Source code for pyDRESCALk.utils

# @author: Manish Bhattarai, Ben Nebgen, Erik Skau
import copy
from collections import Counter

from . import config
import numpy
import numpy as np
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys

[docs]class determine_block_params(): """Computes the parameters for each chunk to be read by MPI process Parameters ---------- comm : object MPI communicator object pgrid : tuple Cartesian grid configuration shape : tuple Data shape """ def __init__(self, comm, pgrid, shape): if type(comm) == int: self.rank = comm else: self.rank = comm.rank self.pgrid = pgrid self.shape = shape
[docs] def determine_block_index_range_asymm(self): '''Determines the start and end indices for the Data block for each rank''' chunk_ind = np.unravel_index(self.rank, self.pgrid) start_inds = [i * (n // k) + min(i, n % k) for n, k, i in zip(self.shape, self.pgrid, chunk_ind)] end_inds = [(i + 1) * (n // k) + min((i + 1), n % k) - 1 for n, k, i in zip(self.shape, self.pgrid, chunk_ind)] return start_inds, end_inds
[docs] def determine_block_shape_asymm(self): '''Determines the shape for the Data block for each rank''' start_inds, end_inds = self.determine_block_index_range_asymm() return [(j - i + 1) for (i, j) in zip(start_inds, end_inds)]
[docs]class data_operations(): """Performs various operations on the data Parameters ---------- data : ndarray Data to operate on""" def __init__(self, data): self.ten = data
[docs] def cutZero(self, thresh=1e-8): """Prunes zero columns from the data""" tenS = list(self.ten.shape) dim = len(tenS) axSum = [] axSel = [] axInd = [] for curD in range(dim): axisList = list(range(len(self.ten.shape))) axisList.pop(curD) axSum.append(numpy.sum(self.ten, axis=tuple(axisList))) axSel.append(axSum[-1] > thresh) # Move Axis to front and index self.ten = self.ten.swapaxes(curD, 0) self.ten = self.ten[axSel[-1]] self.ten = self.ten.swapaxes(0, curD) # Build Reconstruction Index axInd.append(list(numpy.nonzero(axSel[-1])[0])) axInd[-1].append(tenS[curD]) return (self.ten, axInd)
[docs] def recZero(self, indexList): # Note indexList is partially destroyed tenS = [] sliceList = [] for curI, curList in enumerate(indexList): tenS.append(curList.pop(-1)) sliceList.append(slice(0, ten.shape[curI], 1)) sliceObj = tuple(sliceList) tenR = numpy.zeros(tenS, dtype=self.ten.dtype) tenR[sliceObj] = self.ten # Now the input tensor resides in upper block of reconstruction tensor for curI, curList in enumerate(indexList): # Move proper axis to zero tenR = tenR.swapaxes(0, curI) # Determine list of zero slices zeroSlice = list(set(range(tenS[curI])) - set(curList)) if zeroSlice != []: for iS, iR in enumerate(curList): tenR[iR] = tenR[iS] tenR[zeroSlice] = 0 tenR = tenR.swapaxes(0, curI) return (tenR)
[docs] def desampleT(self, factor, axis=0): if axis != 0: data = self.ten.swapaxis(0, axis) origShape = list(self.ten.shape) newDim = int((origShape[0] - origShape[0] % 3) / 3) self.ten = self.ten[:newDim * factor] del (origShape[0]) newShape = [newDim] + [factor] + origShape self.ten = numpy.sum(self.ten.reshape(newShape), axis=1) if axis != 0: self.ten.swapaxis(axis, 0) return (self.ten)
[docs] def remove_bad_factors(self, Wall, Hall, ErrTol, features_k): sorted_idx = sorted(range(len(ErrTol)), key=lambda k: ErrTol[k]) to_keep_length = int(np.round(.9 * len(ErrTol))) sorted_idx_keep = sorted_idx[:to_keep_length] flattened_Wall = Wall.reshape(-1, len(ErrTol)) flattened_Hall = Hall.reshape(len(ErrTol), -1) mod_flattened_Wall = flattened_Wall[:, sorted_idx_keep] mod_flattened_Hall = flattened_Hall[sorted_idx_keep, :] mod_Wall = mod_flattened_Wall.reshape(-1, len(sorted_idx_keep) * features_k) mod_Hall = mod_flattened_Hall.reshape(len(sorted_idx_keep) * features_k, -1) mod_ErrTol = ErrTol[sorted_idx_keep] return mod_Wall, mod_Hall, mod_ErrTol
[docs] def matSplit(self, name, p_r, p_c, format='npy'): if format.lower() == 'npy': curMat = numpy.load(name + '.npy') else: raise ('unknown format') try: os.mkdir(name) except: pass if curMat.shape[0] % p_r != 0: raise ('matrix row dimention not evenly divisible by row processors') else: rstride = int(curMat.shape[0] / p_r) if curMat.shape[1] % p_c != 0: raise ('matrix column dimention not evenly divisible by column processors') else: cstride = int(curMat.shape[1] / p_c) indCounter = 0 for ri in range(p_r): for ci in range(p_c): outMat = curMat[ri * rstride:(ri + 1) * rstride, ci * cstride:(ci + 1) * cstride] + '/' + name + '_{}.npy'.format(indCounter), outMat) indCounter = indCounter + 1
[docs] def primeFactors(self, n): i = 2 factors = [] while i * i <= n: if n % i: i += 1 else: n //= i factors.append(i) if n > 1: factors.append(n) return factors
[docs] def commonFactors(self, intList): factorsList = [] for curInt in intList: factorsList.append(Counter(self.primeFactors(curInt))) outCounter = factorsList[0] for curI in range(1, len(intList)): outCounter = outCounter & factorsList[curI] return (list(outCounter.elements()))
[docs]class transform_H_index(): """Collected H factors after MPI operation aren't aligned. This operation performs careful reordering of H factors such that the collected factors are aligned""" def __init__(self, grid): self.p_r = grid[0] self.p_c = grid[1]
[docs] def rankidx2blkidx(self): """This is to transform the column index to rank index for H""" f_idx = [] for j in range(self.p_c): for i in range(self.p_n): f_idx.append(i * self.p_n + j) return f_idx
[docs] def transform_H_idx(self, rank): """This is to transform H based on new index""" new_idx_list = self.rankidx2blkidx() mod_idx = new_idx_list[rank] return mod_idx
[docs]def norm(X, comm, norm=2, axis=None, p=-1): """Compute the data norm Parameters ---------- X : ndarray Data to operate on comm : object MPI communicator object norm : int type of norm to be computed axis : int axis of array for the norm to be computed along p: int Processor count Returns ---------- norm : float Norm of the given data X """ nm = np.linalg.norm(X, ord=norm, axis=axis) ** 2 if p != 1: nm = comm.allreduce(nm) return np.sqrt(nm)
[docs]def str2bool(v): """Returns instance of string parameter to bool type""" if isinstance(v, bool): return v if v.lower() in ('yes', 'true', 't', 'y', '1'): return True elif v.lower() in ('no', 'false', 'f', 'n', '0'): return False else: raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Boolean value expected.')
[docs]def var_init(clas,var,default): """Checks if class attribute is present and if not, intializes the attribute with given default value""" if not hasattr(clas,var): setattr(clas, var, default) return clas.__getattribute__(var)
[docs]class parse(): """Define a class parse which is used for adding attributes """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs]class comm_timing(object): """ Decorator class for computing timing for MPI operations. The class uses the global variables flag and time initialized in config file and updates them for each call dynamically. Parameters ---------- flag: bool if Set true, enables the decorator to compute the timings. time: dict Dictionary to store timing for each function calls """ def __init__(self): self.flag = config.flag self.time = copy.copy(config.time) def __call__(self, original_function): if not self.flag: return original_function def wrapper_timer(*args, **kwargs): start_time = MPI.Wtime() # 1 value = original_function(*args, **kwargs) end_time = MPI.Wtime() # 2 run_time = end_time - start_time # 3 self.time[original_function.__name__] = self.time.get(original_function.__name__, 0) + run_time config.time.update(self.time) return value return wrapper_timer
[docs]class count_flops(object): def __init__(self): self.flag_flops = config.flag_flops self.totalflops = copy.copy(config.totalflops) def __call__(self, original_function): if not self.flag_flops: return original_function def wrapper_flopsCounter(*args, **kwargs): value = original_function(*args, **kwargs) if len(args)==4: flops = (args[1].shape[0]*args[1].shape[1]) original_function_name = "Element Multiplication" elif len(args)==3: flops = ((2 * args[1].shape[0] * args[1].shape[1] * args[2].shape[1]) - (args[1].shape[0] * args[2].shape[1])) original_function_name = "Matrix Multiplication" elif len(args)==2: flops = ((args[1].shape[0]*(args[1].shape[1]**2))+(args[1].shape[0]*args[1].shape[1])-((args[1].shape[1]**2)/2)-(args[1].shape[1]/2)) original_function_name = "Gram Multiplication" self.totalflops[original_function_name] = self.totalflops.get(original_function_name, 0) + flops config.totalflops.update(self.totalflops) return value return wrapper_flopsCounter
[docs]class count_memory(object): def __init__(self): self.flag_memory = config.flag_memory self.memoryAlloc = copy.copy(config.memoryAlloc) def __call__(self, original_function): if not self.flag_memory: return original_function def wrapper_memory(*args, **kwargs): value = original_function(*args, **kwargs) if len(args)==4: memory_allocated = value.nbytes original_function_name = "Element" elif len(args)==3: memory_allocated = value.nbytes original_function_name = "Matrix" elif len(args)==2: memory_allocated = value.nbytes original_function_name = "Gram" elif len(args)==1: memory_allocated = sum([i.nbytes for i in value]) original_function_name = "Fit" self.memoryAlloc[original_function_name] = self.memoryAlloc.get(original_function_name,0) + memory_allocated config.memoryAlloc.update(self.memoryAlloc) return value return wrapper_memory