
If you have any trouble with the project, or are interested in participating, please contact us by creating an issue on the github repository, or submit a pull request!

Pull request protocol

There is a pull reuqest template that will be auto-populated when you submit a pull request. A pull request should have a summary of changes. You should also add tests for bugs fixed or new features you add.

We have a changelog file, After creating your pull request, add the relevant change and a link to the PR in the changelog.

Before a pull request will be merged, the code should be formatted. We use clang-format for this, pinned to version 12. You can automatically trigger clang-format in two ways: first you can run the script utils/scripts/; second you can type make format_singularity after configuring the code with clang-format discoverable by cmake. The former script takes two CLI arguments that may be useful, CFM, which can be set to the path for your clang-format binary, and VERBOSE, which if set to 1 adds useful output. For example:

CFM=clang-format-12 VERBOSE=1 ./util/scripts/

Several sets of tests are triggered on a pull request: a static format check, a docs buld, and unit tests of analytic models and the stellar collapse model. These are run through github’s CPU infrastructure. We have a second set of tests run on a wider set of architectures that also access the Sesame library, which we are not able to make public.

The docs are built but not deployed on PRs from forks, and the internal tests will not be run automatically. So when the code is ready for merge, you must ask a project maintainer to trigger the remaining tests for you.

Expectations for code review

From the perspective of the contributor

Code review is an integral part of the development process for singularity-eos. You can expect at least one, perhaps many, core developers to read your code and offer suggestions. You should treat this much like scientific or academic peer review. You should listen to suggestions but also feel entitled to push back if you believe the suggestions or comments are incorrect or are requesting too much effort.

Reviewers may offer conflicting advice, if this is the case, it’s an opportunity to open a discussion and communally arrive at a good approach. You should feel empowered to argue for which of the conflicting solutions you prefer or to suggest a compromise. If you don’t feel strongly, that’s fine too, but it’s best to say so to keep the lines of communication open.

Big contributions may be difficult to review in one piece and you may be requested to split your pull request into two or more separate contributions. You may also receive many “nitpicky” comments about code style or structure. These comments help keep a broad codebase, with many contributors uniform in style and maintainable with consistent expectations accross the code base. While there is no formal style guide for now, the regular contributors have a sense for the broad style of the project. You should take these stylistic and “nitpicky” suggestions seriously, but you should also feel free to push back.

As with any creative endeavor, we put a lot of ourselves into our code. It can be painful to receive criticism on your contribution and easy to take it personally. While you should resist the urge to take offense, it is also partly code reviewer’s responsiblity to create a constructive environment, as discussed below.

Expectations of code reviewers

A good code review builds a contribution up, rather than tearing it down. Here are a few rules to keep code reviews constructive and congenial:

  • You should take the time needed to review a contribution and offer meaningful advice. Unless a contribution is very small, limit the times you simply click “approve” with a “looks good to me.”

  • You should keep your comments constructive. For example, rather than saying “this pattern is bad,” try saying “at this point, you may want to try this other pattern.”

  • Avoid language that can be misconstrued, even if it’s common notation in the commnunity. For example, avoid phrases like “code smell.”

  • Explain why you make a suggestion. In addition to saying “try X instead of Y” explain why you like pattern X more than pattern Y.

  • A contributor may push back on your suggestion. Be open to the possibility that you’re either asking too much or are incorrect in this instance. Code review is an opportunity for everyone to learn.

  • Don’t just highlight what you don’t like. Also highlight the parts of the pull request you do like and thank the contributor for their effort.

General principle for everyone

It’s hard to convey tone in text correspondance. Try to read what others write favorably and try to write in such a way that your tone can’t be mis-interpreted as malicious.

Interwoven Dependencies

singularity-eos depends on several other open-source, Los Alamos maintained, projects. In particular, spiner and ports-of-call. If you have issues with these projects, ideally submit issues on the relevant github pages. However, if you can’t figure out where an issue belongs, no big deal. Submit where you can and we’ll engage with you to figure out how to proceed.


There are scheduled workflows triggered by GitHub actions that will automatically check spiner and ports-of-call for Spack updates. If detected, the GitHub action bot will create a PR with the necessary changes.

Process for adding a new EOS

The basic process for adding a new EOS can be summarized as

  1. Create a new header file for your EOS

  2. Add the EOS to the full_eos_list list of EOS in eos.hpp

  3. Create tests for your EOS

  4. Create a Fortran interface to initialize your EOS into an array of EOS

In addition to these main steps, there are a couple more that are required if you would like your EOS to work with our fortran interface, which will be discussed below.

Step 1: Create a new header file for your EOS

In general, the best practice is to simply copy an existing EOS file and modify it for the new EOS. However, there are some subtleties here that are important.

  • Parameters for the EOS can be initialzed via an initializer list, and additional parameter checking can be done in the constructor.

  • Any EOS must have a set of member functions that conform to the general EOS API. In essence, these functions are defined by the Variant class as a visit on the underlying member of the specific EOS type contained in the variant. If a new EOS doesn’t have an appropriate member, a compilation error will be thrown when the EOS type is used to instantiate an instance of the new EOS. This will be discussed more in the testing section.

  • You may find it useful to define other functions that are specific to that EOS but won’t be available to the general EOS type. These can be internal checking functions or common calculations that need to be performed for multiple types of lookups.

  • An analytic EOS needs to be “trivially copiable” in order to use the standard GetOnDevice() function that we use for analytic EOS. In general, analytic EOS should only need parameters whose size is known at compile time, so this should be fairly straight-forward. Any EOS that needs dynamic memory (e.g. a tabular EOS) will need more effort in order to ensure that memory is copied correctly over to the device.

Step 2: Add the EOS to the full_eos_list list of EOS in eos.hpp

As was mentioned previously, we use the Variant class and a visit pattern to achieve compile-time polymorphism on a closed set of types. For convenience, we provide this closed set in the eos.hpp file through the type list, full_eos_list.

For most new EOS, you can simply add the EOS to the full_eos_list and this will enable all of the modifiers (with certain exceptions) to instantly work with your EOS. This would effectively look like

static constexpr const auto full_eos_list =
    tl<IdealGas, Gruneisen, JWL, DavisReactants, DavisProducts, MyNewEOS

Note the lack of a trailing comma or closing angle bracket.

If your EOS introduces new dependencies to singularity-eos, then you will need to create a new flag that enables these dependencies. Then you will need to wrap the inclusion of your EOS in the full_eos_list with an appropriate #ifdef <my_dependency_flag> preprocessor directive. For example, the EOSPAC EOS needs the SINGULARITY_USE_EOSPAC flag so the inclusion in the list is wrapped with #ifdef SINGULARITY_USE_EOSPAC. This might look something like

static constexpr const auto full_eos_list =
    tl<IdealGas, Gruneisen, JWL, DavisReactants, DavisProducts
// ...the other EOS that have dependencies

Note the placement of commas and angle brackets. This example excludes

Step 3: Create tests for your EOS

The first step is to create a new .cpp file for testing your new EOS using the Catch2 framework to design your test. We make use of the Behavior Driven Development (BDD) style for Catch2, so we recommend you do the same. In general, we recommend you copy the general structure of one of the existing EOS-specific unit tests.

After creating your tests, you will need to include the .cpp for your new test in the CMakeLists.txt file,


in order for the test to be compiled. If your EOS requires any special dependencies, be sure to block off the test using #IFDEF blocks.


Note that there are three executables, eos_analytic_unit_tests, eos_infrastructure_tests and eos_tabulated_unit_tests. Pick the executable that most closely matches what your model is.

Important: Since our library is header only, the unit tests are often the only place where a specific EOS may be instantiated when singularity-eos is compiled. Therefore to exercise all code paths, it is best to create an EOS type instantiated as

#include <singularity-eos/eos/eos.hpp>
using EOS = singularity::Variant<MyNewEOS>;``.
EOS my_eos = MyNewEOS(parameter1, parameter2, ...)

in order to properly test the functionality of a new EOS. Simply using the new class as the type such as

#include <singularity-eos/eos/eos.hpp>
auto my_eos = my_new_eos(parameter1, parameter2, ...)

won’t ensure that the new EOS is working correctly in singularity with the static polymorphism of the EOS type.

You may wish to also design tests that operate on member functions or member data that is particular to the EOS you have developed, and only for those specific tests should you instantiate an object whose type is your specific EOS. Otherwise, use the EOS object.

If you wish to test error handling in your EOS, you may use the macro REQUIRE_MAYBE_THROWS, which is defined in the eos_unit_test_helpers.hpp header file. This macro will check if your code throws an exception if compiled for CPU only and otherwise is a no-op. This is intended to combine with the PORTABLE_THROW_OR_ABORT` macro defined in ``ports-of-call.

Step 4: Fortran interface

At this point your new EOS should be usable to any host code written in C++. To allow the EOS to work with Fortran, an initializer wrapper function needs to be defined and interfaced with Fortran.

First, the C++ intialization function needs to be named soas to avoid namespace conflicts. We typically name the initialization functions init_sg_<EOSName>. For example, the function for initialing an ideal gas looks like

int init_sg_IdealGas(const int matindex, EOS *eos, const double gm1,
                     const double Cv, int const *const enabled,
                     double *const vals) {
  assert(matindex >= 0);
  EOS eosi = SGAPPLYMODSIMPLE(IdealGas(gm1, Cv));
  if (enabled[3] == 1) {
    singularity::pAlpha2BilinearRampParams(eosi, vals[2], vals[3], vals[4], vals[2],
                                           vals[3], vals[4], vals[5]);
  EOS eos_ = SGAPPLYMOD(IdealGas(gm1, Cv));
  eos[matindex] = eos_.GetOnDevice();
  return 0;

Here the *eos is a pointer to a container of EOS objects and the matindex integer indicates the index at which this EOS will reside in that container. The gm1 and Cv inputs are all of the required parameters to initialize the EOS, while the enabled and vals variables are used by the SGAPPLYMOD and SGAPPLYMODSIMPLE macros to apply specific modifiers to the EOS. The return value of the function is an integer error code that may or may not be relevant to all EOS.

We also overload the initialization function to make the enabled and vals variables effectively optional.

int init_sg_IdealGas(const int matindex, EOS *eos, const double gm1,
                     const double Cv) {
  return init_sg_IdealGas(matindex, eos, gm1, Cv, def_en, def_v);

Finally the fortran side, we then define a fortran interface to the C++ initialization function,

  integer(kind=c_int) function &
    init_sg_IdealGas(matindex, eos, gm1, Cv, sg_mods_enabled, &
                     sg_mods_values) &
    bind(C, name='init_sg_IdealGas')
    integer(c_int), value, intent(in)      :: matindex
    type(c_ptr), value, intent(in)         :: eos
    real(kind=c_double), value, intent(in) :: gm1, Cv
    type(c_ptr), value, intent(in)         :: sg_mods_enabled, sg_mods_values
  end function init_sg_IdealGas
end interface

and a fortran wrapper function to call the C++ function:

integer function init_sg_IdealGas_f(matindex, eos, gm1, Cv, &
                                    sg_mods_enabled, sg_mods_values) &
  integer(c_int), value, intent(in) :: matindex
  type(sg_eos_ary_t), intent(in)    :: eos
  real(kind=8), value, intent(in)   :: gm1, Cv
  integer(kind=c_int), dimension(:), target, intent(inout) :: sg_mods_enabled
  real(kind=8), dimension(:), target, intent(inout)        :: sg_mods_values
  err = init_sg_IdealGas(matindex-1, eos%ptr, gm1, Cv, &
                         c_loc(sg_mods_enabled), c_loc(sg_mods_values))
end function init_sg_IdealGas_f

Note that the eos variable of type sg_eos_ary_t is just a simple wrapper for the C pointer to the actual EOS object.

A Note on the EOS Builder

The EOS Builder is a tool that eliminates the need for chaining together an EOS with a series of modifiers by instead specifing the parameters and modifications in one function. This convenience comes at the cost of added development complexity though, and so we do not require a new EOS to be available for the EOS Builder.

At a basic level though, the EOS needs to be declared in the EOSType enum and logic needs to be added to initialze the EOS parameters. More effort may be needed to make the EOS compatible with modifiers and we point the interested contributor to the existing EOS as examples.

Notes for Contributors on navigating/developing code features

Some notes on style and code architecture

  • singularity-eos is primarily designed to provide needed equation of state functionality to continuum dynamics codes. It isn’t supposed to provide the most accurate or complete picture of thermal or statistical physics. As such the project tries to limit capabilities to this scope.

  • A major influence on code style and architecture is the ten rules for developing safety-critical code, by Gerard Holzmann. Safety critical code is code that exists in a context where failure implies serious harm. A flight controler on an airplane or spacecraft or the microcontroller in a car are examples of safety-critical contexts. singularity-eos is not safety-critical but many of the coding habits advocated for by Holzmann produce long-lived, easy to understand, easy to parse, and easy to maintain code. And we take many of the rules to heart. Here are a few that are most relevant to singularity-eos. They have been adapted slightly to our context.

    1. Avoid complex flow constructs such as gotos.

    2. All loops must have fixed bounds. This prevents runaway code. (Note this implies that as a general rule, one should use for loops, not while loops. It also implies one should keep recursion to a minimum.)

    3. Heap memory allocation should only be performed at initialization. Heap memory de-allocation should only be performed at cleanup.

    4. Restrict the length of functions to a single printed page.

    5. Restrict the scope of data to the smallest possible.

    6. Use the preprocessor sparingly.

    7. Limit pointer use to a single dereference. Avoid pointers of pointers when possible.

    8. Be compiler warning aware. Try to address compiler warnings as they come up.

  • singularity-eos is a modern C++ code and both standard template library capabilities and template metaprogramming are leveraged frequently. This can sometimes make parsing the code difficult. If you see something you don’t understand, ask. It may be it can be refactored to be more simple or better documented.

  • As a general rule, to avoid accidental division by zero, use the robust::ratio(x, y) function provided in singularity-eos/base/robust_utils.hpp instead of writing x / y.

Performance portability concerns

singularity-eos is performance portable, meaning it is designed to run not only on CPUs, but GPUs from a variety of manufacturers, powered by a variety of device-side development tools such as Cuda, OpenMP, and OpenACC. This implies several constraints on code style. Here we briefly discuss a few things one should be aware of.

  • ``ports-of-call`` and portability decorators: Functions that should be run on device needs to be decorated with one of the following macros: PORTABLE_FUNCTION, PORTABLE_INLINE_FUNCTION, PORTABLE_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION. These macros are imported from the ports-of-call library and resolve to the appropriate decorations for a given device-side backend such as cuda so the code compiles correctly. Code that doesn’t need to run on device, such as EOS class constructors, does not need these decorations.

  • Relocatable device code: It is common in C++ to split code between a header file and an implementation file. Functionality that is to be called from within loops run on device should not be split in this way. Not all accelerator languages support this and the ones that do take a performance hit. Instead implement that functionality only in a header file and decorate it with PORTABLE_INLINE_FUNCTION or PORTABLE_FORCEINLINE_FUNCTION.

  • Host and device pointers: Usually accelerators have different memory spaces than the CPU they are attached to. So you need to be aware that data needs to be copied to an accelerator device to be used. If it is not properly copied, the code will likely crash with a segfault. In general scalar data such as a single variable (e.g., int x) can be easily and automatically copied to device and you don’t need to worry about managing it. Arrays and pointers, however, are a different story. If you create an array or point to some memory on CPU, then you are pointing to a location in memory on your CPU. If you try to access it from your accelerator, your code will not behave properly. You need to manually copy data from host to device in this case. The libraries ports-of-call and spiner offer some functionality for managing arrays on device.

  • Shallow copies: As a general rule, large amount of data stored within an EOS object should have “reference-semantics.” This means that if you copy an EOS object, it should always be a shallow copy, not a deep copy, unless a deep copy is explicitly requested. This is for performance reasons and also to simplify the managment of data on device.

  • Real: The Real datatype is either a single precision or double precision floating point number, depending on how ports-of-call is configured. For most floating point numbers use the Real type. However, be conscious that sometimes you will specifically need a single or double precision number, in which case you should specify the type as built into the language.

The CRTP slass structure and static polymorphism

Each of the EOS models in singularity-eos inherits from a base class in order to centralize default functionality and avoid code duplication. The main example of this are the vector overloads. In the vector overloads, a simple for loop is used to iterate over the set of states provided to the function and then call the scalar version on each state. This feature is general to all types of EOS, but reliant on specific implementations of the EOS lookups. These functions provide a default behaviour that we might also want to override for a given equation of state.

As an example, the vector overloads in the base class take the following form (in pseudocode):

template <typename RealIndexer, typename ConstRealIndexer, typename LambdaIndexer>
inline void
TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(ConstRealIndexer &&rhos, ConstRealIndexer &&sies,
                                     RealIndexer &&temperatures, const int num,
                                     LambdaIndexer &&lambdas) const {
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    temperatures[i] = eos.TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(rhos[i],
        sies[i], lambdas[i])

where the base class needs to call the specific implementation of the scalar lookup for the particular EOS. However, this means that the base class needs to have knowledge of which class is being derived from it in order to call the correct EOS implementation.

The standard solution to this problem would be to deduce the type of the EOS at runtime (often through virtual functions) and then call the apprporiate member function in the derived class. While this is possible on GPU, it becomes cumbersome, as the user must be very explicit about class inheritence. Moreover, run-time inheritence relies on relocatable device code, which is not as performant on device, thanks to weaker cross-compilation unit optimization. We note that to obtain full performance on device and to build with compilers that don’t support relocatable device code, the entire library must be made header-only.

We could have used a similar technique to the modifier classes and pass the EOS as a template paramter, but then the vector function calls could only be achieved by creating vector modifiers of all the implemented EOS, and the user would have to manually specify that they want to use a vector verison of the class.

Since we wanted to both leverage C++ function overloading while enabling compile-time polymorphism, we decided to use the “curiously recurring template pattern” (CRTP). The basic idea is two-fold:

  1. The base class is templated on the derived class to avoid the need for vtables.

  2. The *this pointer for the base class can be statically cast to that of the derived class. This is only possible because the base class is inherited by the derived class and this is known at compile time.

Through template resolution, the compiler can then know exactly which member functions need to be called at compile time. This allows us to write the EOS implementation in the derived class and have common functionality that leverages these implementations in the base class.

The above example modified to take advantage of the CRTP becomes

template <typename CRTP>
class EosBase {
  template <typename RealIndexer, typename ConstRealIndexer, typename LambdaIndexer>
  inline void
  TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(ConstRealIndexer &&rhos, ConstRealIndexer &&sies,
                                       RealIndexer &&temperatures, const int num,
                                       LambdaIndexer &&lambdas) const {
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
      temperatures[i] = static_cast<CRTP const &>(*this).TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(
        rhos[i], sies[i], lambdas[i]);

The EosBase class is templated upon the derived class which is passed via the CRTP template parameter. Then the EosBase class vector implementation statically casts its own *this pointer to that of the derived class in order to call the specific EOS implementation.

The derived class then needs to look something like

class EosImplementation : public EosBase<EosImplementation> {
  static inline Real TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(
      const Real rho, const Real sie, Real *lambda) const {
    // Specific EOS implementation for returning T(rho, e)
    return temperature;
  using EosBase<EosImplementation>::TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy

Note that the using statement needs to be included in order to properly overload the scalar functionality with the vector functionality. Otherwise the vector member function is hidden by the derived class method rather than overloaded.

With several EOS that all inherit from the EosBase class, we can achieve static polymorphism in all of the EOS classes without having to duplicate code in each class.

Note there are several macros to enable the using statements if all the functions in the base class can be used freely. Omitting a using statement allows the developer to provide a custom implementation of a member function for that particular EOS.

Also note that any new functionality added to the base class needs to be mirrored in the Variant class so that it is accessable when using the EOS type.

Fast Logs and Approximate Log Gridding

When spanning many orders of magnitude, Logarithmic grids are a natural choice. Even spacing in log space corresponds to exponential spacing in the original linear space. In other words, the grid spacing is proportional to the value of the independent variable.

One can perform log-linear or log-log interpolation by simply converting to log space, interpolating as one normally would, and then converting back out. Unfortunately, logarithms and exponents are transcendental functions, meaning they are expensive to compute and it is thus expensive to transform in and out of log space.

To avoid this issue, we construct a space that is approximately logarithmically spaced, but not quite exactly. The requirements for this space are that the transformation into and out of this space is fast to compute, continuous, differentiable, analytically invertible, and close to taking a logarithm or exponentiation (depending on which way you’re going).

To achieve this, we leverage the internal representation of a floating point number in the IEE standard. In particular, a floating point number x is represented as a mantissa and an exponent in base 2:


for mantissa m and exponent e. The mantiss is guaranteed to be on the interval [1/2,1). The standard library of most low-level languages provides a performant and portable routine to pick apart this represnetation, frexp, which given a number x, return m and e.

The log in base 2 lg of x is then given by the logarithm of the mantissa plus the exponent:


Therefore, if we can find a fast, invertible approximation to lg(m), we will have achieved our goal. It turns out the expression


works pretty well, so we use that. (To convince yourself of this note that for x=1/2 this expression returns -1 and for x=1, it returns 0, which are the correct values of lg(x) at the bounds of the interval.) Thus our approximate, invertible expression for lg is just


for the mantissa and exponent extracted via frexp. This differs from lg by a maximum of about 0.1, which translates to at most a 25 percent difference. As discussed above, however, the function itself is an exact representation of itself and the difference from lg is acceptable.

To invert, we use the built in function that inverts frexp, ldexp, which combines the mantissa and exponent into the original floating point representation.

This approach is described in more detail in our short note on the topic.

How to Make a Release

singularity-eos uses semantic versioning. A version is written as v[major version].[minor version].[patch number]. To make a new release, first make a new pull request where you (1) change the version number in the project field of the of the top-level CmakeLists.txt file and (2) add a new release field to the, moving all the changes listed under Current Main to that release. Then add empty categories for Current Main. Typically the branch for this merge request should be called v[release number]-rc for “release candidate.” Make sure that the full test suite passes for this PR.

After that pull request is merged, go to the releases tab on the right sidebar on github, and draft a new release. Set the tag to v[release number], fill the comment with the changes in the changelog since the last release, and make the release.

Finally, the Spackages must be updated. To do so, you will need the checksum for the tarball for the newest release. Download the tarball from the release page, and then run

sha256sum path/to/tarball.tar.gz

and copy down the resulting checksum. Then create a new pull request and edit singularity-eos/spack-repo/packages/singularity-eos/ and find the line version("main", branch="main"). Below this line add a new line of the form

version("[release number]", sha256="[checksum]")

where you should fill in [release number] and [checksum] appropriately. You may then remove the oldest version from the spackace, and add the deprecated=True flag to the two oldest remaining versions.

Finally, the new file needs to be synchronized with Spack upstream, and a pull request to that repository containing the new file.