Source code for TELF.factorization.HNMFk

job-schedule - 200
job-complete - 300
signal-exit  - 400

from .NMFk import NMFk
from pathlib import Path
import numpy as np
import uuid
import os
import time
import pickle
import warnings

from .utilities.hpc_comm_helpers import signal_workers_exit, worker_check_exit_status, get_next_job_at_worker, collect_results_from_workers, send_job_to_worker_nodes

    from mpi4py import MPI
    MPI = None

[docs] class OnlineNode(): def __init__(self, node_path:str, node_name:str, parent_node:object, child_nodes:list, ) -> None: self.node_path = node_path self.node_name = node_name self.parent_node = parent_node self.child_nodes = child_nodes self.node_data = None def __call__(self, persistent=False): if persistent: if self.node_data is None: self.node_data = pickle.load(open(self.node_path, "rb")) return self.node_data else: return pickle.load(open(self.node_path, "rb"))
[docs] class Node(): def __init__(self, node_name: str, depth: int, parent_topic: int, parent_node_k: int, W: np.ndarray, H: np.ndarray, k: int, parent_node_name: str, child_node_names: list, original_indices: np.ndarray, num_samples:int, leaf:bool, user_node_data:dict, cluster_indices_in_parent:list, node_save_path:str, parent_node_save_path:str, parent_node_factors_path:str, exception:bool, signature:np.array, probabilities:np.array, centroids:np.array, factors_path:str, ): self.node_name = node_name self.depth = depth self.W = W self.H = H self.k = k self.parent_topic = parent_topic self.parent_node_k = parent_node_k self.parent_node_name = parent_node_name self.child_node_names = child_node_names self.original_indices = original_indices self.num_samples = num_samples self.leaf = leaf self.user_node_data = user_node_data self.cluster_indices_in_parent = cluster_indices_in_parent self.node_save_path=node_save_path self.parent_node_factors_path=parent_node_factors_path self.parent_node_save_path=parent_node_save_path self.exception = exception self.signature = signature self.probabilities = probabilities self.centroids = centroids self.factors_path = factors_path
[docs] class HNMFk(): def __init__(self, nmfk_params=[{}], cluster_on="H", depth=1, sample_thresh=-1, Ks_deep_min=1, Ks_deep_max=None, Ks_deep_step=1, K2=False, experiment_name="HNMFk_Output", generate_X_callback=None, n_nodes=1, verbose=True, comm_buff_size=10000000, random_identifiers=False ): """ HNMFk is a Hierarchical Non-negative Matrix Factorization module with the capability to do automatic model determination. Parameters ---------- nmfk_params : list of dicts, optional We can specify NMFk parameters for each depth, or use same for all depth.\n If there is single items in ``nmfk_params``, HMMFk will use the same NMFk parameters for all depths.\n When using for each depth, append to the list. For example, [nmfk_params0, nmfk_params1, nmfk_params2] for depth of 2 The default is ``[{}]``, which defaults to NMFk with defaults with required ``params["collect_output"] = False``, ``params["save_output"] = True``, and ``params["predict_k"] = True`` when ``K2=False``. cluster_on : str, optional Where to perform clustering, can be W or H. Ff W, row of X should be samples, and if H, columns of X should be samples. The default is "H". depth : int, optional How deep to go in each topic after root node. if -1, it goes until samples cannot be seperated further. The default is 1. sample_thresh : int, optional Stopping criteria for num of samples in the cluster. When -1, this criteria is not used. The default is -1. Ks_deep_min : int, optional After first nmfk, when selecting Ks search range, minimum k to start. The default is 1. Ks_deep_max : int, optinal After first nmfk, when selecting Ks search range, maximum k to try.\n When None, maximum k will be same as k selected for parent node.\n The default is None. Ks_deep_step : int, optional After first nmfk, when selecting Ks search range, k step size. The default is 1. K2 : bool, optional If K2=True, decomposition is done only for k=2 instead of finding and predicting the number of stable latent features. The default is False. experiment_name : str, optional Where to save the results. generate_X_callback : object, optional This can be used to re-generate the data matrix X before each NMFk operation. When not used, slice of original X is taken, which is equal to serial decomposition.\n ``generate_X_callback`` object should be a class with ``def __call__(original_indices)`` defined so that ``new_X, save_at_node=generate_X_callback(original_indices)`` can be done.\n ``original_indices`` hyper-parameter is the indices of samples (columns of original X when clustering on H).\n Here ``save_at_node`` is a dictionary that can be used to save additional information in each node's ``user_node_data`` variable. The default is None. n_nodes : int, optional Number of HPC nodes. The default is 1. verbose : bool, optional If True, it prints progress. The default is True. random_identifiers : bool, optional If True, model will use randomly generated strings as the identifiers of the nodes. Otherwise, it will use the k for ancestry naming convention. Returns ------- None. """ # user defined settings self.sample_thresh = sample_thresh self.depth = depth self.cluster_on = cluster_on self.Ks_deep_min = Ks_deep_min self.Ks_deep_max = Ks_deep_max self.Ks_deep_step = Ks_deep_step self.K2 = K2 self.experiment_name = experiment_name self.generate_X_callback = generate_X_callback self.n_nodes = n_nodes self.verbose = verbose self.comm_buff_size = comm_buff_size self.random_identifiers = random_identifiers organized_nmfk_params = [] for params in nmfk_params: organized_nmfk_params.append(self._organize_nmfk_params(params)) self.nmfk_params = organized_nmfk_params # object variables self.X = None self.total_exec_seconds = 0 self.num_features = 0 self._all_nodes = [] self.iterator = None self.root = None self.root_name = "" self.node_save_paths = {} # path to save self.experiment_save_path = os.path.join(self.experiment_name) try: if not Path(self.experiment_save_path).is_dir(): Path(self.experiment_save_path).mkdir(parents=True) except Exception as e: print(e) # HPC job management variables self.target_jobs = {} self.node_status = {} assert self.cluster_on in ["W", "H"], "Unknown clustering method!" assert (self.n_nodes > 1 and MPI is not None) or (self.n_nodes == 1), "n_nodes was greater than 1 but MPI is not installed!"
[docs] def load_model(self): """ Loads existing model from checkpoint file located at self.experiment_name path.\n This checkpoint file exist if fit(save_checkpoint=True) when the model was run.\n Use this function to leverage the graph iterator for an existing model. Returns ------- None """ checkpoint_file = self._load_checkpoint_file() if len(checkpoint_file) > 0: backup_name = self.experiment_name backup_path = self.experiment_save_path self._load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file) self.experiment_name = backup_name self.experiment_save_path = backup_path else: raise Exception(f"Model checkpoint file is not found at: {os.path.join(self.experiment_save_path, 'checkpoint.p')}") # correct node save paths new_node_save_paths = {} for key, path in self.node_save_paths.items(): new_node_save_paths[key] = os.path.join( self.experiment_name, *path.split(os.sep)[1:]) self.node_save_paths = new_node_save_paths.copy() del new_node_save_paths # prepare online iterator self.root = OnlineNode( node_path=self.node_save_paths[self.root_name], node_name = self.root_name, parent_node=None, child_nodes=[] ) self.iterator = self.root self._prepare_iterator(self.root)
[docs] def fit(self, X, Ks, from_checkpoint=False, save_checkpoint=True): """ Factorize the input matrix ``X`` for the each given K value in ``Ks``. Parameters ---------- X : ``np.ndarray`` or ``scipy.sparse._csr.csr_matrix`` matrix Input matrix to be factorized. Ks : list List of K values to factorize the input matrix.\n **Example:** ``Ks=range(1, 10, 1)``. from_checkpoint : bool, optional If True, it continues the process from the checkpoint. The default is False. save_checkpoint : bool, optional If True, it saves checkpoints. The default is True. Returns ------- None """ # # Job scheduling setup # # multi-node processing if self.n_nodes > 1: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD rank = comm.Get_rank() # single node processing else: comm = None rank = 0 # # Checkpointing and job setup # if from_checkpoint: checkpoint_file = self._load_checkpoint_file() else: checkpoint_file = {} if from_checkpoint and len(checkpoint_file) > 0: if self.verbose: print("Continuing from checkpoint...") if rank == 0: self._load_checkpoint(checkpoint_file) # setting up for a new job elif not from_checkpoint or len(checkpoint_file) == 0: if rank == 0: if self.cluster_on == "W": original_indices = np.arange(0, X.shape[0], 1) elif self.cluster_on == "H": original_indices = np.arange(0, X.shape[1], 1) if self.random_identifiers: self.root_name = str(uuid.uuid1()) else: self.root_name = "*" self.target_jobs[self.root_name] = { "parent_node_name":"None", "node_name":self.root_name, "Ks":Ks, "original_indices":original_indices, "cluster_indices_in_parent":[], "depth":0, "parent_topic":None, "parent_node_save_path":None, "parent_node_factors_path":None, "parent_node_k":None, } # organize node status if self.n_nodes > 1: self.node_status = {} for ii in range(1, self.n_nodes, 1): self.node_status[ii] = {"free":True, "job":None} else: self.node_status = {} self.node_status[0] = {"free": True, "job":None} # save data matrix self.X = X if self.cluster_on == "W": self.num_features = X.shape[1] elif self.cluster_on == "H": self.num_features = X.shape[0] else: raise Exception("Unknown clustering method!") # wait for everyone start_time = time.time() if self.n_nodes > 1: comm.Barrier() # # Run HNMFk # while True: # check exit status if len(self.target_jobs) == 0 and rank == 0 and all([info["free"] for _, info in self.node_status.items()]): if self.n_nodes > 1: signal_workers_exit(comm, self.n_nodes) break # # worker nodes check exit status # if self.n_nodes > 1: worker_check_exit_status(rank, comm) # # send job to worker nodes # if rank == 0 and self.n_nodes > 1: send_job_to_worker_nodes( comm, self.target_jobs, self.node_status ) # # recieve jobs from rank 0 at worker nodes # elif rank != 0 and self.n_nodes > 1: job_data, job_flag = get_next_job_at_worker( rank, comm, self.comm_buff_size ) # # single node job schedule # else: available_jobs = list(self.target_jobs.keys()) next_job = available_jobs.pop(0) job_data = self.target_jobs[next_job] job_flag = True # do the job if (rank != 0 and job_flag) or (self.n_nodes == 1 and rank == 0): # process the current node node_results = self._process_node(**job_data) # send worker node results to root if self.n_nodes > 1 and rank != 0: req = comm.isend(node_results, dest=0, tag=int(f'300{rank}')) req.wait() # collect results at root elif rank == 0 and self.n_nodes > 1: all_node_results = collect_results_from_workers( rank, comm, self.n_nodes, self.node_status, self.comm_buff_size ) if len(all_node_results) == 0: continue # process results for job scheduling if rank == 0: if self.n_nodes > 1: for node_results in all_node_results: self._process_results(node_results, save_checkpoint=save_checkpoint) else: self._process_results(node_results, save_checkpoint=save_checkpoint) # total execution time total_exec_seconds = time.time() - start_time self.total_exec_seconds = total_exec_seconds # prepare online iterator self.root = OnlineNode( node_path=self.node_save_paths[self.root_name], node_name = self.root_name, parent_node=None, child_nodes=[] ) self.iterator = self.root self._prepare_iterator(self.root) # checkpointing at the final results if save_checkpoint: self._save_checkpoint() if self.verbose: print("Done") return {"time":total_exec_seconds}
def _prepare_iterator(self, node): node_object = pickle.load(open(self.node_save_paths[node.node_name], "rb")) child_node_names = node_object.child_node_names for child_name in child_node_names: # check if node is not done its job if child_name in self.target_jobs: continue # if done, load child_node = OnlineNode( node_path=self.node_save_paths[child_name], node_name = child_name, parent_node=node, child_nodes=[]) node.child_nodes.append(child_node) self._prepare_iterator(child_node) return def _process_node(self, Ks, depth, original_indices, cluster_indices_in_parent, node_name, parent_node_name, parent_topic, parent_node_save_path, parent_node_factors_path, parent_node_k): # where to save current node try: node_save_path = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, "depth_"+str(depth), node_name) try: if not Path(node_save_path).is_dir(): Path(node_save_path).mkdir(parents=True) except Exception as e: print(e) except Exception as e: print(e) # # Create a node object # target_jobs = [] try: parent_factors_data = np.load(parent_node_factors_path) signature = parent_factors_data["W"][:,int(parent_topic)] probabilities = (parent_factors_data["H"] / parent_factors_data["H"].sum(axis=0))[int(parent_topic)][cluster_indices_in_parent] centroids = (parent_factors_data["H"] / parent_factors_data["H"].sum(axis=0))[:,cluster_indices_in_parent] except Exception: signature = None probabilities = None centroids = None current_node = Node( node_name=node_name, node_save_path=os.path.join(str(node_save_path), f'node_{node_name}.p'), parent_node_save_path=parent_node_save_path, depth=depth, parent_topic=parent_topic, parent_node_name=parent_node_name, original_indices=original_indices, num_samples=len(original_indices), child_node_names=[], user_node_data={}, leaf=False, W=None, H=None, k=None, factors_path=None, cluster_indices_in_parent=cluster_indices_in_parent, exception=False, parent_node_k=parent_node_k, parent_node_factors_path=parent_node_factors_path, signature=signature, probabilities=probabilities, centroids=centroids, ) # # check if leaf node status based on number of samples # if (current_node.num_samples == 1): current_node.leaf = True current_node.exception = True pickle_path = os.path.join(str(node_save_path), f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # Sample threshold check for leaf node determination # if self.sample_thresh > 0 and (current_node.num_samples <= self.sample_thresh): current_node.leaf = True pickle_path = os.path.join(f'{node_save_path}', f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # obtain the current X # if self.generate_X_callback is None or current_node.depth == 0: save_at_node = {} if self.cluster_on == "W": curr_X = self.X[current_node.original_indices] elif self.cluster_on == "H": curr_X = self.X[:, current_node.original_indices] else: curr_X, save_at_node = self.generate_X_callback(current_node.original_indices) current_node.user_node_data = save_at_node.copy() # # Based on number of features or samples, no seperation possible # if min(curr_X.shape) <= 1: current_node.leaf = True current_node.exception = True pickle_path = os.path.join(f'{node_save_path}', f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # prepare the current nmfk parameters # if current_node.depth >= len(self.nmfk_params): select_params = -1 else: select_params = current_node.depth curr_nmfk_params = self.nmfk_params[select_params % len(self.nmfk_params)] curr_nmfk_params["save_path"] = node_save_path # # check for K range # Ks = self._adjust_curr_Ks(curr_X.shape, Ks) if len(Ks) == 0 or (len(Ks) == 1 and Ks[0] < 2): current_node.leaf = True current_node.exception = True pickle_path = os.path.join(str(node_save_path), f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # apply nmfk # model = NMFk(**curr_nmfk_params) results =, Ks, name=f'NMFk-{node_name}') # # Check if decomposition was not possible # if results is None: current_node.leaf = True current_node.exception = True pickle_path = os.path.join(str(node_save_path), f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # latent factors # if self.K2: factors_path = os.path.join(f'{model.save_path_full}', "WH_k=2.npz") factors_data = np.load(factors_path) current_node.W = factors_data["W"] current_node.H = factors_data["H"] current_node.k = 2 current_node.factors_path = factors_path else: predict_k = results["k_predict"] factors_path = os.path.join(f'{model.save_path_full}', f'WH_k={predict_k}.npz') factors_data = np.load(factors_path) current_node.W = factors_data["W"] current_node.H = factors_data["H"] current_node.k = predict_k current_node.factors_path = factors_path # # apply clustering # if self.cluster_on == "W": cluster_labels = np.argmax(current_node.W, axis=1) clusters = np.arange(0, current_node.W.shape[1], 1) elif self.cluster_on == "H": cluster_labels = np.argmax(current_node.H, axis=0) clusters = np.arange(0, current_node.H.shape[0], 1) # obtain the unique number of clusters that samples falls to n_clusters = len(set(cluster_labels)) # leaf node based on depth limit or single cluster or all samples in same cluster if ((current_node.depth >= self.depth) and self.depth > 0) or current_node.k == 1 or n_clusters == 1: current_node.leaf = True pickle_path = os.path.join(f'{node_save_path}', f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":[], "node_save_path":pickle_path} # # go through each topic/cluster # for c in clusters: # current cluster samples cluster_c_indices = np.argwhere(cluster_labels == c).flatten() # empty cluster if len(cluster_c_indices) == 0: continue extracted_indicies = np.array([int(current_node.original_indices[i]) for i in cluster_c_indices]) # save current results if self.random_identifiers: next_name = str(uuid.uuid1()) else: next_name = f'{node_name}_{c}' current_node.child_node_names.append(next_name) # prepare next job next_job = { "parent_node_name":node_name, "node_name":next_name, "Ks":self._get_curr_Ks(node_k=current_node.k, num_samples=len(extracted_indicies)), "original_indices":extracted_indicies.copy(), "cluster_indices_in_parent":cluster_c_indices, "depth":current_node.depth+1, "parent_topic":int(c), "parent_node_save_path":os.path.join(f'{node_save_path}', f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p'), "parent_node_factors_path":str(current_node.factors_path), "parent_node_k":int(current_node.k), } target_jobs.append(next_job) # save the node pickle_path = os.path.join(f'{node_save_path}', f'node_{current_node.node_name}.p') pickle.dump(current_node, open(pickle_path, "wb")) return {"name":node_name, "target_jobs":target_jobs, "node_save_path":pickle_path} def _adjust_curr_Ks(self, X_shape, Ks): if max(Ks) >= min(X_shape): try: Ks = range(1, min(X_shape), self.Ks_deep_step) except Exception as e: print(e) return [] return Ks def _get_curr_Ks(self, node_k, num_samples): if not self.K2: if self.Ks_deep_max is None: k_max = node_k + 1 else: k_max = self.Ks_deep_max + 1 new_max_K = min(k_max, min(num_samples, self.num_features)) new_Ks = range(self.Ks_deep_min, new_max_K, self.Ks_deep_step) else: new_Ks = [2] return new_Ks
[docs] def traverse_nodes(self): """ Graph iterator. Returns all nodes in list format.\n This operation will load each node persistently into the memory. Returns ------- data : list List of all nodes where each node is a dictionary. """ self._all_nodes = [] self._get_traversal(self.root) return_data = self._all_nodes.copy() self._all_nodes = [] return return_data
def _search_traversal(self, node, name): # Base case: if the current node matches the target name if node.node_name == name: return node # Recursive case: search the children for nn in node.child_nodes: result = self._search_traversal(nn, name) # If the recursive search found the node, return it if result is not None: return result # If the node is not found in this branch, return None return None def _get_traversal(self, node): for nn in node.child_nodes: self._get_traversal(nn) data = vars(node(persistent=True)).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) self._all_nodes.append(data)
[docs] def go_to_root(self): """ Graph iterator. Goes to root node.\n This operation is online, only one node is kept in the memory at a time. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary format of node. """ self.iterator = self.root data = vars(self.iterator()).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) return data
[docs] def go_to_node(self, name:str): """ Graph iterator. Goes to node specified by name (node.node_name).\n This operation is online, only one node is kept in the memory at a time. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the node Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary format of node. """ result = self._search_traversal(node=self.root, name=name) if result is not None: self.iterator = result data = vars(self.iterator()).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) return data else: raise Exception("Node not found!")
[docs] def get_node(self): """ Graph iterator. Returns the current node.\n This operation is online, only one node is kept in the memory at a time. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary format of node. """ data = vars(self.iterator()).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) return data
[docs] def go_to_parent(self): """ Graph iterator. Goes to the parent of current node.\n This operation is online, only one node is kept in the memory at a time. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary format of node. """ if self.iterator is not None: self.iterator = self.iterator.parent_node data = vars(self.iterator()).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) return data else: print("At the root! There is no parents.")
[docs] def go_to_children(self, idx: int): """ Graph iterator. Goes to the child node specified by index.\n This operation is online, only one node is kept in the memory at a time. Parameters ---------- idx : int Child index. Returns ------- data : dict Dictionary format of node. """ try: self.iterator = self.iterator.child_nodes[idx] data = vars(self.iterator()).copy() data["node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["node_name"] != self.root_name: data["parent_node_save_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_save_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) data["parent_node_factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["parent_node_factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) if data["factors_path"] is not None: data["factors_path"] = os.path.join(self.experiment_name, *data["factors_path"].split(os.sep)[1:]) return data except: print("Children at index "+str(idx)+" from the current does not exist!")
def _organize_nmfk_params(self, params): # # Required # params["collect_output"] = False params["save_output"] = True params["n_nodes"] = 1 if not self.K2: params["predict_k"] = True return params def _process_results(self, node_results, save_checkpoint): # remove the job del self.target_jobs[node_results["name"]] # save node save paths self.node_save_paths[node_results["name"]] = node_results["node_save_path"] # save for next_job in node_results["target_jobs"]: self.target_jobs[next_job["node_name"]] = next_job # checkpointing if save_checkpoint: self._save_checkpoint() def _load_checkpoint_file(self): try: saved_class_params = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(self.experiment_save_path, "checkpoint.p"), "rb") ) return saved_class_params except Exception: warnings.warn("No checkpoint file found!") return {} def _load_checkpoint(self, saved_class_params): if self.verbose: print("Loading saved object state from checkpoint...") self._set_params(saved_class_params) def _set_params(self, class_parameters): """Sets class variables from the loaded checkpoint""" for parameter, value in class_parameters.items(): setattr(self, parameter, value) def _save_checkpoint(self): class_params = vars(self).copy() del class_params["X"] if self.generate_X_callback is not None: del class_params["generate_X_callback"] pickle.dump(class_params, open(os.path.join( self.experiment_save_path, "checkpoint.p"), "wb"))