Source code for pyCP_APR.applications.ktensor_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" contains the utility functions for KRUSKAL tensor M.

@author: Maksim Ekin Eren
import numpy as np

[docs]def get_X_hat(components, indices): """ Calculate X hat from KRUSKAL tensor M, given the non-zero indicies.\n components: KRUSKAL tensor components\n indices: non-zero coordinates Parameters ---------- components : dict KRUSKAL Tensor M in dict format. indices : array Array of indices in X hat. Returns ------- lambdas : array Array of lambdas in X calculated from M using the indices. """ factors = components['Factors'] gammas = components['Weights'] if len(factors['0'].shape) == 1: return gammas *[factors[f'{ii}'][indices[:, ii]] for ii in range(indices.shape[1])], axis=0) else: return (gammas *[factors[f'{ii}'][indices[:, ii]] for ii in range(indices.shape[1])], axis=0)).sum(axis=1)
[docs]def get_X_size(components): """ Get tensor shape from the components. Parameters ---------- components : dict KRUSKAL Tensor M in dict format. Returns ------- shape : list Tensor X shape. """ if isinstance(components, (list, np.ndarray)): factors = components[0]['Factors'] else: factors = components['Factors'] return [factors[f'{i}'].shape[0] for i in range(len(factors))]