LaGriT V1.100 Release Notes 1999

This text is converted from old pdf files and may have translation errors. See original pdf for clarification.

LaGriT V1.0 May 1999 PDF Version

A summary of the major Changes found in this release are listed below.


triangulate a 2D mesh assuming the ordered nodes in the 2D mesh define the perimeter of a polygon


convert Arclnfo (GIS) Ungenerate files to AVS ung2avs/avs_file_out/ung_file_in/[z_va|ue]


allows a number to be associated with a character string, such that the character string can be used in input decks in place of the number.

define/left/ -4.7


This command builds the colormap. In reality it only builds the material adjacency graph, from which the colormap can be quickly generated when needed. Three actions are possible:

  • add - The material adjacency characteristics of the specified mesh object is added to the existing material adjacency graph, which is created if it didn‘t exist. This is the default action.

  • create - The existing material adjacency graph is deleted and a new one created from the specified mesh object.

  • delete - The material adjacency graph is deleted if it exists. Any specified mesh object is ignored.




added a smoothing operation to the optimization which can be turned off with the nosmooth option



new option aspect will smooth to improve aspect ratio by moving a node toward the neighbor that provides the greatest improvement. New option lpfilter will smooth surface networks (i.e 2D mesh objects or the interface network of a 3D mesh) using a polynomial filter. (filtdeg default 30; k_pb default 0.1)



new option surface will identify nodes on the specified surface.

Keyword surface names have the following meaning:

-all- will identify nodes on any surface.
-interface- will identify nodes on any interface surface.
-boundary- will identify nodes on exterior surfaces.



new option roughness will refine based on the distance of the endpoint of an edge to the plane determined by the synthetic normal with respect to a specified surface at the other endpoint of the edge.


new option edge_list will bisect a set of edges specified by the node numbers of the endpoints of the edges.


refine/edgeilist///edge/1 2 23 47/ will refine the edge with
endpoints 1 and 2 also the edge with endpoints 23 and 47.

new option interface will bisect a set of non-interface edges of tets all of whose vertices are interface nodes.

refine/interface///edge/pset,get,psetname//// [inclusivelexclusive]l


new option network will extract the network of interfaces (consisting of parent nodes) from a mesh.



dump/recolor/file_name This command writes the existing colormap to the specified file. (See colormap command.)

dump/fehm/file_name / [cmo_name] / [binary/ ascii | asciic | binaryc] /[scalar, vector, both] / [delatt, keepatt]

The [delatt, keepatt] option gives the user the ability to delete or keep the boundary attributes, top, bottom, left_w, right_e, back_n, front_s, which are created by dump/fehm. The default is delatt. dump/fehm/file_name / [cmo_name] / [binaryc | asciic] produces compressed matrices

dump/gmv/file_name/[cmo_name]/[binary, ascii] 

specify binary or ascii format of GMV file on command line


will write an ascii restart file that contains geometry and mesh object information. cmo_name can be ‘-all-‘ in which case all mesh objects are written to the file or it can specify a list of mesh objects to be written.



will read an ascii restart file written by dump/lagrit. All mesh object data is preserved in the file including the cmo_name.


connect will triangulate a 2d planar set of nodes generating a triangular Delaunay grid.

Bug fixes Jan 98 to May 99

multi_material - fixed error for node added that was on both an interface and an exterior boundary might get the wrong itp1 value.

connect - refresh pointers alter call to remove bigtet

ceL_chain - fix bug with memory allocation for mpary array.

massage,getmpary - correctly access pset for massage

try2tob - get pointer to icontab correctly

cel_chain - Check for psetnames = blank

gctbit,sctbit Change declaration of ISHFT to intrinsic

flip2t03,flp2t03b, flp2to3i - update itettyp for new element

recon2d - use cmo.h (icmoget) to pass to testdamage so it knows If it must refresh pointers

dumpavs - close file always before leaving subroutine

refine_edge_list_lg - correct pointer statement

tangent_plane, cer_chain - fix refine on roughness

refine_fix_add - correctly set ier values for added nodes on constrained interfaces

sheet - explicitly specify -def— for mesh object name

rzbrick - fix ratio fiag

control_command_lg - correctly remove unnecessary blanks from command lines

cmo_create - make interpolation type be ‘and’ for isetwd and xtetwd

cmo_interpolate - fix interpolation for isetwd and xtetwd

pset - idebug delared as integer

rmmat - fix error return flag

resetpts - fix error return flag

surfset - fix memory management error

gctmpary - sct defaults correctly by testing nwds

closed_surfaces - fix arguments to getregv2 call

refine_edge_add - modify pset membership for new nodes.

cmo_select, cmo_get_name - remove null character from end of name

recon2d - set itetoff

lpfilter,LowPassFilterModule - avoid overwiting data

Code Improvements Jan 98 to Mar 99

smooth - new option smooth/position/aspect will smooth to improve aspect ratios.

smooth, extract - new option smooth/position/lpfilter will smooth surface networks. New extract option extract/network will an interface network from a 3D mesh.

pset - New options for surface (surface names: -all-, -interface-, -boundary- have the obvious special meanings)

delaunay - Insert nodes in mesh in random order. Replace n**2 a1gorithm to find matching faces with a linked list approach

reeon2d - changed test to use consistent volume calculation.

refine, tangent_plane, cer_chain, refine_edge_list_lg, lpfilter, LowPassFilterModule, GmphModule - new command options

triangulate_lg, msgtty - add triangulate command

pntlimc - check for pset named ‘-def—‘ or empty string

corrected warning that showed up on the DEC compile in the following routines:

addmesh, addmesh delete, addlnesh pyramid, boundary components, chkreg, chkregv, closed surfaces, cmo_delatt_def, cmo_interpolate, cmo_setatt, cmo_release, connect, correctpc, derefine, dopmat, dumpchad, filholes, geniee, get_mregions, get_regions, get_surfaces, getreg, getregv, grid_to_grid, hextotet_att, l1n1en1adjb, hsb2seta, ifacept, initx3d, math, occonv, pstatus, readgmv_binary, refine_coupling_coef, refine_edge_add, refine_face, refine_face_add, rmregmn, rmsurf, rwdpmw, r2, search2d, sortbins, taylor_error, translate, volume_tet, voron2d, writedump, refine_edge_list_lg

recon2, mega_error - restrict existence of ‘mega’ related attributes to recon loop. change IO disposition to not write to GMV files

refine, refine_interface_elements_lg - new refine option to refine non—intcrface edges of tets, all of whose vertices are interface nodes.

dump/fehm, writedump, matbld3d_stor - generate compressed matrix for geometric coefficients .stor file

cel_chain, cer_chain, refine_edge_add - set pset membership of child nodes in refine_edge_add_tet

refine_edge_add - pset is inherited from ‘anding’ the pset of the endpoints of refined edgeh

Code Changes Nov 98 to Apr 99

agd3d massage - add smoothing operation to optimization loop in massage.

sgd, primestep - smoothing now automatic in massage, turn it off with ‘nosmooth’

cel_chain - remove call to recon from inside refine/rivara loop.

agd3d - allow more merges of nodes that do not have unique successors and predecessors

dumpavs - allow for ranksfl and limit coordinate range to (—1 16—30, 11e+30)

aratio_tet - handle extreme aspect ratio tets correctly

agd3d, aratio_tet, aratio_tri - remove assumption that fp errors would not be trapped

massage - set ipointi to 1 and ipointj to nnodes

intradd - use a more memory efficient al gorithm to create child nodes

agd3d - change error to warning when material match in question (skip merge)

all common blocks - moved common statements after declarations added ‘save’ statement

dump_recolor_lg, neighbor_recolor_lg, writedump - add dump/recolor command (see above)

dump - fehm option to keep/delete boundary attributes on fehm files dump_outside_list

ung2avs - option to convert Ungenerate files to AVS files

dumpgmv_hybrid - read binary/ascii from command line

llip3t02, llip4to4, llip2t00, llip3t021 [lip4to4i llip2t00b In[lip recon IceonZ fiiplt00, flip2t02, - remove calls to fluxing routines and clean up associated memory usage

control_eommand_lg - new method of command processing

writloga, writinit, dotask, dotaskx3d, initlagrit, msgtty, control lg.h, lagrith dumpgmvihybrid cmo attribute 7def- is modified so that it Will not be written to gmv files. writcdump,rcaddump dump/lagrit and rcad/lagrit - now write and read ascii geometry files dumpilagrit, eventually this command will also dump the mesh objects dump_lagrit_geom,

read_lagrit - read_lagrit_geom

cmo_dump_cmo dump/lagrit and read/lagrit - now write and read ascii re start files

cmo_read_dump_cmo - that contain geometry and mesh object intbnnation

matbld2dstor - add max connections to output, make consistent with matbld3d_stor

eset - don’t print element number of member of set

quality - print if idebug set to 1

connect2d_lg - new code to connect 2d planar node distributions into 2d grids

delaunay2d_lg, delaunay2d_connect_lg, multi_material2d_lg, fix_small_triangles_lg, make_big_triangle_lg scale_lg, msgtty change subroutine name ‘scale’ to ‘scale_lg’ to avoid conflicts with other libraries