
The cmo/copyatt command is used to copy one attribute field to another. There is currently no provision for indexed sets.


cmo / copyatt / cmo_sink / cmo_src / attname_sink / attname_src

cmo_sink / cmo_src : are the mesh object names to write to(sink) and from (source). The two names can represent the same mesh object.

attname_sink / attname_src : are the mesh object attributes to write to (sink) and from (source). If the two attributes differ in type or length, a message will be written. The routine does allow the values of an element attribute to be written to the nodes of that belong to each element. To create a mesh object where each element has its own unique set of nodes, create parent-child chains for each element. This can be done using commands mo/set_id and settets.


cmo / copyatt / cmo1 / cmo2 / itetclr / itetclr
cmo / copyatt / cmo1 / cmo2 / itetclr

Both versions will copy itetclr from cmo2 to cmo1.

cmo / addatt / cmotet / elevation
cmo / copyatt / cmotet cmotet / elevation zic

In the mesh object cmotet, attribute zic is copied to attribute elevation.

cmo / copyatt cmotri cmotri/ itetsav itetclr
cmo / set_id / cmotri / element / itetclr

cmo / copyatt / cmotri cmotri / imt itetsav

Copy element itetclr values into attribute itetsav. Create parent-child chains so each element has its own set of nodes. Copy the saved itetsav values into node attribute imt for each element. Each element will have nodes where the imt values match element itetsav values.