import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial.distance as ssd
from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, cophenet, leaves_list, optimal_leaf_ordering
from sklearn.cluster import SpectralClustering, AgglomerativeClustering
from .math_utils import unprune
def compute_consensus_matrix(H_all, pruned=False, pruned_cols=None):
# * H_all's shape: k x m x n_perturb
k, m, npert = H_all.shape
consensus_mat = 0
# * loop through all perturb and add connectivity matrix to consensus_mat
for i in range(npert):
h = H_all[:, :, i]
if pruned:
if pruned_cols is None:
raise Exception("Attempted to calculate consensus matrix on a pruned matrix without passing perturb_cols!")
h = unprune(h, pruned_cols, 1)
connect_mat = compute_connectivity_mat(h)
consensus_mat += connect_mat
consensus_mat /= npert # * take average
return consensus_mat
def compute_connectivity_mat(h):
#* need to add a step to normalize each row of h here
hsum = np.sum(h,axis=1,keepdims=True)
h = h/hsum
# * h will have shape k x m
m = h.shape[1]
index = np.argmax(h, axis=0)
mat1 = np.tile(index, (m, 1))
mat2 = np.tile(index[:, None], (1, m))
connect_mat = (mat1 == mat2)*1 # * multiply by 1 to convert to number
return connect_mat.astype(float)
def reorder_con_mat(C, k, return_index=False, method='HC'):
# * method option: 'spectral' and 'HC' - Hierachy Clustering
cophenetic_coeff = np.nan
m = C.shape[0]
if method == 'spectral':
# * C is a consensus matrix
clust = SpectralClustering(n_clusters=k, affinity='precomputed').fit(C)
elif method == 'HC':
# clust = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=k,affinity='precomputed',linkage='average', compute_distances=True).fit(2-C)
# * compute cophenetic coefficient
Cdist = []
for i in range(m-1):
for j in np.arange(i+1, m):
Cdist.append(C[i, j])
Cdist = np.array(Cdist)
Z = linkage(2-Cdist, method='average')
Codist = cophenet(Z)
cophenetic_coeff = np.corrcoef(2-Cdist, Codist)[0, 1]
# sample_index = np.argsort(clust.labels_)
sample_index = leaves_list(Z)
# * reorder the concensus matrix
C_reordered = C[sample_index, :]
C_reordered = C_reordered[:, sample_index]
if return_index:
return C_reordered, cophenetic_coeff, sample_index, Z
return C_reordered, cophenetic_coeff
if __name__ == "__main__":
# * testing the HC averge linkage
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
k, m = 3, 10
W = np.random.rand(k, m)
W[0, :3] += 10
W[1, 3:7] += 10
W[2, 7:] += 10
C = np.abs(np.corrcoef(W.T))
# plt.figure()
# C_fig = plt.imshow(C, cmap='hot')
# plt.colorbar(C_fig)
I0 = np.arange(m)
C = C[:, I0]
C = C[I0, :]
C_fig = plt.imshow(C, cmap='hot')
# clustering
C_reordered, cophe_eff = reorder_con_mat(C.astype(float), k)
# clust = AgglomerativeClustering(n_clusters=k,affinity='precomputed',linkage='average', compute_distances=True).fit(2-C)
# #* compute cophenetic coefficient
# Cdist = []
# for i in range(m-1):
# for j in np.arange(i+1,m):
# Cdist.append(C[i,j])
# Cdist = np.array(Cdist)
# Z = linkage(2-Cdist, method='average')
# sample_index = leaves_list(Z)
# C_reordered = C[sample_index,:]
# C_reordered = C_reordered[:,sample_index]
# Codist = cophenet(Z)
# cophenetic_coeff = np.corrcoef(2-Cdist,Codist)[0,1]
# * test the cophenetic
if 0:
C = np.block([[np.ones((7, 7)), np.zeros((7, 3))], [np.zeros((3, 7)), np.ones((3, 3))]])
Cdist = []
for i in range(m-1):
for j in np.arange(i+1, m):
Cdist.append(C[i, j])
Cdist = np.array(Cdist)
Z = linkage(2-Cdist, method='average')
Codist = cophenet(Z)
np.corrcoef(Cdist, Codist)[0, 1]