pydfnworks: dfnGen

DFN Class functions used in network generation and meshing


Adding Fracture Families

add_fracture_family(self, shape, distribution, kappa, family_number=None, probability=None, p32=None, layer=0, region=0, number_of_points=8, aspect=1, beta_distribution=0, beta=0, theta=None, phi=None, strike=None, dip=None, trend=None, plunge=None, alpha=None, log_mean=None, log_std=None, exp_mean=None, constant=None, min_radius=None, max_radius=None, hy_variable=None, hy_function=None, hy_params=None)[source]

Generates a fracture family

  • self (DFN object)

  • shape ('rect' or 'ell' deines the fracture family shape)

  • distribution ('tpl', 'log_normal', 'exp', or 'constant' defines the sample distribution for the fracture radius)

  • kappa (concentration param of the von Mises-Fisher distribution)

  • family_number (fracutre family id. default = None)

  • probability (probabily of a fracture belonging to this family. default = None. use if stopCondition = 0)

  • p32 (fracture intensity for the family. default = None. use if stopCondition = 1)

  • layer (assigns fracture family to a layer in the domain. default = 0)

  • region (assigns fracture family to a region in the domain. default = 0)

  • number_of_points (specifies the number of vertices defining th eboundary of each fracture. default = 8)

  • aspect (the aspect ratio of the fractures. default = 1)

  • beta_distribution (0 (uniform distribtuion [0,2pi) or 1 (constant rotation specfied by ebeta) rotation of each fractures normal vector. default 0)

  • beta (angle fo constant rotation. use if beta_distribution = 1. default = 0)

  • theta (use if orientationOption = 0 (default). default = None)

  • phi (use if orientationOption = 0 (default). default = None)

  • trend (use if orientationOption = 1. default = None)

  • plunge (use if orientationOption = 1. default = None)

  • dip (use if orientationOption = 2. default = None)

  • strike (use if orientationOption = 2. default = None)

  • alpha (parameter for 'tpl'. default = None)

  • log_mean (parameter for 'log_normal'. default = None)

  • log_std (parameter for 'log_normal'. default = None)

  • exp_mean (parameter for 'exp'. default = None)

  • constant (parameter for 'constant'. default = None)

  • min_radius (minimum fracture radius for 'tpl' 'log_normal' or 'exp'. default = None)

  • max_radius (maximum fracture radius for 'tpl' 'log_normal' or 'exp'. default = None)

  • hy_variable (hydraulic variable to assign values to. options are 'aperture', 'permeability', 'transmissivity',)

  • hy_function (relationship between hydraulic variable and fracture radius. options are 'correlated', 'semi-correlated', 'constant', 'log-normal')

  • hy_params (parameters for the hydraulic function. see next lines for syntax and options) – if ‘correlated’ –> {“alpha”:value, “beta:value} if ‘semi-correlated’ –> {“alpha”:value, “beta”:value, “sigma”:value} if ‘constant’ –> {“mu”:value} if ‘log-normal’ –> {“mu”:value, “sigma”:value}

Return type:

Populated fracture family dictionary for specified family


See for more information about parameters


                        "alpha": 10**-5,
                        "beta": 0.5

Adding User Fractures

add_user_fract(self, shape, radii, translation, filename=None, aspect_ratio=1, beta=0, angle_option='degree', orientation_option='normal', normal_vector=None, trend_plunge=None, dip_strike=None, number_of_vertices=None, permeability=None, transmissivity=None, aperture=None)[source]

Specifies user defined fracture parameters for the DFN.

  • shape (string) – The desired shape of the fracture options are ‘rect’, ‘ell’, and ‘poly’ - Required

  • radii (float) – 1/2 size of the fracture in meters - Required

  • translation (list of floats [3]) – Fracture center

  • filename (string) – The name of the user defined fracture file. Default is user_defined_{shape}.dat

  • aspect_ratio (float) – Fracture aspect ratio

  • beta (float) – Rotation angle around center of the fracture

  • angle_option (string) – Angle option ‘degree’ or ‘radian’. Default is degree

  • orientation_option (string) – Choice of fracture orienation ‘normal’, ‘trend_plunge’, ‘dip_strike’

  • normal_vector (list [3]) – normal vector of the fracture

  • trend_plunge (list [2]) – trend and plunge of the fracture

  • dip_strike (list [2]) – dip and strike of the fracture

  • number_of_vertices (int) – Number of vertices on the fracture boundary.

  • permeability (float) – Permeability of the fracture

  • transmissivity (float) – Fracture Tramsmissivity

  • aperture (float) – Hydraulic aperture of the fracture

Return type:

None - fracture dictionaries are attached to the DFN object


Please be aware, the user fracture files can only be automatically written for ellipses and rectangles not specified by coordinate.


for additional information


               translation=[0.2, 0, 0.2],
               normal_vector=[0, 0, 1],

Adding User Fractures From a File

add_user_fract_from_file(self, filename, shape, nPolygons, by_coord=False, aperture=None, transmissivity=None, permeability=None)[source]

Sets up paths for fractures defined in user input file. When inserting user fractures from file, hydraulic properties must be provided as a list of length nPolygons (number of fractures defined in the file)

  • filename (string) – path to source file

  • shape (string) – The shape of the fracture options are ‘rect’, ‘ell’, and ‘poly’ - Required

  • by_coord (boolean) – True / False of file format for coordinate or general input

  • nPolygons (int) – The number of polygons specified in the file

  • permeability (list or array) – Permeabilities of the fractures

  • transmissivity (list or array) – Fracture Tramsmissivities

  • aperture (list or array) – Hydraulic apertures of the fracture

Return type:



Does not write the file, only sets up paths



               filename = f'{src_path}/polygons.dat',
               permeability = 1e-12)

Processing Generator Input

check_input(self, from_file=False)[source]

Checks input file for DFNGen to make sure all necessary parameters are defined. Then writes out a “clean” version of the input file

Input Format Requirements:
  • Each parameter must be defined on its own line (separate by newline)

  • A parameter (key) MUST be separated from its value by a colon ‘:’ (ie. –> key: value)

  • Values may also be placed on lines after the ‘key’

  • Comment Format: On a line containing // or / *, nothing after * / or // will be processed but text before a comment will be processed


self (DFN Class Object)

Return type:



There are warnings and errors raised in this function. Warning will let you continue while errors will stop the run. Continue past warnings are your own risk.

From File feature is no longer maintained. Functions should be removed in the near future.

Running the Generator


Execute dfnGen


self – DFN object

Return type:



After generation is complete, this script checks whether the generation of the fracture network failed or succeeded based on the existence of the file params.txt.

dfn_gen(self, output=True)[source]
Wrapper script the runs the dfnGen workflow:
  1. make_working_directory: Create a directory with name of job

  2. check_input: Check input parameters and create a clean version of the input file

  3. create_network: Create network. DFNGEN v2.0 is called and creates the network

  4. output_report: Generate a PDF summary of the DFN generation

  5. mesh_network: calls module dfnGen_meshing and runs LaGriT to mesh the DFN

  • self – DFN object

  • output (bool) – If True, output pdf will be created. If False, no pdf is made

  • visual_mode (None) – If the user wants to run in a different meshing mode from what is in params.txt, set visual_mode = True/False on command line to override meshing mode

Return type:



Details of each portion of the routine are in those sections


If flag self.store_polygon_data is set to True, the information stored in polygon.dat is written to a dictionary self.polygons. To access the points that define an individual polygon, call self.polygons[f’poly{i}’] where i is a number between 1 and the number of defined polygons. This returns an array of coordinates in the format np.array([x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],…[xn,yn,zn])


self (DFN object)

Return type:




make_working_directory(self, delete=False)[source]

Make working directory for dfnWorks Simulation

  • self – DFN object

  • delete (bool) – If True, deletes the existing working directory. Default = False

Return type:



If directory already exists, user is prompted if they want to overwrite and proceed. If not, program exits.

Analysis of Generated DFN



Main driver for dfnGen output report




Jeffrey Hyman


Jeffrey Hyman <>

output_report(self, verbose=True, output_dir='dfnGen_output_report')[source]

Creates a PDF output report for the network created by DFNGen. Plots of the fracture lengths, locations, orientations are produced for each family. Files are written into “output_dir/family_{id}/”. Information about the whole network are also created and written into “output_dir/network/”

  • self (object) – DFN Class object

  • verbose (bool) – Toggle for the amount of information printed to screen. If true, progress information printed to screen

  • output_dir (string) – Name of directory where all plots are saved

Return type:



Final output report is named “jobname”_output_report.pdf User defined fractures (ellipses, rectangles, and polygons) are not supported at this time.

Additional Information on the Modification of Hydraulic Properties of the DFN

Hydraulic properties can be assigned to fractures based on four different models. One can assign hydraulic aperture b, permeability, k, or transmissivity T. Below we present the functions for hydraulic aperture, but the equations for other values are the same.

The first is a perfectly correlated model where the hydraulic property is a function of the fracture radius

b = \alpha r^\beta

The keyword for this model is correlated.

The second is a semi-correlated correlated model where the hydraulic property is a function of the fracture radius

\log_{10}(b) = \log_{10}(\alpha r^\beta) + \sigma \mathcal{N}(0,1)

where a stochastic term is included into the correlated model to account for uncertainty and variability between fractures of the same size. The strength of the stochastic term is determined by the variance of a log-normal distribution \sigma and the stochastic term is an independent identically distributed random variable sampled from a normal distribution with mean 0 and variance 1, \mathcal{N}(0,1). This model results in a log-normal distribution of fracture transmissivities around a positively cor- related power law mean. We refer to this model as semicorrelated.

The keyword for this model is semi-correlated.

The third model assumes that there is no correlation between the fracture size and transmissivity and all values are independent identically distributed random variables from a log-normal distribution with speci- fied mean \mu and variance \sigma,

\log_{10}(b) = \mu + \sigma \mathcal{N}(0,1)

The keyword for this model is log-normal.

The fourth model represents an assumption that in addition to no relationship between size and hydraulic properties, there is no variation between fractures

b = \mu

The keyword for this model is constant.


See Hyman et al. 2016 “Fracture size and transmissivity correlations: Implications for transport simulations in sparse three-dimensional discrete fracture networks following a truncated power law distribution of fracture size” Water Resources Research for more details

Changes in hydraulic properties are assigned when defining a fracture family or user defined fracture. User defined fractures currently only support constant hydraulic properties.

Modification of hydraulic properties of the DFN based on background stress field

stress_based_apertures(self, sigma_mat, friction_angle=25.0, dilation_angle=5, critical_shear_displacement=0.003, shear_modulus=10000000000.0, min_b=1e-10, shear_stiffness=400000000000.0)[source]

Takes stress tensor as input (defined in dfn run file) and calculates new apertures based on Bandis equations. New aperture and permeability values are written to files.

  • sigma_mat (array) – 3 x 3 stress tensor (units in Pa)

  • friction_angle (float) – Friction angle (Degrees)

  • dilation_angle (float) – Dilation angle (Degrees)

  • critical_shear_displacement (float) – Critical shear displacement

  • shear_modulus (float) – Shear modulus (Pa)

  • min_b (float) – Minimum aperture (m)

  • shear_stiffness (float) – Shear stiffness (Pa/m)

Return type:



For details of implementation see

“Sweeney, Matthew Ryan, and J. D. Hyman. “Stress effects on flow and transport in three‐dimensional fracture networks.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125.8 (2020): e2020JB019754.”


Baghbanan, Alireza, and Lanru Jing. “Stress effects on permeability in a fractured rock mass with correlated fracture length and aperture.” International journal of rock mechanics and mining sciences 45.8 (2008): 1320-1334.


Zhao, Zhihong, et al. “Impact of stress on solute transport in a fracture network: A comparison study.” Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 5.2 (2013): 110-123.

Meshing - LaGriT

Primary DFN meshing driver

mesh_network(self, uniform_mesh=False, min_dist=0.5, max_dist=10, max_resolution_factor=10, well=False, cleanup=True, strict=True, quiet=True)[source]

Mesh fracture network using LaGriT

  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • uniform_mesh (bool) – toggle for uniform or variable mesh. Default : False

  • min_dist (float) – Defines the minimum distance from the intersections with resolution h/2. This value is the factor of h, distance = min_dist * h

  • max_dist (float) – Defines the minimum distance from the intersections with resolution max_resolution * h. This value is the factor of h, distance = max_dist * h

  • max_resolution_factor (float) – Maximum factor of the mesh resolultion (max_resolution *h). Depending on the slope of the linear function and size of the fracture, this may not be realized in the mesh.

  • cleanup (bool) – toggle to clean up directory (remove meshing files after a run). Default : True

  • strict (bool) – Toggle if a few mesh errors are acceptable. default is true

  • quiet (bool) – Toggle to turn on/off verbose information to screen about meshing. Default is true, does not print to screen

Return type:



  1. All fractures in self.prune_file must intersect at least 1 other fracture

Meshing helper methods

Makes symlinks for files in path required for meshing

  • self (DFN object)

  • path (string) – Path to where meshing files are located

Return type:




inp2gmv(self, inp_file=None)[source]

Convert inp file to gmv file, for general mesh viewer. Name of output file for base.inp is base.gmv

  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • inp_file (str) – Name of inp file if not an attribure of self

Return type:




Using Python VTK library, convert inp file to VTK file.


self (object) – DFN Class

Return type:



For a mesh base.inp, this dumps a VTK file named base.vtk

run_lagrit_script(lagrit_file, output_file=None, quiet=False)[source]

Runs LaGriT




Name of LaGriT script to run


Name of file to dump LaGriT output


If false, information will be printed to screen.


failure – If the run was successful, then 0 is returned.

Return type:


add_variable_to_mesh(self, variable, variable_file, mesh_file_in, mesh_file_out=None, node_based=False)[source]

Adds a variable to the nodes of a mesh. Can be either fracture (material) based or node based.

  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • variable (string) – name of variable

  • variable_file (string) – name of file containing variable files. Must be a single column where each line corresponds to that node number in the mesh

  • mesh_file_in (string) – Name of source mesh file

  • mesh_file_out (string) – Name of Target mesh file. If no name if provide, mesh_file_in will be used

  • node_based (bool) – Set to True if variable_file contains node-based values, Set to False if variable_file provide fracture based values


lagrit_file – Name of LaGriT output file

Return type:



Creating an upscaled mesh of the DFN (UDFM)

map_to_continuum(self, l, orl, path='./', dir_name='octree')[source]

This function generates an octree-refined continuum mesh using the reduced_mesh.inp as input. To generate the reduced_mesh.inp, one must turn visualization mode on in the DFN input card.

  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • l (float) – Size (m) of level-0 mesh element in the continuum mesh

  • orl (int) – Number of total refinement levels in the octree

  • path (string) – path to primary DFN directory

  • dir_name (string) – name of directory where the octree mesh is created

Return type:



octree_dfn.inpMesh file

Octree-refined continuum mesh

fracX.inpMesh files

Octree-refined continuum meshes, which contain intersection areas

upscale(self, mat_perm, mat_por, path='../')[source]

Generate permeabilities and porosities based on output of map2continuum.

  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • mat_perm (float) – Matrix permeability (in m^2)

  • mat_por (float) – Matrix porosity


  • perm_fehm.dat (text file) – Contains permeability data for FEHM input

  • rock_fehm.dat (text file) – Contains rock properties data for FEHM input

  • mesh_permeability.h5 (h5 file) – Contains permeabilites at each node for PFLOTRAN input

  • mesh_porosity.h5 (h5 file) – Contains porosities at each node for PFLOTRAN input



check_false_connections(self, path='../')[source]
  • self (object) – DFN Class

  • fmc_filname (string) – name of the pickled dictionary of mesh and fracture intersections


  • num_false_connections (int) – number of false connections

  • num_cell_false (int) – number of Voronoi cells with false connections

  • false_connections (list) – list of tuples of false connections created by upscaling


map2continuum and upscale must be run first to create the fracture/mesh intersection dictionary. Thus must be run in the main job directory which contains connectivity.dat

Map-DFN upscaling

Call methods in to take output of dfnWorks-Version2.0, create equivalent continuous porous medium representation, and write parameters (permeability, porosity, tortuosity) to files for use with PFLOTRAN.

Usage: Edit values for origin, nx, ny, nz, d, k_background, bulk_por,

tortuosity factor, and h5origin. Paths and filenames are hardwired and may also need to be checked. As written, they assume script is being called from a subdirectory. Then: python


numpy h5py


Date: 07/13/18 SAND Number: SAND2018-7605 O

mapdfn_ecpm(self, matrix_perm, matrix_porosity, cell_size, matrix_on=False, tortuosity_factor=0.001, lump_diag_terms=False, correction_factor=True, output_dir='mapdfn_ecpm')[source]

This script takes the top-level directory of the dfn and maps it to an ecpm, saving the ecpm files in that directory

  • self (dfnWorks object)

  • cell_size (float) – The cell size (meters) to use for the meshing

  • correction_factor (boolean) – Apply stairstep correction from EDFM to not applied to permeability

Return type:



Emily Stein ( Applied Systems Analysis and Research, 8844 Sandia National Laboratories

Edited by Teresa Portone ( 11/2020 to take arguments.

Rosie Leone

Jeffrey Hyman 07/2023 - Integration with pydfnWorks



Creating a conforming DFM mesh DFN

mesh_dfm(self, dirname='dfm_mesh', allowed_percentage=1, psets=False, cleanup=True)[source]

“ Creates a conforming mesh of a DFN using a uniform background tetrahedron mesh. The DFN must be meshed using a uniform triangular mesh. (DFN.mesh_network(uniform_mesh = True))

  • dirname (string) – name of working directory. Default : dfm_mesh

  • allowed_percentage (float) – Percentage of the mesh allowed to be missing and still continue

  • cleanup (bool) – Clean up working directory. If true dep files are moved into subdirectories

Return type:



The final mesh is output in exodus format. This requires that LaGriT is built against exodus.