Welcome to pyDNMFk's documentation!

pyDNMFk is a software package for applying non-negative matrix factorization in a distrubuted fashion to large datasets. It has the ability to minimize the difference between reconstructed data and the original data through various norms (Frobenious, KL-divergence). Additionally, the Custom Clustering algorithm allows for automated determination for the number of Latent features.


  • Utilization of MPI4py for distributed operation.

  • Distributed NNSVD and SVD initiaizations.

  • Distributed Custom Clustering algorithm for estimating automated latent feature number (k) determination.

  • Objective of minimization of KL divergence/Frobenius norm.

  • Optimization with multiplicative updates, BCD, and HALS.


pyDNMFk Scales from laptops to clusters. The library is convenient on a laptop. It can be installed easily with conda or pip and extends the matrix decomposition from a single core to numerous cores across nodes. pyDNMFk is efficient and has been tested on powerful servers across LANL and Oakridge scaling beyond 1000+ nodes. This library facilitates the transition between single-machine to large scale cluster so as to enable users to both start simple and scale up when necessary.


git clone https://github.com/lanl/pyDNMFk.git
cd pyDNMFk
conda create --name pyDNMFk python=3.7.1 openmpi mpi4py
source activate pyDNMFk
python setup.py install

Usage Example

We provide a sample dataset that can be used for estimation of k:

'''Imports block'''

import sys
import pyDNMFk.config as config
from pyDNMFk.pyDNMFk import *
from pyDNMFk.data_io import *
from pyDNMFk.dist_comm import *
from scipy.io import loadmat
from mpi4py import MPI
args = parse()

'''parameters initialization block'''

# Data Read here
args.fpath = 'data/'
args.fname = 'wtsi'
args.ftype = 'mat'
args.precision = np.float32

#Distributed Comm config block
p_r, p_c = 4, 1

#NMF config block
args.norm = 'kl'
args.method = 'mu'
args.init = 'nnsvd'
args.itr = 5000
args.verbose = True

#Cluster config block
args.start_k = 2
args.end_k = 5
args.sill_thr = 0.9

#Data Write
args.results_path = 'results/'

'''Parameters prep block'''

comms = MPI_comm(comm, p_r, p_c)
comm1 = comms.comm
rank = comm.rank
size = comm.size
args.size, args.rank, args.comm, args.p_r, args.p_c = size, rank, comms, p_r, p_c
args.row_comm, args.col_comm, args.comm1 = comms.cart_1d_row(), comms.cart_1d_column(), comm1
A_ij = data_read(args).read().astype(args.precision)

nopt = PyNMFk(A_ij, factors=None, params=args).fit()
print('Estimated k with NMFk is ',nopt)

Indices and tables

Indices and tables