read/ zone

read/ zonn

read/ zone_element

Read in a list of node numbers in FEHM zone or zonn file format (See < It is assumed that a MO already exists and the node numbering of the MO is compatible with the zone/zonn file. The only error checking is that the maximum node number in the input zone/zonn file is less than or equal to the number of nodes in the MO.

The second token zone or zonn does not have any effect other than specify that the input file is of the zone/zonn format. The zone/zonn option is controled by the value of the zone/zonn keyword that is read from inside the input file. If the keyword ‘zone’ is found in the file file_name, the attribute att_name is first initialized to zero. If the keyword ‘zonn’ is found, the attribute att_name is not initialized.

If att_name is given as -def-, then the imt array is filled.

If att_name exits and is type VINT, it is used. If it does not exist, a VINT array is created.

file_name can be up to 32 characters.

Note also that the PSET command can output files in the FEHM zone file format.


read / zone or zonn / file_name / [mo_name or -def- ] / [att_name or -def-]

read / zone_element / file_name / [mo_name or -def- ] / [att_name or -def-]


Read in a mesh and a zone file and create a point set of the nodes in the mesh:

read / gmv / mesh.gmv / cmo
read / zone / / cmo / id_nodes
pset / p_nodes / attribute / id_nodes / 1 0 0 / 0 / ne

Read in a mesh and element based zone file and create element set.

read / gmv / mesh.gmv / cmo
read / zone_element / / cmo / id_tets
eltset / e_sel / attribute / id_tets / 1 0 0 / 0 / ne


The format of a zone file is specified in the FEHM Users Manual (< The general format is:

  1. An arbitrary number of header lines that do not contain the keywords zone or zonn as the first token on the line.
  2. The keyword zone or zonn, lower case letters only. <new line>
  3. An integer zone number identifier and an optional character string name <new line>
  4. The keyword nnum <new line>
  5. An integer with the number_of_node_numbers in the list to follow <new line>
  6. A free format list of number_of_node_numbers integer node identifiers.
  7. Additional zone lists can be included by repeating again starting with step 3. an integer zone number identifier
  8. zone list reading is terminated when a blank line is reached after step 6.

Example Zone File:

  # comment line
  another comment line as long as the first word is not zone
  # another comment line. Note that in the list below the node numbers
  # 5 and 10 appear in the first and second list. As a result, if the
  # zone file is read, the second occurence will take precedence.
  1   first_list_name
  1 5 10
  2 second_list_name
  1  2  3  4  5
  6  7  8  9  10
  <blank line>


 * LaGriT control file to test read / zonezonn
 cmo / create / cmo / / / tet
 createpts / xyz / 10 10 10 / 0. 0. 0. / 1. 1. 1. / 1 1 1
 cmo / setatt / cmo / imt / 1 0 0 / 1
 cmo / setatt / cmo / imt / 1 100 1 / 2
 cmo / setatt / cmo / imt / 101 200 1 / 3
 * Output zone file
 dump / zone_imt / test / cmo
 cmo / addatt / cmo / itmp1 / vint / scalar / nnodes
 * Test various command line options.
 read / zone /
 read / zone / / cmo
 read / zone / / -def- / -def-
 read / zone / / cmo   / -def-
 read / zone / / cmo   / imt
 read / zone / / cmo   / itmp1
 read / zone / / cmo   / itmp2
 * Create some zone and zonn files to read.
 pset / pzone1 / seq / 1 100 1
 pset / pzone1 / zone / / ascii

 pset / pzonn1 / seq / 1 300 1
 pset / pzonn1 / zonn / pset_zonn1.zonn / ascii
 pset / pzonn2 / seq / 101 300 1
 pset / pzonn2 / zonn / pset_zonn2.zonn / ascii
 * Read zone and zonn type files.
 read / zone / / cmo / itmp4
 * Since zonn files do not first initilize the array to zero
 * one can read in multiple zonn files and only the values of
 * the entries in the list are set.
 read / zonn / pset_zonn1.zonn / cmo / itmp5
 read / zonn / pset_zonn2.zonn / cmo / itmp5
 * Output GMV file.
 dump / gmv / test_read_zone.gmv / cmo
 * Test some error conditions.
 read / zone
 read / zonn
 read / zone / nofile
 read / zone / / nocmo