Scale a point distribution according to the scale factors.


scale/range/ relative /xyz rtz rtp/iscale,jscale,kscale/xcen,ycen,zcen

scale/range/ absolute /xyz rtz rtp/iscale,jscale,kscale/

range is the selection of points designated by node numbers for ifirst,ilast,istride or pset,get,pname. 1,0,0 will select all.

absolute scaling factors are constants added on to the existing coordinates.  That is, absolute is really a translation rather than a rescale.

relative scaling factors are unitless multipliers with reference to geometric center xcen,ycen,zcen.

iscale,jscale,kscale are the scale factors according to geometry type:

  • xyz Cartesian coordinates. iscale,jscale,kscale = x, y, z
  • rtz Cylindrical coordinates. iscale,jscale,kscale = radial, theta, z
  • rtp Spherical coordinates. iscale,jscale,kscale = radial, theta, phi


scale/1,0, 0/ relative / xyz / 0.3048 0.3048 0.3048

Convert coordinates from feet to meters.

scale / 1 0 0 / relative / xyz / 10. 10. 1.

scale / 1 0 0 / relative / xyz / 0.1 0.1 0.1
trans / 1 0 0 / 0. 0. 0. / 0. 0. 0.5
cmo / printatt / -def- / -xyz- / minmax

Use the math math and scale commands to set the z coordinates to make the shape of a sin() wave. First use scale to make x and y coordinates to 0-10 so the sin(y) goes through complete 2pi cycles. Set z(i)=sin(y(i)). A final scale factor is applied and the surface is translated up so all z values are above 0.