from .utilities.generic_utils import get_np, get_scipy, update_opts
from .utilities.math_utils import fro_norm
from tqdm import tqdm
from .utilities.concensus_matrix import compute_connectivity_mat
def H_update(X, W, H, opts=None, use_gpu=True, mask=None):
Multiplicative update algorithm for the right factor, :math:`H`, in a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function.
.. math::
\underset{H}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \frac{1}{2} \Vert X - W H \Vert_F^2 \\
\text{subject to} & \quad H \geq 0
X (ndarray, sparse matrix): Nonnegative m by n matrix to decompose.
W (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k left factor of X.
H (ndarray): Nonnegative k by n initialization of right factor of X.
opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments.
'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to.
'niter' (int): number of iterations.
H (ndarray): Nonnegative k by n right factor of X.
if mask is not None:
mask = mask.T
return W_update(X.T, H.T, W.T, opts=opts, use_gpu=use_gpu, mask=mask).T
def W_update(X, W, H, opts=None, use_gpu=True, mask=None):
Multiplicative update algorithm for the left factor, :math:`W`, in a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function.
.. math::
\underset{W}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \frac{1}{2} \Vert X - W H \Vert_F^2 \\
\text{subject to} & \quad W \geq 0
X (ndarray, sparse matrix): Nonnegative m by n matrix to decompose.
W (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k initialization of left factor of X.
H (ndarray): Nonnegative k by n right factor of X.
opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments.
'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to.
'niter' (int): number of iterations.
W (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k right factor of X.
default_opts = {"niter": 1000, "hist": None}
opts = update_opts(default_opts, opts)
np = get_np(X, use_gpu=use_gpu)
scipy = get_scipy(X, use_gpu=use_gpu)
dtype = X.dtype
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps
raise Exception("Unknown data type!")
if mask is not None:
X[mask] = 0 # * set NaNs to zeros first, will update later
W = np.maximum(W.astype(dtype), eps)
H = H.astype(dtype)
HHT = H @ H.T
if mask is not None:
for i in range(opts["niter"]):
if scipy.sparse.issparse(X):
X._has_canonical_format = True
XHT = X @ H.T
W /= (W @ HHT + eps)
W *= XHT
if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
W = np.maximum(W, eps)
Xhat = W@H
X[mask] = Xhat[mask] # *update NaN spots
if opts["hist"] is not None:
opts["hist"].append(fro_norm(X - W @ H, use_gpu=use_gpu))
if scipy.sparse.issparse(X):
# bug in setting has_canonical_format flag in cupy
# issue is closed, but still not fixed.
X._has_canonical_format = True
XHT = X @ H.T
for i in range(opts["niter"]):
W /= (W @ HHT + eps)
W *= XHT
if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
W = np.maximum(W, eps)
if opts["hist"] is not None:
opts["hist"].append(fro_norm(X - W @ H, use_gpu=use_gpu))
return W
def nmf(X, W, H,
niter=1000, hist=None,
W_opts={"niter": 1, "hist": None}, H_opts={"niter": 1, "hist": None},
mask=None, use_consensus_stopping=0
Multiplicative update algorithm for a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function.
.. math::
\underset{W,H}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \frac{1}{2} \Vert X - W H \Vert_F^2 \\
\text{subject to} & \quad W \geq 0 \\
& \quad H \geq 0
X (ndarray, sparse matrix): Nonnegative m by n matrix to decompose.
W (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k initialization of left factor of X.
H (ndarray): Nonnegative k by n initialization of right factor of X.
opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments.
'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to.
'niter' (int): number of iterations.
'W_opts' (dict): options dictionary for :meth:`W_update`.
'H_opts' (dict): options dictionary for :meth:`H_update`.
W (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k left factor of X.
H (ndarray): Nonnegative k by n right factor of X.
np = get_np(X, use_gpu=use_gpu)
scipy = get_scipy(X, use_gpu=use_gpu)
dtype = X.dtype
# * Nans currently only works with numpy
if mask is not None:
X[mask] = 0 # * set NaNs to zeros first, will update later
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer):
eps = np.finfo(float).eps
elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating):
eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps
raise Exception("Unknown data type!")
W = np.maximum(W.astype(dtype), eps)
H = np.maximum(H.astype(dtype), eps)
if use_consensus_stopping > 0:
conmatold = 0
conmat = 0
inc = 0
for i in tqdm(range(niter), disable=nmf_verbose == False):
H = H_update(X, W, H, H_opts, use_gpu=use_gpu, mask=mask)
W = W_update(X, W, H, W_opts, use_gpu=use_gpu, mask=mask)
if i % 10 == 0:
H = np.maximum(H.astype(dtype), eps)
W = np.maximum(W.astype(dtype), eps)
if hist is not None:
hist.append(fro_norm(X - W @ H, use_gpu=use_gpu))
if mask is not None: # *update mask
Xhat = W@H
X[mask] = Xhat[mask]
# * checking the consensus stopping
if use_consensus_stopping > 0:
conmat = compute_connectivity_mat(H)
if np.sum(conmat != conmatold) == 0:
inc += 1
if inc >= use_consensus_stopping:
conmatold = conmat
Wsum = np.sum(W, 0, keepdims=True)
H = H * Wsum.T
W = W / Wsum
return (W, H, {})