Source code for fgrid

"""For manipulating FEHM grids."""

Copyright 2013.
Los Alamos National Security, LLC. 
This material was produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for 
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National 
Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights 
to use, reproduce, and distribute this software.  NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS 
ANY LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.  If software is modified to produce 
derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to 
confuse it with the version available from LANL.

Additionally, this library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the 
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) 
any later version. Accordingly, this library is distributed in the hope that it 
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Public License for more details.

import numpy as np
import os,math,platform,string,subprocess,shutil
from subprocess import Popen

from time import time
from copy import deepcopy
from glob import glob

	from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
	from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
	from scipy import spatial as spsp
except ImportError:
from fpost import*
from ftool import*

dflt = fdflt()

WINDOWS = platform.system()=='Windows'
if WINDOWS: slash = '\\'
else: slash = '/'

node_props = ('kx','ky','kz','cond_x','cond_y','cond_z','density','specific_heat','porosity','thermal_expansion','pressure_coupling',

nbr_update = dict((
def repair_grid(gridfilename):
	geo = fgrid()
	print 'The following duplicates were removed...'
	# with the repair flag, duplicate nodes will be deleted
	geo.add_nodetree(repair = geo)
	# now need to renumber nodes
	i0 = geo._nodelist[0].index
	for i,nd in enumerate(geo._nodelist[1:]):
		di = nd.index - 1 - i0
		if di != 0:
			for nd2 in geo._nodelist[i+1:]:
				nd2._index -= di
		i0 = nd.index
	newgridfilename = gridfilename.split('.')[0]+'.repaired' 
	print 'Writing repaired grid file '+newgridfilename
	return geo
[docs]class fnode(object): #Node object. """ FEHM grid node object. """ __slots__ = ['_index','_position','_connections','_elements','_generator','_zone', '_permeability','_conductivity','_density','_specific_heat','_porosity','_youngs_modulus','_poissons_ratio','_thermal_expansion', '_pressure_coupling','_Pi','_Ti','_Si','_S_co2gi','_S_co2li','_co2aqi','_strsi','_dispi','_P','_T','_S', '_S_co2g','_S_co2l','_co2aq','_strs','_disp','_vol','_rlpmodel','_permmodel','_pormodel','_condmodel'] def __init__(self,index=None,position=None): self._index = index self._position=position self._connections = [] self._elements = [] self._generator = {} self._zone = {} self._permeability = None self._conductivity = None self._density = None self._specific_heat = None self._porosity = None self._youngs_modulus = None self._poissons_ratio = None self._thermal_expansion = None self._pressure_coupling = None self._Pi = None self._Ti = None self._Si = None self._S_co2gi = None self._S_co2li = None self._co2aqi = None self._strsi = None self._dispi = None self._P = None self._T = None self._S = None self._S_co2g = None self._S_co2l = None self._co2aq = None self._strs = None self._disp = None self._vol = None self._rlpmodel = None self._permmodel = None self._pormodel = None self._condmodel = None def __repr__(self): return 'nd'+str(self.index) def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def _get_index(self): return self._index index = property(_get_index) #: (*int*) Integer number denoting the node. def _get_position(self): return self._position position = property(_get_position) #: (*lst[fl64]*) List of the node's coordinates in 2- or 3-D space. def _get_zone(self): return self._zone def _set_zone(self,value): self._zone = value zone = property(_get_zone, _set_zone) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of zones to which the node belongs. def _get_generator(self): return self._generator def _set_generator(self,value): self._generator = value generator = property(_get_generator, _set_generator) #: (*dict*) Dictionary of generator properties associated with node. def _get_info(self): prntStr='\n Node number: '+str(self.index)+'\n' prntStr+='\nGeometric properties.......\n' prntStr+=' x = '+str(self.position[0])+'\n' prntStr+=' y = '+str(self.position[1])+'\n' prntStr+=' z = '+str(self.position[2])+'\n' if self.vol != None: prntStr+=' volume = '+str(self.vol)+'\n' prntStr+=' neighbours = [' for nd in self.connected_nodes: prntStr+=str(nd.index)+',' prntStr = prntStr[:-1]+']\n' if prntStr+='\nZone membership............\n' for zn in self.zonelist: prntStr+=' '+str(zn.index) if prntStr+=': ' prntStr+='\n' #if self.variable: prntStr+='\nState......................\n' if self.T or self.Ti: if self.T and self.Ti: prntStr+='temperature = '+str(self.T)+' (init: '+str(self.Ti)+')\n' elif self.T: prntStr+='temperature = '+str(self.T)+'\n' elif self.Ti: prntStr+='temperature = '+str(self.Ti)+' (initial)\n' if self.P or self.Pi: if self.P and self.Pi: prntStr+=' pressure = '+str(self.P)+' (init: '+str(self.Pi)+')\n' elif self.P: prntStr+=' pressure = '+str(self.P)+'\n' elif self.Pi: prntStr+=' pressure = '+str(self.Pi)+' (initial)\n' if self.S or self.Si: if self.S and self.Si: prntStr+=' sat water = '+str(self.S)+' (init: '+str(self.Si)+')\n' elif self.S: prntStr+=' sat water = '+str(self.S)+'\n' elif self.Si: prntStr+=' sat water = '+str(self.Si)+' (initial)\n' #if 'S_co2g' in keys: prntStr+='sat co2 gas = '+str(self.variable['S_co2g'])+'\n' #if 'S_co2l' in keys: prntStr+='sat co2 liq = '+str(self.variable['S_co2l'])+'\n' #if 'co2aq' in keys: prntStr+='dissolved co2 = '+str(self.variable['co2aq'])+'\n' #if 'eos' in keys: prntStr+='water phase = '+str(self.variable['eos'])+'\n' #if 'co2_eos' in keys: prntStr+=' co2 phase = '+str(self.variable['co2_eos'])+'\n' #if self.material: prntStr+='\nMaterial properties........\n' if isinstance(self.permeability,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)): prntStr += ' kx = ' +str(self.permeability[0])+'\n' prntStr += ' ky = ' +str(self.permeability[1])+'\n' prntStr += ' kz = ' +str(self.permeability[2])+'\n' if isinstance(self.conductivity,(list,tuple,np.ndarray)): prntStr += ' cond_x = ' +str(self.conductivity[0])+'\n' prntStr += ' cond_y = ' +str(self.conductivity[1])+'\n' prntStr += ' cond_z = ' +str(self.conductivity[2])+'\n' if self.density: prntStr += ' density = ' +str(self.density)+'\n' if self.specific_heat: prntStr += ' spec. heat = ' +str(self.specific_heat)+'\n' if self.porosity: prntStr += ' porosity = ' +str(self.porosity)+'\n' if self.youngs_modulus: prntStr += ' Youngs modulus = ' +str(self.youngs_modulus)+'\n' if self.poissons_ratio: prntStr += ' Poissons ratio = ' +str(self.poissons_ratio)+'\n' if self.thermal_expansion: prntStr += ' Thermal expansion = ' +str(self.thermal_expansion)+'\n' if self.pressure_coupling: prntStr += ' Pressure coupling = ' +str(self.pressure_coupling)+'\n' if self.generator: prntStr+='\nGenerator properties.......\n' ks = self.generator.keys() for k in ks: prntStr += ' '+k + ' = ' +str(self.generator[k])+'\n' print prntStr what = property(_get_info) #: Print to screen information about the node. def _get_connected_nodes(self): ndlist = [] for con in self.connections: for nd in con.nodes: if nd != self: ndlist.append(nd) return ndlist connected_nodes = property(_get_connected_nodes) #: (*lst[fnode]*) List of node objects connected to this node. This information only available if full_connectivity=True passed to def _get_connections(self): return self._connections connections = property(_get_connections)#: (*lst[fconn]*) List of connection objects of which the node is a member. def _get_elements(self): return self._elements elements = property(_get_elements)#: (*lst[felem]*) List of element objects of which the node is a member. def _get_zonelist(self): return [[k] for k in] zonelist = property(_get_zonelist) #: (*lst[fzone]*) List of zones of which the node is a member def _get_vol(self): return self._vol vol = property(_get_vol) #: (*fl64*) Control volume associated with the node. This information only available if volumes() method called from grid attribute. def _get_permeability(self): return self._permeability permeability = property(_get_permeability) #: (*list*) permeability values at node. def _get_conductivity(self): return self._conductivity conductivity = property(_get_conductivity) #: (*list*) conductivity values at node. def _get_density(self): return self._density density = property(_get_density) #: (*fl64*) density at node. def _get_specific_heat(self): return self._specific_heat specific_heat = property(_get_specific_heat) #: (*fl64*) specific heat at node. def _get_porosity(self): return self._porosity porosity = property(_get_porosity) #: (*fl64*) porosity at node. def _get_youngs_modulus(self): return self._youngs_modulus youngs_modulus = property(_get_youngs_modulus) #: (*fl64*) Youngs modulus at node. def _get_poissons_ratio(self): return self._poissons_ratio poissons_ratio = property(_get_poissons_ratio) #: (*fl64*) Poissons ratio at node. def _get_thermal_expansion(self): return self._thermal_expansion thermal_expansion = property(_get_thermal_expansion) #: (*fl64*) Coefficient of thermal expansion at node. def _get_pressure_coupling(self): return self._pressure_coupling pressure_coupling = property(_get_pressure_coupling) #: (*fl64*) Biot pressure coupling coefficient at node. def _get_Pi(self): return self._Pi Pi = property(_get_Pi) #: (*fl64*) initial pressure at node. def _get_Ti(self): return self._Ti Ti = property(_get_Ti) #: (*fl64*) initial temperature at node. def _get_Si(self): return self._Si Si = property(_get_Si) #: (*fl64*) initial water saturation at node. def _get_S_co2gi(self): return self._S_co2gi S_co2gi = property(_get_S_co2gi) #: (*fl64*) initial gaseous CO2 saturation at node. def _get_S_co2li(self): return self._S_co2li S_co2li = property(_get_S_co2li) #: (*fl64*) initial liquid CO2 saturation at node. def _get_co2aqi(self): return self._co2aqi co2aqi = property(_get_co2aqi) #: (*fl64*) initial dissolved CO2 concentration at node. def _get_strsi(self): return self._strsi strsi = property(_get_strsi) #: (*fl64*) initial stresses at node. def _get_dispi(self): return self._dispi dispi = property(_get_dispi) #: (*fl64*) initial displacements at node. def _get_P(self): return self._P P = property(_get_P) #: (*fl64*) pressure at node during a simulation. def _get_T(self): return self._T T = property(_get_T) #: (*fl64*) temperature at node. def _get_S(self): return self._S S = property(_get_S) #: (*fl64*) water saturation at node. def _get_S_co2g(self): return self._S_co2g S_co2g = property(_get_S_co2g) #: (*fl64*) gaseous CO2 saturation at node. def _get_S_co2l(self): return self._S_co2l S_co2l = property(_get_S_co2l) #: (*fl64*) liquid CO2 saturation at node. def _get_co2aq(self): return self._co2aq co2aq = property(_get_co2aq) #: (*fl64*) dissolved CO2 concentration at node. def _get_strs(self): return self._strs strs = property(_get_strs) #: (*list*) stresses at node ([xx,yy,xy] for 2D, [xx,yy,zz,xy,yz,xz] for 3D). def _get_disp(self): return self._disp disp = property(_get_disp) #: (*list*) displacements at node ([x,y] for 2D, [x,y,z] for 3D). def _get_rlpmodel(self): return self._rlpmodel rlpmodel = property(_get_rlpmodel) #: (*int*) index of relative permeability model assigned to node def _get_permmodel(self): return self._permmodel permmodel = property(_get_permmodel) #: (*int*) index of stress-permeability model assigned to node. def _get_pormodel(self): return self._pormodel pormodel = property(_get_pormodel) #: (*int*) index of variable porosity model assigned to node. def _get_condmodel(self): return self._condmodel condmodel = property(_get_condmodel) #: (*int*) index of variable conductivity model assigned to node.
[docs]class fconn(object): #Connection object. """Connection object, comprising two connected nodes, separated by some distance. A connection is associated with a distance between the two nodes. """ def __init__(self,nodes=[fnode(),fnode()]): self._nodes = nodes pos1 = self.nodes[0].position; pos2 = self.nodes[1].position if pos1 == None and pos2 == None: self._distance = None else: self._distance = np.sqrt((pos1[0]-pos2[0])**2+(pos1[1]-pos2[1])**2+(pos1[2]-pos2[2])**2) self._geom_coef = None def __repr__(self): return 'n'+str(self.nodes[0].index)+':n'+str(self.nodes[1].index) def _get_distance(self): return self._distance distance = property(_get_distance) #: (*fl64*) Distance between the two connected nodes. def _get_nodes(self): return self._nodes nodes = property(_get_nodes)#: (*lst[fnode]*) List of node objects (fnode()) that define the connection. def _get_geom_coef(self): return self._geom_coef geom_coef = property(_get_geom_coef)#: (*fl64*) Geometric coefficient associated with the connection (connected area divided by distance).
[docs]class felem(object): #Element object. """Finite element object, comprising a set of connected nodes. A finite element is associated with an element centre and an element volume. """ def __init__(self,index=None,nodes = []): self._index = index self._nodes = nodes def __repr__(self): retStr = 'el'+str(self.index)+': ' for nd in self.nodes: retStr+='nd'+str(nd.index)+', ' return retStr def _get_index(self): return self._index index = property(_get_index)#: (*int*) Integer number denoting the element. def _get_centre(self): c = np.array([0,0,0]) for nd in self.nodes: c += np.array(nd.position) c = c/len(self.nodes) return c centre = property(_get_centre) #: (*ndarray*) Coordinates of the element centroid. def get_info(self): print 'Element number: '+str(self.index) print ' Centroid: ' print ' x = '+str(self.centre[0]) print ' y = '+str(self.centre[1]) print ' z = '+str(self.centre[2]) prntStr = 'Contains nodes: [' for nd in self.nodes: prntStr += str(nd.index) +',' prntStr = prntStr[:-1]+']' print prntStr what = property(get_info) #: Print to screen information about the element. def _get_nodes(self): return self._nodes nodes = property(_get_nodes)#: (*lst[fnode]*) List of node objects that define the element. def _get_volume(self): return None vol = property(_get_volume) #: (*fl64*) Volume of the element *** NOT DONE ***.
class octree(object): #Octree object. """Octree for spatial searching in 3D grids. The octree is automatically constructed when a new grid file is parsed. Note: direct interaction with this method is not generally required (or advised!). The octree is generated recursively, by sub-dividing the model domain into smaller and smaller compartments. If a compartment contains more than one point then it continues to sub-divide until there is no more than one point per compartment. """ def __init__(self,bounds,elements,parent=None,repair=False): self.parent=parent #: Parent compartment to which the compartment belongs. self.bounds=bounds #: Bounding box defining the compartment. self.elements=elements #: (*fnode*) Objects contained in the compartment. self.child=[] #: Children compartments contained within the compartment. self.neighbour = [None,None,None,None,None,None] #: Six element list containing, in order, compartments +x, -x, +y, -y, +z, -z if self.parent: # if has a parent, is a child, iterate generation, inherit all elements self.generation=self.parent.generation+1 #: Generation of the compartment (a measure of how many sub-divisions have occurred.) self.all_elements=self.parent.all_elements else: # if not a parent, generation 0, elements only those existing self.generation=0 self.all_elements=set(elements) if self.generation>50: if not repair: pos0 = self.elements[0].position multipleFlag = False for elt in self.elements[1:]: pos = elt.position dist = np.array(pos)-np.array(pos0) dist = np.sqrt(dist[0]**2+dist[1]**2+dist[2]**2) if dist == 0: multipleFlag = True; break if multipleFlag: print 'ERROR: multiple nodes specified at same location. See below for details.' elt = self.elements[0] print '' print 'Node '+str(elt.index)+': '+str(elt.position) for elt in self.elements[1:]: pos = elt.position dist = np.array(pos)-np.array(pos0) dist = np.sqrt(dist[0]**2+dist[1]**2+dist[2]**2) if dist == 0: print 'Node '+str(elt.index)+': '+str(elt.position) print '' print 'Run repair_grid() to attempt fix.' return else: pos0 = self.elements[0].position multipleFlag = False for elt in self.elements[1:]: pos = elt.position dist = np.array(pos)-np.array(pos0) dist = np.sqrt(dist[0]**2+dist[1]**2+dist[2]**2) if dist == 0: multipleFlag = True; break if multipleFlag: nds = self.elements # find node with minimum index - this takes priority nd1 = nds[0] for nd2 in nds: if nd2.index < nd1.index: nd1 = nd2 nds.remove(nd1) # for all other nodes, clean from parent grid nd1 = repair.node[nd1.index] for nd2 in nds: nd2 = repair.node[nd2.index] for el in nd2._elements: el._nodes = [nd1 if nd.index == nd2.index else nd for nd in el._nodes] # remove node from nodelist ind = repair._nodelist.index(nd2) repair._nodelist.remove(nd2) print ' ',nd2,' duplicated ',nd1 self.elements = [nd1] if self.num_elements>1: # if more than one element in a cube, sub-divide cubes=sub_cubes(self.bounds) # update neighbour locations cube_elements=[[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[]] for elt in self.elements: for icube,cube in enumerate(cubes): if in_cube(elt.position,cube): cube_elements[icube].append(elt) break nbrs=[] for cube,elts in zip(cubes,cube_elements): if len(elts)>0: if repair: self.child.append(octree(cube,elts,self,repair)) else: self.child.append(octree(cube,elts,self)) nbrs.append(1) else: nbrs.append(0) self.assign_neighbours(nbrs) def __repr__(self): return self.bounds.__repr__() def assign_neighbours(self,neighbours): cube_inds = [] for cube_ind,exist in enumerate(neighbours): if exist: cube_inds.append(cube_ind) for child,update in zip(self.child,cube_inds): child.neighbour = deepcopy(self.neighbour) posI,nbrs = nbr_update[update] for pos,nbr in zip(posI,nbrs): if nbr in cube_inds: child.neighbour[pos] = self.child[cube_inds.index(nbr)] def get_num_elements(self): return len(self.elements) num_elements=property(get_num_elements) #: (*int*) Number of objects in the compartment. def get_num_children(self): return len(self.child) num_children=property(get_num_children) #: (*int*) Number of sub-compartments in the compartment. def leaf(self,pos): # find leaf corresponding to position if in_cube(pos,self.bounds): for child in self.child: childleaf=child.leaf(pos) if childleaf: return childleaf return self else: return None def min_dist(self,pos): min_dist = 1.e10 if self.child: for child in self.child: dist,cube = child.min_dist(pos) if dist<min_dist: min_dist = dist; min_cube = cube else: min_dist = (np.sqrt((self.elements[0].position[0]-pos[0])**2+ (self.elements[0].position[1]-pos[1])**2+ (self.elements[0].position[2]-pos[2])**2)) min_cube = self #print min_cube.elements[0].index, ' ', min_dist return min_dist,min_cube
[docs]class fgrid(object): #Grid object. """ FEHM grid object. """ def __init__(self,full_connectivity=False): self._nodelist=[] self._node={} self._connlist=[] self._conn={} self._elemlist=[] self._elem={} self._octree=None self._dimensions=3 self._parent = None self._full_connectivity = full_connectivity self._path = fpath(parent=self) self._pos_matrix = None def __repr__(self): if self.filename == None: return 'no grid' else: return self.filename #Print out details
[docs] def read(self,gridfilename,full_connectivity=False,octree=False): """Read data from an FEHM or AVS grid file. If an AVS grid is specified, PyFEHM will write out the corresponding FEHM grid file. :param gridfilename: name of grid file, including path specification. :type gridfilename: str :param full_connectivity: read element and connection data and construct corresponding objects. Defaults to False. Use if access to connectivity information will be useful. :type full_connectivity: bool """ self._full_connectivity = full_connectivity self._path.filename = gridfilename if not os.path.isfile(gridfilename): print 'ERROR: file at '+self._path.full_path+' not found.'; return # assess format of file from first two lines infile = open(self._path.full_path) ln1 = infile.readline() ln2 = infile.readline() infile.close() isAvs = False try: a = int(ln2.split()[0]) # first number of second line is a 1, five numbers in header if a == 1 and len(ln1.strip().split())==5: isAvs = True except ValueError: pass if gridfilename.endswith('.stor'): self.read_stor() return elif ln1.strip().split()[0].startswith('coor'): self._read_fehm() # first line starts with 'coor' elif isAvs: self._read_avs() newgridfilename = self._path.full_path.split('.')[:-1] newgridfilename = string.join(newgridfilename,'.')+'.inp' if os.path.isfile(newgridfilename): newgridfilename = newgridfilename[:-4] + '_new' + newgridfilename[-4:] self.write(newgridfilename, 'fehm') # write out equivalent fehm grid if self._parent: self._parent.files.grid = self._path.filename else: print 'ERROR: Unrecognized grid format.' if octree: self.add_nodetree() else: self._pos_matrix = np.array([nd.position for nd in self.nodelist]) if self._parent: self._parent._add_boundary_zones()
def _read_fehm(self): #Read in fehm meshfile for node,element data . self._nodelist = [] self._connlist = [] self._elemlist = [] infile = open(self._path.full_path) if self._parent: self._parent.files.grid = self._path.filename ln = infile.readline() N = int(infile.readline()) for i in range(N): nd = infile.readline().strip().split() new_node = fnode(index=int(nd[0]),position=np.array([float(nd[1]),float(nd[2]),float(nd[3])])) self.add_node(new_node) infile.readline() infile.readline() N = infile.readline() connectivity = int(N.strip().split()[0]) N = int(N.strip().split()[1]) for i in range(N): el = [int(eli) for eli in infile.readline().strip().split()] if self._full_connectivity: new_elem = felem(index = el[0], nodes = [self.node[eli] for eli in el[1:]]) self.add_elem(new_elem) if connectivity == 8: nds1 = [el[1],el[1],el[1],el[7],el[7],el[7],el[4],el[4],el[6],el[6],el[2],el[5]] nds2 = [el[5],el[2],el[4],el[6],el[3],el[8],el[3],el[8],el[5],el[2],el[3],el[8]] elif connectivity == 4: nds1 = [el[1],el[2],el[3],el[4]] nds2 = [el[2],el[3],el[4],el[1]] elif connectivity == 3: nds1 = [el[1],el[2],el[3]] nds2 = [el[2],el[3],el[1]] else: print 'ERROR: unrecognized connectivity'; return for nd1,nd2 in zip(nds1,nds2): if nd1>nd2: ndi = nd2; nd2 = nd1; nd1 = ndi nd1 = self.node[nd1]; nd2 = self.node[nd2] new_conn = fconn(nodes = [nd1,nd2]) nd1inds = [] for con in nd1.connections: for nd in con.nodes: nd1inds.append(nd.index) if nd2.index in nd1inds: continue self.add_conn(new_conn) nd1.connections.append(new_conn) nd2.connections.append(new_conn) # associate element nodes with element for nd in self.elemlist[-1].nodes: self._node[nd.index].elements.append(self.elemlist[-1]) else: self._elemlist.append(el[1:]) self._elem[el[0]] = self.elemlist[-1] infile.close() if ((len(np.unique([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1) or (len(np.unique([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1) or (len(np.unique([nd.position[2] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1)): self._dimensions = 2 else: self._dimensions = 3 def _read_avs(self): #Read in avs meshfile for node, element data. self._nodelist = [] self._connlist = [] self._elemlist = [] infile = open(self._path.full_path) if self._parent: self._parent.files.grid = self._path.filename ln = infile.readline() N = int(ln.strip().split()[0]) # number nodes N_el = int(ln.strip().split()[1]) # number elements for i in range(N): # FOR each node nd = infile.readline().strip().split() # read line new_node = fnode(index=int(nd[0]),position=np.array([float(nd[1]),float(nd[2]),float(nd[3])])) self.add_node(new_node) # add node object N = N_el connectivity = None for i in range(N): # FOR each element el = infile.readline().strip().split() el = [el[0],] + el[3:] el = [int(eli) for eli in el] if connectivity == None: connectivity = len(el) - 1 if self._full_connectivity: new_elem = felem(index = el[0], nodes = [self.node[eli] for eli in el[1:]]) self.add_elem(new_elem) if connectivity == 8: nds1 = [el[1],el[1],el[1],el[7],el[7],el[7],el[4],el[4],el[6],el[6],el[2],el[5]] nds2 = [el[5],el[2],el[4],el[6],el[3],el[8],el[3],el[8],el[5],el[2],el[3],el[8]] elif connectivity == 4: nds1 = [el[1],el[2],el[3],el[4]] nds2 = [el[2],el[3],el[4],el[1]] elif connectivity == 3: nds1 = [el[1],el[2],el[3]] nds2 = [el[2],el[3],el[1]] else: print 'ERROR: unrecognized connectivity'; return for nd1,nd2 in zip(nds1,nds2): if nd1>nd2: ndi = nd2; nd2 = nd1; nd1 = ndi nd1 = self.node[nd1]; nd2 = self.node[nd2] new_conn = fconn(nodes = [nd1,nd2]) nd1inds = [] for con in nd1.connections: for nd in con.nodes: nd1inds.append(nd.index) if nd2.index in nd1inds: continue self.add_conn(new_conn) nd1.connections.append(new_conn) nd2.connections.append(new_conn) # associate element nodes with element for nd in self.elemlist[-1].nodes: self._node[nd.index].elements.append(self.elemlist[-1]) else: self._elemlist.append(el[1:]) self._elem[el[0]] = self.elemlist[-1] infile.close() if ((len(np.unique([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1) or (len(np.unique([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1) or (len(np.unique([nd.position[2] for nd in self.nodelist])) == 1)): self._dimensions = 2 else: self._dimensions = 3
[docs] def write(self,filename=None,format='fehm', compression = True): """Write grid object to a grid file (FEHM, AVS STOR file formats supported). Stor file support only for orthogonal hexahedral grids. :param filename: name of FEHM grid file to write to, including path specification, e.g. c:\\path\\file_out.inp :type filename: str :param format: FEHM grid file format ('fehm','avs','stor'). Defaults to 'fehm' unless filename is passed with extension '*.avs' or '*.stor'. :type format: str :param compression: Use maximum compression when generating stor files (default = True). :type compression: bool """ # autodetect format if filename: extension = filename.split('.')[-1] if extension == 'avs': format = 'avs' elif extension == 'stor': format = 'stor' if format == 'stor' and not self._full_connectivity: print 'ERROR: STOR file cannot be written without full connectivity information. Read or create grid file with flag full_connectivity=True'; return if format == 'stor': temp_path = copy(self._path) # save path if filename: self._path.filename=filename if filename == None: self._path.filename='default_GRID.inp' # ASSUME THAT IF FILENAME IS PASSED - THIS IS WHERE THE FILE WILL BE WRITTEN if filename: try: os.makedirs(self._path.absolute_to_file) except: pass path = self._path.full_path # IF FILE NAME IS NOT PASSED, GRID WILL BE WRITTEN TO WORK DIRECTORY IF IT EXISTS, OR CURRENT IF NOT else: if self._parent: # HAVE PARENT? if self._parent.work_dir: # HAVE WORKING DIRECTORY? try: os.makedirs(self._path.absolute_to_workdir) except: pass path = self._path.absolute_to_workdir+slash+self._path.filename else: path = self._path.full_path outfile = open(path,'w') if format == 'fehm': self._write_fehm(outfile) elif format == 'avs': self._write_avs(outfile) elif format == 'stor': self._write_stor(outfile,compression) else: print 'ERROR: Unrecognized format '+format+'.'; return if format == 'stor': self._path = temp_path self._parent.ctrl['stor_file_LDA'] = 1 self._parent.files.stor = path
def _write_fehm(self,outfile): outfile.write('coor\n') outfile.write(' '+str(len(self.nodelist))+'\n') for nd in self.nodelist: outfile.write('%11d' % nd.index +' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[0]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[1]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[2]) outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\t0\n') outfile.write('elem\n') if self._full_connectivity: outfile.write(str(len(self.elemlist[0].nodes))+' '+str(len(self.elemlist))+'\n') for el in self.elemlist: outfile.write(str(int(el.index))+' ') for nd in el.nodes: outfile.write(str(nd.index)+' ') outfile.write('\n') else: outfile.write(str(len(self.elemlist[0]))+' '+str(len(self.elemlist))+'\n') for i,el in enumerate(self.elemlist): outfile.write(str(i+1)+' ') for nd in el: outfile.write(str(nd)+' ') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\nstop\n') outfile.close() def _write_avs(self,outfile): outfile.write(str(self.number_nodes)+' '+str(self.number_elems)+' 0 0 0\n') for nd in self.nodelist: outfile.write('%11d' % nd.index +' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[0]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[1]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[2]) outfile.write('\n') if self._full_connectivity: for el in self.elemlist: outfile.write(str(int(el.index))+' 1 ') if len(el.nodes) == 8: outfile.write('hex ') for nd in el.nodes: outfile.write(str(nd.index)+' ') outfile.write('\n') else: for i,el in enumerate(self.elemlist): outfile.write(str(i+1)+' 1 ') if len(el) == 8: outfile.write('hex ') for nd in el: outfile.write(str(nd)+' ') outfile.write('\n') outfile.close() def _write_stor(self,outfile,compression=True): # calculate volumes and geometric coefficients for conn in self.connlist: conn._geom_coef = None for nd in self.nodelist: nd._vol = None for nd in self.nodelist: self._vorvol(nd) # calculate voronoi volume of node # calculate reduced coefficient list if compression: tol = 1.e-5 indices1 = [] # for populating later geom_coefs = [con.geom_coef for con in self.connlist] # all coefficients gcU = np.ones((1,len(geom_coefs)))[0]/0. NgcU = 0 for gc in geom_coefs: new_gcU = True dgcu = abs((gc-gcU[:NgcU])/gc) # distances between geom_coef and existing bins if all(dgcu>tol): gcU[NgcU] = gc NgcU += 1 gcU[NgcU] = 0. gcU = gcU[:NgcU+1] gcU.sort() # write file outfile.write('fehmstor ascir8i4 PyFEHM Sparse Matrix Voronoi Coefficients\n') import time lt = time.localtime() mon = str(lt.tm_mon) if len(mon) == 1: mon = '0'+mon day = str(lt.tm_mday) if len(day) == 1: day = '0'+day yr = str(lt.tm_year) hr = str(lt.tm_hour) if len(hr) == 1: hr = '0'+hr min = str(lt.tm_min) sec = str(lt.tm_sec) outfile.write(mon+'/'+day+'/'+yr+' '+hr+':'+min+':'+sec+'\n') # write matrix parameters Nnds = len(self.nodelist) Ncons = 2*len(self.connlist)+Nnds if compression: outfile.write('\t%5i'%len(gcU)) else: outfile.write('\t%5i'%Ncons) outfile.write('\t%5i'%Nnds) outfile.write('\t%5i'%(Nnds+Ncons+1)) outfile.write('\t%5i'%1) outfile.write('\t%5i'%7) outfile.write('\n') # write Voronoi Volumes cnt = 0 for nd in self.nodelist: outfile.write(' %13.12E'%nd.vol) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') # write sparse matrix connectivity sparse = np.zeros((1,Ncons+Nnds+1))[0] gcStr = '' cnt = 0 stride = Nnds+1 diagonals = [] for i, nd in enumerate(self.nodelist): # populate sparse # add the stride sparse[i] = stride diagonals.append(stride+1) # add the connections cons = [] for con in nd.connections: if con.nodes[0].index == nd.index: cons.append([con.nodes[1].index,con.geom_coef]) else: cons.append([con.nodes[0].index,con.geom_coef]) cons.append([nd.index,0.]) cons.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) for j,con in enumerate(cons): if con[0] == nd.index: diagonals[-1] += j # add connection to sparse sparse[stride] = con[0] stride +=1 # increment the stride # write geometric coefficients gcStr +=' %13.12E'%con[1] if compression: indices1.append(abs(gcU-con[1]).argmin()+1) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: gcStr+='\n' cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: gcStr+='\n' sparse[i+1] = stride # row entries cnt = 0 for i in sparse: outfile.write(' %6i'%i) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') # indices into coefficient list if not compression: indices1 = range(1,Ncons+1) indices = indices1+list(np.zeros((1,Nnds+1))[0]) cnt = 0 for i in indices: outfile.write(' %6i'%i) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 for i in diagonals: outfile.write(' %6i'%i) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') # geometric area coefficient values if compression: cnt = 0 for i in gcU: outfile.write(' %13.12E'%i) cnt +=1 if cnt ==5: outfile.write('\n') cnt = 0 if cnt != 0: outfile.write('\n') else: outfile.write(gcStr) outfile.close() def _vorvol(self,nd): # array of connection mid-point positions pos = np.array([(con.nodes[0].position+con.nodes[1].position)/2. for con in nd.connections]) # min and max of these mid-points, use to find bounding box of volume xm,ym,zm,xM,yM,zM = np.min(pos[:,0]),np.min(pos[:,1]),np.min(pos[:,2]),np.max(pos[:,0]),np.max(pos[:,1]),np.max(pos[:,2]) # calculate volume nd._vol =[xM-xm,yM-ym,zM-zm]) areas = [-(yM-ym)*(zM-zm),-(xM-xm)*(zM-zm),-(yM-ym)*(xM-xm)] # interface areas for con in nd.connections: if con.geom_coef != None: continue # establish direction of connection N = abs(con.nodes[0].position - con.nodes[1].position) if N[0]>N[1] and N[0]>N[2]: con._geom_coef = areas[0]/(con.distance/2.) elif N[1]>N[0] and N[1]>N[2]: con._geom_coef = areas[1]/(con.distance/2.) elif N[2]>N[1] and N[2]>N[0]: con._geom_coef = areas[2]/(con.distance/2.)
[docs] def make(self,gridfilename,x,y,z,full_connectivity=True,octree=False): """ Generates an orthogonal mesh for input node positions. The mesh is constructed using the ``fgrid.``\ **fmake** object and an FEHM grid file is written for the mesh. :param gridfilename: Name to which to save the grid file. :type gridfilename: str :param x: Unique set of x-coordinates. :type x: list[fl64] :param y: Unique set of y-coordinates. :type y: list[fl64] :param z: Unique set of z-coordinates. :type z: list[fl64] :param full_connectivity: read element and connection data and construct corresponding objects. Defaults to False. Use if access to connectivity information will be useful. :type full_connectivity: bool """ # ASSUMPTIONS FOR MAKE # if no parent - interpret string literally # if parent but NO work dir - interpret string literally # if parent and work dir but relative or absolute - interpret string relative to cwd # if parent and work dir and grid name ONLY - grid goes in work dir # PASS FULL PATH specification into fmake temp_path = fpath() temp_path.filename = gridfilename path = temp_path.full_path if self._parent: if self._parent.work_dir: path = self._path.absolute_to_workdir+slash+temp_path.filename fm = fmake(path,x,y,z) fm.write(),full_connectivity,octree)
[docs] def lagrit_stor(self, grid = None, stor = None, exe = dflt.lagrit_path, overwrite = False): """Uses LaGriT to create a stor file for the simulation, this will be used in subsequent runs. To create the stor file, LaGriT will convert a mesh comprised of hexahedral elements into one comprising only tetrahedrals. Therefore, a new FEHM grid file will be created and parsed, reflecting the modified element structure. :param grid: Name of grid file to be created. Destination directory supported. :type grid: str :param stor: Name of stor file to be created. Destination directory supported. :type stor: str :param exe: Path to lagrit executable (default, fdflt.lagrit_path, in environment file ''). :type exe: str :param overwrite: Flag to request that the new FEHM grid file overwrites the old one. :type overwrite: bool """ if self.filename == None: print 'ERROR: a grid must first be loaded/created before a stor file can be created.'; return if not os.path.isfile(exe): print 'ERROR: cannot find lagrit executable at '+exe; return # assign default stor file name if none given if stor == None: stor = self._path.full_path.split('.')[:-1] stor = string.join(stor,'.')+'.stor' # assign default grid file name, location if none given if grid == None: grid = self._path.full_path.split('.')[:-1] grid = string.join(grid,'.')+'_lg.'+self.filename.split('.')[-1] # write mesh to avs avs = self.filename.split('.')[:-1] avs = string.join(avs,'.')+'.avs' fname_save = self._path.full_path self.write(filename = avs, format = 'avs') self._path.filename = fname_save # create lagrit instruction file fp = open('lagrit_instructions.lgi','w') lns = [] lns.append('# read the mesh in AVS format\n') lns.append('read avs '+avs+' cmohex\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('# create a tet version of this point distribution\n') lns.append('cmo / create / cmotet / / / tet\n') lns.append('copypts / cmotet / cmohex\n') lns.append(' cmo / select cmotet\n') lns.append(' cmo / setatt / cmotet / imt / 1 0 0 / 1\n') lns.append(' cmo / setatt / cmotet / itp / 1 0 0 / 0\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('# remove duplicates\n') lns.append('filter / 1 0 0\n') lns.append('rmpoint / compress\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('# if sort is needed to reorder the nodes\n') lns.append('# otherwise keep same node odering and comment out\n') lns.append('#sort / cmotet / index / ascending / ikey / zic yic xic\n') lns.append('#reorder / cmotet / ikey\n') lns.append('#cmo / DELATT / cmotet / ikey\n') lns.append('#cmo / status\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('# connect into delaunay tet mesh \n') lns.append('connect noadd\n') lns.append('resetpts / itp\n') lns.append('quality\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('# write tet and stor files\n') lns.append('dump fehm lagrit_out cmotet ascii \n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('\n') lns.append('finish\n') fp.writelines(lns) fp.close() os.system(exe+' < lagrit_instructions.lgi > nul') # isolate new grid and stor files, delete others files = glob('lagrit_out*.*') for file in files: if not file.endswith('.stor') and not file.endswith('.fehmn'): os.remove(file) os.remove('lagrit_instructions.lgi') os.remove(avs) # rename and move files, parse if overwrite: # overwriting old grid file shutil.move('lagrit_out.fehmn',self._path.full_path) elif grid: # grid name/location specified temp_path = fpath() temp_path.filename = grid try: os.makedirs(temp_path.absolute_to_file) except: pass shutil.move('lagrit_out.fehmn',grid) temp_path = fpath() temp_path.filename = stor try: os.makedirs(temp_path.absolute_to_file) except: pass shutil.move('lagrit_out.stor',stor) if self._parent: self._parent.files.stor = stor self._parent.ctrl['stor_file_LDA'] = 1
[docs] def volumes(self,volumefilename): """ Reads a lagrit generated file containing control volume information. :param volumefilename: Name of lagrit output file containing control volume information. :type volumefilename: str """ infile = open(volumefilename,'r') line = infile.readline() line = infile.readline().strip().split() Ncol = int(line[0]) colnames = [] for i in range(Ncol): line = infile.readline().strip().split(',') colnames.append(line[0]) keepReading = True for i,name in enumerate(colnames): if name == 'vorvol': break while keepReading: line = infile.readline().strip().split() if not line: keepReading = False; continue ndI = int(line[1]) ndV = float(line[i+1]) self.node[ndI]._vol = ndV
def add_node(self,node=fnode()): #Add a node object. self._nodelist.append(node) self._node[node.index] = self._nodelist[-1] def add_conn(self,conn=fconn()): #Add a connection object. self._connlist.append(conn) self._conn[(conn.nodes[0].index,conn.nodes[1].index)] = self.connlist[-1] def add_elem(self,elem=felem()): #Add an element object. self._elemlist.append(elem) self._elem[elem.index] = self.elemlist[-1]
[docs] def node_nearest_point(self,pos = []): """Return node object nearest to position in space. Method uses octree structure for speed up if available. :param pos: Coordinates, e.g. [2300., -134.8, 0.]. :type pos: list :returns: fnode() -- node object closest to position. """ if self.octree != None: min_dist = 1.e10 nd = None if self.octree.leaf(pos) == None: print 'Error: point outside domain' return None lf = self.octree.leaf(pos) min_dist= 1.e10 for leaf in ([lf,]+lf.neighbour): if leaf == None: continue dist,cube = leaf.min_dist(pos) if dist<min_dist: min_dist = dist; min_cube = cube return min_cube.elements[0] else: idx = np.abs(np.sum((self._pos_matrix - pos)**2,axis=1)).argmin() return self.nodelist[idx]
def nodes_nearest_points(self,points = []): """Return node objects nearest to position in space. Uses sKDTree for speed up. This is the 'vectorized' version of 'fgrid.node_nearest_point', which only allows for a single point :param pos: Coordinates, e.g. [2300., -134.8, 0.] or [[2300., -134.8, 0.],[..],...] :type pos: list :returns: list of fnode() -- list of node object closest to position. """ pytree = spsp.cKDTree(self._pos_matrix) dist, idxs = pytree.query(points) auxList = list() for idx in idxs: auxList.append(self.nodelist[idx]) return auxList
[docs] def plot(self,save='',angle=[45,45],color='k',connections=False,equal_axes=True, xlabel='x / m',ylabel='y / m',zlabel='z / m',title='',font_size='small',cutaway=[]): #generates a 3-D plot of the zone. """Generates and saves a 3-D plot of the grid. :param save: Name of saved zone image. :type save: str :param angle: View angle of zone. First number is tilt angle in degrees, second number is azimuth. Alternatively, if angle is 'x', 'y', 'z', view is aligned along the corresponding axis. :type angle: [fl64,fl64], str :param color: Colour of zone. :type color: str, [fl64,fl64,fl64] :param connections: Plot connections. If ``True`` all connections plotted. If between 0 and 1, random proportion plotted. If greater than 1, specified number plotted. :type connections: bool :param equal_axes: Force plotting with equal aspect ratios for all axes. :type equal_axes: bool :param xlabel: Label on x-axis. :type xlabel: str :param ylabel: Label on y-axis. :type ylabel: str :param zlabel: Label on z-axis. :type zlabel: str :param title: Title of plot. :type title: str :param font_size: Size of text on plot. :type font_size: str, int :param cutaway: Coordinate from which cutaway begins. Alternatively, specifying 'middle','centre' with choose the centre of the grid as the cutaway point. :type cutaway: [fl64,fl64,fl64], str """ if not save: save = self.filename.split('.')[0]+'.png' if cutaway in ['middle','center','centre','mid']: cutaway = [(self.xmin+self.xmax)/2,(self.ymin+self.ymax)/2,(self.zmin+self.zmax)/2] if isinstance(angle,str): if angle == 'x': angle = [0,0] elif angle == 'y': angle = [0,90] elif angle == 'z': angle = [90,90] else: return face1 = True; face2 = True; face3 = True; face4 = True; face5 = True; face6 = True else: while angle[0]<-90: angle[0]+=180 while angle[0]>90: angle[0]-=180 while angle[1]<0: angle[1]+=180 while angle[1]>360: angle[1]-=180 if angle[0]>0: face1 = True; face2 = False else: face1 = False; face2 = True if angle[1]>270 or angle[1]<=90: face3 = True; face4 = False else: face3 = False; face4 = True if angle[1]>0 and angle[1]<=180: face5 = True; face6 = False else: face5 = False; face6 = True # plot bounding box plt.clf() fig = plt.figure(figsize=[10.5,8.275]) ax = plt.axes(projection='3d') ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim') ax.set_xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size) ax.set_zlabel(zlabel,size=font_size) ax.set_title(title,size=font_size) for t in ax.get_xticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_yticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) for t in ax.get_zticklabels(): t.set_fontsize(font_size) xmin,xmax = self.xmin, self.xmax ymin,ymax = self.ymin, self.ymax zmin,zmax = self.zmin, self.zmax if equal_axes: MAX = np.max([xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin])/2 C = np.array([xmin+xmax,ymin+ymax,zmin+zmax])/2 for direction in (-1, 1): for point in np.diag(direction * MAX * np.array([1,1,1])): ax.plot([point[0]+C[0]], [point[1]+C[1]], [point[2]+C[2]], 'w') ax.view_init(angle[0],angle[1]) if cutaway: xmid,ymid,zmid = cutaway else: if face1: if face5: if face3: xmid,ymid,zmid = xmax,ymax,zmax else: xmid,ymid,zmid = xmin,ymax,zmax else: if face3:xmid,ymid,zmid = xmax,ymin,zmax else:xmid,ymid,zmid = xmin,ymin,zmax else: if face5: if face3: xmid,ymid,zmid = xmax,ymax,zmin else: xmid,ymid,zmid = xmin,ymax,zmin else: if face3:xmid,ymid,zmid = xmax,ymin,zmin else:xmid,ymid,zmid = xmin,ymin,zmin p13 = [xmid,ymid,zmid] if face1: if face5: if face3: p1=[xmin,ymin,zmax]; p2=[xmin,ymax,zmax]; p3=[xmin,ymax,zmin]; p4=[xmax,ymax,zmin] p5=[xmax,ymin,zmin]; p6=[xmax,ymin,zmax]; p7=[xmax,ymid,zmax]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmax] p9=[xmid,ymax,zmax]; p10=[xmid,ymax,zmid]; p11=[xmax,ymax,zmid];p12=[xmax,ymid,zmid] else: p1=[xmax,ymin,zmax]; p2=[xmax,ymax,zmax]; p3=[xmax,ymax,zmin]; p4=[xmin,ymax,zmin] p5=[xmin,ymin,zmin]; p6=[xmin,ymin,zmax]; p7=[xmin,ymid,zmax]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmax] p9=[xmid,ymax,zmax]; p10=[xmid,ymax,zmid]; p11=[xmin,ymax,zmid];p12=[xmin,ymid,zmid] else: if face3: p1=[xmin,ymax,zmax]; p2=[xmin,ymin,zmax]; p3=[xmin,ymin,zmin]; p4=[xmax,ymin,zmin] p5=[xmax,ymax,zmin]; p6=[xmax,ymax,zmax]; p7=[xmax,ymid,zmax]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmax] p9=[xmid,ymin,zmax]; p10=[xmid,ymin,zmid]; p11=[xmax,ymin,zmid];p12=[xmax,ymid,zmid] else: p1=[xmax,ymax,zmax]; p2=[xmax,ymin,zmax]; p3=[xmax,ymin,zmin]; p4=[xmin,ymin,zmin] p5=[xmin,ymax,zmin]; p6=[xmin,ymax,zmax]; p7=[xmin,ymid,zmax]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmax] p9=[xmid,ymin,zmax]; p10=[xmid,ymin,zmid]; p11=[xmin,ymin,zmid];p12=[xmin,ymid,zmid] else: if face5: if face3: p1=[xmin,ymin,zmin]; p2=[xmin,ymax,zmin]; p3=[xmin,ymax,zmax]; p4=[xmax,ymax,zmax] p5=[xmax,ymin,zmax]; p6=[xmax,ymin,zmin]; p7=[xmax,ymid,zmin]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmin] p9=[xmid,ymax,zmin]; p10=[xmid,ymax,zmid]; p11=[xmax,ymax,zmid];p12=[xmax,ymid,zmid] else: p1=[xmax,ymin,zmin]; p2=[xmax,ymax,zmin]; p3=[xmax,ymax,zmax]; p4=[xmin,ymax,zmax] p5=[xmin,ymin,zmax]; p6=[xmin,ymin,zmin]; p7=[xmin,ymid,zmin]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmin] p9=[xmid,ymax,zmin]; p10=[xmid,ymax,zmid]; p11=[xmin,ymax,zmid];p12=[xmin,ymid,zmid] else: if face3: p1=[xmin,ymax,zmin]; p2=[xmin,ymin,zmin]; p3=[xmin,ymin,zmax]; p4=[xmax,ymin,zmax] p5=[xmax,ymax,zmax]; p6=[xmax,ymax,zmin]; p7=[xmax,ymid,zmin]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmin] p9=[xmid,ymin,zmin]; p10=[xmid,ymin,zmid]; p11=[xmax,ymin,zmid];p12=[xmax,ymid,zmid] else: p1=[xmax,ymax,zmin]; p2=[xmax,ymin,zmin]; p3=[xmax,ymin,zmax]; p4=[xmin,ymin,zmax] p5=[xmin,ymax,zmax]; p6=[xmin,ymax,zmin]; p7=[xmin,ymid,zmin]; p8=[xmid,ymid,zmin] p9=[xmid,ymin,zmin]; p10=[xmid,ymin,zmid]; p11=[xmin,ymin,zmid];p12=[xmin,ymid,zmid] pt1=p1;pt2=p2;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p9;pt2=p2;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p3;pt2=p2;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p3;pt2=p4;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p11;pt2=p4;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p5;pt2=p4;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p5;pt2=p6;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p1;pt2=p6;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p7;pt2=p6;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p7;pt2=p8;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p7;pt2=p12;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p11;pt2=p12;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p13;pt2=p12;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p13;pt2=p8;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p13;pt2=p10;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p9;pt2=p8;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p9;pt2=p10;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') pt1=p11;pt2=p10;ax.plot([pt1[0],pt2[0]],[pt1[1],pt2[1]],[pt1[2],pt2[2]],'k-') # minor lines xs = np.unique([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist]) ys = np.unique([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist]) zs = np.unique([nd.position[2] for nd in self.nodelist]) for x in xs: if x>=np.min([p2[0],p9[0]]) and x<=np.max([p2[0],p9[0]]): ax.plot([x,x],[p1[1],p2[1]],[p2[2],p2[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([x,x],[p2[1],p2[1]],[p2[2],p3[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) else: ax.plot([x,x],[p12[1],p2[1]],[p10[2],p10[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([x,x],[p12[1],p6[1]],[p2[2],p2[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([x,x],[p7[1],p7[1]],[p7[2],p11[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([x,x],[p11[1],p11[1]],[p11[2],p3[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) for y in ys: if y>=np.min([p6[1],p7[1]]) and y<=np.max([p6[1],p7[1]]): ax.plot([p6[0],p1[0]],[y,y],[p2[2],p2[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p6[0],p6[0]],[y,y],[p2[2],p3[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) else: ax.plot([p10[0],p11[0]],[y,y],[p10[2],p10[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p9[0],p2[0]],[y,y],[p2[2],p2[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p4[0],p4[0]],[y,y],[p4[2],p11[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p10[0],p10[0]],[y,y],[p10[2],p9[2]],color=color,linewidth=0.5) for z in zs: if z>=np.min([p4[2],p11[2]]) and z<=np.max([p4[2],p11[2]]): ax.plot([p4[0],p4[0]],[p5[1],p4[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p4[0],p3[0]],[p4[1],p4[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) else: ax.plot([p4[0],p4[0]],[p6[1],p7[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p10[0],p10[0]],[p7[1],p11[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p2[0],p8[0]],[p4[1],p4[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) ax.plot([p7[0],p8[0]],[p7[1],p7[1]],[z,z],color=color,linewidth=0.5) extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable='grid',time=1) if self._parent: if self._parent.work_dir and not os.path.isdir(self._parent.work_dir): os.makedirs(self._parent.work_dir) if self._parent.work_dir: plt.savefig(self._parent.work_dir+slash+save_fname, dpi=200, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) else: plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=200, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) else: plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=200, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait', format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) if pdf: os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname) os.remove(save_fname)
def add_nodetree(self,repair=False): """ Constuct octree for node positions. Call to update if changes made to grid. """ self._octree=octree(self.bounding_box,self.nodelist,repair=self) def _summary(self): L = 62 print '' print ' ####---------------------------------------------------------####' line = ' #### FEHM grid file \''+self.filename+'\' summary.' for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' print line+'####' print ' ####---------------------------------------------------------####' lines = [] lines.append(' #### Domain extent:') lines.append('x = ['+str(self.xmin) + ', ' + str(self.xmax) + ']') lines.append('y = ['+str(self.ymin) + ', ' + str(self.ymax) + ']') lines.append('z = ['+str(self.zmin) + ', ' + str(self.zmax) + ']') lines.append(' #### Statistics:') lines.append('nodes = ' +str(self.number_nodes)) lines.append('elements = ' +str(self.number_elems)) for line in lines: if line.startswith(' ##'): for i in range(L-len(line)): line += ' ' print line+'####' else: prntStr = ' #### -' keepGoing = True line = line.split() while keepGoing: if not line: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' print prntStr+'####' prntStr = ' #### ' break if len(prntStr)<(L-len(line[0])): prntStr += ' '+line[0] line = line[1:] else: for i in range(L-len(prntStr)): prntStr += ' ' print prntStr+'####' prntStr = ' #### ' print ' ####---------------------------------------------------------####' print '' def rotate(self,angle=0.,centre=[0.,0.]): '''Rotates the grid by some angle about a specified vertical axis. :param angle: Clockwise angle by which to rotate grid. :type angle: fl64 :param centre: x and y coordinates of vertical axis about which to rotate. Alternatively, the centre of the computational domain can be specified by passing 'mid','middle','centre', or 'center'. :type centre: [fl64,fl64], str ''' if centre in ['middle','mid','centre','center']: centre = [(self.xmin+self.xmax)/2.,(self.ymin+self.ymax)/2.] for nd in self.nodelist: old_pos = np.array(nd.position[0:2]) - np.array(centre) # position relative to centre of rotation theta_f = math.atan2(old_pos[1],old_pos[0]) + angle/180.*math.pi dist = np.sqrt(,old_pos)) new_pos = [dist*math.cos(theta_f),dist*math.sin(theta_f)] nd.position[0] = new_pos[0]+centre[0] nd.position[1] = new_pos[1]+centre[1] def get_bounding_box(self): minx = self.nodelist[0].position[0] maxx = self.nodelist[0].position[0] miny = self.nodelist[0].position[1] maxy = self.nodelist[0].position[1] minz = self.nodelist[0].position[2] maxz = self.nodelist[0].position[2] for node in self.nodelist: pos = node.position if pos[0]<minx: minx = pos[0] if pos[1]<miny: miny = pos[1] if pos[2]<minz: minz = pos[2] if pos[0]>maxx: maxx = pos[0] if pos[1]>maxy: maxy = pos[1] if pos[2]>maxz: maxz = pos[2] xr = maxx-minx+1.; yr = maxy-miny+1.; zr = maxz-minz+1.; c = np.array([minx+maxx,miny+maxy,minz+maxz])/2. r = np.max([xr,yr,zr]) if minx == maxx: c[0] = minx; r = np.array([1,r,r]) return [c-0.51*r,c+0.51*r] elif miny == maxy: c[1] = miny; r = np.array([r,1,r]) return [c-0.51*r,c+0.51*r] elif minz == maxz: c[2] = minz; r = np.array([r,r,1]) return [c-0.51*r,c+0.51*r] else: return [c-0.51*r,c+0.51*r] bounding_box = property(get_bounding_box) def _get_filename(self): return self._path.filename filename = property(_get_filename)#: (*str*) Name of FEHM grid file. def _get_node(self): return self._node node = property(_get_node)#: (*dict[fnode]*) Dictionary of grid nodes, indexed by node integer. def _get_nodelist(self): return self._nodelist nodelist = property(_get_nodelist)#: (*lst[fnode]*) List of all node objects in the grid. def _get_elem(self): return self._elem elem = property(_get_elem)#: (*dict[felem]*) Dictionary of elements, indexed by element integer. def _get_elemlist(self): return self._elemlist elemlist = property(_get_elemlist)#: (*lst[felem]*) List of all element objects in the grid. def _get_conn(self): return self._conn conn = property(_get_conn)#: (*dict[fconn]*) Dictionary of connections, indexed by a two element tuple of the member node integers. def _get_connlist(self): return self._connlist connlist = property(_get_connlist)#: (*lst[fconn]*) List of all connection objects in the grid. def _get_dimensions(self): return self._dimensions dimensions = property(_get_dimensions) #: (*int*) Dimensions of the grid. def get_xmin(self): return np.min([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist]) xmin = property(get_xmin) #: Minimum x-coordinate for all nodes. def get_xmax(self): return np.max([nd.position[0] for nd in self.nodelist]) xmax = property(get_xmax) #: Maximum x-coordinate for all nodes. def get_ymin(self): return np.min([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist]) ymin = property(get_ymin) #: Minimum y-coordinate for all nodes. def get_ymax(self): return np.max([nd.position[1] for nd in self.nodelist]) ymax = property(get_ymax) #: Maximum y-coordinate for all nodes. def get_zmin(self): return np.min([nd.position[2] for nd in self.nodelist]) zmin = property(get_zmin) #: Minimum z-coordinate for all nodes. def get_zmax(self): return np.max([nd.position[2] for nd in self.nodelist]) zmax = property(get_zmax) #: Maximum z-coordinate for all nodes. def get_node_number(self): return len(self.nodelist) number_nodes = property(get_node_number)#: Number of nodes in grid. def get_element_number(self): return len(self.elemlist) number_elems = property(get_element_number)#: Number of elements in grid. def _get_octree(self): return self._octree def _set_octree(self,value): self._octree = value octree = property(_get_octree, _set_octree) #: (*octree*) Octree object associated with the grid. def get_info(self): print 'FEHM grid file \''+self.filename+'\' summary.' print 'Model domain: x = ['+str(self.xmin) + ', ' + str(self.xmax) + ']' print ' y = ['+str(self.ymin) + ', ' + str(self.ymax) + ']' print ' z = ['+str(self.zmin) + ', ' + str(self.zmax) + ']' print ' nodes = ' +str(self.number_nodes) print ' elements = ' +str(self.number_elems) print ' ' what = property(get_info) #: Print to screen information about the grid.
class fmake(object): #Rectilinear grid constructor. """Generate an orthogonal mesh corresponding to vectors of nodal positions. """ def __init__(self,meshname,x=None,y=None,z=None): self._x = list(np.unique(x)) self._y = list(np.unique(y)) self._z = list(np.unique(z)) self._dimension = None self._meshname = '' if meshname: self._meshname = meshname def write(self,meshname=''): """Write out the grid file. :param meshname: Name of the grid file. :type meshname: str """ self.refresh() if meshname: self._meshname = meshname if self.meshname=='': self._meshname='default_GRID.inp' temp_path = fpath() temp_path.filename = self.meshname try: os.makedirs(temp_path.absolute_to_file) except: pass outfile = open(temp_path.full_path,'w') outfile.write('coor\n') outfile.write(' '+str(len(self.nodelist))+'\n') for nd in self.nodelist: outfile.write('%11d' % nd.index +' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[0]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[1]+' ') outfile.write('%14.8f' % nd.position[2]) outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\t0\n') outfile.write('elem\n') #if self._full_connectivity: # outfile.write(str(len(self.elemlist[0].nodes))+' '+str(len(self.elemlist))+'\n') # for el in self.elemlist: # outfile.write(str(int(el.index))+' ') # for nd in el.nodes: # outfile.write(str(nd.index)+' ') # outfile.write('\n') #else: outfile.write(str(len(self.elemlist[0]))+' '+str(len(self.elemlist))+'\n') for i,el in enumerate(self.elemlist): outfile.write(str(i+1)+' ') for nd in el: outfile.write(str(nd.index)+' ') outfile.write('\n') outfile.write('\nstop\n') outfile.close() def refresh(self): """Generate grid node and element objects corresponding to x y and z seeds. """ # first determine dimension of grid xF = self.x != None; yF = self.y != None; zF = self.z != None if xF and yF and zF: self.dimension = 3 elif (xF and yF and not zF) or (xF and zF and not yF) or (zF and yF and not xF): self.dimension = 2 else: print 'ERROR: not enough dimensions specified'; return if self.dimension == 2: print 'ERROR: two dimensional grids not supported'; return if self.dimension == 3: # create nodes self._nodelist = [] ind = 1 self._z = list(np.sort(self._z)) self._x = list(np.sort(self._x)) self._y = list(np.sort(self._y)) for zi in self._z: for yi in self._y: for xi in self._x: self._nodelist.append(fnode(index=ind,position=[xi,yi,zi])) ind +=1 # create elements self._elemlist = [] ind = 1 xL = len(self._x); yL = len(self._y); zL = len(self._z) for i in range(1,len(self._z)): for j in range(1,len(self._y)): for k in range(1,len(self._x)): nodes=[ self._nodelist[i*xL*yL + (j-1)*xL + k-1], self._nodelist[i*xL*yL + (j-1)*xL + k], self._nodelist[i*xL*yL + j*xL + k], self._nodelist[i*xL*yL + j*xL + k-1], self._nodelist[(i-1)*xL*yL + (j-1)*xL + k-1], self._nodelist[(i-1)*xL*yL + (j-1)*xL + k], self._nodelist[(i-1)*xL*yL + j*xL + k], self._nodelist[(i-1)*xL*yL + j*xL + k-1], ] #if self._full_connectivity: # self._elemlist.append(felem(index=ind,nodes=nodes)) # ind +=1 #else: self._elemlist.append(nodes) def _get_x(self): return self._x def _set_x(self,value): self._x = value x = property(_get_x, _set_x) #: (*lst[fl64]*) x coordinates of nodes. def _get_y(self): return self._y def _set_y(self,value): self._y = value y = property(_get_y, _set_y) #: (*lst[fl64]*) y coordinates of nodes. def _get_z(self): return self._z def _set_z(self,value): self._z = value z = property(_get_z, _set_z) #: (*lst[fl64]*) z coordinates of nodes. def _get_meshname(self): return self._meshname def _set_meshname(self,value): self._meshname = value meshname = property(_get_meshname, _set_meshname) #: (*str*) Name of grid file to write out. def _get_nodelist(self): return self._nodelist def _set_nodelist(self,value): self._nodelist = value nodelist = property(_get_nodelist, _set_nodelist) #: (*lst[fnode]*) List of node objects in the grid. def _get_elemlist(self): return self._elemlist def _set_elemlist(self,value): self._elemlist = value elemlist = property(_get_elemlist, _set_elemlist) #: (*lst[felem]*) List of element objects in the grid.