Test 3D solute advective-transport benchmark
This is a 3D solute advective-transport benchmark test in ModFlow/MT3DMS 3d transport user guide, problem 7.7, here named as P77.
We simulated transport of conservative solute (no chemical reactions such as bromide or cloride) injected continuously from a point source in a steady unform flow field. The simulation domain is evenly discretized into 8 layers, 15 rows, and 21 columns. A regular grid spacing of 10 m is used for each row/column/layer. The model layer is simulated as a confined layer. The top and bottom of the model layer are at an elevation of 80 m and 0 m, respectively. The injection point at a rate of 0.5 m3/day and observation points are in the 7th layer.
Click on image to enlarge.
Test Directory: FEHM/fehmpytests/transport3d_validation
Documents and Image Directory: FEHM/fehmpytests/transport3d_validation/_information