"""For reading FEHM output files."""
Copyright 2013.
Los Alamos National Security, LLC.
This material was produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National
Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights
to use, reproduce, and distribute this software. NEITHER THE GOVERNMENT NOR LOS
ANY LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. If software is modified to produce
derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to
confuse it with the version available from LANL.
Additionally, this library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option)
any later version. Accordingly, this library is distributed in the hope that it
will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Public License for more details.
import numpy as np
import os
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d
from matplotlib import cm
import matplotlib
except ImportError:
from copy import copy,deepcopy
from ftool import*
import platform
from fdflt import*
dflt = fdflt()
import pyvtk as pv
WINDOWS = platform.system()=='Windows'
if WINDOWS: copyStr = 'copy'; delStr = 'del'
else: copyStr = 'cp'; delStr = 'rm'
if True: # output variable dictionaries defined in here, indented for code collapse
('X coordinate (m)','x'),
('Y coordinate (m)','y'),
('Z coordinate (m)','z'),
('Liquid Pressure (MPa)','P'),
('Vapor Pressure (MPa)','P_vap'),
('Capillary Pressure (MPa)','P_cap'),
('Temperature (deg C)','T'),
('X Permeability (log m**2)','perm_x'),
('Y Permeability (log m**2)','perm_y'),
('Z Permeability (log m**2)','perm_z'),
('X displacement (m)','disp_x'),
('Y displacement (m)','disp_y'),
('Z displacement (m)','disp_z'),
('X stress (MPa)','strs_xx'),
('Y stress (MPa)','strs_yy'),
('Z stress (MPa)','strs_zz'),
('XY stress (MPa)','strs_xy'),
('XZ stress (MPa)','strs_xz'),
('YZ stress (MPa)','strs_yz'),
('Youngs Mod (MPa)','E'),
('Excess Shear (MPa)','tau_ex'),
('Shear Angle (deg)','phi_dil'),
('Liquid Density (kg/m**3)','density'),
('Vapor Density (kg/m**3)','density_vap'),
('Source (kg/s)','flow'),
('Liquid Flux (kg/s)','flux'),
('Vapor Flux (kg/s)','flux_vap'),
('Volume Strain','strain'),
('Vapor X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x_vap'),
('Vapor Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y_vap'),
('Vapor Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z_vap'),
('Liquid X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x'),
('Liquid Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y'),
('Liquid Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z'),
('X coordinate (m)','x'),
('Y coordinate (m)','y'),
('Z coordinate (m)','z'),
('X Coordinate (m)','x'),
('Y Coordinate (m)','y'),
('Z Coordinate (m)','z'),
('Liquid Pressure (MPa)','P'),
('Vapor Pressure (MPa)','P_vap'),
('Capillary Pressure (MPa)','P_cap'),
('Water Saturation','water'),
('Super-Critical/Liquid CO2 Saturation','co2_sc_liquid'),
('Gaseous CO2 Saturation','co2_gas'),
('Dissolved CO2 Mass Fraction','co2_aq'),
('CO2 Phase State','co2_phase'),
('CO2 Gas Density (kg/m**3)','density_co2_gas'),
('CO2 Liquid Density (kg/m**3)','density_co2_sc_liquid'),
('Temperature (<sup>o</sup>C)','T'),
('Temperature (deg C)','T'),
('X Permeability (log m**2)','perm_x'),
('Y Permeability (log m**2)','perm_y'),
('Z Permeability (log m**2)','perm_z'),
('X displacement (m)','disp_x'),
('Y displacement (m)','disp_y'),
('Z displacement (m)','disp_z'),
('X stress (MPa)','strs_xx'),
('Y stress (MPa)','strs_yy'),
('Z stress (MPa)','strs_zz'),
('XY stress (MPa)','strs_xy'),
('XZ stress (MPa)','strs_xz'),
('YZ stress (MPa)','strs_yz'),
('Youngs Mod (MPa)','E'),
('Excess Shear (MPa)','tau_ex'),
('Shear Angle (deg)','phi_dil'),
('Liquid Density (kg/m**3)','density'),
('Vapor Density (kg/m**3)','density_vap'),
('Source (kg/s)','flow'),
('Liquid Flux (kg/s)','flux'),
('Vapor Flux (kg/s)','flux_vap'),
('Volume Strain','strain'),
('Vapor X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x_vap'),
('Vapor Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y_vap'),
('Vapor Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z_vap'),
('Liquid X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x'),
('Liquid Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y'),
('Liquid Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z'),
('X coordinate (m)','x'),
('X Coordinate (m)','x'),
('X (m)','x'),
('Y coordinate (m)','y'),
('Y Coordinate (m)','y'),
('Y (m)','y'),
('Z coordinate (m)','z'),
('Z Coordinate (m)','z'),
('Z (m)','z'),
('Liquid Pressure (MPa)','P'),
('Vapor Pressure (MPa)','P_vap'),
('Capillary Pressure (MPa)','P_cap'),
('Temperature (deg C)','T'),
('X Permeability (log m**2)','perm_x'),
('Y Permeability (log m**2)','perm_y'),
('Z Permeability (log m**2)','perm_z'),
('X displacement (m)','disp_x'),
('Y displacement (m)','disp_y'),
('Z displacement (m)','disp_z'),
('X stress (MPa)','strs_xx'),
('Y stress (MPa)','strs_yy'),
('Z stress (MPa)','strs_zz'),
('XY stress (MPa)','strs_xy'),
('XZ stress (MPa)','strs_xz'),
('YZ stress (MPa)','strs_yz'),
('Youngs Mod (MPa)','E'),
('Excess Shear (MPa)','tau_ex'),
('Shear Angle (deg)','phi_dil'),
('Liquid Density (kg/m**3)','density'),
('Vapor Density (kg/m**3)','density_vap'),
('Source (kg/s)','flow'),
('Liquid Flux (kg/s)','flux'),
('Vapor Flux (kg/s)','flux_vap'),
('Volume Strain','strain'),
('Vapor X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x_vap'),
('Vapor Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y_vap'),
('Vapor Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z_vap'),
('Liquid X Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_x'),
('Liquid Y Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_y'),
('Liquid Z Volume Flux (m3/[m2 s])','flux_z'),
('Water Saturation','saturation'),
('Super-Critical/Liquid CO2 Saturation','co2_liquid'),
('Gaseous CO2 Saturation','co2_gas'),
('Dissolved CO2 Mass Fraction','co2_aq'),
('CO2 Phase State','co2_phase'),
flxz_water_names = [
flxz_vapor_names = [
flxz_co2_names = [
[docs]class fcontour(object): # Reading and plotting methods associated with contour output data.
'''Contour output information object.
def __init__(self,filename=None,latest=False,first=False,nearest=None):
if not isinstance(filename,list):
self._silent = dflt.silent
self._format = ''
self._material = {}
self._material_properties = []
self._user_variables = []
self._x = []
self._y = []
self._z = []
self._xmin = None
self._ymin = None
self._zmin = None
self._xmax = None
self._ymax = None
self._zmax = None
self._latest = latest
self._first = first
self._nearest = nearest
if isinstance(self._nearest,(float,int)): self._nearest = [self._nearest]
if filename is not None: self.read(filename,self._latest,self._first,self._nearest)
def __getitem__(self,key):
if key in self.times:
return self._data[key]
elif np.min(abs(self.times-key)/self.times)<.01:
ind = np.argmin(abs(self.times-key))
return self._data[self.times[ind]]
else: return None
[docs] def read(self,filename,latest=False,first=False,nearest=[]): # read contents of file
'''Read in FEHM contour output information.
:param filename: File name for output data, can include wildcards to define multiple output files.
:type filename: str
:param latest: Boolean indicating PyFEHM should read the latest entry in a wildcard search.
:type latest: bool
:param first: Boolean indicating PyFEHM should read the first entry in a wildcard search.
:type first: bool
:param nearest: Read in the file with date closest to the day supplied. List input will parse multiple output files.
:type nearest: fl64,list
from glob import glob
if isinstance(filename,list):
files = filename
filename = os_path(filename)
if len(files)==0:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: '+filename+' not found',self._silent)
# decision-making
mat_file = None
multi_type = None
# are there multiple file types? e.g., _con_ and _sca_?
# is there a material properties file? e.g., 'mat_nodes'?
file_types = []
for file in files:
if '_sca_node' in file and 'sca' not in file_types: file_types.append('sca')
if '_vec_node' in file and 'vec' not in file_types: file_types.append('vec')
if '_con_node' in file and 'con' not in file_types: file_types.append('con')
if '_hf_node' in file and 'hf' not in file_types: file_types.append('hf')
if 'mat_node' in file: mat_file = file
if self._nearest or latest or first:
files = filter(os.path.isfile, glob(filename))
if mat_file: files.remove(mat_file)
files.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x))
files2 = []
# retrieve first created and same time in group
if first:
for file_type in file_types:
tag = '_'+file_type+'_node'
if tag in files2[-1]:
prefix = files2[-1].split(tag)[0]
for file in files:
if file.startswith(prefix) and tag not in file: files2.append(file)
# retrieve files nearest in time to given (and same time in group)
if self._nearest:
ts = []
for file in files:
file = file.split('_node')[0]
file = file.split('_sca')[0]
file = file.split('_con')[0]
file = file.split('_vec')[0]
file = file.split('_hf')[0]
file = file.split('_days')[0]
file = file.split('.')
file = file[-2:]
ts = np.unique(ts)
for near in self._nearest:
tsi = min(enumerate(ts), key=lambda x: abs(x[1]-near))[0]
for file_type in file_types:
tag = '_'+file_type+'_node'
if tag in files2[-1]:
prefix = files2[-1].split(tag)[0]
for file in files:
if file.startswith(prefix) and tag not in file: files2.append(file)
# retrieve last created and same time in group
if latest:
for file_type in file_types:
tag = '_'+file_type+'_node'
if tag in files2[-1]:
prefix = files2[-1].split(tag)[0]
for file in files:
if file.startswith(prefix) and tag not in file: files2.append(file)
# removes duplicates
files = []
for file in files2:
if file not in files: files.append(file)
# group files into their types
FILES = []
for file_type in file_types:
tag = '_'+file_type+'_node'
FILES.append(sort_tec_files([file for file in files if tag in file]))
FILES = np.array(FILES)
# determine headers for 'tec' output
for i in range(FILES.shape[1]):
if not self._variables:
files = FILES[:,i]
headers = []
for file in sort_tec_files(files):
fp = open(file,'rU')
firstFile = self._detect_format(headers)
if self._format=='tec' and firstFile:
headers = []
for file in sort_tec_files(files):
fp = open(file,'rU')
# read in output data
for i in range(FILES.shape[1]):
files = FILES[:,i]
# Skip -1 file if present
if '-1' in files[0]: continue
for file in sort_tec_files(files): pyfehm_print(file,self._silent)
if not self._variables:
headers = []
for file in sort_tec_files(files):
fp = open(file,'rU')
#if self._format=='tec': self._setup_headers_tec(headers)
if self._format=='avs': self._setup_headers_avs(headers,files)
elif self._format=='avsx': self._setup_headers_avsx(headers)
elif self._format=='surf': self._setup_headers_surf(headers)
else: pyfehm_print('ERROR: Unrecognised format',self._silent);return
self.num_columns = len(self.variables)+1
if self.format == 'tec': self._read_data_tec(files,mat_file)
elif self.format == 'surf': self._read_data_surf(files,mat_file)
elif self.format == 'avs': self._read_data_avs(files,mat_file)
elif self.format == 'avsx': self._read_data_avsx(files,mat_file)
# assemble grid information
if 'x' in self.variables:
self._x = np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['x'])
self._xmin,self._xmax = np.min(self.x), np.max(self.x)
if 'y' in self.variables:
self._y = np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['y'])
self._ymin,self._ymax = np.min(self.y), np.max(self.y)
if 'z' in self.variables:
self._z = np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['z'])
self._zmin,self._zmax = np.min(self.z), np.max(self.z)
if dflt.parental_cont:
print ''
print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
print 'WARNING:'
print ''
print 'Contour data is indexed using the Pythonic convention in which the first index is 0. FEHM node numbering convention begins at 1.'
print ''
print 'THEREFORE, to get the correct contour value for a particular node, you need to pass the node index MINUS 1. Using node index to access contour data will return incorrect values.'
print ''
print 'For example:'
print '>>> node10 = dat.grid.node[10]'
print '>>> c = fcontour(\'*.csv\')'
print '>>> T_node10 = c[c.times[-1]][\'T\'][node10.index - 1]'
print ' or'
print '>>> T_node10 = c[c.times[-1]][\'T\'][9]'
print 'will return the correct value for node 10.'
print ''
print 'Do not turn off this message unless you understand how to correctly access nodal values from contour data.'
print 'To turn off this message, open the environment file \'fdflt.py\' and set self.parental_cont = False'
print '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
print ''
def _detect_format(self,headers):
if headers[0].startswith('TITLE ='): # check for TEC output
self._format = 'tec'
if headers[0].startswith('ZONE '): # check for TEC output
self._format = 'tec'
return False
elif headers[0].startswith('node, '): # check for SURF output
self._format = 'surf'
elif headers[0].startswith('nodes at '): # check for AVSX output
self._format = 'avsx'
elif headers[0].split()[0].isdigit(): # check for AVS output
self._format = 'avs'
return True
def _setup_headers_avsx(self,headers): # headers for the AVSX output format
for header in headers:
header = header.strip().split(' : ')
for key in header[1:]:
if key in cont_var_names_avs.keys():
var = cont_var_names_avs[key]
else: var = key
def _read_data_avsx(self,files,mat_file): # read data in AVSX format
datas = []
for file in sorted(files): # use alphabetical sorting
fp = open(file,'rU')
header = fp.readline()
if file == sorted(files)[0]:
header = header.split('nodes at ')[1]
header = header.split('days')[0]
time = float(header)*24*2600
lns = fp.readlines()
datas.append(np.array([[float(d) for d in ln.strip().split(':')] for ln in lns]))
data = np.concatenate(datas,1)
self._data[time] = dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self.variables)])
if mat_file and not self._material_properties:
fp = open(mat_file,'rU')
header = fp.readline()
self._material_properties = header.split(':')[1:]
lns = fp.readlines()
data = np.array([[float(d) for d in ln.strip().split(':')[1:]] for ln in lns])
self._material= dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self._material_properties)])
def _setup_headers_avs(self,headers,files): # headers for the AVS output format
for header,file in zip(headers,files):
lns_num = int(header.strip().split()[0])
fp = open(file)
lns = [fp.readline() for i in range(lns_num+1)][1:]
for ln in lns:
varname = ln.strip().split(',')[0]
if varname in cont_var_names_avs.keys():
var = cont_var_names_avs[varname]
else: var = varname
if var not in self._variables: self._variables.append(var)
def _read_data_avs(self,files,mat_file): # read data in AVS format
datas = []
for file in sorted(files):
first = (file == sorted(files)[0])
fp = open(file,'rU')
lns = fp.readlines()
lns = lns[int(float(lns[0].split()[0]))+1:]
if first:
file = file.split('_node')[0]
file = file.split('_sca')[0]
file = file.split('_con')[0]
file = file.split('_vec')[0]
file = file.split('_hf')[0]
file = file.split('_days')[0]
file = file.split('.')
file = [fl for fl in file if fl.isdigit() or 'E-' in fl]
time = float('.'.join(file))
if first:
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()] for ln in lns]))
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()[4:]] for ln in lns]))
data = np.concatenate(datas,1)
self._data[time] = dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self.variables)])
def _setup_headers_surf(self,headers): # headers for the SURF output format
for header in headers:
header = header.strip().split(', ')
for key in header:
varname = key.split('"')[0]
varname = varname.strip()
if varname in cont_var_names_surf.keys():
var = cont_var_names_surf[varname]
else: var = varname
if var not in self._variables: self._variables.append(var)
def _read_data_surf(self,files,mat_file): # read data in SURF format
datas = []
for file in sorted(files):
first = (file == sorted(files)[0])
fp = open(file,'rU')
lni = file.split('.',1)[1]
if first:
file = file.split('_node')[0]
file = file.split('_sca')[0]
file = file.split('_con')[0]
file = file.split('_vec')[0]
file = file.split('_hf')[0]
file = file.split('_days')[0]
file = file.split('.')
file = [fl for fl in file if fl.isdigit() or 'E-' in fl]
time = float('.'.join(file))
lns = fp.readlines()
if first:
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split(',')] for ln in lns]))
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split(',')[4:]] for ln in lns]))
data = np.concatenate(datas,1)
self._data[time] = dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self.variables)])
if mat_file and not self._material_properties:
fp = open(mat_file,'rU')
header = fp.readline()
for mat_prop in header.split(',')[1:]:
if 'specific heat' not in mat_prop:
lns = fp.readlines()
data = np.array([[float(d) for d in ln.strip().split(',')[1:]] for ln in lns])
self._material= dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self._material_properties)])
def _setup_headers_tec(self,headers): # headers for the TEC output format
for header in headers:
header = header.split(' "')
for key in header[1:]:
varname = key.split('"')[0].strip()
if varname in cont_var_names_tec.keys():
var = cont_var_names_tec[varname]
else: var = varname
if var not in self._variables: self._variables.append(var)
def _read_data_tec(self,files,mat_file): # read data in TEC format
datas = []
for file in sorted(files):
first = (file == sorted(files)[0])
fp = open(file,'rU')
ln = fp.readline()
has_xyz = False
while not ln.startswith('ZONE'):
ln = fp.readline()
has_xyz = True
if first:
lni = ln.split('"')[1]
time = lni.split('days')[0].strip()
time = float(time.split()[-1].strip())
if time<self._times[0]: return
except: pass
nds = None
if 'N =' in ln:
nds = int(ln.split('N = ')[-1].strip().split(',')[0].strip())
lns = fp.readlines()
if nds: lns = lns[:nds] # truncate to remove connectivity information
if has_xyz:
if first:
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()] for ln in lns]))
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()[4:]] for ln in lns]))
if first:
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()] for ln in lns]))
datas.append(np.array([[float0(d) for d in ln.strip().split()[1:]] for ln in lns]))
data = np.concatenate(datas,1)
if data.shape[1]< len(self.variables): # insert xyz data from previous read
data2 = []
j = 0
for var in self.variables:
if var == 'x':
elif var == 'y':
elif var == 'z':
elif var == 'zone':
data2.append(data[:,j]); j +=1
data = np.transpose(np.array(data2))
self._data[time] = dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self.variables)])
if mat_file and not self._material_properties:
fp = open(mat_file,'rU')
header = fp.readline()
for mat_prop in header.split(' "')[5:]:
lns = fp.readlines()
if lns[0].startswith('ZONE'): lns = lns[1:]
if nds: lns = lns[:nds] # truncate to remove connectivity information
data = np.array([[float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()[4:]] for ln in lns[:-1]])
self._material= dict([(var,data[:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(self._material_properties)])
def _check_inputs(self,variable, time, slice): # assesses whether sufficient input information for slice plot
if not variable:
s = ['ERROR: no plot variable specified.']
s.append('Options are')
for var in self.variables: s.append(var)
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
if time==None:
s = ['ERROR: no plot time specified.']
s.append('Options are')
for time in self.times: s.append(time)
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
if not slice:
s = ['Error: slice orientation undefined.']
s.append('Options are')
s.append('[\'x\',float] - slice parallel to y-axis at x=float')
s.append('[\'y\',float] - slice parallel to x-axis at y=float')
s.append('[\'theta\',float] - angle measured anti-clockwise from +x')
s.append('[[float,float],[float,float]] - point to point')
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
return False
[docs] def new_variable(self,name,time,data):
'''Creates a new variable, which is some combination of the available variables.
:param name: Name for the variable.
:type name: str
:param time: Time key which the variable should be associated with. Must be one of the existing keys, i.e., an item in fcontour.times.
:type time: fl64
:param data: Variable data, most likely some combination of the available parameters, e.g., pressure*temperature, pressure[t=10] - pressure[t=5]
:type data: lst[fl64]
if time not in self.times:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: supplied time must correspond to an existing time in fcontour.times',self._silent)
if name in self.variables:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: there is already a variable called \''+name+'\', please choose a different name',self._silent)
self._data[time][name] = data
if name not in self._user_variables:
[docs] def slice(self, variable, slice, divisions, time=None, method='nearest'):
'''Returns mesh data for a specified slice orientation from 3-D contour output data.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure. Alternatively, variable can be a five element list, first element 'cfs', remaining elements fault azimuth (relative to x), dip, friction coefficient and cohesion. Will return coulomb failure stress.
:type variable: str
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data.
:type time: fl64
:param slice: List specifying orientation of output slice, e.g., ['x',200.] is a vertical slice at ``x = 200``, ['z',-500.] is a horizontal slice at ``z = -500.``, [point1, point2] is a fixed limit vertical or horizontal domain corresponding to the bounding box defined by point1 and point2.
:type slice: lst[str,fl64]
:param divisions: Resolution to supply mesh data.
:type divisions: [int,int]
:param method: Method of interpolation, options are 'nearest', 'linear'.
:type method: str:
:returns: X -- x-coordinates of mesh data.
if time==None:
if np.min(self.times)<0: time = self.times[0]
else: time = self.times[-1]
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
delta = False
if isinstance(time,list) or isinstance(time,np.ndarray):
if len(time)>1:
time0 = np.min(time)
time = np.max(time)
dat = self[time]
# check to see if cfs plot requested
cfs = False
if isinstance(variable,list):
if variable[0] in ['cfs','CFS']: cfs = True
if not cfs:
if delta: dat0 = self[time0]
if isinstance(slice[0],str):
if slice[0].startswith('y'):
xmin = np.min(dat['x']);xmax = np.max(dat['x'])
ymin = np.min(dat['z']);ymax = np.max(dat['z'])
if slice[1] is None:
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['z'],np.ones((1,len(dat['z'])))[0]]))
slice[1] = 1
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['z'],dat['y']]))
elif slice[0].startswith('x'):
xmin = np.min(dat['y']);xmax = np.max(dat['y'])
ymin = np.min(dat['z']);ymax = np.max(dat['z'])
if slice[1] is None:
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['y'],dat['z'],np.ones((1,len(dat['z'])))[0]]))
slice[1] = 1
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['y'],dat['z'],dat['x']]))
elif slice[0].startswith('z'):
xmin = np.min(dat['x']);xmax = np.max(dat['x'])
ymin = np.min(dat['y']);ymax = np.max(dat['y'])
if slice[1] is None:
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['y'],np.ones((1,len(dat['y'])))[0]]))
slice[1] = 1
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['y'],dat['z']]))
elif slice[0].startswith('theta'):
pyfehm_print('ERROR: theta slicing not supported yet',self._silent)
xrange = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,divisions[0])
yrange = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,divisions[1])
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xrange,yrange)
Z = (X+np.sqrt(1.757))/(X+np.sqrt(1.757))*slice[1]
pointsI = np.transpose(np.reshape((X,Y,Z),(3,X.size)))
vals = np.transpose(np.array(dat[variable]))
valsI = griddata(points,vals,pointsI,method=method)
valsI = np.reshape(valsI,(X.shape[0],X.shape[1]))
if delta:
vals = np.transpose(np.array(dat0[variable]))
valsI0 = griddata(points,vals,pointsI,method=method)
valsI0 = np.reshape(valsI0,(X.shape[0],X.shape[1]))
valsI = valsI - valsI0
elif isinstance(slice[0],list):
# check if horizontal or vertical slice
dx,dy,dz = abs(slice[0][0]-slice[1][0]),abs(slice[0][1]-slice[1][1]),abs(slice[0][2]-slice[1][2])
if 100*dz<dx and 100*dz<dy: #horizontal
xmin,xmax = np.min([slice[0][0],slice[1][0]]),np.max([slice[0][0],slice[1][0]])
ymin,ymax = np.min([slice[0][1],slice[1][1]]),np.max([slice[0][1],slice[1][1]])
xrange = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,divisions[0])
yrange = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,divisions[1])
X,Y = np.meshgrid(xrange,yrange)
Z = (X+np.sqrt(1.757))/(X+np.sqrt(1.757))*(slice[0][2]+slice[1][2])/2
else: #vertical
xmin,xmax = 0,np.sqrt((slice[0][0]-slice[1][0])**2+(slice[0][1]-slice[1][1])**2)
ymin,ymax = np.min([slice[0][2],slice[1][2]]),np.max([slice[0][2],slice[1][2]])
xrange = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,divisions[0])
yrange = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,divisions[1])
X,Z = np.meshgrid(xrange,yrange)
Y = X/xmax*abs(slice[0][1]-slice[1][1]) + slice[0][1]
X = X/xmax*abs(slice[0][0]-slice[1][0]) + slice[0][0]
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['y'],dat['z']]))
pointsI = np.transpose(np.reshape((X,Y,Z),(3,X.size)))
vals = np.transpose(np.array(dat[variable]))
valsI = griddata(points,vals,pointsI,method=method)
valsI = np.reshape(valsI,(X.shape[0],X.shape[1]))
if delta:
vals = np.transpose(np.array(dat0[variable]))
valsI0 = griddata(points,vals,pointsI,method=method)
valsI0 = np.reshape(valsI0,(X.shape[0],X.shape[1]))
valsI = valsI - valsI0
if delta: time0 = time[0]; time = time[-1]
X,Y,Z,sxx = self.slice('strs_xx', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,syy = self.slice('strs_yy', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,szz = self.slice('strs_zz', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,sxy = self.slice('strs_xy', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,sxz = self.slice('strs_xz', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,syz = self.slice('strs_yz', slice, divisions, time, method)
X,Y,Z,sp = self.slice('P', slice, divisions, time, method)
dip = variable[2]/180.*math.pi
azi = variable[1]/180.*math.pi+3.14159/2.
nhat = np.array([np.cos(azi)*np.sin(dip),np.sin(azi)*np.sin(dip),np.cos(dip)])
mu = variable[3]
cohesion = variable[4]
px = sxx*nhat[0]+sxy*nhat[1]+sxz*nhat[2]
py = sxy*nhat[0]+syy*nhat[1]+syz*nhat[2]
pz = sxz*nhat[0]+syz*nhat[1]+szz*nhat[2]
sig = px*nhat[0]+py*nhat[1]+pz*nhat[2]
tau = np.sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2 - sig**2)
valsI = tau - mu*(sig-sp) - cohesion
if delta:
X,Y,Z,sxx = self.slice('strs_xx', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,syy = self.slice('strs_yy', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,szz = self.slice('strs_zz', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,sxy = self.slice('strs_xy', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,sxz = self.slice('strs_xz', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,syz = self.slice('strs_yz', slice, divisions, time0, method)
X,Y,Z,sp = self.slice('P', slice, divisions, time0, method)
px = sxx*nhat[0]+sxy*nhat[1]+sxz*nhat[2]
py = sxy*nhat[0]+syy*nhat[1]+syz*nhat[2]
pz = sxz*nhat[0]+syz*nhat[1]+szz*nhat[2]
sig = px*nhat[0]+py*nhat[1]+pz*nhat[2]
tau = np.sqrt(px**2+py**2+pz**2 - sig**2)
valsI = valsI - (tau - mu*(sig-sp) - cohesion)
return X, Y, Z, valsI
[docs] def slice_plot_line(self,variable=None,time=None,slice='',divisions=[20,20],labels=False, label_size=10.,levels=10,xlims=[],
ylims=[],colors='k',linestyle='-',save='', xlabel='x / m',ylabel='y / m',title='', font_size='medium', method='nearest',
'''Returns a line plot of contour data. Invokes the ``slice()`` method to interpolate slice data for plotting.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure.
:type variable: str
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data. If a list of two times is passed, the difference between the first and last is plotted.
:type time: fl64
:param slice: List specifying orientation of output slice, e.g., ['x',200.] is a vertical slice at ``x = 200``, ['z',-500.] is a horizontal slice at ``z = -500.``, [point1, point2] is a fixed limit vertical or horizontal domain corresponding to the bounding box defined by point1 and point2.
:type slice: lst[str,fl64]
:param divisions: Resolution to supply mesh data.
:type divisions: [int,int]
:param method: Method of interpolation, options are 'nearest', 'linear'.
:type method: str
:param labels: Specify whether labels should be added to contour plot.
:type labels: bool
:param label_size: Specify text size of labels on contour plot, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'.
:type label_size: str, int
:param levels: Contour levels to plot. Can specify specific levels in list form, or a single integer indicating automatic assignment of levels.
:type levels: lst[fl64], int
:param xlims: Plot limits on x-axis.
:type xlims: [fl64, fl64]
:param ylims: Plot limits on y-axis.
:type ylims: [fl64, fl64]
:param linestyle: Style of contour lines, e.g., 'k-' = solid black line, 'r:' red dotted line.
:type linestyle: str
:param save: Name to save plot. Format specified extension (default .png if none give). Supported extensions: .png, .eps, .pdf.
:type save: str
:param xlabel: Label on x-axis.
:type xlabel: str
:param ylabel: Label on y-axis.
:type ylabel: str
:param title: Plot title.
:type title: str
:param font_size: Specify text size, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'.
:type font_size: str, int
:param equal_axes: Specify equal scales on axes.
:type equal_axes: bool
save = os_path(save)
# at this stage, only structured grids are supported
if time==None: time = self.times[-1]
delta = False
if isinstance(time,list) or isinstance(time,np.ndarray):
if len(time)>1:
time0 = np.min(time)
time = np.max(time)
return_flag = self._check_inputs(variable,time,slice)
if return_flag: return
# gather plot data
X, Y, Z, valsI = self.slice(variable=variable, time=time, slice=slice, divisions=divisions, method=method)
if delta:
X, Y, Z, valsIi = self.slice(variable=variable, time=time0, slice=slice, divisions=divisions, method=method)
valsI = valsI - valsIi
ax = plt.axes([0.15,0.15,0.75,0.75])
if xlims: ax.set_xlim(xlims)
if ylims: ax.set_ylim(ylims)
if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
CS = plt.contour(X,Y,valsI,levels,colors=colors,linestyle=linestyle)
if labels: plt.clabel(CS,incline=1,fontsize=label_size)
if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size)
if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size)
if title: plt.title(title,size=font_size)
for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
for t in ax.get_yticklabels():
extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable=variable,time=time)
plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait',
format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
if pdf:
os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname)
[docs] def slice_plot(self,variable=None,time=None,slice='',divisions=[20,20],levels=10,cbar=False,xlims=[],
ylims=[],colors='k',linestyle='-',save='', xlabel='x / m',ylabel='y / m',title='', font_size='medium', method='nearest',
equal_axes=True,mesh_lines = None,perm_contrasts=None, scale = 1.):
'''Returns a filled plot of contour data. Invokes the ``slice()`` method to interpolate slice data for plotting.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure.
:type variable: str
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data. If a list of two times is passed, the difference between the first and last is plotted.
:type time: fl64
:param slice: List specifying orientation of output slice, e.g., ['x',200.] is a vertical slice at ``x = 200``, ['z',-500.] is a horizontal slice at ``z = -500.``, [point1, point2] is a fixed limit vertical or horizontal domain corresponding to the bounding box defined by point1 and point2.
:type slice: lst[str,fl64]
:param divisions: Resolution to supply mesh data.
:type divisions: [int,int]
:param method: Method of interpolation, options are 'nearest', 'linear'.
:type method: str
:param levels: Contour levels to plot. Can specify specific levels in list form, or a single integer indicating automatic assignment of levels.
:type levels: lst[fl64], int
:param cbar: Add colour bar to plot.
:type cbar: bool
:param xlims: Plot limits on x-axis.
:type xlims: [fl64, fl64]
:param ylims: Plot limits on y-axis.
:type ylims: [fl64, fl64]
:param colors: Specify colour string for contour levels.
:type colors: lst[str]
:param linestyle: Style of contour lines, e.g., 'k-' = solid black line, 'r:' red dotted line.
:type linestyle: str
:param save: Name to save plot. Format specified extension (default .png if none give). Supported extensions: .png, .eps, .pdf.
:type save: str
:param xlabel: Label on x-axis.
:type xlabel: str
:param ylabel: Label on y-axis.
:type ylabel: str
:param title: Plot title.
:type title: str
:param font_size: Specify text size, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'.
:type font_size: str, int
:param equal_axes: Specify equal scales on axes.
:type equal_axes: bool
:param mesh_lines: Superimpose mesh on the plot (line intersections correspond to node positions) according to specified linestyle, e.g., 'k:' is a dotted black line.
:type mesh_lines: bool
:param perm_contrasts: Superimpose permeability contours on the plot according to specified linestyle, e.g., 'k:' is a dotted black line. A gradient method is used to pick out sharp changes in permeability.
:type perm_contrasts: bool
if save:
save = os_path(save)
# at this stage, only structured grids are supported
if time==None:
if np.min(self.times)<0: time = self.times[0]
else: time = self.times[-1]
delta = False
if isinstance(time,list) or isinstance(time,np.ndarray):
if len(time)>1:
time0 = np.min(time)
time = np.max(time)
# if data not available for one coordinate, assume 2-D simulation, adjust slice accordingly
if 'x' not in self.variables: slice = ['x',None]
if 'y' not in self.variables: slice = ['y',None]
if 'z' not in self.variables: slice = ['z',None]
return_flag = self._check_inputs(variable=variable,time=time,slice=slice)
if return_flag: return
# gather plot data
X, Y, Z, valsI = self.slice(variable=variable, time=time, slice=slice, divisions=divisions, method=method)
if delta:
X, Y, Z, valsIi = self.slice(variable=variable, time=time0, slice=slice, divisions=divisions, method=method)
valsI = valsI - valsIi
if isinstance(slice[0],list):
# check if horizontal or vertical slice
dx,dy,dz = abs(slice[0][0]-slice[1][0]),abs(slice[0][1]-slice[1][1]),abs(slice[0][2]-slice[1][2])
if not(100*dz<dx and 100*dz<dy):
if dx < dy:
X = Y
Y = Z
ax = plt.axes([0.15,0.15,0.75,0.75])
if xlims: ax.set_xlim(xlims)
if ylims: ax.set_ylim(ylims)
if equal_axes: ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
if not isinstance(scale,list):
CS = plt.contourf(X,Y,valsI*scale,levels)
elif len(scale) == 2:
CS = plt.contourf(X,Y,valsI*scale[0]+scale[1],levels)
if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size)
if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size)
if title: plt.title(title,size=font_size)
if cbar:
for t in cbar.ax.get_yticklabels():
for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
for t in ax.get_yticklabels():
if perm_contrasts:
if 'perm_x' not in self.variables:
pyfehm_print('WARNING: No permeability data to construct unit boundaries.',self._silent)
X, Y, Z, k = self.slice(variable='perm_z', time=time, slice=slice, divisions=divisions, method=method)
# calculate derivatives in X and Y directions
dkdX = np.diff(k,1,0)#/np.diff(Y,1,0)
dkdX = (dkdX[1:,1:-1]+dkdX[:-1,1:-1])/2
dkdY = np.diff(k,1,1)#/np.diff(X,1,1)
dkdY = (dkdY[1:-1,1:]+dkdY[1:-1,:-1])/2
dk = (abs((dkdX+dkdY)/2)>0.2)*1.
col = 'k'; ln = '-'
for let in perm_contrasts:
if let in ['k','r','g','b','m','c','y','w']: col = let
if let in ['-','--','-.',':']: ln = let
CS = plt.contour(X[1:-1,1:-1],Y[1:-1,1:-1],dk,[0.99999999999],colors=col,linestyles=ln)
xlims = ax.get_xlim()
ylims = ax.get_ylim()
if mesh_lines:
# add grid lines
if slice[0] == 'z':
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['x']):
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['y']):
elif slice[0] == 'x':
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['y']):
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['z']):
elif slice[0] == 'y':
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['x']):
for t in np.unique(self[self.times[0]]['z']):
if save:
extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save=save,variable=variable,time=time)
plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait',
format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
if pdf:
os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname)
[docs] def profile(self, variable, profile, time=None, divisions=30, method='nearest'):
'''Return variable data along the specified line in 3-D space. If only two points are supplied,
the profile is assumed to be a straight line between them.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure. Can specify multiple variables with a list.
:type variable: str, lst[str]
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data.
:type time: fl64
:param profile: Three column array with each row corresponding to a point in the profile.
:type profile: ndarray
:param divisions: Number of points in profile. Only relevant if straight line profile being constructed from two points.
:type divisions: int
:param method: Interpolation method, options are 'nearest' (default) and 'linear'.
:type method: str
:returns: Multi-column array. Columns are in order x, y and z coordinates of profile, followed by requested variables.
if isinstance(profile,list): profile = np.array(profile)
if divisions: divisions = int(divisions)
if time==None: time = self.times[-1]
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
if not isinstance(variable,list): variable = [variable,]
dat = self[time]
points = np.transpose(np.array([dat['x'],dat['y'],dat['z']]))
if profile.shape[0]==2:
# construct line profile
xrange = np.linspace(profile[0][0],profile[1][0],divisions)
yrange = np.linspace(profile[0][1],profile[1][1],divisions)
zrange = np.linspace(profile[0][2],profile[1][2],divisions)
profile = np.transpose(np.array([xrange,yrange,zrange]))
outpoints = [list(profile[:,0]),list(profile[:,1]),list(profile[:,2])]
for var in variable:
vals = np.transpose(np.array(dat[var]))
valsI = griddata(points,vals,profile,method=method)
return np.array(outpoints).transpose()
[docs] def profile_plot(self,variable=None,time=None, profile=[],divisions = 30,xlims=[],ylims=[],
color='k',marker='x-',save='',xlabel='distance / m',ylabel='',title='',font_size='medium',method='nearest',
'''Return a plot of the given variable along a specified profile. If the profile comprises two points,
these are interpreted as the start and end points of a straight line profile.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure. Can specify multiple variables with a list.
:type variable: str, lst[str]
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data. If a list of two times is passed, the difference between the first and last is plotted.
:type time: fl64
:param profile: Three column array with each row corresponding to a point in the profile.
:type profile: ndarray
:param divisions: Number of points in profile. Only relevant if straight line profile being constructed from two points.
:type divisions: int
:param method: Interpolation method, options are 'nearest' (default) and 'linear'.
:type method: str
:param xlims: Plot limits on x-axis.
:type xlims: [fl64, fl64]
:param ylims: Plot limits on y-axis.
:type ylims: [fl64, fl64]
:param color: Colour of profile.
:type color: str
:param marker: Style of line, e.g., 'x-' = solid line with crosses, 'o:' dotted line with circles.
:type marker: str
:param save: Name to save plot. Format specified extension (default .png if none give). Supported extensions: .png, .eps, .pdf.
:type save: str
:param xlabel: Label on x-axis.
:type xlabel: str
:param ylabel: Label on y-axis.
:type ylabel: str
:param title: Plot title.
:type title: str
:param font_size: Specify text size, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'.
:type font_size: str, int
:param verticalPlot: Flag to plot variable against profile distance on the y-axis.
:type verticalPlot: bool
:param elevationPlot: Flag to plot variable against elevation on the y-axis.
:type elevationPlot: bool
save = os_path(save)
if time==None: time = self.times[-1]
delta = False
if isinstance(time,list) or isinstance(time,np.ndarray):
if len(time)>1:
time0 = np.min(time)
time = np.max(time)
if not variable:
s = ['ERROR: no plot variable specified.']
s.append('Options are')
for var in self.variables: s.append(var)
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
if not ylabel: ylabel = variable
ax = plt.axes([0.15,0.15,0.75,0.75])
outpts = self.profile(variable=variable,profile=profile,time=time,divisions=divisions,method=method)
if delta:
outptsI = self.profile(variable=variable,profile=profile,time=time,divisions=divisions,method=method)
outpts[:,3] = outpts[:,3] - outptsI[:,3]
x0,y0,z0 = outpts[0,:3]
x = np.sqrt((outpts[:,0]-x0)**2+(outpts[:,1]-y0)**2+(outpts[:,2]-z0)**2)
y = outpts[:,3]
if verticalPlot:
temp = x; x = y; y = temp
temp = xlabel; xlabel = ylabel; ylabel = temp
temp = xlims; xlims = ylims; ylims = temp
if elevationPlot:
x = outpts[:,3]
y = outpts[:,2]
temp = xlabel; xlabel = ylabel; ylabel = temp
temp = xlims; xlims = ylims; ylims = temp
if xlims: ax.set_xlim(xlims)
if ylims: ax.set_ylim(ylims)
if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size)
if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size)
if title: plt.title(title,size=font_size)
for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
for t in ax.get_yticklabels():
extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable=variable,time=time)
plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait',
format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
if pdf:
os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname)
[docs] def cutaway_plot(self,variable=None,time=None,divisions=[20,20,20],levels=10,cbar=False,angle=[45,45],xlims=[],method='nearest',
ylims=[],zlims=[],colors='k',linestyle='-',save='', xlabel='x / m', ylabel='y / m', zlabel='z / m', title='',
'''Returns a filled plot of contour data on each of 3 planes in a cutaway plot. Invokes the ``slice()`` method to interpolate slice data for plotting.
:param variable: Output data variable, for example 'P' = pressure.
:type variable: str
:param time: Time for which output data is requested. Can be supplied via ``fcontour.times`` list. Default is most recently available data. If a list of two times is passed, the difference between the first and last is plotted.
:type time: fl64
:param divisions: Resolution to supply mesh data in [x,y,z] coordinates.
:type divisions: [int,int,int]
:param levels: Contour levels to plot. Can specify specific levels in list form, or a single integer indicating automatic assignment of levels.
:type levels: lst[fl64], int
:param cbar: Include colour bar.
:type cbar: bool
:param angle: View angle of zone. First number is tilt angle in degrees, second number is azimuth. Alternatively, if angle is 'x', 'y', 'z', view is aligned along the corresponding axis.
:type angle: [fl64,fl64], str
:param method: Method of interpolation, options are 'nearest', 'linear'.
:type method: str
:param xlims: Plot limits on x-axis.
:type xlims: [fl64, fl64]
:param ylims: Plot limits on y-axis.
:type ylims: [fl64, fl64]
:param zlims: Plot limits on z-axis.
:type zlims: [fl64, fl64]
:param colors: Specify colour string for contour levels.
:type colors: lst[str]
:param linestyle: Style of contour lines, e.g., 'k-' = solid black line, 'r:' red dotted line.
:type linestyle: str
:param save: Name to save plot. Format specified extension (default .png if none give). Supported extensions: .png, .eps, .pdf.
:type save: str
:param xlabel: Label on x-axis.
:type xlabel: str
:param ylabel: Label on y-axis.
:type ylabel: str
:param zlabel: Label on z-axis.
:type zlabel: str
:param title: Plot title.
:type title: str
:param font_size: Specify text size, either as an integer or string, e.g., 10, 'small', 'x-large'.
:type font_size: str, int
:param equal_axes: Force plotting with equal aspect ratios for all axes.
:type equal_axes: bool
:param grid_lines: Extend tick lines across plot according to specified linestyle, e.g., 'k:' is a dotted black line.
:type grid_lines: bool
save = os_path(save)
# check inputs
if time==None: time = self.times[-1]
delta = False
if isinstance(time,list) or isinstance(time,np.ndarray):
if len(time)>1:
time0 = np.min(time)
time = np.max(time)
return_flag = self._check_inputs(variable=variable,time=time,slice=slice)
if return_flag: return
# set up axes
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[11.7,8.275])
ax = plt.axes(projection='3d')
ax.set_aspect('equal', 'datalim')
# make axes equal
if 'x' not in self.variables or 'y' not in self.variables or 'z' not in self.variables:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: No xyz data, skipping',self._silent)
xmin,xmax = np.min(self[time]['x']),np.max(self[time]['x'])
ymin,ymax = np.min(self[time]['y']),np.max(self[time]['y'])
zmin,zmax = np.min(self[time]['z']),np.max(self[time]['z'])
if equal_axes:
MAX = np.max([xmax-xmin,ymax-ymin,zmax-zmin])/2
C = np.array([xmin+xmax,ymin+ymax,zmin+zmax])/2
for direction in (-1, 1):
for point in np.diag(direction * MAX * np.array([1,1,1])):
ax.plot([point[0]+C[0]], [point[1]+C[1]], [point[2]+C[2]], 'w')
if not xlims: xlims = [xmin,xmax]
if not ylims: ylims = [ymin,ymax]
if not zlims: zlims = [zmin,zmax]
# set view angle
scale = 1e6
levels = [l/scale for l in levels]
X, Y, Z, valsI = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[1],ylims[1],zlims[0]]], [divisions[0],divisions[1]], time, method)
if delta:
X, Y, Z, valsIi = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[1],ylims[1],zlims[0]]], [divisions[0],divisions[1]], time0, method)
valsI = valsI - valsIi
cset = ax.contourf(X, Y, valsI/scale, zdir='z', offset=zlims[0], cmap=cm.coolwarm,levels=levels)
X, Y, Z, valsI = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[0],ylims[1],zlims[1]]], [divisions[1],divisions[2]], time, method)
if delta:
X, Y, Z, valsIi = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[0],ylims[1],zlims[1]]], [divisions[1],divisions[2]], time0, method)
valsI = valsI - valsIi
cset = ax.contourf(valsI/scale, Y, Z, zdir='x', offset=xlims[0], cmap=cm.coolwarm,levels=levels)
X, Y, Z, valsI = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[1],ylims[0],zlims[1]]], [divisions[0],divisions[2]], time, method)
if delta:
X, Y, Z, valsIi = self.slice(variable, [[xlims[0],ylims[0],zlims[0]],[xlims[1],ylims[0],zlims[1]]], [divisions[0],divisions[2]], time0, method)
valsI = valsI - valsIi
cset = ax.contourf(X, valsI/scale, Z, zdir='y', offset=ylims[0], cmap=cm.coolwarm,levels=levels)
if cbar:
tick_labels = [str(float(t*scale)) for t in levels]
cbar.locator = matplotlib.ticker.FixedLocator(levels)
cbar.formatter = matplotlib.ticker.FixedFormatter(tick_labels)
if grid_lines:
# add grid lines
xticks = ax.get_xticks()
yticks = ax.get_yticks()
zticks = ax.get_zticks()
off = 0.
for t in xticks:
for t in yticks:
for t in zticks:
for t in ax.get_yticklabels():
for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
for t in ax.get_zticklabels():
extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save=save,variable=variable,time=time)
plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait',
format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
[docs] def node(self,node,time=None,variable=None):
'''Returns all information for a specific node.
If time and variable not specified, a dictionary of time series is returned with variables as the dictionary keys.
If only time is specified, a dictionary of variable values at that time is returned, with variables as dictionary keys.
If only variable is specified, a time series vector is returned for that variable.
If both time and variable are specified, a single value is returned, corresponding to the variable value at that time, at that node.
:param node: Node index for which variable information required.
:type node: int
:param time: Time at which variable information required. If not specified, all output.
:type time: fl64
:param variable: Variable for which information requested. If not specified, all output.
:type variable: str
if 'n' not in self.variables:
pyfehm_print('Node information not available',self._silent)
nd = np.where(self[self.times[0]]['n']==node)[0][0]
if time is None and variable is None:
ks = copy(self.variables); ks.remove('n')
outdat = dict([(k,[]) for k in ks])
for t in self.times:
dat = self[t]
for k in outdat.keys():
elif time is None:
if variable not in self.variables:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: no variable by that name',self._silent)
outdat = []
for t in self.times:
dat = self[t]
outdat = np.array(outdat)
elif variable is None:
ks = copy(self.variables); ks.remove('n')
outdat = dict([(k,self[time][k][nd]) for k in ks])
outdat = self[time][variable][nd]
return outdat
[docs] def paraview(self, grid, stor = None, exe = dflt.paraview_path,filename = 'temp.vtk',show=None,diff = False,zscale = 1., time_derivatives = False):
""" Launches an instance of Paraview that displays the contour object.
:param grid: Path to grid file associated with FEHM simulation that produced the contour output.
:type grid: str
:param stor: Path to grid file associated with FEHM simulation that produced the contour output.
:type stor: str
:param exe: Path to Paraview executable.
:type exe: str
:param filename: Name of VTK file to be output.
:type filename: str
:param show: Variable to show when Paraview starts up (default = first available variable in contour object).
:type show: str
:param diff: Flag to request PyFEHM to also plot differences of contour variables (from initial state) with time.
:type diff: bool
:param zscale: Factor by which to scale z-axis. Useful for visualising laterally extensive flow systems.
:type zscale: fl64
:param time_derivatives: Calculate new fields for time derivatives of contour data. For precision reasons, derivatives are calculated with units of 'per day'.
:type time_derivatives: bool
from fdata import fdata
dat = fdata()
if show is None:
for var in self.variables:
if var not in ['x','y','z','n']: break
show = var
def _get_variables(self): return self._variables
variables = property(_get_variables)#: (*lst[str]*) List of variables for which output data are available.
def _get_user_variables(self): return self._user_variables
user_variables = property(_get_user_variables) #: (*lst[str]*) List of user-defined variables for which output data are available.
def _get_format(self): return self._format
format = property(_get_format) #: (*str*) Format of output file, options are 'tec', 'surf', 'avs' and 'avsx'.
def _get_filename(self): return self._filename
filename = property(_get_filename) #: (*str*) Name of FEHM contour output file. Wildcards can be used to define multiple input files.
def _get_times(self): return np.sort(self._times)
times = property(_get_times) #: (*lst[fl64]*) List of times (in seconds) for which output data are available.
def _get_material_properties(self): return self._material_properties
def _set_material_properties(self,value): self._material_properties = value
material_properties = property(_get_material_properties, _set_material_properties) #: (*lst[str]*) List of material properties, keys for the material attribute.
def _get_material(self): return self._material
def _set_material(self,value): self._material = value
material = property(_get_material, _set_material) #: (*dict[str]*) Dictionary of material properties, keyed by property name, items indexed by node_number - 1. This attribute is empty if no material property file supplied.
def _get_x(self): return self._x
def _set_x(self,value): self._x = value
x = property(_get_x, _set_x) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Unique list of nodal x-coordinates for grid.
def _get_y(self): return self._y
def _set_y(self,value): self._y = value
y = property(_get_y, _set_y) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Unique list of nodal y-coordinates for grid.
def _get_z(self): return self._z
def _set_z(self,value): self._z = value
z = property(_get_z, _set_z) #: (*lst[fl64]*) Unique list of nodal z-coordinates for grid.
def _get_xmin(self): return self._xmin
def _set_xmin(self,value): self._xmin = value
xmin = property(_get_xmin, _set_xmin) #: (*fl64*) Minimum nodal x-coordinate for grid.
def _get_xmax(self): return self._xmax
def _set_xmax(self,value): self._xmax = value
xmax = property(_get_xmax, _set_xmax) #: (*fl64*) Maximum nodal x-coordinate for grid.
def _get_ymin(self): return self._ymin
def _set_ymin(self,value): self._ymin = value
ymin = property(_get_ymin, _set_ymin) #: (*fl64*) Minimum nodal y-coordinate for grid.
def _get_ymax(self): return self._ymax
def _set_ymax(self,value): self._ymax = value
ymax = property(_get_ymax, _set_ymax) #: (*fl64*) Maximum nodal y-coordinate for grid.
def _get_zmin(self): return self._zmin
def _set_zmin(self,value): self._zmin = value
zmin = property(_get_zmin, _set_zmin) #: (*fl64*) Minimum nodal z-coordinate for grid.
def _get_zmax(self): return self._zmax
def _set_zmax(self,value): self._zmax = value
zmax = property(_get_zmax, _set_zmax) #: (*fl64*) Maximum nodal z-coordinate for grid.
def _get_information(self):
print 'FEHM contour output - format '+self._format
print ' call format: fcontour[time][variable][node_index-1]'
prntStr = ' times ('+str(len(self.times))+'): '
for time in self.times: prntStr += str(time)+', '
print prntStr[:-2]+' days'
prntStr = ' variables: '
for var in self.variables: prntStr += str(var)+', '
for var in self.user_variables: prntStr += str(var)+', '
print prntStr
what = property(_get_information) #:(*str*) Print out information about the fcontour object.
[docs]class fhistory(object): # Reading and plotting methods associated with history output data.
'''History output information object.
def __init__(self,filename=None,verbose=True):
self._silent = dflt.silent
self._format = ''
self._verbose = verbose
self._zones = []
self._user_variables = []
filename = os_path(filename)
if filename: self._filename=filename; self.read(filename)
def __getitem__(self,key):
if key in self.variables or key in self.user_variables:
return self._data[key]
else: return None
def __repr__(self):
retStr = 'History output for variables '
for var in self.variables:
retStr += var+', '
retStr = retStr[:-2] + ' at '
if len(self.nodes)>10:
retStr += str(len(self.nodes)) + ' nodes.'
if len(self.nodes)==1:
retStr += 'node '
retStr += 'nodes '
for nd in self.nodes:
retStr += str(nd) + ', '
retStr = retStr[:-2] + '.'
return retStr
[docs] def read(self,filename): # read contents of file
'''Read in FEHM history output information.
:param filename: File name for output data, can include wildcards to define multiple output files.
:type filename: str
from glob import glob
import re
glob_pattern = re.sub(r'\[','[[]',filename)
glob_pattern = re.sub(r'(?<!\[)\]','[]]', glob_pattern)
for i,fname in enumerate(files):
if self._verbose:
if header.strip()=='': continue # empty file
if self.format=='tec':
if header.strip()=='': continue # empty file
i = 0; sum_file = False
while not header.startswith('variables'):
i = i+1
if i==10: sum_file=True; break
if sum_file: continue
elif self.format=='surf':
elif self.format=='default':
if header.strip()=='': continue # empty file
i = 0; sum_file = False
while not header.startswith('Time '):
i = i+1
if i==10: sum_file=True; break
if sum_file: continue
else: pyfehm_print('Unrecognised format',self._silent);return
if not configured:
self.num_columns = len(self.nodes)+1
if self.num_columns>0: configured=True
if self.format=='tec':
elif self.format=='surf':
elif self.format=='default':
def _detect_format(self,header):
if header.startswith('TITLE'):
self._format = 'tec'
elif header.startswith('Time '):
self._format = 'surf'
self._format = 'default'
def _setup_headers_tec(self,header):
header=header.split('" "Node')
if self.nodes: return
for key in header[1:-1]: self._nodes.append(int(key))
def _setup_headers_surf(self,header):
header=header.split(', Node')
if self.nodes: return
for key in header[1:]: self._nodes.append(int(key))
def _setup_headers_default(self,header):
header=header.split(' Node')
if self.nodes: return
for key in header[1:]: self._nodes.append(int(key))
def _read_data_tec(self,var_key):
lns = self._file.readlines()
i = 0
while lns[i].startswith('text'): i+=1
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[hist_var_names[var_key]] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
def _read_data_surf(self,var_key):
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split(',')])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[hist_var_names[var_key]] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
def _read_data_default(self,var_key):
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[hist_var_names[var_key]] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
[docs] def time_plot(self, variable=None, node=0, t_lim=[],var_lim=[],marker='x-',color='k',save='',xlabel='',ylabel='',
title='',font_size='medium',scale=1.,scale_t=1.): # produce a time plot
'''Generate and save a time series plot of the history data.
:param variable: Variable to plot.
:type variable: str
:param node: Node number to plot.
:type node: int
:param t_lim: Time limits on x axis.
:type t_lim: lst[fl64,fl64]
:param var_lim: Variable limits on y axis.
:type var_lim: lst[fl64,fl64]
:param marker: String denoting marker and linetype, e.g., ':s', 'o--'. Default is 'x-' (solid line with crosses).
:type marker: str
:param color: String denoting colour. Default is 'k' (black).
:type color: str
:param save: Name to save plot.
:type save: str
:param xlabel: Label on x axis.
:type xlabel: str
:param ylabel: Label on y axis.
:type ylabel: str
:param title: Title of plot.
:type title: str
:param font_size: Font size for axis labels.
:type font_size: str
:param scale: If a single number is given, then the output variable will be multiplied by this number. If a two element list is supplied then the output variable will be transformed according to y = scale[0]*x+scale[1]. Useful for transforming between coordinate systems.
:type scale: fl64
:param scale_t: As for scale but applied to the time axis.
:type scale_t: fl64
save = os_path(save)
if not node: pyfehm_print('ERROR: no plot node specified.',self._silent); return
if not variable:
s = ['ERROR: no plot variable specified.']
s.append('Options are')
for var in self.variables: s.append(var)
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
if not node:
s = ['ERROR: no plot node specified.']
s.append('Options are')
for node in self.nodes: s.append(node)
s = '\n'.join(s)
return True
ax = plt.axes([0.15,0.15,0.75,0.75])
if not isinstance(scale,list):
if not isinstance(scale_t,list):
elif len(scale_t) == 2:
elif len(scale) == 2:
if not isinstance(scale_t,list):
elif len(scale_t) == 2:
if t_lim: ax.set_xlim(t_lim)
if var_lim: ax.set_ylim(var_lim)
if xlabel: plt.xlabel(xlabel,size=font_size)
if ylabel: plt.ylabel(ylabel,size=font_size)
if title: plt.title(title,size=font_size)
for t in ax.get_xticklabels():
for t in ax.get_yticklabels():
extension, save_fname, pdf = save_name(save,variable=variable,node=node)
plt.savefig(save_fname, dpi=100, facecolor='w', edgecolor='w',orientation='portrait',
format=extension,transparent=True, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1)
if pdf:
os.system('epstopdf ' + save_fname)
def new_variable(self,name,node,data):
'''Creates a new variable, which is some combination of the available variables.
:param name: Name for the variable.
:type name: str
:param time: Node key which the variable should be associated with. Must be one of the existing keys, i.e., an item in fhistory.nodes.
:type time: fl64
:param data: Variable data, most likely some combination of the available parameters, e.g., pressure*temperature, pressure[t=10] - pressure[t=5]
:type data: lst[fl64]
if node not in self.nodes:
pyfehm_print('ERROR: supplied node must correspond to an existing node in fhistory.nodes',self._silent)
if name not in self._user_variables:
self._data.update({name:dict([(nd,None) for nd in self.nodes])})
if name not in self._user_variables:
self._data[name][node] = data
def _get_variables(self): return self._variables
variables = property(_get_variables)#: (*lst[str]*) List of variables for which output data are available.
def _get_user_variables(self): return self._user_variables
def _set_user_variables(self,value): self._user_variables = value
user_variables = property(_get_user_variables, _set_user_variables) #: (*lst[str]*) List of user-defined variables for which output data are available.
def _get_format(self): return self._format
format = property(_get_format) #: (*str*) Format of output file, options are 'tec', 'surf', 'avs' and 'avsx'.
def _get_filename(self): return self._filename
filename = property(_get_filename) #: (*str*) Name of FEHM contour output file. Wildcards can be used to define multiple input files.
def _get_times(self): return np.sort(self._times)
times = property(_get_times) #: (*lst[fl64]*) List of times (in seconds) for which output data are available.
def _get_nodes(self): return self._nodes
nodes = property(_get_nodes) #: (*lst[fl64]*) List of node indices for which output data are available.
def _get_information(self):
print 'FEHM history output - format '+self._format
print ' call format: fhistory[variable][node][time_index]'
prntStr = ' nodes: '
for nd in self.nodes: prntStr += str(nd)+', '
print prntStr
prntStr = ' times ('+str(len(self.times))+'): '
for time in self.times: prntStr += str(time)+', '
print prntStr[:-2]+' days'
prntStr = ' variables: '
for var in self.variables: prntStr += str(var)+', '
print prntStr
what = property(_get_information) #:(*str*) Print out information about the fhistory object.
[docs]class fzoneflux(fhistory): # Derived class of fhistory, for zoneflux output
'''Zone flux history output information object.
# __slots__ = ['_filename','_times','_verbose','_data','_row','_zones','_variables','_keyrows','column_name','num_columns','_nkeys']
def __init__(self,filename=None,verbose=True):
super(fzoneflux,self).__init__(filename, verbose)
self._verbose = verbose
if filename: self._filename=filename; self.read(filename)
def _setup_headers_tec(self,header):
def _read_data_tec(self,var_key):
zn = int(var_key[-5:])
if var_key.startswith('c'):
if zn not in self._zones: self._zones.append(zn)
if 'co2_source' not in self._variables:
self._variables += flxz_co2_names
for var in flxz_co2_names: self._data[var] = {}
lns = self._file.readlines()
i = 0
while lns[i].startswith('text'): i+=1
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
for j,var_key in enumerate(flxz_co2_names):
elif var_key.startswith('w'):
if zn not in self._zones: self._zones.append(zn)
if 'water_source' not in self._variables:
self._variables += flxz_water_names
for var in flxz_water_names: self._data[var] = {}
lns = self._file.readlines()
i = 0
while lns[i].startswith('text'): i+=1
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
for j,var_key in enumerate(flxz_water_names):
elif var_key.startswith('v'):
if zn not in self._zones: self._zones.append(zn)
if 'vapor_source' not in self._variables:
self._variables += flxz_vapor_names
for var in flxz_vapor_names: self._data[var] = {}
lns = self._file.readlines()
i = 0
while lns[i].startswith('text'): i+=1
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
for j,var_key in enumerate(flxz_vapor_names):
def _read_data_surf(self,var_key):
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split(',')])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[hist_var_names[var_key]] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
def _read_data_default(self,var_key):
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns[i:]: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[hist_var_names[var_key]] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
def _get_zones(self): return self._zones
def _set_zones(self,value): self._zones = value
zones = property(_get_zones, _set_zones) #: (*lst[int]*) List of zone indices for which output data are available.
[docs]class fnodeflux(object): # Reading and plotting methods associated with internode flux files.
'''Internode flux information.
Can read either water or CO2 internode flux files.
The fnodeflux object is indexed first by node pair - represented as a tuple of node indices - and then
by either the string 'liquid' or 'vapor'. Data values are in time order, as given in the 'times' attribute.
def __init__(self,filename=None):
self._filename = filename
self._silent = dflt.silent
self._nodepairs = []
self._times = []
self._timesteps = []
self._data = {}
if self._filename: self.read(self._filename)
def __getitem__(self,key):
if key in self.nodepairs:
return self._data[key]
else: return None
[docs] def read(self,filename):
'''Read in FEHM contour output information.
:param filename: File name for output data, can include wildcards to define multiple output files.
:type filename: str
if not os.path.isfile(filename):
pyfehm_print('ERROR: cannot find file at '+filename,self._silent)
fp = open(filename)
lns = fp.readlines()
N = int(lns[0].split()[1])
data = np.zeros((N,len(lns)/(N+1),2)) # temporary data storage struc
for ln in lns[1:N+1]:
ln = ln.split()
self._nodepairs.append((int(float(ln[0])),int(float(ln[1])))) # append node pair
for i in range(len(lns)/(N+1)):
ln = lns[(N+1)*i:(N+1)*(i+1)]
nums = ln[0].split()
for j,lni in enumerate(ln[1:]):
lnis = lni.split()
data[j,i,0] = float(lnis[2])
data[j,i,1] = float(lnis[3])
for i,nodepair in enumerate(self.nodepairs):
self._data[nodepair] = dict([(var,data[i,:,icol]) for icol,var in enumerate(['vapor','liquid'])])
def _get_filename(self): return self._filename
def _set_filename(self,value): self._filename = value
filename = property(_get_filename, _set_filename) #: (*str*) filename target for internode flux file.
def _get_timesteps(self): return np.sort(self._timesteps)
def _set_timesteps(self,value): self._timesteps = value
timesteps = property(_get_timesteps, _set_timesteps) #: (*lst*) timestep for which node flux information is reported.
def _get_times(self): return np.sort(self._times)
def _set_times(self,value): self._times = value
times = property(_get_times, _set_times) #: (*lst*) times for which node flux information is reported.
def _get_nodepairs(self): return self._nodepairs
def _set_nodepairs(self,value): self._nodepairs = value
nodepairs = property(_get_nodepairs, _set_nodepairs) #: (*lst*) node pairs for which node flux information is available. Each node pair is represented as a two item tuple of node indices.
[docs]class ftracer(fhistory): # Derived class of fhistory, for tracer output
'''Tracer history output information object.
def __init__(self,filename=None,verbose=True):
super(ftracer,self).__init__(filename, verbose)
self._verbose = verbose
if filename: self._filename=filename; self.read(filename)
def _read_data_default(self,var_key):
try: var_key = hist_var_names[var_key]
except: pass
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data[var_key] = dict([(node,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,node in enumerate(self.nodes)])
[docs]class fptrk(fhistory): # Derived class of fhistory, for particle tracking output
'''Tracer history output information object.
def __init__(self,filename=None,verbose=True):
super(fptrk,self).__init__(filename, verbose)
self._silent = dflt.silent
self._verbose = verbose
if filename: self._filename=filename; self.read(filename)
def read(self,filename): # read contents of file
'''Read in FEHM particle tracking output information. Index by variable name.
:param filename: File name for output data, can include wildcards to define multiple output files.
:type filename: str
from glob import glob
import re
glob_pattern = re.sub(r'\[','[[]',filename)
glob_pattern = re.sub(r'(?<!\[)\]','[]]', glob_pattern)
for i,fname in enumerate(files):
if self._verbose:
if header.strip()=='': continue # empty file
def _setup_headers_default(self,header):
header = [h for h in header if h != ' ']
for var in header: self._variables.append(var)
def _read_data_default(self):
lns = self._file.readlines()
data = []
for ln in lns: data.append([float(d) for d in ln.strip().split()])
data = np.array(data)
if data[-1,0]<data[-2,0]: data = data[:-1,:]
self._times = np.array(data[:,0])
self._data = dict([(var,data[:,icol+1]) for icol,var in enumerate(self.variables)])
[docs]class multi_pdf(object):
'''Tool for making a single pdf document from multiple eps files.'''
def __init__(self,combineString = 'gswin64',
save='multi_plot.pdf',files = [],delete_files = True):
self.combineString = combineString
self._silent = dflt.silent
self._save = os_path(save)
self._delete_files = delete_files
def _assign_files(self,files):
if files == []: self._files = {}
if isinstance(files,list):
self._files = dict([(i+1,file) for i,file in enumerate(files)])
elif isinstance(files,dict):
ks = files.keys()
for k in ks:
if not isinstance(k,int):pyfehm_print('ERROR: Dictionary keys must be integers.',self._silent);return
self._files = files
elif isinstance(files,str):
self._files = dict(((1,files),))
[docs] def add(self,filename,pagenum=None):
'''Add a new page. If a page number is specified, the page will replace the current.
Otherwise it will be appended to the end of the document.
:param filename: Name of .eps file to be added.
:type filename: str
:param pagenum: Page number of file to be added.
:type pagenum: int
if len(filename.split('.'))==1: filename += '.eps'
if not os.path.isfile(filename): print 'WARNING: '+filename+' not found.'; return
if not filename.endswith('.eps'): print 'WARNING: Non EPS format not supported.'
if pagenum and pagenum in self.files.keys():
print 'WARNING: Replacing '+self.files[pagenum]
self.files[pagenum] = filename
if not pagenum: pagenum = self._pagemax+1
[docs] def insert(self,filename,pagenum):
'''Insert a new page at the given page number.
:param filename: Name of .eps file to be inserted.
:type filename: str
:param pagenum: Page number of file to be inserted.
:type pagenum: int
if len(filename.split('.'))==1: filename += '.eps'
if not os.path.isfile(filename): print 'WARNING: '+filename+' found.'; return
if not filename.endswith('.eps'): print 'WARNING: Non EPS format not supported.'
if pagenum > self._pagemax: self.add(filename); return
ks = self._files.keys()
self._files = dict([(k,self._files[k]) for k in ks if k < pagenum]+
[(pagenum,filename)]+[(k+1,self._files[k]) for k in ks if k >= pagenum])
[docs] def make(self):
'''Construct the pdf.'''
cs = self.combineString + ' -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile='+self.save
for i in np.sort(self.files.keys()):
if not self.files[i].endswith('.eps'): print 'WARNING: Cannot combine '+self.files[i]+'. EPS format required. Skipping...'; continue
if len(self.files[i].split()) != 1:
cs += ' "'+self.files[i]+'"'
cs += ' '+self.files[i]
for i in np.sort(self.files.keys()):
if len(self.files[i].split()) != 1:
os.system(delStr+' "'+self.files[i]+'"')
os.system(delStr+' '+self.files[i])
def _get_combineString(self): return self._combineString
def _set_combineString(self,value): self._combineString = value
combineString = property(_get_combineString, _set_combineString) #: (*str*) Command line command, with options, generate pdf from multiple eps files. See manual for further instructions.
def _get_files(self): return self._files
files = property(_get_files) #: (*lst[str]*) List of eps files to be assembled into pdf.
def _get_pagemax(self):
ks = self._files.keys()
for k in ks:
if not isinstance(k,int): print 'ERROR: Non integer dictionary key'; return
if len(ks) == 0: return 0
return np.max(ks)
_pagemax = property(_get_pagemax)
def _get_save(self): return self._save
def _set_save(self,value): self._save = value
save = property(_get_save, _set_save) #: (*str*) Name of the final pdf to output.
"""Classes for VTK output."""
class fStructuredGrid(pv.StructuredGrid):
def __init__(self,dimensions,points):
def to_string(self, time = None, format='ascii'):
t = self.get_datatype(self.points)
# include time information
if time is not None:
ret.append('FIELD FieldData 2')
ret.append('TIME 1 1 double')
ret.append('CYCLE 1 1 int')
ret.append('DIMENSIONS %s %s %s'%self.dimensions)
ret.append('POINTS %s %s'%(self.get_size(),t))
return '\n'.join(ret)
class fUnstructuredGrid(pv.UnstructuredGrid):
def __init__(self,points,vertex=[],poly_vertex=[],line=[],poly_line=[],
def to_string(self,time = None,format='ascii'):
t = self.get_datatype(self.points)
# include time information
if time is not None:
ret.append('FIELD FieldData 2')
ret.append('TIME 1 1 double')
ret.append('CYCLE 1 1 int')
ret.append('POINTS %s %s'%(self.get_size(),t))
tps = []
r = []
sz = 0
for k in self._vtk_cell_types_map.keys():
kv = getattr(self,k)
if kv==[] or kv[0]==[]: continue
s = self.seq_to_string([[len(v)]+list(v) for v in kv],format,'int')
r .append(s)
for v in kv:
sz += len(v)+1
sep = (format=='ascii' and '\n') or (format=='binary' and '')
r = sep.join(r)
ret += ['CELLS %s %s'%(len(tps),sz),
'CELL_TYPES %s'%(len(tps)),
return '\n'.join(ret)
class fVtkData(pv.VtkData):
def __init__(self,*args,**kws):
self.times = []
self.material = pv.PointData()
self.contour = {}
def to_string(self, time=None, format = 'ascii',material=False):
ret = ['# vtk DataFile Version 2.0',
if self.cell_data.data:
if material:
if self.contour[time].data:
return '\n'.join(ret)
def tofile(self, filename, format = 'ascii'):
"""Save VTK data to file.
written_files = []
if not pv.common.is_string(filename):
raise TypeError,'argument filename must be string but got %s'%(type(filename))
if format not in ['ascii','binary']:
raise TypeError,'argument format must be ascii | binary'
filename = filename.strip()
if not filename:
raise ValueError,'filename must be non-empty string'
if filename[-4:]!='.vtk':
filename += '.vtk'
# first write material properties file
filename_int = ''.join(filename[:-4]+'_mat.vtk')
f = open(filename_int,'wb')
# write contour output file
times = np.sort(self.contour.keys())
for i,time in enumerate(times):
if len(times)>1:
filename_int = ''.join(filename[:-4]+'.%04i'%i+'.vtk')
filename_int = filename
#print 'Creating file',`filename`
f = open(filename_int,'wb')
return written_files
def tofilewell(self,filename,format = 'ascii'):
"""Save VTK data to file.
written_files = []
if not pv.common.is_string(filename):
raise TypeError,'argument filename must be string but got %s'%(type(filename))
if format not in ['ascii','binary']:
raise TypeError,'argument format must be ascii | binary'
filename = filename.strip()
# first write material properties file
f = open(filename,'wb')
class fvtk(object):
def __init__(self,parent,filename,contour,diff,zscale,spatial_derivatives,time_derivatives):
self.parent = parent
self.path = fpath(parent = self)
self.path.filename = filename
self.data = None
self.csv = None
self.contour = contour
self.variables = []
self.materials = []
self.zones = []
self.diff = diff
self.spatial_derivatives = spatial_derivatives
self.time_derivatives = time_derivatives
self.zscale = zscale
self.wells = None
def __getstate__(self):
return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__)
def __setstate__(self, data_dict):
for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems():
setattr(self, name, value)
def assemble(self):
"""Assemble all information in pyvtk objects."""
self.assemble_grid() # add grid information
self.assemble_zones() # add zone information
self.assemble_properties() # add permeability data
if self.contour != None: # add contour data
def assemble_grid(self):
"""Assemble grid information in pyvtk objects."""
# node positions, connectivity information
nds = np.array([nd.position for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
if self.zscale != 1.:
zmin = np.min(nds[:,2])
nds[:,2] = (nds[:,2]-zmin)*self.zscale+zmin
if isinstance(self.parent.grid.elemlist[0],list):
cns = [[nd-1 for nd in el] for el in self.parent.grid.elemlist]
cns = [[nd.index-1 for nd in el.nodes] for el in self.parent.grid.elemlist]
# make grid
if len(cns[0]) == 3:
self.data = fVtkData(fUnstructuredGrid(nds,triangle=cns),'PyFEHM VTK model output')
elif len(cns[0]) == 4:
self.data = fVtkData(fUnstructuredGrid(nds,tetra=cns),'PyFEHM VTK model output')
elif len(cns[0]) == 8:
self.data = fVtkData(fUnstructuredGrid(nds,hexahedron=cns),'PyFEHM VTK model output')
print "ERROR: Number of connections in connectivity not recognized: "+str(len(cns[0]))
# grid information
dat = np.array([nd.position for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
nds = np.array([nd.index for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
self.x_lim = [np.min(dat[:,0]),np.max(dat[:,0])]
self.y_lim = [np.min(dat[:,1]),np.max(dat[:,1])]
self.z_lim = [np.min(dat[:,2]),np.max(dat[:,2])]
self.n_lim = [1,len(self.parent.grid.nodelist)]
def assemble_zones(self):
"""Assemble zone information in pyvtk objects."""
# zones will be considered material properties as they only need to appear once
N = len(self.parent.grid.nodelist)
nds = np.zeros((1,N))[0]
self.parent.zonelist.sort(key=lambda x: x.index)
for zn in self.parent.zonelist:
if zn.index == 0: continue
name = 'zone%04i'%zn.index
if zn.name: name += '_'+zn.name.replace(' ','_')
zn_nds = copy(nds)
for nd in zn.nodelist: zn_nds[nd.index-1] = 1
def assemble_properties(self):
"""Assemble material properties in pyvtk objects."""
# permeabilities
perms = np.array([nd.permeability for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
if not all(v is None for v in perms):
if np.mean(perms)>0.: perms = np.log10(perms)
blank = [-1.e30 for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist]
props = np.array([[nd.density, nd.porosity, nd.specific_heat, nd.youngs_modulus,nd.poissons_ratio,nd.thermal_expansion,nd.pressure_coupling] for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
names = ['density','porosity','specific_heat','youngs_modulus','poissons_ratio','thermal_expansion','pressure_coupling']
for name, column in zip(names,props.T):
def add_material(self,name,data):
if all(v is None for v in data): return # if all None, no data to include
data = np.array([dt if dt is not None else -1.e30 for dt in data]) # check for None, replace with -1.e30
def assemble_contour(self):
"""Assemble contour output in pyvtk objects."""
self.data.contour = dict([(time,pv.PointData()) for time in self.contour.times])
if self.diff: time0 = self.contour.times[0]
for time in self.contour.times:
do_lims = (time == self.contour.times[-1])
for var in self.contour.variables+self.contour.user_variables:
# skip conditions
if var in self.contour.variables:
if time != self.contour.times[0] and var in ['x','y','z','n']: continue
if var not in self.contour[time].keys(): continue
if self.diff:
if var not in self.contour[time0].keys(): continue
# field for contour variable
if var not in self.variables: self.variables.append(var)
if var in ['x','y','z','n']: continue
if do_lims: self.__setattr__(var+'_lim',[np.min(self.contour[time][var]),np.max(self.contour[time][var])])
# differences from initial value
if self.diff:
# time derivatives
if self.time_derivatives:
# find position, determines type of differencing
ind = np.where(time==self.contour.times)[0][0]
if ind == 0:
# forward difference
dt = self.contour.times[1]-time
f0 = self.contour[time][var]
f1 = self.contour[self.contour.times[1]][var]
dat = (f1-f0)/dt
elif ind == (len(self.contour.times)-1):
# backward difference
dt = time-self.contour.times[-2]
f0 = self.contour[self.contour.times[-2]][var]
f1 = self.contour[time][var]
dat = (f1-f0)/dt
# central difference
dt1 = time - self.contour.times[ind-1]
dt2 = self.contour.times[ind+1] - time
f0 = self.contour[self.contour.times[ind-1]][var]
f1 = self.contour[time][var]
f2 = self.contour[self.contour.times[ind+1]][var]
dat = -dt2/(dt1*(dt1+dt2))*f0 + (dt2-dt1)/(dt1*dt2)*f1 + dt1/(dt2*(dt1+dt2))*f2
if 'flux_x' in self.contour.variables and 'flux_y' in self.contour.variables and 'flux_z' in self.contour.variables:
flux = [(self.contour[time]['flux_x'][i],self.contour[time]['flux_y'][i],self.contour[time]['flux_z'][i]) for i in range(len(self.contour[time]['flux_x']))]
if 'flux_x_vap' in self.contour.variables and 'flux_y_vap' in self.contour.variables and 'flux_z_vap' in self.contour.variables:
flux = [(self.contour[time]['flux_x_vap'][i],self.contour[time]['flux_y_vap'][i],self.contour[time]['flux_z_vap'][i]) for i in range(len(self.contour[time]['flux_x_vap']))]
def write(self):
"""Call to write out vtk files."""
if self.parent.work_dir: wd = self.parent.work_dir
else: wd = self.parent._path.absolute_to_file
if wd is None: wd = ''
else: wd += os.sep
fls = self.data.tofile(wd+self.path.filename)
# save file names for later use
self.material_file = fls[0]
self.contour_files = []
if len(fls)>1:
self.contour_files = fls[1:]
return fls
def write_wells(self,wells):
"""Receives a dictionary of well track objects, creates the corresponding vtk grid.
nds = np.array([nd.position for nd in self.parent.grid.nodelist])
zmin = np.min(nds[:,2])
for k in wells.keys():
well = wells[k]
if isinstance(well,np.ndarray):
nds = well
cns = [[i,i+1] for i in range(np.shape(nds)[0]-1)]
grid = fVtkData(fUnstructuredGrid(nds,line=cns),'Well track: %s'%k)
nds = np.array([[well.location[0],well.location[1],(z-zmin)*self.zscale+zmin] for z in well.data[:,0]])
cns = [[i,i+1] for i in range(np.shape(nds)[0]-1)]
grid = fVtkData(fUnstructuredGrid(nds,line=cns),'RAGE well track: %s'%well.name)
grid.material.append(pv.Scalars(well.data[:,1] ,name='T',lookup_table='default'))
self.wells = wells.keys()
def initial_display(self,show):
"""Determines what variable should be initially displayed."""
mat_vars = ['n','x','y','z','perm_x','perm_y','perm_z','porosity','density','cond_x','cond_y','cond_z']
if self.contour:
cont_vars = self.contour.variables
# convert k* format to perm_*
if show == 'kx': show = 'perm_x'
elif show == 'ky': show = 'perm_y'
elif show == 'kz': show = 'perm_z'
# check for unspecified coordinate in potentially anisotropic properties
if show in ['permeability','perm']:
print 'NOTE: plotting z-component of permeability, for other components specify show=\'perm_x\', etc.'
show = 'perm_z'
if show in ['conducitivity','cond']:
print 'NOTE: plotting z-component of conductivity, for other components specify show=\'cond_x\', etc.'
show = 'cond_z'
# check if material property or contour output requested for display
if show in mat_vars:
self.initial_show = 'material'
self.default_material_property = show
self.default_material_lims = self.__getattribute__(show+'_lim')
if self.contour:
# get default contour variable to display
for var in self.contour.variables:
if var not in ['x','y','z','n']: break
self.default_contour_variable = var
self.default_contour_lims = self.__getattribute__(var+'_lim')
elif show in cont_vars:
self.initial_show = 'contour'
self.default_contour_variable = show
self.default_contour_lims = self.__getattribute__(show+'_lim')
self.default_material_property = 'perm_x' # default
self.default_material_lims = self.__getattribute__('perm_x_lim')
print 'ERROR: requested property or variable does not exist, available options are...'
print 'Material properties:'
for mat in mat_vars:
print ' - '+mat
print 'Contour output variables:'
for var in cont_vars:
print ' - '+var
print ''
def startup_script(self,nodes):
x0,x1 = self.parent.grid.xmin, self.parent.grid.xmax
y0,y1 = self.parent.grid.ymin, self.parent.grid.ymax
z0,z1 = self.parent.grid.zmin, self.parent.grid.zmax
z1 = self.zscale*(z1-z0)+z0
xm,ym,zm = (x0+x1)/2., (y0+y1)/2., (z0+z1)/2.
xr,yr,zr = (x1-x0), (y1-y0), (z1-z0)
dflt_mat = '\''+self.default_material_property+'\''
mat_lim = self.default_material_lims
f = open('pyfehm_paraview_startup.py','w')
contour_files=[file for file in self.contour_files]
################################### load paraview modules ######################################
lns = [
'try: paraview.simple',
'except: from paraview.simple import *',
################################### load material properties ###################################
lns += ['mat_prop = LegacyVTKReader( FileNames=[']
file = self.material_file.replace('\\','/')
lns += ['\''+file+'\',']
lns += ['] )']
lns += ['RenameSource("model", mat_prop)']
################################### initial property display ###################################
lns += [
'rv = GetRenderView()',
'dr = Show()',
'dr.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.7320508075688779',
'dr.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5]',
'rv.CenterOfRotation = [%10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f]'%(xm,ym,zm),
'rv.CameraViewUp = [-0.4, -0.11, 0.92]',
'rv.CameraPosition = [%10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f]'%(xm+2.5*xr,ym+1.5*yr,zm+1.5*zr),
'rv.CameraFocalPoint = [%10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f]'%(xm,ym,zm),
'mr = GetDisplayProperties(mat_prop)',
'mr.Representation = \'Surface With Edges\'',
'lt = GetLookupTableForArray( '+dflt_mat+', 1, RGBPoints=[%4.2f, 0.23, 0.299, 0.754, %4.2f, 0.706, 0.016, 0.15], VectorMode=\'Magnitude\', NanColor=[0.25, 0.0, 0.0], ColorSpace=\'Diverging\', ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0 )'%tuple(mat_lim),
'pf = CreatePiecewiseFunction( Points=[%4.2f, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, %4.2f, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] )'%tuple(mat_lim),
'mr.ScalarOpacityFunction = pf',
'mr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', '+dflt_mat+')',
'mr.LookupTable = lt',
'lt.ScalarOpacityFunction = pf',
'ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1 = CreateScalarBar( Title='+dflt_mat+', LabelFontSize=12, Enabled=1, TitleFontSize=12 )',
'lt = GetLookupTableForArray('+dflt_mat+', 1 )',
'ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1.LookupTable = lt',
################################### load in nodes as glyphs ###################################
ndRadius = np.min([con.distance for con in self.parent.grid.connlist])/10.
ndRadius = ndRadius*self.zscale
if nodes:
lns += [
'AnimationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()',
'AnimationScene1.AnimationTime = 0.0',
'rv.ViewTime = 0.0',
'source = FindSource("model")',
'G = Glyph( GlyphType="Arrow", GlyphTransform="Transform2" )',
'G.GlyphTransform = "Transform2"',
'G.GlyphType = "Sphere"',
'G.RandomMode = 0',
'G.ScaleMode = \'off\'',
'G.MaskPoints = 0',
'G.GlyphType.Radius = %10.5f'%ndRadius,
'RenameSource("nodes", G)',
'rv = GetRenderView()',
'mr = GetDisplayProperties(source)',
'dr = Show()',
'dr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', \'n\')',
'dr.ScaleFactor = 1.1',
'dr.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = "nodes"',
'dr.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5000076295109483]',
'dr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', \'\')',
'dr.DiffuseColor = [0.,0.,0.]',
'dr.Visibility = 0',
################################### load in zones as glyphs ###################################
colors = [
zones = []; cols = []
for zone,color in zip(self.zones,colors):
if self.show_zones == 'user':
if ('XMIN' in zone) or ('XMAX' in zone) or ('YMIN' in zone) or ('YMAX' in zone) or ('ZMIN' in zone) or ('ZMAX' in zone): continue
elif self.show_zones == 'none': continue
elif isinstance(self.show_zones,list):
if zone not in ['zone%04i_%s'%(zn.index,zn.name) for zn in self.show_zones]: continue
lns += ['cols = [']
for col in cols:
lns += ['[%3.2f,%3.2f,%3.2f],'%tuple(col)]
lns += [']']
lns += ['zones = [']
for zone in zones:
lns += ['\''+zone+'\',']
lns += [']']
lns += ['for zone,col in zip(zones,cols):',
'\tAnimationScene1 = GetAnimationScene()',
'\tAnimationScene1.AnimationTime = 0.0',
'\trv.ViewTime = 0.0',
'\tsource = FindSource("model")',
'\tG = Glyph( GlyphType="Arrow", GlyphTransform="Transform2" )',
'\tG.GlyphTransform = "Transform2"',
'\tG.Scalars = [\'POINTS\', zone]',
'\tG.ScaleMode = \'scalar\'',
'\tG.GlyphType = "Sphere"',
'\tG.RandomMode = 0',
'\tG.MaskPoints = 0',
'\tG.GlyphType.Radius = %10.5f'%(2*ndRadius),
'\tRenameSource(zone, G)',
'\trv = GetRenderView()',
'\tmr = GetDisplayProperties(source)',
'\tdr = Show()',
'\tdr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', \'n\')',
'\tdr.ScaleFactor = 1.1',
'\tdr.SelectionPointFieldDataArrayName = zone',
'\tdr.EdgeColor = [0.0, 0.0, 0.5000076295109483]',
'\tdr.Opacity = 0.5',
'\tlt = GetLookupTableForArray(zone, 1, RGBPoints=[0.0, 0.23, 0.299, 0.754, 0.5, 0.865, 0.865, 0.865, 1.0]+col, VectorMode=\'Magnitude\', NanColor=[0.25, 0.0, 0.0], ColorSpace=\'Diverging\', ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0 )',
'\tpf = CreatePiecewiseFunction( Points=[0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] )',
'\tdr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', zone)',
'\tdr.LookupTable = lt',
'\tdr.Visibility = 0',
'\tlt.ScalarOpacityFunction = pf',
################################### load in contour output ###################################
if len(contour_files)>0:
lns += ['contour_output = LegacyVTKReader( FileNames=[']
for file in contour_files:
file = file.replace('\\','/')
lns += ['\''+file+'\',']
lns += ['] )']
lns += ['RenameSource("contour_output", contour_output)']
################################### set up initial visualisation ###################################
dflt_cont = '\''+self.default_contour_variable+'\''
cont_lim = self.default_contour_lims
viewTime = len(self.contour.times)-1
lns += [
'lt = GetLookupTableForArray('+dflt_cont+', 1, RGBPoints=[%10.5f, 0.23, 0.299, 0.754, %10.5f, 0.706, 0.016, 0.15], VectorMode=\'Magnitude\', NanColor=[0.25, 0.0, 0.0], ColorSpace=\'Diverging\', ScalarRangeInitialized=1.0 )'%tuple(cont_lim),
'pf = CreatePiecewiseFunction( Points=[%10.5f, 0.0, 0.5, 0.0, %10.5f, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0] )'%tuple(cont_lim),
'dr = Show() #dr = DataRepresentation1',
'dr.Representation = \'Surface With Edges\'',
'dr.EdgeColor = [0.15, 0.15, 0.15]',
'dr.ScalarOpacityFunction = pf',
'dr.ColorArrayName = (\'POINT_DATA\', '+dflt_cont+')',
'dr.ScalarOpacityUnitDistance = 1.7320508075688779',
'dr.LookupTable = lt',
'rv.ViewTime = %4i'%viewTime,
'ScalarBarWidgetRepresentation1 = CreateScalarBar( Title='+dflt_cont+', LabelFontSize=12, Enabled=1, LookupTable=lt, TitleFontSize=12 )',
if len(contour_files)>0:
lns+= [
'model = FindSource("model")',
'model_rep = GetDisplayProperties(model)',
'contour_output = FindSource("contour_output")',
'cont_rep = GetDisplayProperties(contour_output)',
if self.initial_show == 'material':
'model_rep.Visibility = 1',
'cont_rep.Visibility = 0 ',
elif self.initial_show == 'contour':
lns += [
'model_rep.Visibility = 0',
'cont_rep.Visibility = 1',
if self.csv is not None:
################################### load in history output ###################################
lns += ['xyview = CreateXYPlotView()']
lns += ['xyview.BottomAxisRange = [0.0, 5.0]']
lns += ['xyview.TopAxisRange = [0.0, 6.66]']
lns += ['xyview.ViewTime = 0.0']
lns += ['xyview.LeftAxisRange = [0.0, 10.0]']
lns += ['xyview.RightAxisRange = [0.0, 6.66]']
lns += ['']
if os.path.isfile(self.csv.filename):
lns += ['hout = CSVReader( FileName=[r\''+self.csv.filename+'\'] )']
lns += ['RenameSource("history_output",hout)']
fp = open(self.csv.filename)
ln = fp.readline().rstrip()
headers = [lni for lni in ln.split(',')]
# put variables in order to account for diff or time derivatives
vars = []
for variable in self.csv.history.variables:
if self.csv.diff: vars.append('diff_'+variable)
#if self.time_derivatives: vars.append('d'+variable+'_dt')
for i,variable in enumerate(vars):
plot_title = variable+'_history'
lns += []
lns += [plot_title+' = PlotData()']
lns += ['RenameSource("'+plot_title+'",'+plot_title+')']
lns += ['mr = Show()']
lns += ['mr = GetDisplayProperties('+plot_title+')']
lns += ['mr.XArrayName = \'time\'']
lns += ['mr.UseIndexForXAxis = 0']
lns += ['mr.SeriesColor = [\'time\', \'0\', \'0\', \'0\']']
lns += ['mr.AttributeType = \'Row Data\'']
switch_off = [header for header in headers if not header.strip().startswith(variable+':')]
ln = 'mr.SeriesVisibility = [\'vtkOriginalIndices\', \'0\', \'time\', \'0\''
for header in switch_off:
ln+=', \''+header+'\',\'0\''
#lns += ['mr.SeriesVisibility = [\'vtkOriginalIndices\', \'0\', \'time\', \'0\']']
lns += [ln+']']
if i != (len(vars)-1):
lns += ['mr.Visibility = 0']
lns += ['']
lns += ['AnimationScene1.ViewModules = [ RenderView1, SpreadSheetView1, XYChartView1 ]']
lns += ['Render()']
######################################## load in well ########################################
if self.wells is not None:
lns += ['model_rep.Representation = \'Outline\'']
for well in self.wells:
lns += ['%s=LegacyVTKReader(FileNames=[r\'%s\'])'%(well,os.getcwd()+os.sep+well+'_wells.vtk')]
lns += ['RenameSource("%s", %s)'%(well,well)]
lns += ['SetActiveSource(%s)'%well]
lns += ['dr = Show()']
lns += ['dr.ScaleFactor = 1366.97490234375']
lns += ['dr.SelectionCellFieldDataArrayName = \'Name\'']
lns += ['mr = GetDisplayProperties(%s)'%well]
lns += ['mr.LineWidth=4.0']
def _get_filename(self): return self.path.absolute_to_file+os.sep+self.path.filename
filename = property(_get_filename) #: (**)
class fcsv(object):
def __init__(self,parent,filename,history,diff,time_derivatives):
self.parent = parent
self.path = fpath(parent = self)
self.path.filename = filename
self.data = None
self.history = history
self.diff = diff
self.time_derivatives = time_derivatives
if diff:
if time_derivatives:
def assemble_diff(self):
for variable in self.history.variables:
for node in self.history.nodes:
def assemble_time_derivatives(self):
#for variable in self.history.variables:
# for node in self.history.nodes:
# data = self.history[variable][node]
# time = self.history.times
# self.history.new_variable('d'+variable+'_dt',node,dt)
# ind = np.where(time==self.contour.times)[0][0]
# if ind == 0:
# # forward difference
# dt = self.contour.times[1]-time
# f0 = self.contour[time][var]
# f1 = self.contour[self.contour.times[1]][var]
# dat = (f1-f0)/dt
# elif ind == (len(self.contour.times)-1):
# # backward difference
# dt = time-self.contour.times[-2]
# f0 = self.contour[self.contour.times[-2]][var]
# f1 = self.contour[time][var]
# dat = (f1-f0)/dt
# else:
# # central difference
# dt1 = time - self.contour.times[ind-1]
# dt2 = self.contour.times[ind+1] - time
# f0 = self.contour[self.contour.times[ind-1]][var]
# f1 = self.contour[time][var]
# f2 = self.contour[self.contour.times[ind+1]][var]
# dat = -dt2/(dt1*(dt1+dt2))*f0 + (dt2-dt1)/(dt1*dt2)*f1 + dt1/(dt2*(dt1+dt2))*f2
# self.data.contour[time].append(pv.Scalars(dat,name='d_'+var+'_dt',lookup_table='default'))
def write(self):
"""Call to write out csv files."""
if self.parent.work_dir: wd = self.parent.work_dir
else: wd = self.parent._path.absolute_to_file
if wd is None: wd = ''
else: wd += os.sep
# write one large .csv file for all variables, nodes
from string import join
fp = open(wd+self.path.filename,'w')
self.filename = wd+self.path.filename
# write headers
ln = '%16s,'%('time')
vars = []
for variable in self.history.variables:
if self.diff: vars.append('diff_'+variable)
#if self.time_derivatives: vars.append('d'+variable+'_dt')
for variable in vars:
for node in self.history.nodes:
var = variable
#if len(var)>6: var = var[:6]
ln += '%16s,'%(var+': nd '+str(node))
# write row for each time
for i,time in enumerate(self.history.times): # each row is one time output
ln = '%16.8e,'%time
for variable in vars:
for node in self.history.nodes: # each column is one node
ln += '%16.8e,'%self.history[variable][node][i]
ln = ln[:-1]+'\n'
def fdiff( in1, in2, format='diff', times=[], variables=[], components=[], nodes=[]):
'''Take the difference of two fpost objects
:param in1: First fpost object
:type filename: fpost object (fcontour)
:param in2: First fpost object
:type filename: fpost object (fcontour)
:param format: Format of diff: diff->in1-in2 relative->(in1-in2)/abs(in2) percent->100*abs((in1-in2)/in2)
:type format: str
:param times: Times to diff
:type times: lst(fl64)
:param variables: Variables to diff
:type variables: lst(str)
:param components: Components to diff (foutput objects)
:type components: lst(str)
:returns: fpost object of same type as in1 and in2
# Copy in1 and in2 in case they get modified below
in1 = deepcopy(in1)
in2 = deepcopy(in2)
if type(in1) is not type(in2):
print "ERROR: fpost objects are not of the same type: "+str(type(in1))+" and "+str(type(in2))
if isinstance(in1, fcontour) or isinstance(in1, fhistory) or 'foutput' in str(in1.__class__):
# Find common timesclear
t = np.intersect1d(in1.times,in2.times)
if len(t) == 0:
print "ERROR: fpost object times do not have any matching values"
if len(times) > 0:
times = np.intersect1d(times,t)
if len(times) == 0:
print "ERROR: provided times are not coincident with fpost object times"
times = t
if isinstance(in1, fcontour):
# Find common variables
v = np.intersect1d(in1.variables,in2.variables)
if len(v) == 0:
print "ERROR: fcontour object variables do not have any matching values"
if len(variables) > 0:
variables = np.intersect1d(variables,v)
if len(variables) == 0:
print "ERROR: provided variables are not coincident with fcontour object variables"
variables = v
out = deepcopy(in1)
out._times = times
out._variables = variables
out._data = {}
for t in times:
if format is 'diff':
out._data[t] = dict([(v,in1[t][v] - in2[t][v]) for v in variables])
elif format is 'relative':
out._data[t] = dict([(v,(in1[t][v] - in2[t][v])/np.abs(in2[t][v])) for v in variables])
elif format is 'percent':
out._data[t] = dict([(v,100*np.abs((in1[t][v] - in2[t][v])/in2[t][v])) for v in variables])
return out
#Takes the difference of two fhistory objects.
elif isinstance(in1, fhistory):
# Find common variables
v = np.intersect1d(in1.variables, in2.variables)
if len(v) == 0:
print "ERROR: fhistory object variables do not have any matching values"
if len(variables) > 0:
variables = np.intersect1d(variables,v)
if len(variables) == 0:
print "ERROR: provided variables are not coincident with fhistory object variables"
variables = v
#Find common nodes.
n = np.intersect1d(in1.nodes, in2.nodes)
if len(n) == 0:
print "ERROR: fhistory object nodes do not have any matching values"
if len(nodes) > 0:
nodes = np.intersect1d(nodes,n)
if len(nodes) == 0:
print "ERROR: provided nodes are not coincident with fhistory object nodes"
nodes = n
#Set up the out object.
out = deepcopy(in1)
out._times = times
out._variables = variables
out._nodes = nodes
out._data = {}
#Find the difference at each time index for a variable and node.
for v in variables:
for n in nodes:
i = 0
diff = []
while i < len(times):
if format is 'diff':
#Quick fix to handle ptrk files.
if isinstance(in1, fptrk):
elif format is 'relative':
diff.append((in1[t][v] - in2[t][v])/np.abs(in2[t][v]))
elif format is 'percent':
diff.append(100*np.abs((in1[t][v] - in2[t][v])/in2[t][v]))
i = i + 1
if isinstance(in1, fptrk):
out._data[v] = np.array(diff)
out._data[v] = dict([(n, diff)])
#Return the difference.
return out
elif 'foutput' in str(in1.__class__):
# Find common components
c = np.intersect1d(in1.components,in2.components)
if len(c) == 0:
print "ERROR: foutput object components do not have any matching values"
if len(components) > 0:
components = np.intersect1d(components,c)
if len(components) == 0:
print "ERROR: provided components are not coincident with foutput object components"
components = c
out = deepcopy(in1)
out._times = times
out._node = {}
for tp in ['water','gas','tracer1','tracer2']:
out._node[tp] = None
for cp in components:
if format is 'diff':
if len(variables):
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys() if v in variables])) for n in in1.nodes])
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys()])) for n in in1.nodes])
elif format is 'relative':
if len(variables):
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,(np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v]))/np.abs(in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys() if v in variables])) for n in in1.nodes])
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,(np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v]))/np.abs(in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys()])) for n in in1.nodes])
elif format is 'percent':
if len(variables):
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,100*np.abs((np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v]))/in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys() if v in variables])) for n in in1.nodes])
out._node[cp] = dict([(n,dict([(v,100*np.abs((np.array(in1._node[cp][n][v]) - np.array(in2._node[cp][n][v]))/in2._node[cp][n][v])) for v in in1._node[cp][n].keys()])) for n in in1.nodes])
return out
def sort_tec_files(files):
# sort first by number, then by type
from string import join
for file in files:
if not file.endswith('.dat'): return files
paths = [join(file.split(os.sep)[:-1],os.sep) for file in files]
files = [file.split(os.sep)[-1] for file in files]
times = []
for file in files:
for type in ['_days_sca_node','_days_vec_node','_days_hf_node','_days_con_node','_sca_node','_vec_node','_hf_node','_con_node']:
if type in file:
times = sorted(enumerate(times), key=lambda x: x[1])
paths = [paths[ind] for ind,time in times]
files = [files[ind] for ind,time in times]
return [path+os.sep+file if path else file for path,file in zip(paths,files)]