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LaGriT V1.1.0 Nov 2002 PDF Release YMP QA/QA STN: 10212-1.1-00
A summary of the major changes found in this release are listed below. A complete list of changes is included at the end of this document. Refer to the user‘s manual for a complete description of the new, enhanced and revised commands.
Create a node or dual (element) adjacency graph. If node option is selected, the graph of node adjacency is created, if dual option is selected, the graph of element adjacency (dual graph) is created —— see manual for details
create_graph/metis/node|dual/ v1,v2/ create|delete
Interface METIS graph partition and reorder package with LAGriT. For details of METIS algorithms see: The standard libraries, Iiblagrit.a and Iibutil.a do not contain METIS. In order to utilize the METIS functions, one must download the METIS package, build the METIS libraries on your local system and link them with the LAGriT libraries.
For example: f90 -o lagrit driver.f liblagrit.a libmetis.a libutil.a
stack\fill stack\reorder read tri or quad surfaces combine into one cmo and fill with prisms 0r hexes
mode/discrete/surface_cmo/tolldamage - all refinement smoothing operations on this surface must result in nodes that are members of surface_cmo
mode/recon/[delaunaylgeometryladaption] choose reconnection mode - delaunay flip to restore delaunay, geometry will flip to create ‘plump’ elements, adaption will flip to reduce solution error
mode/adaption_field/field_name/scale_factor/4d_refine_length/4d_merge_length/4d_damage/percent_to_refine/ error_cut_off_refine if this mode is on adaptive massage will be in effect
sethessian/user - make the 2nd derivative matrix from the routine supplied by the user
sethessian/erradpt make the 2nd derivative matrix from the user supplied edge errors
sethessian/field_name/[algorithm choice] make the 2nd derivative matrix base on the supplied field and algorithm (default is the mega algorithm)
loop loops may be max 10 deep, max 250 tokens in the lforeach/ mode. Implementation involves a define and a dotask issued for each loop command
loop/do variable lp_start lp_stop lp_stride loop_end/
loop/foreach variable item1 item2 itemN loop_end/
loop foreach MO cmo1 cmo2 cmo3 loop_end &
cmo / delete / MO
loop do NX 2 31 loopiend &
loop do NY 4 51 loopiend &
loop do NZ 6 7 1 |oop_end &
loop foreach X0 0 5.5 10.2345678 |oop_end &
createpts/xyz/NX,NY,NZ/XO O. O. / 100. 100. 100.
loop foreach FILE file1 file2 file3 loop_end &
loop foreach CMO cmo1 cmo2 cmo3 loop_end &
infile lagrit_control_file
refine allow eltset,get,eltsetname wherever pset get psetname was previously allowed.
allow more operand types add math/sum and math/integrate math/abs is absolute value option
createpts/median creates new mesh object attributes called xmed,ymed and zmed of length nelements and rank scalar. They contain the x,y,z coordinates of the median point of each element in the mesh. All element types are supported
sort reorder
sort, reorder now sort and reorder elements in addition to nodes
pset_nosb fix problem with geom/xyz
writedump fix problem with delatt/keepatt and dmllp/zone
read_geometries fix problem if number of surfaces is zero
rotatept fix typo
surfpts fix problems with ‘surface‘ option
cmo_delatt fix error in retrieving cmo name
mega3d skip calls involving hessian for smooth/position/geometry option
closed_surfaces fix undefined variable
dump_pt_by_value, put mega3d_nosb, getiedge, polyfun_nosb.f corrected the prob1em involving the nondistinction of differently colored but coincident edges
hextotet_hybrid add error checking, avoid cmo_interpolate bug
refine_tet_add get correct cmo name
intersect_elements fix incorrect declaration
lower_d_lg fixed test for increasing attribute space
refine_nosb fix errors in faceedge and tetedge options
cmo_addatt_nosb fix type dec1arations
mergepts_simplex use epsilon for inversion tests
rz fix line mode
dump_geometries_lg,geometry_release_lg,read_geometries_lg_nosb allow for mesh object with no geometry
refine_edge_2d reset ipointj at end
control_command_lg reuse space if names are reused in define commands
eset_nosb Fixed multiple calls to eltset so that it behaves like pset(i.e. contents ofa named e1tset reset at each call)
cmo_set_mesh_type add error checking
cmo_addatt allow permanent or temporary persistence
cmo_copyatt allow element attributes to be copied to nodes that are element vertices
cmo_set_mesh_type changed subroutine name from cmo_mesh_type
cmo_status added ‘brief‘ option
cmoiinlerpolate add error checking
unpackpc simplify the logic
freemove pass in info that determines move
gctiedge distinguish between coincident but different matcria1 edges
intrp_gtg add tiemat option
isosurface set edges per element
sethessian, dampiptihyivalue, eva1uateisobolevnorm,hess3d ,interpo1ate7hessi 5111- use sethessian celichain, refineispawnilg, refineicouplingcoeLpopconeng, (:51, cer—chain, eel, popcomponenlsilg use return flag from refineiedgeiadditet to terminate iterations if refine does nothing
flip2to3b_nosb, flip2to3, hmemadjb_nosb remove warning message
connect_nosb spe11ing error
math_sum, math_integrate new options
rotatlenln_nosb, rotatept_nosb rotate only coordinates — skip other attributes
table_element clean -up
distance_to_sheet, testdamage, edgefun_lt, point_to_plane freemove_nosb, mega3d_inner_loop, mega3d_nosb, massage, refine_edge_add, sgd, cee_chain, polyfun_nosb, adg3d, mode_lg, msgtty_nosb changes for adaptive massage and for discrete mode
perturb_lg fix calling sequence
recon2_nosb sb fix debug 0utput
quadxyz,quadxy, read_sheetij format changes
extract_surfmesh better error checking
partition,refine_edge_3d, addmesh_amr, voronoi_stor, grid_to_orid, addmesh_overlap, addmesh_merge pull routines out of temp.f
pset better setting of epsilons for geom option