Example: Use Spherical Hex Mesh to Stack Layers into Cylinder Hex Mesh

This demo shows how these commands are used to create a quad surface that is stacked into a cylinder shaped mesh.

Step 1 createpts/interp

Interpolate cube onto sphere to create hex mesh.

LaGriT command file: full_sphere.lgi.txt

LaGriT report file: full_sphere.out.txt

Step 2 extract/surfmesh

Extract 2D quad surface from hex sphere.

LaGriT command file: extract_2d_surf.lgi.txt

LaGriT report file: extract_2d_surf.lgi.txt

Step 3 stack/layers

Stack 2D quad surfaces into 3D hex cylinder mesh.

LaGriT command file: stack_into_cylinder.lgi.txt

LaGriT report file: stack_into_cylinder.lgi.txt

Step 4 dump

Write mesh formats exodus, avs, gmv.

LaGriT command file: write_mesh_formats.lgi.txt

LaGriT report file: write_mesh_formats.out.txt