Source code for pyCP_APR.numpy_backend.ttv_sptensor

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Python implementation of ttv utility with Numpy backend from the MATLAB Tensor Toolbox [1].

[1] General software, latest release: Brett W. Bader, Tamara G. Kolda and others, Tensor Toolbox for MATLAB, Version 3.2.1,, April 5, 2021.\n

import numpy as np
from . tt_dimscheck import tt_dimscheck
from . sptensor import SP_TENSOR
from . tensor import TENSOR
from . accum import accum as accumarray

[docs]def ttv(X, vecs, dims=[]): """ Tensor times vector for KRUSKAL tensor M. Parameters ---------- X : object Sparse tensor. sptensor.SP_TENSOR. vecs : array coluumn vector. dims : list list of dimension indices. Returns ------- c : array product of KRUSKAL tensor X with a (column) vector vecs. """ dims, vidx = tt_dimscheck(dims, X.Dimensions, len(vecs)) remdims = np.setdiff1d(np.arange(X.Dimensions), vidx) for d in range(len(dims)): if vecs[str(vidx[d])].shape[0] != X.Size[dims[d]]: raise Exception('Multiplicand is wrong size') newvals = subs = X.Coords if len(subs) == 0: newsubs = [] for n in range(len(dims)): idx = X.Coords[:, dims[n]] w = vecs[str(vidx[n])] bigw = w[idx] newvals = np.multiply(newvals, bigw) newsubs = subs[:, remdims] # Case 0: If all dimensions were used, then just return the su if len(remdims) == 0: c = np.sum(newvals) return c # Otherwise, figure new subscripts and accumulate the results. newsiz = np.array(X.Size)[remdims] # Case I: Result is a vector if len(remdims) == 1: c = accumarray(accmap=newsubs, a=newvals, size=newsiz) if np.count_nonzero(c) <= .5 * newsiz[0]: c = SP_TENSOR(np.arange(0, newsiz).T, c, newsiz) else: c = TENSOR(c) return c # Case II: Result is a multiway array c = SP_TENSOR(newsubs, newvals, newsiz) return c