“30” “30”](mstkla.md#GENERIC%20MESH%20REGION%20QUERIES:) “30” “30”](MeshVertex.md) “30” “30”](Geom.md)


 int RType_NumVerts(ElType type);

Number of vertices for a generic element of a particular type

int RType_NumEdges(ElType type);

Number of edges for a generic element of a particular type

int RType_NumFaces(ElType type);

Number of faces for a generic element of a particular type

void RType_EdgeVertMap(ElType type, int ienum, int


Get the local vertex numbers for local edge ‘ienum’ of element type.

void RType_FaceVertMap(ElType type, int ifnum, int nfv, *int * *fvnums);

Get the local vertex numbers for local facee ‘ifnum’ of element type.

void RType_FaceEdgeMap(ElType type, int ifnum, int nfe, *int * *fenums);

Get the local edge numbers for local face ‘ifnum’ of element type.

void RType_EdgeVertMap(ElType type, int ienum, int


Get the local vertex numbers for local edge ‘ienum’ of element type.


 “30” “30”](mstkla.md#GENERIC%20MESH%20REGION%20QUERIES:) “30” “30”](MeshVertex.md) “30” “30”](Geom.md)