Source code for pydfnworks.dfnFlow.pflotran

functions for using pflotran in dfnworks
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import h5py
import glob
import shutil
import ntpath
from time import time
import numpy as np

[docs] def lagrit2pflotran(self, boundary_cell_area = None): """ Takes output from LaGriT and processes it for use in PFLOTRAN. Calls the function write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas() and zone2ex Parameters -------------- self : object DFN Class Returns -------- None Notes -------- None """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print('=' * 80) print("Starting conversion of files for PFLOTRAN ") if self.inp_file == '': error = 'Error: inp filename not attached to object\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # Check if UGE file was created by LaGriT, if it does not exists, exit self.uge_file = self.inp_file[:-4] + '.uge' if not os.path.isfile(self.uge_file): error = 'Error. Cannot file uge file\nExiting\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) self.write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas() if not boundary_cell_area: boundary_cell_area = 1/self.h self.zone2ex(zone_file='all', boundary_cell_area = boundary_cell_area) self.dump_h5_files() print("Conversion of files for PFLOTRAN complete") print('=' * 80) print("\n\n")
[docs] def zone2ex(self, zone_file='', face='', boundary_cell_area=1.e-1): """ Convert zone files from LaGriT into ex format for LaGriT Parameters ----------- self : object DFN Class zone_file : string Name of zone file Face : Face of the plane corresponding to the zone file zone_file : string Name of zone file to work on. Can be 'all' processes all directions, top, bottom, left, right, front, back boundary_cell_area : double should be a large value relative to the mesh size to force pressure boundary conditions. Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- the boundary_cell_area should be a function of h, the mesh resolution """ print('*' * 80) print('--> Converting zone files to ex') if self.uge_file == '': error = 'Error: uge filename not assigned to object yet\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) # Opening uge file print('\n--> Opening uge file') with open(self.uge_file, 'r') as fuge: # Reading cell ids, cells centers and cell volumes line = fuge.readline() line = line.split() num_cells = int(line[1]) cell_id = np.zeros(num_cells, 'int') cell_coord = np.zeros((num_cells, 3), 'float') cell_vol = np.zeros(num_cells, 'float') for cells in range(num_cells): line = fuge.readline() line = line.split() cell_id[cells] = int(line.pop(0)) line = [float(id) for id in line] cell_vol[cells] = line.pop(3) cell_coord[cells] = line print('--> Finished processing uge file\n') # loop through zone files if zone_file == 'all': zone_files = ['', '', '', '', '', ''] face_names = ['north', 'south', 'west', 'east', 'top', 'bottom'] else: if zone_file == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide boundary zone filename!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if face == '': error = 'ERROR: Please provide face name among: top, bottom, north, south, east, west !\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) zone_files = [zone_file] face_names = [face] for iface, zone_file in enumerate(zone_files): face = face_names[iface] # Ex filename ex_file = zone_file.strip('zone') + 'ex' # Opening the input file print('--> Opening zone file: ', zone_file) with open(zone_file, 'r') as fzone: print('--> Reading boundary node ids') node_array = node_array = node_array.split() num_nodes = int(node_array[4]) node_array = np.array(node_array[5:-1], dtype='int') print('--> Finished reading zone file') Boundary_cell_area_array = np.zeros(num_nodes, 'float') for i in range(num_nodes): Boundary_cell_area_array[ i] = boundary_cell_area # Fix the area to a large number print('--> Finished calculating boundary connections') boundary_cell_coord = [ cell_coord[cell_id[i - 1] - 1] for i in node_array ] epsilon = self.h * 10**-3 if (face == 'top'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] + epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'bottom'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] - epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'north'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1] + epsilon, cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'south'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1] - epsilon, cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'east'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0] + epsilon, cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'west'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0] - epsilon, cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'well'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2] + epsilon] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] elif (face == 'none'): boundary_cell_coord = [[cell[0], cell[1], cell[2]] for cell in boundary_cell_coord] else: error = 'ERROR: unknown face. Select one of: top, bottom, east, west, north, south.\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) ## Write out ex files with open(ex_file, 'w') as f: f.write('CONNECTIONS\t%i\n' % node_array.size) for idx, cell in enumerate(boundary_cell_coord): f.write( f"{node_array[idx]}\t{cell[0]:.12e}\t{cell[1]:.12e}\t{cell[2]:.12e}\t{Boundary_cell_area_array[idx]:.12e}\n" ) print( f'--> Finished writing ex file {ex_file} corresponding to the zone file: {zone_file} \n' ) print('--> Converting zone files to ex complete') print('*' * 80) print()
[docs] def write_perms_and_correct_volumes_areas(self): """ Write permeability values to perm_file, write aperture values to aper_file, and correct volume areas in uge_file Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Returns --------- None Notes ---------- Calls executable correct_uge """ print('*' * 80) print("--> Correcting UGE file: Starting") if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "Error. Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("--> Writing Perms and Correct Volume Areas") if self.inp_file == '': error = 'Error.: inp file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if self.uge_file == '': error = 'Error. uge file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if self.perm_file == '' and self.perm_cell_file == '': error = 'Error. perm file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if self.aper_file == '' and self.aper_cell_file == '': error = 'ERROR: aperture file must be specified!\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) t = time() # Make input file for C UGE converter with open("convert_uge_params.txt", "w") as fp: fp.write(f"{self.inp_file}\n") fp.write(f"{self.mat_file}\n") fp.write(f"{self.uge_file}\n") fp.write(f"{self.uge_file[:-4]}_vol_area.uge\n") if self.cell_based_aperture: fp.write(f"{self.aper_cell_file}\n") fp.write("1\n") else: fp.write(f"{self.aper_file}\n") fp.write("-1\n") ## dump aperture file self.dump_aperture(self.aper_file, format='fehm') ## execute convert uge C code cmd = os.environ['CORRECT_UGE_EXE'] + ' convert_uge_params.txt' print(f"\n>> {cmd}\n") failure =, shell=True) if failure > 0: error = 'ERROR: UGE conversion failed\nExiting Program\n' sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) elapsed = time() - t print( f'--> Time elapsed for UGE file conversion: {elapsed:0.3f} seconds\n') print("--> Correcting UGE file: Complete") print('*' * 80) print()
def dump_h5_files(self): """ Write permeability values to cell ids and permeability values to dfn_properties.h5 file for pflotran. Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class Returns --------- None Notes ---------- Hydraulic properties need to attached to the class prior to running this function. Use DFN.assign_hydraulic_properties() to do so. """ print('*' * 80) print("--> Dumping h5 file") filename = 'dfn_properties.h5' print(f'--> Opening HDF5 File {filename}') with h5py.File(filename, mode='w') as h5file: print('--> Allocating cell index array') print('--> Writing cell indices') iarray = np.arange(1, self.num_nodes + 1) dataset_name = 'Cell Ids' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=iarray) print('--> Creating permeability array') print('--> Note: This script assumes isotropic permeability') if self.cell_based_aperture: self.perm_cell = np.genfromtxt(self.perm_cell_file, skip_header = 1)[:,1] else: for i in range(self.num_nodes): self.perm_cell[i] = self.perm[self.material_ids[i] - 1] print('--> Writting Permeability') dataset_name = 'Permeability' h5dset = h5file.create_dataset(dataset_name, data=self.perm_cell) print("--> Done writting h5 file") print('*' * 80) print()
[docs] def pflotran(self, transient=False, restart=False, restart_file=''): """ Run PFLOTRAN. Copy PFLOTRAN run file into working directory and run with ncpus Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class transient : bool Boolean if PFLOTRAN is running in transient mode restart : bool Boolean if PFLOTRAN is restarting from checkpoint restart_file : string Filename of restart file Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- Runs PFLOTRAN Executable, see for details on PFLOTRAN input cards """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) try: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(self.dfnFlow_file), os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except: error = "--> ERROR!! Unable to copy PFLOTRAN input file\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("=" * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN") mpirun = os.environ['PETSC_DIR'] + '/' + os.environ[ 'PETSC_ARCH'] + '/bin/mpirun' if not (os.path.isfile(mpirun) and os.access(mpirun, os.X_OK)): # PETSc did not install MPI. Hopefully, the user has their own MPI. mpirun = 'mpirun' cmd = mpirun + ' -np ' + str(self.ncpu) + \ ' ' + os.environ['PFLOTRAN_EXE'] + ' -pflotranin ' + self.local_dfnFlow_file print(f"--> Running: {cmd}"), shell=True) if restart: try: shutil.copy(os.path.abspath(restart_file), os.path.abspath(os.getcwd())) except: error = "--> ERROR!! Unable to copy PFLOTRAN restart input file\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) print("=" * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN") cmd = os.environ['PETSC_DIR']+'/'+os.environ['PETSC_ARCH']+'/bin/mpirun -np ' + str(self.ncpu) + \ ' ' + os.environ['PFLOTRAN_EXE'] + ' -pflotranin ' + ntpath.basename(restart_file) print("Running: %s" % cmd), shell=True) print('=' * 80) print("--> Running PFLOTRAN Complete") print('=' * 80) print("\n")
[docs] def pflotran_cleanup(self, index_start=0, index_finish=1, filename=''): """pflotran_cleanup Concatenate PFLOTRAN output files and then delete them Parameters ----------- self : object DFN Class index : int If PFLOTRAN has multiple dumps use this to pick which dump is put into cellinfo.dat and darcyvel.dat Returns ---------- None Notes ---------- Can be run in a loop over all pflotran dumps """ if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if filename == '': filename = self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3] else: filename = ntpath.basename(filename[:-3]) print('--> Processing PFLOTRAN output') for index in range(index_start, index_finish + 1): cmd = 'cat ' + filename + '-cellinfo-%03d-rank*.dat > cellinfo_%03d.dat' % ( index, index) print("Running >> %s" % cmd), shell=True) cmd = 'cat ' + filename + '-darcyvel-%03d-rank*.dat > darcyvel_%03d.dat' % ( index, index) print(f"--> Running >> {cmd}"), shell=True) #for fl in glob.glob(self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3]+'-cellinfo-000-rank*.dat'): # os.remove(fl) #for fl in glob.glob(self.local_dfnFlow_file[:-3]+'-darcyvel-000-rank*.dat'): # os.remove(fl) for fl in glob.glob(filename + '-cellinfo-%03d-rank*.dat' % index): os.remove(fl) for fl in glob.glob(filename + '-darcyvel-%03d-rank*.dat' % index): os.remove(fl) try: os.symlink("darcyvel_%03d.dat" % index_finish, "darcyvel.dat") except: print("--> WARNING!!! Unable to create symlink for darcyvel.dat") try: os.symlink("cellinfo_%03d.dat" % index_finish, "cellinfo.dat") except: print("--> WARNING!!! Unable to create symlink for cellinfo.dat")
[docs] def parse_pflotran_vtk_python(self, grid_vtk_file=''): """ Adds CELL_DATA to POINT_DATA in the VTK output from PFLOTRAN. Parameters ---------- self : object DFN Class grid_vtk_file : string Name of vtk file with mesh. Typically local_dfnFlow_file.vtk Returns -------- None Notes -------- If DFN class does not have a vtk file, inp2vtk_python is called """ print('--> Parsing PFLOTRAN output with Python') if self.flow_solver != "PFLOTRAN": error = "ERROR! Wrong flow solver requested\n" sys.stderr.write(error) sys.exit(1) if grid_vtk_file: self.vtk_file = grid_vtk_file else: self.inp2vtk_python() grid_file = self.vtk_file files = glob.glob('*-[0-9][0-9][0-9].vtk') files.sort() with open(grid_file, 'r') as f: grid = f.readlines()[3:] out_dir = 'parsed_vtk' for line in grid: if 'POINTS' in line: num_cells = line.strip(' ').split()[1] for file in files: print(f"--> Processing file: {file}") with open(file, 'r') as f: pflotran_out = f.readlines()[4:] pflotran_out = [ w.replace('CELL_DATA', 'POINT_DATA ') for w in pflotran_out ] header = [ '# vtk DataFile Version 2.0\n', 'PFLOTRAN output\n', 'ASCII\n' ] filename = out_dir + '/' + file if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(filename)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filename)) with open(filename, 'w') as f: for line in header: f.write(line) for line in grid: f.write(line) f.write('\n') f.write('\n') if 'vel' in file: f.write('POINT_DATA\t ' + num_cells + '\n') for line in pflotran_out: f.write(line) os.remove(file) print('--> Parsing PFLOTRAN output complete')