Copy a point distribution. There are two distinct forms of this command. The first format is designed to copy points from one mesh object into another. In this form if the names of the source and sink mesh objects are omitted, the current mesh object will be used. The copy may be restricted to a subset of points by including the source point information. Points in the sink mesh object will be overwritten if sink_stride is not zero. Attribute fields may be specified for both the source and sink mesh object. For example the x-coordinate field in the source mesh object (xic) may be placed in the y-coordinate field of the sink mesh object. Attribute values will be copied from the source mesh object to the sink mesh object. The user is warned that these values might not make sense in their new context.

The second form of this command is included for historic reasons: it duplicates points within a mesh object including all the attributes of the points. Also note that if no sink points or sink stride are specified, then the copied points are placed at the end of the data arrays (see third FORMAT) otherwise the copied points are written over the existing points starting at the 1st sink point. Note also that the first form of the command gives the arguments sink first then source whereas the second form gives the source then the sink.


copypts/sink_cmo/source_cmo/sink_range/ src_range /source_attribute_name

copypts/sink_cmo/source_cmo/sink_range/ src_range 

copypts/ range 

sink_cmo is the name of mesh object to copy points into.

source_cmo is the name of mesh object to copy points from.

range is the convention using numbers representing ifirst,ilast,istride for a set selection. The range given as 1,0,0 means all are selected.



Copy all points in 2dmesh to the end of the 3dmesh point list.


Copy the point set named mypoints from 2dmesh to the end of 3dmesh point list.


Copy the arsenic field from the point set named mypoints from 2dmesh replacing the boron field at every fourth point beginning at point 100 in 3dmesh.


Duplicate the point set named mypoints from the current mesh object and place the duplicated points at the end of the point list.


Duplicate the point set named mypoints from the current mesh object and place the duplicated points at the end of the point list. Same effect as the example directly above. The current mesh object is used since the fields are blank on the command line.