#!/usr/bin/env python
# Calculate mass balance across a boundary of a DFN mesh
# Make sure that you run PFLOTRAN with MASS_FLOWRATE under OUTPUT
# Satish Karra
# March 17, 2016
# Updated Jeffrey Hyman Dec 19 2018
# Revision Jeffrey Hyman Oct 5 2020
import os
import numpy as np
import glob
__author__ = 'Jeffrey Hyman'
__email__ = 'jhyman@lanl.gov'
def check_inputs(direction, inflow_pressure, outflow_pressure, boundary_file, darcy_vel_file):
Checks that inflow pressure is greater than outflow pressure and that path to file paths are valid.
direction : string
Primary direction of flow (x, y, or z)
inflow_pressure : float
Inflow boundary pressure
outflow_pressure : float
Outflow Boundary pressure
boundary_file : string
Name of ex file for inflow boundary
darcy_vel_file : string
name of darcy veloctiy file (pflotran output file)
True if all tests pasted, False if not
if direction not in ['x', 'y', 'z']:
print(f"--> Error. Unknown direction provided {direction}. Acceptable values are 'x','y', and 'z'.\nExiting\n"
return False
## Check Pressure
if inflow_pressure < outflow_pressure:
"--> Error. Inflow pressure is less the outflow pressure. Cannot compute effective permeability.\n"
print(f"--> Inflow Pressure: {inflow_pressure}")
print(f"--> Outflow Pressure: {outflow_pressure}")
print("Exiting fucntion call.")
return False
if not os.path.exists(boundary_file):
print(f"--> Error. Boundary file: {boundary_file} not found. Please check path.\nExiting\n")
return False
if not os.path.exists(darcy_vel_file):
print(f"--> Error. Darcy velocity file: {darcy_vel_file} not found. Please check path.\nExiting\n")
return False
return True
def flow_rate(darcy_vel_file, boundary_file):
'''Calculates the flow rate across the inflow boundary
darcy_vel_file : string
Name of concatenated Darcy velocity file
boundary_file : string
ex file for the inflow boundary
mass_rate : float
Mass flow rate across the inflow boundary
volume_rate : float
Volumetric flow rate across the inflow boundary
# Calculate the mass flow rate
mass_rate = 0.0 #kg/s
volume_rate = 0.0 #m^3/s
dat_boundary = np.genfromtxt(boundary_file, skip_header=1)
dat = np.genfromtxt(darcy_vel_file)
for cell in dat_boundary[:, 0]:
if (np.any(dat[:, 0] == int(cell))):
ids = np.where(dat[:, 0] == int(cell))[0]
for idx in ids:
cell_up = int(dat[idx, 0])
cell_down = int(dat[idx, 1])
mass_flux = dat[idx, 2] # in m/s , darcy flux, right? m3/m2/s
density = dat[idx, 3] # in kg/m3
area = dat[idx, 4] # in m^2
if (cell_up == int(cell)):
mass_rate = mass_flux * area * \
density + mass_rate # in kg/s
volume_rate = mass_flux * area + volume_rate #in m3/s
mass_rate = - mass_flux * area * \
density + mass_rate # in kg/s
volume_rate = -mass_flux * area + volume_rate #in m3/s
#print cell_up, cell_down, mass_flux, density, area, mass_rate, volume_rate
if (np.any(dat[:, 1] == int(cell))):
ids = np.where(dat[:, 1] == int(cell))[0]
for idx in ids:
cell_up = int(dat[idx, 0])
cell_down = int(dat[idx, 1])
mass_flux = dat[idx, 2] # in m/s
density = dat[idx, 3] # in kg/m3
area = dat[idx, 4] # in m^2
if (cell_up == int(cell)):
mass_rate = mass_flux * area * \
density + mass_rate # in kg/s
volume_rate = mass_flux * area + volume_rate #in m3/s
mass_rate = - mass_flux * area * \
density + mass_rate # in kg/s
volume_rate = -mass_flux * area + volume_rate #in m3/s
#print cell_up, cell_down, mass_flux, density, area, mass_rate, volume_rate
return mass_rate, volume_rate
def dump_effective_perm(local_jobname, mass_rate, volume_rate, domain,
direction, inflow_pressure, outflow_pressure):
'''Compute the effective permeability of the DFN and write it to screen and to the file local_jobname_effective_perm.dat
local_jobname : string
mass_rate : float
Mass flow rate through inflow boundary
volume_rate : float
Volumetric flow rate through inflow boundary
direction : string
Primary direction of flow (x, y, or z)
domain : dict
Dictionary of domain sizes in x, y, z
inflow_pressure : float
Inflow boundary pressure
outflow_pressure : float
Outflow boundary pressure
Information is written into <local_jobname>_effective_perm.txt
# Lm3 = domain['x'] * domain['y'] * domain['z'] #L/m^3
# if flow is in x direction, cross section is domain['y']*domain['z']
if direction == 'x':
surface = domain['y'] * domain['z']
L = domain['x']
if direction == 'y':
surface = domain['x'] * domain['z']
L = domain['y']
if direction == 'z':
surface = domain['x'] * domain['y']
L = domain['z']
# Print the calculated mass flow rate in kg/s
mu = 8.9e-4 #dynamic viscosity of water at 20 degrees C, Pa*s
spery = 3600. * 24. * 365.25 #seconds per year
# compute pressure gradient
pgrad = (inflow_pressure - outflow_pressure) / L
#darcy flux over entire face m3/m2/s
q = volume_rate / surface
output_string = f'''The mass flow rate [kg/s]: {mass_rate:0.5e}
The volume flow rate [m^3/s]: {volume_rate:0.5e}
if direction == 'x':
output_string += f'''The Darcy flow rate over {domain['y']} x {domain['z']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/s]: {q:0.5e}
The Darcy flow rate over {domain['y']} x {domain['z']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/y]: {spery*q:0.5e}
elif direction == 'y':
output_string += f'''The Darcy flow rate over {domain['x']} x {domain['z']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/s]: {q:0.5e}
The Darcy flow rate over {domain['x']} x {domain['z']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/y]: {spery*q:0.5e}
elif direction == 'y':
output_string += f'''The Darcy flow rate over {domain['x']} x {domain['y']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/s]: {q:0.5e}
The Darcy flow rate over {domain['x']} x {domain['y']} m^2 area [m^3/m^2/y]: {spery*q:0.5e}
output_string += f'The effective permeability of the domain [m^2]: {q * mu / pgrad:0.5e}'
print("\n--> Effective Permeability Properties: ")
with open(f'{local_jobname}_effective_perm.txt', "w") as fp:
keff = q * mu / pgrad
return keff
def effective_perm(self, inflow_pressure, outflow_pressure, boundary_file,
direction, darcy_vel_file = 'darcyvel.dat'):
'''Computes the effective permeability of a DFN in the primary direction of flow using a steady-state PFLOTRAN solution.
self : object
DFN Class
inflow_pressure: float
Pressure at the inflow boundary face. Units are Pascal
outflow_pressure: float
Pressure at the outflow boundary face. Units are Pascal
boundary_file: string
Name of inflow boundary file, e.g., pboundary_left.ex
direction: string
Primary direction of flow, x, y, or z
darcy_vel_file : string
Name of concatenated Darcy velocity file
1. Information is written to screen and to the file self.local_jobname_effective_perm.txt
2. Currently, only PFLOTRAN solutions are supported
3. Assumes density of water at 20c
print("--> Computing Effective Permeability of Block\n")
if not self.flow_solver == "PFLOTRAN":
"Incorrect flow solver selected. Cannot compute effective permeability"
return 0
print(f"--> Inflow boundary file name:\t\t{boundary_file}")
print(f"--> Darcy Velocity File:\t{darcy_vel_file}")
print(f"--> Inflow Pressure:\t\t{inflow_pressure:0.5e} Pa")
print(f"--> Outflow Pressure:\t\t{outflow_pressure:0.5e} Pa")
print(f"--> Primary Flow Direction:\t{direction}")
if not check_inputs(direction, inflow_pressure, outflow_pressure, boundary_file, darcy_vel_file):
return 1
mass_rate, volume_rate = flow_rate(darcy_vel_file, boundary_file)
keff = dump_effective_perm(self.local_jobname, mass_rate, volume_rate,
self.domain, direction, inflow_pressure,
print("--> Complete\n\n")
self.keff = keff