Test-Case Descriptions
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- Testing FEHM
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- Test-Case Description
Run Required Test cases: python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path>
Run Single Test case: python fehmpytests.py <fehm-path> <test-name>
For Developers, Run Full to include tests under development: python fehmpytests.py --full <fehm-path>
TEST CASE NAMES Click name for more details |
avdonin | Test the Radial Heat and Mass Transfer Problem Compare Model and Analytical Solution for Temperature vs Time and for Temperature vs Position |
baro_vel | Test Pore-Scale Velocity in a Homogeneous Media Part of Barometric Pumping Test - effects on pore-scale velocity |
bodyforce | Test greater flexibility for specifying body forces Compares results generated by three available syntax inputs |
boun | Test the Boundry Functionality Compares boun test results in contour files (flow macro vs boun macro) |
cden | Test the Concentration Dependent Brine Density Functionality Compares generated history files to old history files that are known to be correct. |
cflxz | Concentration Zone Flux Test Comparison of FEHM with 1-D Difusion Model |
colloid_filtration | Test Colloid Filtration TSPA particle tracking simulation. |
darcy2D * |
Test 2D Darcy vs non-Darcy flow Simulates pumping test both gas and liquid water |
dispersion | Test Advection-Dispersion Transport Test simulates the advection-dispersion transport of solutes in groundwater |
dissolution | Test the Dissoultion Macro One-dimensional transport simulation of calcite (CaC03(s)) dissolution |
doe | Test the DOE Code Comparison Project, Problem 5, Case A Compares contour files for rlp, rlpm, and table. |
dryout | Test Dry-Out of a Partially Saturated Medium Dry-Out of a Partially Saturated Medium |
evaporation | Test the evaporation Macro Comparison of Changes in Mass with Time |
fracture_aperture | Fracture Aperture Test Comparison of 3D Wellbore Thermal Stress test results |
head | Test Head Pressure Problem Comparison of Head and Pressure Formulation for Pressure vs Position |
heat_pipe | Test the Heat Pipe Problem 1-d heat pipe calculation with comparison of FE and FDM Solution for Flux |
heat2d | Test heat2d 2-D Heat Conduction Model |
heat2d_quad | Test the Heat 2D Quad Problem results checked with analytical solution |
heat3d | 3-D Heat Conduction Problem Comparison of Model and Analytical Solution for Temperature vs Time |
henrys_law | Test 1-D Henry’s Law Species Air Movement through stagnant water, Water Movement through stagnant air, and Liquid phase reaction |
mptr | Test Multi-Species Particle Tracking Comparison of Species 1 with Species 2 |
multi_solute | Test Multi-Solute Transport with Chemical Reaction trac and trxn macros for Concentration vs Time |
perm_test | Test perm_test Ratio of Permeabilty Change to Ratio of Change in Flow Rate |
potential_energy | Potential Energy Test potential energy temperature results for vertical and horizontal runs |
rad_decay * |
Test radioactive decay option in rxn macro batch reactor without flow with comparison to the Bateman equation. |
ramey | Test Temperature in a Wellbore Problem Solution for Ramey Temperature in a Wellbore |
richards | Richards equation test Comparison of Richards equation with 2-phase solution |
salt_perm_poro * |
Test the Salt Permeability and Porosity Macro The porosity-permeability function for compacted salt is tested |
saltvcon | Test the Salt Variable Conductivity Macro Tests the calculations of thermal conductivity of crushed and intact salt. |
sorption | Test One Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport One Dimensional Reactive Solute Transport with trax and trxn |
sptr_btc | Test sptr_btc Streamline Particle Tracking Breakthrough for Default BTC, Alternate BTC, and Alternate BTC w/xyz |
theis | Test Pressure Transient Analysis Problem 1-D Theis pressure transient problem |
toronyi | Test the Toronyi Two-Phase Problem Final Saturation using Coordinate grid and FDM grid node comparisons |
transport3d | Test transport3d Three-Dimensional Radionuclide Transport Problem using trac_rlp |
transport3d_validation * |
transport3d validation 3D solute advective-transport benchmark test |
vapor_extraction | Test vapor_extraction Vapor Extraction from an Unsaturated Reservoir |
wvtest | Unsaturated Diffusion test dry-out by evaporation using one-way heat pipe |
Test Cases Pending
These test cases are under construction or have problems with the input/output files that need to be resolved.
TEST CASE NAMES Click name for more details |
Description | Status and Known Issues |
barometric | Barometric Pumping Test Pore-scale Velocity Keep VV Test example with multiple runs |
Develop simple version Issue 73 |
cellbased | Test the Cell-Based Particle Tracking Model Keep VV Test example with multiple runs |
Develop simple version Issue 71 |
uz_test | Keep VV Test example with multiple runs | Develop Issue 78 |
Indicates test cases created for fehmpytests, all others were constructed from FEHM VV Test Suite VERIFICATION_V3.4win_64bit_clean May 2024