LaGriT Style Guide

In an effort to maintain consistency across the GitHub Pages implementation of LaGriT documentation, this document is a style guide for readers and developers.

This page uses HTML to format box sections to show raw text and the resulting format. Use

<div class="markdown-example" id="example-text">
<pre class="source">sample format written to show the raw page text
<div class="rendered">sample to show how format will appear on page
<b>sample</b> format written to show the raw page text
sample to show how format will appear on page

Table of Contents

  1. Page Titles and Headers
  2. Command Formatting
  3. Inline Code, Examples, Demos
  4. Linking to Other Pages
  5. Long Page Lists
  6. Embedding Images
  7. Further Resources

1. Page Headers & Titles

Each page should contain YAML-formatted metadata at the top of the document. See GitHub’s announcement and a basic guide on supported tags.

In general, most metadata will do nothing. However, each document should contain at least these specifiers:

  1. title - this renders as the browser page title, and renders in search
  2. tags - this benefits the search functionality as well
title: "Example LaGriT Page"
author: My Name
tags: example, quickstart, style

Page titles should use the h1 header class followed by a page line, note the # character must not have spaces in front. Subsections should be marked with h2, subsubsections with h3, etc.

# COMMAND or Page Title


Page text

## Section Header

COMMAND or Page Title

Page text

Section Header

3. Command Syntax and Descriptions

The LaGriT command syntax section should be enclosed in the <pre> tags. Use the HTML bold formats for the command name and any literal keywords.

<b>extract/surfmesh</b>/1,0,0/cmo_out/ [cmo_in] [<b>external</b>]
extract/surfmesh/1,0,0/cmo_out/ [cmo_in] [external]

In the sections describing words and behavior of the command, the following formats should be followed:

In general, use bold monospaced font for commands and methods, bold for keywords or reserved words, and unstyled monospace for primary variable names. The italics italic variable as needed for additional variables. The general italic is for use in text for notes or references.

The following are used for a command syntax and description:

Appearance Markdown Text
COMMAND link [**`COMMAND`**](
method **`method`**
variable `variable`
keyword **keyword**
keyword_link [**keyword_link**](
plain link [plain link](
italic variable *`italic variable`*
italic text *italic text*

3. Inline Code, Examples, Demos

Command pages may include additional sections. Any inline Code, Examples, or Demos use fenced code blocks and should be wrapped in three backticks. The backticks will format much the same way as the HTML <pre> tags.

This is an inline code block with 3 backticks before and after.

To display screen output, use the tag <pre class="lg-output"> instead of backtics or other <pre> tags.

This is a block for screen output.

4. Linking to Other Pages

You can link to other pages on this site by either using the literal URL, or (more appropriately) with a relative link to the corresponding Markdown file. It is better practice to use a relative link to a Markdown file, so that those attempting to read the documentation through a Markdown viewer (i.e. after cloning the LaGriT repo) will be able to easily access the referenced document.

As an example, [this page](
will take you to the same place as [clicking here](docs/commands/

As an example, this page will take you to the same place as clicking here.

5. Long Page Lists

For pages with a long list of command options, use a clickable table at the top. See examples at dump

Table format with page links. The colon on left will make cells left justified. Use colons on both sides to center. Add explicit spaces to avoid cell text running into adjacent cell text.

|   |  |  |  |
| :---- |  :----  | :---- |  :---- |
|&nbsp;&nbsp; [**`chad`**](#chad) |&nbsp;&nbsp; [**`coord`**](#coord) |&nbsp;&nbsp; [**`datex`**](#datex) |&nbsp;&nbsp; [**`elem_adj_node`**](#elem_adj) |


### **`chad`** <a name="chad"></a>

6. Embedding Images

Below are multiple ways to embed images in a Markdown file.
Note that relative paths are relative to LaGriT/docs/pages/docs/commands/.
Set Image sizes for a page between 250 and 500. 

Embed with html 
<img width="500" src="">

Using href will make a small image clickable to the full image:
<a href="cube.png">  <img width="300" src="cube.png">  </a>

Embed with markdown
![alternate text](

<img src="{{'assets/images/cube.png' | absolute_url}}" width="500">
![alternate text](../../../assets/images/cube.png)
![alternate text]({{ site.baseurl }}/assets/images/cube.png)
![alternate text]({{'assets/images/cube.png' | absolute_url}})

7. Further Resources

Markdown supports tables, lists, embedded HTML/Javascript/CSS, images, and more. For syntax usage on embedding these elements, a few references can be found below: