Source code for pyCP_APR.numpy_backend.CP_APR

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python implementation of the CP-APR algorithm [1-4] with Numpy backend.\n
This backend can be used to factorize sparse tensorsin COO format and dense Numpy tensors.

[1] General software, latest release: Brett W. Bader, Tamara G. Kolda and others, Tensor Toolbox for MATLAB, Version 3.2.1,, April 5, 2021.\n
[2] Dense tensors: B. W. Bader and T. G. Kolda, Algorithm 862: MATLAB Tensor Classes for Fast Algorithm Prototyping, ACM Trans. Mathematical Software, 32(4):635-653, 2006,\n
[3] Sparse, Kruskal, and Tucker tensors: B. W. Bader and T. G. Kolda, Efficient MATLAB Computations with Sparse and Factored Tensors, SIAM J. Scientific Computing, 30(1):205-231, 2007,\n
[4] Chi, E.C. and Kolda, T.G., 2012. On tensors, sparsity, and nonnegative factorizations. SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 33(4), pp.1272-1299.

@author: Maksim Ekin Eren
import copy
import time
from math import sqrt
from cmath import sqrt as sqrtc
import numpy as np
from tqdm import tqdm

from . ktensor import K_TENSOR
from . sptensor import SP_TENSOR
from . tensor import TENSOR

from . redistribute_ktensor import redistribute
from . normalize_ktensor import normalize
from . norm_ktensor import norm
from . innerprod_ktensor import innerprod
from . tenmat_tensor import tenmat as tenmat_tensor
from . tenmat_ktensor import tenmat as tenmat_ktensor
from . khatrirao_ktensor import khatrirao

[docs]class CP_APR_MU: def __init__(self, epsilon=1e-10, kappa=1e-2, kappa_tol=1e-10, max_inner_iters=10, n_iters=1000, print_inner_itn=0, verbose=10, simple_verbose=False, stoptime=1e6, tol=1e-4, random_state=42, return_type='numpy'): """ Initilize the CP_APR_MU class. Parameters ---------- epsilon : float, optional Prevents zero division. Default is 1e-10. kappa : float, optional Fix slackness level. Default is 1e-2. kappa_tol : float, optional Tolerance on complementary slackness. The default is 1e-10. max_inner_iters : int, optional Number of inner iterations per epoch. Default is 10. n_iters : int, optional Number of iterations during optimization or epoch. Default is 1000. print_inner_itn : int, optional Print every *n* inner iterations. Does not print if 0. Default is 0. verbose : int, optional Print every n epoch, or ``n_iters``. Does not print if 0. Default is 10. simple_verbose : bool, optional Turns off details for verbose, such as fit, but instead shows a progress bar. stoptime : float, optional Number of seconds before early stopping. Default is 1e6. tol : float, optional KKT violations tolerance. Default is 1e-4. random_state : int, optional Random seed for initial M. The default is 42. """ self.epsilon = epsilon self.tol = tol self.stoptime = stoptime self.maxOuterIters = n_iters self.kappa = kappa self.kappaTol = kappa_tol self.maxInnerIters = max_inner_iters self.verbose = verbose self.simple_verbose = simple_verbose self.printInnerItn = print_inner_itn self.random_state = random_state self.kktViolations = -np.ones(n_iters) self.nInnerIters = np.zeros(n_iters) self.times = np.zeros(n_iters) self.logLikelihoods = np.ones(n_iters) self.obj = 0 self.M = None self.X = None self.start_time = -1 self.exec_time = -1 self.return_type = return_type
[docs] def train(self, tensor=[], coords=[], values=[], rank=2, Minit='random', Type='sptensor'): """ Factorize the tensor X (i.e. compute the KRUSKAL tensor M). Parameters ---------- tensor : array Original dense tensor X.\n Use with Type = 'tensor' and pass the tensor parameter as a dense Numpy array.\n coords : Numpy array (i.e. array that is a list of list) Array of non-zero coordinates for sparse tensor X. COO format.\n Each entry in this array is a coordinate of a non-zero value in the tensor.\n Used when Type = 'sptensor' and tensor parameter is not passed.\n len(Coords) is number of total entiries in X, and len(coords[0]) should give the number of dimensions. values : Numpy array (i.e. list of non-zero values corresponding to each list of non-zero coordinates) Array of non-zero tensor entries. COO format.\n Used when Type = 'sptensor' and tensor parameter is not passed.\n Length of values must match the length of coords. rank : int Tensor rank, i.e. number of components to extract. The default is 2. Minit : string or dictionary of latent factors Initial value of latent factors.\n If Minit = 'random', initial factors are chosen randomly from uniform distribution between 0 and 1.\n Else, pass dictionary where the key is the mode number and value is array size d x r where d is the number of elements on the dimension and r is the rank.\n The default is "random".\n Type : string Type of tensor (i.e. sparse or dense).\n Use 'sptensor' for sparse, and 'tensor' for dense tensors.\n If 'sptensor' used, pass the list of non-zero coordinates using the Coords parameter and the corresponding list of non-zero elements with values parameter.\n The default is 'sptensor'. Returns ------- result : dict KRUSKAL tensor M is returned. The latent factors can be found with the key 'Factors'.\n The weight of each component can be found with the key 'Weights'. """ if rank <= 0: raise Exception('Number of components requested must be positive') # Setup for iterations X, M = self.__setup(tensor, coords, values, Minit, rank, Type) Phi = dict() kktModeViolations = np.zeros(X.Dimensions) nViolations = np.zeros(self.maxOuterIters) self.start_time = time.time() # Iterate until convergence or early stop for outer_iter in tqdm(range(self.maxOuterIters), disable=not(self.simple_verbose)): isConverged = True for d in range(X.Dimensions): # Adjust latent factors that are violating the slackness. if outer_iter > 1: V = (Phi[str(d)] > 1) & (M.Factors[str(d)] < self.kappaTol) if np.any(V.flatten('F')): nViolations[outer_iter] += 1 M.Factors[str(d)][V > 0] += self.kappa # Absorb the component weight to dimension d M = redistribute(M, d) # Product of all matrices but the d-th Pi = self.__calculatePi(M, X, d) # Multiplicative updates for inner_iter in range(self.maxInnerIters): self.nInnerIters[outer_iter] += 1 # Matrix for multiplicative update Phi[str(d)] = self.__calculatePhi(M, X, d, Pi) # Check for convergence x = np.minimum(M.Factors[str(d)], 1 - Phi[str(d)]) kktModeViolations[d] = np.max(np.abs(self.__vectorizeForMu(x))) if kktModeViolations[d] < self.tol: break else: isConverged = False # Do the multiplicative update M.Factors[str(d)] = np.multiply(M.Factors[str(d)], Phi[str(d)]) # Print status if self.printInnerItn != 0 and (inner_iter % self.printInnerItn == 0) and (self.simple_verbose == False): print("Mode = %d, Inner Iter = %d, KKT Violation = %.6f" % \ (d, inner_iter + 1, kktModeViolations[d])) M = normalize(M, mode=d) self.kktViolations[outer_iter] = np.max(kktModeViolations) # calculate the log likelihood M_ = normalize(copy.deepcopy(M), N=-2) obj_ = self.__tt_loglikelihood(M_, X) self.logLikelihoods[outer_iter] = obj_ # Print update if self.verbose != 0 and (outer_iter % self.verbose == 0) and (self.simple_verbose == False): print("Iter=%d, Inner Iter=%d, KKT Violation=%.6f, obj=%.6f, nViolations=%d" % \ (outer_iter + 1, self.nInnerIters[outer_iter], self.kktViolations[outer_iter], \ self.logLikelihoods[outer_iter], nViolations[outer_iter])) # Check for convergence if isConverged and (self.simple_verbose == False): if self.verbose != 0: print("Exiting because all subproblems reached KKT tol.") break self.times[outer_iter] = time.time() - self.start_time if self.times[-1] > self.stoptime: if self.verbose != 0 (self.simple_verbose == False): print("Exiting because time limit exceeded.") break # Done result = self.__finalize(M, X, outer_iter) return result
def __finalize(self, M, X, outer_iter): """ Helper functions to finalize the results. Calculates the final fit, performs the final tensor format conversions, shows the results if verbose, and returns the KRUSKAL tensor M. Parameters ---------- M : class KRUSKAL tensor M class. ktensor_Torch.K_TENSOR X : class Original tensor. sptensor_Torch.SP_TENSOR outer_iter : int Current epoch. Returns ------- result : dict KRUSKAL tensor M is returned. The latent factors can be found with the key 'Factors'.\n The weight of each component can be found with the key 'Weights'. """ # Clean up final result M = normalize(M, N=-2) self.obj = self.__tt_loglikelihood(copy.deepcopy(M), X) self.M = M self.X = X self.exec_time = time.time() - self.start_time if self.verbose != 0 and (self.simple_verbose == False): if X.Type == 'sptensor': normX = np.linalg.norm( elif X.Type == 'tensor': normX = np.linalg.norm( nrm_sqr = norm(M) ** 2 rem = innerprod(M, X) try: normresidual = sqrt(normX ** 2 + nrm_sqr - 2 * rem) # if negative in sqrt due to overflow except Exception as e: normresidual = sqrtc(normX ** 2 + nrm_sqr - 2 * rem) fit = 1 - (normresidual / normX) print("===========================================") print(" Final log-likelihood = %f" % self.obj) print(" Final least squares fit = %f" % fit) print(" Final KKT violation = %f" % self.kktViolations[outer_iter]) print(" Total inner iterations = %d" % np.sum(self.nInnerIters)) print(" Total execution time = %.4f seconds" % self.exec_time) result = dict() if self.return_type == 'numpy': if self.verbose != 0 and (self.simple_verbose == False): print("Converting the latent factors to Numpy arrays.") if M.Rank == 1: for dim in range(M.Dimensions): M.Factors[str(dim)] = [item for sublist in M.Factors[str(dim)] for item in sublist] M.Factors[str(dim)] = np.array(M.Factors[str(dim)]) result['Factors'] = M.Factors else: for dim in range(M.Dimensions): M.Factors[str(dim)] = np.array(M.Factors[str(dim)]) result['Factors'] = M.Factors result['Weights'] = np.array(M.Weights) else: result['Factors'] = M.Factors result['Weights'] = M.Weights return result def __setup(self, Tensor, Coords, Values, Minit, Rank, Type): """ Parameters ---------- Tensor : array Original dense tensor X.\n Use with Type = 'tensor' and pass the tensor parameter as a dense Numpy array.\n Coords : Numpy array (i.e. array that is a list of list) Array of non-zero coordinates for sparse tensor X. COO format.\n Each entry in this array is a coordinate of a non-zero value in the tensor.\n Used when Type = 'sptensor' and tensor parameter is not passed.\n len(Coords) is number of total entiries in X, and len(coords[0]) should give the number of dimensions. Values : Numpy array (i.e. list of non-zero values corresponding to each list of non-zero coordinates) Array of non-zero tensor entries. COO format.\n Used when Type = 'sptensor' and tensor parameter is not passed.\n Length of values must match the length of coords. Rank : int Tensor rank, i.e. number of components to extract. The default is 2. Minit : string or dictionary of latent factors Initial value of latent factors.\n If Minit = 'random', initial factors are chosen randomly from uniform distribution between 0 and 1.\n Else, pass dictionary where the key is the mode number and value is array size d x r where d is the number of elements on the dimension and r is the rank.\n The default is "random".\n Type : string Type of tensor (i.e. sparse or dense).\n Use 'sptensor' for sparse, and 'tensor' for dense tensors.\n If 'sptensor' used, pass the list of non-zero coordinates using the Coords parameter and the corresponding list of non-zero elements with values parameter.\n The default is 'sptensor'. Returns ------- M : class KRUSKAL tensor M class. ktensor.K_TENSOR X : class Original tensor. sptensor.SP_TENSOR or tensor.TENSOR """ # Sparse tensor if Type == 'sptensor': if len(Coords) == 0: raise Exception('Coordinates of the non-zero elements is not passed for sptensor.\ Use the Coords parameter.') if len(Values) == 0: raise Exception('Non-zero values are not passed for sptensor.\ Use the Values parameter') if not isinstance(Coords, np.ndarray): Coords = np.array(Coords) if not isinstance(Values, np.ndarray): Values = np.array(Values) X = SP_TENSOR(Coords, Values) # Dense tensor elif Type == 'tensor': if len(Tensor) == 0: raise Exception('Tensor is not passed for dense tensor type.\ Use the Tensor parameter.') X = TENSOR(Tensor) M = K_TENSOR(Rank, X.Size, Minit, self.random_state) M = normalize(M) if self.verbose != 0 and (self.simple_verbose == False): print("CP-APR (MU):") return X, M def __tt_loglikelihood(self, M, X): """ This function computes log-likelihood of tensor X with model M. Parameters ---------- M : class KRUSKAL tensor M class. ktensor.K_TENSOR X : class Original tensor. sptensor.SP_TENSOR or tensor.TENSOR Returns ------- f : float log-likelihood. """ M = normalize(M, N=1) f = 0 if X.Type == 'sptensor': A = M.Factors[str(0)][X.Coords[:, 0], :] for d in range(1, X.Dimensions): A = np.multiply(A, M.Factors[str(d)][X.Coords[:, d], :]) f = np.sum(np.multiply(, np.log(np.sum(A, 1)))) - \ np.sum(np.sum(M.Factors[str(0)], axis=0)) elif X.Type == 'tensor': dX = tenmat_tensor(X, 0) dM = tenmat_ktensor(M, 0) for ii in range(dX.shape[0]): for jj in range(dM.shape[1]): if dX[ii, jj] == 0.0: pass else: f += dX[ii, jj] * np.log(dM[ii, jj]) f -= np.sum(np.sum(M.Factors['0'])) return f def __vectorizeForMu(self, x): """ Turn x into a vector. Parameters ---------- x : array tensor x. Returns ------- y : array flattenned x. """ y = x.flatten('F') return y def __calculatePhi(self, M, X, mode, Pi): """ This function calculates the matrix for MU Parameters ---------- M : class KRUSKAL tensor M class. ktensor.K_TENSOR X : class Original tensor. sptensor.SP_TENSOR or tensor.TENSOR mode : int dimension. Pi : array product of all matrices but nth. Returns ------- Phi : array multiplicative update. """ Phi = 0 if X.Type == 'sptensor': Phi = -np.ones((X.Size[mode], M.Rank)) xsubs = X.Coords[:, mode] # not sure about the one below v = np.sum(np.multiply(M.Factors[str(mode)][xsubs, :], Pi), 1) wvals = np.divide(, np.maximum(v, self.epsilon)) for r in range(M.Rank): Yr = np.bincount(xsubs, np.multiply(wvals, Pi[:, r]), X.Size[mode]) Phi[:, r] = Yr elif X.Type == 'tensor': Xn = tenmat_tensor(X, mode) V =[str(mode)], Pi.T) W = np.divide(Xn, np.maximum(V, self.epsilon)) Y =, Pi) Phi = Y return Phi def __calculatePi(self, M, X, mode): """ Calculate product of all matrices but the n-th. Parameters ---------- M : class KRUSKAL tensor M class. ktensor.K_TENSOR X : class Original tensor. sptensor.SP_TENSOR or tensor.TENSOR mode : int dimension. Returns ------- Pi : array product of all matrices but nth.. """ Pi = 0 if X.Type == 'sptensor': Pi = np.ones((len(X.Coords), M.Rank)) for nn in range(X.Dimensions): if nn != mode: Pi = np.multiply(M.Factors[str(nn)][X.Coords[:, nn], :], Pi) elif X.Type == 'tensor': nn = [str(x) for x in range(0, X.Dimensions) if x != mode] Pi = khatrirao(M, nn) return Pi