Running artemis

Create the input file

All of the configuration options for an artemis simulation are contained in an input file called input.par for this example. The input file contains all the necessary instructions for creating and executing the simulation. The style of the input file follows that of Parthenon input files. Input “blocks” (or “nodes”) are denoted with <...>. Inside the blocks are key = value pairs that specify each parameter under that particular block. The values can be integers, floats, strings, or even comma separated vectors.

At the very top of the input file, there is an <artemis> block that controls some global parameters such as the coordinate system and problem definition.

coordinates = cylindrical   # cartesian, cylindrical, spherical, axisymmetric
problem = disk               # name of the problem generator

Next, the <parthenon/job> block specifies the base name of the simulation outputs.

problem_id = name       # name of output files

The <parthenon/time> block controls the evolution of the simulation, including safeguards against crashing.

nlim = -1           # Maximum number of cycles; -1 indicates unlimited cycles
tlim = 62.8         # end time
integrator = rk2    # rk1, vl2, rk2, rk3
dt_min = 1e-10      # halt execution if dt < dt_min
dt_max = 1.0        # halt execution if dt > dt_max

The parameters dt_min and dt_max will halt the simulation if the time step falls outside their range.

Next, the output blocks control when and what artemis writes to disk as the simulation is running. Typically, there are three types of outputs specified here, history, hdf5 snapshots, and hdf5 restart files.

variables = gas.prim.density,  &
            gas.prim.velocity, &
file_type = hdf5  # HDF5 data dump
dt        = 1.0   # time increment between outputs

file_type = rst
dt = 6.28        # time between restarts

file_type = hst
dt = 0.2         # time between history dumps

The next blocks define the simulation mesh dimensions, boundary conditions, and meshblock size. This example sets up a 2D cylindrical mesh that spans the full \(2 \pi\) in azimuth.

nghost = 2
refinement = static          # none, static, adaptive
numlevel = 3                 # the maximum number of refinement levels

nx1    = 256                 # Number of zones in X1-direction
x1min  = 0.3                 # minimum value of X1
x1max  = 3.0                 # maximum value of X1
ix1_bc = ic                  # Inner-X1 boundary condition flag
ox1_bc = ic                  # Outer-X1 boundary condition flag

nx2    = 1024                # Number of zones in X2-direction
x2min  = -3.141592653589793  # minimum value of X2
x2max  = 3.141592653589793   # maximum value of X2
ix2_bc = periodic            # Inner-X2 boundary condition flag
ox2_bc = periodic            # Outer-X2 boundary condition flag

nx3    = 1                   # Number of zones in X3-direction
x3min  = -0.5                # minimum value of X3
x3max  = 0.5                 # maximum value of X3
ix3_bc = periodic            # Inner-X3 boundary condition flag
ox3_bc = periodic            # Outer-X3 boundary condition flag

nx1 = 32
nx2 = 32
nx3 = 1

Boundary Conditions describes all the possible boundary conditions.

The refinement parameter in the <parthenon/mesh> block controls how mesh refinement is handled. If refinemnt = none, not refinement occurs. Setting refinement = adaptive activates adaptive mesh refinement. The physics packages can control when and where to refine and de-refine the mesh. See Physics Modules for a description of each package. Lastly, if refinement = static, the input file controls where the mesh is refined. There are additional input blocks specify where this refinement is located. For example,

level = 3
x1min = 0.9
x1max = 1.1
x2min = -0.5
x2max = 0.5
x3min = -1.0
x3max = 1.0

Up until now, the input file has been mainly specifying parameters for Parthenon. The following blocks deal with artemis specific parameters. First, all of the active physics packages are listed. The following example activates the gas, gravity, viscosity, and rotating_frame packages.

gas = true
gravity = true
viscosity = true
rotating_frame = true

Each active physics package will have an associated input block specifying its parameters. Following the example, simple <gas>, <gas/viscosity>, <gravity>, and <rotating_frame> blocks are added. For more details see the Physics Modules and Input Parameters sections

cfl = 0.3
eos = ideal
gamma = 1.4
riemann = hllc
reconstruct = plm

type = alpha
alpha = 1e-3

type = binary
gm = 1.0
q = 1e-3
a = 1.0
sft2 = .06

omega = 1.0

Finally, there is a <problem> block that contains the parameters controlling the problem initial conditions. See Problem Generators for a list of the possible <problem> blocks,

h0 = .05
rho0 = 1.0
dslope = -0.5
flare = 0.0

Run artemis

artemis is an MPI + GPU executable. The exact command to launch it depends on the system it is run on. This example will assume a SLURM-like cluster.

To launch a fresh artemis on $NPROCS CPUs with srun,

srun -n $NPROCS artemis -i input.par

To restart a previous run, use the -r argument

srun -n $NPROCS artemis -r

A modified input file can optionally still be passed with the -i argument.

Return codes

When using batch submissions, it is possible to set up a self-restarting job. The easiest way to do this is to take advantage of SLURM interrupt signals and the artemis return code. artemis

An example batch submission script,, would look like:

#SBATCH -J name
#SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=128
#SBATCH -t 16:00:00

set -o pipefail

if [ ! -f ]; then
  echo "Starting fresh"
  srun -n $SLURM_NPROCS artemis -i input.par -t 15:50:00
  echo "Restarting"
  srun -n $SLURM_NPROCS artemis -r -t 15:50:00


set +o pipefail

if [[ $EXITCODE -eq 2 ]]; then
 echo "Resubmitting"

This stops artemis 10 minutes before the job ends. If the simulation has completed by then, artemis will return 0. Instead if it hasn’t reached its end time yet, it will return 2. And if the simulation crashed for some reason, it will return 1. If the return code is 2, the batch script will resubmit itself.