The Equation of State API
This page describes the equation of state API in detail. For just the information needed to get started, check out the getting started page.
The Real
defines the singularity::Real
type as a proxy
for the float
and double
types. We currently resolve Real
to a double precision number, however we plan to have the option to
select different precisions at compile time in the future.
The parallelism model
For the most part, singularity-eos
tries to be agnostic to how you
parallelize your code on-node. (It knows nothing at all about
distributed memory parallelism.) An EOS
object can be copied into
any parallel code block by value (see below) and scalar calls do not
attempt any internal multi-threading, meaning EOS
objects are not
thread-safe, but are compatible with thread safety, assuming the user
calls them appropriately. The main complication is lambda
which are discussed below.
The vector EOS
method overloads are a bit different. These are
thread-parallel operations launched by singularity-EOS
. They run
in parallel, and ordering between indices of vectors cannot be
assumed. Therefore care must taken in memory layout to avoid race
conditions. The type of parallelism used depends on how
is compiled. If the Kokkos
backend is used,
any parallel dispatch supported by Kokkos
is supported.
The equation of state library is object oriented, and uses a kind of type erasure called a Variant. (Technically we use a backport of this C++ feture to C++11, see: mpark variant.) The salient detail is that a variant is a kind of compile-time polymorphism.
The singularity::EOS
class is generic and can be initialized as
any equation of state model listed in the models section. Unlike with standard polymorphism, you don’t need to
initialize your equation of state as a pointer. Rather, just use the
assignment operator. For example:
singularity::EOS my_eos = singularity::IdealGas(gm1, Cv);
To make this machinery work, there’s an underlying variatic class,
, defined in
. Only methods defined for the
class are available for the equation of state
models. Moreover, any new equation of state model must define all
methods defined in the singularity::Variant
class that call the visit
function, or compile errors may occur.
If you wish to extract an underlying EOS model as an independent type,
undoing the type erasure, you can do so with the get
method. get
is templated and type deduction is not possible. You
must specify the type of the class you’re pulling out of the
variant. For example:
auto my_ideal_gas = my_eos.get<singularity::IdealGas>();
This will give you access to methods and fields which may be unique to
a class but not shared by the Variant
The EOS model also allows some host-side introspection. The method
static std::string EosType();
returns a string representing the equation of state an EOS
currently is. For example:
auto tpe_str = my_ideal_gas.EosType();
// prints "IdealGas"
std::cout << tpe_str << std::endl;
Similarly the method
void PrintParams() const;
prints relevant parameters that the EOS object was created with, such as the Gruneisen coefficient and specific heat for an ideal gas model.
If you would like to create your own custom variant with additional
models (or a subset of models), you may do so by using the
class. For example,
#include <singularity-eos/eos.hpp>
using namespace singularity;
using MyEOS_t = eos_variant<IdealGas, Gruneisen>;
This will create a new type, MyEOS_t
which contains only the
and Gruneisen
classes. (All of these live under the
Reference Semantics and GetOnDevice
Equation of state objects in singularity-eos
have so-called
reference-semantics. This means that when a variable is copied or
assigned, the copy is shallow, and underlying data is not moved,
only metadata. For analytic models this is essentially irrelevant, the
only data they contain is metadata, which is copied. For tabulated
models such as SpinerEOS
, this matters more.
In a heterogenous environment, e.g., where both a CPU and an GPU are available, data is allocated on the host by default. It can be copied to device via
void EOS::GetOnDevice()
which can be called as, e.g.,
Once data is on device, EOS
objects can be trivially copied into
device kernels by value. The copy will be shallow, but the data will
be available on device. In Cuda, this may mean passing the EOS in as a
function parameter into a kernel. In a higher-level abstraction like
Kokkos, simply capture the object into a device lambda by value.
Underlying data is not reference-counted, and must be freed by hand. This can be achieved via the
void EOS::Finalize()
method, which can be called as, e.g.,
Vector and Scalar API, Accessors
Most EOS
methods have both scalar and vector overloads, where the
scalar version returns a value, and the vector version modifies an
array. By default the vector version is called from host on device (if
was compiled for device).
The vector API is templated to accept accessors. An accessor is any
object with a square bracket operator. One-dimensional arrays,
pointers, and std::vector<double>
are all examples of what we call
an accessor. However, the value of an accessor is it doesn’t have to
be an array. You can create an accessor class that wraps your
preferred memory layout, and singularity-eos
will handle it
appropriately. An accessor that indexes into an array with some stride
might look like this:
struct Indexer {
Indexer(int stride, double *array) : stride_(stride), A_(array) {}
double &operator[](int i) {
return A_[stride*i];
double *A_;
int stride_;
We do note, however, that vectorization may suffer if your underlying data structure is not contiguous in memory.
Lambdas and Optional Parameters
Most methods for EOS
objects accept an optional lambda
parameter, which is a Real *
. Unless specified in the
models section, this parameter does nothing. However, some
models require or benefit from additional information. For example
models with internal root finds can leverage initial guesses and
models with composition mixing parameters may need additional input to
return a meaningful state.
models are introspective and can provide the desired/required
size of the lambda array with:
int EOS::nlambda()
which is the desired size of the lambda
array per scalar call. For
vector calls, there should be one such array per grid point. An
accessor for lambda
should return a Real *
pointer at each
index. A trivial example of such an indexer for lambda
might be
the null indexer:
class NullIndexer {
Real *operator[](int i) { return nullptr; }
As a general rule, to avoid race conditions, you will want at least
one lambda
array (or subview of a larger memory allocation) per
thread. You may want one array per point you are evaluating
on. Ideally these arrays are persistent between EOS
calls, to
minimize latency due to malloc
and free
. Several models, such
as SpinerEOS
also use the persistency of these arrays to cache
useful quantities for a performance boost.
EOS Modifiers
models can be modified by templated classes we call
modifiers. A modifier has exactly the same API as an EOS
, but
provides some internal transformation on inputs and outputs. For
example the ShiftedEOS
modifier changes the reference energy of a
given EOS model by shifting all energies up or down. Modifiers can be
used to, for example, production-harden a model. Only certain
combinations of EOS
and modifier
are permitted by the defualt
. For example, only IdealGas
, SpinerEOS
, and
support the RelativisticEOS
and UnitSystem
modifiers. All models support the ShiftedEOS
and ScaledEOS
modifiers. However, note that modifiers do not commute, and only one
order is supported. The ordering, inside-out, is UnitSystem
, then ScaledEOS
, then ShiftedEOS
For more details on modifiers, see the modifiers section. If you need a combination of modifiers not supported by default, we recommend building a custom variant as described above.
Preferred Inputs
Some equations of state, such as those built on tabulated data, are most performant when quantities, e.g., pressure, are requested in terms of density and temperature. Others may be most performant for density and specific internal energy.
Most fluid codes work in terms of density and energy. However, for a model that prefers density and temperature inputs, it may be better compute temperature first, then compute other quantities given density and temperature, rather than computing everything from density and energy.
offers some introspection to enable users to
determine what the right sequence of calls to make is:
static constexpr unsigned long PreferredInput();
The return value is a bit field, represented as a number, where each nonzero bit in the field represents some thermodynamic quantity like density or temperature. You can check whether or not an eos prefers energy or temperature as an input via code like this:
using namespace singularity;
auto preferred_input = my_eos.PreferredInput();
bool en_preferred = preferred_input & thermalqs::specific_internal_energy;
bool temp_preferred = preferred_input & thermalqs::temperature;
Here the bitwise and operator masks out a specific flag, allowing one to check whether or not the bitfield contains that flag.
The available flags in the singulartiy::thermalqs
namespace are
* thermalqs::none
* thermalqs::density
* thermalqs::specific_internal_energy
* thermalqs::pressure
* thermalqs::temperature
* thermalqs::specific_heat
* thermalqs::bulk_modulus
* thermalqs::all_values
however, most EOS models only specify that they prefer density and temperature or density and specific internal energy.
EOS Builder
The inclusion of modifiers can make building a desired equation of
state somewhat cumbersome. To handle this, we have implemented the
machinery. EOSBuilder
is a set of functions that
provides a declarative interface for building an equation of state
The EOS Builder functions and types are defined in the
namespace. The key function is
EOS EOSBuilder::buildEOS(EOSBuilder::EOSType t, EOSBuilder::params_t base_params, EOSBuilder::modifiers_t modifiers)
is an enum class with names that match the various EOS classes defined in the models section; for example,EOSBuilder::EOSType::IdealGas
is a dictionary object with some type erasure, which maps strings to the typesstd::string
, orReal
. It is used to map parameter names to their values for class constructors.EOSBuilder::modifiers_t
is a dictionary from theEOSModifier
enum class, which works identically to theEOSType
enum but for modifiers, toparams_t
objects, specifying the constructor values for each modifier.
Putting it all together, initializing an IdealGas
looks something like this:
using namespace singularity;
EOSBuilder::EOSType type = EOSBuilder::EOSType::IdealGas;
EOSBuilder::modifiers_t modifiers;
EOSBuilder::params_t base_params, shifted_params, scaled_params;
modifiers[EOSBuilder::EOSModifier::Shifted] = shifted_params;
modifiers[EOSBuilder::EOSModifier::Scaled] = scaled_params;
EOS eos = EOSBuilder::buildEOS(type, base_params, modifiers);
Equation of State Methods Reference
Below the scalar functions are listed. In general, a vector version of each of these functions exists, which returns void and takes indexers of each input followed by each output. All of these functions are available on both host and device (if compiled for a system with a discrete accelerator).
Functions are named descriptively, and therefore the method names
should be self explanatory. Unless specified, all units are in
cgs. Unless specified, all functions work on device, if the code is
compiled appropriately. The exceptions are constructors,
, and Finalize
, all of which are host-only.
Real TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(const Real rho, const Real sie, Rela &lambda = nullptr) const;
Returns temperature in Kelvin. Inputs are density in
template <typename RealIndexer, typename ConstRealIndexer, typename LambdaIndexer>
inline void
TemperatureFromDensityInternalEnergy(ConstRealIndexer &&rhos, ConstRealIndexer &&sies,
RealIndexer &&temperatures, const int num,
LambdaIndexer &&lambdas) const;
where rhos
and sies
are input arrays and temperatures
an output array. num
is the size of those arrays and lambdas
is an optional array of lambda
arrays. In general, every scalar
function that returns a real number given a thermodynamic state has a
vector function with analogous signature. The optional lambda
parameter is always last in the function signature. As they are all
almost exactly analogous to their scalar counterparts, we will mostly
not list the vector functions here.
Real InternalEnergyFromDensityTemperature(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns specific internal energy in
Real PressureFromDensityTemperature(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns pressure in Barye given density in
Real PressureFromDensityInternalEnergy(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns pressure in Barye given density in
Real SpecificHeatFromDensityTemperature(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns specific heat capacity at constant volume, in units of
Real SpecificHeatFromDensityInternalEnergy(const Real rho, const Real sie, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns specific heat capacity at constant volume, in units of
Real BulkModulusFromDensityTemperature(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns the the bulk modulus
in units of
Note that for relativistic models,
Real BulkModulusFromDensityInternalEnergy(const Real rho, const Real sie, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns the bulk modulus in units of
Real GruneisenParamFromDensityTemperature(const Real rho, const Real temperature, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns the unitless Gruneisen parameter
given density in
Real GruneisenParamFromDensityInternalEnergy(const Real rho, const Real sie, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
returns the unitless Gruneisen parameter given density in
The function
void ValuesAtReferenceState(Real &rho, Real &temp, Real &sie, Real &press, Real &cv, Real &bmod, Real &dpde, Real &dvdt, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
fills the density, temperature, specific internal energy, pressure, and thermodynamic derivatives a specifically chosen characteristic “reference” state. For terrestrial equations of state, this reference state is probably close to standard density and pressure. For astrophysical models, it will be chosen to be close to a representative energy and density scale.
The function
void FillEos(Real &rho, Real &temp, Real &energy, Real &press, Real &cv, Real &bmod, const unsigned long output, Real *lambda = nullptr) const;
is a a bit of a special case. output
is a bitfield represented as
an unsigned 64 bit number. Quantities such pressure
can be represented in the output
field by flipping the appropriate bits. There is one bit per
quantity. FillEos
sets all parameters (passed in by reference)
requested in the output
field utilizing all paramters not
requested in the output
flag, which are assumed to be input.
The output
variable uses the same thermalqs
flags as the
method. If an insufficient number of variables are
passed in as input, or if the input is not a combination supported by
a given model, the function is expected to raise an error. The exact
combinations of inputs and ouptuts supported is model
dependent. However, the user will always be able to use density and
temperature or internal energy as inputs and get all other
quantities as outputs.
Methods Used for Mixed Cell Closures
Several methods were developed in support of mixed cell closures. In particular:
Real MinimumDensity() const;
Real MinimumTemperature() const;
provide bounds for valid inputs into a table, which can be used by a root finder to meaningful bound the root search. Similarly,
Real RhoPmin(const Real temp) const;
returns the density at which pressure is minimized for a given temperature. This is again useful for root finds.
Finally the method
void PTofRE(Real &rho, Real &sie, Real *lambda, Real &press, Real &temp, Real &dpdr, Real &dpde, Real &dtdr, Real &dtde) const;
returns pressure and temperature, as well as the thermodynamic derivatives of pressure and temperature with respect to density and specific internal energy, as a function of density and specific internal energy.