggedRightArray"); // die if >= 1D array length)
return array_[j*vector_dim_ + start + k];
} // End operator()
//return size
template <typename T>
size_t RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T> & RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::operator+= (const size_t i) {
this->num_saved_ += vector_dim_;
this->start_index_[i+1] = num_saved_;
return *this;
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T> & RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::operator= (const RaggedRightArrayofVectors &temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
vector_dim_ = temp.vector_dim_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared pointer
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.start_index_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline T* RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
template <typename T>
inline size_t* RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::get_starts() const{
return start_index_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
RaggedRightArrayofVectors<T>::~RaggedRightArrayofVectors () {}
//----end of RaggedRightArrayofVectors class definitions----
//10. RaggedDownArray
template <typename T>
class RaggedDownArray {
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> start_index_;
std::shared_ptr <T[]> array_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
size_t num_saved_; // the number saved in the 1D array
//default constructor
RaggedDownArray() ;
//overload constructor with CArray
RaggedDownArray(CArray<size_t> &strides_array);
//overload with ViewCArray
RaggedDownArray(ViewCArray <size_t> &strides_array);
//overload with traditional array
RaggedDownArray(size_t *strides_array, size_t dome_dim1);
// Overload constructor for a RaggedDownArray to
// support a dynamically built stride_array
RaggedDownArray (size_t some_dim2, size_t buffer);
// Copy constructor
RaggedDownArray (const RaggedDownArray& temp);
//method to return stride size
size_t stride(size_t j);
// A method to increase the number of column entries, i.e.,
// the stride size. Used with the constructor for building
// the stride_array dynamically.
// DO NOT USE with the constructures with a strides_array
void push_back(size_t j);
//overload () operator to access data as array (i,j)
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j);
// method to return total size
size_t size();
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
//get row starts array
size_t* get_starts() const;
//overload = operator
RaggedDownArray& operator= (const RaggedDownArray &temp);
}; //~~~~~end of RaggedDownArray class declarations~~~~~~~~
//no dims
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray() {
array_ = NULL;
start_index_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
//overload constructor with CArray
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray( CArray <size_t> &strides_array) {
// Length of stride array
//dim2_ = strides_array.size();
// Create and initialize startding indices
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim2_ + 1)]); // note the dim2+1
start_index_[0] = 0; //1D array starts at 0
//length of strides
dim2_ = strides_array.size();
// Loop to find total length of 1D array
size_t count = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j < dim2_ ; j++) {
count += strides_array(j);
start_index_[j+1] = count;
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overload constructor with ViewCArray
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray( ViewCArray <size_t> &strides_array) {
// Length of strides
//dim2_ = strides_array.size();
//create array for holding start indices
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim2_ + 1)]); // note the dim2+1
start_index_[0] = 0;
size_t count = 0;
// Loop over to get total length of 1D array
for(size_t j = 0; j < dim2_ ;j++ ) {
count += strides_array(j);
start_index_[j+1] = count;
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T []> (new T[length_]);
} // End constructor
// Overload constructor with regualar array
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray( size_t *strides_array, size_t dim2){
// Length of stride array
dim2_ = dim2;
// Create and initialize starting index of entries
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim2_ + 1)]); // note the dim2+1
start_index_[0] = 0;
// Loop over to find length of 1D array
// Represent ragged down array and set 1D index
size_t count = 0;
for(size_t j = 0; j < dim2_; j++) {
count += strides_array[j];
start_index_[j+1] = count;
length_ = count;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
} //end construnctor
// overloaded constructor for a dynamically built strides_array.
// buffer is the max number of columns needed
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray (size_t some_dim2, size_t buffer){
dim2_ = some_dim2;
// create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[(dim2_ + 1)]); // note the dim2+1
//start_index_[0] = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
num_saved_ = 0;
length_ = some_dim2*buffer;
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[length_]);
} // end constructor
// Copy constructor
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::RaggedDownArray (const RaggedDownArray& temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared pointer
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
} // end copy constructor
// Check the stride size
template <typename T>
size_t RaggedDownArray<T>::stride(size_t j) {
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is greater than dim2_ in RaggedDownArray");
return start_index_[j+1] - start_index_[j];
// A method to increase the stride size, in other words,
// this is used to build the stride array dynamically
// DO NOT USE with constructors that are given a stride array
template <typename T>
void RaggedDownArray<T>::push_back(size_t j){
num_saved_ ++;
start_index_[j+1] = num_saved_;
//return size
template <typename T>
size_t RaggedDownArray<T>::size() {
return length_;
// overload operator () to access data as an array(i,j)
// Note: i = 0:stride(j), j = 0:N-1
template <typename T>
T& RaggedDownArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) {
// Where is the array starting?
// look at start index
size_t start = start_index_[j];
// Make sure we are within array bounds
assert(i < stride(j) && "i is out of bounds in RaggedDownArray");
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is out of dim2_ bounds in RaggedDownArray");
assert(i+start < length_ && "i+start is out of bounds in RaggedDownArray"); // die if >= 1D array length)
return array_[i + start];
} // End () operator
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T> & RaggedDownArray<T>::operator= (const RaggedDownArray &temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
num_saved_ = temp.num_saved_;
// shared pointer
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline T* RaggedDownArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
template <typename T>
inline size_t* RaggedDownArray<T>::get_starts() const{
return start_index_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
RaggedDownArray<T>::~RaggedDownArray() {}
// End destructor
//----end of RaggedDownArray----
//11. DynamicRaggedRightArray
template <typename T>
class DynamicRaggedRightArray {
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> stride_;
std::shared_ptr <T[]> array_;
size_t dim1_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
DynamicRaggedRightArray ();
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// overload constructor
DynamicRaggedRightArray (size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
// Copy constructor
DynamicRaggedRightArray (const DynamicRaggedRightArray& temp);
// A method to return or set the stride size
size_t& stride(size_t i) const;
// A method to return the size
size_t size() const;
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
DynamicRaggedRightArray& operator= (const DynamicRaggedRightArray &temp);
// Destructor
~DynamicRaggedRightArray ();
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::DynamicRaggedRightArray () {
array_ = NULL;
stride_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::DynamicRaggedRightArray (size_t dim1, size_t dim2) {
// The dimensions of the array;
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
length_ = dim1*dim2;
// Create memory on the heap for the values
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[dim1*dim2]);
// Create memory for the stride size in each row
stride_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[dim1]);
// Initialize the stride
for (int i=0; i<dim1_; i++){
stride_[i] = 0;
// Start index is always = j + i*dim2
// Copy constructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::DynamicRaggedRightArray (const DynamicRaggedRightArray& temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
// shared pointer
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
} // end copy constructor
// A method to set the stride size for row i
template <typename T>
size_t& DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::stride(size_t i) const {
return stride_[i];
//return size
template <typename T>
size_t DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::size() const{
return length_;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T>
inline T& DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is out of dim2 bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= dim2
assert(j < stride_[i] && "j is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= stride
return array_[j + i*dim2_];
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
inline DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>& DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::operator= (const DynamicRaggedRightArray &temp)
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
// shared pointer
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline T* DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedRightArray<T>::~DynamicRaggedRightArray() {}
//----end DynamicRaggedRightArray class definitions----
//12. DynamicRaggedDownArray
template <typename T>
class DynamicRaggedDownArray {
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> stride_;
std::shared_ptr <T[]> array_;
size_t dim1_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
DynamicRaggedDownArray ();
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// overload constructor
DynamicRaggedDownArray (size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
// Copy constructor
DynamicRaggedDownArray (const DynamicRaggedDownArray& temp);
// A method to return or set the stride size
size_t& stride(size_t j) const;
// A method to return the size
size_t size() const;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[stride(j)], j=[0:N-1]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
DynamicRaggedDownArray& operator= (const DynamicRaggedDownArray &temp);
//return pointer
T* pointer() const;
// Destructor
~DynamicRaggedDownArray ();
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::DynamicRaggedDownArray () {
array_ = NULL;
stride_ = NULL;
length_ = 0;
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::DynamicRaggedDownArray (size_t dim1, size_t dim2) {
// The dimensions of the array;
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
length_ = dim1*dim2;
// Create memory on the heap for the values
array_ = std::shared_ptr <T[]> (new T[dim1*dim2]);
// Create memory for the stride size in each row
stride_ = std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> (new size_t[dim2]);
// Initialize the stride
for (int j=0; j<dim2_; j++){
stride_[j] = 0;
// Start index is always = i + j*dim1
// Copy constructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::DynamicRaggedDownArray (const DynamicRaggedDownArray& temp) {
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
// shared pointer
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
} // end copy constructor
// A method to set the stride size for column j
template <typename T>
size_t& DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::stride(size_t j) const {
return stride_[j];
//return size
template <typename T>
size_t DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::size() const{
return length_;
// overload operator () to access data as an array(i,j)
// Note: i = 0:stride(j), j = 0:N-1
template <typename T>
inline T& DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArray"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is out of dim2 bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArray"); // die if >= dim2
assert(i < stride_[j] && "i is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArray"); // die if >= stride
return array_[i + j*dim1_];
//overload = operator
template <typename T>
inline DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>& DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::operator= (const DynamicRaggedDownArray &temp)
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
// shared pointer
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template <typename T>
inline T* DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
// Destructor
template <typename T>
DynamicRaggedDownArray<T>::~DynamicRaggedDownArray() {}
//----end of DynamicRaggedDownArray class definitions-----
// 15CSRArrayy
template <typename T>
class CSRArray {
private: // What ought to be private ?
size_t dim1_, dim2_; // dim1_ is number of rows dim2_ is number of columns
size_t nnz_;
std::shared_ptr <T []> array_;
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> column_index_;
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> start_index_;
CSRArray(CArray<T> array, CArray<size_t> column_index, CArray<size_t> start_index, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
CSRArray(CArray<T> dense);
CSRArray(const CSRArray &temp);
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& value(size_t i, size_t j) const;
CSRArray& operator=(const CSRArray &temp);
T* pointer() const;
size_t* get_starts() const;
void printer(); //debugging tool
T* begin(size_t i);
T* end(size_t i);
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
size_t dim1() const;
size_t dim2() const;
// iterator for the raw data at row i
// i.e. return the index each element is the index in the 1 array
// This as the use of providing a reasonable way to get the column
// index and data value in the case you need both
size_t begin_index(size_t i);
size_t end_index(size_t i);
// Get number of non zero elements in row i
size_t nnz(size_t i);
// Get total number of non zero elements
size_t nnz();
// underscore stuff
// Use the index into the 1d array to get what value is stored there and what is the corresponding row
T& get_val_flat(size_t k);
size_t get_col_flat(size_t k);
// reverse map function from A(i,j) to what element of data/col_pt_ it corersponds to
size_t flat_index(size_t i, size_t j);
// Convertor
int toCSC(CArray<T> &array, CArray<size_t> &start_index, CArray<size_t> &row_index);
void to_dense(CArray<T>& A);
template<typename T>
template <typename T>
CSRArray<T>::CSRArray(CArray<T> array, CArray<size_t> column_index, CArray<size_t> start_index, size_t dim1, size_t dim2 ){
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
size_t nnz = array.size();
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[dim1_ + 1]);
array_ = std::shared_ptr<T []> (new T[nnz+1]);
column_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[nnz]);
size_t i ;
for(i = 0; i < nnz; i++){
array_[i] = array(i);
column_index_[i] = column_index(i);
for(i = 0; i < dim1_ + 1; i++){
start_index_[i] = start_index(i);
nnz_ = nnz;
template<typename T>
CSRArray<T>::CSRArray(const CSRArray<T> &temp){
if(this != temp) {
nnz_ = temp.nnz_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
column_index_ = temp.column_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
template<typename T>
CSRArray<T>::CSRArray(CArray<T> dense){
dim1_ = dense.dims(0);
dim2_ = dense.dims(1);
nnz_ = dense.size();
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[dim1_ + 1]);
array_ = std::shared_ptr<T []> (new T[nnz_ + 1]);
column_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[nnz_]);
size_t i,j;
size_t cur = 0;
for(i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
for(j = 0; i < dim2_; j++){
if(j != 0){
start_index_[i+1] += 1;
column_index_[cur] = j;
array_[cur] = dense(i,j);
start_index_[0] = 0;
for(i = 1; i <= dim1_; i++){
start_index_[i] = start_index_[i] + start_index_[i+1];
template<typename T>
T& CSRArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
size_t row_end = start_index_[i+1];
size_t k;
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if(column_index_[row_start + k] == j){
return array_[row_start + k];
array_[nnz_] = (T) NULL;
return array_[nnz_];
template<typename T>
T& CSRArray<T>::value(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
size_t row_end = start_index_[i+1];
size_t k;
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if(column_index_[row_start + k] == j){
return array_[row_start + k];
array_[nnz_] = (T) NULL;
return array_[nnz_];
template<typename T>
T* CSRArray<T>::pointer() const{
return array_.get();
template<typename T>
size_t* CSRArray<T>::get_starts() const {
return start_index_.get();
template<typename T>
CSRArray<T>& CSRArray<T>::operator=(const CSRArray &temp){
if(this != temp) {
nnz_ = temp.nnz_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
column_index_ = temp.column_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
//debugging tool primarily
template <typename T>
void CSRArray<T>::printer(){
size_t i,j;
for(i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
for(j = 0; j < dim2_; j++){
printf(" %d ", (*this)(i,j));
template<typename T>
void CSRArray<T>::to_dense(CArray<T>& A){
size_t i,j;
for(i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
for(j = 0; j < dim2_; j++){
A(i,j) = (*this)(i,j);
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::stride(size_t i) const {
assert(i <= nrows_ && "Index i out of bounds in CSRArray.stride()");
return start_index_[i+i] - start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::dim1() const {
return dim1_;
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::dim2() const {
return dim2_;
template<typename T>
T* CSRArray<T>::begin(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin()");
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
return &array_[row_start];
template<typename T>
T* CSRArray<T>::end(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.end()");
size_t row_start = start_index_[i+1];
return &array_[row_start];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::begin_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin_index()");
return start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::end_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin_index()");
return start_index_[i+1];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::nnz(){
return nnz_;
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::nnz(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "Index i out of bounds in CSRArray.stride()");
return start_index_[i+1] - start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
T& CSRArray<T>::get_val_flat(size_t k){
assert(k < nnz_ && "Index k is out of bounds in CSRArray.get_val_flat()");
return array_[k];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::get_col_flat(size_t k){
assert(k < nnz_f && "Index k is out of bounds in CSRArray.get_col_lat()");
return column_index_[k];
template<typename T>
size_t CSRArray<T>::flat_index(size_t i, size_t j){
size_t k;
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
size_t row_end = start_index_[i+1];
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if(column_index_[row_start+k] == j){
return row_start+k;
return nnz_;
// Assumes that data, col_ptrs, and row_ptrs
// have been allocated size already before this call
// Returns the data in this csr format but as represented as the appropriatte vectors
// for a csc format
template<typename T>
int CSRArray<T>::toCSC(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs ){
int nnz_cols[dim2_ + 1];
int col_counts[dim2_];
int i = 0;
// How many elements are each column
for(i =0 ; i < dim2_; i++){
nnz_cols[i] = 0;
col_counts[i] = 0;
nnz_cols[dim2_] = 0;
col_ptrs(0) = 0;
for(i =0; i < nnz_; i++){
nnz_cols[column_index_[i] + 1] += 1;
// What we actually care about is how many elements are
// in all the columns preceeding this column.
for(i = 1; i <= dim2_; i++){
nnz_cols[i] = nnz_cols[i-1] + nnz_cols[i];
col_ptrs(i) = nnz_cols[i];
size_t row = 1;
// if b is at A(i,j) stored in csr format
// it needs to go where the where the ith column starts
// + how many things we have put in the "window"
// we allocated for this column already
// For row we simply keep track of what row we are currently in
// as we scan through the 1d array of data.
for(i = 0; i < nnz_; i++){
if(i >= start_index_[row]){
int idx = nnz_cols[column_index_[i]] + col_counts[column_index_[i]];
col_counts[column_index_[i]] += 1;
data(idx) = array_[i];
row_ptrs(idx) = row - 1;
// I return an int because I thought I might need to return an error code
// Not sure that is true
return 0;
template <typename T>
CSRArray<T>::~CSRArray() {}
// EndCSRArrayy
// 16 CSCArray
template <typename T>
class CSCArray
private: // What ought to be private ?
size_t dim1_, dim2_;
size_t nnz_;
std::shared_ptr <T []> array_;
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> start_index_;
std::shared_ptr <size_t[]> row_index_;
CSCArray(CArray<T> array, CArray<size_t> row_index, CArray<size_t> start_index, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
T &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
CSCArray &operator=(const CSCArray &temp);
T *pointer() const;
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
T &value(size_t i, size_t j) const;
size_t *get_starts() const;
size_t dim1() const;
size_t dim2() const;
T *begin(size_t i);
T *end(size_t i);
// iterator for the raw data at row i
// i.e. return the index each element is the index in the 1 array
// This as the use of providing a reasonable way to get the column
// index and data value in the case you need both
size_t begin_index(size_t i);
size_t end_index (size_t i);
size_t nnz(size_t i);
size_t nnz();
// Use the index into the 1d array to get what value is stored there and what is the corresponding row
T &get_val_flat(size_t k);
size_t get_row_flat(size_t k);
// reverse map function from A(i,j) to what element of data/col_pt_ it corersponds to
int flat_index(size_t i, size_t j);
// Convertor
int toCSR(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs);
void to_dense(FArray<T> &A);
// destructor
template <typename T>
CSCArray<T>::CSCArray(CArray<T> array, CArray<size_t> row_index, CArray<size_t> start_index, size_t dim1, size_t dim2 ){
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
size_t nnz = array.size();
start_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[dim2_ + 1]);
array_ = std::shared_ptr<T []> (new T[nnz+1]);
row_index_ = std::shared_ptr<size_t []> (new size_t[nnz]);
size_t i ;
for(i = 0; i < nnz; i++){
array_[i] = array(i);
row_index_[i] = row_index(i);
for(i = 0; i < dim2_ + 1; i++){
start_index_[i] = start_index(i);
nnz_ = nnz;
template<typename T>
T& CSCArray<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t col_start = start_index_[j];
size_t col_end = start_index_[j + 1];
size_t k;
for(k =0; k < col_end - col_start;k++){
if(row_index_[col_start + k] == i){
return array_[col_start + k];
array_[nnz_] = (T) NULL;
return array_[nnz_];
template<typename T>
T* CSCArray<T>::pointer() const {
return array_.get();
template<typename T>
T& CSCArray<T>::value(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t col_start = start_index_[j];
size_t col_end = start_index_[j + 1];
size_t k;
for(k =0; k < col_end - col_start;k++){
if(row_index_[col_start + k] == i){
return array_[col_start + k];
array_[nnz_] = (T) NULL;
return array_[nnz_];
template<typename T>
size_t* CSCArray<T>::get_starts() const{
return &start_index_[0];
template<typename T>
CSCArray<T>& CSCArray<T>::operator=(const CSCArray &temp){
if(this != temp) {
nnz_ = temp.nnz_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;;
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
row_index_ = temp.row_row_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::stride(size_t i) const{
assert(i < dim2_ && "i is out of bounds in CSCArray.stride()");
return start_index_[i+1] - start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
void CSCArray<T>::to_dense(FArray<T>& A){
size_t i,j;
for (j = 0; j < dim2_; j++)
for(i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
A(i,j) = (*this)(i,j);
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::dim1() const {
return dim1_;
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::dim2() const{
return dim2_;
template<typename T>
T* CSCArray<T>::begin(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.begin()");
size_t col_start = start_index_[i];
return &array_[col_start];
template<typename T>
T* CSCArray<T>::end(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2s_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.endt()");
size_t col_start = start_index_[i+1];
return &array_[col_start];
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::begin_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2s_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.begin_index()");
return start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::end_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.end_index()");
return start_index_[i + 1];
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::nnz(){
return nnz_;
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::nnz(size_t i){
return start_index_[i+1] - start_index_[i];
template<typename T>
T& CSCArray<T>::get_val_flat(size_t k){
return array_[k];
template<typename T>
size_t CSCArray<T>::get_row_flat(size_t k){
return row_index_[k];
template<typename T>
int CSCArray<T>::flat_index(size_t i, size_t j){
size_t col_start = start_index_[j];
size_t col_end = start_index_[j+1];
size_t k;
for (k = 0; k < col_end - col_start; k++)
if(row_index_[col_start + k] == i){
return col_start + k;
return -1;
// Assumes that data, col_ptrs, and row_ptrs
// have been allocated size already before this call
// Returns the data in this csr format but as represented as the appropriatte vectors
// for a csc format
template<typename T>
int CSCArray<T>::toCSR(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs ){
int nnz_rows[dim1_ + 1];
int row_counts[dim1_];
int i = 0;
// How many elements are each column
for(i =0 ; i < dim1_; i++){
nnz_rows[i] = 0;
row_counts[i] = 0;
nnz_rows[dim1_] = 0;
row_ptrs(i) = 0 ;
for(i =0; i < nnz_; i++){
nnz_rows[row_index_[i] + 1] += 1;
// What we actually care about is how many elements are
// in all the columns preceeding this column.
for(i = 1; i < dim1_; i++){
nnz_rows[i] = nnz_rows[i-1] + nnz_rows[i];
row_ptrs(i) = nnz_rows[i];
size_t col = 1;
// if b is at A(i,j) stored in csr format
// it needs to go where the where the ith column starts
// + how many things we have put in the "window"
// we allocated for this column already
// For row we simply keep track of what row we are currently in
// as we scan through the 1d array of data.
for(i = 0; i < nnz_; i++){
if(i >= start_index_[col]){
int idx = nnz_rows[row_index_[i]] + row_counts[row_index_[i]];
row_counts[row_index_[i]] += 1;
data(idx) = array_[i];
col_ptrs(idx) = col - 1;
// I return an int because I thought I might need to return an error code
// Not sure that is true
return 0;
template <typename T>
CSCArray<T>::~CSCArray() {}
// End of CSCArray
// end of standard MATAR data-types
// #ifdef HAVE_KOKKOS
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class FArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
TArray1D this_array_;
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t sone_dim2, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t sone_dim2, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overload operator() to acces data
// from 1D to 6D
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const;
// Overload = operator
FArrayKokkos& operator= (const FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp);
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
//return kokkos view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view() const;
// Destructor
}; //end of FArrayKokkos declarations
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string){
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 7D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Definitions of overload operator()
// for 1D to 7D
// Note: the indices for array all start at 0
// 1D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()( size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert( i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_(i);
// 2D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0]));
// 3D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
// 4D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
// 5D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
// 6D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4]));
// 7D
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in FArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ (o * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5]));
// Overload = operator
// for object assingment THIS = FArrayKokkos<> TEMP(n,m,,,,)
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& temp) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
return *this;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "FArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to FArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::pointer() const {
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() const {
return this_array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~FArrayKokkos() {}
// End of FArrayKokkos
template <typename T>
class ViewFArrayKokkos {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
T* this_array_;
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
ViewFArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const;
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
}; // End of ViewFArrayKokkos declarations
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 7D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::ViewFArrayKokkos(T *some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded operator() for 1D array access
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_[i];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] *dims_[2])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l, size_t m, size_t n,
size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_[i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ (o * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5])];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewFArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewFArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
T* ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::pointer() const {
return this_array_;
template <typename T>
ViewFArrayKokkos<T>::~ViewFArrayKokkos() {}
// End of ViewFArrayKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class FMatrixKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
TArray1D this_matrix_;
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
FMatrixKokkos& operator=(const FMatrixKokkos& temp);
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
//return kokkos view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view() const;
}; // End of FMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::FMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 1D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 2D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 3D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 4D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 5D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 6D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in FMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in FMatrixKokkos in 7D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5])];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator=(const FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
return *this;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "FMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to FMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::pointer() const {
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() const {
return this_matrix_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
FMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~FMatrixKokkos() {}
// End of FMatrixKokkos
template <typename T>
class ViewFMatrixKokkos {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
T* this_matrix_;
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, size_t dim7);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of ViewFMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewFMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, size_t dim7) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1)];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5])];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewFMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewFMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
T* ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::pointer() const {
return this_matrix_;
template <typename T>
ViewFMatrixKokkos<T>::~ViewFMatrixKokkos() {}
// End of ViewFMatrixKokkos
// DFArrayKokkos: Dual type for managing data on both CPU and GPU.
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DFArrayKokkos {
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::DualView<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_array_;
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos (size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DFArrayKokkos& operator=(const DFArrayKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewFArray <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DFArrayKokkos ();
}; // End of DFArrayKokkos declarations
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DFArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ (o * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DFArrayKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DFArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DFArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
this_array_.template modify<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
this_array_.template sync<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
this_array_.template modify<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
this_array_.template sync<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DFArrayKokkos() {}
// End DFArrayKokkos
// DViewFArrayKokkos: The DView means dual view of the data, where data is on both CPU and GPU.
// This MATAR type is for accepting a pointer to data on the CPU via the constructor and then it copies the data
// data to the GPU where the member functions and overloads access the data on the GPU. The corresponding
// FArrayKokkos type creates memory on the GPU; likewise, the viewFArrayKokkos accesses data already on the GPU.
// To emphasize, the data must be on the CPU prior to calling the constructor for the DView data type.
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DViewFArrayKokkos {
// this is always unmanaged
using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_array_;
TArray1DHost this_array_host_;
T * temp_inp_array_;
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DViewFArrayKokkos& operator=(const DViewFArrayKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos View
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos View
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewFArray <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DViewFArrayKokkos ();
}; // End of DViewFArrayKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0) {
//using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray. Note: inp_array and are the same pointer
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
//using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
//using TArray1Dtemp = TArray1D::HostMirror;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewFArray
host = ViewFArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_(i);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DViewFArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_(i + (j * dims_[0])
+ (k * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ (l * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ (m * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ (n * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ (o * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DViewFArrayKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
temp_inp_array_ = temp.temp_inp_array_;
this_array_host_ = temp.this_array_host_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DViewFArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DViewFArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
// Deep copy of device view to host view
deep_copy(this_array_host_, this_array_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
// Deep copy of host view to device view
deep_copy(this_array_, this_array_host_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DViewFArrayKokkos() {}
// End DViewFArrayKokkos
// DFMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DFMatrixKokkos {
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::DualView<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_matrix_;
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DFMatrixKokkos& operator=(const DFMatrixKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewFMatrix <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DFMatrixKokkos ();
}; // End of DFMatrixKokkos declarations
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DFMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6, dim7);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DFMatrixKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DFMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DFMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
this_matrix_.template modify<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
this_matrix_.template sync<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
this_matrix_.template modify<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
this_matrix_.template sync<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DFMatrixKokkos() {}
// End DFMatrixKokkos
// DViewFMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DViewFMatrixKokkos {
// this is always unmanaged
using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_matrix_;
TArray1DHost this_matrix_host_;
T * temp_inp_matrix_;
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6);
DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DViewFMatrixKokkos& operator=(const DViewFMatrixKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos View
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos View
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewFMatrix <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DViewFMatrixKokkos ();
}; // End of DViewFMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix. Note: inp_matrix and are the same pointer
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewFMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewFMatrix
host = ViewFMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6, dim7);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DViewFMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[0])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3])
+ ((n - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4])
+ ((o - 1) * dims_[0] * dims_[1] * dims_[2] * dims_[3] * dims_[4] * dims_[5]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DViewFMatrixKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
temp_inp_matrix_ = temp.temp_inp_matrix_;
this_matrix_host_ = temp.this_matrix_host_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DViewFMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DViewFMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
// Deep copy of device view to host view
deep_copy(this_matrix_host_, this_matrix_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
// Deep copy of host view to device view
deep_copy(this_matrix_, this_matrix_host_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewFMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DViewFMatrixKokkos() {}
// End DViewFMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class CArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
TArray1D this_array_;
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos (size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
CArrayKokkos& operator=(const CArrayKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Methods returns the raw pointer (most likely GPU) of the Kokkos View
T* pointer() const;
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view() const;
// Deconstructor
~CArrayKokkos ();
}; // End of CArrayKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_(i);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_(j + (i * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_(k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_(l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_(m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_(n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in CArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_(o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& temp) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "CArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to CArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::pointer() const {
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() const {
return this_array_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~CArrayKokkos() {}
// End of CArrayKokkos
template <typename T>
class ViewCArrayKokkos {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_; // Length of 1D array
T* this_array_;
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5);
ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6);;
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator() (size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
}; // end of ViewCArrayKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = some_array;
// Overloaded 7D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::ViewCArrayKokkos(T* some_array, size_t dim0,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = some_array;
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_[i];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_[j + (i * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_[k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k,
size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_[l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_[m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_[n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in ViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_[o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewCArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewCArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
T* ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::pointer() const {
return this_array_;
template <typename T>
ViewCArrayKokkos<T>::~ViewCArrayKokkos() {}
// End of ViewCArrayKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class CMatrixKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
TArray1D this_matrix_;
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
CMatrixKokkos& operator=(const CMatrixKokkos &temp);
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view() const;
}; // End of CMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Overloaded 7D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_((j - 1) + ((i - 1) * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_((k - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_((l - 1) + ((k - 1) * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_((m - 1) + ((l - 1) * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_((n - 1) + ((m - 1) * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in CMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_((o-1) + ((n - 1) * dims_[6])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
// Overload = operator
// for object assignment THIS = CMatrixKokkos <> temp
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> & CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator=(const CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
if( this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
return *this;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "CMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to CMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::pointer() const {
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() const {
return this_matrix_;
// Deconstructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~CMatrixKokkos() {}
// End of CMatrixKokkos
template <typename T>
class ViewCMatrixKokkos {
size_t dims_[7];
size_t order_;
size_t length_;
T* this_matrix_;
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6);
ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6, size_t dim7);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j , size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k , size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m, size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const;
size_t size() const;
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
T* pointer() const;
}; // End of ViewCMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(){ }
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 3D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 4D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 5D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 6D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
// Overloaded 7D constructor
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::ViewCMatrixKokkos(T* some_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, size_t dim7) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = some_matrix;
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_[(i - 1)];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_[(j - 1) + ((i - 1) * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_[(k - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j , size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in ViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_[(l - 1) + ((k - 1) * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_[(m - 1) + ((l - 1) * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_[(n - 1) + ((m - 1) * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
T& ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds for ViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_[o + ((n - 1) * dims_[6])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1])];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "ViewCMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to ViewCMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T>
size_t ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T>
T* ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::pointer() const {
return this_matrix_;
template <typename T>
ViewCMatrixKokkos<T>::~ViewCMatrixKokkos() {}
// End of ViewCMatrixKokkos
// DCArrayKokkos: Dual type for managing data on both CPU and GPU.
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DCArrayKokkos {
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::DualView <T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_array_;
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos (size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DCArrayKokkos& operator=(const DCArrayKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* host_pointer() const;
// Method returns kokkos dual view
TArray1D get_kokkos_dual_view() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewCArray <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DCArrayKokkos ();
}; // End of DCArrayKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCArrayKokkos(size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_array_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_.d_view(i);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_.d_view(j + (i * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_.d_view(k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_.d_view(l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_.d_view(m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_.d_view(n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DCArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_.d_view(o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DCArrayKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DCArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DCArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::DualView <T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_dual_view() const {
return this_array_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
this_array_.template modify<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
this_array_.template sync<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
this_array_.template modify<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
this_array_.template sync<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DCArrayKokkos() {}
// End DCArrayKokkos
// DViewCArrayKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DViewCArrayKokkos {
// this is always unmanaged
using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_array_;
TArray1DHost this_array_host_;
T * temp_inp_array_;
//typename Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>::HostMirror h_this_array_;
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DViewCArrayKokkos& operator=(const DViewCArrayKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos View
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos View
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewCArray <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DViewCArrayKokkos ();
}; // End of DViewCArrayKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0) {
//using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim0;
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray. Note: inp_array and are the same pointer
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1) {
//using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
//using TArray1Dtemp = TArray1D::HostMirror;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCArrayKokkos(T * inp_array, size_t dim0, size_t dim1,
size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5,
size_t dim6) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
dims_[0] = dim0;
dims_[1] = dim1;
dims_[2] = dim2;
dims_[3] = dim3;
dims_[4] = dim4;
dims_[5] = dim5;
dims_[6] = dim6;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim0 * dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_array_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_array, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_array pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_array_ = inp_array;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_array_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_array_host_);
// Create host ViewCArray
host = ViewCArray <T> (inp_array, dim0, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 1D!");
return this_array_(i);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 2D!");
return this_array_(j + (i * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 3D!");
return this_array_(k + (j * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 4D!");
return this_array_(l + (k * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 5D!");
return this_array_(m + (l * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 6D!");
return this_array_(n + (m * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 0 && i < dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 0 && j < dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 0 && k < dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 0 && l < dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 0 && m < dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 0 && n < dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 0 && o < dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DViewCArrayKokkos 7D!");
return this_array_(o + (n * dims_[6])
+ (m * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ (l * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ (k * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ (j * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ (i * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DViewCArrayKokkos& temp) {
//using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
temp_inp_array_ = temp.temp_inp_array_;
this_array_host_ = temp.this_array_host_;
this_array_ = temp.this_array_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DViewCArrayKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DViewCArrayKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
// Deep copy of device view to host view
deep_copy(this_array_host_, this_array_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
// Deep copy of host view to device view
deep_copy(this_array_, this_array_host_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DViewCArrayKokkos() {}
// End DViewCArrayKokkos
// DCMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DCMatrixKokkos {
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::DualView<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_matrix_;
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGMATRIX);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DCMatrixKokkos& operator=(const DCMatrixKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos DualView
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewCMatrix <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DCMatrixKokkos ();
}; // End of DCMatrixKokkos declarations
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DCMatrixKokkos(size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7, const std::string& tag_string) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
this_matrix_ = TArray1D(tag_string, length_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6, dim7);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((j - 1) + ((i - 1) * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((k - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((l - 1) + ((k - 1) * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((m - 1) + ((l - 1) * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((n - 1) + ((m - 1) * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_.d_view((o-1) + ((n - 1) * dims_[6])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DCMatrixKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DCMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DCMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
this_matrix_.template modify<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
this_matrix_.template sync<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
this_matrix_.template modify<typename TArray1D::host_mirror_space>();
this_matrix_.template sync<typename TArray1D::execution_space>();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DCMatrixKokkos() {}
// End DCMatrixKokkos
// DViewCMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DViewCMatrixKokkos {
// this is always unmanaged
using TArray1DHost = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, HostSpace, MemoryUnmanaged>;
// this is manage
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
size_t dims_[7];
size_t length_;
size_t order_; // tensor order (rank)
TArray1D this_matrix_;
TArray1DHost this_matrix_host_;
T * temp_inp_matrix_;
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6);
DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2, size_t dim3,
size_t dim4, size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7);
T& operator()(size_t i) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n) const;
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l, size_t m,
size_t n, size_t o) const;
DViewCMatrixKokkos& operator=(const DViewCMatrixKokkos& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size() const;
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent() const;
size_t dims(size_t i) const;
size_t order() const;
// Method returns the raw device pointer of the Kokkos View
T* device_pointer() const;
// Method returns the raw host pointer of the Kokkos View
T* host_pointer() const;
// Data member to access host view
ViewCMatrix <T> host;
// Method that update host view
void update_host();
// Method that update device view
void update_device();
// Deconstructor
~DViewCMatrixKokkos ();
}; // End of DViewCMatrixKokkos
// Default constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
order_ = 1;
length_ = dim1;
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix. Note: inp_matrix and are the same pointer
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1);
// Overloaded 2D constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
order_ = 2;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
order_ = 3;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
order_ = 4;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
order_ = 5;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
order_ = 6;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DViewCMatrixKokkos(T * inp_matrix, size_t dim1, size_t dim2,
size_t dim3, size_t dim4,
size_t dim5, size_t dim6,
size_t dim7) {
dims_[0] = dim1;
dims_[1] = dim2;
dims_[2] = dim3;
dims_[3] = dim4;
dims_[4] = dim5;
dims_[5] = dim6;
dims_[6] = dim7;
order_ = 7;
length_ = (dim1 * dim2 * dim3 * dim4 * dim5 * dim6 * dim7);
// Create a 1D host view of the external allocation
this_matrix_host_ = TArray1DHost(inp_matrix, length_);
// Assign temp point to inp_matrix pointer that is passed in
temp_inp_matrix_ = inp_matrix;
// Create a device copy of that host view
this_matrix_ = create_mirror_view_and_copy(ExecSpace(), this_matrix_host_);
// Create host ViewCMatrix
host = ViewCMatrix <T> (inp_matrix, dim1, dim2, dim3, dim4, dim5, dim6, dim7);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i) const {
assert(order_ == 1 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 1D!");
return this_matrix_((i - 1));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
assert(order_ == 2 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 2D!");
return this_matrix_((j - 1) + ((i - 1) * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
assert(order_ == 3 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 3D!");
return this_matrix_((k - 1) + ((j - 1) * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l) const {
assert(order_ == 4 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 4D!");
return this_matrix_((l - 1) + ((k - 1) * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m) const {
assert(order_ == 5 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 5D!");
return this_matrix_((m - 1) + ((l - 1) * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n) const {
assert(order_ == 6 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 6D!");
return this_matrix_((n - 1) + ((m - 1) * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k, size_t l,
size_t m, size_t n, size_t o) const {
assert(order_ == 7 && "Tensor order (rank) does not match constructor in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(i >= 1 && i <= dims_[0] && "i is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(j >= 1 && j <= dims_[1] && "j is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(k >= 1 && k <= dims_[2] && "k is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(l >= 1 && l <= dims_[3] && "l is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(m >= 1 && m <= dims_[4] && "m is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(n >= 1 && n <= dims_[5] && "n is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
assert(o >= 1 && o <= dims_[6] && "o is out of bounds in DViewCMatrixKokkos 7D!");
return this_matrix_(o + ((n - 1) * dims_[6])
+ ((m - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5])
+ ((l - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4])
+ ((k - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3])
+ ((j - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2])
+ ((i - 1) * dims_[6] * dims_[5] * dims_[4] * dims_[3] * dims_[2] * dims_[1]));
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>& DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DViewCMatrixKokkos& temp) {
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
for (int iter = 0; iter < temp.order_; iter++){
dims_[iter] = temp.dims_[iter];
} // end for
order_ = temp.order_;
length_ = temp.length_;
temp_inp_matrix_ = temp.temp_inp_matrix_;
this_matrix_host_ = temp.this_matrix_host_;
this_matrix_ = temp.this_matrix_;
host =;
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::extent() const {
return length_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::dims(size_t i) const {
assert(i < order_ && "DViewCMatrixKokkos order (rank) does not match constructor, dim[i] does not exist!");
assert(i >= 0 && dims_[i]>0 && "Access to DViewCMatrixKokkos dims is out of bounds!");
return dims_[i];
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::order() const {
return order_;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::device_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::host_pointer() const {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_host() {
// Deep copy of device view to host view
deep_copy(this_matrix_host_, this_matrix_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::update_device() {
// Deep copy of host view to device view
deep_copy(this_matrix_, this_matrix_host_);
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DViewCMatrixKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DViewCMatrixKokkos() {}
// End DViewCMatrixKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace,
typename MemoryTraits = void, typename ILayout = Layout>
class RaggedRightArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using Strides1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,ILayout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
TArray1D array_;
size_t dim1_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// Overload constructor for a CArrayKokkos
RaggedRightArrayKokkos(CArrayKokkos<size_t,ILayout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overload constructor for a DCArrayKokkos
RaggedRightArrayKokkos(DCArrayKokkos<size_t,ILayout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overload constructor for a ViewCArray
RaggedRightArrayKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overloaded constructor for a traditional array
RaggedRightArrayKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim1, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// A method to return the stride size
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
// Host method to return the stride size
size_t stride_host(size_t i) const;
// A method to increase the number of column entries, i.e.,
// the stride size. Used with the constructor for building
// the stride_array dynamically.
// DO NOT USE with the constructures with a strides_array
size_t& build_stride(const size_t i) const;
void stride_finalize() const;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// method to return total size
size_t size(){
return length_;
//setup start indices
void data_setup(const std::string& tag_string);
T* pointer();
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view();
// Kokkos views of strides and start indices
Strides1D mystrides_;
SArray1D start_index_;
RaggedRightArrayKokkos& operator= (const RaggedRightArrayKokkos &temp);
//initialize start indices view
class init_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
init_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
mystart_index_(index) = 0;
//setup start indices view
class setup_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
setup_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_, Strides1D temp_strides_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, int& update, bool final) const {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index);
update += count;
if (final) {
mystart_index_((index+1)) = update;
//setup length of view
class setup_length_functor{
//kokkos needs this typedef named
typedef size_t value_type;
// This is helpful for determining the right index type,
// especially if you expect to need a 64-bit index.
//typedef Kokkos::View<size_t*>::size_type size_type;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
setup_length_functor(Strides1D temp_strides_){
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, size_t& update) const {
//const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index);
update += mytemp_strides_(index);
//sets final 1D array size
class finalize_stride_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
finalize_stride_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, int& update, bool final) const {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mystart_index_(index+1);
update += count;
if (final) {
mystart_index_((index+1)) = update;
// Destructor
~RaggedRightArrayKokkos ( );
}; // End of RaggedRightArray
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayKokkos(CArrayKokkos<size_t,ILayout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &strides_array,
const std::string& tag_string) {
mystrides_ = strides_array.get_kokkos_view();
dim1_ = strides_array.extent();
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayKokkos(DCArrayKokkos<size_t,ILayout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &strides_array,
const std::string& tag_string) {
mystrides_ = strides_array.get_kokkos_dual_view().d_view;
dim1_ = strides_array.extent();
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array,
const std::string& tag_string) {
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim1,
const std::string& tag_string) {
dim1_ = some_dim1;
} // End constructor
//setup start indices
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
void RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::data_setup(const std::string& tag_string) {
//allocate start indices
std::string append_indices_string("start_indices");
std::string append_array_string("array");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string start_index_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_indices_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string array_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_array_string);
start_index_ = SArray1D(start_index_tag_string,dim1_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
start_index_(i) = 0;
init_start_indices_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1,execution_functor);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mystrides_(i);
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((i+1)) = update;
setup_start_indices_functor setup_execution_functor(start_index_, mystrides_);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim1_,setup_execution_functor);
//compute length of the storage
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
update += mystrides_(i);
}, length_);
setup_length_functor length_functor(mystrides_);
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim1_, length_functor, length_);
//allocate view
array_ = TArray1D(array_tag_string, length_);
// A method to return the stride size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
size_t RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::stride(size_t i) const {
// Ensure that i is within bounds
assert(i < (dim1_) && "i is greater than dim1_ in RaggedRightArray");
return mystrides_(i);
// Method to build the stride (non-Kokkos push back)
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
size_t& RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::build_stride(const size_t i) const {
return start_index_(i+1);
// Method to finalize stride
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
void RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::stride_finalize() const {
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = start_index_(i+1);
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((i+1)) = update;
finalize_stride_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim1_,execution_functor);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
T& RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Get the 1D array index
size_t start = start_index_(i);
// asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in RaggedRightArrayKokkos"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j < stride(i) && "j is out of stride bounds in RaggedRightArrayKokkos"); // die if >= stride
return array_(j + start);
} // End operator()
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
T* RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::pointer() {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout> & RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::
operator= (const RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout> &temp) {
if (this != &temp) {
SArray1D tempdim = SArray1D("tempdim", 1);
auto h_tempdim = HostMirror(tempdim);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideDim", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
tempdim(0) = strides_array.size();
//dim1_ = strides_array.size();
deep_copy(h_tempdim, tempdim);
dim1_ = h_tempdim(0);
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
//start_index_(0) = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
size_t * h_start_index = new size_t [dim1_+1];
h_start_index[0] = 0;
size_t * herenow = new size_t [2];
herenow[0] = 1;
herenow[1] = 2;
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += herenow[i];
h_start_index[(i + 1)] = count;
printf("%d) Start check %ld\n", i, h_start_index[i]);
} // end for i
SArray1D templen = SArray1D("templen", 1);
auto h_templen = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(templen);
Kokkos::parallel_for("ArrayLength", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
templen(0) = start_index_(dim1_);
//length_ = start_index_(dim1_);
templen_functor templen_execution_functor(templen);
Kokkos::parallel_for("ArrayLength", 1, templen_execution_functor);
Kokkos::deep_copy(h_templen, templen);
if (h_templen(0) != 0)
length_ = h_templen(0);
length_ = temp.length_;
//printf("Length %ld\n", length_);
//Kokkos::parallel_for("StartCheck", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
// printf("%d) Start %ld\n", i, start_index_(i));
// });
array_ = temp.array_;
mystrides_ = temp.mystrides_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
length_ = temp.length_;
start_index_ = SArray1D("start_index_", dim1_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("EqualOperator", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int j) {
start_index_(j) = temp.start_index_(j);
//for (int j = 0; j < dim1_; j++) {
// start_index_(j) = temp.start_index_(j);
array_ = TArray1D("array_", length_);
return *this;
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::get_kokkos_view() {
return array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::~RaggedRightArrayKokkos() { }
// End of RaggedRightArrayKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void, typename ILayout = Layout>
class RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using Strides1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,ILayout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
TArray1D array_;
size_t dim1_, vector_dim_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// Overload constructor for a CArrayKokkos
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos(CArrayKokkos<size_t,ILayout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim,
const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY );
// Overload constructor for a ViewCArray
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overloaded constructor for a traditional array
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim1, size_t vector_dim, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// A method to return the stride size
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
// A method to increase the number of column entries, i.e.,
// the stride size. Used with the constructor for building
// the stride_array dynamically.
// DO NOT USE with the constructures with a strides_array
size_t& build_stride(const size_t i) const;
void stride_finalize() const;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const;
// method to return total size
size_t size(){
return length_;
//setup start indices
void data_setup(const std::string& tag_string);
T* pointer();
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view();
// Kokkos views of strides and start indices
Strides1D mystrides_;
SArray1D start_index_;
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos& operator= (const RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos &temp);
//functors for kokkos execution policies
// initialize start indices view
class init_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
init_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
mystart_index_(index) = 0;
//setup start indices view
class setup_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
size_t myvector_dim_;
setup_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_, Strides1D temp_strides_, size_t myvector_dim){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
myvector_dim_ = myvector_dim;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, int& update, bool final) const {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index)*myvector_dim_;
update += count;
if (final) {
mystart_index_((index+1)) = update;
//setup length of view
class setup_length_functor{
//kokkos needs this typedef named
typedef size_t value_type;
// This is helpful for determining the right index type,
// especially if you expect to need a 64-bit index.
//typedef Kokkos::View<size_t*>::size_type size_type;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
size_t myvector_dim_;
setup_length_functor(Strides1D temp_strides_, size_t myvector_dim){
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
myvector_dim_ = myvector_dim;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, size_t& update) const {
//const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index)*myvector_dim_;
update += mytemp_strides_(index)*myvector_dim_;;
//sets final 1D array size
class finalize_stride_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
finalize_stride_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, int& update, bool final) const {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mystart_index_(index+1);
update += count;
if (final) {
mystart_index_((index+1)) = update;
// Destructor
~RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos ( );
}; // End of RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos() {}
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
&strides_array, size_t vector_dim,
const std::string& tag_string) {
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
mystrides_ = strides_array.get_kokkos_view();
dim1_ = strides_array.extent();
} // End constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
&strides_array, size_t vector_dim) {
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
mystrides_ = strides_array;
dim1_ = strides_array.extent();
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, size_t vector_dim,
const std::string& tag_string) {
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim1, size_t vector_dim,
const std::string& tag_string) {
vector_dim_ = vector_dim;
dim1_ = some_dim1;
} // End constructor
//setup start indices
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
void RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::data_setup(const std::string& tag_string) {
//allocate start indices
std::string append_indices_string("start_indices");
std::string append_array_string("array");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string start_index_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_indices_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string array_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_array_string);
start_index_ = SArray1D(start_index_tag_string,dim1_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
start_index_(i) = 0;
init_start_indices_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1,execution_functor);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mystrides_(i)*vector_dim_;
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((i+1)) = update;
setup_start_indices_functor setup_execution_functor(start_index_, mystrides_, vector_dim_);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim1_,setup_execution_functor);
//compute length of the storage
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
update += mystrides_(i)*vector_dim_;
}, length_);
setup_length_functor length_functor(mystrides_, vector_dim_);
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim1_, length_functor,length_);
//allocate view
array_ = TArray1D(array_tag_string, length_);
// A method to return the stride size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
size_t RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::stride(size_t i) const {
// Ensure that i is within bounds
assert(i < (dim1_) && "i is greater than dim1_ in RaggedRightArray");
return mystrides_(i);
// Method to build the stride (non-Kokkos push back)
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
size_t& RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::build_stride(const size_t i) const {
return start_index_(i+1);
// Method to finalize stride
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
void RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::stride_finalize() const {
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = start_index_(i+1);
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((i+1)) = update;
finalize_stride_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim1_,execution_functor);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
T& RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j, size_t k) const {
// Get the 1D array index
size_t start = start_index_(i);
// asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in RaggedRightArrayKokkos"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j < stride(i) && "j is out of stride bounds in RaggedRightArrayKokkos"); // die if >= stride
assert(j < vector_dim_ && "k is out of vector_dim bounds in RaggedRightArrayKokkos"); // die if >= vector_dim
return array_(j*vector_dim_ + start + k);
} // End operator()
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
T* RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::pointer() {
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout> & RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::
operator= (const RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout> &temp) {
if (this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
vector_dim_ = temp.vector_dim_;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.array_;
mystrides_ = temp.mystrides_;
return *this;
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::get_kokkos_view() {
return array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::~RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos() { }
// End of RaggedRightArrayofVectorsKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace,
typename MemoryTraits = void, typename ILayout = Layout>
class RaggedDownArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using Strides1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *, ILayout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
TArray1D array_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// Overload constructor for a CArray
RaggedDownArrayKokkos(CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overload constructor for a ViewCArray
RaggedDownArrayKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// Overloaded constructor for a traditional array
RaggedDownArrayKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// A method to return the stride size
size_t stride(size_t j) const;
//setup start indices
void data_setup(const std::string& tag_string);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T* pointer();
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view();
RaggedDownArrayKokkos& operator= (const RaggedDownArrayKokkos &temp);
// Kokkos views of strides and start indices
Strides1D mystrides_;
SArray1D start_index_;
//functors for kokkos execution policies
//initialize start indices view
class init_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
init_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
mystart_index_(index) = 0;
//setup start indices view
class setup_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
setup_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_, Strides1D temp_strides_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, int& update, bool final) const {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index);
update += count;
if (final) {
mystart_index_((index+1)) = update;
//setup length of view
class setup_length_functor{
//kokkos needs this typedef named
typedef size_t value_type;
// This is helpful for determining the right index type,
// especially if you expect to need a 64-bit index.
//typedef Kokkos::View<size_t*>::size_type size_type;
Strides1D mytemp_strides_;
setup_length_functor(Strides1D temp_strides_){
mytemp_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index, size_t& update) const {
//const size_t count = mytemp_strides_(index);
update += mytemp_strides_(index);
// Destructor
~RaggedDownArrayKokkos ( );
}; // End of RaggedDownArray
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedDownArrayKokkos() {}
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedDownArrayKokkos(CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &strides_array,
const std::string& tag_string) {
mystrides_ = strides_array.get_kokkos_view();
dim2_ = strides_array.extent();
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedDownArrayKokkos(ViewCArray<size_t> &strides_array, const std::string& tag_string) {
} // End constructor
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::RaggedDownArrayKokkos(size_t* strides_array, size_t some_dim2,
const std::string& tag_string) {
dim2_ = some_dim2;
} // End constructor
//setup start indices
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
void RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::data_setup(const std::string& tag_string) {
//allocate start indices
std::string append_indices_string("start_indices");
std::string append_array_string("array");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string start_index_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_indices_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string array_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_array_string);
start_index_ = SArray1D(start_index_tag_string,dim2_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim2_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
start_index_(i) = 0;
init_start_indices_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim2_+1,execution_functor);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim2_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = mystrides_(i);
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((i+1)) = update;
setup_start_indices_functor setup_execution_functor(start_index_, mystrides_);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValuesSetup", dim2_,setup_execution_functor);
//compute length of the storage
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim2_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i, int& update) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
update += mystrides_(i);
}, length_);
setup_length_functor length_functor(mystrides_);
Kokkos::parallel_reduce("LengthSetup", dim2_, length_functor, length_);
//allocate view
array_ = TArray1D(array_tag_string, length_);
// A method to return the stride size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
size_t RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::stride(size_t j) const {
// Ensure that j is within bounds
assert(j < (dim2_) && "j is greater than dim1_ in RaggedDownArray");
return mystrides_(j);
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j)
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
T& RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Get the 1D array index
size_t start = start_index_(j);
// asserts
assert(i < stride(j) && "i is out of stride bounds in RaggedDownArrayKokkos"); // die if >= stride
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is out of dim1 bounds in RaggedDownArrayKokkos"); // die if >= dim1
return array_(i + start);
} // End operator()
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>& RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::
operator= (const RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout> &temp) {
if (this != &temp) {
SArray1D tempdim = SArray1D("tempdim", 1);
auto h_tempdim = HostMirror(tempdim);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideDim", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
tempdim(0) = strides_array.size();
//dim1_ = strides_array.size();
deep_copy(h_tempdim, tempdim);
dim1_ = h_tempdim(0);
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
// Create and initialize the starting index of the entries in the 1D array
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
//start_index_(0) = 0; // the 1D array starts at 0
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartFirst", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
start_index_(0) = 0;
assignment_init_functor init_execution_functor;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartFirst", 1, init_execution_functor);
// Loop over to find the total length of the 1D array to
// represent the ragged-right array and set the starting 1D index
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim2_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int j, double& update, const bool final) {
// Load old value in case we update it before accumulating
const size_t count = temp.mystrides_[j];
update += count;
if (final) {
start_index_((j+1)) = update;
assignment_scan_functor scan_execution_functor(temp);
Kokkos::parallel_scan("StartValues", dim2_, scan_execution_functor);
size_t * h_start_index = new size_t [dim1_+1];
h_start_index[0] = 0;
size_t * herenow = new size_t [2];
herenow[0] = 1;
herenow[1] = 2;
size_t count = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
count += herenow[i];
h_start_index[(i + 1)] = count;
printf("%d) Start check %ld\n", i, h_start_index[i]);
} // end for i
SArray1D templen = SArray1D("templen", 1);
auto h_templen = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(templen);
Kokkos::parallel_for("ArrayLength", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
templen(0) = start_index_(dim2_);
//length_ = start_index_(dim2_);
templen_functor templen_execution_functor(templen);
Kokkos::parallel_for("ArrayLength", 1, templen_execution_functor);
deep_copy(h_templen, templen);
length_ = h_templen(0);
printf("Length %ld\n", length_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartCheck", dim2_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int j) {
printf("%d) Start %ld\n", j, start_index_(j));
stride_check_functor check_execution_functor;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartCheck", dim2_+1, check_execution_functor);
length_ = temp.length_;
array_ = temp.length_;
mystrides_ = temp.mystrides_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
length_ = temp.length_;
start_index_ = SArray1D("start_index_", dim1_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("EqualOperator", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int j) {
start_index_(j) = temp.start_index_(j);
//for (int j = 0; j < dim1_; j++) {
// start_index_(j) = temp.start_index_(j);
array_ = TArray1D("array_", length_);
return *this;
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::get_kokkos_view() {
return array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits, typename ILayout>
RaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits,ILayout>::~RaggedDownArrayKokkos() { }
// End of RaggedDownArrayKokkos
//11. DynamicRaggedRightArray
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
SArray1D stride_;
TArray1D array_;
size_t dim1_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos ();
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// overload constructor
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// A method to return or set the stride size
size_t& stride(size_t i) const;
// A method to return the size
size_t size() const;
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view();
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[stride(i)]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos& operator= (const DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos &temp);
//kokkos policy functors
//functors for kokkos execution policies
//set strides to a constant value
class set_strides_functor{
SArray1D functor_strides_;
size_t init_stride_;
set_strides_functor(size_t init_stride, SArray1D temp_strides_){
init_stride_ = init_stride;
functor_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
functor_strides_(index) = init_stride_;
// Destructor
~DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos ();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos () {}
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
// The dimensions of the array;
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
length_ = dim1*dim2;
std::string append_stride_string("strides");
std::string append_array_string("array");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string strides_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_stride_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string array_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_array_string);
stride_ = SArray1D(strides_tag_string, dim1_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StridesInit", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
strides_((i) = 0;
set_strides_functor execution_functor(0, stride_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StridesInit", dim1_,execution_functor);
//allocate view
array_ = TArray1D(array_tag_string, length_);
// A method to set the stride size for row i
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t& DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::stride(size_t i) const {
return stride_(i);
//return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const{
return length_;
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[0:N-1], j=[0:stride(i)]
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Asserts
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of dim1 bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= dim1
assert(j < stride_(i) && "j is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= dim2
// Cannot assert on Kokkos View
//assert(j < stride_[i] && "j is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedRight"); // die if >= stride
return array_(j + i*dim2_);
//overload = operator
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp)
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideZeroOut", dim1_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
stride_(i) = 0;
stride_zero_functor execution_functor;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideZeroOut", dim1_, execution_functor);
return *this;
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() {
return array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DynamicRaggedRightArrayKokkos() {
//----end DynamicRaggedRightArray class definitions----
//12. DynamicRaggedDownArray
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t *,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
SArray1D stride_;
TArray1D array_;
size_t dim1_;
size_t dim2_;
size_t length_;
// Default constructor
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos ();
//--- 2D array access of a ragged right array ---
// overload constructor
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string = DEFAULTSTRINGARRAY);
// A method to return or set the stride size
size_t& stride(size_t j) const;
// A method to return the size
size_t size() const;
//return the view
TArray1D get_kokkos_view();
// Overload operator() to access data as array(i,j),
// where i=[stride(j)], j=[0:N-1]
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
// Overload copy assignment operator
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos& operator= (const DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos &temp);
//kokkos policy functors
//set strides to 0 functor
//set strides to a constant value
class set_strides_functor{
SArray1D functor_strides_;
size_t init_stride_;
set_strides_functor(size_t init_stride, SArray1D temp_strides_){
init_stride_ = init_stride;
functor_strides_ = temp_strides_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
functor_strides_(index) = init_stride_;
// Destructor
~DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos ();
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos () {}
// Overloaded constructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos (size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string& tag_string) {
// The dimensions of the array;
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
length_ = dim1*dim2;
std::string append_stride_string("strides");
std::string append_array_string("array");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string strides_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_stride_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string array_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_array_string);
stride_ = SArray1D(strides_tag_string, dim2_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StridesInit", dim2_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
strides_((i) = 0;
set_strides_functor execution_functor(0, stride_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StridesInit", dim2_,execution_functor);
//allocate view
array_ = TArray1D(array_tag_string, length_);
// A method to set the stride size for column j
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t& DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::stride(size_t j) const {
return stride_(j);
//return size
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::size() const{
return length_;
// overload operator () to access data as an array(i,j)
// Note: i = 0:stride(j), j = 0:N-1
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
// Asserts
assert(j < dim2_ && "j is out of dim2 bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos"); // die if >= dim2
assert(i < stride(j) && "i is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos"); // die if >= stride(j)
// Can't do this assert with a Kokkos View
//assert(i < stride_[j] && "i is out of stride bounds in DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos"); // die if >= stride
return array_(i + j*dim1_);
//overload = operator
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator= (const DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp)
if( this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
length_ = temp.length_;
stride_ = temp.stride_;
array_ = temp.array_;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideZeroOut", dim2_, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int j) {
stride_(j) = 0;
stride_zero_functor execution_functor;
Kokkos::parallel_for("StrideZeroOut", dim2_, execution_functor);
return *this;
//return the stored Kokkos view
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_kokkos_view() {
return array_;
// Destructor
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~DynamicRaggedDownArrayKokkos() {
// KokkosCSRArray
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class CSRArrayKokkos {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
private: // What ought to be private ?
size_t dim1_, dim2_;
size_t nnz_;
TArray1D array_;
SArray1D column_index_;
SArray1D start_index_;
TArray1D miss_;
//CSRArray(CArray<T> data, CArray<T> col_ptrs, CArray<T> row_ptrs, size_t rows, size_t cols);
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &start_index,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array,
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &colum_index,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string & tag_string);
CSRArrayKokkos(const CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &dense, const size_t dim1, const size_t dim2);
void data_setup(const std::string& tag_string);
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
T& value(size_t i, size_t j) const;
CSRArrayKokkos& operator=(const CSRArrayKokkos &temp);
T* pointer() const;
size_t* get_starts() const;
size_t dim2() const ;
size_t dim1() const;
T* begin(size_t i);
T* end(size_t i);
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
* @brief get values from dense array
void from_dense(CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &starts,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &columns,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array);
* iterator for the raw data at row i
* i.e. return the index each element is the index in the 1 array
* This as the use of providing a reasonable way to get the column
* index and data value in the case you need both
size_t begin_index(size_t i);
size_t end_index(size_t i);
size_t nnz(size_t i);
size_t nnz() const ;
// Use the index into the 1d array to get what value is stored there and what is the corresponding row
T& get_val_flat(size_t k);
size_t get_col_flat(size_t k);
// reverse map function from A(i,j) to what element of data/col_pt_ it corersponds to
int flat_index(size_t i, size_t j);
// Convertor
// int toCSC(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs);
void to_dense(CArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>& A);
class init_start_indices_functor{
SArray1D mystart_index_;
init_start_indices_functor(SArray1D tempstart_index_){
mystart_index_ = tempstart_index_;
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION void operator()(const int index) const {
mystart_index_(index) = 0;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout,ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::CSRArrayKokkos() {}
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &start_index,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array,
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &colum_index,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string & tag_string){
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
start_index_ = start_index.get_kokkos_view();
array_ = array.get_kokkos_view();
column_index_ = colum_index.get_kokkos_view();
nnz_ = colum_index.extent();
miss_ = TArray1D("miss", 1);
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::CSRArrayKokkos(const CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &dense, const size_t dim1, const size_t dim2){
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
miss_ = TArray1D("miss",1);
start_index_ = Kokkos::View<size_t*>("start indices", dim1 + 1);
nnz_ = 0;
start_index_(0) = 0;
// TODO MAKE parallel
for(size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
start_index_(i+1) = 0;
for(size_t j =0; j < dim2_; j++){
if(dense(i,j) != 0){
start_index_(i+1) ++;
for(size_t i = 1; i < dim1_ + 1; i++){
start_index_(i) = start_index_[i] + start_index_[i-1];
column_index_ = Kokkos::View<size_t*>("column Indices", nnz_);
array_ = Kokkos::View<T*>("array elements", nnz_);
size_t next = 0 ;
for(size_t i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
for(size_t j =0 ; j < dim2_; j++){
if(dense(i,j) != 0){
// column_index_(next) = j;
// array_(next) = dense(i,j);
//setup start indices
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::data_setup(const std::string& tag_string) {
//allocate start indices
std::string append_indices_string("start_indices");
std::string temp_copy_string = tag_string;
std::string start_index_tag_string = temp_copy_string.append(append_indices_string);
temp_copy_string = tag_string;
start_index_ = SArray1D(start_index_tag_string, dim1_ + 1);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int i) {
start_index_(i) = 0;
init_start_indices_functor execution_functor(start_index_);
Kokkos::parallel_for("StartValuesInit", dim1_+1,execution_functor);
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
size_t row_end = start_index_[i+1];
size_t k;
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if(column_index_[row_start + k] == j){
return[row_start + k];
miss_[0] = (T) NULL;
return miss_[0];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::value(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t row_start = start_index_[i];
size_t row_end = start_index_[i+1];
size_t k;
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if(column_index_[row_start + k] == j){
return[row_start + k];
miss_[0] = (T) NULL;
return miss_[0];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::pointer() const{
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t* CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::get_starts() const {
template<typename T,typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>& CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::operator=(const CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp){
if(this != temp) {
nnz_ = temp.nnz_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
column_index_ = temp.column_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
void CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::to_dense(CArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>& A){
size_t i,j;
for(i = 0; i < dim1_; i++){
for(j = 0; j < dim2_; j++){
A(i,j) = (*this)(i,j);
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::stride(size_t i) const {
assert(i <= dim1_ && "Index i out of bounds in CSRArray.stride()");
return[i+i] -[i];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::dim2() const {
return dim2_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::dim1() const{
return dim1_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::begin(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin()");
size_t row_start =[i];
return &[row_start];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::end(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.end()");
size_t row_start =[i+1];
return &[row_start];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::begin_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin_index()");
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::end_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in CSRArray.begin_index()");
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::nnz() const{
return nnz_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::nnz(size_t i){
assert(i <= nrows_ && "Index i out of bounds in CSRArray.stride()");
return[i+1] -[i];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::get_val_flat(size_t k){
assert(k < nnz_ && "Index k is out of bounds in CSRArray.get_val_flat()");
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::get_col_flat(size_t k){
assert(k < nnz_f && "Index k is out of bounds in CSRArray.get_col_lat()");
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
int CSRArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::flat_index(size_t i, size_t j){
size_t k;
size_t row_start =[i];
size_t row_end =[i+1];
for(k = 0; k < row_end - row_start; k++){
if([row_start+k] == j){
return row_start+k;
return -1;
//template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
//void CSRArrrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::from_dense(CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &starts,
// CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &columns,
// CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array);
int CSRArray<T>::toCSC(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs ){
int nnz_cols[ncols_ + 1];
int col_counts[ncols_];
int i = 0;
// How many elements are each column
for(i =0 ; i < ncols_; i++){
nnz_cols[i] = 0;
col_counts[i] = 0;
nnz_cols[ncols_] = 0;
col_ptrs(0) = 0;
for(i =0; i < nnz_; i++){
nnz_cols[column_index_[i] + 1] += 1;
// What we actually care about is how many elements are
// in all the columns preceeding this column.
for(i = 1; i <= ncols_; i++){
nnz_cols[i] = nnz_cols[i-1] + nnz_cols[i];
col_ptrs(i) = nnz_cols[i];
size_t row = 1;
// if b is at A(i,j) stored in csr format
// it needs to go where the where the ith column starts
// + how many things we have put in the "window"
// we allocated for this column already
// For row we simply keep track of what row we are currently in
// as we scan through the 1d array of data.
for(i = 0; i < nnz_; i++){
if(i >= start_index_[row]){
int idx = nnz_cols[column_index_[i]] + col_counts[column_index_[i]];
col_counts[column_index_[i]] += 1;
data(idx) = array_[i];
row_ptrs(idx) = row - 1;
// I return an int because I thought I might need to return an error code
// Not sure that is true
return 0;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSRArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::~CSRArrayKokkos() {}
// 16 CSCArrayKokkos
template <typename T, typename Layout = DefaultLayout, typename ExecSpace = DefaultExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits = void>
class CSCArrayKokkos
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
using SArray1D = Kokkos::View<size_t*, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>;
private: // What ought to be private ?
size_t dim1_, dim2_;
size_t nnz_;
TArray1D array_;
TArray1D miss_;
SArray1D start_index_;
SArray1D row_index_;
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &start_index,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array,
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &row_index,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string & tag_string);
T &operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const;
CSCArrayKokkos &operator=(const CSCArrayKokkos &temp);
T *pointer() const;
size_t stride(size_t i) const;
T &value(size_t i, size_t j) const;
size_t *get_starts() const;
size_t dim1() const;
size_t dim2() const;
T *begin(size_t i);
T *end(size_t i);
// iterator for the raw data at row i
// i.e. return the index each element is the index in the 1 array
// This as the use of providing a reasonable way to get the column
// index and data value in the case you need both
size_t begin_index(size_t i);
size_t end_index(size_t i);
size_t nnz(size_t i);
size_t nnz() const;
// Use the index into the 1d array to get what value is stored there and what is the corresponding row
T &get_val_flat(size_t k);
size_t get_row_flat(size_t k);
// reverse map function from A(i,j) to what element of data/col_pt_ it corersponds to
int flat_index(size_t i, size_t j);
// Convertor
//int toCSR(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs);
//void to_dense(FArray<T> &A);
// destructor
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSCArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::CSCArrayKokkos() {}
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSCArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::CSCArrayKokkos(
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &start_index,
CArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &array,
CArrayKokkos<size_t, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits> &row_index,
size_t dim1, size_t dim2, const std::string & tag_string){
dim1_ = dim1;
dim2_ = dim2;
start_index_ = start_index.get_kokkos_view();
array_ = array.get_kokkos_view();
row_index_ = row_index.get_kokkos_view();
nnz_ = row_index.extent();
miss_ = TArray1D("miss", 1);
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSCArrayKokkos<T, Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::operator()(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t col_start = start_index_[j];
size_t col_end = start_index_[j + 1];
size_t k;
for(k =0; k < col_end - col_start;k++){
if(row_index_[col_start + k] == i){
return[col_start + k];
miss_[0] = (T) NULL;
return miss_[0];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::pointer() const {
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::value(size_t i, size_t j) const {
size_t col_start =[j];
size_t col_end =[j + 1];
size_t k;
for(k =0; k < col_end - col_start;k++){
if([col_start + k] == i){
return[col_start + k];
miss_[0] = (T) NULL;
return miss_[0];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t* CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::get_starts() const{
return &[0];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>& CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::operator=(const CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits> &temp){
if(this != temp) {
nnz_ = temp.nnz_;
dim2_ = temp.dim2_;
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;;
start_index_ = temp.start_index_;
row_index_ = temp.row_row_index_;
array_ = temp.array_;
return *this;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::stride(size_t i) const{
assert(i < dim2_ && "i is out of bounds in CSCArray.stride()");
return[i+1] -[i];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::dim1() const {
return dim1_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::dim2() const{
return dim2_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::begin(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.begin()");
size_t col_start =[i];
return &[col_start];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T* CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::end(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2s_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.endt()");
size_t col_start =[i+1];
return &[col_start];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::begin_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2s_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.begin_index()");
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::end_index(size_t i){
assert(i <= dim2_ && "index i out of bounds at CSCArray.end_index()");
return[i + 1];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::nnz() const{
return nnz_;
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::nnz(size_t i){
return[i+1] -[i];
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
T& CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::get_val_flat(size_t k){
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
size_t CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::get_row_flat(size_t k){
template<typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
int CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout, ExecSpace, MemoryTraits>::flat_index(size_t i, size_t j){
size_t col_start =[j];
size_t col_end =[j+1];
size_t k;
for (k = 0; k < col_end - col_start; k++)
if([col_start + k] == i){
return col_start + k;
return -1;
// Assumes that data, col_ptrs, and row_ptrs
// have been allocated size already before this call
// Returns the data in this csr format but as represented as the appropriatte vectors
// for a csc format
/*template<typename T>
int CSCArray<T>::toCSR(CArray<T> &data, CArray<size_t> &col_ptrs, CArray<size_t> &row_ptrs ){
int nnz_rows[dim1_ + 1];
int row_counts[dim1_];
int i = 0;
// How many elements are each column
for(i =0 ; i < dim1_; i++){
nnz_rows[i] = 0;
row_counts[i] = 0;
nnz_rows[dim1_] = 0;
row_ptrs(i) = 0 ;
for(i =0; i < nnz_; i++){
nnz_rows[row_index_[i] + 1] += 1;
// What we actually care about is how many elements are
// in all the columns preceeding this column.
for(i = 1; i < dim1_; i++){
nnz_rows[i] = nnz_rows[i-1] + nnz_rows[i];
row_ptrs(i) = nnz_rows[i];
size_t col = 1;
// if b is at A(i,j) stored in csr format
// it needs to go where the where the ith column starts
// + how many things we have put in the "window"
// we allocated for this column already
// For row we simply keep track of what row we are currently in
// as we scan through the 1d array of data.
for(i = 0; i < nnz_; i++){
if(i >= start_index_[col]){
int idx = nnz_rows[row_index_[i]] + row_counts[row_index_[i]];
row_counts[row_index_[i]] += 1;
data(idx) = array_[i];
col_ptrs(idx) = col - 1;
// I return an int because I thought I might need to return an error code
// Not sure that is true
return 0;
template <typename T, typename Layout, typename ExecSpace, typename MemoryTraits>
CSCArrayKokkos<T,Layout,ExecSpace,MemoryTraits>::~CSCArrayKokkos() {}
// Inherited Class Array
//template<class T, class Layout, class ExecSpace>
template<typename T>
class InheritedArray2L {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
size_t dim1_, length_;
TArray1D this_array_;
typename Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>::HostMirror h_this_array_;
InheritedArray2L(size_t some_dim1);
T& operator()(size_t i, size_t dest) const;
template <typename U>
void AllocateHost(size_t size, U *obj);
void AllocateGPU();
template <typename U, typename V>
void InitModels(U *obj, V input);
template <typename U>
void ClearModels(U obj);
InheritedArray2L& operator=(const InheritedArray2L& temp);
// GPU Method
// Method that returns size
size_t size();
// Host Method
// Method that returns size
size_t extent();
// Methods returns the raw pointer (most likely GPU) of the Kokkos View
T* pointer();
// Deconstructor
~InheritedArray2L ();
}; // End of InheritedArray2L
// Default constructor
template <typename T>
InheritedArray2L<T>::InheritedArray2L() {}
// Overloaded 1D constructor
template <typename T>
InheritedArray2L<T>::InheritedArray2L(size_t some_dim1) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T*, Layout, ExecSpace>;
dim1_ = some_dim1;
length_ = dim1_;
this_array_ = TArray1D("this_array_", length_);
h_this_array_ = Kokkos::create_mirror_view(this_array_);
template <typename T>
T& InheritedArray2L<T>::operator()(size_t i, size_t dest) const {
assert(i < dim1_ && "i is out of bounds in InheritedArray2L 1D!");
assert(dest < 2 && "dest is out of bounds in InheritedArray2L 1D!");
if (dest == 0)
return h_this_array_(i);
return this_array_(i);
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
void InheritedArray2L<T>::AllocateHost(size_t size, U *obj) {
obj = (U *) kmalloc(size);
template <typename T>
void InheritedArray2L<T>::AllocateGPU() {
Kokkos::deep_copy(this_array_, h_this_array_);
template <typename T>
template <typename U, typename V>
void InheritedArray2L<T>::InitModels(U *obj, V input) {
"CreateObjects", 1, KOKKOS_CLASS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
new ((V *)obj) V{input};
template <typename T>
template <typename U>
void InheritedArray2L<T>::ClearModels(U obj) {
"DestroyObjects", 1, KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int&) {
template <typename T>
InheritedArray2L<T>& InheritedArray2L<T>::operator= (const InheritedArray2L& temp) {
using TArray1D = Kokkos::View<T *,Layout,ExecSpace>;
// Do nothing if the assignment is of the form x = x
if (this != &temp) {
dim1_ = temp.dim1_;
length_ = temp.length_;
this_array_ = TArray1D("this_array_", length_);
return *this;
// Return size
template <typename T>
size_t InheritedArray2L<T>::size() {
return length_;
template <typename T>
size_t InheritedArray2L<T>::extent() {
return length_;
template <typename T>
T* InheritedArray2L<T>::pointer() {
template <typename T>
InheritedArray2L<T>::~InheritedArray2L() {}
// End of InheritedArray2L
// #endif
#endif // MATAR_H