Compiling VPIC

Compiling VPIC consists of two steps: compiling or finding a Kokkos install, and building VPIC against that Kokkos install.


Compile Kokkos and VPIC

  1. Do a recursive clone of this repo, this will pull down a copy of Kokkos for you. git clone --recursive If you switch branches, you might need to update the Kokkos submodule. git submodule update --init

  2. Load modules for CMake, your compiler, MPI, and any platform specific packages like CUDA.

  3. Find a file in arch/ that is close to your intended system and modify as necessary. Pay particular attention to lines like:

  4. Make a build directory and run the arch file.

  5. Type make.

This should give you a simple working of the code, but be aware it does come with caveats. Most notably, one is expected to build and maintain a version of Kokkos (and optionally VPIC) per target device (one per GPU device, one per CPU platform, etc), where as the above builds for the specific platform that you’re currently on.

Build a deck

Compiling VPIC creates a script bin/vpic that compiles decks. From the folder you want the executable to be written to, type $BUILD_PATH/bin/vpic MyDeck.cxx.

Run the executable

The executable can be run with a simple MPI command: mpirun -np $NUM_PROCS MyDeck.Linux. Consider saving the stdout and stderr to a text file by appending 2>&1 | tee out.txt.

Examine sample/short_pulse.slurm for an example submission script. We recommend using one MPI rank per CPU core or one rank per GPU as a baseline, but that may not work best for your simulation on your hardware.

Manual Kokkos Install (more powerful, more effort)

It is typical to maintain many different installs of Kokkos (CPU, older GPU, new GPU, Debug, etc), so it’s worth while learning how to install Kokkos manually. To do this we will use cmake. On can achieve this by:

CPU:cmake -DKokkos_ENABLE_OPENMP=ON -DKokkos_ARCH_KNL=ON ...

GPU:cmake -DKokkos_ENABLE_CUDA=ON -DKokkos_ARCH_VOLTA70=ON ...

Legacy non-cmake build for old Kokkos versions

  1. Clone Kokkos (or use ./kokkos in the recursive clone) from

  2. Make a build folder, and execute ../generate_makefile.bash, passing the appropriate options for platform and device architecture. These look something like:

  • CPU: ../generate_makefile.bash --with-serial --with-openmp --prefix=$KOKKOS_INSTALL_DIR

  • GPU: ../generate_makefile.bash --with-serial --with-openmp --with-cuda --arch=Kepler30 --with-cuda-options=enable_lambda --compiler=$KOKKOS_SRC_DIR/bin/nvcc_wrapper --prefix=$KOKKOS_INSTALL_DIR

Further Reading

One can cherry pick the Kokkos specific details from [here]( to get detailed build instructions for Kokkos (ignore the things about Cabana)

The advanced user should review CMakeLists.txt for the Kokkos specific options that are available. These include:






Optimization Options

VPIC has compilation flags for enabling/disabling various optimizations. VPIC will automatically selct optimizations settings. Users can supply their own settings for potentially better performance. The optimization options are as follows:


Control whether to use the automatically determined optimization settings or user supplied compile time flags.


Allow finer control over how work is distributed amoung threads. Automatically enabled by certain optimizations (Team reduction, Vectorization) that require explicit control over threads and vector lanes. Performance is highly dependent on how work is distributed. See kokkos_tuning.hpp for setting the number of leagues (thread teams) and team size (threads per team).


Reduce number of atomic writes in the particle push. Checks if all the particles being processed by active threads / vector lanes belong to the same cell. If so, use fast register based methods to reduce current so that only 1 thread/lane needs to update the fields.


Enables vectorization with OpenMP SIMD for greater performance on the CPU


Use an explicit accumulator for collecting current in advance_p. The accumulator results in better memory access patterns when writing current. This is useful on CPUs but not necessary on GPUs which have better random access characteristics.