cmo / copy

Makes an exact copy of a Mesh Object including all data.


cmo / copy/ mo_name /master_mo

mo_name is type character, required. This will be the new mesh object and will become the Current Mesh Object. If mo_name exists it is over written.

master_mo is type character, default is ‘-cmo-‘. This is the mesh that will be copied. If mo_name is the same as master_mo nothing happens.






All examples will create the new mesh object mo_tet2 copied from master mo_tet1 assuming mo_tet1 is current mesh object.

cmo/ copy/ mopts / motet

cmo/ create / mopts  
copypts / mopts / motet

These examples have different behaviors. cmo/copy will create a duplicate cmo from motet and name it mopts. Assuming motet is a tet mesh, mopts will also be a tet mesh. The example command copypts will copy all nodes into the empty new mesh object named mopts. No elements will be copied.