Source code for fdata

"""Class for FEHM data"""

Copyright 2013.
Los Alamos National Security, LLC. 
This material was produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for 
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National 
Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights 
to use, reproduce, and distribute this software.  NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS 
ANY LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.  If software is modified to produce 
derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to 
confuse it with the version available from LANL.

Additionally, this library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the 
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) 
any later version. Accordingly, this library is distributed in the hope that it 
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 
Public License for more details.

import numpy as np
from copy import copy, deepcopy
import os,time,platform,shutil
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
from time import sleep
from collections import Counter
import Tkinter as tk
from matplotlib.backends.backend_tkagg import FigureCanvasTkAgg, NavigationToolbar2TkAgg
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle

try: import ctypes; has_ctypes = True
except: has_ctypes = False

	from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
	from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
	from matplotlib import cm
	from matplotlib.pylab import subplots,close
except ImportError:

from fgrid import*
from fvars import*
from fpost import*
from fdflt import*
from fhelp import*

dflt = fdflt()

WINDOWS = platform.system()=='Windows'
if not WINDOWS: has_ctypes = False
# list of macros that might be encountered
fdata_sections = ['cont','pres','zonn','zone','cond','time','ctrl','iter','rock','perm',
# list of potential CONTOUR output variables
# list of potential HISTORY output variables
# dictionary of perm model parameters, indexed by perm model number, ORDER OF LIST MUST EQUAL ORDER OF INPUT
permDicts = dict((
# dictionary of plastic model parameters, indexed by plastic model number, ORDER OF LIST MUST EQUAL ORDER OF INPUT
plasticDicts = dict((
# dictionary of perm model units, indexed by perm model number, ORDER OF LIST MUST EQUAL ORDER OF INPUT
permUnits = dict((
# dictionary of relative permeability model parameters, indexed by model number, ORDER OF LIST MUST EQUAL ORDER OF INPUT
rlpDicts = dict((
adsorptionDicts = dict((
	(0,['alpha1','alpha2','beta']),		# conservative solute
	(1,['alpha1','alpha2','beta']),		# linear sorption isotherm
	(2,['alpha1','alpha2','beta']),		# Freundlich sorption isotherm
	(3,['alpha1','alpha2','beta']),		# Modified Freundlich sorption isotherm
	(4,['alpha1','alpha2','beta']),		# Langmuir sorption isotherm
diffusionDicts = dict((
	(0,['diffusion','dispersion_x','dispersion_y','dispersion_z']),		# molecular diffusion coefficient is constant
	(1,['diffusion','dispersion_x','dispersion_y','dispersion_z']),		# Millington Quark diffusion model
	(2,['diffusion','dispersion_x','dispersion_y','dispersion_z']),		# Conca Wright diffusion model
	(3,['diffusion','dispersion_x','dispersion_y','dispersion_z']),		# calculated from adif
vconDicts = dict((
	(1,['T_ref','cond_ref','dcond_dT']),		# linear variation of thermal conductivity with temperature
	(2,['cond_s1','cond_s0']),					# square root variation of thermal conductivity with liquid saturation
	(3,['T_ref','cond_ref','exponent']),		# intact salt
	(4,['T_ref','cond_ref','coeff_phi4','coeff_phi3','coeff_phi2','coeff_phi1','coeff_phi0','exponent']), # crushed salt
pporDicts = dict((
	(1,['compressibility']),		# aquifer compressibility
	(-1,['specific_storage']),					# specific storage
	(-2,['exponent','Px']),		# gangi model
	(7,['param1','param2','param3','param4']), 		# unknown - salt
model_list = dict((('permmodel',permDicts),
model_titles = dict((('rlp','RELATIVE PERMEABILITY'),
					 ('ppor','VARIABLE POROSITY'),
# list of macros
fpres = (('pressure',None),('temperature',None),('saturation',None))
fperm = (('kx',None),('ky',None),('kz',None))
fcond = (('cond_x',None),('cond_y',None),('cond_z',None))
fflow = (('rate',None),('energy',None),('impedance',None))
frock = (('density',None),('specific_heat',None),('porosity',None))
fgrad = (('reference_coord',None),('direction',None),('variable',None),('reference_value',None),('gradient',None))
fbiot = (('thermal_expansion',None),('pressure_coupling',None))
felastic = (('youngs_modulus',None),('poissons_ratio',None))
fbodyforce = (('fx',None),('fy',None),('fz',None))
fco2frac = (('water_rich_sat',None),('co2_rich_sat',None),('co2_mass_frac',None),('init_salt_conc',None),('override_flag',None))
fco2flow = (('rate',None),('energy',None),('impedance',None),('bc_flag',None))
fco2diff = (('diffusion',None),('tortuosity',None))
fco2pres = (('pressure',None),('temperature',None),('phase',None))
fstressboun = (('value',None),('direction',None))
fhflx = (('heat_flow',None),('multiplier',None))
ftpor = (('tracer_porosity',None),)

macro_list = dict((('pres',fpres),('perm',fperm),('cond',fcond),('flow',fflow),('rock',frock),
# potential nodal properties
node_props = ('kx','ky','kz','cond_x','cond_y','cond_z','density','specific_heat','porosity','thermal_expansion','pressure_coupling',
node_gen = ('rate','energy','impedance')
macro_titles = dict((('pres','INITIAL TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE'),
					 ('cond','ROCK CONDUCTIVITY'),
					 ('rock','MATERIAL PARAMETERS'),
macro_descriptor = dict((
	('pres','Initial conditions'),
	('cond','Thermal conductivity properties'),
	('flow','Source or sink'),
	('rock','Material properties'),
	('grad','Initial condition gradients'),
	('elastic','Elastic properties'),
	('bodyforce','Body force at node'),
	('biot','Fluid-stress coupling properties'),
	('co2flow','CO2 source of sink'),
	('co2frac','CO2 fraction'),
	('co2pres','CO2 initial conditions'),
	('co2diff','CO2 diffusion properties'),
	('stressboun','Stress boundary condition'),
	('permmodel','Stress permeability relationship'),
	('plasticmodel','Plasticity relationship'),
	('rlp','Relative permeablity relationship'),
	('hflx','Heat flux boundary condition'),
	('tpor','Tracer porosity'),)
rlpm_cap1 = dict((('vg_cap','vg_cap'),('brooks-corey_cap','brooks-corey'),('linear_cap','linear_for')))
rlpm_cap2 = dict((('vg_cap','vg_cap'),('brooks-corey','brooks-corey_cap'),('linear_for','linear_cap')))
rlpm_phases = ['water','air','co2_liquid','co2_gas','vapor']

buildWarnings = []

def _buildWarnings(s):
	global buildWarnings
def _title_string(s,n): 						#prepends headers to sections of FEHM input file
	if not n: return
	ws = '# '
	pad = int(np.floor((n - len(s) - 2)/2))
	for i in range(pad): ws+='-'
	for i in range(pad): ws+='-'
	return ws
def _zone_ind(indStr): return abs(int(indStr))-(int(indStr)+abs(int(indStr)))/2
[docs]def process_output(filename,input=None,grid=None,hide=False,silent=False,write=True): """Runs an FEHM \*.outp file through the diagnostic tool. Writes output files containing simulation balance, convergence, time stepping information. :param filename: Path to the \*.outp file. :type filename: str :param input: Path to corresponding FEHM input file . :type input: str :param grid: Path to corresponding FEHM grid file. :type grid: str :param hide: Suppress diagnostic window (default False). :type hide: bool :param silent: Suppress output to the screen (default False). :type silent: bool :param write: Write output files (default True). :type write: bool """ if input and grid: dat = fdata(filename=input,gridfilename=grid) else: dat = fdata() dat._path.filename=filename dat.files.root = dat.filename.split('.')[0] dat.hist.variables=list(flatten(dat.hist.variables)) dat._diagnostic.hide = hide dat._diagnostic.write = write dat._diagnostic.silent = silent dat._diagnostic.refresh_nodes() dat._diagnostic.stdout = open(filename) dat._diagnostic.poll = True dat._diagnostic.read_with_tcl() return dat._diagnostic
[docs]class fzone(object): #FEHM zone object. """FEHM Zone object. """ __slots__ = ['_index','_type','_points','_file','_name','_parent','_nodelist','_file','_permeability', '_conductivity','_density','_specific_heat','_porosity','_youngs_modulus','_poissons_ratio', '_thermal_expansion','_pressure_coupling','_Pi','_Ti','_Si','_fixedT','_fixedP','_updateFlag','_silent'] def __init__(self,index=None,type='',points=[],nodelist=[],file='',name = ''): self._index=None self._silent = dflt.silent if index != None: self._index = index self._type='' if type: self._type = type self._points=[] if points: self._points=points self._file = '' self._name = '' self._parent = None if name: self._name = name self._nodelist=[] if (self.type == 'nnum' or self.type == 'list') and nodelist: self._nodelist = nodelist if file: self._file = file # material properties self._permeability = None self._conductivity = None self._density = None self._specific_heat = None self._porosity = None self._youngs_modulus = None self._poissons_ratio = None self._thermal_expansion = None self._pressure_coupling = None self._Pi = None self._Ti = None self._Si = None self._fixedT = None self._fixedP = None self._updateFlag = True def __repr__(self): return 'zn'+str(self.index) def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_index(self): return self._index def _set_index(self,value): self._index = value index = property(_get_index,_set_index) #: (*int*) Integer number denoting the zone. def _get_type(self): return self._type def _set_type(self,value): oldtype = self._type self._type = value if self._type != oldtype: self._points = [] type = property(_get_type,_set_type) #: (*str*) String denoting the zone type. Default is 'rect', alternatives are 'list', 'nnum' def _get_name(self): return self._name def _set_name(self,value): self._name = value name = property(_get_name,_set_name) #: (*str*) Name of the zone. Will appear commented beside the zone definition in the input file. Can be used to index the ```` attribute. def _get_file(self): return self._file def _set_file(self,value): self._file=value file = property(_get_file,_set_file) #: (*str*) File name if zone data is or is to be contained in a separate file. If file does not exist, it will be created and written to when the FEHM input file is being written out.
[docs] def rect(self,p1,p2): #generates a rectangular zone based on corner coordinates """Create a rectangular zone corresponding to the bounding box delimited by p1 and p2. :param p1: coordinate of first corner of the bounding box. :type p1: ndarray :param p2: coordinate of the second corner of the bounding box. :type p2: ndarray """ self.type='rect' if len(p1) == 2: xmax,xmin = np.max([p1[0],p2[0]]),np.min([p1[0],p2[0]]) ymax,ymin = np.max([p1[1],p2[1]]),np.min([p1[1],p2[1]]) self.points=[[xmin,xmax,xmax,xmin], [ymax,ymax,ymin,ymin], #[0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.] ] elif len(p1) == 3: xmax,xmin = np.max([p1[0],p2[0]]),np.min([p1[0],p2[0]]) ymax,ymin = np.max([p1[1],p2[1]]),np.min([p1[1],p2[1]]) zmax,zmin = np.max([p1[2],p2[2]]),np.min([p1[2],p2[2]]) self.points=[[xmin,xmax,xmax,xmin,xmin,xmax,xmax,xmin], [ymax,ymax,ymin,ymin,ymax,ymax,ymin,ymin], [zmax,zmax,zmax,zmax,zmin,zmin,zmin,zmin]]
[docs] def fix_temperature(self,T,multiplier=1.e10,file=None): ''' Fixes temperatures at nodes within this zone. Temperatures fixed by adding an HFLX macro with high heat flow multiplier. :param T: Temperature to fix. :type T: fl64 :param multiplier: Multiplier for HFLX macro (default = 1.e10) :type multiplier: fl64 :param file: Name of auxiliary file to save macro. :type file: str ''' if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('fix_temperature() only available if zone associated with fdata() object',self._silent) return self._parent.add(fmacro('hflx',zone=self,param=(('heat_flow',T),('multiplier',multiplier)),file=file)) self._fixedT = T
[docs] def fix_pressure(self,P=0, T=30., impedance=1.e6, file = None): ''' Fixes pressures at nodes within this zone. Pressures fixed by adding a FLOW macro with high impedance. :param P: Pressure to fix. Default is 0, corresponding to fixing initial pressure. :type P: fl64 :param T: Temperature to fix (default = 30 degC). :type T: fl64 :param impedance: Impedance for FLOW macro (default = 1.e6) :type impedance: fl64 :param file: Name of auxiliary file to save macro. :type file: str ''' if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('fix_pressure() only available if zone associated with fdata() object',self._silent) return self._parent.add(fmacro('flow',zone=self,param=(('rate',P),('energy',-T),('impedance',impedance)),file=file)) self._fixedP = [P,T]
[docs] def fix_displacement(self,direction,displacement,file=None): ''' Fixes displacement at nodes within this zone. Displacements fixed by adding a STRESSBOUN macro. :param direction: Direction in which displacement is fixed. Specify as string or integer, e.g., 1 = 'x', 2 = 'y', 3 = 'z'. :type direction: str, int :param displacement: Fixed displacement :type displacement: fl64 :param file: Name of auxiliary file to save macro. :type file: str ''' if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('fix_displacement() only available if zone associated with fdata() object',self._silent) return if direction == 'x': direction = 1 elif direction == 'y': direction = 2 elif direction == 'z': direction = 3 elif direction in [1,2,3]: pass else: pyfehm_print('direction must be specified as either 1, 2, 3, \'x\', \'y\', \'z\'.',self._silent) return self._parent.add(fmacro('stressboun',zone=self,param=(('direction',direction),('value',displacement)),file=file))
[docs] def fix_stress(self,direction,stress,file=None): ''' Fixes displacement at nodes within this zone. Displacements fixed by adding a STRESSBOUN macro. :param direction: Direction in which stress is fixed. Specify as string or integer, e.g., 1 = 'x', 2 = 'y', 3 = 'z'. :type direction: str, int :param stress: Fixed stress :type stress: fl64 :param file: Name of auxiliary file to save macro. :type file: str ''' if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('fix_stress() only available if zone associated with fdata() object',self._silent) return if direction == 'x': direction = 1 elif direction == 'y': direction = 2 elif direction == 'z': direction = 3 elif abs(direction) in [1,2,3]: pass else: pyfehm_print('direction must be specified as either 1, 2, 3, \'x\', \'y\', \'z\'.',self._silent) return self._parent.add(fmacro('stressboun',zone=self,param=(('direction',-abs(direction)),('value',stress)),file=file))
[docs] def roller(self,direction=None,file=None): ''' Assigns a roller boundary condition to the zone (zero displacement in normal direction). :param direction: Normal of roller. Specify as string or integer, e.g., 1 = 'x', 2 = 'y', 3 = 'z'. Defaults to zone normal for 'XMIN', 'ZMAX' etc. :type direction: str, int ''' if direction is None: if in ['XMIN','XMAX']: direction = 1 elif in ['YMIN','YMAX']: direction = 2 elif in ['ZMIN','ZMAX']: direction = 3 else: pyfehm_print('no direction specified',self._silent) return self.fix_displacement(direction=direction,displacement=0,file=file)
[docs] def free_surface(self,direction=None,file=None): ''' Assigns a free surface boundary condition to the zone (zero stress in normal direction). :param direction: Normal of free surface. Specify as string or integer, e.g., 1 = 'x', 2 = 'y', 3 = 'z'. Defaults to zone normal for 'XMIN', 'ZMAX' etc. :type direction: str, int ''' if direction is None: if in ['XMIN','XMAX']: direction = -1 elif in ['YMIN','YMAX']: direction = -2 elif in ['ZMIN','ZMAX']: direction = -3 else: pyfehm_print('no direction specified',self._silent) return self.fix_stress(direction=direction,stress=0,file=file)
def copy_from(self,from_zone=None,grid_new=None,method = 'nearest',grid_old=None): '''Transfer zone information from one grid to another. :param from_zone: Zone object to convert. :type from_zone: fzone :param method: Method for node to node transfer of zone. Options are 'nearest', 'volume'. :type method: str ''' if grid_new: self.grid = grid_new if grid_old: from_zone.grid = grid_old if not self.index: self.index = from_zone.index if not from_zone: pyfehm_print('No zone supplied',self._silent); return if from_zone.type == 'rect': # if rectangular zone, copy across bounding box self.type = 'rect' self.points = from_zone.points else: # zone comprises a list of nodes if not from_zone.grid or not from_zone.nodelist: pyfehm_print('Supplied zone does not contain grid information.',self._silent) return from_nodes = from_zone.nodelist if method == 'nearest': ndinds = np.unique([self.grid.node_nearest_point(nd.position) for nd in from_nodes]) ndinds = [nd.index for nd in ndinds if nd != None] elif method == 'volume': 'a' if not self.type: self.type = from_zone.type self.nodelist = [self.grid.node[ndind] for ndind in ndinds]
[docs] def plot(self,save='',angle=[45,45],color='k',connections=False,equal_axes=True, xlabel='x / m',ylabel='y / m',zlabel='z / m',title='',font_size='small'): #generates a 3-D plot of the zone. '''Generates and saves a 3-D plot of the zone. :param save: Name of saved zone image. :type save: str :param angle: View angle of zone. First number is azimuth angle in degrees, second number is tilt. Alternatively, if angle is 'x', 'y', 'z', view is aligned along the corresponding axis. :type angle: [fl64,fl64], str :param color: Colour of zone. :type color: str, [fl64,fl64,fl64] :param connections: Plot connections. If ``True`` all connections plotted. If between 0 and 1, random proportion plotted. If greater than 1, specified number plotted. :type connections: bool :param equal_axes: Force plotting with equal aspect ratios for all axes. :type equal_axes: bool :param xlabel: Label on x-axis. :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: Label on y-axis. :type ylabel: str :param zlabel: Label on z-axis. :type zlabel: str :param title: Title of plot. :type title: str :param font_size: Size of text on plot. :type font_size: str, int *Example:* ``zn.plot(save='myzone.png', angle = [45,45], xlabel = 'x / m', font_size = 'small', color = 'r')`` ''' save = os_path(save) if isinstance(angle,str): if angle == 'x': angle = [0,0] elif angle == 'y': angle = [0,90] elif angle == 'z': angle = [90,90] else: return plotBoundingBox = False plotZoneBox = False if self._parent: plotBoundingBox = True if self.type == 'rect': plotZoneBox = True # plot bounding box plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8.275,11.7]) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel,size=font_size) ax.set_title(title,size=font_size) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_zticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) xmin,xmax = self._parent.grid.xmin, self._parent.grid.xmax ymin,ymax = self._parent.grid.ymin, self._parent.grid.ymax zmin,zmax = self._parent.grid.zmin, self._parent.grid.zmax if equal_axes: MAX = np.max([xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin])/2 C = np.array([xmin+xmax,ymin+ymax,zmin+zmax])/2 for direction in (-1, 1): for point in np.diag(direction * MAX * np.array([1,1,1])): ax.plot([point[0]+C[0]], [point[1]+C[1]], [point[2]+C[2]], 'w') ax.view_init(angle[0],angle[1]) if plotBoundingBox: # x lines ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmin],'k--') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmin],'k--') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmax,zmax],'k--') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmax,zmax],'k--') # y lines ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymax],[zmin,zmin],'k--') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymax],[zmin,zmin],'k--') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymax],[zmax,zmax],'k--') ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymax],[zmax,zmax],'k--') # z lines ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmax],'k--') ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmax],'k--') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmax],'k--') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmax],'k--') # plot node connections if connections: conns = [] for node in self.nodelist: for nb in node.connected_nodes: if nb in self.nodelist: p1 = node.position p2 = nb.position conns.append((p1,p2)) if not isinstance(connections,bool): # plot all connections if connections>0 and connections<1: # plot proportion of connections connections = int(len(conns)*connections) connections = np.min([connections,len(conns)]) import random random.shuffle(conns) conns = conns[:connections] for p1,p2 in conns: ax.plot([p1[0],p2[0]],[p1[1],p2[1]],[p1[2],p2[2]],color=color, linestyle = '-', linewidth = 0.5) # plot some connections # plot nodes for node in self.nodelist: ax.plot([node.position[0],],[node.position[1],],[node.position[2],], markerfacecolor=color,marker='o',markersize=3,markeredgecolor=color) if plotZoneBox: xmax,xmin = np.max(self.points[0]),np.min(self.points[0]) ymax,ymin = np.max(self.points[1]),np.min(self.points[1]) zmax,zmin = np.max(self.points[2]),np.min(self.points[2]) # x lines ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmin],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmin],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmax,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmax,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') # y lines ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymax],[zmin,zmin],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymax],[zmin,zmin],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymax],[zmax,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymax],[zmax,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') # z lines ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmin,xmin],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymax,ymax],[zmin,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') ax.plot([xmax,xmax],[ymin,ymin],[zmin,zmax],color=color,linestyle='-') extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable='zone'+str(self.index),time=1) plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=200, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) if pdf: os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname) os.remove(save_fname)
[docs] def topo(self,save='',cbar=True,equal_axes=True, method = 'nearest', divisions=[30,30], xlims=[], ylims=[], clims=[], levels=10,clabel='', xlabel='x / m',ylabel='y / m',zlabel='z / m',title='',font_size='small'): #generates a 2-D topographical plot of the zone. '''Returns a contour plot of the top surface of the zone. :param divisions: Resolution to supply mesh data. :type divisions: [int,int] :param method: Method of interpolation, options are 'nearest', 'linear'. :type method: str :param levels: Contour levels to plot. Can specify specific levels in list form, or a single integer indicating automatic assignment of levels. :type levels: lst[fl64], int :param cbar: Add colour bar to plot. :param type: bool :param xlims: Plot limits on x-axis. :type xlims: [fl64, fl64] :param ylims: Plot limits on y-axis. :type ylims: [fl64, fl64] :param clims: Colour limits. :type clims: [fl64,fl64] :param save: Name to save plot. Format specified extension (default .png if none give). Supported extensions: .png, .eps, .pdf. :type save: str :param xlabel: Label on x-axis. :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: Label on y-axis. :type ylabel: str :param title: Plot title. :type title: str :param font_size: Specify text size, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'. :type font_size: str, int :param equal_axes: Specify equal scales on axes. :type equal_axes: bool *Example:* ``[2].topo('zoneDEMtopo.png',method = 'linear')`` ''' save = os_path(save) if not self.nodelist: pyfehm_print('ERROR: No node information, aborting...',self._silent) return if not title: title = 'Topographic plot of zone ' +str(self.index) if title += ': ' # assemble data xs = np.unique([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist]) ys = np.unique([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist]) xmin = np.min(xs); xmax = np.max(xs) ymin = np.min(ys); ymax = np.max(ys) xrange = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,divisions[0]) yrange = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,divisions[1]) XI,YI = np.meshgrid(xs,ys) X,Y = np.meshgrid(xrange,yrange) ZI = np.ones((len(ys),len(xs)))*self._parent.grid.zmin-1 for nd in self.nodelist: i = np.where(xs==nd.position[0])[0][0] j = np.where(ys==nd.position[1])[0][0] ZI[j,i] = np.max([ZI[j,i],nd.position[2]]) pts = np.transpose(np.reshape((X,Y),(2,X.size))) ptsI = np.transpose(np.reshape((XI,YI,ZI),(3,XI.size))) from scipy.interpolate import griddata vals = griddata(ptsI[:,:2],ptsI[:,2],pts,method=method) vals = np.reshape(vals,(X.shape[0],X.shape[1])) # plot topo plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[8.275,11.7]) ax = plt.axes([0.15,0.15,0.7,0.7]) if xlims: ax.set_xlim(xlims) if ylims: ax.set_ylim(ylims) if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') CS = plt.contourf(X,Y,vals,levels) if clims: CS.vmin=clims[0]; CS.vmax=clims[1] if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size) if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size) if title: plt.title(title,size=font_size) if cbar: cbar=plt.colorbar(CS) for t in t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable='zone_topo'+str(self.index),time=1) plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=200, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
def _get_info(self): """Print details of the zone to the screen.""" ws = 'Zone '+str(self.index)+'\n' ws+='\nGeometric properties.......\n' if self.type == 'rect': ws += ' Type: rectangular box\n' if self.nodelist: ws += ' Contains '+str(len(self.nodelist))+' nodes\n' pts = np.array(self.points) if np.size(pts)==24: pts=pts.reshape(3,8) else: pts = pts.reshape(2,4) xmin, xmax = np.min(pts[0,:]), np.max(pts[0,:]) ymin, ymax = np.min(pts[1,:]), np.max(pts[1,:]) if pts.shape[1] == 3: zmin, zmax = np.min(pts[2,:]), np.max(pts[2,:]) dx,dy,dz = [xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin] ws += ' dimensions: ['+str(dx)+', '+str(dy)+', '+str(dz)+']' if 100*dz<dx and 100*dz<dy: ws += ' (plane at z = '+str((zmin+zmax)/2)+')' elif 100*dx<dy and 100*dx<dz: ws += ' (plane at x = '+str((xmin+xmax)/2)+')' elif 100*dy<dz and 100*dy<dz: ws += ' (plane at y = '+str((ymin+ymax)/2)+')' elif 100*dz<dx and 100*dy<dx: ws += ' (column at x = '+str((xmin+xmax)/2)+')' elif 100*dx<dy and 100*dz<dy: ws += ' (column at y = '+str((ymin+ymax)/2)+')' elif 100*dx<dz and 100*dy<dz: ws += ' (column at z = '+str((zmin+zmax)/2)+')' ws += '\n' ws += ' x-range: '+str(xmin)+' - '+str(xmax)+'\n' ws += ' y-range: '+str(ymin)+' - '+str(ymax)+'\n' if pts.shape[1] == 3: ws += ' z-range: '+str(zmin)+' - '+str(zmax)+'\n' ws += ' mid-point: ['+str((xmin+xmax)/2.)+', '+str((ymin+ymax)/2.)+', '+str((zmin+zmax)/2.)+']\n' elif pts.shape[1] ==1: ws += ' mid-point: ['+str((xmin+xmax)/2.)+', '+str((ymin+ymax)/2.)+']\n' elif self.type == 'list': #ws = 'Zone '+str(self.index)+'\n' #ws+='\nGeometric properties.......\n' ws += ' Type: list\n' ws += ' Contains '+str(len(self.nodelist))+' nodes\n' pts=np.array(self.points) ws += ' x-range: '+str(np.min(pts[:,0]))+' - '+str(np.max(pts[:,0]))+'\n' ws += ' y-range: '+str(np.min(pts[:,1]))+' - '+str(np.max(pts[:,1]))+'\n' ws += ' z-range: '+str(np.min(pts[:,2]))+' - '+str(np.max(pts[:,2]))+'\n' ws += ' mid-point: ['+str(np.mean(pts[:,0]))+', '+str(np.mean(pts[:,1]))+', '+str(np.mean(pts[:,2]))+']\n' if pts.shape[0]<20: ws+=' points: ['+str(self.points[0][0])+', '+str(self.points[0][1])+', '+str(self.points[0][2])+']\n' for pt in self.points[1:]: ws+=' ['+str(pt[0])+', '+str(pt[1])+', '+str(pt[2])+']\n' elif self.type == 'nnum': ws += ' Type: nnum (list of nodes)\n' ws += ' Contains '+str(len(self.nodelist))+' nodes\n' elif not self.index: ws += ' Background zone (denoted 1 0 0), encompassing all nodes.\n' else: return ws += '\nMaterial properties........\n' if self._permeability != None: ws += ' permeability...... '+str(self._permeability)+'\n' if self._conductivity != None: ws += ' conductivity...... '+str(self._conductivity)+'\n' if self._density: ws += ' density........... '+str(self._density)+'\n' if self._specific_heat: ws += ' specific heat..... '+str(self._specific_heat)+'\n' if self._porosity: ws += ' porosity.......... '+str(self._porosity)+'\n' if self._youngs_modulus: ws += ' Youngs modulus.... '+str(self._youngs_modulus)+'\n' if self._poissons_ratio: ws += ' Poissons ratio.... '+str(self._poissons_ratio)+'\n' if self._thermal_expansion: ws += ' thermal expansion. '+str(self._thermal_expansion)+'\n' if self._pressure_coupling: ws += ' pressure coupling. '+str(self._pressure_coupling)+'\n' ws += '\nInitial conditions.........\n' if self._Pi: ws += ' pressure.......... '+str(self._Pi)+'\n' if self._Ti: ws += ' temperature....... '+str(self._Ti)+'\n' if self._Si: ws += ' saturation........ '+str(self._Si)+'\n' ws += '\nBoundary conditions........\n' if self._fixedT: ws += ' fixed temperature.... '+str(self._fixedT)+'\n' if self._fixedP: ws += ' fixed pressure....... '+str(self._fixedP[0])+'\n' ws += ' inflow temperature. '+str(self._fixedP[1])+'\n' print ws what = property(_get_info) #: Print to screen information about the zone. def _get_nodes(self): """Assemble a list of fnode objects contained in the zone.""" nds = [] if self.type == 'rect': if not self._parent.grid: self._nodelist = nds; return self._nodelist xmax,xmin = np.max(self.points[0]),np.min(self.points[0]) ymax,ymin = np.max(self.points[1]),np.min(self.points[1]) if self._parent._grid.dimensions == 3: zmax,zmin = np.max(self.points[2]),np.min(self.points[2]) else: zmax,zmin = self._parent._grid.zmax+.01,self._parent._grid.zmin-.01 x,y,z = np.array([nd._position for nd in self._parent._grid._nodelist]).T inds = np.where((x<=xmax)&(x>=xmin)&(y<=ymax)&(y>=ymin)&(z<=zmax)&(z>=zmin)) self._nodelist = [self._parent._grid._nodelist[i] for i in inds[0]] if self._index == 0: self._nodelist = self._parent._grid._nodelist return self._nodelist def _set_nodes(self,value): if self.type == 'rect': pyfehm_print('ERROR: nodelist for zone defined by content of points.',self._silent) return self._nodelist = value nodelist = property(_get_nodes,_set_nodes) #: (*lst[fnode]*) List of nodes contained within the zone. def _get_node(self): return dict([(nd.index,nd) for nd in self.nodelist]) node = property(_get_node) #: (*dict[fnode]*) Dictionary of nodes contained within the zone, indexed by node number. def _get_points(self): """Assemble spatial data as it would appear in an FEHM input file.""" pts=[] if self.type in ['nnum','list']: if not self._parent.grid: self._points = pts; return self._points row = [] if self.type == 'nnum': row.append(len(self.nodelist)) for nd in self.nodelist: if isinstance(nd,int): nd = self._parent.grid.node[nd] if self.type == 'list': pts.append(nd.position) elif self.type == 'nnum': row.append(nd.index) if len(row) == 10: pts.append(row); row = [] if row != []: pts.append(row) self._points = pts return self._points def _set_points(self,value): if self.type in ['list','nnum']: pyfehm_print('ERROR: points defined by content of nodelist.',self._silent) return self._points = value points = property(_get_points,_set_points)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Spatial data defining the zone. def _get_permeability(self): return self._permeability def _set_permeability(self,value): self._permeability = value # set commands if not self._parent: _buildWarnings('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.'); return if isinstance(value,(int,float)): kx = value; ky = value; kz = value elif isinstance(value,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)) and len(value)==3: kx,ky,kz = value if self.index in self._parent.perm.keys(): if self._updateFlag: self._parent.perm[self.index].param['kx']=kx self._parent.perm[self.index].param['ky']=ky self._parent.perm[self.index].param['kz']=kz else: self._parent.add(fmacro('perm',zone=self.index,param=(('kx',kx),('ky',ky),('kz',kz)))) if self._parent: for nd in self.nodelist: if not (nd.permeability is not None and self.index == 0): nd._permeability = np.array([kx,ky,kz]) permeability = property(_get_permeability, _set_permeability) #: (*fl64*,*lst*) Permeability properties of zone. def _get_conductivity(self): return self._conductivity def _set_conductivity(self,value): self._conductivity = value # set commands if not self._parent: _buildWarnings('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.'); return if isinstance(value,(int,float)): kx = value; ky = value; kz = value elif isinstance(value,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)) and len(value)==3: kx,ky,kz = value if self.index in self._parent.cond.keys(): if self._updateFlag: self._parent.cond[self.index].param['cond_x']=kx self._parent.cond[self.index].param['cond_y']=ky self._parent.cond[self.index].param['cond_z']=kz else: self._parent.add(fmacro('cond',zone=self.index,param=(('cond_x',kx),('cond_y',ky),('cond_z',kz)))) if self._parent: for nd in self.nodelist: if not (nd.conductivity is not None and self.index == 0): nd._conductivity = np.array([kx,ky,kz]) conductivity = property(_get_conductivity, _set_conductivity) #: (*fl64*,*lst*) Conductivity properties of zone. def _set_property(self,value,prop0,props,macro): self.__setattr__(prop0,value) if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.',self._silent) return # macro creation/modification ks = self._parent.__getattribute__(macro).keys() if self.index in ks: if self._updateFlag: self._parent.__getattribute__(macro)[self.index].param[prop0[1:]]=value else: params = [(prop0[1:],value)] for prop in props: params.append((prop[1:],dflt.__getattribute__(prop[1:]))) self._parent.add(fmacro(macro,zone=self.index,param=tuple(params))) warn_string = 'WARNING: Assigning default ' for prop in props: warn_string += prop[1:]+' (%6.1f'%dflt.__getattribute__(prop[1:])+'), ' warn_string = warn_string[:-2] + ' to zone '+str(self.index)+'.' _buildWarnings(warn_string) for prop in props: self.__setattr__(prop[1:],dflt.__getattribute__(prop[1:])) # node association if self._parent: for nd in self._nodelist: if isinstance(nd,int): nd = self._parent.grid.node[nd] if len(set([zn.index for zn in nd.zonelist])-set([994,995,996,997,998,999]))==0: nd.__setattr__(prop0,value) elif len([zn.index for zn in nd.zonelist if zn.index in ks])==0: nd.__setattr__(prop0,value) elif self.index == np.max([zn.index for zn in nd.zonelist if zn.index in ks]): nd.__setattr__(prop0,value) def _get_density(self): return self._density def _set_density(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_density',['_specific_heat','_porosity'],'rock') density = property(_get_density, _set_density) #: (*fl64*) Density of zone. def _get_specific_heat(self): return self._specific_heat def _set_specific_heat(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_specific_heat',['_density','_porosity'],'rock') specific_heat = property(_get_specific_heat, _set_specific_heat) #: (*fl64*) Specific heat of zone. def _get_porosity(self): return self._porosity def _set_porosity(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_porosity',['_density','_specific_heat'],'rock') porosity = property(_get_porosity, _set_porosity) #: (*fl64*) Porosity of zone. def _get_youngs_modulus(self): return self._youngs_modulus def _set_youngs_modulus(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_youngs_modulus',['_poissons_ratio'],'elastic') youngs_modulus = property(_get_youngs_modulus, _set_youngs_modulus) #: (*fl64*) Young's modulus of zone. def _get_poissons_ratio(self): return self._poissons_ratio def _set_poissons_ratio(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_poissons_ratio',['_youngs_modulus'],'elastic') poissons_ratio = property(_get_poissons_ratio, _set_poissons_ratio) #: (*fl64*) Poisson's ratio of zone. def _get_thermal_expansion(self): return self._thermal_expansion def _set_thermal_expansion(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_thermal_expansion',['_pressure_coupling'],'biot') thermal_expansion = property(_get_thermal_expansion, _set_thermal_expansion) #: (*fl64*) Coefficient of thermal expansion of zone. def _get_pressure_coupling(self): return self._pressure_coupling def _set_pressure_coupling(self,value): self._set_property(value,'_pressure_coupling',['_thermal_expansion'],'biot') pressure_coupling = property(_get_pressure_coupling, _set_pressure_coupling) #: (*fl64*) Pressure coupling term of zone. def _get_Pi(self): return self._Pi def _set_Pi(self,value): self._Pi = value # set commands if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.',self._silent) return if self.index in self._parent.pres.keys(): if self._updateFlag: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['pressure']=value else: self._parent.add(fmacro('pres',zone=self.index,param=(('pressure',value),('temperature',dflt.Ti),('saturation',1)))) _buildWarnings('WARNING: Assigning default initial temperature (%4.1f'%dflt.Ti+' degC, fully saturated liquid) to zone '+str(self.index)+'.') self.Ti = dflt.Ti if self.Ti > tsat(self.Pi)[0]: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['saturation']=3 self.Si = 0. else: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['saturation']=1 self.Si = 1. if self._parent: for nd in self.nodelist: if not (nd.Pi is not None and self.index == 0): nd._Pi = value Pi = property(_get_Pi, _set_Pi) #: (*fl64*) Initial pressure in zone. def _get_Ti(self): return self._Ti def _set_Ti(self,value): self._Ti = value # set commands if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.',self._silent) return if self.index in self._parent.pres.keys(): if self._updateFlag: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['temperature']=value else: self._parent.add(fmacro('pres',zone=self.index,param=(('pressure',dflt.Pi),('temperature',value),('saturation',1)))) _buildWarnings('WARNING: Assigning default initial pressure (%4.1f'%dflt.Pi+' MPa, fully saturated liquid) to zone '+str(self.index)+'.') self._Pi = dflt.Pi if self._Ti > tsat(self._Pi)[0]: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['saturation']=3 self._Si = 0. else: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['saturation']=1 self._Si = 1. if self._parent: for nd in self.nodelist: if not (nd.Ti is not None and self.index == 0): nd._Ti = value Ti = property(_get_Ti, _set_Ti) #: (*fl64*) Initial temperature in zone. def _get_Si(self): return self._Si def _set_Si(self,value): self._Si = value # set commands if not self._parent: pyfehm_print('Zone not associated with input file, no macro changes made.',self._silent) return if self.index in self._parent.pres.keys(): if self._updateFlag: self._parent.pres[self.index].param['temperature']=value self._parent.pres[self.index].param['saturation']=2 else: self._parent.add(fmacro('pres',zone=self.index,param=(('pressure',dflt.Pi),('temperature',value),('saturation',2)))) _buildWarnings('WARNING: Assigning default initial pressure (%4.1f'%dflt.Pi+' MPa, two phase) to zone '+str(self.index)+'.') self._Ti = tsat(self._parent.pres[self.index].param['pressure'])[0] if self._parent: for nd in self.nodelist: if not (nd.Si is not None and self.index == 0): nd._Si = value Si = property(_get_Si, _set_Si) #: (*fl64*) Initial saturation in zone. def _check(self): # if file called for but non-existant on disk, print warning if self.type == None: _buildWarnings('WARNING: Zone '+str(self.index)+' type not assigned.') if self.points == None: _buildWarnings('WARNING: Zone '+str(self.index)+' points array is empty.')
[docs]class fmacro(object): #FEHM macro object """FEHM macro object. """ __slots__=['_silent','_type','_param','_parent','_zone','_subtype','_file','_write_one_macro'] def __init__(self,type='',zone=[],param=[],subtype='',file = None,write_one_macro=False): self._type = type self._silent = dflt.silent if type == 'stressboun' and not subtype: subtype = 'fixed' if type == 'bodyforce' and not subtype: subtype = 'force' if type == 'stressboun': write_one_macro = True self._param = None self._check_type() self._assign_param() self._parent = None if param: self._set_param2(param) self._zone = [] if zone != []: = zone self._subtype = subtype self._check_zone() self._file = file self._write_one_macro = write_one_macro def _assign_param(self): '''Assign parameters if supplied on initialisation.''' self._param = dict(macro_list[self.type]) def _set_param2(self,param): '''Assign keys in param attribute appropriate to specific macro.''' for par,key in zip(param,macro_list[self.type]): if isinstance(par,list) or isinstance(par,tuple): self._param[par[0]] = par[1] else: self._param[key[0]] = par def _check_type(self): '''Determine if macro is supported.''' if self.type not in macro_list.keys(): return None def _check_zone(self): '''Determine if zone definitions are acceptable.''' if not return elif isinstance(,fzone): return elif isinstance(,fnode): = (,,1) elif isinstance(,tuple): if len( != 3:; return = tuple([int(pt) for pt in]) elif isinstance(,list): newlist = [] for zn in if isinstance(zn,fzone) or (isinstance(zn,tuple) and len(zn) == 3): newlist.append(zn) = newlist elif isinstance(,int) or isinstance(,str): return else:; return def __repr__(self): prntStr = self.type +': ' if isinstance(,fzone): prntStr += str( elif isinstance(,list): for zn in prntStr += str( ' ,' prntStr = prntStr[:-2] elif isinstance(,tuple): zn = prntStr += '('+str(zn[0]) +', ' +str(zn[1]) +', '+str(zn[2]) +')' return prntStr def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_type(self): return self._type def _set_type(self,type): oldtype = self._type self._type = type if oldtype != type: self.param = dict(macro_list[self._type]) type = property(_get_type,_set_type)#: (*str*) Name of the macro. Macro names are identical to those invoked in FEHM. def _get_param(self): return self._param def _set_param(self,value): self._param = value param = property(_get_param, _set_param) #: (*dict[fl64]*) A dictionary of values defining the operation of the macro. See table below for macro-specific dictionary keys. def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone,_set_zone)#: (*fzone, lst[fzone], tuple[int,int,int], zone key*) The zone, zones or nodes to which the macro is assigned. Note, only permmodel and rlp can be assigned lists of zones. Optionally, a key (index or string) may be passed, in which case the zone will be retrieved when the macro is added to the model. def _get_subtype(self): return self._subtype def _set_subtype(self,value): self._subtype = value if self.type not in ['stressboun','bodyforce']: _buildWarnings('WARNING: subtype ignored unless macro is stressboun or bodyforce') subtype = property(_get_subtype,_set_subtype) #: (*str*) Macro subtype, required for **STRESSBOUN** or **BODYFORCE** macros. def _get_file(self): return self._file def _set_file(self,value): self._file = value file = property(_get_file,_set_file)#: (*str*) File string where information about the macro is stored. If file does not currently exist, it will be created and written to when the FEHM input file is written. def _check(self): # if not zone assigned, apply default background if self._zone == None: _buildWarnings('WARNING: Macro '+str(self.type)+' has no zone assigned.') # if parameter value not assigned, print warning for key in self.param.keys(): if self.param[key] is None: _buildWarnings('WARNING: Macro '+str(self.type)+':'+str(' '+key+' not assigned.') def _get_info(self): prntStr = self.type + ': ' + macro_descriptor[self.type] +'\n' # print zone info zns = if isinstance(zns,fzone): prntStr += 'Assigned to zone ' +str(zns.index)+'.\n' elif isinstance(zns,list): prntStr += 'Assigned to zones ' for zn in zns: if isinstance(zn,fzone): prntStr += str(zn.index) +', ' elif isinstance(zn,tuple): prntStr += '('+str(zn[0]) +', ' +str(zn[1]) +', '+str(zn[2]) +'), ' prntStr = prntStr[:-2]+'.\n' elif isinstance(zns,tuple): prntStr += 'Assigned to node set ('+str(zns[0]) +', ' +str(zns[1]) +', '+str(zns[2]) +').\n' # print parameter info prntStr += 'Parameters: \n' for par in macro_list[self.type]: if self.param[par[0]] is None: prntStr += ' ' + par[0] + ': Not assigned\n' else: prntStr += ' ' + par[0] + ': ' + str(self.param[par[0]]) + '\n' if self.type == 'stressboun': prntStr += self._more_info_stressboun() if self.type == 'flow': prntStr += self._more_info_flow() print prntStr + '\n' what = property(_get_info) #: Return a summary of the macros function. def _more_info_flow(self): '''Return additional information about flow macro.''' prntStr = '' if self.param['rate']>0: if self.param['energy']>0: if self.param['impedance']==0: prntStr += 'Mass production at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else: prntStr += 'Mass production against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate'])) + ' MPa' else: if self.param['energy']>0: if self.param['impedance']==0: prntStr += 'Mass injection of '+str(self.param['energy'])+' MJ/kg fluid at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else:prntStr += 'Mass injection of '+str(self.param['energy'])+' MJ/kg fluid against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate']))+' MPa' else: if self.param['impedance']==0: prntStr += 'Mass injection of '+str(abs(self.param['energy']))+' degC fluid at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else:prntStr += 'Mass injection of '+str(abs(self.param['energy']))+' degC fluid against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(self.param['rate']))+' MPa' return prntStr def _more_info_stressboun(self): '''Return additional information about stressboun macro.''' prntStr = '' strsDirs = dict([(1,'x-dir'),(2,'y-dir'),(3,'z-dir')]) if self.subtype=='lithograd': prntStr += 'lithograd, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(self.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += 'stress grad = ' + str(self.param['value']) + ' MPa/m' elif self.subtype == 'distributed': prntStr += self.subtype +' force, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(self.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += str(self.param['value'])+ ' MPa' elif self.subtype == 'lithostatic': prntStr +='not done!' else: if self.param['direction']>0: prntStr += 'fixed disp, ' else: prntStr += 'fixed force, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(self.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += str(self.param['value'])+' ' if self.param['direction']>0: prntStr += 'm' else: prntStr += 'MPa' return prntStr
[docs]class fmodel(object): #FEHM model object. '''Model object, used in a variety of macro definitions. Model objects should have: - a type for the macro - a list of zones to which the model is assigned. - an index for the specific model. - a dictionary of parameters for the model. ''' __slots__=['_silent','_type','_param','_index','_parent','_zonelist','_zone','_file'] def __init__(self,type='',zonelist=[],param=[],index = None,file = None): self._type = type self._silent = dflt.silent self._param = None self._check_type() self._index = None if index: self._index = index self._assign_param() self._parent = None # check param hasn't been misspecified if len(param) ==2: if not isinstance(param[0],tuple): param = (param,) if param: self._set_param2(param) self._zonelist = [] if zonelist != []: self.zonelist = zonelist self._zone = {} self._check_zone() self._file = file def _check_type(self): '''Determine if macro is supported.''' if self.type not in model_list.keys(): return None def _assign_param(self): '''Assign parameters if supplied on initialisation.''' if self.index in model_list[self.type].keys(): self._param = dict([(par,None) for par in model_list[self.type][self.index]]) else: self._param = {} def _set_param2(self,param): '''Assign keys in param attribute appropriate to specific macro.''' if self.index not in model_list[self.type].keys(): self._param = dict([('param'+str(i+1),par[1]) for i,par in enumerate(param)]) return elif param.__len__() != len(self._param.keys()): return # return if numbers don't match up if self.index in model_list[self.type].keys(): paramDict = model_list[self.type][self.index] else: paramDict = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(self._param.keys()))] for par,key in zip(param,paramDict): if isinstance(par,list) or isinstance(par,tuple): self._param[par[0]] = par[1] else: self._param[key] = par def _check_zone(self): '''Determine if zone definitions are acceptable.''' if not self.zonelist: return elif isinstance(self.zonelist,(fzone,int,str)): self.zonelist = [self.zonelist] elif isinstance(self.zonelist,tuple): if len(self.zonelist) != 3: self.zonelist=None; return self.zonelist = [tuple([int(pt) for pt in self.zonelist])] elif isinstance(self.zonelist,list): newlist = [] for zn in self.zonelist: if isinstance(zn,(fzone,int,str)) or (isinstance(zn,tuple) and len(zn) == 3): newlist.append(zn) self.zonelist = newlist else: self.zonelist=None; return if self._parent: newlist = [] for zn in self.zonelist: if zn in newlist.append([zn]) self.zonelist = newlist def __repr__(self): prntStr = self.type +': ' if isinstance(self.zonelist,fzone): prntStr += str(self.zonelist.index) elif isinstance(self.zonelist,list): for zn in self.zonelist: prntStr += str(self.zonelist.index)+ ' ,' prntStr = prntStr[:-2] elif isinstance(self.zonelist,tuple): zn = self.zonelist prntStr += '('+str(zn[0]) +', ' +str(zn[1]) +', '+str(zn[2]) +')' return prntStr def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_type(self): return self._type def _set_type(self,value): oldtype = self._type self._type = type if oldtype != type: param_dicts = model_list[self._type] if self.index not in param_dicts: pyfehm_print('ERROR: model index not known.',self._silent) return self.param = param_dicts[self.index] type = property(_get_type, _set_type) #: (*str*) Name of the macro for this model. Macro names are identical to those invoked in FEHM. def _get_param(self): return self._param def _set_param(self,value): self._param = value param = property(_get_param, _set_param) #: (*dict[fl64]*) A dictionary of values defining the operation of the macro. See table below for macro-specific dictionary keys. def _get_index(self): return self._index def _set_index(self,value): self._index = value index = property(_get_index, _set_index) #: (*int*) Index of the model to be invoked. def _get_zonelist(self): return self._zonelist def _set_zonelist(self,value): self._zonelist = value zonelist = property(_get_zonelist, _set_zonelist) #: (*list*) A list of zones to which the model is applied. def _get_zone(self): tempdict = [] for zn in self.zonelist: if isinstance(zn,tuple): tempdict.append([tuple,tuple]) elif isinstance(zn,fzone): tempdict.append([zn.index,zn]) return dict(tempdict) zone = property(_get_zone) #: (**) def _get_file(self): return self._file def _set_file(self,value): self._file = value file = property(_get_file, _set_file) #: (**)
[docs]class fincon(object): #FEHM restart object. '''Initial conditions object. Also called a restart file. Reading one of these files associates the temperature, pressure, saturation etc. data with grid nodes and sets up fehmn.files to use the file for restarting. ''' __slots__=['_silent','_source','_parent','_time','_changeTime','_writeOut','_stressgradCalled','_T','_P','_S', '_co2aq','_eos','_co2_eos','_dc_eos','_S_co2l','_strs_xx','_strs_yy','_strs_zz','_strs_xy', '_strs_yz','_strs_xz','_disp_x','_disp_y','_disp_z','_path'] def __init__(self,inconfilename=''): self._source = '' self._silent = dflt.silent self._parent = None self._time = None self._changeTime = False self._writeOut = False # flag that changes have been made and the incon file should be rewritten self._stressgradCalled = False self._T = [] self._P = [] self._S = [] self._co2aq = [] self._eos = [] self._co2_eos = [] self._dc_eos = [] self._S_co2l = [] self._strs_xx = [] self._strs_yy = [] self._strs_zz = [] self._strs_xy = [] self._strs_yz = [] self._strs_xz = [] self._disp_x = [] self._disp_y = [] self._disp_z = [] self._path = fpath(parent=self) if inconfilename: self._path.filename = inconfilename if self.filename: def __repr__(self): if self.filename == None: return 'no initial conditions' else: return self.filename #Print out details def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def read(self,inconfilename='',if_new = False): '''Parse a restart file for variable information. :param inconfilename: Name of restart file. :type inconfilename: str ''' if inconfilename: self._path.filename = inconfilename if if_new and not os.path.isfile(self._path.full_path): return False # check if file exists, if not found, check in work directory infile = open(self._path.full_path,'r') self._parent.files.incon = inconfilename lns = infile.readlines() infile.close() # check if incon file finished writing if not (lns[-1].startswith('no fluxes') or lns[-2].startswith('no fluxes') or lns[-3].startswith('no fluxes')): return cnt = 0 ln = lns[cnt].strip(); cnt +=1 ln = lns[cnt].strip(); cnt +=1 self._source = ln ln = lns[cnt].strip(); cnt +=1 new_time = float(ln) if (new_time == self.time) and if_new: return False self.time = float(ln) # get time stamp self._changeTime = False ln = lns[cnt].strip(); cnt +=1 node_number = int(ln.split('nddp')[0]) while True: var = lns[cnt]; cnt +=1 if var.startswith('no fluxes') or var == -1: break # read in data values = [] while len(values) != node_number: values += lns[cnt].strip().split(); cnt +=1 # save to attribute if var.startswith('temperature') or var.startswith('co2temperat'): self._T = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('pressure') or var.startswith('co2pressure'): self._P = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('saturation') or var.startswith('wsaturation'): self._S = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('lco2saturat'): self._S_co2l = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('dissolvdco2'): self._co2aq = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('eoswater'): self._eos = np.array([int(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('eosco2'): self._co2_eos = np.array([int(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('eosdc'): self._dc_eos = np.array([int(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('xstress'): self._strs_xx = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('ystress'): self._strs_yy = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('zstress'): self._strs_zz = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('xystress'): self._strs_xy = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('xzstress'): self._strs_xz = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('yzstress'): self._strs_yz = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('xdisplacmnt'): self._disp_x = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('ydisplacmnt'): self._disp_y = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) if var.startswith('zdisplacmnt'): self._disp_z = np.array([float(v) for v in values]) infile.close() if self._parent: self._parent._associate_incon() if if_new: return True
[docs] def write(self,inconfilename=''): '''Write out a restart file. :param inconfilename: Name of restart file to write out. :type inconfilename: str ''' if inconfilename: self._path.filename = inconfilename if self._parent.work_dir: path = self._path.absolute_to_workdir+os.sep+self._path.filename else: path = self._path.full_path outfile = open(path,'w') self._parent.files.incon = path self._path.filename = path pyfehm_print('Writing new INCON file '+inconfilename+'.',self._silent) # write headers outfile.write('PyFEHM V1.0 ') import time lt = time.localtime() mon = str(lt.tm_mon) if len(mon) == 1: mon = '0'+mon day = str(lt.tm_mday) if len(day) == 1: day = '0'+day yr = str(lt.tm_year) hr = str(lt.tm_hour) if len(hr) == 1: hr = '0'+hr min = str(lt.tm_min) sec = str(lt.tm_sec) outfile.write(mon+'/'+day+'/'+yr+' '+hr+':'+min+':'+sec+'\n') outfile.write(self.source+'\n') outfile.write(' '+'%20f' % self.time+'\n') outfile.write(' '+'%8d' % len(self.T)+' nddp\n') # write info co2flag = (len(self._co2aq) != 0) stressflag = (len(self._strs_xx) != 0) #if self._parent and co2flag: # if self._parent.carb.iprtype == 1: co2flag = False if self._parent and stressflag: if self._parent.strs.param['ISTRS']==0: stressflag = False headers = ['temperature','saturation','pressure'] variables = [self.T,self.S,self.P] formats = ['%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e'] Ns = [4,4,4] nan_subs = [25.,1.,1.] if co2flag: headers = ['co2temperat','wsaturation','co2pressure','lco2saturat','dissolvdco2', 'eoswater','eosco2','eosdc'] variables+=[self._S_co2l,self._co2aq,self._eos,self._co2_eos,self._dc_eos] formats += ['%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%1d','%1d','%1d'] Ns += [4,4,30,30,30] nan_subs += [0.,0.,1,1,0] if stressflag: headers += ['xdisplacmnt','ydisplacmnt','zdisplacmnt','xstress','ystress','xystress', 'zstress','xzstress','yzstress'] variables += [self._disp_x,self._disp_y,self._disp_z,self._strs_xx,self._strs_yy, self._strs_xy,self._strs_zz,self._strs_xz,self._strs_yz] formats += ['%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e','%#20.10e', '%#20.10e','%#20.10e'] Ns += [4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4,4] nan_subs += [0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.] for header,variable,format,N,nan_sub in zip(headers,variables,formats,Ns,nan_subs): if (len(variable) != 0): outfile.write(header+'\n') cnt = 0 for val in variable: if val != val: val = nan_sub if N != 30 and not (header.endswith('ess') or header.endswith('displacmnt')): val = np.max([val,1.e-98]) outfile.write(format % val + ' ') cnt +=1 if cnt == N: outfile.write('\n'); cnt = 0 if cnt!=0: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('no fluxes\n\n') outfile.close() self._writeOut = False
[docs] def stressgrad(self,xgrad,ygrad,zgrad,xygrad = 0.,xzgrad=0.,yzgrad=0.,calculate_vertical=False,vertical_fraction=False): '''Construct initial stress state with vertical stress gradients. :param xgrad: Vertical gradient in x stress (MPa/m), assumed intercept at [0,0]. If a two element list is given, the first value is interpreted as the gradient, and the second value as the elevation where stress is zero (i.e., the intercept with the z-axis). :type xgrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param ygrad: Vertical gradient in y stress (MPa/m), format as for **xgrad**. :type ygrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param zgrad: Vertical gradient in z stress (MPa/m), format as for **xgrad**. :type zgrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param xygrad: Vertical gradient in xy stress (MPa/m), default is 0, format as for **xgrad**. :type xygrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param xzgrad: Vertical gradient in xz stress (MPa/m), default is 0, format as for **xgrad**. :type xzgrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param yzgrad: Vertical gradient in yz stress (MPa/m), default is 0, format as for **xgrad**. :type yzgrad: fl64, list[fl64,fl64] :param calculate_vertical: Vertical stress calculated by integrating density. If true, then zgrad specifies the overburden. :type calculate_vertical: bool :param vertical_fraction: Horizontal stresses calculated as a fraction of the vertical. If true, xgrad and ygrad are interpreted as fractions. :type vertical_fraction: bool ''' if not self.filename: pyfehm_print('ERROR: initial conditions file containing temperature/pressure data not loaded.',self._silent) return if not self._parent._associate: pyfehm_print('ERROR: incon file not associated with parent data file - node and coordinate data not available.',self._silent) return if vertical_fraction: calculate_vertical = True if calculate_vertical: pyfehm_print('NOTE: density integration to obtain vertical stress should only be done for orthogonal meshes',self._silent) if not self._parent._associate: pyfehm_print('ERROR: node property association required to access density data - set associate=True in data file',self._silent) return xs = np.unique([nd.position[0] for nd in self._parent.grid.nodelist]) ys = np.unique([nd.position[1] for nd in self._parent.grid.nodelist]) # for each x and y, find the column of z-values corresponding zs = [] for x in xs: for y in ys: zs.append(((x,y),[])) zs = dict(zs) for nd in self._parent.grid.nodelist: zs[(nd.position[0],nd.position[1])].append(nd) self._strs_zz = np.zeros((1,self._parent.grid.number_nodes))[0] for k in zs.keys(): zs[k].sort(key=lambda x: x.position[2],reverse=True) z0 = zs[k][0].position[2]; sz = [0+zgrad] oldRho = zs[k][0].density oldZ = zs[k][0].position[2] for z in zs[k][1:]: sz.append(sz[-1]+9.81*(oldRho+z.density)*abs(z.position[2]-oldZ)/2/1e6) oldRho = z.density oldZ = z.position[2] for nd,szi in zip(zs[k],sz): self._strs_zz[nd.index-1] = szi if vertical_fraction: if isinstance(xgrad,(list,tuple)) and len(xgrad) == 2: self._strs_xx = list(xgrad[0]*np.array(self.strs_zz)+xgrad[1]) else: self._strs_xx = list(xgrad*np.array(self.strs_zz)) if isinstance(ygrad,(list,tuple)) and len(ygrad) == 2: self._strs_yy = list(ygrad[0]*np.array(self.strs_zz)+ygrad[1]) else: self._strs_yy = list(ygrad*np.array(self.strs_zz)) if isinstance(xygrad,(list,tuple)) and len(xygrad) == 2: self._strs_xy = list(xygrad[0]*np.array(self.strs_zz)+xygrad[1]) else: self._strs_xy = list(xygrad*np.array(self.strs_zz)) if isinstance(xzgrad,(list,tuple)) and len(xzgrad) == 2: self._strs_xz = list(xzgrad[0]*np.array(self.strs_zz)+xzgrad[1]) else: self._strs_xz = list(xzgrad*np.array(self.strs_zz)) if isinstance(yzgrad,(list,tuple)) and len(yzgrad) == 2: self._strs_yz = list(yzgrad[0]*np.array(self.strs_zz)+yzgrad[1]) else: self._strs_yz = list(yzgrad*np.array(self.strs_zz)) else: if isinstance(xgrad,(tuple,list)): dx = abs(xgrad[0]); x0 = xgrad[1] else: dx = abs(xgrad); x0 = 0 if isinstance(ygrad,(tuple,list)): dy = abs(ygrad[0]); y0 = ygrad[1] else: dy = abs(ygrad); y0 = 0 if isinstance(xygrad,(tuple,list)): dxy = abs(xygrad[0]); xy0 = xygrad[1] else: dxy = abs(xygrad); xy0 = 0 if isinstance(xzgrad,(tuple,list)): dxz = abs(xzgrad[0]); xz0 = xzgrad[1] else: dxz = abs(xzgrad); xz0 = 0 if isinstance(yzgrad,(tuple,list)): dyz = abs(yzgrad[0]); yz0 = yzgrad[1] else: dyz = abs(yzgrad); yz0 = 0 z = np.array([nd.position[2] for nd in self._parent.grid.nodelist]) self._strs_xx = -dx*(z-x0) self._strs_yy = -dy*(z-y0) self._strs_xy = -dxy*(z-xy0) self._strs_xz = -dxz*(z-xz0) self._strs_yz = -dyz*(z-yz0) else: if isinstance(xgrad,(tuple,list)): dx = abs(xgrad[0]); x0 = xgrad[1] else: dx = abs(xgrad); x0 = 0 if isinstance(ygrad,(tuple,list)): dy = abs(ygrad[0]); y0 = ygrad[1] else: dy = abs(ygrad); y0 = 0 if isinstance(zgrad,(tuple,list)): dz = abs(zgrad[0]); z0 = zgrad[1] else: dz = abs(zgrad); z0 = 0 if isinstance(xygrad,(tuple,list)): dxy = abs(xygrad[0]); xy0 = xygrad[1] else: dxy = abs(xygrad); xy0 = 0 if isinstance(xzgrad,(tuple,list)): dxz = abs(xzgrad[0]); xz0 = xzgrad[1] else: dxz = abs(xzgrad); xz0 = 0 if isinstance(yzgrad,(tuple,list)): dyz = abs(yzgrad[0]); yz0 = yzgrad[1] else: dyz = abs(yzgrad); yz0 = 0 z = np.array([nd.position[2] for nd in self._parent.grid.nodelist]) self._strs_xx = -dx*(z-x0) self._strs_yy = -dy*(z-y0) self._strs_zz = -dz*(z-z0) self._strs_xy = -dxy*(z-xy0) self._strs_xz = -dxz*(z-xz0) self._strs_yz = -dyz*(z-yz0) self._writeOut = True self._stressgradCalled = True
[docs] def critical_stress(self,regime=1,horiz_stress='x',mu=0.6,cohesion=0,proximity=0.,overburden=0.): '''Construct initial stress state near Mohr-Coulomb failure. The vertical stress is calculated using the assigned density. Minimum or maximum horizontal stress calculated using the specified friction coefficient. Intermediate principal stress is assumed to be the average of the other two. :param regime: Stress regime, 0 = compression, 1 = extension (default). :type regime: bool int :param horiz_stress: Horizontal coordinate direction ('x' or 'y') to assign the minimum or maximum principal stress (depending on stress regime). :type horiz_stress: str :param mu: Friction coefficient for Mohr-Coulomb failure (default = 0.6). :type mu: fl64 :param cohesion: Cohesion for Mohr-Coulomb failure (default = 0). :type cohesion: fl64 :param proximity: A negative quantity indicating how close the minimum principal stress is to Mohr-Coulomb failure (MPa, default = 0). :type proximity: fl64 :param overburden: Overburden at top of model (MPa, default = 0). :type overburden: fl64 ''' mult = np.sqrt(1+mu**2)+mu self.stressgrad(xgrad=1.,ygrad=1.,zgrad=overburden,calculate_vertical = True) if regime: if horiz_stress == 'x': self._strs_xx = list((np.array(self.strs_zz)-2*cohesion*mult)/mult**2-proximity) self._strs_yy = list((np.array(self.strs_xx)+np.array(self.strs_zz))/2) else: self._strs_yy = list((np.array(self.strs_zz)-2*cohesion*mult)/mult**2-proximity) self._strs_xx = list((np.array(self.strs_yy)+np.array(self.strs_zz))/2) else: if horiz_stress == 'x': self._strs_xx = list(2*cohesion*mult+mult**2*np.array(self.strs_zz)-proximity) self._strs_yy = list((np.array(self.strs_xx)+np.array(self.strs_zz))/2) else: self._strs_yy = list(2*cohesion*mult+mult**2*np.array(self.strs_zz)-proximity) self._strs_xx = list((np.array(self.strs_yy)+np.array(self.strs_zz))/2)
def _summary(self): L = 62 s = [''] s.append(' IIII---------------------------------------------------------IIII') line = ' IIII FEHM restart file \''+self.filename+'\' summary.' for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' s.append(line+'IIII') s.append(' IIII---------------------------------------------------------IIII') lines = [] lines.append(' IIII Restart parameters:') if len(self.P): lines.append(' Heat and mass: pressure, temperature, saturation.') if len(self.S_co2l): lines.append(' CO2 module: CO2 saturations, dissolve mass, EOS.') if len(self.strs_xx): lines.append(' Stress module: normal and shear stresses, displacements.') for line in lines: if line.startswith(' II'): for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' s.append(line+'IIII') else: prntStr = ' IIII -' keepGoing = True line = line.split() while keepGoing: if not line: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' s.append(prntStr+'IIII') prntStr = ' IIII ' break if len(prntStr)<(L-len(line[0])): prntStr += ' '+line[0] line = line[1:] else: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' s.append(prntStr+'IIII') prntStr = ' IIII ' s.append(' IIII---------------------------------------------------------IIII') s.append('') s = '\n'.join(s) pyfehm_print(s,self._silent) def _get_filename(self): return self._path.filename filename = property(_get_filename) #: (*str*) Name of restart file (initial conditions) def _get_time(self): return self._time def _set_time(self,value): self._time = value; self._changeTime = True time = property(_get_time,_set_time) #: (*fl64*) Time stamp of initial conditions file (end time of simulation that produced this file). def _get_T(self): return self._T T = property(_get_T) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node temperatures, ordered by node index. def _get_P(self): return self._P P = property(_get_P)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node pressures, ordered by node index. def _get_S(self): return self._S S = property(_get_S)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node water saturations, ordered by node index. def _get_eos(self): return self._eos eos = property(_get_eos)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node water equation of state indices, ordered by node index. def _get_co2_eos(self): return self._co2_eos co2_eos = property(_get_co2_eos)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node co2 equation of state indices, ordered by node index. def _get_S_co2l(self): return self._S_co2l S_co2l = property(_get_S_co2l)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node co2 liquid/super-critical saturations, ordered by node index. def _get_S_co2g(self): if self.S_co2l == []: return [] else: return 1-self.S_co2l-self.S S_co2g = property(_get_S_co2g)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node co2 gas saturations, ordered by node index. def _get_co2aq(self): return self._co2aq co2aq = property(_get_co2aq)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node dissolved co2 concentrations, ordered by node index. def _get_disp_x(self): return self._disp_x disp_x = property(_get_disp_x) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node x displacement, ordered by node index def _get_disp_y(self): return self._disp_y disp_y = property(_get_disp_y) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node y displacement, ordered by node index def _get_disp_z(self): return self._disp_z disp_z = property(_get_disp_z) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node z displacement, ordered by node index def _get_strs_xx(self): return self._strs_xx strs_xx = property(_get_strs_xx) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node x stress, ordered by node index def _get_strs_yy(self): return self._strs_yy strs_yy = property(_get_strs_yy) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node y stress, ordered by node index def _get_strs_zz(self): return self._strs_zz strs_zz = property(_get_strs_zz) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node z stress, ordered by node index def _get_strs_xy(self): return self._strs_xy strs_xy = property(_get_strs_xy) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node xy stress, ordered by node index def _get_strs_xz(self): return self._strs_xz strs_xz = property(_get_strs_xz) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node xz stress, ordered by node index def _get_strs_yz(self): return self._strs_yz strs_yz = property(_get_strs_yz) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Initial node yz stress, ordered by node index def _get_source(self): return self._source source = property(_get_source) #: (*str*) Name of input file that generated the restart.
[docs]class fstrs(object): #FEHM stress module. """Stress module object, sets properties for execution of FEHM stress module (see macro **STRS**). """ __slots__=['_silent','_initcalc','_fem','_parent','_bodyforce','_tolerance','_param','_excess_she'] def __init__(self,initcalc=True,fem=True,bodyforce=True,tolerance=-0.01,param={},parent=None): self._initcalc=initcalc self._silent = dflt.silent self._fem=fem self._parent = parent self._bodyforce=bodyforce self._tolerance=tolerance self._param={} self._param['IHMS']=-3 self._param['ISTRS']=0 self._param['porosity_factor']=None self._excess_she = {} self._excess_she['PAR1']=None self._excess_she['PAR2']=None self._excess_she['PAR3']=None if param: self._param = param def __repr__(self): if not self.param['ISTRS']: return 'stress module inactive' else: return 'stress module active' def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def on(self): """Set parameters to turn stress calculations ON. """ self.param['ISTRS']=1 self._parent.ctrl['stor_file_LDA']=0 # seg fault when using stress module without this set
[docs] def off(self): """Set param to turn stress calculations OFF. """ self._parent.sol['element_integration_INTG']=-1 self.param['ISTRS']=0
def _get_info(self): if self.param['ISTRS']: print 'Stress module activated.' else: print 'Stress module inactive'; return if self.bodyforce: print 'Body forces (gravity) will be calculated.' else: print 'Body forces (gravity) will NOT be calculated.' if self.initcalc: print 'Initial stress state will be calculated.' else: print 'Initial stress state will NOT be calculated.' what = property(_get_info)#: Return a summary of the stress module. def _get_bodyforce(self): return self._bodyforce def _set_bodyforce(self,value): if not(isinstance(value,bool) or value in [0,1]): print 'Boolean values only'; return if isinstance(value,int): if value == 1: value = True elif value == 0: value = False self._bodyforce = value bodyforce = property(_get_bodyforce,_set_bodyforce)#: (*bool*) Boolean calling for body force calculations (gravity). Default is True. def _get_initcalc(self): return self._initcalc def _set_initcalc(self,value): if not(isinstance(value,bool) or value in [0,1]): print 'Boolean values only'; return if isinstance(value,int): if value == 1: value = True elif value == 0: value = False self._initcalc = value initcalc = property(_get_initcalc,_set_initcalc)#: (*bool*) Boolean signalling if initial stress calculations should be performed. Default is True. def _get_fem(self): return self._fem def _set_fem(self,value): if not(isinstance(value,bool) or value in [0,1]): print 'Boolean values only'; return if isinstance(value,int): if value == 1: value = True elif value == 0: value = False self._fem = value fem = property(_get_fem,_set_fem)#: (*bool*) Boolean signalling use of finite element modules for calculating stress and displacement. Default is True. def _get_tolerance(self): return self._tolerance def _set_tolerance(self,value): self._tolerance=value tolerance = property(_get_tolerance,_set_tolerance)#: (*flt*) Tolerance of stress calculations. def _get_param(self): return self._param def _set_param(self,value): self._param = value param = property(_get_param, _set_param) #: (*dict[flt]*) Dictionary of stress parameters: 'IHMS' - coupling parameter, 'ISTRS' - type of stress solution. def _get_excess_she(self): return self._excess_she def _set_excess_she(self,value): self._excess_she = value excess_she = property(_get_excess_she, _set_excess_she) #: Dictionary of excess shear parameters:
class fngas(object): #FEHM noncondensible gas transport. """Module for noncondensible gas transport (see macro **NGAS**). """ __slots__=['_silent','_parent','_dof','_init_pres','_ncg_pres','_source'] def __init__(self, parent=None, dof = None): self._parent=parent self._silent = dflt.silent self._dof = dof self._init_pres = {} self._ncg_pres = {} self._source = {} def __repr__(self): if self.dof == None: return 'ncg module inactive' else: return 'ncg module active' def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def add_init_pres(self,zone,init_pres): if isinstance(zone,tuple): key = zone else: key = zone.index self.init_pres.update(dict(((key,init_pres),))) def add_ncg_pres(self,zone,ncg_pres): if isinstance(zone,tuple): key = zone else: key = zone.index self.ncg_pres.update(dict(((key,ncg_pres),))) def add_source(self,zone,source): if isinstance(zone,tuple): key = zone else: key = zone.index self.source.update(dict(((key,source),))) def _get_init_pres(self): return self._init_pres init_pres = property(_get_init_pres) #: (*dict*) dictionary of initial partial pressures indexed by zone number. def _get_ncg_pres(self): return self._ncg_pres ncg_pres = property(_get_ncg_pres) #: (*dict*) dictionary of noncondensible pressures indexed by zone number. def _get_source(self): return self._source source = property(_get_source) #: (*dict*) dictionary of air sources indexed by zone number. def _get_dof(self): return self._dof def _set_dof(self,value): self._dof = value dof = property(_get_dof, _set_dof) #: (*int*) degree of freedom (1-3) for the calculation
[docs]class fcarb(object): #FEHM CO2 module. """CO2 module object, sets properties for execution of FEHM CO2 module (see macro **CARB**). """ __slots__=['_silent','_iprtype','_brine','_parent'] def __init__(self,iprtype=0,brine=False,parent=None): self._iprtype = iprtype self._silent = dflt.silent self._brine = brine self._parent =parent def __repr__(self): if self.iprtype==0: return 'CO2 module inactive' else: return 'CO2 module active' def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def on(self,iprtype=3): """Set parameters to turn CO2 calculations ON. :param iprtype: Integer denoting type of simulation (1 = water only, 2 = CO2 only, 3 = water+CO2, no solubility, 4 = water+CO2, with solubility, 5 = water+CO2+air, with solubility) :type iprtype: int """ self.iprtype = iprtype
[docs] def off(self): """Set parameters to turn CO2 calculations OFF. """ self.iprtype = 0 self._parent.files._use_co2in = False
def _get_info(self): if self.iprtype != 0: print 'CO2 module activated.' else: print 'CO2 module inactive'; return prntStr = 'Components:' if self.iprtype == 1: prntStr += 'Water only' elif self.iprtype == 2: prntStr += 'CO2 only' elif self.iprtype == 3:prntStr += 'CO2, water (no solubility)' elif self.iprtype == 4:prntStr += 'CO2, water (with solubility)' elif self.iprtype == 5:prntStr += 'CO2, water, air (with solubility)' print prntStr if self.brine: print 'CO2 solubility dependent on brine concentration.' else: print 'CO2 solubility NOT dependent on brine concentration.' what = property(_get_info)#: Return a summary of the CO2 module. def _get_iprtype(self): return self._iprtype def _set_iprtype(self,value): self._iprtype = value iprtype = property(_get_iprtype, _set_iprtype) #: (*int*) Integer indicating type of simulation. def _get_brine(self): return self._brine def _set_brine(self,value): self._brine = value brine = property(_get_brine, _set_brine) #: (*bool*) Boolean signalling calculation of brine in simulation.
[docs]class ftrac(object): #FEHM chemistry module. """Chemistry module object, sets properties for execution of FEHM chemistry module (see macro **TRAC**). """ def __init__(self, parent=None, ldsp=False): self._param=copy(dflt.trac) self._silent = dflt.silent self._on=False self._ldsp = ldsp self._specieslist = [] self._common_modellist = [] self._common_model_key = None self._transport_porosity = -1 self._parent = parent self._file = None self._zonelist = [] def on(self): """Switches on the **TRAC** macro. This occurs automatically when the first species object is added. """ self._on = True def off(self): """Switches off the **TRAC** macro. This occurs automatically when the las species object is deleted. """ self._on = False def add_species(self,phase,adsorption_model=0,adsorption=[],diffusion_model=0,diffusion=1.e-9, dispersion = [.0005,.0005,.0005],species=None): """Add a new species to **TRAC**. The new species is accessible via the last item in the specieslist attribute. :param phase: Flag indicating the phase of the species. :type phase: int :param adsorption_model: Flag for desired adsorption model (default 0). :type adsorption_model: int :param adsorption: Adsorption model parameters - three element list. :type adsorption: lst[fl64] :param diffusion_model: Flag for diffusion model (default 0). :type diffusion_model: int :param diffusion: Diffusion coefficien (default 1.e-9). :type diffusion: fl64 :param dispersion: Three item list containing X,Y,Z dispersion coefficients. If the ldsp attribute is set to true, the first two entries are interpreted as longitudinal and transverse dispersion, and the third is ignored. :type dispersion: lst[fl64] :param species: Pre-defined fspecies object. :type species: fspecies """ if not species: species = fspecies(phase = phase,adsorption_model=adsorption_model, adsorption=adsorption, diffusion_model=diffusion_model, diffusion=diffusion,dispersion=dispersion) species._parent = self self._specieslist.append(species) if self.number_species == 1: self._on = True # only switch on if first species added def delete_species(self,species): """Delete a species from ftrac. :param species: Species object to be removed. :type species: fspecies """ self._specieslist.remove(species) if self.number_species == 0: self._on = False # switch off if no species remain def add_common_model(self, zone = None, diffusion_model = 0, diffusion = 1.e-9, dispersion = [0.005,0.005,0.005]): """Add a new common dispersion/diffusion model for multiple species (see GROUP 9 entry of macro **TRAC** in FEHM user manual). :param zone: Zone to which these parameters are applied. :type zone: int, str, fzone :param diffusion_model: Flag for desired diffusion model (default 0). :type diffusion_model: int :param diffusion: Diffusion coefficien (default 1.e-9). :type diffusion: fl64 :param dispersion: Three item list containing X,Y,Z dispersion coefficients. If the ldsp attribute is set to true, the first two entries are interpreted as longitudinal and transverse dispersion, and the third is ignored. :type dispersion: lst[fl64] """ cm = _common_model(zone = zone, diffusion = diffusion, dispersion = dispersion, diffusion_model = diffusion_model) if isinstance(,int) or isinstance(,str): if in =[] self._common_modellist.append(cm) def _get_number_species(self): return len(self._specieslist) number_species = property(_get_number_species) #: (*int*) Number of species for which transport properties have been defined. def _get_ldsp(self): return self._ldsp def _set_ldsp(self,value): self._ldsp = value ldsp = property(_get_ldsp,_set_ldsp) #: (*bool*) Boolean signalling longitudinal/transverse description of dispersivities to be used. def _get_common_modellist(self): return self._common_modellist def _set_common_modellist(self,value): self._common_modellist = value common_modellist = property(_get_common_modellist,_set_common_modellist) #: (*lst*) List of common model definitions. def _get_common_model(self): tempDict = [] for cm in self._common_modellist: if isinstance(,list): tempDict.append((tuple(,cm)) elif isinstance(,int): tempDict.append((,cm)) return dict(tempDict) common_model = property(_get_common_model) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of common models. def _get_param(self): return self._param def _set_param(self,value): self._param = value param = property(_get_param,_set_param) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of **TRAC** parameters. def _get_transport_porosity(self): return self._transport_porosity def _set_transport_porosity(self,value): self._transport_porosity = value transport_porosity = property(_get_transport_porosity,_set_transport_porosity) #: (*fl64*) Transport porosity for entire domain (zone by zone not supported). def _get_specieslist(self): return self._specieslist def _set_specieslist(self,value): self._specieslist = value specieslist = property(_get_specieslist,_set_specieslist) #: (*lst*) List of species objects. def _get_file(self): return self._file def _set_file(self,value): self._file = value self.on() # if set, turn on trac macro file = property(_get_file, _set_file) #: (*str*) Path of auxiliary file containing trac information. PyFEHM will copy the contents of this file into the input file verbatim. Setting this variable will cause PyFEHM to use trac in 'stupid' mode. def _get_zonelist(self): return self._zonelist def _set_zonelist(self,value): self._zonelist = value zonelist = property(_get_zonelist, _set_zonelist) #: (*lst[fzone]*) A list of zones to be written before the trac macro, for the situation that trac is used in 'stupid' model, i.e., the file attribute has been set to an auxiliary file.
class fspecies(object): # class for species transport model """Object for each chemical species. The species transport, adsorption, initial concentration and generator properties are assigned in here. """ def __init__(self,phase,adsorption_model,adsorption,diffusion_model,diffusion, dispersion): self._phase = phase self._silent = dflt.silent self._parent = None self._adsorption_model = adsorption_model if adsorption: if len(adsorption) != 3: pyfehm_print('ERROR: expecting three adsorption parameters',self._silent) return self._adsorption = adsorption self._diffusion_model = diffusion_model self._dispersion = dispersion self._diffusion = diffusion self._density_modifier = None self._tracer_concentrationlist = [] self._tracer_generatorlist = [] def add_tracer_concentration(self,initial_concentration,zone=None): """Define initial tracer concentration in a zone. :param initial_concentration: Initial concentration of the tracer. :type initial_concentration: fl64 :param zone: Zone to which the initial concentration is assigned (default Zone 0). :type zone: int, str, fzone """ if not zone: zone =[0] ic = _tracer_concentration(initial_concentration,zone) self._tracer_concentrationlist.append(ic) def delete_tracer_concentration(self,tracer_concentration): self._tracer_concentrationlist.remove(tracer_concentration) def add_tracer_generator(self,tracer_generator,time_start,time_end,zone=None): """Define a tracer source or sink within a zone. :param tracer_generator: Injection concentration at inlet node. If outlet, in place concentration will be used. If negative, concentration will be fixed at the absolute value. :type tracer_generator:fl64 :param time_start: Time to start the source/sink. :type time_start:fl64 :param time_end: Time to stop the source/sink. :type time_end: fl64 """ if not zone: zone =[0] ic = _tracer_generator(tracer_generator,time_start,time_end,zone) self._tracer_generatorlist.append(ic) def delete_tracer_generator(self,tracer_generator): self._tracer_generatorlist.remove(tracer_generator) def _get_phase(self): return self._phase def _set_phase(self,value): self._phase = value phase = property(_get_phase,_set_phase) #: (*int*) Flag for species phase. def _get_adsorption_model(self): return self._adsorption_model def _set_adsorption_model(self,value): self._adsorption_model = value adsorption_model = property(_get_adsorption_model,_set_adsorption_model) #: (*int*) Flag for adsorption model. def _get_adsorption(self): return self._adsorption def _set_adsorption(self,value): self._adsorption = value adsorption = property(_get_adsorption,_set_adsorption) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Three item list of adsoprtion parameters. def _get_diffusion_model(self): return self._diffusion_model def _set_diffusion_model(self,value): self._diffusion_model = value diffusion_model = property(_get_diffusion_model,_set_diffusion_model) #: (*int*) Flag for diffusion model. def _get_diffusion(self): return self._diffusion def _set_diffusion(self,value): self._diffusion = value diffusion = property(_get_diffusion,_set_diffusion) #: (*fl64*) Diffusion coefficient. def _get_dispersion(self): return self._dispersion def _set_dispersion(self,value): self._dispersion = value dispersion = property(_get_dispersion,_set_dispersion) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Three item list of X,Y,Z dispersion coefficients, or longitudinal and transverse components if ldsp = True. def _get_density_modifier(self): return self._density_modifier def _set_density_modifier(self,value): self._density_modifier = value density_modifier = property(_get_density_modifier,_set_density_modifier) #: (*fl64*) Density modifier used in macro **CDEN**. If set, **CDEN** output will be written along with **TRAC**. def _get_tracer_concentrationlist(self): return self._tracer_concentrationlist def _set_tracer_concentrationlist(self,value): self._tracer_concentrationlist = value tracer_concentrationlist = property(_get_tracer_concentrationlist,_set_tracer_concentrationlist) #: (*lst*) List of initial tracer concentration objects. def _get_tracer_generatorlist(self): return self._tracer_generatorlist def _set_tracer_generatorlist(self,value): self._tracer_generatorlist = value tracer_generatorlist = property(_get_tracer_generatorlist,_set_tracer_generatorlist) #: (*lst*) List of tracer generator objects. class _common_model(object): def __init__(self, zone, diffusion_model, diffusion, dispersion): self._zone = zone self._silent = dflt.silent self._diffusion = diffusion self._dispersion = dispersion self._diffusion_model = diffusion_model def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone,_set_zone) #: (**) def _get_diffusion(self): return self._diffusion def _set_diffusion(self,value): self._diffusion = value diffusion = property(_get_diffusion,_set_diffusion) #: (**) def _get_diffusion_model(self): return self._diffusion_model def _set_diffusion_model(self,value): self._diffusion_model = value diffusion_model = property(_get_diffusion_model,_set_diffusion_model) #: (**) def _get_dispersion(self): return self._dispersion def _set_dispersion(self,value): self._dispersion = value dispersion = property(_get_dispersion,_set_dispersion) #: (**) class _tracer_concentration(object): def __init__(self,initial_concentration,zone = None): self._zone = zone self._silent = dflt.silent self._initial_concentration = initial_concentration def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone,_set_zone) #: (**) def _get_initial_concentration(self): return self._initial_concentration def _set_initial_concentration(self,value): self._initial_concentration = value initial_concentration = property(_get_initial_concentration,_set_initial_concentration) #: (**) class _tracer_generator(object): def __init__(self,injection_concentration, time_start, time_end ,zone = None): self._zone = zone self._silent = dflt.silent self._injection_concentration = injection_concentration self._time_start = time_start self._time_end = time_end def _get_injection_concentration(self): return self._injection_concentration def _set_injection_concentration(self,value): self._injection_concentration = value injection_concentration = property(_get_injection_concentration,_set_injection_concentration) #: (**) def _get_time_start(self): return self._time_start def _set_time_start(self,value): self._time_start = value time_start = property(_get_time_start,_set_time_start) #: (**) def _get_time_end(self): return self._time_end def _set_time_end(self,value): self._time_end = value time_end = property(_get_time_end,_set_time_end) #: (**) def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone,_set_zone) #: (**) class fgeneral(object): #PyFEHM general (undefined) macro class def __init__(self, lines, insert_after, zonelist, parent): self.lines = lines self.zonelist = zonelist self.insert_after = insert_after self._parent = parent # check zonelist correct format if type(self.zonelist) in [int, str]: if self.zonelist in self.zonelist = [[self.zonelist],] zns = [] for zn in self.zonelist: if type(zn) in [int, str]: if zn in zns.append([zn]) else: zns.append(zn) self.zonelist = zns # check lines correct format assert type(lines) in [list, tuple], "ERROR: bad type for lines, bro" assert len(lines) > 0, "ERROR: lines are empty" for line in lines: assert type(line) is str, "ERROR: each entry in lines must be a string" class fstorage(object): """Storage object - allows user to save information to the dat file. """ def __init__(self,parent=None): self._parent =parent self._silent = dflt.silent
[docs]class fcont(object): #FEHM contour output object. """Contour output object, makes request for contour data to be output (see macro **CONT**). This data type outputs specified variables (e.g., temperature, permeability) for x,y,z or node locations at fixed times (one file = one time). The data can be output in several formats (all of which are readable by PyFEHM) and at specified times. """ __slots__=['_silent','_format','_timestep_interval','_time_interval','_time_flag','_variables','_zones'] def __init__(self,format=dflt.cont_format,timestep_interval=1000,time_interval=1.e30,time_flag=True,variables=[],zones=[]): self._format = format self._silent = dflt.silent self._timestep_interval=timestep_interval self._time_interval=time_interval self._time_flag=time_flag self._variables=[] if variables: self.variables=variables self._zones=[] if zones: self.zones=zones def __repr__(self): retStr = self.format + ' contour output:\n' for v in list(flatten(self.variables)): retStr += v+'\n' return retStr def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_options(self): #print out available variables print 'The following are acceptable variables' allVariables = list(flatten(self.variables)) for var in contour_variables: for v in var: if v in allVariables: print ' '+v +' (selected)' else: print ' '+v options = property(_get_options) #: Print out eligible variables for output. def _get_info(self): print 'Contour output requested ('+self.format+' format): ' print ' every ' + str(self.timestep_interval)+ ' timesteps' print ' every ' + str(self.time_interval)+ ' days' print ' for variables:' for var in list(flatten(self.variables)): print ' '+var print what = property(_get_info) #: Print out information about the attribute. def _get_format(self): return self._format def _set_format(self,value): self._format = value format = property(_get_format, _set_format) #: (*str*) File format for contour output: 'tec', 'surf', 'avs', 'avsx' def _get_time_interval(self): return self._time_interval def _set_time_interval(self,value): self._time_interval = value time_interval = property(_get_time_interval, _set_time_interval) #: (*flt*) Time interval to output data. def _get_timestep_interval(self): return self._timestep_interval def _set_timestep_interval(self,value): self._timestep_interval = value timestep_interval = property(_get_timestep_interval, _set_timestep_interval) #: (*int*) Time step interval to output data. def _get_variables(self): return self._variables def _set_variables(self,value): self._variables = value variables = property(_get_variables, _set_variables) #: (*lst[str]*)List of variables to write contour data for, e.g., ['temperature','pressure'] def _get_zones(self): return self._zones def _set_zones(self,value): self._zones = value zones = property(_get_zones, _set_zones) #: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zone objects for which contour data is to be written - **NOT FULLY SUPPORTED**. def _get_time_flag(self): return self._time_flag def _set_time_flag(self,value): self._time_flag = value time_flag = property(_get_time_flag, _set_time_flag) #: (*bool*) Set to True to include in output title.
[docs]class fhist(object): #FEHM history output object. """FEHM history output object. """ __slots__=['_silent','_format','_timestep_interval','_time_interval','_variables','_nodelist','_zonelist','_zoneflux','_azonelist'] def __init__(self,format=dflt.hist_format,timestep_interval=1,time_interval=1.e30,variables=[],nodelist=[],zonelist=[],zoneflux=[],azonelist=[]): self._format = format self._silent = dflt.silent self._timestep_interval=timestep_interval self._time_interval=time_interval self._variables=[] self._nodelist=[] if nodelist: self._nodelist = nodelist self._zonelist=[] if zonelist: self._zonelist = zonelist self._zoneflux=[] if zoneflux: self._zoneflux = zoneflux self._azonelist=[] if azonelist: self._azonelist = azonelist if variables: self.variables=variables def __repr__(self): retStr = self.format + ' history output:\n' for v in self.variables: retStr += v[0]+'\n' return retStr def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_options(self): #print out available variables print 'The following are acceptable variables' for var in history_variables: if var in self.variables: print var +' (selected)' else: print var options = property(_get_options) #: Print out eligible variables for output. def _get_nodelist(self): return self._nodelist def _set_nodelist(self,value): self._nodelist = value nodelist = property(_get_nodelist, _set_nodelist) #: (*list[fnode]*) list of node objects for which history output requested. def _get_node(self): return dict([(nd.index,nd) for nd in self.nodelist]) node = property(_get_node) #: (*dict[fnode]*) Dictionary of nodes, indexed by node number, for which history output requested. def _get_zonelist(self): return self._zonelist def _set_zonelist(self,value): self._zonelist = value zonelist = property(_get_zonelist, _set_zonelist) #: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zone objects for which history output required. def _get_zoneflux(self): return self._zoneflux def _set_zoneflux(self,value): self._zoneflux = value zoneflux = property(_get_zoneflux, _set_zoneflux) #: (*lst[fzone,int]*) List of zone objects for which zone flux output required. def _get_azonelist(self): return self._azonelist def _set_azonelist(self,value): self._azonelist = value azonelist = property(_get_azonelist, _set_azonelist) #: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zone objects for which zone history output required. def _get_zone(self): return dict([(zn.index,zn) for zn in self.zonelist]+[(,zn) for zn in self.zonelist if != '']) zone = property(_get_zone) #: (*dict[fzone]*) Dictionary of zones, indexed by number and name, for which history output is required. def _get_info(self): print 'History output requested ('+self.format+' format): ' if self.timestep_interval == None: print ' every timestep' else: print ' every ' + str(self.timestep_interval)+ ' timesteps' if self.time_interval == None: print ' every ' + str(1.e30)+ ' days' else: print ' every ' + str(self.time_interval)+ ' days' print ' for variables:' for var in list(flatten(self.variables)): print ' '+var if self.nodelist: print ' at nodes:' for nd in self.nodelist: print ' '+str(nd.index) if self.zonelist: print ' for nodes in zones:' for zn in self.zonelist: if print ' '+str(zn.index)+' ('')' else: print ' '+str(zn.index) if self.azonelist: print ' for zones:' for zn in self.azonelist: if print ' '+str(zn.index)+' ('')' else: print ' '+str(zn.index) print what = property(_get_info) #: Print out information about the attribute. def _get_variables(self): return self._variables def _set_variables(self,value): self._variables = value variables = property(_get_variables, _set_variables) #: (*lst[str]*)List of variables to write contour data for, e.g., ['temperature','pressure'] def _get_format(self): return self._format def _set_format(self,value): self._format = value format = property(_get_format, _set_format) #: (*str*) File format for contour output: 'tecplot', 'csv', 'surfer' def _get_timestep_interval(self): return self._timestep_interval def _set_timestep_interval(self,value): self._timestep_interval = value timestep_interval = property(_get_timestep_interval, _set_timestep_interval) #: (*int*) Time step interval to output data. def _get_time_interval(self): return self._time_interval def _set_time_interval(self,value): self._time_interval = value time_interval = property(_get_time_interval, _set_time_interval) #: (*flt*) Time interval to output data.
[docs]class fboun(object): #FEHM boundary condition object. '''Boundary condition object. ''' def __init__(self,zone=[],type='ti',times=[],variable=[],file=None): self._zone = [] self._silent = dflt.silent if zone: self._type = type self._times=times self._parent = None self._variable = [] self._file = file if variable: self.variable = variable def __repr__(self): retStr = self.type + ' BC: variable = ' for var in self.variable: retStr += var[0] + ', ' return retStr def _get_information(self): prntStr = 'Boundary condition for zones: ' for zn in if isinstance(zn,fzone): prntStr += str(zn.index)+', ' else: prntStr += str(zn) + ', ' prntStr = prntStr[:-2] print prntStr what = property(_get_information) #: Print information about the boundary condition object. def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): if isinstance(value,fzone): value = [value,] self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone,_set_zone)#: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zones to which the boundary condition is to be applied. def _get_type(self): return self._type def _set_type(self,value): self._type = value type = property(_get_type,_set_type)#: (*str*) Boundary condition type, 'ti' = step changes, 'ti_linear' = linear changes. def _get_n_times(self): return len(self.times) n_times = property(_get_n_times)#: (*int*) Length of time-series. def _get_variable(self): return self._variable def _set_variable(self,value): self._variable = value variable = property(_get_variable,_set_variable)#: (*lst[lst[str,fl64,...]]*) List of lists of boundary data. Each list begins with a string denoting the boundary condition variable, and is followed by the time-series data, e.g., ['sw',0.2,0.5,0.8]. def _get_times(self): return self._times def _set_times(self,value): self._times=value times = property(_get_times,_set_times)#: (*lst[fl64]*) Vector of times. def _get_file(self): return self._file def _set_file(self,value): self._file = value file = property(_get_file,_set_file)#: (*str*) File string where information about the macro is stored. If file does not currently exist, it will be created and written to when the FEHM input file is written. def _check(self): # check length of variable vectors correspond to length of time vectors for var in self._variable: if len(var)-1<len(self.times): _buildWarnings('WARNING: Variable vector ('+var[0]+') specified in BOUN macro shorter than time vector.') if len(var)-1>len(self.times): _buildWarnings('WARNING: Variable vector ('+var[0]+') specified in BOUN macro longer than time vector.')
[docs]class frlpm(object): #FEHM relative permeability object (different to rlp macro). '''Relative permeability model. Relative permeability models are applied to zones. Each model assigns the relative permeability characteristics for a particular phase (in attribute relperm) and capillary pressure relationships between phases (in attribute capillary). In contrast to other macros, one relative permeability model may be applied to multiple zones. ''' def __init__(self,zone=[],group = None,relperm=[],capillary=[]): self._zone=[] self._silent = dflt.silent if zone: self._zone = zone self._group = None if group: self._group = group self._relperm = {} if relperm: self._assign_relperm(relperm) self._capillary = {} if capillary: self._assign_capillary(capillary) self._parent = None def __repr__(self): prntStr = 'rlpm: ' if isinstance(,fzone): prntStr += str( elif isinstance(,list): for zn in prntStr += str( ' ,' prntStr = prntStr[:-2] elif isinstance(,tuple): zn = prntStr += '('+str(zn[0]) +', ' +str(zn[1]) +', '+str(zn[2]) +')' return prntStr def _assign_relperm(self,relperms): for relperm in relperms: if not (isinstance(relperm,list) or isinstance(relperm,tuple)): continue if len(relperm) != 3: print 'relperms specified incorrectly'; continue self.add_relperm(relperm[0],relperm[1],relperm[2]) def _assign_capillary(self,capillarys): for capillary in capillarys: if not (isinstance(capillary,list) or isinstance(capillary,tuple)): continue if len(capillary) != 3: print 'capillarys specified incorrectly'; continue self.add_capillary(capillary[0],capillary[1],capillary[2])
[docs] def add_relperm(self,phase,type,param=[]): '''Add a new relative permeability model for a given phase. :param phase: Phase for which the relperm model is being defined, e.g., 'air','water','co2_liquid','co2_gas','vapor'. :type phase: str :param type: Type of model being assigned for that phase, e.g., 'constant','linear','exponential','corey','brooks-corey','vg' (Van Genuchten). :type type: str :param param: List of parameters for the specified model. See table above for a list of parameter names for each model. :type param: list ''' if param: new_relperm = _relperm(phase,type,param) else: new_relperm = _relperm(phase,type) self._relperm.update(dict(((new_relperm.phase,new_relperm),)))
[docs] def add_capillary(self,phase,type,param=[]): '''Add a new capillary pressure relationship between two phases. :param phase: List or tuple of two phases for which the relationship is defined, e.g., ['air','water']. :type phase: list, tuple :param type: Type of model being assigned for that phase pair, e.g., 'linear_cap','vg_cap','brooks-corey_cap'. :type type: str :param param: List of parameters for the specified model. See table above for a list of parameter names for each model. :type param: list ''' if param: new_capillary = _relperm(phase,type,param) else: new_capillary = _relperm(phase,type) self._capillary.update(dict(((new_capillary.phase,new_capillary),)))
[docs] def delete(self,model): """Delete a previously defined relative permeability or capillary pressure model. """ if isinstance(model,_relperm): model = relperm.phase if model in self._relperm.keys(): self._relperm.__delitem__(model) if model in self._capillary.keys(): self._capillary.__delitem__(model)
def _get_relperm(self): return self._relperm relperm = property(_get_relperm) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of relative permeability models for each phase, indexed by phase name, e.g., 'water'. Each relperm model has a model type, and set of parameters for that type. def _get_capillary(self): return self._capillary capillary = property(_get_capillary) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of capillary pressure models, indexed by a tuple phase name pair, e.g., ('water/air'). Each capillary pressure model has a model type, and set of parameters for that type. def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone, _set_zone) #: (*fzone*) Zone or list of zones to which the relative permeability model is assigned. def _get_group(self): return self._group def _set_group(self,value): self._group = value group = property(_get_group, _set_group) #: (*int*) Group assignment for the relative permeability model. def _get_phases(self): if len(self.relperm) == 0: return [] else: return [self.relperm[k].phase for k in self.relperm.keys()] phases = property(_get_phases)
class _relperm(object): # private class for relative permeability model def __init__(self,phase,type,param=[]): self._type = type self._silent = dflt.silent self._phase = phase self._param = None self._assign_param() if param: self._set_param(param) def __repr__(self): return self.phase + ' - ' + self.type def _assign_param(self): '''Assign parameters if supplied on initialisation.''' self._param = dict(rlpm_dicts[self.type]) def _set_param(self,param): if len(param) != len(self.param.keys()): return # return if numbers don't match up for par,key in zip(param,rlpm_dicts[self.type]): if isinstance(par,list) or isinstance(par,tuple): self._param[par[0]] = par[1] else: self._param[key[0]] = par def _get_phase(self): return self._phase def _set_phase(self,value): if value not in rlpm_phases: _buildWarnings('WARNING: '+str(value)+' not an available phase.');return self._phase = value phase = property(_get_phase, _set_phase) #: (**) def _get_type(self): return self._type def _set_type(self,value): if value == self._type: return if value not in rlpm_dicts.keys(): _buildWarnings('WARNING: '+str(value)+' not an available model.');return self._type = value self._param = rlpm_dicts[value] type = property(_get_type, _set_type) #: (**) def _get_param(self): return self._param param = property(_get_param) #: (**) class frlpm_table(object): # different object for specifying tables """Specify relative permeablity relationships using a lookup table. Lookup tables can offer computational time savings where the relative permeability function is difficult to calculate. """ def __init__(self, zone=[], group=None, saturation=[], phase1 = [], phase2 = [], capillary=[]): self._zone=[] self._silent = dflt.silent if zone: self._zone = zone self._group = None if group: self._group = group self._saturation = None if saturation: self._saturation = saturation self._phase1 = None vars = ['water','h2o_liquid','air','h2o_gas','vapor','co2_gas','co2_liquid','co2_sc'] if phase1: if phase1[0] not in vars: pyfehm_print('ERROR: first entry of phase1 must be one of '+str(vars),self._silent) return if not self._saturation: pyfehm_print('ERROR: no saturation data supplied',self._silent) return if len(phase1[1]) != len(self._saturation): pyfehm_print('ERROR: length of supplied phase1 relperm vector does not match saturation data',self._silent) return self._phase1 = phase1 if phase2: if phase2[0] not in vars: pyfehm_print('ERROR: first entry of phase2 must be one of '+str(vars),self._silent) return if not self._saturation: pyfehm_print('ERROR: no saturation data supplied',self._silent) return if len(phase1[1]) != len(self._saturation): pyfehm_print('ERROR: length of supplied phase2 relperm vector does not match saturation data',self._silent) return self._phase2 = phase2 if capillary: if not self._saturation: pyfehm_print('ERROR: no saturation data supplied',self._silent) return if len(capillary) != len(self._saturation): pyfehm_print('ERROR: length of supplied capillary vector does not match saturation data',self._silent) return self._capillary = capillary self._parent = None def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone, _set_zone) #: (*fzone*) Zone or list of zones to which the relative permeability model is assigned. def _get_group(self): return self._group def _set_group(self,value): self._group = value group = property(_get_group, _set_group) #: (*int*) Group assignment for the relative permeability model. def _get_saturation(self): return self._saturation def _set_saturation(self,value): self._saturation = value saturation = property(_get_saturation, _set_saturation) #: (*lst*) List or array of saturation values for which relperm data are supplied. def _get_phase1(self): return self._phase1 def _set_phase1(self,value): self._phase1 = value phase1 = property(_get_phase1, _set_phase1) #: (*lst*) A two item list containing a string denoting the wetting phase, e.g., 'water','co2_liquid', and a vector of relperm data corresponding to the values in the saturation attribute. def _get_phase2(self): return self._phase2 def _set_phase2(self,value): self._phase2 = value phase2 = property(_get_phase2, _set_phase2) #: (*lst*) A two item list containing a string denoting the non-wetting phase, e.g., 'water','co2_liquid', and a vector of relperm data corresponding to the values in the saturation attribute. def _get_capillary(self): return self._capillary def _set_capillary(self,value): self._capillary = value capillary = property(_get_capillary, _set_capillary) #: (*lst*) List or array of capillary pressure values corresponding to the supplied saturation data for the phase pair.def _get_phases: def _get_phases(self): phs = [] if len(self.phase1)>0: phs.append(self.phase1[0]) if len(self.phase2)>0: phs.append(self.phase2[0]) return phs phases = property(_get_phases) #: (*lst*) List of phases for which relperm properties have been defined.
[docs]class files(object): #FEHM file constructor. '''Class containing information necessary to write out fehmn.files. ''' __slots__=['_silent','_root','_input','_grid','_incon','_use_incon','_rsto','_use_rsto','_outp','_use_outp','_check', '_use_check','_hist','_use_hist','_co2in','_use_co2in','_stor','_use_stor','_parent','_exe','_co2_inj_time', '_nopf','_use_nopf','_error','_use_error'] def __init__(self,root='',input='',grid='',incon='',rsto='',outp='',check='',hist='',co2in='',stor='',exe='fehm.exe',co2_inj_time=None): self._root = '' self._silent = dflt.silent self._input = '' self._grid = '' self._incon = '' self._use_incon = False self._rsto = '' self._use_rsto = True self._outp = '' self._use_outp = False self._check = '' self._use_check = False self._hist = '' self._use_hist = False self._co2in = '' self._use_co2in = False self._stor = '' self._use_stor = False self._nopf = '' self._use_nopf = False self._error = '' self._use_error = False self._parent = None self._exe = exe self._co2_inj_time = co2_inj_time if root: # if root specified assign as default for all inputs. self._root = root self._assign_root() if input: self._input = input if grid: self._grid = grid if incon: self._incon = incon; self._use_incon = True if rsto: self._rsto = rsto; self._use_rsto = True if outp: self._outp = outp; self._use_outp = True if check: self._check = check; self._use_check = True if hist: self._hist = hist; self._use_hist = True if stor: self._stor = stor; self._use_stor = True def __repr__(self): return 'fehmn.files constructor' def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _assign_root(self): '''Use root name for all inputs. ''' self._root = root self._input = root+'.dat' self._grid = root+'.inp' self._rsto = root+'.fin' self._outp = root+'.out' self._check = root+'.chk' self._hist = root+'.his'
[docs] def write(self, use_paths=False): '''Write out *fehmn.files*. ''' if self._parent.work_dir: outfile = open(self._parent.work_dir+os.sep+'fehmn.files','w') else: outfile = open('fehmn.files','w') outfile.write('input: '+self.input+'\n') if use_paths: outfile.write('grida: '+self._parent.grid._path.full_path+'\n') else: outfile.write('grida: '+self.grid+'\n') if not self.root: self.root = self.input.split('.')[0] if not self.rsto: self.rsto = self.root+'.rsto' # default is to produce a restart file outfile.write('rsto: '+self.rsto+'\n') if self._use_outp: if not self.outp: self.outp = self.root+'.outp' outfile.write('outp: '+self.outp+'\n') if self._use_check: if not self.check: self.check = self.root+'.chk' outfile.write('check: '+self.check+'\n') if self.incon: outfile.write('rsti:'+self.incon+'\n') if self._use_hist: if not self.check: self.check = self.root+'.hst' if self.hist: outfile.write('hist: '+self.hist+'\n') if self._parent.carb.iprtype != 0 and not self.co2in: self._use_co2in = True co2_path = fpath() co2_path.filename = dflt.co2_interp_path if not os.path.isfile(co2_path.full_path): co2_path.filename = dflt.co2_interp_path_2 if not os.path.isfile(co2_path.full_path): _buildWarnings('WARNING: Cant find co2_interp.txt') self._use_co2in = False elif self.co2in: co2_path = fpath() co2_path.filename = self.co2in if self._use_co2in: outfile.write('co2in: '+co2_path.full_path+'\n') if self._use_nopf: outfile.write('nopf: '+self._nopf+'\n') if self._use_error: outfile.write('error: '+self._error+'\n') if self._use_stor: outfile.write('stor:') if not self.stor: self.stor = self.root+'.stor' outfile.write(' '+self.stor) outfile.write('\n') if self.root: outfile.write('root:'+self.root+'\n') # level of print screen output if self._parent.verbose: outfile.write('\nall\n') else: outfile.write('\nnone\n') # Set secret flag to use co2_inj.txt file to specify time to stop injection if self.co2_inj_time: if self._parent.carb.iprtype <= 1: _buildWarnings('WARNING: CO2 injection flag requested but no carb macro specified, CO2 injection flag will be ignored.') else: outfile.write('999\n') if self._parent.work_dir: co2_inj_file = open(self._parent.work_dir+os.sep+'co2_inj.txt','w') else: outfile = open('co2_inj.txt','w') co2_inj_file.write( str(self.co2_inj_time)+'\n') co2_inj_file.close() outfile.close()
def _get_input(self): return self._input def _set_input(self,value): self._input = value if self._root == None: self._root = self._input.split('.')[0] input = property(_get_input,_set_input) #: (*str*) Name of input file. This is set automatically when reading an input file in PyFEHM or when running a simulation. def _get_root(self): return self._root def _set_root(self,value): self._root = value self.outp = self.root +'.outp' self.check = self.root +'.chk' root = property(_get_root,_set_root) #: (*str*) Default file name string. If not already specified, this is set automatically when running a simulation. def _get_grid(self): return self._grid def _set_grid(self,value): self._grid = value grid = property(_get_grid,_set_grid) #: (*str*) Name of grid file. This is set automatically when reading an grid file in PyFEHM. def _get_incon(self): return self._incon def _set_incon(self,value): self._incon = value; self._use_incon = True incon = property(_get_incon,_set_incon) #: (*str*) Name of restart file to read in (initial condition). This is set automatically when reading an incon file in PyFEHM. def _get_rsto(self): return self._rsto def _set_rsto(self,value): self._rsto = value rsto = property(_get_rsto,_set_rsto) #: (*str*) Name of restart file to write out. def _get_outp(self): return self._outp def _set_outp(self,value): self._outp = value; self._use_outp = True outp = property(_get_outp,_set_outp) #: (*str*) Name of output file. def _get_nopf(self): return self._nopf def _set_nopf(self,value): self._nopf = value; self._use_nopf = True nopf = property(_get_nopf,_set_nopf) #: (*str*) Name of nopf file. def _get_check(self): return self._check def _set_check(self,value): self._check = value check = property(_get_check,_set_check) #: (*str*) Name of check file. def _get_co2in(self): return self._co2in def _set_co2in(self,value): self._co2in = value self._use_co2in = True co2in = property(_get_co2in, _set_co2in) #: (*str*) Name or path to co2 properties file def _get_hist(self): return self._hist def _set_hist(self,value): self._hist = value hist = property(_get_hist,_set_hist) #: (*str*) Name of history file. def _get_stor(self): return self._stor def _set_stor(self,value): self._stor = value self._use_stor = True self._parent.ctrl['stor_file_LDA'] = 1 stor = property(_get_stor,_set_stor) #: (*str*) Name of store file. def _get_exe(self): return self._exe def _set_exe(self,value): self._exe = value exe = property(_get_exe,_set_exe)#: (*str*) Path to FEHM executable. Default is 'fehm.exe'. def _get_co2_inj_time(self): return self._co2_inj_time def _set_co2_inj_time(self,value): self._co2_inj_time = value co2_inj_time = property(_get_co2_inj_time,_set_co2_inj_time)#: (*fl64*) Number of years at which FEHM will terminate co2 injection
[docs]class fdata(object): #FEHM data file. """Class for FEHM data file. """ __slots__=['_silent','_gridfilename','_inconfilename','_sticky_zones','_allMacro','_allModel','_associate', '_bounlist','_cont','_ctrl','_grid','_incon','_hist','_iter','_nfinv','_nobr','_head','_flxn','_vapl','_adif','_rlpmlist','_sol', '_time','text','_times','_zonelist','_writeSubFiles','_strs','_ngas','_carb','_trac','_files','_verbose','_general_macrolist', '_tf','_ti','_dti','_dtmin','_dtmax','_dtn','_dtx','_sections','_help','_running','_unparsed_blocks','keep_unknown','_flxo', '_output_times','_path','_vtk','_diagnostic','_storage','_air'] def __init__(self,filename='',gridfilename='',inconfilename='',sticky_zones=dflt.sticky_zones,associate=dflt.associate,work_dir = None, full_connectivity=dflt.full_connectivity,skip=[],keep_unknown=dflt.keep_unknown): #Initialise data file from copy import copy self._gridfilename=gridfilename self._inconfilename=inconfilename self._sticky_zones = sticky_zones self._allMacro = dict([(key,[]) for key in macro_list.keys()]) self._allModel = dict([(key,[]) for key in model_list.keys()]) self._associate = associate self._bounlist = [] self._cont = fcont() self._ctrl=copy(dflt.ctrl) self._grid=fgrid() self.grid._parent = self self._incon=fincon() self.incon._parent = self self._storage = fstorage() self._storage._parent = self self._hist = fhist() self._iter=copy(dflt.iter) self._nfinv = False self._nobr = False self._head = False self._air = None self._flxn = False self._vapl = False self._adif = None self._rlpmlist=[] self._general_macrolist = [] self._sol = copy(dflt.sol) self.text=[] #: (*str*) Information about the model printed at the top of the input file. self._time=copy(dflt.time) self._times=[] self._zonelist=[] self._flxo = [] self._writeSubFiles = True # Boolean indicating macro and zone sub files should be written every time # additional modules self._strs = fstrs(parent=self) self._carb = fcarb(parent=self) self._trac = ftrac(parent=self) self._ngas = fngas(parent=self) self._help = fhelp(parent=self) # run object self._path = fpath(parent=self) self._files = files() self._vtk = None self._files._parent = self self._diagnostic = fdiagnostic(parent=self) self._verbose = True self._silent = dflt.silent self._running = False # boolean indicating whether a simulation is in progress self._unparsed_blocks = {} self._sections = [] self.keep_unknown = keep_unknown self.work_dir = work_dir if self.work_dir: try: os.makedirs(self.work_dir) except: pass # time stepping shortcuts self._tf = dflt.time['max_time_TIMS'] self._ti = dflt.time['initial_day_INITTIME'] self._dti = dflt.time['initial_timestep_DAY'] self._dtmin = dflt.ctrl['min_timestep_DAYMIN'] self._dtmax = dflt.ctrl['max_timestep_DAYMAX'] self._dtn = dflt.time['max_timestep_NSTEP'] self._dtx = dflt.ctrl['timestep_multiplier_AIAA'] self._output_times = [] # add 'everything' zone self._add_zone(fzone(index=0)) # OPTIONS temp_path = fpath(); temp_path.filename = filename # 1. fehmn.files was passed - assume that the directory in which this file sits is the work directory if temp_path.filename == 'fehmn.files': if temp_path.absolute_to_file != os.getcwd(): self.work_dir = temp_path.absolute_to_file wd = temp_path.absolute_to_file+os.sep inconfilename = None with open(filename) as f: for ln in f.readlines(): if ln.startswith('rsti:'): inconfilename = ln.split('rsti:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('grida:'): gridfilename = ln.split('grida:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('grid:'): gridfilename = ln.split('grid:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('gridf:'): gridfilename = ln.split('gridf:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('input:'): filename = ln.split('input:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('stor:'): storfilename = ln.split('stor:')[-1].strip() self.files.stor = storfilename if ln.startswith('stori:'): storfilename = ln.split('stori:')[-1].strip() self.files.stor = storfilename if ln.startswith('root:'): self.files.root = ln.split('root:')[-1].strip() if ln.startswith('error:'): self.files._error = ln.split('error:')[-1].strip() self.files._use_error = True if ln.startswith('nopf:'): self.files._nopf = ln.split('nopf:')[-1].strip() self.files._use_nopf = True # set up path objects then pass to read function self._path.filename = filename self.grid._path.filename = gridfilename if inconfilename: self.incon._path.filename,skip=skip) # 2. nothing passed - no path objects to set up, no reading required elif not filename and not gridfilename and not inconfilename: return # 3. input and grid file passed elif filename and gridfilename and not inconfilename: self._path.filename = filename self.grid._path.filename = gridfilename,skip=skip) # 4. all passed elif filename and gridfilename and inconfilename: self._path.filename = filename self.grid._path.filename = gridfilename self.incon._path.filename = inconfilename,skip=skip) else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: file configuration not recognized',self._silent) return def __repr__(self): if self.filename == None: return 'empty object' else: return self.filename #Print out details def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def read(self,filename='',gridfilename='',inconfilename='',full_connectivity=dflt.full_connectivity,skip=[]): #Reads data from file. '''Read FEHM input file and construct fdata object. :param filename: Name of FEHM input file. Alternatively, supplying 'fehmn.files' will cause PyFEHM to query this file for input, grid and restart file names if they are available. :type filename: str :param gridfilename: Name of FEHM grid file. :type gridfilename: str :param inconfilename: Name of FEHM restart file. :type inconfilename: str :param skip: List of macro strings to ignore when reading an input file. :type skip: list ''' # set up paths if filename: self._path.filename = filename if gridfilename: self.grid._path.filename = filename if inconfilename: self.incon._path.filename = filename # THERE WILL ALWAYS BE A GRID PATH TO READ - INPUT FILES CANNOT BE READ WITHOUT A GRID,full_connectivity=full_connectivity) self.files.grid = self.grid._path.full_path if self.incon._path.filename: self.files.incon = self.incon._path.full_path self.files._use_incon = True if len(self.incon.P) != self.grid.number_nodes: pyfehm_print('ERROR: grid and incon files contain different numbers of nodes',self._silent) self.incon = fincon() # empty incon self.files.incon = '' self.files._use_incon = False else: self._associate_incon() self.files.input = self._path.full_path pyfehm_print('reading input file',self._silent) #infile = open(filename,'r') infile = open(self._path.full_path,'r') read_fn=dict(zip(fdata_sections, [self._read_cont,self._read_macro,self._read_zonn,self._read_zonn,self._read_macro, self._read_time,self._read_ctrl,self._read_iter,self._read_macro,self._read_macro, self._read_boun,self._read_macro,self._read_strs,self._read_text,self._read_sol, self._read_nfinv,self._read_hist,self._read_histnode,self._read_carb,self._read_model, self._read_macro,self._read_nobr,self._read_flxz,self._read_rlpm,self._read_macro, self._read_trac,self._read_model,self._read_model,self._read_vapl,self._read_adif, self._read_ngas,self._read_flxo,self._read_head,self._read_flxn, self._read_air, self._read_air])) self._sections=[] """Need to first establish dimensionality of input file. Requires initial read through.""" more = True while more: line=infile.readline() keyword=line[0:4].strip() if keyword=='ctrl': self._read_ctrl(infile) more = False infile.close() infile = open(self._path.full_path,'r') more = True precedingKey='start' precedingZoneKey = None line=infile.readline() while more: keyword=line[0:4].strip() if keyword in fdata_sections and keyword not in skip: pyfehm_print('reading '+keyword,self._silent) fn=read_fn[keyword] if keyword in macro_list.keys(): self._read_macro(infile,keyword) precedingZoneKey = None elif keyword in model_list.keys(): self._read_model(infile,keyword) precedingZoneKey = None else: if keyword in ['zone','zonn']: if 'rad' in line: self._read_zonn_rad(infile) else: block = fn(infile) precedingZoneKey = copy(precedingKey) elif keyword in ['head','flxn']: fn(infile,line) precedingZoneKey = None else: fn(infile) precedingZoneKey = None self._sections.append(keyword) precedingKey = keyword elif keyword[0:3] in fdata_sections and keyword not in skip: keyword = keyword[0:3] pyfehm_print('reading '+keyword,self._silent) fn=read_fn[keyword] fn(infile) self._sections.append(keyword) precedingKey = keyword elif line.startswith('stop'): more=False; continue else: # start recording a code block foundKey = False if not precedingZoneKey: block = [] else: precedingKey = precedingZoneKey while not foundKey: block.append(line) line=infile.readline() keyword=line[0:4].strip() if keyword in fdata_sections and keyword not in skip: foundKey = True continue elif keyword[0:3] in fdata_sections and keyword not in skip: foundKey = True continue elif line.startswith('stop'): foundKey = True continue self._unparsed_blocks.update(dict(((precedingKey,block),))) continue line=infile.readline() infile.close() self._add_boundary_zones() return self
[docs] def write(self,filename='',writeSubFiles = True): #Writes data to a file. '''Write fdata object to FEHM input file and fehmn.files file. :param filename: Name of FEHM input file to write to. :type filename: str :param writeSubFiles: Boolean indicating whether macro and zone information, designated as contained within other input files, should be written out, regardless of its existence. Non-existant files will always be written out. :type writeSubFiles: bool ''' if writeSubFiles: self._writeSubFiles = writeSubFiles if filename: self._path.filename=filename if not self._path.filename: self._path.filename='default_INPUT.dat' out_flag = self._write_prep() if out_flag: return False # ensure directory is created if self.work_dir: wd = self.work_dir else: wd = self._path.absolute_to_file try: os.makedirs(wd) except: pass # open file outfile = open(wd+os.sep+self._path.filename,'w') outfile.write('# '+self.filename+'\n') self._write_unparsed(outfile,'start') if self.text: self._write_text(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'text') if self.sol: self._write_sol(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'sol') if self.nfinv: self._write_nfinv(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'nfinv') if self.nobr: self._write_nobr(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'nobr') if self.air != None: self._write_air(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'air') if self.head: self._write_head(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'head') if self.flxn: self._write_flxn(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'flxn') if self.vapl: self._write_vapl(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'vapl') if self.adif != None: self._write_adif(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'adif') if self.flxo: self._write_flxo(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'flxo') if len(>1 and not self.sticky_zones: self._write_zonn_all(outfile) self._write_unparsed(outfile,'zone') if self.cont.variables: self._write_cont(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'cont') if self.hist.variables: self._write_hist(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'hist') if self.gradlist: self._write_macro(outfile,'grad'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'grad') if self.pres: self._write_macro(outfile,'pres'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'pres') if self.ngas.dof != None: self._write_ngas(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'ngas') if self.bounlist: self._write_boun(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'boun') if self.flow: self._write_macro(outfile,'flow'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'flow') if self.hflx: self._write_macro(outfile,'hflx'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'hflx') if self.perm: self._write_macro(outfile,'perm'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'perm') if self.rock: self._write_macro(outfile,'rock'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'rock') if self.pporlist: self._write_model(outfile,'ppor'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'ppor') if self.cond: self._write_macro(outfile,'cond'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'cond') if self.vconlist: self._write_model(outfile,'vcon'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'vcon') if self.rlplist: self._write_model(outfile,'rlp'); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'rlp') if self.rlpmlist: self._write_rlpm(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'rlpm') if self.time: self._write_time(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'time') if self.ctrl: self._write_ctrl(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'ctrl') if self.iter: self._write_iter(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'iter') if self.carb.iprtype!=0: self._write_carb(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'carb') if self.strs.param['ISTRS']: self._write_strs(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'strs') if self.trac._on: self._write_trac(outfile); self._write_unparsed(outfile,'trac') outfile.write('stop\n') outfile.close() return True
[docs] def add(self,obj,overwrite=False): #Adds a new object to the file '''Attach a zone, boundary condition or macro object to the data file. :param obj: Object to be added to the data file. :type obj: fzone, fmacro, fmodel, fboun :param overwrite: Flag to overwrite macro if already exists for a particular zone. :type overwrite: bool ''' if isinstance(obj,fmacro): self._add_macro(obj,overwrite) elif isinstance(obj,fmodel): self._add_model(obj) elif isinstance(obj,fzone): self._add_zone(obj,overwrite) elif isinstance(obj,fboun): self._add_boun(obj) elif isinstance(obj,frlpm): self._add_rlpm(obj) elif isinstance(obj,frlpm_table): self._add_rlpm(obj)
[docs] def delete(self,obj): #Deletes an object from the file '''Delete a zone, boundary condition or macro object from the data file. :param obj: Object to be deleted from the data file. Can be a list of objects. :type obj: fzone, fmacro, fmodel, fboun, list ''' if isinstance(obj,fmacro): self._delete_macro(obj) if isinstance(obj,fmodel): self._delete_model(obj) elif isinstance(obj,fzone): self._delete_zone(obj) elif isinstance(obj,fboun): self._delete_boun(obj) elif isinstance(obj,frlpm): self._delete_rlpm(obj) elif isinstance(obj,frlpm_table): self._delete_rlpm(obj) elif isinstance(obj,list): for obji in copy(obj): if isinstance(obji,fmacro): self._delete_macro(obji) if isinstance(obji,fmodel): self._delete_model(obji) elif isinstance(obji,fzone): self._delete_zone(obji) elif isinstance(obji,fboun): self._delete_boun(obji) elif isinstance(obji,frlpm): self._delete_rlpm(obji) elif isinstance(obji,frlpm_table): self._delete_rlpm(obji)
[docs] def picklable(self): """Call before multi-processing simulations in Windows to ensure fdata is picklable. """ for zn in self.zonelist: zn._nodelist = [nd._index for nd in zn._nodelist] for nd in self.grid.nodelist: nd._connected_nodes = [ndi._index for ndi in nd._connected_nodes] nd._elements = [el._index for el in nd._elements] for con in self.grid.connlist: con._nodes = [con._nodes[0]._index,con._nodes[1]._index]
def _add_boundary_zones(self): #Automatically creates zones corresponding to x,y,z boundaries x0,x1 = self.grid.xmin,self.grid.xmax y0,y1 = self.grid.ymin,self.grid.ymax x = np.sort(np.unique([nd._position[0] for nd in self.grid._nodelist])) y = np.sort(np.unique([nd._position[1] for nd in self.grid._nodelist])) if self.grid.dimensions == 2: ks = [999,998,997,996,'XMIN','XMAX','YMIN','YMAX'] for k in ks: if k in self.delete([k]) dx = (x[1]-x[0])/2. zn = fzone(999,name='XMIN'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1],[x0+dx,y1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dx = (x[-1]-x[-2])/2. zn = fzone(998,name='XMAX'); zn.rect([x1-dx,y0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dy = (y[1]-y[0])/2. zn = fzone(997,name='YMIN'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y0+dy]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dy = (y[-1]-y[-2])/2. zn = fzone(996,name='YMAX'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y1-dy],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) elif self.grid.dimensions == 3: z0,z1 = self.grid.zmin,self.grid.zmax z = np.sort(np.unique([nd.position[2] for nd in self.grid.nodelist])) ks = [999,998,997,996,995,994,'XMIN','XMAX','YMIN','YMAX','ZMIN','ZMAX'] for k in ks: if k in self.delete([k]) dx = (x[1]-x[0])/2. zn = fzone(999,name='XMIN'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1,z0-0.1],[x0+dx,y1+0.1,z1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dx = (x[-1]-x[-2])/2. zn = fzone(998,name='XMAX'); zn.rect([x1-dx,y0-0.1,z0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1,z1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dy = (y[1]-y[0])/2. zn = fzone(997,name='YMIN'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1,z0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y0+dy,z1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dy = (y[-1]-y[-2])/2. zn = fzone(996,name='YMAX'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y1-dy,z0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1,z1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dz = (z[1]-z[0])/2. zn = fzone(995,name='ZMIN'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1,z0-0.1],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1,z0+dz]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) dz = (z[-1]-z[-2])/2. zn = fzone(994,name='ZMAX'); zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1,z1-dz],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1,z1+0.1]) self.add(zn,overwrite=True) else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: Unrecognized grid dimensionality',self._silent) def _associate_incon(self): #Associates initial condition data with nodes if not self._associate: return names = ('T','P','S','S_co2l','S_co2g','co2aq') vars = [self.incon.T,self.incon.P,self.incon.S,self.incon.S_co2l, self.incon.S_co2g,self.incon.co2aq] names = [name for name,var in zip(names,vars) if isinstance(var,np.ndarray)] if not self._running: names = [name+'i' for name in names] vars = np.array([var for var in vars if isinstance(var,np.ndarray)]) for nd,var in zip(self.grid.nodelist,vars.T): for i,name in enumerate(names): nd.__setattr__('_'+name,var[i]) names = ['strs','disp'] strs2D = False; strs3D = False if isinstance(self.incon.strs_xx,np.ndarray): if isinstance(self.incon.strs_zz,np.ndarray): strs3D = True else: strs2D = True for i,nd in enumerate(self.grid.nodelist): if self._running: if strs2D: nd._strs = [self.incon.strs_xx[i],self.incon.strs_yy[i],self.incon.strs_xy[i]] elif strs3D: nd._strs = [self.incon.strs_xx[i],self.incon.strs_yy[i],self.incon.strs_zz[i],self.incon.strs_xy[i],self.incon.strs_yz[i],self.incon.strs_xz[i]] if len(self.incon.disp_x) == 0: continue if strs2D: nd._disp = [self.incon.disp_x[i],self.incon.disp_y[i]] elif strs3D: nd._disp = [self.incon.disp_x[i],self.incon.disp_y[i],self.incon.disp_z[i]] else: if strs2D: nd._strsi = [self.incon.strs_xx[i],self.incon.strs_yy[i],self.incon.strs_xy[i]] elif strs3D: nd._strsi = [self.incon.strs_xx[i],self.incon.strs_yy[i],self.incon.strs_zz[i],self.incon.strs_xy[i],self.incon.strs_yz[i],self.incon.strs_xz[i]] if len(self.incon.disp_x) == 0: continue if strs2D: nd._dispi = [self.incon.disp_x[i],self.incon.disp_y[i]] elif strs3D: nd._dispi = [self.incon.disp_x[i],self.incon.disp_y[i],self.incon.disp_z[i]] def _write_unparsed(self,outfile,key): if not self.keep_unknown: return if key in self._unparsed_blocks.keys(): block = self._unparsed_blocks[key] for line in block: if key == 'start': line = '# '+line outfile.write(line) def _read_adif(self,infile): #ADIF: Reads ADIF macro. line = infile.readline().strip().split() self.adif = float(line[0]) if self.adif in [333.,666.]: self.adif = int(self.adif) def _write_adif(self,outfile): #Writes ADIF macro. if self.adif: outfile.write('adif\n') outfile.write(str(self.adif)+'\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'adif') def _read_air(self,infile): #AIR: Reads AIR/AIRWATER macro. line = infile.readline().strip().split() ico2d = float(line[0]) nums = infile.readline().strip().split() assert len(nums) == 2, "ERROR bro" self._air = [ico2d, float(nums[0]), float(nums[1])] def _write_air(self,outfile): #Writes AIR/AIRWATER macro. if self._air is not None: outfile.write('air\n') outfile.write('%i\n'%self._air[0]) outfile.write('%8.7f %8.7f\n'%(self._air[1], self._air[2])) self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'air') def set_air(self, ico2d, reference_temperature, reference_pressure): self._air = [ico2d, reference_temperature, reference_pressure] def _read_boun(self,infile): #BOUN: Reads BOUN macro. line=infile.readline().strip() new_bouns=[] file_flag=False # read models while not (not line or line.startswith('end')): if line.startswith('file'): file_flag = True; break # read file data new_boun = fboun() line=infile.readline().strip() new_boun.type = line line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() N = int(nums[0]) new_boun.times = [float(num) for num in nums[1:]] while len(new_boun.times) != N: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: new_boun.times.append(float(num)) line=infile.readline().strip() # read next model while not (line.startswith('model') or not line or line.startswith('end')): var = [line,] while len(var) != (len(new_boun.times)+1): line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: var.append(float(num)) new_boun.variable.append(var) line=infile.readline().strip() # read next model new_bouns.append(new_boun) if file_flag: line=infile.readline().strip() if not os.path.isfile(line): # check if in subdirectory with input file fname = self.filename.split(os.sep) if len(fname)>0: fn0 = '' for fn in fname[:-1]: fn0 += fn if not os.path.isfile(fn0+os.sep+line): pyfehm_print('ERROR: cannot find macro file '+line,self._silent) else: macrofile = open(fn0+os.sep+line) line = macrofile.readline().strip() self._read_boun(macrofile) macrofile.close() else: macrofile = open(line) line = macrofile.readline().strip() self._read_boun(macrofile) macrofile.close() else: # read zone assignments line=infile.readline().strip() # read next zone assignment while line: nums = line.split() if (nums[0] == '1' and nums[1] == '0' and nums[2] == '0') or (int(nums[0])<0): new_bouns[int(nums[-1])-1].zone.append([_zone_ind(nums[0])]) else: nds = (int(nums[0]),int(nums[1]),int(nums[2])) new_bouns[int(nums[-1])-1].zone.append(nds) line=infile.readline().strip() # read next zone assignment for new_boun in new_bouns: self._add_boun(new_boun) def _write_boun(self,outfile): #Writes BOUN macro. ws = _title_string('BOUNDARY CONDITIONS',72) outfile.write(ws) #if self.sticky_zones: # self._write_zonn_one(outfile,[ for bm in self.bounlist if != 0]) if self.sticky_zones: allzns = [] for bm in self.bounlist: for zn in if zn.index != 0: allzns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,allzns) outfile.write('boun\n') nm = 1 for boun in self.bounlist: outfile.write('model '+str(nm)+'\n') nm+=1 outfile.write(boun.type + '\n') outfile.write(str(boun.n_times)+'\t') cnt = 0 for t in boun.times: outfile.write(str(t)+'\t') cnt +=1 if cnt == 10: outfile.write('\n'); cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') #outfile.write('\n') for var in boun.variable: outfile.write(var[0]+'\n') cnt = 0 for v in var[1:]: outfile.write(str(v)+'\t') cnt +=1 if cnt == 10: outfile.write('\n'); cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') #outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('end\n') nm = 1 for boun in self.bounlist: if not nm+=1; continue for zone in if isinstance(zone,fzone): ind = zone.index if not ind: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-ind)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str(nm)+'\n') else: outfile.write(str(zone[0])+'\t'+str(zone[1])+'\t'+str(zone[2])+'\t') outfile.write(str(nm)+'\n') nm+=1 outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'boun') def _add_boun(self,boun=fboun()): #Adds a BOUN model. boun._parent = self if isinstance(,(int,tuple,str)): = [] zns = [] for zn in if isinstance(zn,tuple): zns.append(tuple([int(ls) for ls in zn])) elif isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): if zn in zns.append([zn]) elif isinstance(zn,fzone): zns.append(zn) = zns self._bounlist.append(boun) def _delete_boun(self,boun=fboun()): self._bounlist.remove(boun) def _read_carb(self,infile): #CARB: Reads CARB and associated macros. from copy import deepcopy line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.carb.iprtype = int(nums[0]) line=infile.readline().strip() while not (line.startswith('endcarb') or line.startswith('end carb') or line.startswith('co2end')): if line.startswith('brine'): self.carb.brine = 1 elif line.startswith('co2frac'): self._read_macro(infile,'co2frac') elif line.startswith('co2flow'): self._read_macro(infile,'co2flow') elif line.startswith('co2pres'): self._read_macro(infile,'co2pres') elif line.startswith('co2diff'): self._read_macro(infile,'co2diff') line=infile.readline().strip() def _write_carb(self,outfile): #Writes CARB and associated macros. ws = _title_string('CO2 MODULE',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('restart\n\n') if self.sticky_zones: zns = [] for key in ['co2frac','co2flow','co2pres','co2diff']: for m in self._allMacro[key]: if isinstance(,fzone): if : zns.append( elif isinstance(,list) and len( != 0: for zn in if zn.index : zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,list(set(zns))) outfile.write('carb\n') outfile.write(str(self.carb.iprtype)+'\n') sz = copy(self.sticky_zones) self.sticky_zones = False if self.co2fraclist: self._write_macro(outfile,'co2frac') if self.co2flowlist: self._write_macro(outfile,'co2flow') if self.co2preslist: self._write_macro(outfile,'co2pres') if self.co2difflist: self._write_macro(outfile,'co2diff') if self.carb.brine: outfile.write('brine\n') self.sticky_zones = copy(sz) outfile.write('endcarb\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'carb') def _read_cont(self,infile): #CONT: Reads CONT macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(4-len(nums)): nums.append(None) self._cont = fcont() if nums[0] in ['avs','avsx','fehm','free','surf','tec','sur']: self.cont.format=nums[0] self.cont.timestep_interval=int(float(nums[1])) self.cont.time_interval=float(nums[2]) if nums[3] == None: self.cont.time_flag=False else: self.cont.time_flag=True line=infile.readline().strip() while not line.startswith('end'): gotVar = False if line.startswith('zone'): line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() num_zones = int(float(nums[0])) moreZones = True while moreZones: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: self.cont.zones.append([int(num)]) if len(self.cont.zones) == num_zones: moreZones=False; line=infile.readline().strip() for vars,ln in zip(contour_variables,[4,3,2,1]): for var in vars: if line[:ln]==var[:ln]: gotVar = True self.cont.variables.append([var]) if gotVar: break if gotVar: break line=infile.readline().strip() def _write_cont(self,outfile): #Writes CONT macro. ws = _title_string('CONTOUR OUTPUT REQUESTS',72) self.cont.variables = list(flatten(self.cont.variables)) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('cont\n') outfile.write(self.cont.format+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.cont.timestep_interval)+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.cont.time_interval)+'\t') if self.cont.time_flag: outfile.write('time\t') outfile.write('\n') if self.cont.zones: outfile.write('zone\n') outfile.write(str(len(self.cont.zones))+'\n') for zn in self.cont.zones: outfile.write(str(zn.index)+'\t') outfile.write('\n') # ensure list is unique vars = list(flatten(self.cont.variables)) varsU = [] for var in vars: if var not in varsU: varsU.append(var) self.cont.variables = varsU for var in self.cont.variables: outfile.write(var+'\n') outfile.write('end\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'cont') def _read_ctrl(self,infile): #CTRL: Reads CTRL macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(5-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['max_newton_iterations_MAXIT','newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM','number_orthogonalizations_NORTH','max_solver_iterations_MAXSOLVE','acceleration_method_ACCM']): if not num: self.ctrl[param] = num else: if param[-4:]=='ACCM':self.ctrl[param] = num else: self.ctrl[param] = float(num) line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(3-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['JA','JB','JC','order_gauss_elim_NAR']): if not num: self.ctrl[param] = num else: self.ctrl[param] = int(num) line=infile.readline().strip() line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(3-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['implicitness_factor_AAW','gravity_direction_AGRAV','upstream_weighting_UPWGT']): if not num: self.ctrl[param] = num else: if param[-5:]=='UPWGT':self.ctrl[param] = float(num) else: self.ctrl[param] = int(float(num)) line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(4-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['max_multiply_iterations_IAMM','timestep_multiplier_AIAA','min_timestep_DAYMIN','max_timestep_DAYMAX']): if not num: self.ctrl[param] = num else: self.ctrl[param] = float(num) line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(2-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['geometry_ICNL','stor_file_LDA']): if not num: self.ctrl[param] = num else: self.ctrl[param] = int(num) self.dtmin = self.ctrl['min_timestep_DAYMIN'] self.dtmax = self.ctrl['max_timestep_DAYMAX'] self.dtx = self.ctrl['timestep_multiplier_AIAA'] def _write_ctrl(self,outfile): #Writes CTRL macro. ws = _title_string('SIMULATION CONTROL PARAMETERS',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('ctrl\n') if not self.ctrl['max_newton_iterations_MAXIT']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.ctrl['max_newton_iterations_MAXIT']))+'\t') if not self.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['number_orthogonalizations_NORTH']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.ctrl['number_orthogonalizations_NORTH']))+'\t') if not self.ctrl['max_solver_iterations_MAXSOLVE']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.ctrl['max_solver_iterations_MAXSOLVE']))+'\t') if not self.ctrl['acceleration_method_ACCM']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['acceleration_method_ACCM'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if not self.ctrl['JA']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['JA'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['JB']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['JB'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['JC']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['JC'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['order_gauss_elim_NAR']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['order_gauss_elim_NAR'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') if not self.ctrl['implicitness_factor_AAW']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['implicitness_factor_AAW'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['gravity_direction_AGRAV']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['gravity_direction_AGRAV'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['upstream_weighting_UPWGT']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['upstream_weighting_UPWGT'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if not self.ctrl['max_multiply_iterations_IAMM']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.ctrl['max_multiply_iterations_IAMM']))+'\t') if not self.ctrl['timestep_multiplier_AIAA']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['timestep_multiplier_AIAA'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['min_timestep_DAYMIN']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['min_timestep_DAYMIN'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['max_timestep_DAYMAX']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['max_timestep_DAYMAX'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if not self.ctrl['geometry_ICNL']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['geometry_ICNL'])+'\t') if not self.ctrl['stor_file_LDA']==None: outfile.write(str(self.ctrl['stor_file_LDA'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'ctrl')
[docs] def print_ctrl(self): #Prints out variables contained in CTRL. '''Display contents of CTRL macro. ''' for k in self.ctrl.keys(): print k +': ' + str(self.ctrl[k])
def _read_hist(self,infile): #HIST: Reads HIST macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() if len(nums)<2: nums.append(1) if len(nums)<3: nums.append(1e30) if nums[0] in ['csv','surf','tec']: self.hist.format=nums[0] self.hist.timestep_interval=int(nums[1]) self.hist.time_interval=float(nums[2]) line=infile.readline().strip() while not line.startswith('end'): gotVar = False for var in history_variables: if line.startswith(var): self.hist.variables.append([var]) break line=infile.readline() def _read_histnode(self,infile): #Reads NODE macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() if nums[0].isdigit(): node_num = int(nums[0]) more = True newind = 0 numXYZ = 0 while more: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: if int(num)>0: self.hist.nodelist.append(self.grid.node[int(num)]) else: numXYZ += 1 newind += 1 if newind == node_num: more = False for i in range(numXYZ): line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.hist.nodelist.append(self.grid.node_nearest_point([float(num) for num in nums])) elif 'block' == nums[0]: more = True while more: line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: more = False; continue nums = line.split() nums_zone,nums_params = nums[:3],nums[3:] self.hist.zonelist.append(self._macro_zone(nums_zone)) elif 'azone' == nums[0]: more = True while more: line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: more = False; continue nums = line.split() nums_zone,nums_params = nums[:3],nums[3:] self.hist.azonelist.append(self._macro_zone(nums_zone)) def _read_flxz(self,infile): #Reads ZFLX macro. line=infile.readline().strip() # self._hist = fhist() nums = line.split() node_num = int(nums[0]) more = True newind = 0 numXYZ = 0 while more: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: if self.hist.zoneflux.append([int(num)]) else: self.hist.zoneflux.append(int(num)) _buildWarnings('WARNING: zone ' +num+' in FLXZ not defined.') newind += 1 if newind == node_num: more = False def _read_head(self,infile,line): #HEAD: Reads HEAD macro. line = line.rstrip().split() if len(line) == 2: self.head=float(line[-1]) else: self.head=True def _write_head(self,outfile): #Writes HEAD macro. if self.head is True: outfile.write('head\n') else: outfile.write('head\t'+str(self.head)+'\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'head') def _read_flxn(self,infile,line): #HEAD: Reads FLXN macro. self.head=True def _write_flxn(self,outfile): #Writes FLXN macro. outfile.write('flxn\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'flxn') def _write_hist(self,outfile): #Writes HIST macro. if not self.hist.nodelist and not self.hist.zonelist and not self.hist.azonelist and not self.hist.zoneflux: _buildWarnings('WARNING: no zones or nodes specified for history output'); return if not self.hist.variables: _buildWarnings('WARNING: no variables requested in hist') ws = _title_string('HISTORY OUTPUT REQUESTS',72) outfile.write(ws) # ensure list is unique vars = list(flatten(self.hist.variables)) varsU = [] for var in vars: if var not in varsU: varsU.append(var) self.hist.variables = varsU znlist = [] if self.hist.zoneflux: self.hist.zoneflux = list(flatten(self.hist.zoneflux)) zns = [] # convert names and indices to zone objects for zn in self.hist.zoneflux: if isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): zns.append([zn]) elif isinstance(zn,fzone): zns.append(zn) self.hist.zoneflux = zns zns = []; znsInds = [] # remove duplicate zones for zn in self.hist.zoneflux: if zn.index in znsInds: continue zns.append(zn); znsInds.append(zn.index) self.hist.zoneflux = zns self._write_zonn_one(outfile,self.hist.zoneflux) outfile.write('flxz\n') outfile.write(str(len(self.hist.zoneflux))+'\n') cnt = 0 for zn in self.hist.zoneflux: outfile.write(str(zn.index)+'\t') cnt += 1 if cnt == 10: outfile.write('\n'); cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') self._write_unparsed(outfile,'flxz') znlist = [] if self.hist.zonelist: zns = [] for zn in self.hist.zonelist: if isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): zns.append([zn]) elif isinstance(zn,fzone): zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,zns) outfile.write('node\n') outfile.write('block\n') for zn in zns: if isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): zn =[zn] if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') if self.hist.azonelist: zns = [] for zn in self.hist.azonelist: if isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): zns.append([zn]) elif isinstance(zn,fzone): zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,zns) outfile.write('node\n') outfile.write('azone\n') for zn in zns: if isinstance(zn,int) or isinstance(zn,str): zn =[zn] if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') self._write_unparsed(outfile,'node') if self.hist.nodelist: self.hist.nodelist = list(flatten(self.hist.nodelist)) nds = []; ndsInds = [] for nd in self.hist.nodelist: if isinstance(nd,int): if nd not in ndsInds: nds.append(self.grid.node[nd]) ndsInds.append(nd) elif isinstance(nd,fnode): if nd.index not in ndsInds: nds.append(nd) ndsInds.append(nd.index) self.hist.nodelist = nds outfile.write('node\n') outfile.write(str(len(self.hist.nodelist))+'\n') cnt = 0 for nd in self.hist.nodelist: outfile.write(str(nd.index)+'\t') cnt += 1 if cnt == 10: outfile.write('\n'); cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('hist\n') if self.hist.format: outfile.write(self.hist.format+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.hist.timestep_interval)+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.hist.time_interval)+'\t') outfile.write('\n') vars = list(flatten(self.hist.variables)) for var in vars: outfile.write(var+'\n') outfile.write('end\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'hist') def _read_flxo(self,infile): #FLXO: Reads FLXO macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() if nums[0].isdigit(): node_num = int(nums[0])*2 more = True newind = 0 numXYZ = 0 nds = [] ndsXYZ = [] while more: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: nds.append(int(num)) if int(num)<0: numXYZ += 1 newind += 1 if newind == node_num: more = False for i in range(numXYZ): line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.grid.node_nearest_point([float(num) for num in nums]) nds[np.where(nds<0)[0][0]] = self.grid.node_nearest_point([float(num) for num in nums]).index nds = [self.grid.node[nd] for nd in nds] for i1,i2 in zip(range(0,node_num,2),range(0,node_num,2)): self.flxo.append((nds[i1],nds[i2])) def _write_flxo(self,outfile): #Writes FLXO macro. outfile.write('flxo\n') outfile.write(str(len(self.flxo))+'\n') for nd1,nd2 in self.flxo: if isinstance(nd1,fnode): nd1 = nd1.index if isinstance(nd2,fnode): nd2 = nd2.index outfile.write(str(nd1)+'\t'+str(nd2)+'\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'flxo') def _read_iter(self,infile): #ITER: Reads ITER macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(5-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['linear_converge_NRmult_G1','quadratic_converge_NRmult_G2','stop_criteria_NRmult_G3','machine_tolerance_TMCH','overrelaxation_factor_OVERF']): if not num: self.iter[param] = num else: self.iter[param] = float(num) line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(5-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['reduced_dof_IRDOF','reordering_param_ISLORD','IRDOF_param_IBACK','number_SOR_iterations_ICOUPL','max_machine_time_RNMAX']): if not num: self.iter[param] = num else: if not param.endswith('RNMAX'): self.iter[param] = int(num) else: self.iter[param] = float(num) def _write_iter(self,outfile): #Writes ITER macro. ws = _title_string('SOLVER PARAMETERS',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('iter\n') if not self.iter['linear_converge_NRmult_G1']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['linear_converge_NRmult_G1'])+'\t') if not self.iter['quadratic_converge_NRmult_G2']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['quadratic_converge_NRmult_G2'])+'\t') if not self.iter['stop_criteria_NRmult_G3']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['stop_criteria_NRmult_G3'])+'\t') if not self.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'])+'\t') if not self.iter['overrelaxation_factor_OVERF']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['overrelaxation_factor_OVERF'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if not self.iter['reduced_dof_IRDOF']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['reduced_dof_IRDOF'])+'\t') if not self.iter['reordering_param_ISLORD']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['reordering_param_ISLORD'])+'\t') if not self.iter['IRDOF_param_IBACK']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['IRDOF_param_IBACK'])+'\t') if not self.iter['number_SOR_iterations_ICOUPL']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['number_SOR_iterations_ICOUPL'])+'\t') if not self.iter['max_machine_time_RNMAX']==None: outfile.write(str(self.iter['max_machine_time_RNMAX'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'iter')
[docs] def print_iter(self): #Prints out variables contained in ITER. '''Display contents of ITER macro. ''' for k in self.iter.keys(): print k +': ' + str(self.iter[k])
def _read_nfinv(self,infile): #NFINV: Reads NFINV macro. self.nfinv=True def _write_nfinv(self,outfile): #Writes NFINV macro. if self.nfinv: outfile.write('nfinv\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'nfinv') def _read_nobr(self,infile): #NOBR: Reads NOBR macro. self.nobr=True def _write_nobr(self,outfile): #Writes NOBR macro. if self.nobr: outfile.write('nobr\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'nobr') def _read_rlpm(self,infile): #RLPM: Reads RLPM macro. moreGroups=True line=infile.readline().strip().split() # first read the models rlpms = [] while moreGroups: group = line[1] moreModels = True relperms = []; capillarys = [] while moreModels: line=infile.readline().strip().split() if not line: moreModels=False;moreGroups=False; continue elif line[0].startswith('end'): moreModels=False;moreGroups=False; continue if line[0]=='group': moreModels=False; continue if line[0] in rlpm_phases: relperms.append([line[0],line[1],line[2:]]) elif '/' in line[1]: capillarys.append([tuple(line[1].split('/')),rlpm_cap2[line[2]],line[3:]]) newrlpm = frlpm(group=group,relperm=relperms,capillary=capillarys) rlpms.append(newrlpm) rlpms = dict([(,rlpm) for rlpm in rlpms]) # next read the zones moreZones=True while moreZones: line=infile.readline().strip().split() if not line: moreZones=False; continue rlpms[line[-1]].zone = self._macro_zone(line[:3]) self._rlpmlist = rlpms.values() def _write_rlpm(self,outfile): #Writes RLPM macro. ws = _title_string(macro_titles['rlpm'],72) outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: allzns = [] for bm in self.rlpmlist: if isinstance(,fzone): = [,] for zn in if zn.index != 0: allzns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,allzns) outfile.write('rlpm\n') self._rlpmlist.sort(key=lambda x: table_number = 1 for rlpm in self._rlpmlist: if isinstance(rlpm,frlpm): outfile.write('group '+str(int('\n') for relperm in rlpm.relperm.values(): outfile.write(relperm.phase+'\t') outfile.write(relperm.type+'\t') for k in rlpm_dicts[relperm.type]: outfile.write(str(relperm.param[k[0]])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') for capillary in rlpm.capillary.values(): outfile.write('cap\t') outfile.write(capillary.phase[0]+'/'+capillary.phase[1]+'\t') outfile.write(rlpm_cap1[capillary.type]+'\t') for k in rlpm_dicts[capillary.type]: outfile.write(str(capillary.param[k[0]])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') #outfile.write('\n') elif isinstance(rlpm,frlpm_table): outfile.write('group '+str(int('\n') # table number outfile.write('table\t'+str(table_number)+'\t') table_number +=1 # table width wid = 3 if len(rlpm.capillary)>0: wid = 4 outfile.write(str(wid)+'\t'+rlpm.phase1[0]+'\t'+rlpm.phase2[0]+'\t') if wid == 4: outfile.write(rlpm.phase1[0]+'/'+rlpm.phase2[0]) outfile.write('\n') if wid == 3: for s, ph1,ph2 in zip(rlpm.saturation,rlpm.phase1[1],rlpm.phase2[1]): outfile.write(str(s)+'\t'+str(ph1)+'\t'+str(ph2)+'\n') elif wid == 4: for s, ph1,ph2,cap in zip(rlpm.saturation,rlpm.phase1[1],rlpm.phase2[1],rlpm.capillary): outfile.write(str(s)+'\t'+str(ph1)+'\t'+str(ph2)+'\t'+str(cap)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') for rlpm in self._rlpmlist: for zone in if isinstance(zone,fzone): ind = zone.index if not ind: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-ind)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str('\n') else: outfile.write(str(zone[0])+'\t'+str(zone[1])+'\t'+str(zone[2])+'\t') outfile.write(str('\n') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'rlpm') def _add_rlpm(self,rlpm=frlpm()): rlpm._parent = self if == None: gps = [ for r in self._rlpmlist] for i in range(1,np.max(gps)+2): if i not in gps: = i; break self._rlpmlist.append(rlpm) def _delete_rlpm(self,rlpm=frlpm()): self._rlpmlist.remove(rlpm) def _read_sol(self,infile): #SOL: Reads SOL macro. line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(2-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['coupling_NTT','element_integration_INTG']): if not num: self.sol[param] = num else: self.sol[param] = int(num) def _write_sol(self,outfile): #Writes SOL macro. ws = _title_string('SOLUTION TYPE',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('sol\n') if not self.sol['coupling_NTT']==None: outfile.write(str(self.sol['coupling_NTT'])+'\t') if not self.sol['element_integration_INTG']==None: outfile.write(str(self.sol['element_integration_INTG'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'sol') def _read_strs(self,infile): #STRS: Reads STRS and associated macros. from copy import deepcopy line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.strs.param['ISTRS'] = int(nums[0]) self.strs.param['IHMS'] = int(nums[1]) try: self.strs.param['porosity_factor'] = float(nums[2]) except: self.strs.param['porosity_factor'] = None line=infile.readline().strip() while not line.startswith('stressend'): if line.startswith('bodyforce'): # bodyforce boolean if line.endswith('force'): self._read_macro(infile,'bodyforce') for m in self.bodyforcelist: m.subtype = 'force' elif line.endswith('acceleration'): self._read_macro(infile,'bodyforce') for m in self.bodyforcelist: m.subtype = 'acceleration' else: self.strs.bodyforce = True elif line.startswith('initcalc'): # initcalc boolean self.strs.initcalc = 1 elif line.startswith('fem'): # fem boolean self.strs.fem = 1 elif line.startswith('excess_she'): # reporting on excess shear stress? line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for i in range(3-len(nums)): nums.append(None) self.strs.excess_she['PAR1']=nums[0] self.strs.excess_she['PAR2']=nums[1] self.strs.excess_she['PAR3']=nums[2] elif line.startswith('permmodel'): # read details of stress/permeability model self._read_model(infile,'permmodel') elif line.startswith('plastic'): # read details of stress/permeability model self._read_model(infile,'plastic') elif line.startswith('elastic'): self._read_macro(infile,'elastic') elif line.startswith('stressboun'): self._read_macro(infile,'stressboun') elif line.startswith('biot'): self._read_macro(infile,'biot') elif line.startswith('tolerance'): line = infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.strs.tolerance = float(nums[0]) elif line.startswith('zonn') or line.startswith('zone'): self._read_zonn(infile) line=infile.readline().strip() def _write_strs(self,outfile): #Writes STRS and associated macros. ws = _title_string('STRESS MODULE',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('strs\n') outfile.write(str(self.strs.param['ISTRS'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.strs.param['IHMS'])+'\t') if self.strs.param['porosity_factor'] is not None: outfile.write(str(self.strs.param['porosity_factor'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if self.bodyforcelist: self._write_macro(outfile,'bodyforce') elif self.strs.bodyforce: outfile.write('bodyforce\n') if self.strs.initcalc: outfile.write('initcalc\n') if self.strs.fem: outfile.write('fem\n') if self.strs.excess_she['PAR1']: outfile.write('excess_she\n') outfile.write(str(self.strs.excess_she['PAR1'])+'\t') if self.strs.excess_she['PAR2']: outfile.write(str(self.strs.excess_she['PAR2'])+'\t') if self.strs.excess_she['PAR3']: outfile.write(str(self.strs.excess_she['PAR3'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if self.permmodellist: self._write_model(outfile,'permmodel') if self.plasticmodellist: self._write_model(outfile,'plastic') if self.stressbounlist: self._write_macro(outfile,'stressboun') if self.elasticlist: self._write_macro(outfile,'elastic') if self.biotlist: self._write_macro(outfile,'biot') outfile.write('tolerance\n') outfile.write(str(self.strs.tolerance)+'\n') outfile.write('stressend\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'strs') def _read_ngas(self,infile): #NGAS: Reads NGAS and associated macros. line = infile.readline().strip().split() self.ngas.dof = int(float(line[0])) # read initial pressures line = infile.readline().strip() while line: nums = line.split() self.ngas.add_init_pres(self._macro_zone(nums[:3]),float(nums[-1])) line = infile.readline().strip() # read ncg pressures line = infile.readline().strip() while line: nums = line.split() self.ngas.add_ncg_pres(self._macro_zone(nums[:3]),float(nums[-1])) line = infile.readline().strip() # read sources line = infile.readline().strip() while line: nums = line.split() self.ngas.add_source(self._macro_zone(nums[:3]),float(nums[-1])) line = infile.readline().strip() def _write_ngas(self,outfile): #Writes NGAS and associated macros. ws = _title_string('NONCONDENSIBLE GAS MODULE',72) outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: zns = [] zns += self.ngas.init_pres.keys() zns += self.ngas.ncg_pres.keys() zns += self.ngas.source.keys() zns2 = [] for zn in zns: if isinstance(zn,tuple): zns2.append(zn) elif isinstance(zn,(int,str)): if zn in zns2.append([zn]) else: _buildWarnings('WARNING: no zone '+str(zn)+ ' found') self._write_zonn_one(outfile,list(set(zns2))) outfile.write('ngas\n') outfile.write(str(int(self.ngas.dof))+'\n') if 0 in self.ngas.init_pres.keys(): outfile.write('1\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.init_pres[0])+'\n') for k in self.ngas.init_pres.keys(): if k == 0: continue if isinstance(k,tuple): outfile.write(str(k[0])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(self.ngas.init_pres[k])+'\n') elif isinstance(k, int): outfile.write('-'+str(k)+'\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.init_pres[k])+'\n') outfile.write('\n') if 0 in self.ngas.ncg_pres.keys(): outfile.write('1\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.ncg_pres[0])+'\n') for k in self.ngas.ncg_pres.keys(): if k == 0: continue if isinstance(k,tuple): outfile.write(str(k[0])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(self.ngas.ncg_pres[k])+'\n') elif isinstance(k, int): outfile.write('-'+str(k)+'\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.ncg_pres[k])+'\n') outfile.write('\n') if 0 in self.ngas.source.keys(): outfile.write('1\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.source[0])+'\n') for k in self.ngas.source.keys(): if k == 0: continue if isinstance(k,tuple): outfile.write(str(k[0])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(k[1])+'\t'+str(self.ngas.source[k])+'\n') elif isinstance(k, int): outfile.write('-'+str(k)+'\t0\t0\t'+str(self.ngas.source[k])+'\n') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'ngas') def _read_text(self,infile): #TEXT: Reads TEXT macro. more=True line=infile.readline().strip() new_text = [] while more: new_text.append(line) line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: more=False self.text.append(new_text) def _write_text(self,outfile): #Writes TEXT macro. for text in self.text: outfile.write('text\n') for line in text: outfile.write(line) outfile.write('\n\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'text') def _read_trac(self,infile): #TRAC: Reads TRAC and associated macros. self.trac._on = True # group 1 nums=infile.readline().strip().split() self.trac.param['init_solute_conc_ANO'] = float(nums[0]) self.trac.param['implicit_factor_AWC'] = float(nums[1]) self.trac.param['tolerance_EPC'] = float(nums[2]) self.trac.param['upstream_weight_UPWGTA'] = float(nums[3]) # group 2 nums=infile.readline().strip().split() self.trac.param['solute_start_DAYCS'] = float(nums[0]) self.trac.param['solute_end_DAYCF'] = float(nums[1]) self.trac.param['flow_end_DAYHF'] = float(nums[2]) self.trac.param['flow_start_DAYHS'] = float(nums[3]) # group 3 line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() self.trac.param['max_iterations_IACCMX'] = float(nums[0]) self.trac.param['timestep_multiplier_DAYCM'] = float(nums[1]) self.trac.param['initial_timestep_DAYCMM'] = float(nums[2]) self.trac.param['max_timestep_DAYCMX'] = float(nums[3]) self.trac.param['print_interval_NPRTTRC'] = float(nums[4]) # groups 4 and 5 (if applicable) line=infile.readline().strip() if line.startswith('tpor'): nums=infile.readline().strip().split() self.trac.transport_porosity = float(nums[-1]) line=infile.readline().strip() line=infile.readline().strip() # group 6 num_species = int(line.split()[0]) # group 7 line=infile.readline().strip() if line.startswith('ldsp'): self.trac.ldsp = True line=infile.readline().strip() # groups 8, 9 and 10 sorptionOnly = False keepReading = True if line.startswith('dspl') or line.startswith('dspv'): sorptionOnly = True # read models while keepReading: line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: break nums = line.split() if not self.trac.ldsp: self.trac.add_common_model(diffusion_model=int(float(nums[0])), diffusion = float(nums[1]), dispersion = [float(nums[2]),float(nums[3]),float(nums[4])]) else: self.trac.add_common_model(diffusion_model=int(float(nums[0])), diffusion = float(nums[1]), dispersion = [float(nums[2]),float(nums[3]),None]) # read model-zone assignment zns = []; inds = [] while keepReading: line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: break nums = line.split() zns.append(self._macro_zone(nums)) inds.append(int(float(nums[-1]))) for zn,ind in zip(zns,inds): self.trac.common_modellist[ind-1].zone = zn line=infile.readline().strip() self.trac.common_modellist.sort(key=lambda x: # group 11 - 16 for i in range(num_species): nums=line.split() phase = int(float(nums[0])) if phase: models1,models2 = self._read_model_trac(infile,self.trac.ldsp) ''' UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!! ''' #nums=infile.readline().strip().split() #adsorption_model=None #adsorption=None #diffusion_model=None #diffusion=None #dispersion=None #adsorption_model = int(float(nums[0])) #adsorption = [float(nums[1]),float(nums[2]),float(nums[3])] #if not sorptionOnly: # if len(nums) == 9: diffusion_model = int(float(nums[4])); nums = nums[5:] # elif len(nums) == 8: diffusion_model = 0; nums = nums[4:] # diffusion = float(nums[0]) # if self.trac.ldsp: # dispersion = [float(nums[1]),float(nums[2]),None] # else: # dispersion = [float(nums[1]),float(nums[2]),float(nums[3])] # #line=infile.readline().strip() #line=infile.readline().strip() #line=infile.readline().strip() #line=infile.readline().strip() self.trac.add_species(phase,adsorption_model,adsorption,diffusion_model,diffusion,dispersion) # read in initial concentrations while keepReading: if not line: break nums = line.split() self.trac.specieslist[-1].add_tracer_concentration(zone=self._macro_zone(nums), initial_concentration=float(nums[-1])) line=infile.readline().strip() # read in injection concentrations while keepReading: line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: break self.trac.specieslist[-1].add_tracer_generator(zone=self._macro_zone(nums), injection_concentration=float(nums[3]),time_start=float(nums[4]),time_end=float(nums[5])) line=infile.readline().strip() def _write_trac(self,outfile): #Writes TRAC and associated macros. ws = _title_string('TRACKING MODULE',72) outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: if self.trac.file: zns = self.trac.zonelist else: zns = [] for sp in self.trac.specieslist: zns += [ for m in sp._tracer_concentrationlist if] zns += [ for m in sp._tracer_generatorlist if] self._write_zonn_one(outfile,list(set(zns))) if self.trac.file: # write trac in stupid mode if not os.path.isfile(self.trac.file): pyfehm_print('ERROR: cannot find trac file at location '+self.trac.file+'. Aborting...',self._silent) adsf # open the auxiliary file and write it fp = open(self.trac.file,'rU') lns = fp.readlines() # quality control for i,ln in enumerate(lns): if ln.startswith('trac'): break lns = lns[i:] fp.close() outfile.writelines(lns) outfile.write('\n') return outfile.write('trac\n') # group 1 outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['init_solute_conc_ANO'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['implicit_factor_AWC'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['tolerance_EPC'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['upstream_weight_UPWGTA'])+'\n') # group 2 outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['solute_start_DAYCS'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['solute_end_DAYCF'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['flow_end_DAYHF'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['flow_start_DAYHS'])+'\n') # group 3 outfile.write(str(int(self.trac.param['max_iterations_IACCMX']))+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['timestep_multiplier_DAYCM'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['initial_timestep_DAYCMM'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(self.trac.param['max_timestep_DAYCMX'])+'\t') outfile.write(str(int(self.trac.param['print_interval_NPRTTRC']))+'\n') # groups 4 and 5 (if applicable) if self.trac.transport_porosity != -1: outfile.write('tpor\n') outfile.write('1 0 0 '+str(self.trac.transport_porosity)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') # group 6 outfile.write(str(self.trac.number_species)+'\n') # group 7 if self.trac.ldsp: outfile.write('ldsp\n') # groups 8, 9 and 10 sorptionOnly = False if self.trac.common_modellist: sorptionOnly = True keepReading = True if sorptionOnly: outfile.write('dspl\n') for cm in self.trac.common_modellist: outfile.write(str(int(cm.diffusion_model))+'\t') outfile.write(str(cm.diffusion)+'\t') outfile.write(str(cm.dispersion[0])+'\t') outfile.write(str(cm.dispersion[1])+'\t') if not self.trac.ldsp: outfile.write(str(cm.dispersion[2])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') for i,cm in enumerate(self.trac.common_modellist): zn = if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str(i+1)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') # group 11 - 16 for i,sp in enumerate(self.trac.specieslist): # group 11 outfile.write(str(int(sp.phase))+'\n') if sp.phase: outfile.write(str(int(sp.adsorption_model))+'\t') outfile.write(str(int(sp.adsorption[0]))+'\t') outfile.write(str(int(sp.adsorption[1]))+'\t') outfile.write(str(int(sp.adsorption[2]))+'\t') if not sorptionOnly: outfile.write(str(int(sp.diffusion_model))+'\t') outfile.write(str(sp.diffusion)+'\t') outfile.write(str(sp.dispersion[0])+'\t') outfile.write(str(sp.dispersion[1])+'\t') if not self.trac.ldsp: outfile.write(str(sp.dispersion[2])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('1 0 0 1 \n') outfile.write('\n') for ic in sp._tracer_concentrationlist: zn = if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str(ic.initial_concentration)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') for ic in sp._tracer_generatorlist: zn = if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str(ic.injection_concentration)+'\n') outfile.write(str(ic.time_start)+'\n') outfile.write(str(ic.time_end)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') # concentration dependent density - only the first will be written for i,sp in enumerate(self.trac.specieslist): if sp.density_modifier: poutfile.write('cden\n') outfile.write(str(i+1)+'\n') outfile.write(str(sp.density_modifier)+'\n') outfile.write('\n') break self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'trac') def _read_time(self,infile): #TIME: Reads TIME macro. line=infile.readline() nums = line.split() for i in range(7-len(nums)): nums.append(None) for num, param in zip(nums,['initial_timestep_DAY','max_time_TIMS','max_timestep_NSTEP','print_interval_IPRTOUT','initial_year_YEAR','initial_month_MONTH','initial_day_INITTIME']): if not num: self.time[param] = num else: self.time[param] = float(num) line=infile.readline().strip() while line.strip(): line = line.split('!')[0] nums = line.split() time = np.array([float(num) for num in nums]) self._times.append(time) line=infile.readline().strip() = self.time['max_time_TIMS'] self.dtn = self.time['max_timestep_NSTEP'] self.dti = self.time['initial_timestep_DAY'] def _write_time(self,outfile): #Writes TIME macro. ws = _title_string('TIME STEPPING PARAMETERS',72) outfile.write(ws) outfile.write('time\n') if not self.time['initial_timestep_DAY']==None: outfile.write(str(self.time['initial_timestep_DAY'])+'\t') if not self.time['max_time_TIMS']==None: outfile.write(str(self.time['max_time_TIMS'])+'\t') if not self.time['max_timestep_NSTEP']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.time['max_timestep_NSTEP']))+'\t') if not self.time['print_interval_IPRTOUT']==None: outfile.write(str(int(self.time['print_interval_IPRTOUT']))+'\t') if not self.time['initial_year_YEAR']==None: outfile.write(str(self.time['initial_year_YEAR'])+'\t') if not self.time['initial_month_MONTH']==None: outfile.write(str(self.time['initial_month_MONTH'])+'\t') if not self.time['initial_day_INITTIME']==None: outfile.write(str(self.time['initial_day_INITTIME'])+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if self.times: for time in self.times: for t_cpt in time: outfile.write(str(t_cpt)+'\t') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'time')
[docs] def print_time(self): #Prints out variables contained in TIME. '''Display contents of TIME macro. ''' for k in self.time.keys(): print k +': ' + str(self.time[k])
[docs] def change_timestepping(self,at_time,new_dti=None,new_dtmax=None,new_dtx=None,new_implicitness=None,new_print_out=None): ''' Change timestepping during a simulation. Note, if time stepping arguments are omitted, FEHM will force output to be written at the change time. The default for all optional arguments is no change. :param at_time: Simulation time to change time stepping behaviour. :type at_time: fl64 :param new_dti: Initial time step at change time. :type new_dti: fl64 :param new_dtmax: New maximum time step after change time. :type new_dtmax: fl64 :param new_dtx: New time step multiplier at change time. :type new_dtx: fl64 :param new_implicitness: New implicitness factor at change time. :type new_implicitness: fl64 :param new_print_out: New time step interval at which to print information. :type new_print_out: int ''' # load old parameters self._output_times = [] if self.times: DIT1,DIT2,DIT3,ITC,DIT4 = self.times[-1] if DIT2>0: DIT2a = DIT2; DIT2b = -self.dtx else: DIT2b = DIT2; DIT2a = None else: DIT2b = -self.dtx DIT3 = self.ctrl['implicitness_factor_AAW'] ITC = self.time['print_interval_IPRTOUT'] DIT4 = self.dtmax # assign new parameters DIT1 = at_time if new_dti and new_dtx: _buildWarnings('WARNING: you cannot specify BOTH a new time step size and time step multiplier. Ignoring the new multiplier...') new_dtx = None if new_dti: DIT2 = new_dti elif new_dtx: DIT2 = -new_dtx else: DIT2 = DIT2b if new_implicitness: DIT3 = new_implicitness if new_print_out: ITC = new_print_out if new_dtmax: DIT4 = new_dtmax self.times.append([DIT1,DIT2,DIT3,ITC,DIT4])
def _read_vapl(self,infile): #VAPL: Reads VAPL macro. self.vapl=True def _write_vapl(self,outfile): #Writes VAPL macro. if self.vapl: outfile.write('vapl\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, 'vapl')
[docs] def new_zone(self,index=None,name=None,rect=None,nodelist=None,file=None,from_file = None,permeability=None,conductivity=None,density=None, specific_heat=None,porosity=None,youngs_modulus=None,poissons_ratio=None,thermal_expansion=None,pressure_coupling=None, Pi=None,Ti=None,Si=None,overwrite=False): ''' Create and assign a new zone. Material properties are optionally specified, new macros will be created if required. :param index: Zone index. :type index: int :param name: Zone name. :type name: str :param rect: Two item list. Each item is itself a three item (or two for 2D) list containing [x,y,z] coordinates of zone bounding box. :type rect: lst :param nodelist: List of node objects or indices of zone. Only one of rect or nodelist should be specified (rect will be taken if both given). :type nodelist: lst :param file: Name of auxiliary file for zone :type file: str :param from_file: Name of auxiliary file in which to find zone information. :type from_file: str :param permeability: Permeability of zone. One float for isotropic, three item list [x,y,z] for anisotropic. :type permeability: fl64, list :param conductivity: Conductivity of zone. One float for isotropic, three item list [x,y,z] for anisotropic. :type conductivity: fl64, list :param density: Density of zone. If not specified, defaults will be used for specific heat and porosity. :type density: fl64 :param specific_heat: Specific heat of zone. If not specified, defaults will be used for density and porosity. :type specific_heat: fl64 :param porosity: Porosity of zone. If not specified, defaults will be used for density and specific heat. :type porosity: fl64 :param youngs_modulus: Young's modulus of zone. If not specified, default will be used for Poisson's ratio. :type youngs_modulus: fl64 :param poissons_ratio: Poisson's ratio of zone. If not specified, default will be used for Young's modulus. :type poissons_ratio: fl64 :param thermal_expansion: Coefficient of thermal expansion for zone. If not specified, default will be used for pressure coupling term. :type thermal_expansion: fl64 :param pressure_coupling: Pressure coupling term for zone. If not specified, default will be used for coefficient of thermal expansion. :type pressure_coupling: fl64 :param Pi: Initial pressure in the zone. If not specified, default will be used for initial temperature and saturation calculated. :type Pi: fl64 :param Ti: Initial temperature in the zone. If not specified, default will be used for initial pressure and saturation calculated. :type Ti: fl64 :param Si: Initial saturation in the zone. If not specified, default will be used for initial pressure and the saturation temperature calculated. :type Si: fl64 :param overwrite: If zone already exists, delete it and create the new one. :type overwrite: bool ''' if index is None and from_file is None: return # from file zones if from_file: if not os.path.isfile(from_file): print 'ERROR: no such zone file '+from_file return self._read_zonn_file(from_file) # if neither rect nor nodelist specified, not enough information to create the zone if not rect and not nodelist: pyfehm_print('ERROR: either rect or nodelist must be specified',self._silent) return # if both rect and nodelist are specified, proceed with rect, print warning if rect and nodelist: _buildWarnings('WARNING: only one of rect or nodelist should be specified, proceeding with rect values') if nodelist: if isinstance(nodelist,fnode) or isinstance(nodelist,int): nodelist = [nodelist] nds = [] for nd in nodelist: if isinstance(nd,int): nds.append(self.grid.node[nd]) else: nds.append(nd) nodelist = nds # determine if zone already exists, delete or exit if index in if overwrite: self.delete([index]) else: print 'ERROR: specified zone already exists, overwrite flag set to false' return # assemble zone zn = fzone(index=index,name=name,file=file) if rect: zn.rect(rect[0],rect[1]) elif nodelist: zn.type = 'nnum' nds = [] for nd in nodelist: if isinstance(nd,int): nds.append(self.grid.node[nd]) elif isinstance(nd,fnode): nds.append(nd) zn.nodelist = nds self.add(zn) # add permeability property macros if permeability: if not (isinstance(permeability,(int,float)) or (isinstance(permeability,list) and len(permeability) == 3)): pyfehm_print('ERROR: permeability must be a single float (isotropic) or three item list ([x,y,z] anisotropic',self._silent) return # unpack values if isinstance(permeability,(int,float)): kx,ky,kz = [permeability,permeability,permeability] else: kx,ky,kz = permeability # assign if index in self.perm.keys(): self.perm[index].param['kx'] = kx self.perm[index].param['ky'] = ky self.perm[index].param['kz'] = kz else: macro = fmacro('perm',zone=index,param=(('kx',kx),('ky',ky),('kz',kz))) self.add(macro)[index]._permeability = permeability # add conductivity property macros if conductivity: if not (isinstance(conductivity,(int,float)) or (isinstance(conductivity,list) and len(conductivity) == 3)): pyfehm_print('ERROR: conductivity must be a single float (isotropic) or three item list ([x,y,z] anisotropic',self._silent) return # unpack values if isinstance(conductivity,(int,float)): kx,ky,kz = [conductivity,conductivity,conductivity] else: kx,ky,kz = conductivity # assign if index in self.cond.keys(): self.cond[index].param['cond_x'] = kx self.cond[index].param['cond_y'] = ky self.cond[index].param['cond_z'] = kz else: macro = fmacro('cond',zone=index,param=(('cond_x',kx),('cond_y',ky),('cond_z',kz))) self.add(macro)[index]._conductivity = conductivity # add rock property macros if density or specific_heat or porosity: if not density: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No density specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.density)) density = dflt.density if not specific_heat: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No specific heat specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.specific_heat)) specific_heat = dflt.specific_heat if not porosity: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No porosity specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.porosity)) porosity = dflt.porosity # assign if index in self.rock.keys(): self.rock[index].param['density'] = density self.rock[index].param['specific_heat'] = specific_heat self.rock[index].param['porosity'] = porosity else: macro = fmacro('rock',zone=index,param=(('density',density),('specific_heat',specific_heat),('porosity',porosity))) self.add(macro)[index]._density = density[index]._specific_heat = specific_heat[index]._porosity = porosity # add elastic property macros if youngs_modulus or poissons_ratio: if not youngs_modulus: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No Youngs modulus specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.youngs_modulus)) youngs_modulus = dflt.youngs_modulus if not poissons_ratio: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No Poissons ratio specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.poissons_ratio)) poissons_ratio = dflt.poissons_ratio # assign if index in self.elastic.keys(): self.elastic[index].param['youngs_modulus'] = youngs_modulus self.elastic[index].param['poissons_ratio'] = poissons_ratio else: macro = fmacro('elastic',zone=index,param=(('youngs_modulus',youngs_modulus),('poissons_ratio',poissons_ratio))) self.add(macro)[index]._youngs_modulus = youngs_modulus[index]._poissons_ratio = poissons_ratio # add stress coupling property macros if thermal_expansion or pressure_coupling: if not thermal_expansion: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No coefficient of thermal expansion specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.thermal_expansion)) thermal_expansion = dflt.thermal_expansion if not pressure_coupling: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No pressure coupling term specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.pressure_coupling)) pressure_coupling = dflt.pressure_coupling # assign if index in self.biot.keys(): self.biot[index].param['thermal_expansion'] = thermal_expansion self.biot[index].param['pressure_coupling'] = pressure_coupling else: macro = fmacro('biot',zone=index,param=(('thermal_expansion',thermal_expansion),('pressure_coupling',pressure_coupling))) self.add(macro)[index]._thermal_expansion = thermal_expansion[index]._pressure_coupling = pressure_coupling # add initial conditions macros if Pi or Ti or Si: if not Si and Pi and Ti: if Ti < tsat(Pi)[0]: Si = 1.; si = 1 else: Si = 0.; si = 3 ti = Ti elif not Si and Pi and not Ti: _buildWarnings('WARNING: No initial temperature specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.Ti)) Ti = dflt.Ti if Ti < tsat(Pi)[0]: Si = 1.; si = 1 else: Si = 0.; si = 3 ti = Ti elif not Si and Ti and not Pi: Pi = dflt.Pi _buildWarnings('WARNING: No initial pressure specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.Pi)) if Ti < tsat(Pi)[0]: Si = 1.; si = 1 else: Si = 0.; si = 3 ti = Ti elif Si and Ti and not Pi: Pi = sat(Ti)[0] pyfehm_print('NOTE: For supplied saturation '+str(Si)+' and temperature '+str(Ti)+', saturation pressure of '+str(Pi)+' will be used.',self._silent) ti = Si si = 2 elif Si and Pi: if Ti: _buildWarnings('WARNING: Ignoring Ti, using Pi to calculate saturation temperature.') Ti = tsat(Pi)[0] ti = Si si = 2 elif Si and not Ti and not Pi: Pi = dflt.Pi Ti = tsat(Pi)[0] _buildWarnings('WARNING: No initial pressure specified, assigning default '+str(dflt.Pi)) _buildWarnings('NOTE: For supplied saturation '+str(Si)+' and default pressure '+str(Pi)+', saturation temperature of '+str(Ti)+' will be used.') ti = Si si = 2 # assign if index in self.pres.keys(): self.pres[index].param['pressure'] = Pi self.pres[index].param['temperature'] = ti self.pres[index].param['saturation'] = si else: macro = fmacro('pres',zone=index,param=(('pressure',Pi),('temperature',ti),('saturation',si))) self.add(macro)[index]._Pi = Pi[index]._Ti = Ti[index]._Si = Si
def general_macro(self, lines, insert_after, zonelist = []): self._general_macrolist.append(fgeneral(lines, insert_after, zonelist, parent = self)) def _write_general_macro(self, outfile, macro): for general in self._general_macrolist: if general.insert_after == macro: # write out zones if defined if self.sticky_zones: self._write_zonn_one(outfile,general.zonelist) # write out macro lines for line in general.lines: outfile.write(line.rstrip()+'\n')
[docs] def run(self,input='',grid = '',incon='',exe=dflt.fehm_path,files=dflt.files,verbose = None, until=None,autorestart=0,use_paths=False,no_paths = False,write_files_only = False,diagnostic = False, clean = False, writeSubFiles=True): '''Run an fehm simulation. This command first writes out the input file, *fehmn.files* and this incon file if changes have been made. A command line call is then made to the FEHM executable at the specified path (defaults to *fehm.exe* in the working directory if not specified). :param input: Name of input file. This will be written out. :type input: str :param grid: Name of grid file. This will be written out. :type grid: str :param incon: Name of restart file. :type incon: str :param exe: Path to FEHM executable. :type exe: str :param files: List of additional files to output. Options include 'check', 'hist' and 'outp'. :type files: lst[str] :param until: Name of a function defined inside the script. The function returns a boolean indicating the simulation should be halted. See tutorial 4 for usage. :type until: func :param autorestart: Number of times FEHM should restart itself in attempting to find a solution. :type autorestart: int :param use_paths: Flag to indicate that PyFEHM should favour full paths in fehmn.files rather than duplication of source files. :type use_paths: bool :param write_files_only: Flag to indicate the PyFEHM should write out input, incon, grid, fehmn.files, etc. but should not execute a simulation. :type write_files_only: bool :param diagnostic: Flag to indicate PyFEHM should flash up a diagnostic window to monitor the simulation. :type diagnostic: bool :param clean: Delete files after simulation 'nop.temp' :type clean: bool :param writeSubFiles: Write out subfiles when running :type clean: bool ''' if verbose != None: self._verbose = verbose if diagnostic: self._verbose = True # set up and check path to executable exe_path = fpath() exe_path.filename = exe if not os.path.isfile(exe_path.full_path): # if can't find the executable, halt if not os.path.isfile(exe_path.full_path.split()[-1]): # Also check if more complicated command is being used (e.g. mpirun -n 1 -H host xfehm) raise NameError('No executable at location '+exe) return # option to write input, grid, incon files to new names if input: self._path.filename = input if grid: self.grid._path.filename = grid if incon: self.incon._path.filename = incon # ASSEMBLE FILES IN CORRECT DIRECTORIES if self.work_dir: wd = self.work_dir + os.sep else: wd = os.getcwd() + os.sep returnFlag = self.write(wd+self._path.filename,writeSubFiles=writeSubFiles) # ALWAYS write input file if not returnFlag: pyfehm_print('ERROR: writing files',self._silent) return self.files.input = self._path.filename # 1. Copy everything to working directory if not use_paths: self.grid.write(wd+self.grid._path.filename) # SOMETIMES write grid file self.files.grid = wd+self.grid._path.filename if self.files._use_incon: self.incon.write(wd+self.incon._path.filename) # SOMETIMES write incon file self.files.incon = wd+self.incon._path.filename if self.files._use_stor: # SOMETIMES copy stor file temp_path = fpath() temp_path.filename = self.files.stor if os.path.isfile(temp_path.full_path): try: shutil.copy(temp_path.full_path,wd+temp_path.filename) except: pass else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: cant find stor file at '+temp_path.full_path,self._silent) return else: self.files.grid = self.grid._path.full_path if self.files._use_incon: if self.incon._writeOut: self.incon.write(self.incon._path.full_path) # SOMETIMES write incon file self.files.incon = self.incon._path.full_path for file in files: # extra files to be written if file == 'chk': self.files._use_check = True if file == 'check': self.files._use_check = True if file == 'hist': self.files._use_hist = True if file == 'outp': self.files._use_outp = True if self.ctrl['stor_file_LDA']: self.files._use_stor = True # stor file requested? if no_paths: self.files.grid = self.grid.filename self.files.incon = self.incon.filename self.files.write() # ALWAYS write fehmn.files if write_files_only: return # return here if user requests only write out of files self.files.exe = exe # RUN SIMULATION cwd = os.getcwd() # summarize simulation self.grid._summary() if self.files.incon: self.incon._summary() self._summary() if self.work_dir: os.chdir(self.work_dir) # remove restart file if left over from old simulation if until and self.incon.time == None and os.path.isfile(self.files.rsto): os.remove(self.files.rsto) # run the simulation breakAutorestart = False for attempt in range(autorestart+1): # restart execution if breakAutorestart: break untilFlag = False if diagnostic: self._diagnostic.refresh_nodes() if until is None: p = Popen(exe_path.full_path.split(),stdout=PIPE) if diagnostic: self._diagnostic.stdout = p.stdout self._diagnostic.poll = p.poll self._diagnostic.construct_viewer() # construct the diagnosis window if self._verbose: for line in iter(p.stdout.readline, b''): print line.rstrip() # print remainder to screen else: p.communicate() else: p = Popen(exe_path.full_path.split()) self._running = True while self._running: # loop for checking if stop condition is met sleep(dflt.sleep_time) # wait untilFlag = until(self) p.poll() # check if run finished on its own if p.returncode == 0: # IF run finshed on its own self._running = False # break the loop if untilFlag and self._running: # IF stop condition met p.terminate() # kill the process self._running = False # break the loop breakAutorestart = True if autorestart != 0: # read fin file for autorestart if abs((self.incon.time -<0.001: breakAutorestart = True else: breakAutorestart = True if clean: try: os.remove('nop.temp') except: pass try: os.remove('fort.97') except: pass if self.work_dir: os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def paraview(self,exe = dflt.paraview_path,filename = 'temp.vtk',contour = None, history = None, show='kx',zones = 'none',diff = True,zscale = 1., spatial_derivatives = False, time_derivatives = False, nodes = False, wells = None): '''Exports the model object to VTK and loads in paraview. :param exe: Path to Paraview executable. :type exe: str :param filename: Name of VTK file to be output. :type filename: str :param contour: Contout output data object loaded using fcontour(). :type contour: fcontour :param history: History output data object loaded using fhistory(). :type history: fhistory :param show: Variable to show when Paraview starts up (default = 'kx'). :type show: str :param zones: Zones to plot: 'user' = user-defined zones, 'all' = all zones except zone[0], 'none' (default), or list of zone objects. :type zones: str :param diff: Flag to request PyFEHM to also plot differences of contour variables (from initial state) with time. :type diff: bool :param zscale: Factor by which to scale z-axis. Useful for visualising laterally extensive flow systems. :type zscale: fl64 :param spatial_derivatives: Calculate new fields for spatial derivatives of contour data. :type spatial_derivatives: bool :param time_derivatives: Calculate new fields for time derivatives of contour data. For precision reasons, derivatives are calculated with units of 'per day'. :type time_derivatives: bool :param nodes: Show node locations (default False). :type nodes: bool :param wells: Dictionary of well tracks ([x,y,z] column list), keyed by name. :type wells: dict ''' # check for empty contour object self.write_vtk(filename=filename,contour=contour,diff=diff,zscale=zscale,spatial_derivatives=spatial_derivatives,time_derivatives=time_derivatives) if history is not None: from string import join filename_csv = join(filename.split('.')[:-1],'.')+'.csv' self.write_csv(filename=filename_csv,history=history,diff=diff,time_derivatives=time_derivatives) self._vtk.show_zones=zones if wells: # check dictionary keys have no spaces, dashed wells2 = [] for k in wells.keys(): knew = k.replace(' ','_') knew = knew.replace('-','_') wells2.append((knew,wells[k])) self._vtk.write_wells(dict(wells2)) self._vtk.initial_display(show) self._vtk.startup_script(nodes) p = Popen(exe+'',shell=(not WINDOWS))
[docs] def write_vtk(self, filename = 'temp.vtk',contour=None,diff = True,zscale = 1., spatial_derivatives = False, time_derivatives = False): '''Exports the model object to VTK. :param filename: Name of VTK file to be output. :type filename: str :param contour: Contout output data object loaded using fcontour(). :type contour: fcontour :param diff: Flag to request PyFEHM to also plot differences of contour variables (from initial state) with time. :type diff: bool :param zscale: Factor by which to scale z-axis. Useful for visualising laterally extensive flow systems. :type zscale: fl64 :param spatial_derivatives: Calculate new fields for spatial derivatives of contour data. :type spatial_derivatives: bool :param time_derivatives: Calculate new fields for time derivatives of contour data. For precision reasons, derivatives are calculated with units of 'per day'. :type time_derivatives: bool ''' if contour is not None: if len(contour.variables) == 0: contour = None # write vtk files for contour output data self._vtk = fvtk(parent=self,filename=filename,contour=contour,diff=diff,zscale = zscale,spatial_derivatives = spatial_derivatives, time_derivatives = time_derivatives) self._vtk.assemble() fls = self._vtk.write()
def write_csv(self, filename = 'temp.csv',history=None,diff = True, time_derivatives = False): '''Exports the fhistory object to CSV for reading into paraview. :param filename: Name of CSV file to be output. :type filename: str :param history: History output data object loaded using fhistory(). :type history: fhistory :param diff: Flag to request PyFEHM to also plot differences of contour variables (from initial state) with time. :type diff: bool :param time_derivatives: Calculate new fields for time derivatives of contour data. For precision reasons, derivatives are calculated with units of 'per day'. :type time_derivatives: bool ''' if history is not None: if len(history.variables) == 0: history = None # write vtk files for contour output data self._vtk.csv = fcsv(parent=self,filename=filename,history=history,diff=diff,time_derivatives = time_derivatives) self._vtk.csv.write() def visit(self,exe = dflt.visit_path,filename = 'temp.vtk',contour = None, history = None, show='kx',zones = 'none',diff = True,zscale = 1., spatial_derivatives = False, time_derivatives = False, nodes = False, wells = None): '''Exports the model object to VTK and loads in visit :param exe: Path to VisIt executable. :type exe: str :param filename: Name of VTK file to be output. :type filename: str :param contour: Contout output data object loaded using fcontour(). :type contour: fcontour :param history: History output data object loaded using fhistory(). :type history: fhistory :param show: Variable to show when Paraview starts up (default = 'kx'). :type show: str :param zones: Zones to plot: 'user' = user-defined zones, 'all' = all zones except zone[0], 'none' (default), or list of zone objects. :type zones: str :param diff: Flag to request PyFEHM to also plot differences of contour variables (from initial state) with time. :type diff: bool :param zscale: Factor by which to scale z-axis. Useful for visualising laterally extensive flow systems. :type zscale: fl64 :param spatial_derivatives: Calculate new fields for spatial derivatives of contour data. :type spatial_derivatives: bool :param time_derivatives: Calculate new fields for time derivatives of contour data. For precision reasons, derivatives are calculated with units of 'per day'. :type time_derivatives: bool :param nodes: Show node locations (default False). :type nodes: bool :param wells: Dictionary of well tracks ([x,y,z] column list), keyed by name. :type wells: dict ''' # check for empty contour object self.write_vtk(filename=filename,contour=contour,diff=diff,zscale=zscale,spatial_derivatives=spatial_derivatives,time_derivatives=time_derivatives) if history is not None: from string import join filename_csv = join(filename.split('.')[:-1],'.')+'.csv' self.write_csv(filename=filename_csv,history=history,diff=diff,time_derivatives=time_derivatives) self._vtk.show_zones=zones if wells: # check dictionary keys have no spaces, dashed wells2 = [] for k in wells.keys(): knew = k.replace(' ','_') knew = knew.replace('-','_') wells2.append((knew,wells[k])) self._vtk.write_wells(dict(wells2)) self._vtk.initial_display(show) #self._vtk.startup_script(nodes) p = Popen(exe+' -o '+self._vtk.path.filename[:-4]+'*.vtk',shell=(not WINDOWS)) def _summary(self): L = 62 s = [''] s.append(' ****---------------------------------------------------------****') line = ' **** FEHM input file \''+self.filename+'\' summary.' for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' s.append(line+'****') s.append(' ****---------------------------------------------------------****') lines = [] lines.append(' **** Zones:') lines.append(' **** Material properties:') lines.append(' **** Generators:') for line in lines: if line.startswith(' **'): for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' s.append(line+'****') else: prntStr = ' **** -' keepGoing = True line = line.split() while keepGoing: if not line: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' s.append(prntStr+'****') prntStr = ' **** ' break if len(prntStr)<(L-len(line[0])): prntStr += ' '+line[0] line = line[1:] else: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' s.append(prntStr+'****') prntStr = ' **** ' s.append(' ****---------------------------------------------------------****') s.append('') s = '\n'.join(s) pyfehm_print(s,self._silent) def _write_prep(self): #Determine if data object fit for writing global buildWarnings # WARNING: if cont output specifies pressure, but not state, then no pressure data will be written hasPres = False hasState = False checkWarnings = [] for var in list(flatten(self.cont.variables)): if var.startswith('p') and not var.startswith('po') and not var.startswith('pe'): hasPres = True if var.startswith('l') or var.startswith('va'): hasState=True if hasPres and not hasState: self.cont.variables.append(['liquid','vapor']) # WARNING: stress perm module specified without calling excess_she if self.permmodellist: for pm in self.permmodellist: if pm.index in [22,24,25] and self.strs.excess_she['PAR1']==None: checkWarnings.append('Perm model specified without accompanying excess_she macro - assigning defaults.') self.strs.excess_she['PAR1']=0.9 self.strs.excess_she['PAR2']=10. self.strs.excess_she['PAR3']=1. if 1 not in [pm.index for pm in self.permmodellist]: new_permmodel = fmodel('permmodel',index=1)[0] self.add(new_permmodel) for boun in self.bounlist: boun._check() for zone in self.zonelist: zone._check() for key in self._allMacro.keys(): for macro in self._allMacro[key]: macro._check() # WARNING: conductivity not specified, FEHM simulation wont run - add default if not self.cond.has_key(0): checkWarnings.append('No global conductivity set. Setting default '+str(dflt.conductivity)) self.add(fmacro('cond',param=(('cond_x',dflt.conductivity),('cond_y',dflt.conductivity),('cond_z',dflt.conductivity)))) # WARNING: rock properties not specified, FEHM will run weirdly - add default if not self.rock.has_key(0): checkWarnings.append('No global rock properties set. Setting default density = '+str(dflt.density)+', specific heat = '+str(dflt.specific_heat)+', porosity='+str(dflt.porosity)) self.add(fmacro('rock',param=(('density',dflt.density),('specific_heat',dflt.specific_heat),('porosity',dflt.porosity)))) # WARNING: specifying zero pressure in co2pres has caused segfaults in the past if self.co2preslist: for m in self.co2preslist: if m.param['pressure'] == 0: checkWarnings.append('Zero pressure in CO2PRES can cause instability.') break # WARNING: if stress gradients have been specified and bodyforce applied if self.incon._stressgradCalled and self.strs.bodyforce: checkWarnings.append('When specifying stress gradients, bodyforce should be turned off.') if (len(self.incon._strs_xx) != 0) and self.strs.bodyforce: checkWarnings.append('Bodyforce should be turned off when doing stress restarts.') # WARNING: if stress solution requested and second parameter in sol not -1 if self.strs.param['ISTRS'] == 1: if self.sol['element_integration_INTG'] == 1: checkWarnings.append('Gaussian integration scheme can cause spatial osciallations in pressure solution - try sol[\'element_integration_INTG\'] = 1 if this occurs.') # WARNING: instability if using zoneflux and surf output if self.hist.zoneflux and self.hist.format != 'tec': checkWarnings.append('Use of history output format \''+self.hist.format+'\' may not be compatible with zoneflux output (fehm macro: flxz). Use \'tec\' if problems experienced.') # WARNING: if a co2 relperm is specified without the carb macro, there will be issues co2_rlpm_flag = False for rlpm in self.rlpmlist: for phase in rlpm.phases: if phase.startswith('co2'): co2_rlpm_flag = True if self.carb.iprtype == 0 and co2_rlpm_flag: checkWarnings.append('Specification of co2 relperm relationship without invoking the CARB module may cause crashes.') # ERROR: check to see no new dictionary keys have been defined ctrlFlag = dict_key_check(self.ctrl,dflt.ctrl.keys(),'ctrl') iterFlag = dict_key_check(self.iter,dflt.iter.keys(),'iter') timeFlag = dict_key_check(self.time,dflt.time.keys(),'time') solFlag = dict_key_check(self.sol,dflt.sol.keys(),'sol') if ctrlFlag or iterFlag or timeFlag or solFlag: return True # print warnings if checkWarnings or buildWarnings: s = '' for warning in buildWarnings: s += warning +'\n' s+='\n\n' L = 62 s+= ' !!!!---------------------------------------------------------!!!!\n' s+= ' !!!! Possible errors detected in input file. !!!!\n' s+= ' !!!!---------------------------------------------------------!!!!\n' for warning in checkWarnings: stri = ' !!!! -' keepGoing = True warning = warning.split() while keepGoing: if not warning: for i in range(L-len(stri)): stri += ' ' s+= stri+'!!!!\n' stri = ' !!!! ' break if len(stri)<(L-len(warning[0])): stri += ' '+warning[0] warning = warning[1:] else: for i in range(L-len(stri)): stri += ' ' s+= stri+'!!!!\n' stri = ' !!!! ' s+= ' !!!!---------------------------------------------------------!!!!\n' if self.work_dir: fp = open(self.work_dir+os.sep+'pyfehm.err','w') else: fp = open('pyfehm.err','w') fp.write(s) fp.close() pyfehm_print(s,self._silent) checkWarnings = [] buildWarnings = [] return False
[docs] def temperature_gradient(self,filename,offset=0.,first_zone = 100,auxiliary_file=None,hydrostatic = 0,flip_depth_sign=False): '''Assign initial temperature distribution to model based on supplied temperature profile. :param filename: Name of a file containing temperature gradient data. File should be two columns, comma or space separated, with elevation in the first column and temperature (degC) in the second. :type filename: str :param offset: Vertical offset added to the elevation in temperature gradient data. Useful if model limits don't correspond to data. :type offset: fl64 :param first_zone: Index of first zone created. Zone index will be incremented by 1 thereafter. :type first_zone: int :param auxiliary_file: Name of auxiliary file in which to store **PRES** macros. :type auxiliary_file: str :param hydrostatic: Pressure at top of well profile. PyFEHM will calculate hydrostatic pressures consistent with the temperature profile. If left blank, default pressures will be used. :type hydrostatic: fl64 :param flip_depth_sign: If sign of depths in file does not match z coordinate in simulation, flip the sign. :type flip_depth_sign: bool ''' # check if file exists if not os.path.isfile(filename): pyfehm_print('ERROR: cannot find temperature gradient file \''+filename+'\'.',self._silent) return # determine uniqueness of z-coords - if less than 100, use zones, if more than 100, use nodes. z = np.unique([nd.position[2] for nd in self.grid.nodelist]) if len(z) <= 100: zoneFlag = True else: zoneFlag = False # read temperature data, apply offset, extend or trim to vertical extent of model tempfile = open(filename,'r') ln = tempfile.readline() tempfile.close() commaFlag = False; spaceFlag = False if len(ln.split(',')) > 1: commaFlag = True elif len(ln.split()) > 1: spaceFlag = True if not commaFlag and not spaceFlag: pyfehm_print('ERROR: incorrect formatting for \''+filename+'\'. Expect first column depth (m) and second column temperature (degC), either comma or space separated.',self._silent) return if commaFlag: tempdat = np.loadtxt(filename,delimiter=',') else: tempdat = np.loadtxt(filename) zt = tempdat[:,0]; tt = tempdat[:,1] zt = zt + offset if flip_depth_sign: zt = -zt if (zt[0]>zt[-1] and z[0]<z[-1]) or (zt[0]<zt[-1] and z[0]>z[-1]): zt = np.flipud(zt) tt = np.flipud(tt) # calculate pressure to assign if 0 in self.pres.keys(): p0 = self.pres[0].param['pressure'] else: p0 = 1. _buildWarnings('WARNING: no pressure information, assigning default of 1 MPa. These pressures will be overwritten if GRAD macro used.') # assign zones or nodes if zoneFlag: ind = first_zone x0,x1 = self.grid.xmin,self.grid.xmax y0,y1 = self.grid.ymin,self.grid.ymax T = np.interp(np.sort(z),np.sort(zt),tt[np.argsort(zt)]) if hydrostatic != 0: P = fluid_column(z,Tgrad = filename, Tsurf = 25., Psurf = hydrostatic)[0][:,0] else: P = p0*np.ones((1,len(z)))[0] if z[0]<z[-1]: P = np.flipud(P) for zi,ti,pi in zip(z,T,P): zn = fzone(index=ind) zn.rect([x0-0.1,y0-0.1,zi-0.1],[x1+0.1,y1+0.1,zi+0.1]) self.add(zn) self.add(fmacro('pres',zone=ind,file = auxiliary_file, param=(('pressure',pi),('temperature',ti),('saturation',1)))) ind +=1 else: for nd,ti in zip(self.grid.nodelist,np.interp([nd.position[2] for nd in self.grid.nodelist],zt,tt)): self.add(fmacro('pres',zone=(nd.index,nd.index,1),file = auxiliary_file, param=(('pressure',p0),('temperature',ti),('saturation',1))))
################## ZONE FUNCTIONS def _read_zonn(self,infile,file=''): #ZONE: Reads ZONE or ZONN macro. block = ['zone\n'] line=infile.readline().strip(); block.append(line+'\n') if line[0:4]=='file': line = infile.readline().strip(); block.append(line+'\n') self._read_zonn_file(line) else: more = True while more: new_zone = fzone() if file: new_zone.file=file # assess whether zone has already been defined zind = int(line.split()[0]) new_zone.index = zind if line.rfind('#') != -1: = line[line.rfind('#')+1:].strip() line=infile.readline().strip(); block.append(line+'\n') new_zone.points = [] if line[0:4]=='list': new_zone.type='list' morePoints = True while morePoints: line=infile.readline().strip(); block.append(line+'\n') pts = line.split() if not pts: morePoints = False else: new_zone.nodelist.append(self.grid.node_nearest_point([float(pt) for pt in pts])) elif line[0:4] == 'nnum': new_zone.type='nnum' line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() number_nodes = int(nums[0]) new_zone.nodelist = [None]*number_nodes i = 0 for num in nums[1:]: new_zone.nodelist[i] = self.grid.node[int(num)] i +=1 while i!=number_nodes: line=infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() for num in nums: new_zone.nodelist[i]=self.grid.node[int(num)] i +=1 else: new_zone.type='rect' if self.ctrl['geometry_ICNL'] == 0: # 3-D geometry numPts = 24 # number of points to define rect else: # 2-D geometry numPts = 8 # number of points to define rect iPts = 0 pts = line.split() allpts = [] for pt in pts: allpts.append(float(pt)) iPts += len(pts) while iPts != numPts: line = infile.readline().strip(); block.append(line+'\n') pts = line.split() for pt in pts: allpts.append(float(pt)) iPts += len(pts) new_zone.points = np.array(list(flatten(allpts))) if np.size(new_zone.points)==24: if self.grid.dimensions == 3: new_zone.points = list(new_zone.points.reshape(3,8)) else: new_zone.points = list(new_zone.points[:16].reshape(2,8)) else: new_zone.points = list(new_zone.points.reshape(2,4)) # zone already defined, check if definitions match if zind in zn_old =[zind] if zn_old.type != new_zone.type: _buildWarnings('WARNING: zone '+str(zind)+' was defined earlier in the input file. PyFEHM assumes unique zone definitions. This zone will be ignored.') elif new_zone.type == 'rect': if self.ctrl['geometry_ICNL'] == 0: x0n,x1n = np.min(new_zone.points[0]), np.max(new_zone.points[0]) y0n,y1n = np.min(new_zone.points[1]), np.max(new_zone.points[1]) z0n,z1n = np.min(new_zone.points[2]), np.max(new_zone.points[2]) x0o,x1o = np.min(zn_old.points[0]), np.max(zn_old.points[0]) y0o,y1o = np.min(zn_old.points[1]), np.max(zn_old.points[1]) z0o,z1o = np.min(zn_old.points[2]), np.max(zn_old.points[2]) if (x0n != x0o) or (x1n != x1o) or (y0n != y0o) or (y1n != y1o) or (z0n != z0o) or (z1n != z1o): _buildWarnings('WARNING: zone '+str(zind)+' was defined earlier in the input file. PyFEHM assumes unique zone definitions. This zone will be ignored.') else: different_zone = False if len(set(zn_old.nodelist).symmetric_difference(new_zone.nodelist)) != 0: different_zone = True if different_zone: _buildWarnings('WARNING: zone '+str(zind)+' was defined earlier in the input file. PyFEHM assumes unique zone definitions. This zone will be ignored.') if not zind in self._add_zone(new_zone,overwrite=True) line=infile.readline(); block.append(line+'\n') if not line.strip(): more = False return block def _read_zonn_rad(self,infile,file=''): #ZONE: Reads ZONE or ZONN macro. line=infile.readline().strip() more = True while more: # assess whether zone has already been defined zind = int(line.split()[0]) name = None if line.rfind('#') != -1: name = line[line.rfind('#')+1:].strip() if self.ctrl['geometry_ICNL']: return r_pts = line=infile.readline().strip().split('#')[0] r_pts = [float(pi) for pi in r_pts.split()] z_pts = line=infile.readline().strip().split('#')[0] z_pts = [float(pi) for pi in z_pts.split()] r_min,r_max = np.min(r_pts),np.max(r_pts) z_min,z_max = np.min(z_pts),np.max(z_pts) pts = np.array([nd.position for nd in self.grid.nodelist]) r = np.sqrt(pts[:,0]**2+pts[:,1]**2) z = pts[:,2] inds = np.where((z>z_min)&(z<z_max)*(r>r_min)&(r<r_max))[0] nds = [self.grid.nodelist[i] for i in inds] self.new_zone(zind, name=name, nodelist = nds) line=infile.readline() if not line.strip(): more = False def _read_zonn_file(self,file): #Reads ZONN from specified file. zone_file = open(file,'r') line = zone_file.readline().strip() self._read_zonn(zone_file,file) def _write_zonn_all(self,outfile): #Writes ZONE or ZONN macro. ws = _title_string('ZONES',72) outfile.write(ws) # check for zones specified in external files - write these first filezone = False file_zns = [] file_nms = [] for zn in self.zonelist: if zn.file: filezone = True file_zns.append(zn) if zn.file not in file_nms: file_nms.append(zn.file) if filezone: for file_nm in file_nms: outfile.write('zonn\n') outfile.write('file\n') outfile.write(file_nm+'\n') # if filename does not exist, write file if not os.path.isfile(file_nm): zonefile = open(file_nm,'w') zns = [zn for zn in self.zonelist if zn.file==file_nm] for zn in zns: zn.file = '' self._write_zonn_one(zonefile,zns) for zn in zns: zn.file = file_nm zonefile.write('stop\n') zonefile.close() outfile.write('zonn\n') for zn in self.zonelist: if zn.file: continue if zn.index == 0: continue outfile.write(str(zn.index)) if outfile.write('\t\t#' outfile.write('\n') if zn.type != 'rect': outfile.write(str(zn.type)+'\n') for ptarray in zn.points: for pt in ptarray: outfile.write(str(pt)+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if zn.type == 'list': outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') def _write_zonn_one(self,outfile,zns=[]): #Writes out a single zone when using sticky if not zns: return uniqueZns = [] uniqueZns_inds=[] for zn in zns: if zn.index not in uniqueZns_inds: uniqueZns_inds.append(zn.index); uniqueZns.append(zn) zns = uniqueZns # check for zones specified in external files - write these first filezone = False regzone = False file_zns = [] file_nms = [] for zn in zns: if isinstance(zn,tuple): continue if zn.file: filezone = True file_zns.append(zn) if zn.file not in file_nms: file_nms.append(zn.file) else: regzone=True if filezone: for file_nm in file_nms: outfile.write('zone\n') outfile.write('file\n') outfile.write(file_nm+'\n') # if filename does not exist, write file if not os.path.isfile(self.work_dir+os.sep+file_nm) or self._writeSubFiles: if self.work_dir: zonefile = open(self.work_dir+os.sep+file_nm,'w') else: zonefile = open(file_nm,'w') zns = [zn for zn in self.zonelist if zn.file==file_nm] for zn in zns: zn.file = '' self._write_zonn_one(zonefile,zns) for zn in zns: zn.file = file_nm zonefile.write('stop\n') zonefile.close() return if not regzone: return outfile.write('zone\n') for zn in zns: if zn.file: continue else: if zn.index == 0: continue outfile.write(str(zn.index)) if outfile.write('\t\t#' outfile.write('\n') if zn.type != 'rect': outfile.write(str(zn.type)+'\n') for ptarray in zn.points: for pt in ptarray: outfile.write(str(pt)+'\t') outfile.write('\n') if zn.type == 'list': outfile.write('\n') if not zn.file: outfile.write('\n') def _add_zone(self,zone=fzone(),overwrite=False): #Adds a ZONE object. # check if zone already exists if isinstance(zone,fzone): if zone.index in if not overwrite: _buildWarnings('WARNING: A zone with index '+str(zone.index)+' already exists. Zone will not be defined, use overwrite = True in add() to overwrite the old zone.') return else: self.delete([zone.index]) if in if not overwrite: _buildWarnings('WARNING: A zone with name \''+str('\' already exists. Zone will not be defined, use overwrite = True in add() to overwrite the old zone.') return else: self.delete([]) zone._parent = self if zone not in self._zonelist: self._zonelist.append(zone) self._associate_zone(zone) def _associate_zone(self,zone): #Associates nodes contained within a ZONE, with that zone if not self._associate: return for nd in zone.nodelist: nd._zone.update({zone.index:zone}) def _delete_zone(self,zone=fzone()): if zone.index in [999,998,997,996,995,994]: return self._zonelist.remove(zone) def _is_zone(self,obj): #Corrects index zone specification to object if isinstance(,int): if in self._zone_indices: =[] else: pyfehm_print('Error: zone ' + str( + ' does not exist.',self._silent) return return obj def _get_info(self): #Prints out information about the data file # grid dimensions import itertools print '***********************************************************************' if self.filename: print '***** '+self.filename+' *****' # file name print '***********************************************************************' if self.grid.filename: # grid properties print 'Model domain: x = ['+str(self.grid.xmin) + ', ' + str(self.grid.xmax) + ']' print ' y = ['+str(self.grid.ymin) + ', ' + str(self.grid.ymax) + ']' print ' z = ['+str(self.grid.zmin) + ', ' + str(self.grid.zmax) + ']' print ' nodes = ' +str(self.grid.number_nodes) print ' ' else: print '%%%%% no grid associated %%%%%' if len(self.zonelist)==1: # zones print 'No user defined zones' elif len(self.zonelist)==2: print 'One user defined zone: '+str(self.zonelist[-1].index) else: printStr = str(len(self.zonelist)-1) +' user defined zones: '+str(self.zonelist[1].index) for zn in self.zonelist[2:]: printStr+=', '+str(zn.index) print printStr+'\n' if self.permlist: # permeablities for perm in self.permlist: if break print 'Permeability: \n background - kx, ky, kz = ['+str(perm.param['kx'])+', '+str(perm.param['ky'])+ ', '+str(perm.param['kz'])+']' for perm in self.permlist: if continue print ' zone '+str(' - kx, ky, kz = ['+str(perm.param['kx'])+', '+str(perm.param['ky'])+ ', '+str(perm.param['kz'])+']' print ' ' else: print '%%%%% no permeability properties assigned %%%%%' if self.condlist: # conductivities for cond in self.condlist: if break print 'Conductivity: \n background - Kx, Ky, Kz = ['+str(cond.param['cond_x'])+', '+str(cond.param['cond_y'])+ ', '+str(cond.param['cond_z'])+']' for cond in self.condlist: if continue print ' zone '+str(' - Kx, Ky, Kz = ['+str(cond.param['cond_x'])+', '+str(cond.param['cond_y'])+ ', '+str(cond.param['cond_z'])+']' print ' ' else: print '%%%%% no conductivity properties assigned %%%%%' if self.rocklist: # rock properties for rock in self.rocklist: if break print ('Rock properties: \n background - density = '+str(rock.param['density'])+', specific heat = ' +str(rock.param['specific_heat'])+ ', porosity = '+str(rock.param['porosity'])) for rock in self.rocklist: if continue print (' zone '+str(' - density = '+str(rock.param['density'])+', specific heat = ' +str(rock.param['specific_heat'])+ ', porosity = '+str(rock.param['porosity'])) print ' ' else: print '%%%%% no rock properties assigned %%%%%' if self.flowlist: # generators prntStr = 'Generators: \n zone ' for flow in self.flowlist: if isinstance(,fzone): prntStr += str( + ' - ' else: prntStr += '('+str([0]) + ','+str([1]) + ','+str([2]) +') - ' prntStr += 'SKD = '+str(flow.param['rate']) + ', ' prntStr += 'EFLOW = '+str(flow.param['energy']) + ', ' prntStr += 'AIPED = '+str(flow.param['impedance']) print prntStr if flow.param['rate']>0: if flow.param['energy']>0: if flow.param['impedance']==0: print ' mass production at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else: print ' mass production against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate'])) + ' MPa' else: if flow.param['energy']>0: if flow.param['impedance']==0: print ' mass injection of '+str(flow.param['energy'])+' MJ/kg fluid at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else:print ' mass injection of '+str(flow.param['energy'])+' MJ/kg fluid against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate']))+' MPa' else: if flow.param['impedance']==0: print ' mass injection of '+str(abs(flow.param['energy']))+' degC fluid at fixed rate of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate']))+' kg/s' else:print ' mass injection of '+str(abs(flow.param['energy']))+' degC fluid against specified WHP of ' + str(abs(flow.param['rate']))+' MPa' prntStr = ' zone ' print ' ' if self.bounlist: # flow boundary conditions print 'Flow boundary conditions: zone INCOMPLETE' if not self.flowlist and not self.bounlist and not self.co2flowlist: print '%%%%% no boundary conditions assigned %%%%%' if self.carb.iprtype !=0: # co2 module co2model = dict([(1,'Water only'),(2,'CO2 only'),(3,'CO2-water, no solubility'), (4,'CO2-water, with solubility'),(5,'CO2-water-air, with solubility')]) print 'CO2 module: ' + co2model[self.carb.iprtype] if self.co2flowlist: prntStr = '....CO2 generators: zone ' for co2flow in self.co2flowlist: prntStr += (str( + ' - SKTMP = '+str(co2flow.param['rate'])+', ESKTMP = '+str(co2flow.param['energy']) + ', AIPED = ' + str(co2flow.param['impedance']) + ', FLAG = '+str(co2flow.param['bc_flag'])) print prntStr prntStr = ' : zone ' if self.co2fraclist: for co2frac in self.co2fraclist: if break print ('....Initial CO2 fractions: \n background - water saturation = '+str(co2frac.param['water_rich_sat'])+', CO2 saturation = '+str(co2frac.param['co2_rich_sat']) +', CO2 mass fraction = '+str(co2frac.param['co2_mass_frac'])+', CO2 initial salt concentration = '+str(co2frac.param['init_salt_conc'])) for co2frac in self.co2fraclist: if continue print (' zone - water saturation = '+str(co2frac.param['water_rich_sat'])+', CO2 saturation = '+str(co2frac.param['co2_rich_sat']) +', CO2 mass fraction = '+str(co2frac.param['co2_mass_frac'])+', CO2 initial salt concentration = '+str(co2frac.param['init_salt_conc'])) if self.co2preslist: phase = dict([(1, 'liquid'),(2,'two phase'),(3,'vapour'),(4,'super-critical')]) for co2pres in self.co2preslist: if break print ('....Initial CO2 conditions: \n background - pressure = '+str(co2pres.param['pressure'])+' MPa, temperature = '+str(co2pres.param['temperature']) +' degC, phase = '+phase[co2pres.param['phase']]) for co2pres in self.co2preslist: if continue print (' zone - pressure = '+str(co2pres.param['pressure'])+' MPa, temperature = '+str(co2pres.param['temperature']) +' degC, phase = '+phase[co2pres.param['phase']]) if self.strs.param['ISTRS']: # stress module print 'Stress module:' if self.elasticlist: for elastic in self.elasticlist: if break print '....Elastic properties: \n background - E = '+str(elastic.param['youngs_modulus'])+' MPa, nu = '+str(elastic.param['poissons_ratio']) for elastic in self.elasticlist: if continue print ' zone '+str(' - E = '+str(elastic.param['youngs_modulus'])+' MPa, nu = '+str(elastic.param['poissons_ratio']) else: print ' %%%%% no elastic properties assigned %%%%%' if self.biotlist: for biot in self.biotlist: if break print '....Thermo and poroelastic properties: \n background - thermal = '+str(biot.param['thermal_expansion'])+', pressure = '+str(biot.param['pressure_coupling']) for biot in self.biotlist: if continue print ' zone '+str(' - thermal = '+str(biot.param['thermal_expansion'])+', pressure = '+str(biot.param['pressure_coupling']) else: print ' %%%%% no pore pressure (biot) properties assigned %%%%%' if self.stressbounlist: print '....Stress boundary conditions: ' strsDirs = dict([(1,'x-dir'),(2,'y-dir'),(3,'z-dir')]) for strs_boun in self.stressbounlist: prntStr = ' zone ' prntStr += str( +' - ' if strs_boun.subtype=='lithograd': prntStr += 'lithograd, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(strs_boun.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += 'stress grad = ' + str(strs_boun.param['value']) + ' MPa/m' elif strs_boun.subtype == 'distributed': prntStr += strs_boun.subtype +' force, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(strs_boun.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += str(strs_boun.param['value'])+ ' MPa' elif strs_boun.subtype == 'lithostatic': prntStr +='not done!' else: if strs_boun.param['direction']>0: prntStr += 'fixed disp, ' else: prntStr += 'fixed force, ' prntStr += strsDirs[abs(strs_boun.param['direction'])]+', ' prntStr += str(strs_boun.param['value'])+' ' if strs_boun.param['direction']>0: prntStr += 'm' else: prntStr += 'MPa' print prntStr else: print ' %%%%% no stress boundary conditions assigned %%%%%' if self.permmodellist: print '....Stress-permeability relationships:' for perm_model in self.permmodellist: if not continue prntStr = ' model ' + str(perm_model.index) if len( prntStr += ' - zone ' + str([0].index) else: prntStr += ' - zones ' for zn in[:-1]: prntStr += str(zn.index) + ', ' prntStr += str([-1].index) for par,unit in zip(permDicts[perm_model.index],permUnits[perm_model.index]): if par in perm_model.param.keys(): prntStr +='\n '+par+' = '+str(perm_model.param[par])+' '+unit if perm_model.index==1: prntStr += '\n no permeability modification' print prntStr else: print ' %%%%% no stress-permeability models specified %%%%%' print ' ' if self.cont.variables: # contour output print 'Contour output ('+self.cont.format+' format) requested for - ' #vars = list(itertools.chain(*self.cont.variables)) for var in self.cont.variables: print ' '+var if self.hist.variables: # history output print 'History output ('+self.hist.format+' format) requested for - ' vars = list(itertools.chain(*self.hist.variables)) for var in vars: print ' '+var if not self.cont.variables and not self.hist.variables: print '%%%%% no output requested %%%%%' print '***********************************************************************' what = property(_get_info) ################## MACRO FUNCTIONS def _read_macro(self,infile,macroName,second=False): #MACRO: Reads general format macros from copy import copy,deepcopy more=True file_flag=False grad_flag=True while more: if macroName not in ['permmodel','rlp']: m = fmacro(macroName) line=infile.readline().strip() if not line: more=False; continue if line.startswith('file'): more=False; file_flag = True; continue # read file data # params = copy(dict(macro_list[macroName])) #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for stressboun vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv # assess boundary condition type #v if macroName == 'stressboun': #v m.subtype='fixed' #v if line.startswith('distributed') or line.startswith('lithostatic') or line.startswith('lithograd'): m.subtype=line.split()[0] #v oldline = line; line=infile.readline().strip() #^ if m.subtype=='lithograd': #^ m.param['sdepth']=float(oldline.split()[1]) #^ m.param['gdepth']=float(oldline.split()[2]) #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv # turn boolean 'more' into countdown #v if macroName == 'grad': #v if grad_flag: #v more = int(line.split()[0]) #v grad_flag=False #^ line = infile.readline().strip() #^ more -= 1 #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ nums = line.split() nums_zone,nums_params = nums[:3],nums[3:] if macroName == 'grad': nums_zone,nums_params = nums[:1],nums[1:] = self._macro_zone(nums_zone) if second: for i,key in enumerate(macro_list[macroName]): m.param[key[0]] = float(nums_params[i]) self._add_macro(m,overwrite=True) if file_flag: line=infile.readline().strip() if not os.path.isfile(line): # check if in subdirectory with input file fname = self._path.filename.split(os.sep) if len(fname)>0: fn0 = '' for fn in fname[:-1]: fn0 += fn if not os.path.isfile(fn0+os.sep+line): pyfehm_print('ERROR: cannot find macro file '+line,self._silent) else: macrofile = open(fn0+os.sep+line) line = macrofile.readline().strip() self._read_macro(macrofile,macroName,second = True) macrofile.close() else: macrofile = open(line) line = macrofile.readline().strip() self._read_macro(macrofile,macroName,second = True) macrofile.close() def _add_macro(self,macro,overwrite=False): #Adds the macro to data file # check macro zone definition macro._parent = self if isinstance(,list) and len( =[0] # assign everywhere zone #elif isinstance(,fnode): = tuple([, 1, 1]) elif isinstance(,tuple): = tuple([int(ls) for ls in]) elif isinstance(,(int,str)): if in =[] else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: Specified zone '+str(ind)+' for macro '+macro.type+' does not exist.',self._silent) # check if macro already exists exclusions = ['grad','stressboun'] if isinstance(,fzone) and macro.type not in exclusions: zn = keys = [] for m in self._allMacro[macro.type]: if isinstance(,fzone): keys.append((,m)) if keys.append((,m)) elif isinstance(,tuple): keys.append((,m)) keys = dict(keys) if zn.index in keys.keys(): if not overwrite: _buildWarnings('WARNING: A '+macro.type+' macro for zone '+str(zn.index)+' already exists. Macro will not be defined, use overwrite = True in add() to overwrite the old macro.') return else: self.delete(keys[zn.index]) keys = [] for m in self._allMacro[macro.type]: if isinstance(,fzone): keys.append((,m)) if keys.append((,m)) elif isinstance(,tuple): keys.append((,m)) keys = dict(keys) if in keys.keys(): if not overwrite: _buildWarnings('WARNING: A macro for zone \''+str('\' already exists. Macro will not be defined, use overwrite = True in add() to overwrite the old macro.') return else: self.delete(keys[]) self._allMacro[macro.type].append(macro) self._associate_macro(macro) def _associate_macro(self,macro): #Associates macro properties with nodes if not self._associate: return if isinstance(,list): for zn in for nd in zn.nodelist: if macro.type =='rlp': nd._rlpmodel = macro.index elif macro.type =='permmodel': nd._permmodel = macro.index elif isinstance(,tuple): nd = self.grid.node[[0]] if macro.type == 'pres': if macro.param['saturation'] == 1: nd._Pi = macro.param['pressure'] nd._Ti = macro.param['temperature'] nd._Si = 1. elif macro.param['saturation'] == 2: nd._Pi = macro.param['pressure'] nd._Ti = tsat(macro.param['pressure']) nd._Si = macro.param['temperature'] elif macro.param['saturation'] == 3: nd._Pi = macro.param['pressure'] nd._Ti = macro.param['temperature'] nd._Si = 0. elif macro.type == 'rock': nd._density = macro.param['density'] nd._specific_heat = macro.param['specific_heat'] nd._porosity = macro.param['porosity'] elif macro.type == 'elastic': nd._youngs_modulus = macro.param['youngs_modulus'] nd._poissons_ratio = macro.param['poissons_ratio'] elif macro.type == 'biot': nd._thermal_expansion = macro.param['thermal_expansion'] nd._pressure_coupling = macro.param['pressure_coupling'] elif macro.type == 'cond': nd._conductivity = np.array([macro.param['cond_x'],macro.param['cond_x'],macro.param['cond_x']]) elif macro.type == 'perm': nd._permeability = np.array([macro.param['kx'],macro.param['ky'],macro.param['kz']]) elif isinstance(,fzone) or isinstance(,int) or isinstance(,str): zn = if isinstance(,int) or isinstance(,str): zn =[zn] for nd in zn.nodelist: # add generator properties if macro.type =='flow': addToNode = macro.param nd._generator.update(addToNode) if macro.type =='co2flow': addToNode = {'co2rate':macro.param['rate'],'co2energy':macro.param['energy'],'co2impedance':macro.param['impedance'],'co2bc_flag':macro.param['bc_flag']} nd._generator.update(addToNode) zn._updateFlag = False if macro.type == 'pres': if macro.param['saturation'] == 1: zn.Pi = macro.param['pressure'] zn.Ti = macro.param['temperature'] zn.Si = 1. elif macro.param['saturation'] == 2: zn.Pi = macro.param['pressure'] zn.Ti = tsat(macro.param['pressure']) zn.Si = macro.param['temperature'] elif macro.param['saturation'] == 3: zn.Pi = macro.param['pressure'] zn.Ti = macro.param['temperature'] zn.Si = 0. elif macro.type == 'rock': zn.density = macro.param['density'] zn.specific_heat = macro.param['specific_heat'] zn.porosity = macro.param['porosity'] elif macro.type == 'elastic': zn.youngs_modulus = macro.param['youngs_modulus'] zn.poissons_ratio = macro.param['poissons_ratio'] elif macro.type == 'biot': zn.thermal_expansion = macro.param['thermal_expansion'] zn.pressure_coupling = macro.param['pressure_coupling'] elif macro.type == 'cond': zn.conductivity = np.array([macro.param['cond_x'],macro.param['cond_x'],macro.param['cond_x']]) elif macro.type == 'perm': zn.permeability = np.array([macro.param['kx'],macro.param['ky'],macro.param['kz']]) zn._updateFlag = True def _delete_macro(self,macro): #Deletes macro from data file self._allMacro[macro.type].remove(macro) def _macro_zone(self,nums): #Assigns zone to macro dictionary # assumes object has members 'zone' and 'node' #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if len(nums) == 1: #v if nums[0].startswith('all'): return[0] #v else: return[abs(int(nums[0]))] #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if (nums[0] == '1' and nums[1] == '0' and nums[2] == '0') or (int(float(nums[0]))<0): k = _zone_ind(float(nums[0])) if k in return[k] else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: zone '+str(k)+' has not been defined',self._silent); return None else: return (int(float(nums[0])),int(float(nums[1])),int(float(nums[2]))) def _write_macro(self,outfile,macroName): #Writes macro dictionary to output file ws = _title_string(macro_titles[macroName],72) printToFile = False filemacros = [] textmacros = [] singlemacros = [] self._allMacro[macroName].sort(key=lambda x: keys = [k for k,nul in macro_list[macroName]] for macro in self._allMacro[macroName]: # check no additional parameters defined if dict_key_check(macro.param,keys,'macro '+macro.type): raise KeyError('macro '+macro.type) if macro.file == -1: printToFile = True; textmacros.append(macro) elif macro.file: filemacros.append(macro) else: if macro._write_one_macro: singlemacros.append(macro) else: textmacros.append(macro) if not printToFile: outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: zns = [] for macro in (textmacros+filemacros): if isinstance(,fzone): if : zns.append( elif isinstance(,list) and len( != 0: for zn in if zn.index : zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,zns) if textmacros: if macroName == 'bodyforce': outfile.write(macroName+' '+textmacros[0].subtype+'\n') else: outfile.write(macroName+'\n') #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName == 'grad': outfile.write(str(len(self._allMacro[macroName]))+'\n') #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #for macro in self._allMacro[macroName]: for macro in textmacros: if == 0: =[0] if printToFile: if macro.file != - 1: continue elif macro.file: continue #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for stressboun vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName=='stressboun': #v if macro.subtype != 'fixed': #v outfile.write(macro.subtype+'\t') #v if macro.subtype == 'lithograd': #^ outfile.write(str(macro.param['sdepth'])+'\t'+str(macro.param['gdepth'])+'\n') else: outfile.write('\n') #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ zn = if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName == 'grad': #v if not zn.index: outfile.write('all\t') #v else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t') #v macro.param['direction']=int(macro.param['direction']) #^ macro.param['variable']=int(macro.param['variable']) #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') for key in macro_list[macroName]: outfile.write(str(macro.param[key[0]])+'\t') if not (macroName == 'grad' and macro == self._allMacro[macroName][-1]): outfile.write('\n') #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for stressboun vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName=='stressboun' and macro != self._allMacro[macroName][-1]:#v outfile.write('\nstressboun\n') #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ outfile.write('\n') ########################################## ########################################## if singlemacros: for macro in singlemacros: self._write_zonn_one(outfile,[]) if macroName == 'bodyforce': outfile.write(macroName+' '+singlemacros[0].subtype+'\n') else: outfile.write(macroName+'\n') #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName == 'grad': outfile.write(str(len(self._allMacro[macroName]))+'\n') #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if == 0: =[0] #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for stressboun vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName=='stressboun': #v if macro.subtype != 'fixed': #v outfile.write(macro.subtype+'\t') #v if macro.subtype == 'lithograd': #^ outfile.write(str(macro.param['sdepth'])+'\t'+str(macro.param['gdepth'])+'\n') else: outfile.write('\n') #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ zn = if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for grad vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if macroName == 'grad': #v if not zn.index: outfile.write('all\t') #v else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t') #v macro.param['direction']=int(macro.param['direction']) #^ macro.param['variable']=int(macro.param['variable']) #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') for key in macro_list[macroName]: outfile.write(str(macro.param[key[0]])+'\t') if not (macroName == 'grad' and macro == self._allMacro[macroName][-1]): outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') ########################################## ########################################## if filemacros and not printToFile: unique_fnames = [] for macro in filemacros: if macro.file not in unique_fnames: unique_fnames.append(macro.file) for file_nm in unique_fnames: if macroName == 'bodyforce': outfile.write(macroName+' '+filemacros[0].subtype+'\n') else: outfile.write(macroName+'\n') outfile.write('file\n') outfile.write(file_nm+'\n') # if filename does not exist, write file file_nm = file_nm.split(os.sep)[-1] if not os.path.isfile(self.work_dir+os.sep+file_nm) or self._writeSubFiles: if self.work_dir: macrofile = open(self.work_dir+os.sep+file_nm,'w') else: macrofile = open(file_nm,'w') macros = [macro for macro in self._allMacro[macroName] if macro.file==file_nm] for macro in macros: macro.file = -1 self._write_macro(macrofile,macroName) for macro in macros: macro.file = file_nm macrofile.write('stop\n') macrofile.close() self._write_general_macro(outfile, macroName) return True def _get_macro(self,macro): #Constructs macro lists and dictionaries tempDict = [] for macro in self._allMacro[macro]: if isinstance(,list): tempDict.append((tuple(,macro)) elif isinstance(,int): tempDict.append((,macro)) else: tempDict.append((,macro)) if isinstance(,fzone): if tempDict.append((,macro)) return dict(tempDict) ################## MODEL FUNCTIONS def _read_model(self,infile,modelName): #MODEL: Reads general format models # redirect of special cases if modelName == 'ppor': self._read_model_ppor(infile); return if modelName == 'plastic': self._read_model_plastic(infile); return line = infile.readline().strip() models=[] while line != '': # perm model specification nums = line.split() m = fmodel(modelName,index=int(nums[0])) parVector = [float(num) for num in nums[1:]] # parameter values #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for rlp model 16 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if m.type =='rlp' and m.index ==16: #v parVector = parVector[:6]+parVector[10:12] #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ if m.index in model_list[modelName].keys(): parList = model_list[modelName][m.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names parList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(parVector))] m.param = dict(zip(parList,parVector)) # make dictionary models.append(m) line = infile.readline().strip() line = infile.readline().strip() while line != '': # perm model zone assignments nums = line.split() models[int(nums[-1])-1].zonelist.append(self._macro_zone(nums)) line = infile.readline().strip() for m in models: self._add_model(m) def _read_model_plastic(self,infile): # redirect of special cases line = infile.readline().strip() line = infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() m = fmodel('plasticmodel',index=int(nums[0])) m.zonelist = [0] parVector = [float(num) for num in nums[1:]] # parameter values if m.index in model_list['plasticmodel'].keys(): parList = model_list['plasticmodel'][m.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names parList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(parVector))] m.param = dict(zip(parList,parVector)) # make dictionary self._add_model(m) def _read_model_trac(self,infile,transverseFlag): line = infile.readline().strip() models1 = [] models2 = [] while line != '': # perm model specification nums = line.split() i1 = int(nums[0]) nums1 = nums[1:4] if transverseFlag: if len(nums) == 8: i2 = int(nums[4]); nums2 = nums[5:] elif len(nums) == 7: i2 = 0; nums2 = nums[4:] else: if len(nums) == 9: i2 = int(nums[4]); nums2 = nums[5:] elif len(nums) == 8: i2 = 0; nums2 = nums[4:] # create adsorption model m = fmodel('adsorption',index=i1) parVector = [float(num) for num in nums1] # parameter values if m.index in model_list[modelName].keys(): parList = model_list[modelName][m.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names parList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(parVector))] m.param = dict(zip(parList,parVector)) # make dictionary models1.append(m) # create diffusion model m = fmodel('diffusion',index=i2) parVector = [float(num) for num in nums2] # parameter values if transverseFlag: parVector.append(None) if m.index in model_list[modelName].keys(): parList = model_list[modelName][m.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names parList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(parVector))] m.param = dict(zip(parList,parVector)) # make dictionary models2.append(m) line = infile.readline().strip() line = infile.readline().strip() while line != '': # perm model zone assignments nums = line.split() models1[int(nums[-1])-1].zonelist.append(self._macro_zone(nums)) models2[int(nums[-1])-1].zonelist.append(self._macro_zone(nums)) line = infile.readline().strip() return (models1,models2) def _read_model_ppor(self,infile): line = infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() m = fmodel('ppor',index=int(nums[0])) line = infile.readline().strip() nums = line.split() m.zonelist = [self._macro_zone(nums[:3])] parVector = [float(num) for num in nums[3:]] # parameter values if m.index in model_list['ppor'].keys(): parList = model_list['ppor'][m.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names parList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(parVector))] m.param = dict(zip(parList,parVector)) # make dictionary self._add_model(m) line = infile.readline().strip() def _add_model(self,model): model._parent = self if isinstance(model.zonelist,list) and len(model.zonelist)==0: model.zonelist = [[0]] # assign everywhere zone elif isinstance(model.zonelist,tuple): model.zonelist = [tuple([int(ls) for ls in model.zonelist])] elif isinstance(model.zonelist,(int,str)): if model.zonelist in model.zonelist = [[model.zonelist]] else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: Specified zone '+str(model.zonelist)+' for model '+model.type+' does not exist.',self._silent) return elif isinstance(model.zonelist,fzone): model.zonelist = [model.zonelist] newlist = [] for zn in model.zonelist: if isinstance(zn,(tuple,fzone)): newlist.append(zn) elif zn in newlist.append([zn]) else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: Specified zone '+str(zn)+' for model '+model.type+' does not exist.',self._silent) return model.zonelist = newlist self._allModel[model.type].append(model) self._allModel[model.type].sort(key=lambda x: x.index) self._associate_model(model) def _associate_model(self,model): 'placeholder' def _delete_model(self,model): self._allModel[model.type].remove(model) def _write_model(self,outfile,modelName): # redirect of special cases if modelName == 'ppor': self._write_model_ppor(outfile); return if modelName == 'plastic': self._write_model_plastic(outfile); return ws = _title_string(model_titles[modelName],72) outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: zns = [] for model in self._allModel[modelName]: if len(model.zonelist) != 0: for zn in model.zonelist: if zn.index : zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,zns) outfile.write(modelName+'\n') from operator import itemgetter self._allModel[modelName].sort(key=lambda x: x.index) for model in self._allModel[modelName]: # check no additional parameters defined if model.index in model_list[model.type].keys(): keys = model_list[modelName][model.index] if dict_key_check(model.param,keys,'macro '+model.type): raise KeyError('model '+model.type) if model.index in model_list[modelName].keys(): paramList = model_list[modelName][model.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names paramList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(model.param.keys()))] outfile.write(str(model.index)+' ') #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv #vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv exception for rlp model 16 vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv if model.type =='rlp' and model.index ==16: #v paramList = (parVector[:6]+['write0','write0','write0','write0']+ parVector[-2:]+['write0','write0']) #^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ end exception ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ #^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ for key in paramList: if key in model.param.keys(): outfile.write(str(model.param[key])+' ') elif key =='write0': outfile.write('0 ') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') model_count = 1 for model in self._allModel[modelName]: if model.zonelist == 0: model.zonelist = [self.zonelist[0],] if not model.zonelist: macro_count+=1; continue if isinstance(model.zonelist,fzone): model.zonelist = [model.zonelist,] for zn in model.zonelist: if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') outfile.write(str(model_count)+'\n') model_count+=1 outfile.write('\n') self._write_general_macro(outfile, modelName) def _write_model_ppor(self,outfile): ws = _title_string(model_titles['ppor'],72) outfile.write(ws) if self.sticky_zones: zns = [] for model in self._allModel['ppor']: if len(model.zonelist) != 0: for zn in model.zonelist: if zn.index : zns.append(zn) self._write_zonn_one(outfile,zns) outfile.write('ppor'+'\n') from operator import itemgetter self._allModel['ppor'].sort(key=lambda x: x.index) for model in self._allModel['ppor']: if model.index in model_list['ppor'].keys(): paramList = model_list['ppor'][model.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names paramList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(model.param.keys()))] outfile.write(str(model.index)+'\n') zn = model.zonelist[0] if isinstance(zn,tuple): outfile.write(str(zn[0])+'\t'+str(zn[1])+'\t'+str(zn[2])+'\t') else: if not zn.index: outfile.write(str(1)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') else: outfile.write(str(-zn.index)+'\t'+'0\t0\t') for key in paramList: if key in model.param.keys(): outfile.write(str(model.param[key])+' ') elif key =='write0': outfile.write('0 ') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\n') def _write_model_plastic(self,outfile): ws = _title_string(model_titles['plasticmodel'],72) outfile.write(ws) from operator import itemgetter self._allModel['plasticmodel'].sort(key=lambda x: x.index) outfile.write('plastic\n') outfile.write('1\n') for model in self._allModel['plasticmodel']: if model.index in model_list['plasticmodel'].keys(): paramList = model_list['plasticmodel'][model.index] # parameter names else: # enumerate generic parameter names paramList = ['param'+str(i+1) for i in range(len(model.param.keys()))] outfile.write(str(model.index)+'\t') for key in paramList: if key in model.param.keys(): outfile.write(str(model.param[key])+' ') elif key =='write0': outfile.write('0 ') outfile.write('\n') def _get_model(self,model): return dict([(m.index,m) for m in self._allModel[model]]) ################## MACRO, ZONE, BOUN LISTS def _get_pres(self): return self._get_macro('pres') pres = property(_get_pres) def _get_preslist(self): return self._allMacro['pres'] preslist = property(_get_preslist) def _get_perm(self): return self._get_macro('perm') perm = property(_get_perm) def _get_permlist(self): return self._allMacro['perm'] permlist = property(_get_permlist) def _get_rock(self): return self._get_macro('rock') rock = property(_get_rock) def _get_rocklist(self): return self._allMacro['rock'] rocklist = property(_get_rocklist) def _get_cond(self): return self._get_macro('cond') cond = property(_get_cond) def _get_condlist(self): return self._allMacro['cond'] condlist = property(_get_condlist) def _get_grad(self): return self._get_macro('grad') grad = property(_get_grad) def _get_gradlist(self): return self._allMacro['grad'] gradlist = property(_get_gradlist) def _get_flow(self): return self._get_macro('flow') flow = property(_get_flow) def _get_flowlist(self): return self._allMacro['flow'] flowlist = property(_get_flowlist) def _get_hflx(self): return self._get_macro('hflx') hflx = property(_get_hflx) def _get_hflxlist(self): return self._allMacro['hflx'] hflxlist = property(_get_hflxlist) def _get_biot(self): return self._get_macro('biot') biot = property(_get_biot) def _get_biotlist(self): return self._allMacro['biot'] biotlist = property(_get_biotlist) def _get_elastic(self): return self._get_macro('elastic') elastic = property(_get_elastic) def _get_elasticlist(self): return self._allMacro['elastic'] elasticlist = property(_get_elasticlist) def _get_bodyforce(self): return self._get_macro('bodyforce') bodyforce = property(_get_bodyforce) def _get_bodyforcelist(self): return self._allMacro['bodyforce'] bodyforcelist = property(_get_bodyforcelist) def _get_co2frac(self): return self._get_macro('co2frac') co2frac = property(_get_co2frac) def _get_co2fraclist(self): return self._allMacro['co2frac'] co2fraclist = property(_get_co2fraclist) def _get_co2flow(self): return self._get_macro('co2flow') co2flow = property(_get_co2flow) def _get_co2flowlist(self): return self._allMacro['co2flow'] co2flowlist = property(_get_co2flowlist) def _get_co2pres(self): return self._get_macro('co2pres') co2pres = property(_get_co2pres) def _get_co2preslist(self): return self._allMacro['co2pres'] co2preslist = property(_get_co2preslist) def _get_co2diff(self): return self._get_macro('co2diff') co2diff = property(_get_co2diff) def _get_co2difflist(self): return self._allMacro['co2diff'] co2difflist = property(_get_co2difflist) def _get_stressboun(self): return self._get_macro('stressboun') stressboun = property(_get_stressboun) def _get_stressbounlist(self): return self._allMacro['stressboun'] stressbounlist = property(_get_stressbounlist) def _get_permmodel(self): return self._get_model('permmodel') permmodel = property(_get_permmodel) def _get_permmodellist(self): return self._allModel['permmodel'] permmodellist = property(_get_permmodellist) def _get_plasticmodel(self): return self._get_model('plasticmodel') plasticmodel = property(_get_plasticmodel) def _get_plasticmodellist(self): return self._allModel['plasticmodel'] plasticmodellist = property(_get_plasticmodellist) def _get_tpor(self): return self._get_macro('tpor') tpor = property(_get_tpor) def _get_tporlist(self): return self._allMacro['tpor'] tporlist = property(_get_tporlist) def _get_rlp(self): return self._get_model('rlp') rlp = property(_get_rlp) def _get_rlplist(self): return self._allModel['rlp'] rlplist = property(_get_rlplist) def _get_vcon(self): return self._get_model('vcon') vcon = property(_get_vcon) def _get_vconlist(self): return self._allModel['vcon'] vconlist = property(_get_vconlist) def _get_ppor(self): return self._get_model('ppor') ppor = property(_get_ppor) def _get_pporlist(self): return self._allModel['ppor'] pporlist = property(_get_pporlist) def _get__zone_indices(self): return [z.index for z in self.zonelist] _zone_indices = property(_get__zone_indices) def _get_flxo(self): for i,node_pair in enumerate(self._flxo): nd1,nd2 = node_pair if isinstance(nd1,int): nd1 = self.grid.node[nd1] if isinstance(nd2,int): nd2 = self.grid.node[nd2] self._flxo[i] = (nd1,nd2) return self._flxo def _set_flxo(self,value): self._flxo = value flxo = property(_get_flxo, _set_flxo) #: (*lst*) List containing two-item tuples of nodal pairs for which mass flow flux to be output. def _get_zonelist(self): return self._zonelist zonelist = property(_get_zonelist)#: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zone objects in the model. def _get_zone(self): return dict([[zn.index,zn] for zn in self.zonelist]+[[,zn] for zn in self.zonelist if]) zone = property(_get_zone)#: (*dict[fzone]*) Dictionary of zone objects, indexed by zone number or name. def _get_bounlist(self): return self._bounlist bounlist = property(_get_bounlist)#: (*lst[fzone]*) List of boundary condition objects in the model. def _get_rlpmlist(self): return self._rlpmlist rlpmlist = property(_get_rlpmlist) def _get_rlpm(self): return dict([(,rlpm) for rlpm in self._rlpmlist]) rlpm = property(_get_rlpm) def _get_filename(self): return self._path.filename filename = property(_get_filename)#: (*str*) File name for reading and writing FEHM input text file. def _get_gridfilename(self): return self.grid._path.filename #def _set_gridfilename(self,value): self._gridfilename = value gridfilename = property(_get_gridfilename) #: (*str*) File name of FEHM grid file. def _get_inconfilename(self): return self._inconfilename def _set_inconfilename(self,value): self._inconfilename = value inconfilename = property(_get_inconfilename, _set_inconfilename) #: (*str*) File name of FEHM restart file. def _get_verbose(self): return self._verbose def _set_verbose(self,value): if not(isinstance(value,bool) or value in [0,1]): pyfehm_print('Boolean values only',self._silent); return if isinstance(value,int): if value == 1: value = True elif value == 0: value = False self._verbose = value verbose = property(_get_verbose,_set_verbose)#: (*bool*) Boolean signalling if simulation output to be printed to screen. def _get_sticky_zones(self): return self._sticky_zones def _set_sticky_zones(self,value): self._sticky_zones = value sticky_zones = property(_get_sticky_zones, _set_sticky_zones) #: (*bool*) If ``True`` zone definitions will be written to the input file immediately before they are used inside a macro. def _get_nfinv(self): return self._nfinv def _set_nfinv(self,value): self._nfinv = value nfinv = property(_get_nfinv, _set_nfinv) #: (*int*) Boolean integer calling for generation of finite element coefficients (not recommended, see macro **NFINV**). def _get_nobr(self): return self._nobr def _set_nobr(self,value): self._nobr = value nobr = property(_get_nobr, _set_nobr) #: (*int*) Boolean integer calling for no breaking of connections between boundary condition nodes. def _get_head(self): return self._head def _set_head(self,value): self._head = value head = property(_get_head, _set_head) #: (*int*,*fl64*) Boolean integer calling for head inputs (instead of pressure) in FEHM. If assigned a float, then all input heads will be incremented by this amount. def _get_air(self): return self._air def _set_air(self,value): self._air = value air = property(_get_air, _set_air) #: (*lst*) Three item list assigning (1) integer specifying type of airwater model, (2) reference temperature, (3) reference pressure. def _get_general_macrolist(self): return self._general_macrolist general_macrolist = property(_get_general_macrolist) #: (*lst*) List of general macros. A general macro is one that has no explicit PyFEHM definition but is recognized by FEHM. General macros are written to the input file verbatim. def _get_flxn(self): return self._flxn def _set_flxn(self,value): self._flxn = value flxn = property(_get_flxn, _set_flxn) #: (*int*,*fl64*) Boolean integer calling for non-zero source/sink fluxes to be output to file source_sink.flux def _get_vapl(self): return self._vapl def _set_vapl(self,value): self._vapl = value vapl = property(_get_vapl, _set_vapl) #: (*int*) Boolean integer calling for vapor pressure lowering. def _get_adif(self): return self._adif def _set_adif(self,value): self._adif = value adif = property(_get_adif, _set_adif) #: (*int*) Air-water diffusion coefficient, used in conjuction with macro **TRAC**. def _get_iter(self): return self._iter iter = property(_get_iter) #: (*dict[fl64,int]*) Iteration parameters (see macro **ITER**). def _get_ctrl(self): return self._ctrl ctrl = property(_get_ctrl) #: (*dict[fl64,int]*) Control parameters (see macro **CTRL**). def _get_time(self): return self._time time = property(_get_time) #: (*dict[fl64,int]*) Time stepping parameters (see macro **TIME**). def _get_sol(self): return self._sol sol = property(_get_sol) #: (*dict[fl64,int]*) Solution parameters (see macro **SOL**). def _get_files(self): return self._files files = property(_get_files) #: (*files*) Simulation execution object. def _get_grid(self): return self._grid grid = property(_get_grid) #: (*fgrid*) Grid object associated with the model. def _get_cont(self): return self._cont cont = property(_get_cont) #: (*fcont*) Contour output for the model. def _get_strs(self): return self._strs strs = property(_get_strs) #: (*fstrs*) Stress module object. def _get_ngas(self): return self._ngas ngas = property(_get_ngas) #: (*fngas*) Noncondensible gas module. def _get_carb(self): return self._carb carb = property(_get_carb) #: (*fcarb*) CO2 module object. def _get_trac(self): return self._trac trac = property(_get_trac) #: (*ftrac*) Species transport module object. def _get_hist(self): return self._hist hist = property(_get_hist) #: (*fhist*) History output for the model. def _get_incon(self): return self._incon incon = property(_get_incon) #: (*fincon*) Initial conditions (restart file) associated with the model. def _get_storage(self): return self._storage def _set_storage(self,value): self._storage = value storage = property(_get_storage, _set_storage) #: (*fstorage*) Storage object. No restrictions on creating, setting attributes. Created attributes will not be used by PyFEHM. def _get_work_dir(self): if self._path.absolute_to_workdir: return self._path.absolute_to_workdir else: return '' def _set_work_dir(self,value): self._path.update(value) self.grid._path.update(value) self.incon._path.update(value) try: os.makedirs(self.work_dir) except: pass work_dir = property(_get_work_dir, _set_work_dir) #: (*str*) Directory in which to store files and run simulation. def _get_tf(self): return self._tf def _set_tf(self,value): self._tf = value self.time['max_time_TIMS'] = value pyfehm_print('Maximum simulation time set to '+str(value)+' days.',self._silent) tf = property(_get_tf, _set_tf) #: (*fl64*) Final simulation time (shortcut). def _get_ti(self): return self._ti def _set_ti(self,value): self._ti = value self.time['initial_day_INITTIME'] = value self.time['initial_year_YEAR']=0. self.time['initial_month_MONTH']=0. pyfehm_print('Initial simulation time set to '+str(value)+ 'days.',self._silent) ti = property(_get_ti, _set_ti) #: (*fl64*) Initial simulation time (shortcut), defaults to zero. def _get_dti(self): return self._dti def _set_dti(self,value): self._dti = value self.time['initial_timestep_DAY'] = value pyfehm_print('Initial time step size set to '+str(value)+' days.',self._silent) dti = property(_get_dti, _set_dti) #: (*fl64*) Initial time step size (shortcut). def _get_dtmin(self): return self._dtmin def _set_dtmin(self,value): self._dtmin = value self.ctrl['min_timestep_DAYMIN'] = value pyfehm_print('Minimum time step size set to '+str(value)+' days.',self._silent) dtmin = property(_get_dtmin, _set_dtmin) #: (*fl64*) Minimum time step size (shortcut). def _get_dtmax(self): return self._dtmax def _set_dtmax(self,value): self._dtmax = value self.ctrl['max_timestep_DAYMAX'] = value pyfehm_print('Maximum time step size set to '+str(value)+' days.',self._silent) dtmax = property(_get_dtmax, _set_dtmax) #: (*fl64*) Maximum time step size (shortcut). def _get_dtn(self): return self._dtn def _set_dtn(self,value): value = int(value) self._dtn = value self.time['max_timestep_NSTEP'] = value pyfehm_print('Maximum time step number set to '+str(value)+'.',self._silent) dtn = property(_get_dtn, _set_dtn) #: (*int*) Maximum number of time steps (shortcut). def _get_dtx(self): return self._dtx def _set_dtx(self,value): self._dtx = value self.ctrl['timestep_multiplier_AIAA'] = value pyfehm_print('Time step multiplier set to '+str(value)+'.',self._silent) dtx = property(_get_dtx, _set_dtx) #: (*fl64*) Time step multiplier, acceleration (shortcut). def _get_help(self): return self._help def _set_help(self,value): self._help = value help = property(_get_help, _set_help) #: (*fhelp*) Module for interactive assistance. def _get_times(self): return self._times def _set_times(self,value): self._times = value times = property(_get_times, _set_times) #: array of additional timestepping information def _get_output_times(self): return self._output_times def _set_output_times(self,value): self._output_times = value if isinstance(self._output_times,(int,float)): self._output_times = [self._output_times] if isinstance(self._output_times,(list,tuple)): self._output_times = np.array(self._output_times) self._times = [] for t in self._output_times: self.change_timestepping(t) self._output_times = value if len(self._output_times) == 0: return if np.max(self._output_times)> _buildWarnings('WARNING: output requested for times after the simulation end time.') output_times = property(_get_output_times, _set_output_times) #: (*lst*) List of times at which FEHM should produce output.
class fdiagdata(object): """Class for diagnostic data object.""" def __init__(self,parent,name,label,data,lim=[-1.e-9,1.e-9],label_color='k',linestyle='ko-',markersize=4,log=False): self.parent = parent self._silent = dflt.silent = name = data self.label = label self.lim = lim self.log = log self.label_color = label_color self.linestyle = linestyle self.markersize = markersize self.defaulting() def defaulting(self): """Some defaults to assign""" # if its a node, default coloring, units if'nd'): if self.label == 'pressure': self.label = 'P / MPa' self.label_color = 'b' self.linestyle = 'bs-' elif self.label == 'temperature': self.label = 'T / degC' self.label_color = 'r' self.linestyle = 'r^-' elif self.label == 'flow': self.label = 'source / kg/s' self.label_color = 'k' self.linestyle = 'ko-' def _get_time(self): if len( == len( return elif len( == (len( return[1:] elif len( == (len( return[1:-1] time = property(_get_time) class fdiagax(object): def __init__(self,parent): self.parent = parent self._silent = dflt.silent self.slot0 = [] self.slot1 = [] self._plot0 = [] self._plot1 = [] self.bg0 = None self.bg1 = None self.residual_plot = None self.largest_NR_plot1 = None self.largest_NR_plot2 = None self.largest_NR_plot3 = None self.legend = False def add_empty_plots(self): for slot in self.slot0: try: fdd = self.parent.__getattribute__(slot) ls = fdd.linestyle ms = fdd.markersize except: ls = 'ko-'; ms = 3 self._plot0.append(self.sub0.plot([],[],ls,ms=ms)[0]) if slot.startswith('residual') and not self.residual_plot: tol = self.parent.parent.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'] tol2 = self.parent.parent.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'] if tol2 < 0.: tol = abs(tol2) self.residual_plot = self.sub0.plot(self.parent.time.lim,[tol,tol],'k:')[0] self.largest_NR_plot1 = self.sub0.plot([],[],'b*',ms=8)[0] self.largest_NR_plot2 = self.sub0.plot([],[],'r*',ms=8)[0] self.largest_NR_plot3 = self.sub0.plot([],[],'k*',ms=8)[0] for slot in self.slot1: try: fdd = self.parent.__getattribute__(slot) ls = fdd.linestyle ms = fdd.markersize except: ls = 'ko-'; ms = 3 self._plot1.append(self.sub1.plot([],[],ls,ms=ms)[0]) if slot.startswith('residual') and not self.residual_plot: tol = self.parent.parent.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'] tol2 = self.parent.parent.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'] if tol2 < 0.: tol = abs(tol2) self.residual_plot = self.sub1.plot(self.parent.time.lim,[tol,tol],'k:')[0] self.largest_NR_plot1 = self.sub1.plot([],[],'b*',ms=8)[0] self.largest_NR_plot2 = self.sub1.plot([],[],'r*',ms=8)[0] self.largest_NR_plot3 = self.sub1.plot([],[],'k*',ms=8)[0] def reset_bg(self): # remove any plots for plt in self._plot0+self._plot1: plt.set_data([],[]) self.parent.fig.canvas.draw() replotResidual = False if self.residual_plot: self.residual_plot.set_data([],[]) replotResidual = True # save bbox self.bg0 = self.parent.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.sub0.bbox) self.bg1 = self.parent.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox(self.sub1.bbox) # re add data for slot in self.slot0: self.plot0[slot].set_data(copy(self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).time),copy(self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).data)) for slot in self.slot1: self.plot1[slot].set_data(copy(self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).time),copy(self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).data)) if replotResidual: tol = self.parent.parent.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'] tol2 = self.parent.parent.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'] if tol2 < 0.: tol = abs(tol2) self.residual_plot.set_data(self.parent.time.lim,[tol,tol]) def redraw(self): self.parent.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.bg0) self.parent.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.bg1) self.sub0.hold(True) self.sub1.hold(True) for plt in self._plot0: self.sub0.draw_artist(plt) for plt in self._plot1: self.sub1.draw_artist(plt) # show residuals if self.largest_NR_plot1: k = None for k in self.slot0: if k.startswith('residual'): ax = 0; break for k in self.slot1: if k.startswith('residual'): ax = 1; break if k: if ax: self.sub1.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot1) self.sub1.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot2) self.sub1.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot3) else: self.sub0.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot1) self.sub0.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot2) self.sub0.draw_artist(self.largest_NR_plot3) if self.legend: self.redraw_legend() self.parent.fig.canvas.blit(self.sub0.bbox) self.parent.fig.canvas.blit(self.sub1.bbox) def make_legend(self): if self.slot0 == []: return self.legend = True entries = zip([slot.split('_')[0] for slot in self.slot0],['k-','k--','k-.','k:']) self.lp = [0.15,0.4,0.02,.02,.04,.02,.1] self.lp[1] = self.lp[6]*(len(entries)) x,y = self.sub1.get_xlim()[0], self.sub1.get_ylim()[0] dx,dy = np.diff(self.sub1.get_xlim()),np.diff(self.sub1.get_ylim()) self.legend_bg = Rectangle((x+.01*dx,y+.01*dy), dx*self.lp[0], dy*self.lp[1], color='white',zorder=200) self.sub1.add_patch(self.legend_bg) text_size = 'x-small' x1,y1 = x+self.lp[2]*dx,y+(self.lp[1]-self.lp[3])*dy ln_len = self.lp[4] txt_gap = self.lp[5] dyi = -self.lp[6]*dy self.legend_plts = [] self.legend_txts = [] for entry in entries: self.legend_plts.append(self.sub1.plot([x1,x1+ln_len*dx],[y1,y1],entry[1],zorder=300)[0]) self.legend_txts.append(self.sub1.text(x1+(ln_len+txt_gap)*dx,y1,entry[0],size=text_size,ha='left',va='center',zorder=300)) y1 = y1 + dyi def redraw_legend(self): x,y = self.sub1.get_xlim()[0], self.sub1.get_ylim()[0] dx,dy = np.diff(self.sub1.get_xlim()),np.diff(self.sub1.get_ylim()) self.legend_bg.set_bounds(x+.01*dx,y+.01*dy,dx*self.lp[0], dy*self.lp[1]) x1,y1 = x+self.lp[2]*dx,y+(self.lp[1]-self.lp[3])*dy ln_len = self.lp[4] txt_gap = self.lp[5] dyi = -self.lp[6] *dy for plt,txt in zip(self.legend_plts,self.legend_txts): plt.set_data([x1,x1+ln_len*dx],[y1,y1]) txt.set_position((x1+(ln_len+txt_gap)*dx,y1)) y1 = y1 + dyi def _get_lim0(self): lim0 = self.parent.__getattribute__(self.slot0[0]).lim for slot in self.slot0: lim = self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).lim lim0[0] = np.min([lim0[0],lim[0]]) lim0[1] = np.max([lim0[1],lim[1]]) if slot.startswith('residual'): if self.residual_plot: tol = self.parent.parent.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'] tol2 = self.parent.parent.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'] if tol2 < 0.: tol = abs(tol2) if tol>lim0[1]: lim0[1] = tol*10. NRdat = self.parent.largest_NR.R_data if len(NRdat)>0: lim0[1] = np.max([lim0[1],np.max(NRdat)*10]) return lim0 ylim0 = property(_get_lim0) def _get_lim1(self): lim1 = self.parent.__getattribute__(self.slot1[0]).lim for slot in self.slot1: lim = self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).lim lim1[0] = np.min([lim1[0],lim[0]]) lim1[1] = np.max([lim1[1],lim[1]]) if slot.startswith('residual'): if self.residual_plot: tol = self.parent.parent.ctrl['newton_cycle_tolerance_EPM'] tol2 = self.parent.parent.iter['machine_tolerance_TMCH'] if tol2 < 0.: tol = abs(tol2) if tol>lim1[1]: lim1[1] = tol*10. NRdat = self.parent.largest_NR.R_data if len(NRdat)>0: lim1[1] = np.max([lim1[1],np.max(NRdat)*10]) return lim1 ylim1 = property(_get_lim1) def _get_logflag0(self): for slot in self.slot0: if self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).log: return True return False logflag0 = property(_get_logflag0) def _get_logflag1(self): for slot in self.slot1: if self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).log: return True return False logflag1 = property(_get_logflag1) def _get_ylabel0(self): for slot in self.slot0: return self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).label return '' ylabel0 = property(_get_ylabel0) def _get_ylabel1(self): for slot in self.slot1: return self.parent.__getattribute__(slot).label return '' ylabel1 = property(_get_ylabel1) def _get_plot0(self): return dict(zip(self.slot0,self._plot0)) plot0 = property(_get_plot0) def _get_plot1(self): return dict(zip(self.slot1,self._plot1)) plot1 = property(_get_plot1) class fdiagNR(object): def __init__(self,parent): self.parent = parent self._silent = dflt.silent self.timestep = [] self.R1_data = [] self.R1_node = [] self.R2_data = [] self.R2_node = [] self.R3_data = [] self.R3_node = [] self.R_time = [] def new_node(self,data,node,type): try: node = self.parent.parent.grid.node[node] except: pass if type == 1: self.R1_data.append(data) self.R1_node.append(node) self.R_time.append([-1]) elif type == 2: self.R2_data.append(data) self.R2_node.append(node) elif type == 3: self.R3_data.append(data) self.R3_node.append(node) else: print 'Invalid type' def redraw(self): # search for plot of residuals, if found, plot as stars k = None for k in self.parent.axs.keys(): for slot in self.parent.axs[k].slot1: if slot.startswith('residual'): ax=1;break for slot in self.parent.axs[k].slot0: if slot.startswith('residual'): ax=0;break if k is None: return nr1 = np.array([[t,r] for t,r,d in zip(self.R_time,self.R_data,self.R_type) if d == 1]) nr2 = np.array([[t,r] for t,r,d in zip(self.R_time,self.R_data,self.R_type) if d == 2]) nr3 = np.array([[t,r] for t,r,d in zip(self.R_time,self.R_data,self.R_type) if d == 3]) if len(nr1) != 0: self.parent.axs[k].largest_NR_plot1.set_data(nr1[:,0],nr1[:,1]) if len(nr2) != 0: self.parent.axs[k].largest_NR_plot2.set_data(nr2[:,0],nr2[:,1]) if len(nr3) != 0: self.parent.axs[k].largest_NR_plot3.set_data(nr3[:,0],nr3[:,1]) self.parent.axs[k].redraw() def retext(self): txt = self.text_R(0) self.parent.texts[0].set_text(txt) #cnts = bincount #cnts = heapq.nlargest(2,np.unique()) c = Counter(np.array([nd.index for nd in self.R_node])) cnts = c.most_common(2) nd_max = cnts[0][0] for i,nd in enumerate(self.R_node): if nd.index == nd_max: break txt = self.text_R(i) txt2 = '(1) '+str(cnts[0][1])+' appearance' if cnts[0][1]>1: txt2 += 's' txt2 += ':\n' txt = txt2+txt+'\n' if len(cnts)>1: nd_max = cnts[1][0] for i,nd in enumerate(self.R_node): if nd.index == nd_max: break txt1 = self.text_R(i) txt2 = '(2) '+str(cnts[1][1])+' appearance' if cnts[1][1]>1: txt2 += 's' txt2 += ':\n' txt += txt2+txt1 self.parent.texts[1].set_text(txt) txt = self.text_R(-1) self.parent.texts[2].set_text(txt) self.parent.fig.canvas.draw() def text_R(self,i,more=False): nd = self.R_node[i] txt = 'EQ'+str(self.R_type[i])+', ' txt += 'R = %3.2E, '%self.R_data[i] txt += 'nd = '+str(nd.index)+', ' txt += 'x = '+str(nd.position[0])+', ' txt += 'y = '+str(nd.position[1])+', ' txt += 'z = '+str(nd.position[2]) txt += '\n' if len(nd.zonelist)>1: txt += 'In zones: ' zns = copy(nd.zonelist) zns.sort(key=lambda x: x.index) for zn in zns: txt += str(zn.index) if txt += ' ('')' txt+= ', ' txt = txt[:-2] else: txt += 'Unzoned' txt += '\n' if more: txt += 'Connected nodes: ' for ndi in nd.connected_nodes: txt += str(ndi.index)+', ' txt = txt[:-2]+'\n' if isinstance(nd.permeability,(float,int)): k = [nd.permeability,nd.permeability,nd.permeability] else: k = nd.permeability if k[0] == k[1] and k[0] == k[2]: txt += 'k = '+str(k[0])+', ' else: txt += 'k = ['+str(k[0])+', '+str(k[1])+', '+str(k[2])+'], ' txt += '\n' txt += 'Pi = '+str(nd.Pi)+', Ti = '+str(nd.Ti)+', ' txt += '\n' return txt def _get_R_data(self): return [np.max([r1,r2,r3]) for r1,r2,r3 in zip(self.R1_data,self.R2_data,self.R3_data)] R_data = property(_get_R_data) #: (**) def _get_R_node(self): nd = [] for r1,n1,r2,n2,r3,n3 in zip(self.R1_data,self.R1_node,self.R2_data,self.R2_node,self.R3_data,self.R3_node): if (r1>r2) and (r1>r3): nd.append(n1) else: if r2>r3: nd.append(n2) else: nd.append(n3) return nd R_node = property(_get_R_node) #: (**) def _get_R_type(self): tp = [] for r1,r2,r3 in zip(self.R1_data,self.R2_data,self.R3_data): if (r1>r2) and (r1>r3): tp.append(1) else: if r2>r3: tp.append(2) else: tp.append(3) return tp R_type = property(_get_R_type) #: (**) class fdiagnostic(object): """Class for FEHM real-time diagnosis """ def __init__(self,parent): self.parent = parent self._silent = dflt.silent self.file_cv = None # write out information collected by diagnostic tool self.file_nr = None # write out information collected by diagnostic tool self.file_nd = None # write out information collected by diagnostic tool self.nds = [] self.nd_vars = ['pressure','temperature','flow'] self.hide = False self.silent = False self.write = True self._job = True self.time = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[0.],name='time',label='time / days') self.timestep = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='timestep',label='time step / days',log=True) self.total_mass = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='total_mass',label='Net water discharge / kg') self.total_energy = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='total_energy', label='Net energy discharge / MJ',label_color='r',linestyle='rs-') self.residual1 = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='residual1',label='residuals (log10)',lim = [1.e-30,1.e-29],linestyle='b^-',log=True) self.residual2 = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='residual2',label='residuals (log10)',lim = [1.e-30,1.e-29],linestyle='rs-',log=True) self.residual3 = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='residual3',label='residuals (log10)',lim = [1.e-30,1.e-29],linestyle='ko-',log=True) self.residual1.node = [] self.residual2.node = [] self.residual3.node = [] self.largest_NR = fdiagNR(parent=self) self.mass_input_rate = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='mass_input_rate',label='mass input rate / kg s$^{-1}$') self.mass_output_rate = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='mass_output_rate',label='mass discharge rate / kg s$^{-1}$') self.enthalpy_input_rate = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='enthalpy_input_rate',label='enthalpy input rate / MJ s$^{-1}$') self.enthalpy_output_rate = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='enthalpy_output_rate',label='enthalpy output rate / MJ s$^{-1}$') self.mass_error = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='mass_error',label='mass conservation error') self.energy_error = fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name='energy_error',label='energy conservation error') self.rel_frame = 20. # maintain frame at 20x current size self.ax0 = fdiagax(parent=self) self.ax1 = fdiagax(parent=self) self.ax2 = fdiagax(parent=self) self.ax3 = fdiagax(parent=self) self.ax0.slot0 = ['timestep'] self.ax0.slot1 = [] self.ax1.slot0 = ['total_mass'] self.ax1.slot1 = ['total_energy'] self.ax2.slot0 = ['residual1','residual2'] self.ax2.slot1 = [] self.ax3.slot0 = [] self.ax3.slot1 = [] self.node = dict([('water',None),('gas',None),('tracer1',None),('tracer2',None)]) def refresh_nodes(self): ndN = len(self.parent.hist.nodelist) varN = len(self.parent.hist.variables) self.write_nd = False if ndN == 0 or varN == 0: return self.write_nd = True if ndN > 0: self.ax3.slot0.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[0].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot0[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[0] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot0[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot0[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[0])) if varN > 1: self.ax3.slot1.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[0].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot1[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[1] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot1[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot1[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[1])) if ndN > 1: self.ax3.slot0.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[1].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot0[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[0] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot0[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot0[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[0])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+'--' if varN > 1: self.ax3.slot1.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[1].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot1[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[1] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot1[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot1[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[1])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+'--' if ndN > 2: self.ax3.slot0.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[2].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot0[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[0] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot0[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot0[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[0])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+'-.' if varN > 1: self.ax3.slot1.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[2].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot1[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[1] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot1[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot1[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[1])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+'-.' if ndN > 3: self.ax3.slot0.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[3].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot0[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[0] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot0[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot0[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[0])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot0[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+':' if varN > 1: self.ax3.slot1.append('nd'+str(self.parent.hist.nodelist[3].index)+'_') self.ax3.slot1[-1] += self.parent.hist.variables[1] self.__setattr__(self.ax3.slot1[-1],fdiagdata(parent=self,data=[],name=self.ax3.slot1[-1],label=self.parent.hist.variables[1])) ls = self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle self.__getattribute__(self.ax3.slot1[-1]).linestyle = ls[:-1]+':' def split_line(self,line): """ Splits a line from command output stream, returns list of string or floats. """ ln = line.rstrip().split() ln2 = [] for lni in ln: try: ln2.append(float(lni)) except: ln2.append(lni) if len(ln2) == 0: return None return ln2 def printout(self,ln): if not self.silent: print ln def parse_line(self): line = self.stdout.readline() if not line: try: if self.poll() is not None: return except: if self.poll == False: return self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line) if ln is not None: if self.update_timestep(ln): pass elif self.update_mass(ln): pass elif self.update_energy(ln): pass elif self.update_mass_input(ln): pass elif self.update_mass_output(ln): pass elif self.update_enthalpy_input(ln): pass elif self.update_enthalpy_output(ln): pass #elif self.update_node(ln): pass elif self.update_node2(ln): pass elif self.update_errors(ln): pass elif self.update_residuals(ln): pass elif self.update_largestNR(ln): pass elif self.close_files(ln): pass if not self.hide: self._job = self.root.after(0,self.parse_line) def handler(self): self.root.quit() self.root.destroy() def construct_viewer(self): """ Assembles axes on the screen. """ # set residual slots if self.parent.carb.iprtype != 0: self.ax2.slot0 = ['residual1','residual2','residual3'] elif self.parent.strs.param['ISTRS']==1: self.ax2.slot0 = ['residual1','residual2','residual3'] else: self.ax2.slot0 = ['residual1','residual2'] # create figure window self.root = tk.Tk() self.root.wm_title('PyFEHM diagnostic window: '+self.parent.filename) self.root.protocol('WM_DELETE_WINDOW', self.handler) if has_ctypes: user32 = ctypes.windll.user32 screensize = np.array([user32.GetSystemMetrics(0), user32.GetSystemMetrics(1)]) self.fig = plt.figure(figsize = screensize/120.,dpi = 100) #mng = plt.get_current_fig_manager() #mng.window.wm_geometry('+%04i+%04i'%(screensize[0]/20.,screensize[1]/20.)) else: self.fig = plt.figure() x1,x2 = 0.1, 0.55 y1,y2,y3 = 0.1,0.4,0.7 dx = 0.35 dy = 0.25 text_size = 9 # create the four twinned axes, generic naming convention self.ax0.sub0 = plt.axes([x1,y3,dx,dy]) self.ax0.sub1 = self.ax0.sub0.twinx() self.ax1.sub0 = plt.axes([x1,y2,dx,dy]) self.ax1.sub1 = self.ax1.sub0.twinx() self.ax2.sub0 = plt.axes([x1,y1,dx,dy]) self.ax2.sub1 = self.ax2.sub0.twinx() self.ax3.sub0 = plt.axes([x2,y1,dx,dy]) self.ax3.sub1 = self.ax3.sub0.twinx() # set up text axes self.txt = plt.axes([x2,y2,dx,dy+(y2-y1)]) self.txt.set_xticks([]) self.txt.set_yticks([]) self.txt.hold(True) self.texts = [] self.txt.text(0.5,0.95,'Summary of largest N-R corrections',ha='center',va='center',weight='bold',size=12) self.txt.text(0.03,0.85,'First..............................................................................',ha='left',va='center',weight='bold',fontstyle='italic',size=11) self.txt.text(0.03,0.63,'Most frequent...............................................................',ha='left',va='center',weight='bold',fontstyle='italic',size=11) self.txt.text(0.03,0.21,'Most recent..................................................................',ha='left',va='center',weight='bold',fontstyle='italic',size=11) self.texts.append(self.txt.text(0.07,0.82,'',ha='left',va='top',size=10)) self.texts.append(self.txt.text(0.07,0.6,'',ha='left',va='top',size=10)) self.texts.append(self.txt.text(0.07,0.18,'',ha='left',va='top',size=10)) t1 = np.min([self.parent.dti*self.rel_frame,]) self.time.lim=[0.,t1] # initialise all axes limits/labels for k in self.axs.keys(): ax = self.axs[k] ax0 = self.axs[k].sub0 ax1 = self.axs[k].sub1 ax0.set_xlim(self.time.lim) ax1.set_xlim(self.time.lim) ax0.set_xlabel(self.time.label,size = text_size) for t in ax0.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(text_size) if not ax.slot0: ax0.set_yticks([]) ax0.set_yticklabels([]) else: c = Counter([self.__getattribute__(slot).label_color for slot in ax.slot0]) col = c.most_common(1)[0][0] ax0.set_ylim(ax.ylim0) ax0.set_ylabel(ax.ylabel0,size = text_size,color = col) if ax.logflag0: ax0.set_yscale('log') ax0.hold(True) for t in ax0.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(text_size) t.set_color(col) if not ax.slot1: ax1.set_yticks([]) ax1.set_yticklabels([]) else: c = Counter([self.__getattribute__(slot).label_color for slot in ax.slot1]) col = c.most_common(1)[0][0] ax1.set_ylim(ax.ylim1) ax1.set_ylabel(ax.ylabel1,size = text_size,color = col) if ax.logflag1: ax1.set_yscale('log') ax1.hold(True) for t in ax1.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(text_size) t.set_color(col) if k == '3': self.axs[k].make_legend() self.canvas = FigureCanvasTkAgg(self.fig,master = self.root) self.canvas._tkcanvas.pack(side=tk.TOP, fill=tk.BOTH, expand=1) for k in self.axs.keys(): self.axs[k].add_empty_plots() self.axs[k].reset_bg() self.root.after(0,self.parse_line) self.root.mainloop() def read_with_tcl(self): while self.poll: self.parse_line() self.close_files('timestep less than daymin') def update_tlim(self): if self.hide: return if not[-1]>self.time.lim[-1]: return self.time.lim[1] = np.min([[-1]*self.rel_frame,]) for k in self.axs.keys(): self.axs[k].sub0.set_xlim(self.time.lim) self.axs[k].sub0.hold(True) self.axs[k].sub1.set_xlim(self.time.lim) self.axs[k].sub1.hold(True) def update_lim(self,name): """ Redraw vertical axes if necessary. """ if self.hide: return # rescale axes ax = None for k in self.axs.keys(): if name in self.axs[k].slot0: ax = 0; break elif name in self.axs[k].slot1: ax = 1; break if ax is None: return lim0 = self.__getattribute__(name).lim dat0 = self.__getattribute__(name).data if not (np.min(dat0)<lim0[0] or np.max(dat0)>lim0[1]): return # check if update required if ax: dat0 = [] for slot in self.axs[k].slot1: dat0 += list(self.__getattribute__(slot).data) else: dat0 = [] for slot in self.axs[k].slot0: dat0 += list(self.__getattribute__(slot).data) # calculate new limit if not self.__getattribute__(name).log: dmin = np.min(dat0) dmax = np.max(dat0) #if ax: dmid = (0.4*dmin+0.6*dmax)/2. #else: dmid = (0.6*dmin+0.4*dmax)/2. dmid = (dmin+dmax)/2. drange = dmax-dmin if dat0[-1]>lim0[1]: self.__getattribute__(name).lim = [dmid-drange*1.1,dmid+drange*self.rel_frame/5.] else: self.__getattribute__(name).lim = [dmid-drange*self.rel_frame/5.,dmid+drange*1.1] else: dmin = np.min(np.log10(dat0)) dmax = np.max(np.log10(dat0)) dmid = (dmin+dmax)/2. drange = dmax-dmin if dat0[-1]>lim0[1]: self.__getattribute__(name).lim = 10**(np.array([dmid-drange*1.1,dmid+drange*self.rel_frame/5.])) else: self.__getattribute__(name).lim = 10**(np.array([dmid-drange*self.rel_frame/5.,dmid+drange*1.1])) if ax: self.axs[k].sub1.set_ylim(self.axs[k].ylim1) self.axs[k].sub1.hold(True) else: self.axs[k].sub0.set_ylim(self.axs[k].ylim0) self.axs[k].sub0.hold(True) self.axs[k].reset_bg() def update_plot(self,name): if self.hide: return ax = None for k in self.axs.keys(): if name in self.axs[k].slot0: ax = 0; break elif name in self.axs[k].slot1: ax = 1; break if ax is None: return if ax: self.axs[k].plot1[name].set_data(copy(self.__getattribute__(name).time),copy(self.__getattribute__(name).data)) else: self.axs[k].plot0[name].set_data(copy(self.__getattribute__(name).time),copy(self.__getattribute__(name).data)) self.axs[k].redraw() def close_files(self,ln): cs1 = 'total code time(timesteps)' cs2 = 'timestep less than daymin' returnFlag = True if all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(cs1.split(),ln)]): returnFlag = False if all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(cs2.split(),ln)]): returnFlag = False if returnFlag: return if self.file_cv: self.file_cv.close() if self.file_nr: self.summarise_nr() self.file_nr.close() if self.file_nd: self.file_nd.close() if self.poll is True: self.poll = False def summarise_nr(self): self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('#############################################################################\n') self.file_nr.write('############################# SUMMARY ###################################\n') self.file_nr.write('#############################################################################\n') self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('FIRST largest N-R correction\n') self.file_nr.write(self.largest_NR.text_R(0,True)) self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('MOST FREQUENT largest N-R corrections\n') c = Counter(np.array([nd.index for nd in self.largest_NR.R_node])) cnts = c.most_common(2) nd_max = cnts[0][0] for i,nd in enumerate(self.largest_NR.R_node): if nd.index == nd_max: break txt = self.largest_NR.text_R(i,True) txt2 = '(1) '+str(cnts[0][1])+' appearance' if cnts[0][1]>1: txt2 += 's' txt2 += ':\n' txt = txt2+txt+'\n' if len(cnts)>1: nd_max = cnts[1][0] for i,nd in enumerate(self.largest_NR.R_node): if nd.index == nd_max: break txt1 = self.largest_NR.text_R(i,True) txt2 = '(2) '+str(cnts[1][1])+' appearance' if cnts[1][1]>1: txt2 += 's' txt2 += ':\n' txt += txt2+txt1 self.file_nr.write(txt) self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.write('MOST RECENT largest N-R correction\n') txt = self.largest_NR.text_R(-1,True) self.file_nr.write(txt) # create a zone for largestNR nodes in case of export to paraview if 980 not in self.parent.new_zone(980,'largestNR',nodelist = self.largest_NR.R_node) def write_NR(self): if self.file_nr is None: # first time step, open file if self.parent.work_dir: wd = self.parent.work_dir+os.sep else: wd='' self.file_nr = open(wd+self.parent.files.root+'_NR.dgs','w') self.file_nr.write('largest N-R correction, timestep %5i\n'%(len( self.file_nr.write(self.largest_NR.text_R(-1,True)) self.file_nr.write('\n') self.file_nr.flush() os.fsync(self.file_nr) def write_timestep(self): """ Writes data for a single time step to file. """ headers = ['timestep','time','total_mass','total_energy','residual1','residual2','residual3','mass_input_rate', 'mass_output_rate','enthalpy_input_rate','enthalpy_output_rate','mass_error','energy_error'] if self.file_cv is None: if self.parent.work_dir: wd = self.parent.work_dir+os.sep else: wd='' # first time step, open files self.file_cv = open(wd+self.parent.files.root+'_convergence.dgs','w',1) # write headers self.file_cv.write('index ') N = 14 for h in headers: if len(h)>N: h = h[:N] self.file_cv.write('%14s'%h+'\t') self.file_cv.write('\n') return if self.write_nd and not self.file_nd: if self.parent.work_dir: wd = self.parent.work_dir+os.sep else: wd='' self.file_nd = open(wd+self.parent.files.root+'_node.dgs','w') self.file_nd.write('index ') nm = 'time(days)' self.file_nd.write('%16s'%nm+' ') for nd in self.nds: for nm in self.nd_vars: nm = 'nd_'+str(nd)+'_'+nm if len(nm)>15: nm = nm[:15] self.file_nd.write('%16s'%nm+' ') self.file_nd.write('\n') # write time step self.file_cv.write('%5i '%len( for h in headers: try: self.file_cv.write('% 8.7e '%(self.__getattribute__(h).data[-1])) except: self.file_cv.write('% 8.7e '%(0)) self.file_cv.write('\n') self.file_cv.flush() os.fsync(self.file_cv) if self.file_nd: self.file_nd.write('%5i '%len( self.file_nd.write('% 10.9e '[-1]) for nd in self.nds: for nm in self.nd_vars: try: val=self.__getattribute__('nd'+str(nd)+'_'+nm).data[-1] except: val=self.__getattribute__('nd'+str(nd)+'_'+nm)[-1] self.file_nd.write('% 10.9e '%(val)) self.file_nd.write('\n') self.file_nd.flush() os.fsync(self.file_nd) def update_timestep(self,ln): """ Update the time step plot. """ check_string = 'Years Days Step Size' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False if self.write: self.write_timestep() line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line) yr, day, dt = ln if len( == 1: pt =[0] self.timestep.lim = [pt-1.e-30,pt+1.e-30] self.update_tlim() self.update_lim('timestep') self.update_plot('timestep') return True def update_mass(self,ln): check_string = 'Net kg water discharge' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-1]) if len( == 1: return True self.update_lim('total_mass') self.update_plot('total_mass') return True def update_energy(self,ln): check_string = 'Net MJ energy discharge' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-1]) if len( == 1: return True self.update_lim('total_energy') self.update_plot('total_energy') return True def update_mass_input(self,ln): check_string = 'Water input this time step:' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-2][1:])) self.update_lim('mass_input_rate') self.update_plot('mass_input_rate') return True def update_mass_output(self,ln): check_string = 'Water discharge this time step:' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-2][1:])) self.update_lim('mass_output_rate') self.update_plot('mass_output_rate') return True def update_enthalpy_input(self,ln): check_string = 'Enthalpy input this time step:' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-2][1:])) self.update_lim('enthalpy_input_rate') self.update_plot('enthalpy_input_rate') return True def update_enthalpy_output(self,ln): check_string = 'Enthalpy discharge this time step:' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[-2][1:])) self.update_lim('enthalpy_output_rate') self.update_plot('enthalpy_output_rate') return True def update_node(self,ln): check_string = 'Nodal Information (Water)' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False self.printout(self.stdout.readline().rstrip()) self.printout(self.stdout.readline().rstrip()) self.write_nd = True keepReading = True updates = [] while keepReading: # get line to process line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip() ) ln = self.split_line(line) # check if line empty -> break if ln == None: break # parse line, store information if len(ln) == 7: nd,ndP,ndE,ndL,ndT,ndQ,ndQE = ln elif len(ln) == 8: nd,ndP,ndT,ndSw,ndSaq,ndS, ndQ,ndQE = ln if int(nd) not in self.nds: self.nds.append(int(nd)) nd = str(int(nd)) for nm,ndI in zip(self.nd_vars,[ndP,ndT,ndQ]): nm = 'nd'+nd+'_'+nm try: self.__getattribute__(nm).data.append(ndI) updates.append(nm) except: try: self.__getattribute__(nm).append(ndI) except: self.__setattr__(nm,[ndI]) for update in updates: self.update_lim(update) self.update_plot(update) return True def update_node2(self,ln): check_string = 'Nodal Information' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False ####### 1. check species type, e.g., water, gas, tracer node_type = ln[-1] if node_type == '(Water)': self.update_node_general('water') elif node_type == '(Gas)': self.update_node_general('gas') elif node_type == '(Tracer)': ln = self.stdout.readline().rstrip() self.printout(ln) ln = ln.split()[-1] self.update_node_general('tracer'+ln) def update_node_general(self,type): if self.node[type] == None: self.node[type]={} lns = [self.stdout.readline().rstrip()] while lns[-1].split()[0] != 'Node': lns.append(self.stdout.readline().rstrip()) for ln in lns: self.printout(ln) if type == 'water': keys_read = ['P (MPa)','E (MJ)','L sat','Temp (C)','(kg/s)','(MJ/s)','perm (m2)','porosity','Kx W/(m K)','Pwv (MPa)','D*wv (m2/s)','ps_delta_rxn','density (kg/m3)'] keys_save = ['P','E','sat','T','Qm','Qe','perm','por','Kx','Pwv','D*wv','ps_delta','dens'] elif type == 'gas': keys_read = ['Gas (MPa)','Pres (MPa)','(kg/s)','Residual'] keys_read2 = ['Capillary','Liquid'] keys_save = ['P_gas','Pres (MPa)','Qgas','residual'] keys_save2 = ['P_cap','P_liq'] elif type.startswith('tracer'): keys_read = ['an','anl','anw','mol/s','residual'] keys_read2 = ['sinkint'] keys_save = ['an','anl','anw','Q','residual'] keys_save2 = ['sinkint'] key_pos = [] for kr,ks in zip(keys_read,keys_save): if kr in lns[-1]: if kr == 'Pres (MPa)': for kr2,ks2 in zip(keys_read2,keys_save2): if kr2 in lns[0]: key_pos.append((ks2,len(lns[-1].split(kr2)[0]))) else: key_pos.append((ks,len(lns[-1].split(kr)[0]))) if type.startswith('tracer'): for kr2,ks2 in zip(keys_read2,keys_save2): if kr2 in lns[0]: key_pos.append((ks2,len(lns[-1].split(kr2)[0]))) key_pos.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) ln = self.stdout.readline().rstrip() self.printout(ln) ln = ln.split() while ln[0] != '-': nd = int(ln[0]) vals = [float(lni) for lni in ln[1:]] if nd not in self.node[type].keys(): self.node[type][nd] = dict([(k[0],[]) for k in key_pos]) for k,val in zip(key_pos,vals): if k[0] not in self.node[type][nd].keys(): self.node[type][nd][k[0]] = [] self.node[type][nd][k[0]].append(val) ln = self.stdout.readline().rstrip() self.printout(ln) ln = ln.split() if len(ln) == 0: break if not ln[0].isdigit(): while not ln[0]=='-': ln = self.stdout.readline().rstrip() self.printout(ln) ln = ln.split() self.update_node_general(type) return return def update_errors(self,ln): check_string = 'Conservation Errors:' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False[2])[-2]) self.update_lim('mass_error') self.update_plot('mass_error') self.update_lim('energy_error') self.update_plot('energy_error') return True def update_residuals(self,ln): check_string = 'Largest Residuals' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False # get first residual r = [] nd = [] line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line)[2])) self.residual1.node.append(int(ln[4])) if len( == 1: pt =[0] self.residual1.lim = [pt-1.e-30,pt+1.e-30] # get second residual line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line)[2])) self.residual2.node.append(int(ln[4])) if len( == 1: pt =[0] self.residual2.lim = [pt-1.e-30,pt+1.e-30] # get third residual line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line) if ln[0] == 'EQ3':[2])) self.residual3.node.append(int(ln[4])) if len( == 1: pt =[0] self.residual3.lim = [pt-1.e-30,pt+1.e-30] # plot residuals on log axes self.update_lim('residual1') self.update_plot('residual1') self.update_lim('residual2') self.update_plot('residual2') if ln[0] == 'EQ3': self.update_lim('residual3') self.update_plot('residual3') def update_largestNR(self,ln): check_string = '#### largest N-R corrections, timestep' if len(check_string.split()) > len(ln): return False if not all([(lni == chk) for lni, chk in zip(check_string.split(),ln)]): return False line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) try: self.split_line(line)[2] except: return self.largest_NR.timestep.append(int(ln[-2])) ln = self.split_line(line) self.largest_NR.new_node(ln[2],int(ln[4]),1) line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line) self.largest_NR.new_node(ln[2],int(ln[4]),2) line = self.stdout.readline() self.printout(line.rstrip()) ln = self.split_line(line) try: self.largest_NR.new_node(ln[2],int(ln[4]),3) except: self.largest_NR.R3_data.append(1.e-30) self.largest_NR.R3_node.append([]) if len(self.parent.grid.nodelist) ==0: pass else: if self.write: self.write_NR() self.largest_NR.redraw() self.largest_NR.retext() def _get_axs(self): return dict(zip(['0','1','2','3'],[self.ax0,self.ax1,self.ax2,self.ax3])) axs = property(_get_axs)
[docs]class foutput(object): from copy import deepcopy def __init__(self,filename = None, input=None, grid = None, hide = True, silent=True, write = False): self._filename = filename self._silent = dflt.silent if self._filename: if input and grid: diag = process_output(filename, hide = hide,silent = silent,input=input,grid=grid,write=write) else: diag = process_output(filename, hide = hide,silent=silent,write=write) self._node = deepcopy(diag.node) self._times = deepcopy([1:]) def _get_node(self): return self._node node = property(_get_node) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of node output, keyed first on component ('water','gas','tracer1'), then on node number, then on variable. def _get_nodes(self): for type in ['water','gas','tracer1']: if self._node[type] == None: continue nds = self._node[type].keys() nds.sort() return nds return None nodes = property(_get_nodes) def _get_variables(self): """ Get Variables Returns the variables in the foutput object or returns None if no variables. """ for type in ['water','gas','tracer1']: for node in self.nodes: if self._node[type][node] == None: continue vrbls = self._node[type][node].keys() vrbls.sort() return vrbls return None variables = property(_get_variables) #: (*lst*) List of variables available for the various components. def _get_components(self): cpts = [] for type in ['water','gas','tracer1','tracer2']: if self._node[type] != None: cpts.append(type) return cpts components = property(_get_components) #: (*lst*) Component names for which nodal information available def _get_times(self): return self._times times = property(_get_times) #: (*ndarray*) Vector of output times. def _get_filename(self): return self._filename def _set_filename(self,value): self._filename = value filename = property(_get_filename, _set_filename) #: (*str*) Name of output file def _get_information(self): print 'FEHM output file \''+self.filename+'\'' print ' call format: foutput.node[component][node][variable]' prntStr = ' components: ' for cpt in self.components: prntStr += str(cpt)+', ' print prntStr[:-2] prntStr = ' nodes: ' for nd in self.nodes: prntStr += str(nd)+', ' print prntStr[:-2] what = property(_get_information) #:(*str*) Print out information about the fcontour object.