Source code for pydfnworks.dfnGen.generation.generator

import os
import sys
import numpy as np
import shutil
from time import time
import subprocess

[docs] def dfn_gen(self, output=True): ''' Wrapper script the runs the dfnGen workflow: 1) make_working_directory: Create a directory with name of job 2) check_input: Check input parameters and create a clean version of the input file 3) create_network: Create network. DFNGEN v2.0 is called and creates the network 4) output_report: Generate a PDF summary of the DFN generation 5) mesh_network: calls module dfnGen_meshing and runs LaGriT to mesh the DFN Parameters ---------- self : DFN object output : bool If True, output pdf will be created. If False, no pdf is made visual_mode : None If the user wants to run in a different meshing mode from what is in params.txt, set visual_mode = True/False on command line to override meshing mode Returns ------- None Notes ----- Details of each portion of the routine are in those sections ''' # Create Working directory self.make_working_directory() # Check input file self.check_input() # Create network self.create_network() if output: self.output_report() # Mesh Network self.mesh_network() print('=' * 80) print('dfnGen Complete') print('=' * 80)
[docs] def make_working_directory(self, delete=False): ''' Make working directory for dfnWorks Simulation Parameters ---------- self : DFN object delete : bool If True, deletes the existing working directory. Default = False Returns ------- None Notes ----- If directory already exists, user is prompted if they want to overwrite and proceed. If not, program exits. ''' if not delete: try: os.mkdir(self.jobname) except OSError: if os.path.isdir(self.jobname): print('\nFolder ', self.jobname, ' exists') keep = input('Do you want to delete it? [yes/no] \n') if keep == 'yes' or keep == 'y': print('Deleting', self.jobname) shutil.rmtree(self.jobname) print('Creating', self.jobname) os.mkdir(self.jobname) elif keep == 'no' or 'n': error = "Not deleting folder. Exiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: error = "Unknown Response. Exiting Program\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: error = f"Unable to create working directory {self.jobname}\n. Please check the provided path.\nExiting\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) else: if not os.path.isdir(self.jobname): os.mkdir(self.jobname) else: try: shutil.rmtree(self.jobname) print('--> Creating ', self.jobname) os.mkdir(self.jobname) except: error = "ERROR deleting and creating directory.\nExiting\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/dfnGen_output') os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/dfnGen_output/radii') os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/intersections') os.mkdir(self.jobname + '/polys') os.chdir(self.jobname) print(f"Current directory is now: {os.getcwd()}") print(f"Jobname is {self.jobname}")
[docs] def create_network(self): ''' Execute dfnGen Parameters ---------- self : DFN object Returns ------- None Notes ----- After generation is complete, this script checks whether the generation of the fracture network failed or succeeded based on the existence of the file params.txt. ''' print('--> Running DFNGEN') os.chdir(self.jobname) cmd = os.environ[ 'DFNGEN_EXE'] + ' ' + 'dfnGen_output/' + self.local_dfnGen_file[: -4] + '_clean.dat' + ' ' + self.jobname print(f"Running:\n>>{cmd}"), shell=True) if os.path.isfile("params.txt"): self.gather_dfn_gen_output() self.assign_hydraulic_properties() print('-' * 80) print("Generation Succeeded") print('-' * 80) else: error = f"Error. Unable to find 'params.txt' in current directory {os.getcwd}.\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1)
def parse_params_file(self, quiet=False): """ Reads params.txt file from DFNGen and parses information Parameters --------- quiet : bool If True details are not printed to screen, if False they area Returns ------- None Notes ----- None """ if not quiet: print("\n--> Parsing params.txt") fparams = open('params.txt', 'r') # Line 1 is the number of polygons self.num_frac = int(fparams.readline()) #Line 2 is the h scale self.h = float(fparams.readline()) # Line 3 is the visualization mode: '1' is True, '0' is False. self.visual_mode = int(fparams.readline()) # line 4 dudded points self.dudded_points = int(fparams.readline()) # Dict domain contains the length of the domain in x,y, and z self.domain = {'x': 0, 'y': 0, 'z': 0} #Line 5 is the x domain length self.domain['x'] = (float(fparams.readline())) #Line 5 is the x domain length self.domain['y'] = (float(fparams.readline())) #Line 5 is the x domain length self.domain['z'] = (float(fparams.readline())) self.r_fram = self.params['rFram']['value'] fparams.close() if not quiet: print("--> Number of Fractures: %d" % self.num_frac) print(f"--> h: {self.h:0.2e} m") if self.visual_mode > 0: self.visual_mode = True print("--> Visual mode is on") else: self.visual_mode = False print("--> Visual mode is off") print(f"--> Expected Number of dudded points: {self.dudded_points}") print(f"--> X Domain Size {self.domain['x']} m") print(f"--> Y Domain Size {self.domain['y']} m") print(f"--> Z Domain Size {self.domain['z']} m") self.x_min = -0.5*self.domain['x'] self.x_max = 0.5*self.domain['x'] self.y_min = -0.5*self.domain['y'] self.y_max = 0.5*self.domain['y'] self.z_max = 0.5*self.domain['z'] self.z_min = -0.5*self.domain['z'] print("--> Parsing params.txt complete\n") def gather_dfn_gen_output(self): """ Reads in information about fractures and add them to the DFN object. Information is taken from radii.dat, translations.dat, normal_vectors.dat, and surface_area_Final.dat files. Information for each fracture is stored in a dictionary created by create_fracture_dictionary() that includes the fracture id, radius, normal vector, center, family number, surface area, and if the fracture was removed due to being isolated Parameters ----------- None Returns -------- fractures : list List of fracture dictionaries with information. Notes ------ Both fractures in the final network and those removed due to being isolated are included in the list. """ print("--> Parsing dfnWorks output and adding to object") self.parse_params_file(quiet=False) ## load radii data = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/radii_Final.dat', skip_header=2) ## populate radius array self.radii = np.zeros((self.num_frac, 3)) # First Column is x, second is y, 3rd is max if self.num_frac == 1: data = np.array([data]) self.radii[:, :2] = data[:, :2] for i in range(self.num_frac): self.radii[i, 2] = max(self.radii[i, 0], self.radii[i, 1]) # gather fracture families self.families = data[:, 2].astype(int) ## load surface area self.surface_area = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/surface_area_Final.dat', skip_header=1) ## load normal vectors self.normal_vectors = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/normal_vectors.dat') # Get fracture centers centers = [] with open('dfnGen_output/translations.dat', "r") as fp: fp.readline() # header for i, line in enumerate(fp.readlines()): if "R" not in line: line = line.split() centers.append( [float(line[0]), float(line[1]), float(line[2])]) self.centers = np.array(centers) # Grab Polygon information self.poly_info = np.genfromtxt('poly_info.dat') # write polygon information to class if self.store_polygon_data == True: self.grab_polygon_data() ## create holder arrays for b, k, and T self.aperture = np.zeros(self.num_frac) self.perm = np.zeros(self.num_frac) self.transmissivity = np.zeros(self.num_frac) # gather indexes for fracture families = [] ## get number of families self.num_families = int(max(self.families)) for i in range(1, self.num_families + 1): idx = np.where(self.families == i) # get fracture_info self.fracture_info = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/fracture_info.dat', skip_header = 1) # get intersection_list self.intersection_list = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/intersection_list.dat', skip_header = 1) # get boundary_files self.back = read_boundaries('dfnGen_output/back.dat') self.front = read_boundaries('dfnGen_output/front.dat') self.left = read_boundaries('dfnGen_output/left.dat') self.right = read_boundaries('dfnGen_output/right.dat') = read_boundaries('dfnGen_output/top.dat') self.bottom = read_boundaries('dfnGen/bottom.dat') def read_boundaries(file_path): '''Reads in boundary files, and corrects format is file is empty of length 1 Parameters ----------- file_path : the path to boundary file Returns -------- array of values (or empty array if file is empty Notes ------ None ''' if os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.path.getsize(file_path) > 0: data = np.genfromtxt(file_path) else: data = np.array([]) try: array_length = len(data) except: data = np.array([data]) return data def assign_hydraulic_properties(self): '''Assigns hydraulic properties for each familiy and user defined fractures Parameters ----------- self : DFN object Returns -------- None Notes ------ None ''' print("--> Assign hydraulic properties: Starting ") ### Assign variables for fracture families print("--> Assign hydraulic properties to fracture families : Starting ") for i in range(self.params['nFracFam']['value']): hy_variable = self.fracture_families[i]['hydraulic_properties'][ 'variable']['value'] hy_function = self.fracture_families[i]['hydraulic_properties'][ 'function']['value'] hy_params = self.fracture_families[i]['hydraulic_properties'][ 'params']['value'] if hy_variable is not None: self.generate_hydraulic_values(hy_variable, hy_function, hy_params, family_id=i + 1) print("--> Assign hydraulic properties to fracture families : Complete ") ### Assign variables for user defined fractures and skip rejected fractures ##Logic here, loop through user defined fractures ## first check flag to insert file_path = 'dfnGen_output/userFractureRejections.dat' if os.path.isfile(file_path) and os.path.getsize(file_path) > 0: try: reject_fracs, frac_type = np.genfromtxt(file_path, delimiter = ',', skip_header = 1, unpack=True) reject_fracs = np.array([reject_fracs]) #needed for case with one rejected fracture, genfromtxt reads in float otherwise frac_type = np.array([frac_type]) except: print('--> No Rejected User Fractures, Ignore Following Warning.') reject_fracs = np.array([]) frac_type = np.array([]) else: #if no fractures are rejected print('--> No Rejected User Fractures, Ignore Following Warning.') reject_fracs = np.array([]) frac_type = np.array([]) rect_reject = reject_fracs[(frac_type == -2)] #integer corresponds to fracture type ell_reject = reject_fracs[(frac_type == -1)] poly_reject = reject_fracs[(frac_type == -3)] fracture_num = 1 #keep track of overall fracture number, and numbers for different types of fractures frac_ell_num = 1 frac_rect_num = 1 frac_poly_num = 1 if self.params['insertUserRectanglesFirst']['value'] == 0: print('--> Inserting User Ellipse Hydraulic Params First') for i in range(len(self.user_ell_params)): for j in range(self.user_ell_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_ell_num not in ell_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Ell Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_ell_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_ell_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_ell_num += 1 for i in range(len(self.user_rect_params)): for j in range(self.user_rect_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_rect_num not in rect_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Rect Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_rect_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_rect_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_rect_num += 1 for i in range(len(self.user_poly_params)): for j in range(self.user_poly_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_poly_num not in poly_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Poly Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_poly_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_poly_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_poly_num += 1 else: print('--> Inserting User Rectangle Hydraulic Params First') for i in range(len(self.user_rect_params)): for j in range(self.user_rect_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_rect_num not in rect_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Rect Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_rect_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_rect_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_rect_num += 1 for i in range(len(self.user_ell_params)): for j in range(self.user_ell_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_ell_num not in ell_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Ell Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_ell_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_ell_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_ell_num += 1 for i in range(len(self.user_poly_params)): for j in range(self.user_poly_params[i]['nPolygons']): if frac_poly_num not in poly_reject: print(f'--> Inserting User Poly Hydraulic Params {fracture_num}') hy_prop_type = self.user_poly_params[i]['hy_prop_type'] value = self.user_poly_params[i][hy_prop_type][j] print(f'{hy_prop_type} = {value}') self.set_fracture_hydraulic_values(hy_prop_type, [fracture_num], [value]) fracture_num += 1 frac_poly_num += 1 # self.dump_hydraulic_values() print("--> Assign hydraulic properties: Complete ")
[docs] def grab_polygon_data(self): '''If flag self.store_polygon_data is set to True, the information stored in polygon.dat is written to a dictionary self.polygons. To access the points that define an individual polygon, call self.polygons[f'poly{i}'] where i is a number between 1 and the number of defined polygons. This returns an array of coordinates in the format np.array([x1,y1,z1],[x2,y2,z2],...[xn,yn,zn]) Parameters ----------- self : DFN object Returns -------- None Notes ------ None ''' print("--> Loading Polygon information onto DFN object") self.polygons = {} polygon_data = np.genfromtxt('dfnGen_output/polygons.dat', dtype = str, delimiter = 'dummy', skip_header = 1) #weird format, so read data in as strings if self.num_frac == 1: polygon_data = np.array([polygon_data]) for i in range(len(polygon_data)): poly_dat = polygon_data[i] #read in data for one polygon poly_dat = poly_dat.replace('}', '') #get rid of weird characters poly_dat = poly_dat.replace('{', '') poly_dat = poly_dat.replace(',', '') poly_dat = poly_dat.split() #convert string to list, and then array poly_dat = np.array(poly_dat) poly_dat = poly_dat.astype(float) poly = [] for j in range(int(poly_dat[0])): #loop through and reformat individual coordinates poly.append(poly_dat[3*j+1:3*j+4]) poly = np.array(poly) self.polygons[f'fracture-{i+1}'] = poly #store in dictionary print('--> Data from polygons.dat stored on class in self.polygons\n')