Input Parameters
The following is a complete listing of all possible input blocks and their parameters. Click on a block to expand its contents. Required parameters are highlighted in black. Clicking on a parameter will bring up a description, available options, data type, and units when applicable.
The top level artemis configuration options
| . coordinates
Problem coordinate system.
Type: string
| . . - cartesian
(x,y,z) Cartesian coordinates
| . . - cylindrical
(r,φ,z) cylindrical coordinates.
| . . - spherical
(r,θ,φ) spherical coordinates.
| . . - axisymmetric
(r,z,φ) axisymmetric coordinates.
| . problem
Name of the problem pgen.
Type: string
| . amr_user
Add user-defined AMR criterion.
Type: bool
Default: false
| . physical_units
What unit system to use for physical units
Type: string
Default: scalefree
| . . - scalefree
Native code units; no conversions
| . . - cgs
CGS unit system
| . unit_conversion
How to provide unit conversions between code and physical units
Type: string
Default: base
| . . - base
Provide base unit conversions (length, time, mass, temperature)
| . . - ppd
AU, Year/(2 pi), solar mass units for protoplanetary disks
| . length
Physical units value of length equal to 1 code unit
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . time
Physical units value of time equal to 1 code unit
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . mass
Physical units value of mass equal to 1 code unit
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . temperature
Physical units value of temperature equal to 1 code unit
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
Toggle on/off the available physics packages
| . gas
Turn on the gas fluid
Type: bool
Default: true
| . dust
Turn on the dust fluid
Type: bool
Default: false
| . gravity
Turn on gravity
Type: bool
Default: false
| . rotating_frame
Turn on the rotating frame
Type: bool
Default: false
| . cooling
Turn on the cooling for the gas fluid.
Type: bool
Default: false
| . viscosity
Turn on the viscosity for the gas fluid
Type: bool
Default: false
| . nbody
Turn on N-body particles
Type: bool
Default: false
| . conduction
Turn on heat conduction in the gas fluid
Type: bool
Default: false
Parthenon specific options
| . job
Job options
| . . problem_id
Problem ID: basename of output filenames
Type: string
| . mesh
Mesh options
| . . nx(1,2,3)
Number of zones in X(1,2,3)-direction
Type: int
| . . x(1,2,3)min
minimum value of X(1,2,3).
Type: Real
| . . x(1,2,3)max
maximum value of X(1,2,3).
Type: Real
| . . ix(1,2,3)_bc
Boundary condition at the inner-X(1,2,3) boundary
Type: string
Default: outflow
| . . . - outflow
Outflow boundary
| . . . - periodic
Periodic boundary
| . . . - reflecting
Reflecting boundary
| . . . - extrap
Extrapolation boundary. Outflow boundary with density and temperature extrapolation.
| . . . - viscous
Viscous boundary. Fixes mass flux at the outer radial boundary, and maintains the mass flux at the inner radial boundary.
| . . . - conductive
Conductive boundary. Fixes heat flux at the inner boundary and fixes the temperature at the outer boundary.
| . . . - ic
Initial condition boundary
| . . . - inflow
Inflow/outflow boundary for the shearing box
| . . ox(1,2,3)_bc
Boundary condition at the outer-X(1,2,3)boundary
Type: string
Default: outflow
| . . . - outflow
Outflow boundary
| . . . - periodic
Periodic boundary
| . . . - reflecting
Reflecting boundary
| . . . - extrap
Extrapolation boundary. Outflow boundary with density and temperature extrapolation.
| . . . - viscous
Viscous boundary. Fixes mass flux at the outer radial boundary, and maintains the mass flux at the inner radial boundary.
| . . . - conductive
Conductive boundary. Fixes heat flux at the inner boundary and fixes the temperature at the outer boundary.
| . . . - ic
Initial condition boundary
| . . . - inflow
Inflow/outflow boundary for the shearing box
| . . nghost
Number of ghost zones
Type: int
Default: 2
| . . refinement
Refinement option
Type: string
Default: none
| . . . - adaptive
Adaptive refinement (AMR).
| . . . - static
Static refinement (SMR).
| . . numlevel
How many refined levels that are allowed
Type: int
Default: 1
| . . derefine_count
How many cycles to go before derefining
Type: int
Default: 10
| . . pack_size
How to pack the meshblocks
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . num_threads
Number of CPU threads
Type: int
Default: 1
| . swarm
Swarm options
| . . ix(1,2,3)_bc
Swarm boundary condition at the inner-X(1,2,3) boundary
Type: string
Default: mesh/ix(1,2,3)_bc (unless user-defined)
| . . . - outflow
Outflow boundary
| . . . - periodic
Periodic boundary
| . . . - jaybenne_reflecting
Reflecting boundaries (implemented via jaybenne)
| . . ox(1,2,3)_bc
Swarm boundary condition at the outer-X(1,2,3)boundary
Type: string
Default: mesh/ox(1,2,3)_bc (unless user-defined)
| . . . - outflow
Outflow boundary
| . . . - periodic
Periodic boundary
| . . . - jaybenne_reflecting
Reflecting boundaries (implemented via jaybenne)
| . meshblock
The meshblock size
| . . nx(1,2,3)
Number of cells in each meshbloc, X(1,2,3)-dir.
Type: int
| . time
Parameters controlling the simulation driver
| . . nlim
Cycle Limit
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . tlim
Time Limit
Type: Real
Default: ∞
| . . ncycle_out
Cadence of output diagnostics
Type: int
Default: 1
| . . integrator
The hydro time integration scheme
Type: string
Default: rk2
| . . . - rk1
First order Runge-Kutta.
| . . . - rk2
Second order Runge-Kutta.
| . . . - rk3
Third order Runge-Kutta.
| . . . - vl2
Second order Van-Leer predictor-corrector.
Top level gas package
| . eos
Choice of gas EOS
Type: string
Default: ideal
| . . - ideal
Ideal EOS
| . gamma
Adiabatic index for ideal EOS
Type: Real
Default: 5/3
| . mu
Mean molecular weight for ideal EOS
Type: Real
Units: amu
Default: 1.
| . cv
Optional specific heat for ideal EOS to override mu
Type: Real
Units: erg g^-1 K^-1
| . cfl
CFL number for the gas
Type: Real
Default: 0.8
| . dfloor
Density floor
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
Default: 1e-20
| . siefloor
Specific internal energy floor
Type: Real
Units: erg g^-1
Default: 1e-20
| . nspecies
The number of gas species
Type: int
Default: 1
| . scr_level
Gas scratch memory level
Type: int
Default: 0
| . de_switch
Dual energy switch. When internal energy is less than this fraction of the total energy, use the internal energy.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . refine_field
Which field to refine on. Options are none, density, and pressure
Type: string
Default: none
| . refine_type
What property of the field to refine on. Options are gradient or magnitude
Type: string
| . refine_thr
Threshold for refinement
Type: Real
| . deref_thr
Threshold for derefinement
Type: Real
| . reconstruct
Reconstruction option.
Type: string
Default: plm
| . . - pcm
Piecewise Constant
| . . - plm
Piecewise Linear
| . . - ppm
Piecewise Parabolic
| . riemann
Riemann solver option.
Type: string
Default: hllc
| . . - llf
| . . - hlle
| . . - hllc
| . damping
Apply a drag force to the material that lowers the normal velocity to the boundary.
| . . inner_x(1,2,3)
The end of the inner damping layer in the X(1,2,3)-direction
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: ∞
| . . outer_x(1,2,3)
The beginning of the outer damping layer in the X(1,2,3)-direction
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: ∞
| . . inner_x(1,2,3)_rate
The inner damping rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . outer_x(1,2,3)_rate
The outer damping rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . damp_to_visc
Damp the gas to the viscous velocity (if defined).
Type: bool
| . viscosity
Viscosity models
| . . type
Viscosity model
Type: string
| . . . - alpha
Alpha viscosity
| . . . - powerlaw
Powerlaw kinematic viscosity
| . . averaging
Averaging method for the face diffusion coefficient
Type: string
Default: arithmetic
| . . . - arithmetic
Simple average (L+R)/2
| . . . - harmonic
Harmonic average 2*(L*R)/(L+R)
| . . alpha
Value of alpha
Type: Real
| . . nu
Value of the kinematic shear viscosity
Type: Real
Units: cm^2 s^-1
| . . r_exp
Value of the cylindrical powerlaw exponent
Type: Real
| . . eta_bulk
bulk viscosity multiplier on the shear viscosity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . conductivity
Conductivity models
| . . type
Conductivity model
Type: string
| . . . - conductivity
Powerlaw thermal conductivity
| . . . - diffusivity
Powerlaw thermal diffusivity
| . . averaging
Averaging method for the face diffusion coefficient
Type: string
Default: arithmetic
| . . . - arithmetic
Simple average (L+R)/2
| . . . - harmonic
Harmonic average 2*(L*R)/(L+R)
| . . kappa
Value of thermal diffusivity
Type: Real
Units: cm^2 s^-1
| . . cond
Value of heat conductivity
Type: Real
Units: erg cm^-1 s^-1 K^-1
| . . temp_exp
Temperature powerlaw exponent
Type: Real
| . . T_ref
Reference temperature
Type: Real
Units: K
| . . rho_exp
Density powerlaw exponent
Type: Real
| . . rho_ref
Reference density
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
| . opacity/absorption
Opacity models
| . . opacity_model
Opacity model
Type: string
Default: constant
| . . . - constant
Constant specific absorption opacity
| . . . - shocktube_a
Shocktube A specific absorption opacity (custom units system)
| . . . - thermalization
Thermalization specific absorption opacity (custom units system)
| . . . - none
Zero specific absorption opacity
| . . kappa_a
Specific absorption opacity
Type: Real
Units: cm^2 g^-1 (unless invoking custom opacity model)
Default: 0.0
| . . coef_kappa_a
Coefficient multiplying opacity power law (when invoked)
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . rho_exp
Exponent of density for opacity power law (when invoked)
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . temp_exp
Exponent of temperature for opacity power law (when invoked)
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . opacity/scattering
Scattering models
| . . scattering_model
Scattering model
Type: string
Default: none
| . . . - constant
Constant specific scattering opacity
| . . . - none
Zero specific scattering opacity
| . . kappa_s
Specific scattering opacity
Type: Real
Units: cm^2 g^-1 (unless invoking custom scattering model)
Default: 0.0
| . type
Cooling model
Type: string
| . . - beta
Beta cooling
| . beta0
Type: Real
| . beta_min
Type: Real
Default: 1e-12
| . exp_scale
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . tref
Model for tempetaure profile to cool to.
Type: string
| . . - powerlaw
Powerlaw model: T = Tcyl * R^a + Tsph * r^b
| . tfloor
Temperature floor.
Type: Real
Units: K
Default: 0.0
| . tcyl
Normalization for cylindrical power law
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . cyl_plaw
Power law index for cylindrical power law
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . tsph
Normalization for spherical power law
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . sph_plaw
Power law index for spherical power law
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
Fluid-Fluid drag coupling.
| . type
What drag model to use.
Type: string
| . . - self
Apply a self-drag force to fluids with damping nodes.
| . . - simple_dust
Couple the dust and gas together assuming the dust only interacts with the first gas species. There is no direct dust-dust coupling, and there can only be one gas species. This also includes self-drag if defined.
External gravitational sources
| . tstart
When to turn gravity on.
Type: Real
Units: s
Default: -∞
| . tstop
When to turn gravity off.
Type: Real
Units: s
Default: ∞
| . uniform
Uniform gravitational acceleration
| . . gx(1,2,3)
Uniform gravity: acceleration in the x(1,2,3)-dir.
Type: Real
Units: cm s^-2
| . point
Point mass gravity.
| . . mass
Mass of the body
Type: Real
Units: g
| . . soft
Plummer softening radius of the body
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . sink
Accretion radius of the body. Material inside this distance to the point is gradually removed
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . sink_rate
Mass removal rate.
Type: Real
Units: s^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . x
X position
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . y
Y position
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . z
Z position
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . binary
Binary mass gravity.
| . . mass
Total mass of the binary
Type: Real
Units: g
| . . soft(1,2)
Plummer softening radius of the primary/secondary
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . sink(1,2)
Accretion radius of the primary/secondary. Material inside this distance to the point is gradually removed
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . sink_rate(1,2)
Mass removal rate of the primary/secondary.
Type: Real
Units: s^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . x
X position of the center of mass
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . y
Y position of the center of mass
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . z
Z position of the center of mass
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . q
Binary mass ratio
Type: Real
| . . a
Binary semi-major axis
Type: Real
Units: cm
| . . e
Binary eccentricity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . i
Binary inclination (deg).
Type: Real
Units: deg
Default: 0.0
| . . omega
Binary argument of pericenter (deg).
Type: Real
Units: deg
Default: 0.0
| . . Omega
Binary longitude of ascending node (deg).
Type: Real
Units: deg
Default: 0.0
| . . f
Binary true anomaly.
Type: Real
Units: deg
Default: 0.0
| . nbody
N-body gravity. Requires an node to specify the system.
Jaybenne specific options
| . num_particles
Number of particles.
Type: int
| . dt
Jaybenne enforced timestep limitation (fixed).
Type: Real
Default: std::numeric_limits::max()
| . min_swarm_occupancy
Minimum swarm occupancy (0<=x<=1) below which defrag is triggered.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . numin
Minimum photon frequency (currently unused for gray IMC).
Type: Real
Default: std::numeric_limits::min()
| . numax
Maximum photon frequency (currently unused for gray IMC).
Type: Real
Default: std::numeric_limits::max()
| . unique_rank_seeds
Invoke different seeds for each MPI rank.
Type: bool
Default: true
| . seed
RNG seed (for rank=0 when unique_rank_seeds=true).
Type: int
Default: 123
| . max_transport_iterations
Maximum number of iterations for transport.
Type: int
Default: 10000
| . use_ddmc
Enables DDMC.
Type: bool
Default: false
| . tau_ddmc
Optical depth threshold for DDMC.
Type: Real
Default: 5.0
| . source_strategy
Method of sourcing for particles.
Type: string
Default: uniform
| . . - uniform
Uniform sampling/sourcing.
| . . - energy
Energy-based sampling/sourcing.
| . do_emission
Enables thermal emission physics.
Type: bool
Default: True
| . do_feedback
Radiation affects host fluid fields.
Type: bool
Default: True
| . amp
Amplitude of perturbation
Type: Real
| . vflow
Background velocity parallel to wavevector
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . nperiod
Sets new time limit to the specified number of periods
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . along_x(1,2,3)
Wavevctor along x(1,2,3) axis
Type: bool
Default: false
| . radius
Initial radius of blast wave
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . height
Initial height of blast wave
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . internal_energy
Internal energy of blast wave
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . p0
Background presure
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . d0
Background density
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . x(1,2,3)
Coordinates of the blast wave center
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . samples
Amount of subsampling to do when setting the initial blast. If < 0, only use the center of the cell.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . symmetry
Is this a spherical or cylindrical blast wave?
Type: string
Default: spherical
| . gas_rho
Background gas density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . gas_vx(1,2,3)
Background gas velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . gas_temp
Background gas temperature.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . flux
The specified heat flux when using conductive boundaries.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . gas_rho
Background gas density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . gas_vx(1,2,3)
Background gas velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . gas_temp
Background gas temperature
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dust_rho
Background dust density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dust_vx(1,2,3)
Background dust velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . r0
Reference radius.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 1.0
| . h0
Aspect ratio of the disk at r0
Type: Real
Default: 0.05
| . rho0
Density of the disk at r0.
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
| . dslope
Density power law
Type: Real
Default: -2.25
| . tslope
Temperature power law. This is mutually exclusive with flare
Type: Real
Default: -1.0
| . flare
Flaring index. This is mutually exclusive with tslope
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . rexp
Exponential cutoff radius for the density profile
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . rcav
Inner cavity radius for the density profile.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . l0
Guess for the binary eignvalue that reduces the density near the outer boundary
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . polytropic_index
The polytropic index of the initial disk profile. Defaults to the gas adiabatic index
Type: Real
Default: gas/gamma
| . mdot
Specified mass flux through the disk. This is used to set the density normalization and the viscous outer boundary condition inflow rate.
Type: Real
Units: g s^-1
| . quiet_start
If set to true, the initial radial velocity is set to zero. If set to false, the initial radial velocity is the viscous velocity.
Type: bool
Default: false
| . dens_min
Floor density.
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
Default: 1e-5
| . pres_min
Floor pressure.
Type: Real
Units: erg cm^-3
Default: 1e-8
| . dust_to_gas
Dust to gas ratio
Type: Real
Default: 0.01
| . x(1,2,3)c
Center of the bump.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . sigma
Width of the bump.
Type: Real
| . density_bump
Density bump value.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . temperature_bump
Temperature bump value
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . vx(1,2,3)_bump
Velocity of the bump.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . gas_rho
Background gas density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . gas_vx(1,2,3)
Background gas velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . gas_pres
Background gas pressure.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dust_rho
Background dust density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dust_vx(1,2,3)
Background dust velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . wave_flag
Wave flag
Type: int
| . amp
Wave amplitude
Type: Real
| . vflow
Background velocity parallel to wavevector
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . nperiod
Sets new time limit to the specified number of periods
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . along_x(1,2,3)
Wavevctor along x(1,2,3) axis
Type: bool
Default: false
| . rhol
Density (left).
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . vxl
X1-velocity (left).
Type: Real
Default: 2.0
| . tl
Temperature (left).
Type: Real
Default: 0.6
| . rhor
Density (right).
Type: Real
Default: 2.285714
| . vxr
X1-velocity (right).
Type: Real
Default: 0.875
| . tr
Temperature (right).
Type: Real
Default: 1.246875
| . xdisc
Discontinuity location (X1).
Type: Real
Default: 0.0005
| . h
Scale height of the disk
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . rho0
Background density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dens_min
Floor density.
Type: Real
Default: 1e-5
| . pres_min
Floor pressure.
Type: Real
Default: 1e-8
| . d2g
Dust to gas ratio
Type: Real
Default: 0.01
| . rho
Background density.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . vx
Background X1-velocity.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . tgas
Background gas temperature.
Type: Real
Default: 2.0
| . trad
Background radiation temperature.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
Parameters controlling the setup and execution of the REBOUND simulation. N-body systems are built up particle-by-particle using the or other aggregate blocks such as , , etc.
| . integrator
Choice of REBOUND Integrator. We only list the major ones here, but all REBOUND integrators are available.
Type: string
Default: ias15
| . . - ias15
A 15th order integrator. A good generic integrator that should work in almost all situations.
| . . - none
Do nothing during the integration. Particles will not move from their starting locations.
| . . - whfast
A fast, symplectic Wisdom-Holman integrator.
| . mtot
When set, all particles are rescaled so that the total mass is this value.
Type: Real
Units: g
Default: -∞
| . mscale
Scaling factor applied to the force of the materials on the particles.
Type: Real
Default: 1.0
| . dt
The timestep passed to REBOUND.
Type: Real
Default: ∞
| . refine_type
If set to distance, refine on specifid distance to particles
Type: string
Default: none
| . derefine_factor
Derefine a cell that is this factor times the refinement distance away from a particle
Type: Real
Default: 2.0
| . frame
The frame of the N-body simulation in relation to the artemis frame. Typically, this will be global, but in the shearing box can be local.
Type: string
Default: global
| . pn
Post-Newtonian correction order. Valid options are 0, 1, 2, and 2.5
Type: int
Default: 0
| . pn2_corr
Include the 2 PN corrections.
Type: int
Default: 1
| . merge_on_collision
Merge two particles together when they have a close encounter.
Type: bool
Default: true
| . box_size
The REBOUND simulation domain. When particles exit this box, they are deleted. This should be set if there will be ejections.
Type: Real
Default: ∞
| . dt_output
Output cadence of the .reb and .orb files.
Type: Real
Default: ∞
| . disable_outputs
Disable N-body related outputs
Type: bool
Default: false
| . particle#
This node controls the parameters for individual particles. For example, two particles would have two blocks named and . For many particle systems see the nad blocks.
| . . mass
Particle mass . Arbitrary units; normalized relative to other particles based on GM parameter.
Type: Real
| . . radius
Particle size. Used for close encounters
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . couple
Couple the particle to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 1
| . . live
Have the particle move in response to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live_after
Have the particle go live after this time.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . refine_distance
Tag zones that within this distance to the particle for refinement.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . soft
Block controllling the particle softening
| . . . radius
The softening radius.
Type: Real
| . . . type
The softening model
Type: string
| . . . . - none
Do not apply any softening to this particle
| . . . . - spline
Spline softening following Springel (2001). The potential is exactly Keplerian outside the softening distance and transitions to constant rotation rate at zero distance.
| . . . . - plummer
Plummer softening. The potential goes like (r^2 + r_s^2)^{-1/2}. The potential never exactly reaches the Keplerian value, but is approximately equal to Keplerian around 2.8 rsoft.
| . . sink
Block controllling particle accretioni.
| . . . radius
The accretion radius.
Type: Real
| . . . gamma
The rate at which mass is removed from the materials.
Type: Real
| . . . beta
The rate at which tangential momentum is removed. Normal ranges are betwen 0 and γ. Torque-free sinks have β=0.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . initialize
Parameters controlling the initialization of this particle
| . . . x
Initial X position
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . . y
Initial Y position
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . . z
Initial Z position
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . . vx
Initial X velocity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . . vy
Initial Y velocity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . . vz
Initial Z velocity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . binary#
This node either creates or initializes a binary system. If no particles are specified, they will be created. Otherwise, this block will initialize the two specified particles on the specified orbit. Multiple binary systems can be specified as , , etc.
| . . primary
The name of the primary particle. This is the number of the block.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . secondary
The name of the secondary particle. This is the number of the block.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . mass
If set and the particles have been specified, this will renormalize the particle masses so that the total mass is this value. If the particles have not been specified, they will be created with this total mass.
Type: Real
Default: -1.0
| . . a
Binary semi-major axis
Type: Real
Units: au
| . . e
Binary eccentricity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . i
Binary inclination.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . f
Binary true anomaly.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 180.0
| . . o
Binary argument of pericenter.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . O
Binary longitude of ascending node.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . q
If particles unspecified, mass ratio of the binary.
Type: Real
| . . radius
If particles unspecified, particle size. Used for close encounters
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . couple
If particles unspecified, couple the particle to the materials.
Type: int
Units: cm
Default: 0
| . . live
If particles unspecified, have the particle move in response to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live_after
If particles unspecified, have the particle go live after this time.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . refine_distance
If particles unspecified, tag zones that within this distance to the particle for refinement.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . rsink
If particles unspecified, particle sink radius.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . beta
If particles unspecified, sink momentum removal rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . gamma
If particles unspecified, sink mass removal rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . rsoft
If particles unspecified, particle softening radius.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . stype
If particles unspecified, softening type of the particles. Valid options are none, spline, and plummer
Type: string
Default: spline
| . . x
Initial COM X position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . y
Initial COM Y position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . z
Initial COM Z position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . vx
Initial COM X velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . vy
Initial COM Y velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . vz
Initial COM Z velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . triple#
This node either creates or initializes a triple system. If no particles are specified, they will be created. Otherwise, this block will initialize the three specified particles on the specified inner and outer orbits. Multiple triple systems can be specified as , , etc.
| . . primary
The name of the primary particle. This is the number of the block.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . secondary
The name of the secondary particle. This is the number of the block.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . tertiary
The name of the tertiary particle. This is the number of the block.
Type: int
Default: -1
| . . mass
If set and the particles have been specified,this will renormalize the particle masses so that the total mass is this value. If the particles have not been specified, they will be created with this total mass.
Type: Real
Units: Mj
Default: -1.0
| . . a
Inner binary semi-major axis
Type: Real
Units: au
| . . e
Inner binary eccentricity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . i
Inner binary inclination.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . f
Inner binary true anomaly.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 180.0
| . . o
Inner binary argument of pericenter.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . O
Inner binary longitude of ascending node.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . ao
Outer binary semi-major axis
Type: Real
Units: au
| . . eo
Outer binary eccentricity
Type: Real
Default: 0.0
| . . io
Outer binary inclination.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . fo
Outer binary true anomaly.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 180.0
| . . oo
Outer binary arguemnet of pericenter.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . Oo
Outer binary longitude of ascending node.
Type: Real
Units: degrees
Default: 0.0
| . . q
If particles unspecified, mass ratio of the inner binary.
Type: Real
| . . qo
If particles unspecified, mass ratio of the outer binary.
Type: Real
| . . radius
If particles unspecified, particle size. Used for close encounters
Type: Real
Units: cm
Default: 0.0
| . . couple
If particles unspecified, couple the particle to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live
If particles unspecified, have the particle move in response to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live_after
If particles unspecified, have the particle go live after this time.
Type: Real
Units: yr
Default: 0.0
| . . refine_distance
If particles unspecified, tag zones that within this distance to the particle for refinement.
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . rsink
If particles unspecified, particle sink radius.
Type: Real
Units: km
Default: 0.0
| . . beta
If particles unspecified, sink momentum removal rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . gamma
If particles unspecified, sink mass removal rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . rsoft
If particles unspecified, particle softening radius.
Type: Real
Units: km
Default: 0.0
| . . stype
If particles unspecified, softening type of the particles. Valid options are none, spline, and plummer
Type: string
Default: spline
| . . x
Initial COM X position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . y
Initial COM Y position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . z
Initial COM Z position
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: 0.0
| . . vx
Initial COM X velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . vy
Initial COM Y velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . vz
Initial COM Z velocity
Type: Real
Units: au yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . system#
This node creates an N-body system from a file that specifies the masses, positions, and velocities of every particle. Multiple systems can be specified as , , etc.
| . . couple
Couple all particles to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 1
| . . live
All particles move in response to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live_after
All particles go live after this time.
Type: Real
Units: yr
Default: 0.0
| . . stype
The type of softening applied to all particles. Valid options are none, spline, and plummer.
Type: string
Default: spline
| . . input_file
The name of the input file specifying this system. The format of the file should be: mass x y z vx vy vz r-soft r-acc gamma beta target_radius radius.
Type: string
| . planet#
This node creates a planetary system from a file that specifies the masses and orbits of any number of planets. The central object is left unspecified and should be added separately. Note that any other input block can be used as the central object, e.g., a particle block, binary block, system block, etc. Note that only single or binary central objects have been tested, though. Multiple planetary systems can be specified as , , etc.
| . . couple
Couple all particles to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 1
| . . live
All particles move in response to the materials.
Type: int
Default: 0
| . . live_after
All particles go live after this time.
Type: Real
Units: yr
Default: 0.0
| . . stype
The type of softening applied to all particles. Valid options are none, spline, and plummer.
Type: string
Default: spline
| . . input_file
The name of the input file specifying this system. The format of the file should be one particle per line and columns: q a e i f o O r-soft r-acc gamma beta target_radius radius. Note that angle are in degrees.
Type: string
| . cfl
CFL number for the dust
Type: Real
Default: 0.8
| . dfloor
Density floor
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
Default: 1e-20
| . grain_density
Grain density.
Type: Real
Units: g cm^-3
Default: 1.0
| . nspecies
The number of dust species
Type: int
Default: 1
| . size_input
How to specify the dust sizes
Type: string
Default: direct
| . . - direct
Directly specify the size distribution as a comma separated list
| . . - linspace
Grains are distributed uniformly from a minimum size to a maximum size.
| . . - logspace
Grains are distributed uniformly in log space from a minimum size to a maximum size.
| . . - file
Grains are provided in a specified input file.
| . min_size
Minimum dust size. For use with size_input=linspace or logspace.
Type: Real
Units: cm
| . max_size
Maximum dust size. For use with size_input=linspace or logspace.
Type: Real
Units: cm
| . size_file
Text file that lists the dust sizes. For use with size_input=file.
Type: string
| . scr_level
Gas scratch memory level
Type: int
Default: 0
| . reconstruct
Reconstruction option.
Type: string
Default: plm
| . . - pcm
Piecewise Constant
| . . - plm
Piecewise Linear
| . . - ppm
Piecewise Parabolic
| . riemann
Riemann solver option.
Type: string
Default: hlle
| . . - llf
| . . - hlle
| . damping
Apply a drag force to the material that lowers the normal velocity to the boundary.
| . . inner_x(1,2,3)
The end of the inner damping layer in the X(1,2,3)-direction
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: ∞
| . . outer_x(1,2,3)
The beginning of the outer damping layer in the X(1,2,3)-direction
Type: Real
Units: au
Default: ∞
| . . inner_x(1,2,3)_rate
The inner damping rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . . outer_x(1,2,3)_rate
The outer damping rate.
Type: Real
Units: yr^-1
Default: 0.0
| . stopping_time
Dust stopping time model.
| . . type
What stopping time model to use
Type: string
| . . . - constant
Constant stopping times
| . . . - stokes
Stopping times between the gas and dust fluid are in the Stokes regime
Rotating frame module. This adds the centrifugal, Coriolis forces, and shearing box forces.
| . omega
Frame rotation rate. Aligned with z.
Type: Real
Units: radian s^-1
Default: 0.0
| . qshear
Shear rate of the shearing box. Set to -1.5 for Keplerian shear.
Type: Real
Default: 0.0