Tracer Particles
includes Lagrangian tracer particles.
These are primarily for the purpose of post-processing simulation data for, e.g., nucleosynthesis.
They are operator spit from the hydrodynamics and advected with a standard second order Runge-Kutta
integrator. As Phoebus
is a general relativistic code, we evolve tracer positions using a
relativistic advection equation:
Tracers may be enabled by in the Phoebus
input deck as follow:
tracers = true
num_tracers = 1024
defrag_frac = 0.2
Where <physics>/tracers = true enables tracer particles for applicable problems, <tracers>/num_tracers sets the number of tracer particles (usually per block), if applicable, and <tracers>/defrag_frac sets the fractional occupancy of tracer swarm containers. .. note:
Particles typically loop from 0 to some `max_active_index`.
If only a small fraction of particles in that range are active, this
is inefficient. `Defrag` copies active particles to a contiguous range.
It can be inefficient, so should be done sparingly.
Similarly, tracers may be output by modifying an existing Parthenon output block, or creating a new one:
// ...
swarms = tracers
tracers_variables = rho, temperature, ye
file_type = hdf5
dt = // output cadence
Note that the position variables x, y, z are output for all swarms by default. See the Parthenon docs for more information.
Tracers must, however, be configured in the problem generator. In the generator, the tracers should be distributed through the domain, assigned positions and unique ids. An example from the advection pgen is shown below.
"ProblemGenerator::Advection::DistributeTracers", 0, max_active_index,
KOKKOS_LAMBDA(const int n) {
if (swarm_d.IsActive(n)) {
auto rng_gen = rng_pool.get_state();
// sample in ball
Real r2 = 1.0 + rin * rin; // init > rin^2
while (r2 > rin * rin) {
x(n) = x_min + rng_gen.drand() * (x_max - x_min);
y(n) = y_min + rng_gen.drand() * (y_max - y_min);
z(n) = z_min + rng_gen.drand() * (z_max - z_min);
r2 = x(n) * x(n) + y(n) * y(n) + z(n) * z(n);
id(n) = num_tracers_total * gid + n;
bool on_current_mesh_block = true;
swarm_d.GetNeighborBlockIndex(n, x(n), y(n), z(n), on_current_mesh_block);
In addition to position, tracers track a number of potentially useful quantities. These quantities include (bold quantities are 3-vectors with components _x, _y, _z)
Quantity |
SwarmVar Name |
Description |
Density |
rho |
Primitive density |
Temperature |
temperature |
Temperature |
Ye |
ye |
Electron fraction (0 if ye is disabled) |
Internal energy |
energy |
Primitive internal energy |
Entropy |
entropy |
Entropy |
Velocity |
vel_x, … |
Three velocity |
Lorentz factor |
lorentz |
Relativistic Lorentz factor |
Lapse |
lapse |
Relativistic lapse |
Metric determinant |
detgamma |
Spatial metric determinant |
Shift |
shift_x, … |
Relativistic shift |
Mass |
mass |
Tracer mass |
Total energy |
bernoulli |
Total energy Bernoulli quantity |
Magnetic field |
B_x, … |
Primitive 3-magnetic field components (if mhd enabled) |
To minimize unnecessary work, these quantities are only populated before output using phoebus::UserWorkBeforeOutput
void UserWorkBeforeOutput(MeshBlock *pmb, ParameterInput *pin)
Describes work to be done prior to HDF5 output, such as populating tracer variables. This is connected to the appropriate Parthenon function.