create_graph / metis / [node  dual] / [nxadj] / [nadjncy]

create_graph/ lagrit / dual / jtetoff / jtet   `

Create a node or dual (element) adjacency graph. If node option is selected, the graph of node adjacency is created, if dual option is selected, the graph of element adjacency (dual graph) is created.

For details of METIS algorithms and descriptions of the third command line argument see:

See METISdocumentation for description of graph format.

The default name of the attributes that are created are different depending on which option (metis or lagrit) is used.

See the dump command for options to output the adjacency graph to a file.


lagrit will only produce the dual adjacency graph. The only option for the name of the graph arrays are jtetoff and jtet. The present implementation is just a wrapper on the geniee command.

metis will not work on a hybrid mesh. Supported element types are tri, tet, quad, hex. Note: current versions of metis are 32 bit code.

See instructions in documentation of the metis command.


create_graph / lagrit / dual / jtetoff / jtet
create_graph / metis / dual / -def- / -def-  
create_graph / metis / node / -def- / -def-  
create_graph / metis / dual / ie1 / ieadj1  
create_graph / metis / node / in1 / inadj1  

METIS Interface to LaGriT METIS can be freely distributed provided that:

A reference to the following paper is included: “A Fast and Highly
Quality Multilevel Scheme for Partitioning Irregular Graphs”. George
Karypis and Vipin Kumar. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol.
20, No. 1, pp. 359—392, 1999.

The original documentation <a href="">  
(download PDF file of manual) </a> and copyright notice is included
METIS 4.0 Copyright 2001-06, Regents of the University of Minnesota