Source code for TELF.factorization.utilities.take_note

import os
import re
import tempfile
import warnings
from collections import deque

FILE_DELIMITER = '*' * 100  # line of 100 asterisks

[docs] def format_note(kwargs, spacing=16): """ Formats the values from kwargs dictionary into a single string. The first element in kwargs is left aligned while the rest are right aligned. Each element is spaced according to the spacing parameter. Parameters: ----------- kwargs: dict The dictionary whose values are to be formatted. spacing: int The number of spaces between each element in the output string. Default is 16 (4 tabs) Returns: -------- str: A string with the formatted values from the dictionary, followed by a newline. """ keys = list(kwargs.keys()) if keys: formatted_str = f"{kwargs[keys[0]]:<{spacing}}" for key in keys[1:]: formatted_str += f"{kwargs[key]:>{spacing}}" return f'{formatted_str}\n' else: warnings.warn("[tELF]: Empty dictionary passed to format_note()", RuntimeWarning) return '\n'
[docs] def take_note(notes, path, lock, name="experiment"): """ Writes key-value pairs from a dictionary into a log file in the format 'key = value'. Each string is separated with a newline character This function is safe for use with multiple threads, processes (or nodes in a DFS application). Each write operation is protected by a file lock, ensuring that multiple threads or processes do not write to the file simultaneously. Parameters: ----------- notes: dict Dictionary containing key-value pairs to be written to the log file. path: str The directory path where the log file is located. name: str, optional The base name of the log and lock files. Default is "experiment" Returns ------- None """ with lock: with open(os.path.join(path, f"{name}.log"), 'a+') as fh: for key, value in notes.items(): fh.write(f"{key} = {value}\n")
[docs] def append_to_note(notes, path, lock, name="experiment"): """ Writes string from a list of strings called notes into a log file. Each string is separated with a newline character This function is safe for use with multiple threads, processes (or nodes in a DFS application). Each write operation is protected by a file lock, ensuring that multiple threads or processes do not write to the file simultaneously. Parameters: ----------- notes: list A list of strings to enter on the path: str The directory path where the log file is located. name: str, optional The base name of the log and lock files. Default is "experiment" Returns ------- None """ with lock: with open(os.path.join(path, f"{name}.log"), 'a+') as fh: for note in notes: fh.write(f'{note}{os.linesep}')
[docs] def take_note_fmat(path, lock, name="experiment", sort_index=0, spacing=16, **kwargs): """ Records some stats into the log file in a formatted manner. These stats are the values stored in the kwargs dictionary. The keys signify the type of stat being recorded and the value is the entry into the log file. The first stat in kwargs is left aligned and the rest of the stats are right aligned. This function also takes care to sort the current batch of stats being recorded to the log file. The stats are sorted based on the value at index sort_index. This sorting is important as using multiple processes may cause the recorded stats to be out of order. This function is safe for use with multiple threads, processes (or nodes in a DFS application). Each write operation is protected by a file lock, ensuring that multiple threads or processes do not write to the file simultaneously. Parameters: ----------- path: str The directory path where the log file is located. name: str, optional The base name of the log and lock files. Default is "experiment" sort_index: int, optional The index of the stat value on which to sort the stats spacing: int, optional The number of spaces between each element in the output string. Default is 16 (4 tabs) kwargs: dict The stats to record Returns ------- None """ note = format_note(kwargs, spacing) # create the formatted stats string for recording in the log with lock: delimiter_line = 0 with open(os.path.join(path, f"{name}.log"), 'r') as fh: lines = fh.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(reversed(lines)): if line.strip() == FILE_DELIMITER: delimiter_line = len(lines) - i - 1 # record line number when last delimiter encountered break stat_lines = deque() fh_out = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w', delete=False) _, fh_out_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=path) with open(os.path.join(path, f"{name}.log"), 'r') as fh_in, open(fh_out_path, 'w') as fh_out: for i, line in enumerate(fh_in): if i < delimiter_line: fh_out.write(line) else: if line.split()[0].isdigit(): # check if the line starts with a numeric entry stat_lines.appendleft((int(line.split()[sort_index]), line)) else: fh_out.write(line) # sort the lines and write to fh_out if note.split()[0].isdigit(): # check if the line starts with a numeric entry stat_lines.appendleft((int(note.split()[sort_index]), note)) sorted_lines = [line for idx, line in sorted(stat_lines)] for sorted_line in sorted_lines: fh_out.write(sorted_line) else: fh_out.write(note) fh_out.close() os.replace(, os.path.join(path, f"{name}.log"))