
Operation to set mesh object attributes with values.

See the description of mesh object and attributes for setting options. [Mesh Object}(../../


cmo/setatt / mo_name / attribute_name /ifirst,ilast,istride/ value

cmo/setatt / mo_name / attribute_name / value

mo_name is the name of the mesh oject to set values

attribute_name is the name in the mesh object to operate on

ifirst,ilast,istride is the selection where 1,0,0 will operate on all members of the attribute. The node or element set syntax can be used instead of the integer range. See pset and eltset commands. If the range selection is not present, all members are applied.

value is type integer or real depending on the type of the attribute. The value is assigned to the selected range of `attribute_name’.



Will set all values of node attribute imt to 1 and itp1 to 0, this is often done to set defaults before using connect.

cmo/setatt/ 3dmesh /itetclr /eltset,get,blue/ 3

Will set all elements of attribute itetclr and in the element set ‘blue’ to have the value of 3

cmo/setatt // ndimensions_geom / 2

Will reset the ndimensions geometry attribute of the active mesh object to 2

define ATT_RESET xfield
cmo/setatt/ -def- / ATT_RESET /pset,get,p_reset/ 0.0d0

The attribute name is defined in a variable call ATT_RESET. The value zero is assigned to the p_reset node selection. This will operate on the current active mesh object, use cmo/select to make a mesh object current.