Workflow Visualization
BEE includes a simple command for viewing BEE workflows. By using the beeflow
dag $ID
command, you can view the directed acyclic graph (DAG) of any submitted
Creating DAGs
The dag command can be run at any point of the workflow, and can
be run multiple times. To see the DAG of a workflow before it runs, submit
the workflow with the --no-start
flag and then use the dag command. The
DAGs are exported in PNG format to ~/.beeflow/dags. They follow the naming
convention $ID.png
Example DAG
The DAG below was created by running the dag command while the cat-grep-tar example workflow was running.

The orange bubbles are inputs, the blue bubbles are task states, the red bubbles are tasks, and the green bubbles are outputs. The graph is in a hierarchical format, meaning that tasks that are higher up in the graph run before the ones below them.