Test-Case Descriptions


    Run Required Test cases: python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path>

    Run Single Test case: python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path> <test-name>

    For Developers, Run Full to include tests under development: python fehmpytests.py --full <fehm-path>

    Click name for more details
    avdonin Test the Radial Heat and Mass Transfer Problem
    Compare Model and Analytical Solution for Temperature vs Time and for Temperature vs Position
    baro_vel Test Pore-Scale Velocity in a Homogeneous Media
    Part of Barometric Pumping Test - effects on pore-scale velocity
    bodyforce Test greater flexibility for specifying body forces
    Compares results generated by three available syntax inputs
    boun Test the Boundry Functionality
    Compares boun test results in contour files (flow macro vs boun macro)
    cden Test the Concentration Dependent Brine Density Functionality
    Compares generated history files to old history files that are known to be correct.
    cflxz Concentration Zone Flux Test
    Comparison of FEHM with 1-D Difusion Model
    colloid_filtration Test Colloid Filtration
    TSPA particle tracking simulation.
    darcy2D * Test 2D Darcy vs non-Darcy flow
    Simulates pumping test both gas and liquid water
    dispersion Test Advection-Dispersion Transport
    Test simulates the advection-dispersion transport of solutes in groundwater
    dissolution Test the Dissoultion Macro
    One-dimensional transport simulation of calcite (CaC03(s)) dissolution
    doe Test the DOE Code Comparison Project, Problem 5, Case A
    Compares contour files for rlp, rlpm, and table.
    dryout Test Dry-Out of a Partially Saturated Medium
    Dry-Out of a Partially Saturated Medium
    evaporation Test the evaporation Macro
    Comparison of Changes in Mass with Time
    fracture_aperture Fracture Aperture Test
    Comparison of 3D Wellbore Thermal Stress test results
    head Test Head Pressure Problem
    Comparison of Head and Pressure Formulation for Pressure vs Position
    heat_pipe Test the Heat Pipe Problem
    1-d heat pipe calculation with comparison of FE and FDM Solution for Flux
    heat2d Test heat2d
    2-D Heat Conduction Model
    heat2d_quad Test the Heat 2D Quad Problem
    results checked with analytical solution
    heat3d 3-D Heat Conduction Problem
    Comparison of Model and Analytical Solution for Temperature vs Time
    henrys_law Test 1-D Henry’s Law Species
    Air Movement through stagnant water, Water Movement through stagnant air, and Liquid phase reaction
    mptr Test Multi-Species Particle Tracking
    Comparison of Species 1 with Species 2
    multi_solute Test Multi-Solute Transport with Chemical Reaction
    trac and trxn macros for Concentration vs Time
    perm_test Test perm_test
    Ratio of Permeabilty Change to Ratio of Change in Flow Rate
    potential_energy Potential Energy Test
    potential energy temperature results for vertical and horizontal runs
    rad_decay * Test radioactive decay option in rxn macro
    batch reactor without flow with comparison to the Bateman equation.
    ramey Test Temperature in a Wellbore Problem
    Solution for Ramey Temperature in a Wellbore
    richards Richards equation test
    Comparison of Richards equation with 2-phase solution
    salt_perm_poro * Test the Salt Permeability and Porosity Macro
    The porosity-permeability function for compacted salt is tested
    saltvcon Test the Salt Variable Conductivity Macro
    Tests the calculations of thermal conductivity of crushed and intact salt.
    sorption Test One Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport
    One Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport with trax and trxn
    sptr_btc Test sptr_btc
    Streamline Particle Tracking Breakthrough for Default BTC, Alternate BTC, and Alternate BTC w/xyz
    theis Test Pressure Transient Analysis Problem
    1-D Theis pressure transient problem
    toronyi Test the Toronyi Two-Phase Problem
    Final Saturation using Coordinate grid and FDM grid node comparisons
    transport3d Test transport3d
    Three-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Problem using trac_rlp
    transport3d_validation * transport3d validation
    3D solute advective-transport benchmark test
    vapor_extraction Test vapor_extraction
    Vapor Extraction from an Unsaturated Reservoir
    wvtest Unsaturated Diffusion test
    dry-out by evaporation using one-way heat pipe

    Test Cases Pending

    These test cases are under construction or have problems with the input/output files that need to be resolved.

    Click name for more details
    Description Status and Known Issues
    barometric Barometric Pumping Test Pore-scale Velocity
    Keep VV Test example with multiple runs
    Develop simple version Issue 73
    cellbased Test the Cell-Based Particle Tracking Model
    Keep VV Test example with multiple runs
    Develop simple version Issue 71
    uz_test Keep VV Test example with multiple runs Develop Issue 78

    * Indicates test cases created for fehmpytests, all others were constructed from FEHM VV Test Suite VERIFICATION_V3.4win_64bit_clean May 2024