“30” “30”](mstkla.md#EXECUTABLE) “30” “30”](example.md)


** #include “mstkla.h”            with the addition of **-I/home/rao/meshing/mstkla/1.0/include in the link line

** #include “gmtkla.h”            with the addition of **-I/home/rao/meshing/mstkla/1.0/include in the link line

** #include “utilities.h”           with the addition of **-I/home/rao/utilities/1.0/include in the link line

** #include “macros.h”            with the addition of **-I/home/rao/meshing/mstkla/1.0/include in the link line

  Linking with MSTKLA  

MSTKLA (and the embedded GMTKLA) are in the following libs:

/home/rao/develop/meshing/mstkla/1.0/lib/ $ARCHOS/


** $ARCHOS** is a variable that combines the architecture and operating system info.

You can have it set in your Makefile by appropriately calling the script

/home/rao/bin/getarch (See the Makefile in /home/rao/develop/meshing/test)

The libraries are libmstk.a (debug version) and libmstk-O.a (optimized version)

MSTKLA also uses 2 other modules called ‘clagrit’ and ‘utilities’. The libs for clagrit  are in

/home/rao/develop/meshing/clagrit/1.0/lib/ $ARCHOS/

The libs are libclagrit.a (debug) and libclagrit-O.a (optimized).


The libs for utilities are in

/home/rao/develop/utilities/1.0/lib/ $ARCHOS/

and the libs are libutilities.a (debug) and libutilities-O.a (optimized)

Also, the standard lagrit and util libs have to be included.

They are located in


The libs are liblagrit_ $ARCH.a, libutil_ $ARCH.a (debug) and liblagrit_ $ARCH_opt.a, libutil_ $ARCH_opt.a (optimized). Here, ** $ARCH** is as follows:

    Solaris:     sol

    HP:           hp

    DEC:        dec

    SGI:          sgi

    SGI/64:     sgi_64

    IBM:         ibm

The order of libraries that works while linking (until more complicated library interdependencies creep in) is


**-L $(MSTKLA_LIBDIR) -lmstkla -L $(CLAGRIT_LIBDIR) -lclagrit


**-L $(MYUTIL_LIBDIR)  -lutilities


**-L $(LAGRIT_LIBDIR) -llagrit_ $(ARCH)  -L $(CLAGRIT_LIBDIR) -lclagrit


**-L $(UTIL_LIBDIR) -lutil




 “30” “30”](mstkla.md#EXECUTABLE) “30” “30”](utilities.md)