Source code for pyDNMFk.pyDNMF

# @author: Manish Bhattarai

from .data_io import *
from .dist_nmf import *
from .dist_svd import *
from .utils import *

[docs]class PyNMF(): r""" Performs the distributed NMF decomposition of given matrix X into factors W and H Parameters ---------- A_ij : ndarray Distributed Data factors : tuple (optional) Distributed factors W and H params : class Class which comprises following attributes params.init : str NMF initialization(rand/nnsvd) params.comm1 : object Global Communicator params.comm : object Modified communicator object params.k : int Rank for decomposition params.m : int Global dimensions m params.n : int Global dimensions n params.p_r : int Cartesian grid row count params.p_c : int Cartesian grid column count params.row_comm : object Sub communicator along row params.col_comm : object Sub communicator along columns params.W_update : bool flag to set W update True/False params.norm : str NMF norm to be minimized params.method : str NMF optimization method params.eps : float Epsilon value params.verbose : bool Flag to enable/disable display results params.save_factors : bool Flag to enable/disable saving computed factors""" @comm_timing() def __init__(self, A_ij, factors=None, save_factors=False, params=None): self.A_ij = A_ij self.params = params self.m_loc, self.n_loc = self.A_ij.shape self.init = self.params.init if self.params.init else 'rand' self.p_r, self.p_c, self.k = self.params.p_r, self.params.p_c, self.params.k # params['m'], params['n'], params['p_r'], params['p_c'], params['k'] self.comm1 = self.params.comm1 # params['comm1'] self.cart_1d_row, self.cart_1d_column, self.comm = self.params.row_comm, self.params.col_comm, self.params.comm # params['row_comm'],params['col_comm'],params['main_comm'] self.verbose = self.params.verbose if self.params.verbose else False self.rank = self.comm1.rank self.eps = np.finfo(A_ij.dtype).eps self.params.eps = self.eps self.norm = var_init(self.params,'norm',default='kl') self.method = var_init(self.params,'method',default='mu') self.save_factors = save_factors self.params.itr = var_init(self.params,'itr',default=5000) self.itr = self.params.itr try: self.W_update = self.params.W_update except: self.params.W_update = True self.p = self.p_r * self.p_c if self.p_r != 1 and self.p_c != 1: self.topo = '2d' else: self.topo = '1d' self.compute_global_dim() if factors is not None: if self.topo == '1d': self.W_i = factors[0].astype(self.A_ij.dtype) self.H_j = factors[1].astype(self.A_ij.dtype) elif self.topo == '2d': self.W_ij = factors[0].astype(self.A_ij.dtype) self.H_ij = factors[1].astype(self.A_ij.dtype) else: self.init_factors()
[docs] @comm_timing() def compute_global_dim(self): """Computes global dimensions m and n from given chunk sizes for any grid configuration""" self.loc_m, self.loc_n = self.A_ij.shape if self.p_r != 1 and self.p_c == 1: self.params.n = self.loc_n self.params.m = self.comm1.allreduce(self.loc_m) elif self.p_c != 1 and self.p_r == 1: self.params.n = self.comm1.allreduce(self.loc_n) self.params.m = self.loc_m else: if self.rank % self.p_c == 0: self.params.m = self.loc_m else: self.params.m = 0 self.params.m = self.comm1.allreduce(self.params.m) if self.rank // self.p_c == 0: self.params.n = self.loc_n else: self.params.n = 0 self.params.n = self.comm1.allreduce(self.params.n) self.comm1.barrier()
# if self.rank == 0: print('Data dimensions=(', self.params.m, self.params.n, ')')
[docs] @comm_timing() def init_factors(self): """Initializes NMF factors with rand/nnsvd method""" if self.init == 'rand': if self.topo == '2d': dtr_blk_m = determine_block_params(self.cart_1d_column, (self.p_c, 1), (self.A_ij.shape[0], self.k)) m_loc = dtr_blk_m.determine_block_shape_asymm()[0] dtr_blk_n = determine_block_params(self.cart_1d_row, (1, self.p_r), (self.k, self.A_ij.shape[1])) n_loc = dtr_blk_n.determine_block_shape_asymm()[1] self.W_ij = np.random.rand(m_loc, self.k).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) self.H_ij = np.random.rand(self.k, n_loc).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) elif self.topo == '1d': if self.p_c == 1: self.W_i = np.random.rand(self.m_loc, self.k).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) if self.rank == 0: self.H_j = np.random.rand(self.k, self.n_loc).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) else: self.H_j = None self.H_j = self.comm1.bcast(self.H_j, root=0) elif self.p_r == 1: self.H_j = np.random.rand(self.k, self.n_loc).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) if self.rank == 0: self.W_i = np.random.rand(self.m_loc, self.k).astype(self.A_ij.dtype) else: self.W_i = None self.W_i = self.comm1.bcast(self.W_i, root=0) elif self.init == 'nnsvd': if self.topo == '1d': dsvd = DistSVD(self.params, self.A_ij) self.W_i, self.H_j = dsvd.nnsvd(flag=1, verbose=0) elif self.topo == '2d': raise Exception('NNSVD init only available for 1D topology, please try with 1d topo.')
[docs] @comm_timing() def fit(self): r""" Calls the sub routines to perform distributed NMF decomposition with initialization for a given norm minimization and update method Returns ------- W_i : ndarray Factor W of shape m/p_r * k H_j : ndarray Factor H of shape k * n/p_c recon_err : float Reconstruction error for NMF decomposition """ for i in range(self.itr): if self.method.lower() == 'bcd': i = self.itr - 1 if self.topo == '2d': self.W_ij, self.H_ij = nmf_algorithms_2D(self.A_ij, self.W_ij, self.H_ij, params=self.params).update() if i % 10 == 0: self.H_ij = np.maximum(self.H_ij, self.eps) self.W_ij = np.maximum(self.W_ij, self.eps) if i == self.itr - 1: self.W_ij, self.H_ij = self.normalize_features(self.W_ij, self.H_ij) self.relative_err() if self.verbose == True: if self.rank == 0: print('relative error is:', self.recon_err) if self.save_factors: data_write(self.params).save_factors([self.W_ij, self.H_ij]) self.comm.Free() return self.W_ij, self.H_ij, self.recon_err elif self.topo == '1d': self.W_i, self.H_j = nmf_algorithms_1D(self.A_ij, self.W_i, self.H_j, params=self.params).update() if i % 10 == 0: self.H_j = np.maximum(self.H_j, self.eps) self.W_i = np.maximum(self.W_i, self.eps) if i == self.itr - 1: self.W_i, self.H_j = self.normalize_features(self.W_i, self.H_j) self.relative_err() if self.verbose == True: if self.rank == 0: print('\nrelative error is:', self.recon_err) if self.save_factors: data_write(self.params).save_factors([self.W_i, self.H_j]) return self.W_i, self.H_j, self.recon_err
[docs] @comm_timing() def normalize_features(self, Wall, Hall): """Normalizes features Wall and Hall""" Wall_norm = Wall.sum(axis=0, keepdims=True) + self.eps if self.topo == '2d': Wall_norm = self.comm1.allreduce(Wall_norm, op=MPI.SUM) elif self.topo == '1d': if self.p_r != 1: Wall_norm = self.comm1.allreduce(Wall_norm, op=MPI.SUM) Wall /= Wall_norm Hall *= Wall_norm.T return Wall, Hall
[docs] @comm_timing() def cart_2d_collect_factors(self): """Collects factors along each sub communicators""" self.H_j = self.cart_1d_row.allgather(self.H_ij) self.H_j = np.hstack((self.H_j)) self.W_i = self.cart_1d_column.allgather(self.W_ij) self.W_i = np.vstack((self.W_i))
[docs] @comm_timing() def relative_err(self): """Computes the relative error for NMF decomposition""" if self.topo == '2d': self.cart_2d_collect_factors() self.glob_norm_err = self.dist_norm(self.A_ij - self.W_i @ self.H_j) self.glob_norm_A = self.dist_norm(self.A_ij) self.recon_err = self.glob_norm_err / self.glob_norm_A
[docs] @comm_timing() def dist_norm(self, X, proc=-1, norm='fro', axis=None): """Computes the distributed norm""" nm = np.linalg.norm(X, axis=axis, ord=norm) if proc != 1: nm = self.comm1.allreduce(nm ** 2) return np.sqrt(nm)
[docs] @comm_timing() def column_err(self): """Computes the distributed column wise norm""" dtr_blk = determine_block_params(self.comm1, (self.p_r, self.p_c), (self.params.m, self.params.n)) dtr_blk_idx = dtr_blk.determine_block_index_range_asymm() dtr_blk_shp = dtr_blk.determine_block_shape_asymm() col_err_num = np.zeros(self.params.n) col_err_deno = np.zeros(self.params.n) L_errDist_num = np.zeros(self.n_loc) L_errDist_deno = np.zeros(self.n_loc) Arecon = self.W_i @ self.H_j for q in range(self.A_ij.shape[1]): L_errDist_num[q] = np.sum((self.A_ij[:, q] - Arecon[:, q]) ** 2) L_errDist_deno[q] = np.sum(self.A_ij[:, q] ** 2) col_err_num[dtr_blk_idx[0][1]:dtr_blk_idx[0][1] + dtr_blk_shp[1]] = L_errDist_num col_err_deno[dtr_blk_idx[0][1]:dtr_blk_idx[0][1] + dtr_blk_shp[1]] = L_errDist_deno col_err_num = self.comm1.allreduce(col_err_num) col_err_deno = self.comm1.allreduce(col_err_deno) col_err = np.sqrt(col_err_num / col_err_deno) return col_err