
    Finite difference input.


    fdm is required if macros coor are elem are not used.

    • Group 1 - KEYWORD
    • Group 2 - MODCHAR (only if KEYWORD is “modf”)


    • Group 2 - NX, NY, NZ (if KEYWORD is “block” or “poin”)
    • Group 3 - X0, Y0, Z0 (only if KEYWORD is ‘block)
    • Group 4 - MB, COORDINATE (X, Y or Z) (if KEYWORD is “poin”)


    • Group 4 - MB, SPACING (DX, DY, DZ) (if KEYWORD is “bloc”)

    Group 4 is repeated for each NX, NY, and NZ, i.e., all X data are input, followed by Y data, followed by Z data for each division terminated by a blank line.

    Input Variable Format Description
    KEYWORD character*4 Keyword indicating format of finite difference input to follow (“block”, “poin”, or “modf”).
    MODCHAR character*132 If the keyword is “modf”, the name of a modflow geometry data file is input and the finite difference input is read from that file and no other data is input.
    NX integer Number of divisions in the x direction.
    NY integer Number of divisions in the y direction.
    NZ integer Number of divisions in the z direction.
    X0 real Coordinate of x origin point (m).
    Y0 real Coordinate of y origin point (m).
    Z0 real Coordinate of z origin point (m).
    X real X coordinate (m).
    Y real Y coordinate (m).
    Z real Z coordinate (m).
    DX real Node spacing in the x direction (m).
    DY real Node spacing in the y direction (m).
    DZ real Node spacing in the z direction (m).
    MB integer Division number. If the division number is negative the code will space each divison from the previous to the current proportional to the assigned spacings.

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