Source code for TELF.factorization.decompositions.rescal_fro_mu

from .utilities.generic_utils import get_np, get_scipy, update_opts
from .utilities.math_utils import fro_norm
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] def A_update(X, A, R, opts=None, use_gpu=True): r""" Multiplicative update algorithm for the A factor in a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function. .. math:: \underset{A}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \sum \frac{1}{2} \Vert X_i - A R_i A^\top \Vert_F^2 \\ \text{subject to} & \quad A \geq 0 Args: X (list of ndarray, sparse matrix): List of nonnegative m by m matrices to decompose. A (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k initialization of the A factor. R (list of ndarray): List of nonnegative k by k matrices in the decomposition so X[k] is paired with R[k]. opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments. 'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to. 'niter' (int): number of iterations. Returns: A (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k factor in the decomposition. """ np = get_np(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) scipy = get_scipy(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) dtype = X[0].dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): eps = np.finfo(float).eps elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps else: raise Exception("Unknown data type!") default_opts = {"niter": 1000, "hist": None} opts = update_opts(default_opts, opts) A = np.maximum(A.astype(dtype), eps) R = [r.astype(dtype) for r in R] if scipy.sparse.issparse(X[0]): for x in X: x._has_canonical_format = True for i in range(opts["niter"]): ATA = A.T @ A num = np.zeros_like(A) denom = np.zeros_like(R[0]) for j, r in enumerate(R): if scipy.sparse.issparse(X[j]): xjt = X[j].T xjt._has_canonical_format = True num += X[j].dot(A).dot(r.T) + else: num += X[j].dot(A).dot(r.T) + X[j] denom += + (r.T).dot(ATA).dot(r) A *= num / (A @ denom+eps) if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: A = np.maximum(A, eps) if opts["hist"] is not None: opts["hist"].append( np.sqrt(np.sum([fro_norm(x - A @ r @ A.T) ** 2 for x, r in zip(X, R)])) ) return A
[docs] def R_update(X, A, R, opts=None, use_gpu=True): r""" Multiplicative update algorithm for the R factor in a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function. .. math:: \underset{R}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \sum \frac{1}{2} \Vert X_i - A R_i A^\top \Vert_F^2 \\ \text{subject to} & \quad R \geq 0 Args: X (list of ndarray, sparse matrix): List of nonnegative m by m matrices to decompose. A (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k matrix in the decomposition. R (list of ndarray): List of nonnegative k by k initilizations for the decomposition so X[k] is paired with R[k]. opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments. 'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to. 'niter' (int): number of iterations. Returns: R (list of ndarray): List of nonnegative k by k factors in the decomposition. """ np = get_np(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) scipy = get_scipy(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) dtype = X[0].dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): eps = np.finfo(float).eps elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps else: raise Exception("Unknown data type!") default_opts = {"niter": 1000, "hist": None} opts = update_opts(default_opts, opts) A = A.astype(dtype) R = [np.maximum(r.astype(dtype), eps) for r in R] if scipy.sparse.issparse(X[0]): for x in X: x._has_canonical_format = True ATXA = [ for x in X] ATA = A.T @ A for i in range(opts["niter"]): for j in range(len(R)): R[j] /= np.maximum(ATA.T @ R[j] @ ATA, eps) R[j] *= ATXA[j] if (i + 1) % 10 == 0: R[j] = np.maximum(R[j], eps) if opts["hist"] is not None: opts["hist"].append( np.sqrt(np.sum([fro_norm(x - A @ r @ A.T) ** 2 for x, r in zip(X, R)])) ) return R
[docs] def rescal(X, A, R, niter=1000, hist=None, A_opts={"niter": 1, "hist": None}, R_opts={"niter": 1, "hist": None}, use_gpu=True, rescal_verbose=True ): r""" Multiplicative update algorithm for the R factor in a nonnegative optimization with Frobenius norm loss function. .. math:: \underset{R}{\operatorname{minimize}} &= \sum \frac{1}{2} \Vert X_i - A R_i A^\top \Vert_F^2 \\ \text{subject to} & \quad R \geq 0 Args: X (list of ndarray, sparse matrix): List of nonnegative m by m matrices to decompose. A (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k initialization of the A factor. R (list of ndarray): List of nonnegative k by k initilizations for the decomposition so X[k] is paired with R[k]. opts (dict), optional: Dictionary or optional arguments. 'hist' (list): list to append the objective function to. 'niter' (int): number of iterations. Returns: A (ndarray): Nonnegative m by k factor in the decomposition. R (list of ndarray): List of nonnegative k by k factors in the decomposition. """ np = get_np(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) scipy = get_scipy(X[0], use_gpu=use_gpu) dtype = X[0].dtype if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.integer): eps = np.finfo(float).eps elif np.issubdtype(dtype, np.floating): eps = np.finfo(dtype).eps else: raise Exception("Unknown data type!") A = A.astype(dtype) R = [r.astype(dtype) for r in R] for _ in tqdm(range(niter), disable=rescal_verbose == False): A = A_update(X, A, R, A_opts, use_gpu=use_gpu) R = R_update(X, A, R, R_opts, use_gpu=use_gpu) if hist is not None: hist.append( np.sqrt(np.sum([fro_norm(x - A @ r @ A.T) ** 2 for x, r in zip(X, R)])) ) Asum = np.sum(A, 0, keepdims=True)+eps R = [Asum * r * Asum.T for r in R] A = A / Asum return (A, R)