Source code for ftool

"""Various tools for use with PyFEHM."""

Copyright 2013.
Los Alamos National Security, LLC. 
This material was produced under U.S. Government contract DE-AC52-06NA25396 for 
Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), which is operated by Los Alamos National 
Security, LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy. The U.S. Government has rights 
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ANY LIABILITY FOR THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE.  If software is modified to produce 
derivative works, such modified software should be clearly marked, so as not to 
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Additionally, this library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify 
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import numpy as np
import os,math,platform,string,difflib
WINDOWS = platform.system()=='Windows'
if WINDOWS: slash = '\\'
else: slash = '/'

from fdflt import*

dflt = fdflt()

# dictionary of unit name, number to multiply by to yield SI measure
units = dict([
# flow

# pressure

# volume

# length

# time

# mass

# temperature
#-------------------------------------- USEFUL TOOLS, FUNCTION ---------------------------------------
[docs]def UTM_to_latlong(x,y,zone,hemisphere=1): '''Return latitude and longitude corresponding to supplied UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates. :param x: Easting inside of zone. :type x: fl64 :param y: Northing inside of zone. :type y: fl64 :param zone: UTM zone (integer between 1 and 60). :type zone: int :param hemisphere: Integer denoting hemisphere, 1 = northern, -1 = southern. :type hemisphere: bool :returns: Two column list of latitudes and longitudes. ''' x = np.array(x); y = np.array(y); zone = np.array(zone); hemisphere = np.array(hemisphere) if hemisphere==-1: y = 10000e3-y x=500e3-x k0 = 0.9996 M = y/k0 e = .081819191 ep2 = 0.006739497 a = 6378137. mu = M/(a*(1-e**2/4-3*e**4/64-5*e**6/256)) # print mu e1 = (1-np.sqrt(1-e**2))/(1+np.sqrt(1-e**2)) # print e1 J1 = 3*e1/2.-27*e1**3/32 # print J1 J2 = 21*e1**2/16-55*e1**4/32 # print J2 J3 = 151*e1**3/96 # print J3 J4 = 1097*e1**4/512 # print J4 fp = mu+J1*np.sin(2*mu)+J2*np.sin(4*mu)+J3*np.sin(6*mu)+J4*np.sin(8*mu) # print fp C1=ep2*np.cos(fp)**2 # print C1 T1 = np.tan(fp)**2 # print T1 R1 = a*(1-e**2)/np.sqrt((1-e**2*np.sin(fp)**2)**3) # print R1 N1 = a/np.sqrt(1-e**2*np.sin(fp)**2) # print N1 D = x/(N1*k0) # print D Q1 = N1*np.tan(fp)/R1 # print Q1 Q2 = D**2/2 # print Q2 Q3 = (5+3*T1+10*C1-4*C1**2-9*ep2)*D**4/24 # print Q3 Q4 = (61+90*T1+298*C1+45*T1**2-3*C1**2-252*ep2)*D**6/720 # print Q4 lat = fp-Q1*(Q2-Q3+Q4) # print lat Q5 = D # print Q5 Q6 = (1+2*T1+C1)*D**3/6 # print Q6 Q7 = (5-2*C1+28*T1-3*C1**2+8*ep2+24*T1**2)*D**5/120 # print Q7 long0 = (zone*6-183)/180.*math.pi # print long0 long = long0-(Q5-Q6+Q7)/np.cos(fp) # print long return [hemisphere*lat/math.pi*180.,long/math.pi*180.]
[docs]def latlong_to_UTM(lat,long): '''Return UTM easting, northing, zone number and hemisphere corresponding to supplied latitude and longitude. :param lat: Latitude, in deceimal degrees. :type lat: fl64 :param long: Longitude, in decimal degrees. :type long: fl64 :returns: Four column list of UTM easting, northing, zone and hemisphere (1 = northern, -1 = southern). ''' k0=0.9996 e=0.081819191 ep2=0.006739497 a = 6378137. A0=6367449.146 B0=16038.42955 C0=16.83261333 D0=0.021984404 E0=0.000312705 UTM_zone=31+np.floor(long/6.) # print UTM_zone UTM_zone_CM = 6.*UTM_zone-183. # print UTM_zone_CM P=(long-UTM_zone_CM)*math.pi/180. # print P Q=lat*math.pi/180. # print Q R=long*math.pi/180. # print R S=a*(1.-e*e)/(np.sqrt(1.-((e*np.sin(Q))**2))**3) # print S T=a/(np.sqrt(1-(e*np.sin(Q))**2)) # print T V=A0*Q - B0*np.sin(2*Q) + C0*np.sin(4*Q) - D0*np.sin(6*Q) + E0*np.sin(8*Q) # print V X=V*k0 # print X Y=T*np.sin(Q)*np.cos(Q)/2 # print Y Z=((T*np.sin(Q)*np.cos(Q)**3)/24)*(5-np.tan(Q)**2+9*ep2*np.cos(Q)**2+4*ep2**2*np.cos(Q)**4)*k0 # print Z AA=T*np.cos(Q)*k0 # print AA AB=(np.cos(Q))**3*(T/6)*(1-np.tan(Q)**2+ep2*np.cos(Q)**2)*k0 # print AB AC=(P**6*T*np.sin(Q)*np.cos(Q)**5/720.)*(61.-58.*np.tan(Q)**2+np.tan(Q)**4+270*ep2*np.cos(Q)**2-330*ep2*np.sin(Q)**2)*k0 # print AC y=(X+Y*P*P+Z*P**4) # print if y<0: y += 10000000 x=500000+(AA*P+AB*P**3) if lat<0: hemisphere = -1 else: hemisphere = 1 return [x,y, int(UTM_zone), hemisphere]
[docs]def powspace(x0,x1,N=10,power=1): '''Returns a sequence of numbers spaced according to the power law (x1-x0)**(1-power)*linspace(0,(x1-x0),N)**base + x0 :param x0: First number in sequence. :type x0: fl64 :param x1: Last number in sequence. :type x1: fl64 :param N: Total items in sequence. :type N: int :param power: Index of power law. If negative, spacing order will be reversed from "big-to-small". :type power: fl64 ''' if power>0: return (x1-x0)**(1-power)*np.linspace(0,x1-x0,N)**power+x0 elif power<0: return np.sort(x1-((x1-x0)**(1-abs(power))*np.linspace(0,x1-x0,N)**abs(power)))
[docs]def SI(quantity,unit=None): '''Returns an SI measurement corresponding to a supplied non standard unit, e.g., '31.6 gpm'. Output reverts to FEHM format, e.g., pressures and stresses quoted in MPa. :param quanityt: Number with unit. If a float or list of floats provided, then unit must :type quantity: str (fl64) :param unit: Flag indicating unit of float supplied in quantity. :type unit: str :returns: Quantity in SI units. ''' if isinstance(quantity,list): return [SI(q,unit) for q in quantity] elif isinstance(quantity,np.ndarray): return np.array([SI(q,unit) for q in quantity]) if unit == None: #remove any spaces quantity = ''.join(quantity.split()) #separate number and unit unit = ''.join([i for i in quantity if not i.isdigit() and not i=='.']) quantity = float(''.join([i for i in quantity if i.isdigit() or i=='.'])) try: if unit not in ['F','farenheit']: return quantity*units[unit] else: return (quantity-units[unit][1])*units[unit][0] except KeyError: print unit +' not a valid unit for conversion' return
def pyfehm_print(s,silent): if not silent: print s #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------ FUNCTIONS AND CLASSES FOR INTERNAL USE ------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class fpath(object): __slots__ = ['_filename','absolute_to_file','absolute_to_workdir','parent'] def __init__(self,filename = None,work_dir = None,parent = None): self._filename = filename self.absolute_to_file = None # location where originally read DOES NOT CHANGE self.absolute_to_workdir = None # working directory CAN CHANGE self.parent = parent def __getstate__(self): return dict((k, getattr(self, k)) for k in self.__slots__) def __setstate__(self, data_dict): for (name, value) in data_dict.iteritems(): setattr(self, name, value) def update(self, wd): '''called when work_dir is updated''' if wd == None: self.absolute_to_workdir = None return if WINDOWS: wd = wd.replace('/','\\') else: wd = wd.replace('\\','/') absolute = False if WINDOWS and wd[1]==':': absolute = True if not WINDOWS and wd[0]=='/': absolute = True if absolute: self.absolute_to_workdir = wd else: self.absolute_to_workdir = os.getcwd()+slash+wd def _get_filename(self): return self._filename def _set_filename(self,value): # ensure path specification consistent with OS if WINDOWS: value = value.replace('/','\\') else: value = value.replace('\\','/') # check if any slashes exist if slash in value: self._filename = value.split(slash)[-1] else: self._filename = value self.absolute_to_file = os.getcwd() return # check if absoulte or relative specification path = value.split(slash)[:-1] path = string.join(path,slash) absolute = False if WINDOWS and path[1]==':': absolute = True if not WINDOWS and path[0]=='/': absolute = True if absolute: self.absolute_to_file = path else: self.absolute_to_file = os.getcwd()+slash+path filename = property(_get_filename, _set_filename) #: (**) def _get_full_path(self): return self.absolute_to_file+slash+self.filename full_path = property(_get_full_path) #: (**)
[docs]def dict_key_check(dict,keys,dict_name): '''Return False if dict contains only the supplied keys and no extras. ''' returnFlag = False ws = 'Key error in '+dict_name+'.\n' for k in dict.keys(): if k in ['sdepth','gdepth']: continue elif k not in keys: ws += 'No such key \''+k+'\'' if len(k)>2: matches = difflib.get_close_matches(k,keys) else: matches = difflib.get_close_matches(k,keys,cutoff = 0.5) print k print keys if len(matches)>0: ws+=', did you mean?\n' for match in matches: ws+='- '+match+'\n' else: ws+='.\n' returnFlag = True if returnFlag: print ws return returnFlag
def os_path(path): if WINDOWS: path = path.replace('/','\\') else: path = path.replace('\\','/') return path def float0(f): try: return float(f) except: return 0. def _title_string(s,n): #prepends headers to sections of FEHM input file if not n: return ws = '# ' pad = int(np.floor((n - len(s) - 2)/2)) for i in range(pad): ws+='-' ws+=s for i in range(pad): ws+='-' ws+='\n' return ws def _zone_ind(indStr): return abs(int(indStr))-(int(indStr)+abs(int(indStr)))/2
[docs]def flatten(l): '''Takes a nested list and returns a flattened list (upon list conversion of output). :param l: Nested list. :type l: lst ''' import collections for el in l: if isinstance(el, collections.Iterable) and not isinstance(el, basestring): for sub in flatten(el): yield sub else: yield el
def sub_cubes(cube): # returns sub-cubes formed by sub-dividing the given cube into eight equal c = 0.5*(cube[0]+cube[1]) # cube centre dp = c - cube[0] p1,p8 = cube[0], c p2 = p1+np.array([dp[0],0,0]) p3 = p1+np.array([0,dp[1],0]) p4 = p1+np.array([dp[0],dp[1],0]) p5 = p1+np.array([0,0,dp[2]]) p6 = p1+np.array([dp[0],0,dp[2]]) p7 = p1+np.array([0,dp[1],dp[2]]) #c0=[cube[0], c] # #c1=[np.array([c[0],cube[0][1],cube[0][2]]),np.array([cube[1][0],c[1],c[2]])] # #c2=[np.array([cube[0][0],cube[0][1],c[2]]),np.array([c[0],c[1],cube[1][2]])] # #c3=[np.array([c[0],cube[0][1],c[2]]),np.array([cube[1][0],c[1],cube[1][2]])] # #c4=[np.array([cube[0][0],c[1],cube[0][2]]),np.array([c[0],cube[1][1],c[2]])] # #c5=[np.array([c[0],c[1],cube[0][2]]),np.array([cube[1][0],cube[1][1],c[2]])] # #c6=[np.array([cube[0][0],c[1],c[2]]),np.array([c[0],cube[1][1],cube[1][2]])] # #c7=[c, cube[1]] c0=[p1,p1+dp] c1=[p2,p2+dp] c2=[p3,p3+dp] c3=[p4,p4+dp] c4=[p5,p5+dp] c5=[p6,p6+dp] c6=[p7,p7+dp] c7=[p8,p8+dp] return [c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7]
[docs]def in_cube(pos,cube): """Tests if the 3-D point lies in an axis-aligned cube, defined as a two-element list of arrays [bottom left front, top right back].""" return all([cube[0][i]<=pos[i]<cube[1][i] for i in xrange(3)])
[docs]def cubes_intersect(cube1,cube2): """Returns True if two cubes intersect.""" return all([(cube1[1][i]>=cube2[0][i]) and (cube2[1][i]>=cube1[0][i]) for i in xrange(2)])
def save_name(save='',variable='',time=0., node=0): # returns file name and extension for saving pdf = False if save: save = save.split('.') if len(save)==1: print 'No extension specified, default to .png' ext = 'png' elif len(save)>2: print 'Too many dots!'; return else: if save[1] in ['png','eps','pdf']: ext = save[1] else: print 'Unrecognized extension'; return if ext == 'pdf': ext = 'eps'; pdf = True save_fname=save[0]+'.'+ext else: from glob import glob ext = 'png' if time: varStr = variable+'_time'+str(time) elif node: varStr = variable+'_node'+str(node) else: varStr = variable files=glob('pyfehm_sliceplot_'+varStr+'_*.png') if not files: ind = 1 else: inds = [] for file in files: file = file.split('pyfehm_sliceplot_'+varStr+'_') inds.append(int(file[1].split('.png')[0])) ind = np.max(inds)+1 save_fname='pyfehm_sliceplot_'+varStr+'_'+str(ind)+'.png' return ext, save_fname, pdf def make_directory(fname): fname = fname.split('\\') fname = fname[:-1] dirname = '' for f in fname: dirname += f if not os.path.isdir(dirname): os.system('mkdir '+dirname) def valgen(fhandle): for line in fhandle: for v in line.split(): yield v