LaGriT V1.0.3 Release Notes Notes 2001

This text is converted from old pdf files and may have translation errors. See original pdf for clarification.

LaGriT V1.0.3 2001 PDF Version

A summary of the major changes found in this release are listed below. A complete list of changes is included at the end of this document. Refer to the user‘s manual for a complete description of the new, enhanced and revised commands.

New Commands:

reorder/cmo/sort_key will reorder a the mesh object according to the sort_key. See sort


interpolate/map|continuous|voronoi/cmo_sink/attr_sink/ifirst,ilast,istride, /cmo_source/attr_source/[mintie|maxtie]/ [value|p|us1|nearest source,attr/[keepatt|delatt]

Enhanced Commands:




smooth/position/network/pset,get,name/number_of_iterations/ weight/[check|nocheck]

createpts createpts/voronoi

cmo cmo/set_id/cmoname/both node element [attributename1/attributename2]


sort/cmoname/bins /ascending|decending]/[ikey]/in_att

sort/cmoname/index|rank/ ascending|decending]/[ikey]/in,att1 in_att2 in_att3

extract extract only exterior surface.



If checkaxy is specified, then for the case of 2D triangular meshes, we check xy projected areas are positive and larger than epsilona.


Bug fixes

06/06/00 dumpgmv_hybrid use i3.3 format to write ‘created’ material names.

07/24/00 setsize_nosb test against mbndry_old not mbndry for noop condttion

07/25/00 set_global_nosb set only integer or real (don’t Wipe out previously set variable)

07/27/00 lower_d_lg set ioff before using, increase dimension of tmsgout, imsgout

08/16/00 connect fixed memory problems with failure lists

09/08/00 boundary fix several bugs relating to resetting icr values

09/08/00 rotatept fix getting pset if using numeric arguments

09/08/00 rzbrick3 call cmo_get_name before calling cmo_get_info

09/27/00 multi_material_2d_lg missing argument in surftstv calls

10/12/00 pset restore ‘eq’ as default operation

10/20/00 refine face add fix problems with second pass on 2d refine

03/23/01 surface fix problem with cone type - parameters saved in wrong place

05/07/01 cer_chain make refine on roughness work for 2d meshes

Code Improvements

06/08/00 cmo_mesh_type new mesh type triplane like tri but ndimensions_geom=2.

08/25/00 addmesh pyramid use kdtree to find matching grid boundaries

09/03/00 pset, eset changed formats so big indices will print

cmo_interpolate implement user option - user must supply user_nterpolation subroutine

mega_error, mega_hessian fix allocation of over large tmp array

Code Changes

cmo_get_info return itype=4 for pointer retrteval

control_command_lg echo comments to outx3dgen

mm2000 print block in address order

rmpoint fix allocations for temp space to use a better estimate of size and integer type if possible.

refine_face_add skip call to settets if attribute skip settets is =0

rzbrick3, pset, eset filter, hextotet hybrid, refine, readngptet, readngphex, dump_fehm, extract_interface remove references to ialias

mmrelblk comment out warning if block does not exist

cel_chain force exclusive for rivara_truncated refines

connect,delaunay change epsilons for point insertion tests

statementfunctions.h new function DSZIRTRI caluculates the SIGNED inscribed radius of tri.

refine_face_add use cmo_interpolate values for coordinates of new points

recon all recon commands processed through subroutine recon, toldamage now computed if not supplied

refine We now pass psetname= -def- in the case of 2D with no surface. In this case the entire 2-D grid will be in the ‘pset’ for refinement

cer_chain We commented out the RECON after refinement.

agd3d We now refrain from merging out nodes if they would create a roughness>0.8*TOLROUGHNESS.

getgsynth Initial revision. Computes synthetic normals for ALL nodes in 2-D

massage We now take TOLROUGHNESS in the argument list. This is a format change, but old decks should still work.